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      • KCI등재

        태평양전쟁기 일제의 소형용광로건설사업 추진과 귀결

        배석만 ( Suk Man Bae ) 서울대학교 인문학연구원 2016 人文論叢 Vol.73 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to disclose the full account of the ‘Small Blast Furnace Construction Project’, which was one of the major wartime policies of the Japanese Empire during the Pacific War period. The study specifically analyzed the planning process, beginning from the second half of 1942, the unfolding of the project, and its results and limitations. The purpose of promoting the said project was to increase the production of the critical war supplies of steel, and to counteract the increasing seriousness of transportation difficulties. While the Japanese aimed at increasing production of pig iron by constructing small scale blast furnaces at iron ore production areas on the one hand, they also conceived of a plan to mitigate the burden of iron ore transportation by supplying it to Japan. The content of the project involved completing the concentrated construction of mainly 181 twenty-ton small blast furnaces at the iron ore and coal production areas in Joseon, China (Northern and Central China), Mongolia, and Taiwan within the year 1943, in order to produce 500 thousand tons of pig iron that was to be supplied to Japan. The main agent of construction and management was the state-run Japan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., and steel manufacturing companies including Japanese zaibatsu, local steel mills and coal-mining companies were in charge. The results of the project were poor, with below 30% of the intended production goal, and only 50% of the pig iron produced was supplied to Japan. The reasons for the poor results included the technological problems of blast furnace operation, supply difficulties for tools and materials necessary for the construction, and the shortage of personnel including engineers and skilled workers. By region, the failure to resolve the problem of using anthracite as fuel resulted in poor performance in Joseon, while issues with the company in charge and the frequent change in local circumstances factored as the reason for poor performance in China.

      • KCI등재

        1970년대 대한조선공사의 옥포조선소 건설과정 : 중화학공업화 정책 하의 국가와 기업

        배석만(Bae-Suk Man) 한국경영사학회 2021 經營史學 Vol.99 No.-

        본 연구는 박정희정권의 중화학공업화 선언을 계기로 시작된 대한조선공사의 옥포조선소 건설과정을 구체적으로 분석하였다. 이를 통해 몇 가지 새로운 사실을 밝혔다. 첫째, 수출용 대형유조선을 건조하는 전문조선소로 출발한 옥포조선소는 불황으로 다목적 조선소로 건설 방향을 바꾸었다. 이 과정은 대형유조선 전문 조선소 유지하려는 기업과 정부부담을 줄이려는 타협의 산물이었다. 둘째, 공사 중지를 포함한 전면적 구조조정 문제는1978년 대우조선으로 사업주체가 교체되는 시기가 아니라 1977년 본격적으로 검토되었다. 태스크 포스 회의가 열리고, 관련 실무 작업반까지 조직한 전면적인 재검토 작업이이루어졌다. 셋째, 구조조정 검토의 결론은 대한조선공사가 건설공사를 계속하는 것이었는데, 사실 잘못된 판단에 근거한 것이었다. 세계 조선시장이 1980년 이후 회복될 것이며, 그 근거로 중소형 선박 시장의 확대, 이중벽 유조선 수요를 들었으나, 주지하듯이1980년대에도 세계 조선산업은 불황이 지속되었다. 이중벽 유조선 수요도 1990년대에들어서 점차 확대되었다. 재무부와 한국산업은행이 정확히 예측하여 공사 중지에 무게를실었으나 관철되지 못했다. 넷째, 1978년 사업 주체 교체는 정부 의도 보다는 대한조선공사의 공사 포기에 따른 어쩔 수 없는 조치였다. 정부는 재벌그룹 현대, 대우와 교섭했으나, 현대에게는 사실상 거절당했고 대우에게는 대가로 특혜를 줄 수밖에 없었다. 다섯째, 옥포조선소 건설 사례로 볼 때, 1970년대 박정희정권의 중화학공업화정책 추진과정은 국가의 ‘계획의 합리성’만으로 설명할 수 없다. 정부는 내부적으로 통일되지 않았으며, 일관성이 없기도 하였고, 잘못된 판단에 의거하여 정책이 추진되기도 하였다. 당연한 얘기일 수도 있으나 기업 역시 일방적으로 정책에 끌려갔던 것이 아니었다. 오히려 정부 정책을 조정․조율하는 중요한 한 축을 담당하였고, 생각보다 큰 영향을 미쳤다. This study analyzed in detail the construction process of the Okpo Shipyard of Korea Shipbuilding Corporation, which began with the declaration of heavy and chemical industrialization under the Park Chung-hee regime. This revealed some new facts. First, Okpo Shipyard, which started as a shipyard specializing in building large oil tankers for export, changed its construction direction to a multi-purpose shipyard due to the recession. This process was the product of a compromise to reduce the burden on the government and companies that wanted to maintain a shipyard specializing in large tankers. Second, the issue of total restructuring, including the suspension of construction, was seriously considered in 1977, not when the business entity was replaced by Daewoo Shipbuilding in 1978. A task force meeting was held, and a full-scale review work was carried out, including the relevant working group. Third, the conclusion of the restructuring review was that Korea Shipbuilding Corporation would continue the construction work, but in fact, it was based on an erroneous judgment. The global shipbuilding market will recover after 1980, and the expansion of the small and medium-sized ship market and the demand for double-wall tankers were cited as the grounds. The demand for double-wall tankers also gradually expanded in the 1990s. The Ministry of Finance and the Korea Development Bank accurately predicted and put weight on the suspension of the construction, but it was not implemented. Fourth, the change of project subject in 1978 was an unavoidable measure following the abandonment of construction by Korea Shipbuilding Corporation rather than the government’s intention. The government negotiated with the chaebol groups Hyundai and Daewoo, but was virtually rejected by Hyundai and had no choice but to give Daewoo preferential treatment in return. Fifth, in the case of the construction of the Okpo Shipyard, the process of promoting the heavy and chemical industrialization policy of the Park Chung-hee administration in the 1970s cannot be explained only by the national ‘rationality of the plan’. The government was not unified internally, was inconsistent, and policies were promoted based on wrong judgments. It may be obvious, but companies were not unilaterally drawn to policies. Rather, it played an important role in coordinating and coordinating government policies, and had a greater impact than expected.

      • KCI등재

        재조일본인기업가 이케다 스케타다(池田佐忠)의 戰後 재기노력과 좌절

        배석만(Bae, Suk-Man) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2015 한국민족문화 Vol.56 No.-

        본 연구는 일제시기 부산을 거점으로 기업 활동을 전개한 재조일본인기업가 이케다 스케타다(池田佐忠)가 일제 패망 후 모국으로 돌아가 재기를 위해 전개한 다양한 사업의 추진과정과 그 귀결을 분석하였다. 이케다는 일제 패전 직후 일본에서의 사업전개를 위해 신속하게 움직이고 있었고, 1952년 7월 심장병으로 갑자기 사망할 때까지 다양한 영역에서 정력적인 기업 활동을 전개했다. 그 내용은 귀환 후 최초 사업인 염전사업부터, 주택건설사업, 멕시코 석유개발사업으로 이어졌다. 사업은 일제시기 부산에서의 기업 활동을 토대로 했고, 연장선상에 있었다. ‘사업보국’의 신념으로 무장하고, 끊임없는 관련 관청, 중앙 정부와의 접촉을 통해 지원과 특혜를 이끌어내려고 시도하는 사업방식 역시 변함이 없었다. 그러나 그의 재기를 위한 사업전개는 순조롭지 못했다. 일제시기 조선축항이 유야만에 투자한 기반을 토대로 시작한 제염사업의 경우 낮은 생산성과 戰後 혼란기의 기자재 공급지연 등으로 기대한 성과를 내지 못했다. 울산건설이 소유한 거액의 국채를 토대로 시도한 주택건설사업 역시 폐쇄기관 동척의 지분을 출자로 전환시키는데 실패함으로써 좌절되었다. 이케다가 ‘석유보국’의 기치를 내걸고 ‘최후의 천직’으로 삼았던 멕시코 석유개발사업 역시 자금 조달 문제가 해결되지 않은 상황에서 개발대상 석유광구가 소송에 휘말리는 등의 우여곡절과 이케다 자신의 사망으로 계획단계에서 좌절되었다. 이케다는 패전 후 일본에서 일제시기와 마찬가지로 변함없이 조국에 충성하고 헌신했지만, 그의 위상은 경계인이자 주변인의 위치에서 벗어나지 못했다. 특히 식민지 기업 활동의 유산인 울산건설을 토대로 추진한 주택건설사업에서 잘 보여주듯이, 미국에 의해 ‘민주 국가’로 탈바꿈하고 있던 戰後 일본에서 그는 ‘제국 일본의 유산’으로서 청산의 대상이었다. 결국 이케다의 재기를 위한 사업 활동의 전개과정과 그 귀결은 식민지 재조일본인의 국가에 대한 충성도에 상관없는 태생적인 경계인, 주변인 성격과 그 한계를 보다 두드러지게 보여주는 것이었다고 하겠다. 戰前과 전후, 그의 사업보국의 경영이념과 국가에 기댄 기업 활동방식에 변함이 없었듯이, 그 결과로써의 경계인, 주변인의 역사적 위상도 변함이 없었다. This study analyzed the process of promotion and consequences of various businesses developed by Japanese entrepreneur residing in Joseon, Suketada Ikeda, who developed business activities in Busan as a foothold during the Japanese colonial period, after returning to his home country after Japan’s defeat. Ikeda moved fast for the development of business in Japan immediately after the defeat of Japan and energetically developed business activities in various areas till he suddenly died of heart disease in July 1952. His activities led from salt pond business, the first business after his return through housing construction business to oil development project in Mexico. The business was built on his previous business activities in Busan during the Japanese colonial period, which was an extension. His belief, ‘patriotism through business’ and his business approach in which he was trying to bring about support and preferential treatment through incessant contacts with related authorities and the central government remained unchanged. However, his business progress for recovery was not smooth. His salt manufacture business started based on the investment in the Gulf of Yuya by Joseon Harbor Construction Co., Ltd. during the Japanese colonial period did not produce expected performance due to low productivity and delay in equipment supply during the postwar period of chaos. His housing construction business attempted based on the large amount of government bonds owned by Ulsan Construction Co., Ltd., too, was frustrated by the failure of conversion of the shares of a closed institution, Oriental Development Company into investment. Mexico oil development project Ikeda took as his ‘final vocation’ putting up the banner of ‘patriotism by petroleum,’ too, was discouraged at the stage of planning due to a complication that the oil mining area, the target of development faced a lawsuit in a situation in which the problem of capital financing was not settled and his own death. Ikeda stayed loyal and devoted to his country after the defeat as he did during the Japanese colonial period, but his status did not go beyond that of a peripheral subject and marginal man. Especially, as well shown in his housing construction business promoted based on Ulsan Construction Company, a legacy of the colonial enterprise activity, in post-war Japan that was transforming itself to a ‘democratic country’ by the U.S., he was an object of liquidation as ‘a legacy of imperial Japan.’ Consequently, the process of development and consequences of Ikeda’s business activities for recovery showed his inherent nature and limitation as a peripheral subject and marginal man, irrespective of the allegiance of the Japanese people residing in Joseon to the country more noticeably. Before and after the war, like his management philosophy of patriotism through business and way of enterprise activity depending on the state remained the same, his historical status as a peripheral subject and marginal man as a result remained unchanged.

      • KCI등재

        일제시기 日本硬質陶器株式會社의 기업경영 분석

        배석만 ( Bae Suk-man ),김동철 ( Kim Dong-chul ) 부경역사연구소 2011 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.29

        This study analyzed the process of developing the management of Japan Ironstone Chinaware Mfg. Co. Ltd (Japan Ironstone Chinaware) that set up factories both in Kanazawa and Busan and developed production of industrial pottery and porcelain. Japan Ironstone Chinaware was established as a regional corporation in Kanazawa in 1908, and then took advantage of the warboom of World War Ⅰ and entered into Korea in 1917. This was intended to mass-produce the pottery and porcelain for export through the use of the raw materials and cheap labor in Korea under Japanese colonial rule. However, it faced difficulties in the management during long-term economic recession in the 1920s. In 1925, Japan Ironstone Chinaware accepted Gentaro Kashii, who was a leading capitalist in Busan, as president in order to restore the management, and attempted reforms such as moving its head office to Busan to receive support from the Chosen Government-General. However, it was not enough to overcome the long-term economic depression. Japan Ironstone Chinaware came out of the financial difficulties and then got on the right track of restoring the management since the mid-1930s. It was thanks to recovered energy of the export market that had not been able to come out of the economic depression during that time. Also, this established the ‘division of the production system of Kanazawa Factory ― high-quality product and Busan Factory ― low-quality product.’ The management in good times continued even in the wartime. This is because European countries were first involved in the war and Japan Ironstone Chinaware could hold a dominant position in the export market in Southeast Asia in competition with the European countries as the main market. However, entering the Pacific War period, Japan Ironstone Chinaware faced the management crisis again due to the closure of export markets. Japan Ironstone Chinaware attempted to overcome this crisis by developing the national project based on the Busan Factory. An attempt of establishing the mass production system of Chosen Tableware that took advantage of the compulsory delivery of metal by the Chosen Government-General was one of the typical business. Although Japan Ironstone Chinaware’s attempt achieved certain results such as an increase in the sales, it had limitations to pull out of the structural deficit and improve the management.

      • KCI등재

        1930년대 부산 적기만 매축 연구

        배석만 ( Suk Man Bae ) 부산광역시 시사편찬위원회 2012 항도부산 Vol.28 No.-

        본 연구는 일제시기 이루어진 부산항의 대규모 매축사업 중 최후의 사업으로, 1930년대 중반부터 시작된 적기만 매축사업의 실태를 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 적기만 매축사업은 1934년 이케다 스케타다(池田佐忠)가 釜山鎭埋築株式會社로부터 매립 면허권을 양도받아 시행했다. 이케다가 매축사업을 하게 된 계기는 당시 時局과 관련하여 부산 영도에 있었던 저유시설의 이전 및 석유업법 시행에 있었다. 이로 인해 새로운 저유시설 부지가 필요했고, 이케다는 적기만을 매립하여 이 수요에 부응하려고 했던 것이다. 적기만 매축은 A구역에서 G구역까지 총 7개 구역으로 나누어 이루어졌으며 유효면적 기준 약 10만평의 부지를 조성하는 것이었다. 매축 방식은 각 구역별로 상이했는데, E구역은 이케다 직영, E`와 F구역은 부산토지기업주식회사와 공동경영, A~D, G구역은 동양척식 주식회사와의 공동경영이었다. E구역을 제외한 모든 구역에 사업파트너를 영입한 것은 이케다가 독자적으로 매축사업을 진행할 만큼의 자금력을 갖지 못했기 때문이었다. 적기만 매축사업은 1937년 8월 완성되어 총 12만평의 새로운 부지가 조성되었다. 1934년 4월말 매축공사가 시작된 이래 만 3년 4개월 만에 예정된 모든 구역의 매축을 완성한 것이었다. 그러나 이케다의 적기만 매축은 여기서 끝나지 않았다. 기존 A구역을 확장하는 2, 3기 매축이 진행되어 1944년 말까지 추가로 약 5만평의 부지가 새롭게 조성되었다. The objective of this study is to reveal the real state of the reclamation project in Jeokgi Bay starting in the mid-1930`s, which was the final project of the large-scale reclamation projects in the Port of Busan during the Japanese colonial period. Suketada Ikeda (池田 佐忠) took over the license right from Busanjin Reclamation Company(釜山鎭埋築株式會社), and then conducted the Jeokgi Bay reclamation project in 1934. He conducted reclamation project because of the transfer of the oil storage facility on Yeong Island (影島) in Busan and enforcement of Petroleum Act in association with the state of affairs at that time. This required a new oil storage facility site. Thus, he tried to meet the demand by reclaiming Jeokgi Bay. Jeokgi Bay was reclaimed by dividing into a total of 7 areas between Area A and Area G, and it developed a site of 100,000 pyeong (≒330,578.12 square meters) by the standard of effective area. Each Area has a different method of reclaiming; Area E was directly managed by Suketada Ikeda, Area E` and F were jointly managed by him and Busan Land Enterprises Company(釜山土地企業會社), and Area A~D, G was jointly managed by him and Oriental Development Company (東洋拓殖株式會社). Ikeda recruited business partners for all the areas except for Area E because he did not have enough funds to independently implement the reclamation project. The Jeokgi Bay reclamation project was completed in August, 1937, and it developed a new site of 120,000 pyeong (≒396,694.215 square meters). It took three years and four months to complete reclamation of all the expected area since this reclamation construction started at the end of April, 1934. However, there is not the end of the Jeokgi Bay reclamation by Ikeda. The second and third phases of reclamation were implemented to expand the existing Area A. As a result, a new site of 50,000 pyeong (≒165,289.256 square meters) was additionally developed until the end of 1944.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문(硏究論文) : 일제 말 조선인자본가의 경영활동 분석 -백낙승(白樂承)과 이종회(李鍾會)의 군수회사 경영을 중심으로-

        배석만 ( Suk Man Bae ) 경제사학회 2008 經濟史學 Vol.45 No.-

        본 연구는 태평양전쟁기 2명의 조선인자본가의 기업활동을 분석한 것이다. 목적은 전시경제체제에 적극적으로 대응하며 자본축적활동을 전개한 조선인자본가의 실태와 양상, 그 귀결을 살펴보기 위함이다. 전시체제기 이전까지 각각 견직과 목재업에서 자본을 축적한 백낙승과 이종회는 전시통제경제체제 구축과 함께 중공업인 철강과 造船으로 사업을 확장하였다. 일제의 군수공업 육성을 새로운 사업기회로 파악하고 적극적·능동적으로 활용한 결과였다. 그러나 이들은 기대하였던 사업적 성공을 보지 못했다. 사업환경이 예상보다 빠르게 나빠졌고, 국책 협조의 대가로 기대하였던 국가지원은 불만족스러웠기 때문이다. 대신에 이들이 전시체제기 활발히 활동한 대가로 얻은 것은 국가와의 관계에 대한 잘못된 학습, 친일혐의라는 달갑지 않은 선물이었다. 이러한 점들은 남북분단과 같은 해방 후 발생한 새로운 조건과 결합하여 일제시기 풍부한 자본자적 소양을 쌓은 자본가들이 의외로 해방 후 기업활동에 그 경험을 살리지 못하고 빠르게 퇴장하도록 작동하였다. This study specifically analyzes business management of two Korean bourgeois. They took an active step and developed accumulation of capital under the wartime economic system. Its purpose examines the reality, the condition, and the result of two Korean bourgeois in the rule of Japanese Imperialism. Until wartime system ago, Back Nak-Seong accumulated capital through silk factory, and Lee Jong-Hee accumulated capital through timber factory. They expanded their business into the steel industry and the shipbuilding industry after wartime economic system. The Japanese Imperialism intensively fostered the munitions industry, and they considered it as a new opportunity and actively made good use of the opportunity. However, they failed to be a great success which they expected. The situations of business became even much worse than they had expected, and the support of government which they had expected by falling in line with the national policy did not satisfy them. Instead of the success of business, they learned a wrong relationship with the government, and people suspected them to be pro-Japanese bourgeois. In addition to these reasons, they were placed in difficult circumstance under new conditions after Korea’s Liberation, such as the division of Korea into North and South. Therefore, though they had full knowledge as businesspersons in the rule of Japanese Imperialism, they failed to make use of their experience and rapidly left the business stage after Korea’s Liberation.

      • KCI등재

        (기획논문) 한국전쟁 전후 부산항 연구의 성과와 과제

        배석만 ( Suk Man Bae ) 부산광역시 시사편찬위원회 2014 항도부산 Vol.30 No.-

        본 연구는 한국전쟁을 전후한 시기, 좀 더 구체적으로는 해방 후 1950년대에 걸친 부산항과 관련된 주요한 연구 성과를 정리하고 향후 연구 과제를 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 해방 후 1950년대 부산항과 관련된 기존 연구는 주로 교통부, 해운항만청 등 항만관련 관청이 연구를 주도했다. 이들 관청 연구는 주로 항만 개발과 관련한 통사적 접근 과정에서 해방 후 1950년대 부산항 관련 서술이 이루어졌다. 주요 내용은 항만행정의 변천과정, 유지·보수를 중심으로 한 항만 개발실태 등이고, 부수적으로 부산항과 부산지역과의 관계라는 측면에서 인구변동과 이로 인해 발생한 제반 사회문화적 변화, 부산항을 통한 원조물자 도입과 연계된 산업구조의 변화등을 기술하고 있다. 한편 학계의 연구는 상대적으로 부진한데, 부산항의 역할 등 부산항과 직접적으로 연관된 연구 외에 부산항과 연계된 부두노동, 지역민의 생활, 밀무역 관련 연구, 항만 연관 산업인 해운과 조선업에 대한 연구가 이루어졌다. 해방 후 1950년대 부산항 연구는 전체적으로 보아 양적으로나 질적으로 연구가 미진하다고 평가된다. 연구가 보다 활성화되기 위해는 항만개발사에 대한 보다 구체적인 실증연구, 부산항이 결과한 사회경제 및 문화생활상에 대한 역사적 접근이 필요하다. 이를 위해서는 관련 새로운 자료의 발굴·정리가 관건인데, 국내 및 미국, 일본 등 관련국의 공문서 자료의 수집, 관련자 녹취 작업과 개인소장 자료에 대한 조사·수집이 이루어져야 할 것이다. The objectives of this study were to summarize the main research achievements rated to the Port of Busan around the time of the Korean War, and more specifically, in the 1950s after independence and to present research projects in the future. Previous studies related to the Port of Busan in the 1950s after independence were led by port-related authorities such as the Ministry of Transportation and the Korea Maritime and Port Administration. The studies by these authorities were performed on the Port of Busan in the 1950s after independence historical approach mainly related to port development. They consisted mainly of the actual state of the port development with a focus on the process of change in port administration and maintenance and additionally of population changes and the following various socio-cultural changes and changes in the industrial structure related to the introduction of relief supplies through the Port of Busan based on the relation between the Port of Busan and Busan area. On the other hand, academic research is relatively poor. Except for the studies directly related to the Port of Busan such as its function, studies were performed on dock labor, lives of local residents and smuggling related to the Port of Busan and port-related industries such as shipping and shipbuilding. Studies on the Port of Busan in the 1950s after independence are regarded as qualitatively and quantitatively insufficient. To activate studies requires historical approach to more specifically empirical studies on the history of port development and social economy and cultural life achieved by the Port of Busan. For this purpose, it is critical to find and organize new materials. Furthermore, it will be necessary to collect official documents of Korea and associated countries such as the United States and Japan, to perform recording on the people concerned, and to investigate and collect private collections.

      • KCI등재

        태평양전쟁기 일본 戰時金融金庫의 식민지 조 선에 대한 자금투융자구조와 실태

        배석만(Suk-Man Bae) 한국경영사학회 2012 經營史學 Vol.63 No.-

        본 연구는 태평양전쟁기 조선의 군수․국책산업이 필요한 자금의 주요 조달처 중 하나였던 戰時金融金庫를 분석했다. 이를 통해 전시금융금고의 식민지 조선에 대한 자금공급 구조, 공급된 자금의 규모, 자금이 공급된 주요 산업 분야 등을 밝혔다. 전시금융금고의 필요자금조달은 주로 금융채권 발행을 통해 이루어졌는데, 조선의 민간금융기관도 발행된 채권의 소화에 동원되었다. 그리고 이렇게 조달된 자금은 전쟁 수행에 긴급히 필요하다고 판단된 군수․국책산업에 수혈되었다. 자금공급은 장기융자, 출자, 주식매입 등의 방법으로 이루어졌으며, 이 중 군수․국책산업에 대한 장기융자가 절대적 비중을 점하였다. 투융자 업무는 전시금융금고가 직접 관장하는 경우와 함께 조선 식산은행과 조선은행이 대리점으로 이용되었다. 조선식산은행은 장기융자업무를, 조선은 행은 주식매입 업무를 대행하였다. 대리 업무의 과정에서는 자금의 신속한 집행을 위해 ‘前貸’가 실시되었는데, 전쟁 말기에는 이것이 무분별하게 확장되어 안정적 전시금융 시스템 구축을 목적으로 했던 전시금융금고 설립의 추지를 무력화시켰다. 전시금융금고가 조선에 공급한 자금은 약 7억엔에 달하는 거액이었고, 주로는 닛치츠 (日窒), 모리(森)콘체른, 카네가후치(鐘淵) 등 일본재벌이 조선에서 전개한 군수․국책 관련 산업에 공급되었다. 자금공급을 받은 산업을 내용별로 보면 수력전기, 광산개발, 알루미늄 생산, 제철소 건설, 造船 등의 군수․국책 관련 산업에 공급되었다. 태평양전쟁기 전시금융금고가 공급한 자금 규모는 조선식산은행과 동척의 공급 규모를 압도적으로 능가하는 것으로, 조선의 가장 큰 군수금융 조달창구였다. This study analyzed the War Finance Corporation (戰時金融金庫), which was one of the major sources of funding required by the arms and national industries of Korea during the Pacific War. This study also demonstrated the structure and size of funds supplied to Korea under Japanese colonial rule and major industrial fields that had a supply of funds. The War Finance Corporation mainly procured the necessary funds by issuing financial bonds, and private financial institutions in Korea were also brought into for sales of the bonds. Furthermore, these raised funds were diverted for the arms and national industries because they were deemed urgently necessary to wage the war. The funds were supplied with long-term financing, financial contribution and stock purchase. Among them, long-term financing to the arms and national industries accounted for an extremely huge percentage. When the War Finance Corporation took charge of investment and loan business, the Chosen Industrial Bank and Bank of Chosen were used as an agency bank. The Chosen Industrial Bank represented long-term financing and the Bank of Chosen represented stock purchase. In the process of agency business, the advance (前貸) was made for prompt funds flow. At the end of the war, it was indiscriminately expanded. Therefore, the main purpose of establishing the War Finance Corporation aimed at constructing the stable war finance system was neutralized. The funds that the War Finance Corporation supplied reached approximately 700 million yen. They were mainly supplied to the arms and national industries expanded by the Japanese Zaibatsu (businesses conglomerates in the Empire of Japan) such as Nicchitsu(日窒), Mori(森) Concern and Kanegabuchi(鐘淵). The funds were supplied to the arms and national industries such as hydroelectricity, mining development, aluminum production, ironworks construction, shipbuilding. The fund size that the War Finance Corporation supplied during the Pacific War overwhelmingly surpassed that of the Chosen Industrial Bank and Oriental Development Company. It was the largest source of military financing.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 공업사연구의 쟁점과 과제

        배석만(Bae, Suk-Man) 효원사학회 2015 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.48

        이 글은 일제강점기 공업사와 관련한 한국과 일본 연구자들의 그간의 연구성과를 정리한 것이다. 일제강점기 공업사연구는 초창기 朝鮮史硏究會를 중심으로 활동한 일본 연구자들에 의해 주도되었지만 본격적이라고 말하기 힘들다. 연구가 본격화되는 것은 민족경제론과 사회구성체논쟁, 그리고 이를 토대로 1980년대말 촉발된 근대화논쟁이 계기였다. 관련하여 1987년부터 시작된 한일 공동연구조직인 한국근대경제사연구회가 1990년대 초까지 생산한 일련의 연구성과가 1990년대 공업사연구를 활성화하는 직접적인 계기가 되었다. 1990년대 공업사연구의 본격화는 일제에 의한 식민지 공업화(경제개발) 과정과 결과에 대한 평가, 조선인자본(가)의 존재 양태 및 성장, 쇠퇴의 문제 등과 관련한 주목되는 여러 편의 연구성과를 생산하였다. 경제학의 경제사연구자들의 연구는 식민지근대화론의 실증적 토대를 보다 튼튼히 하는데 기여하였고, 역사학계 경제사연구자들의 연구는 그에 대한 반격을 본격적으로 모색하는 것이었다. 2000년대 이후는 1990년대 이후 본격화된 일제강점기 공업사연구의 심화와 확산이 이루어졌다. 새로운 자료의 출현과 디지털화 등으로 자료접근이 용이해진 점 등에 힘입은 것으로, 일제말 전시체제기 연구, 식민지에서 활동한 일본인 자본가에 대한 연구, 조선인자본가 연구의 외연확장, 산업사연구의 활성화 등이 이루어졌다. 그러나 이들 심화되고 확산된 연구가 기존 일제강점기 공업사의 쟁점들에 어떻게 수렴될 것인가에 대한 논의가 거의 이루어지지 않고 있다는 점, 경제사 연구자의 인력풀이 갈수록 엷어지고 있다는 점 등은 개선해야 할 당면과제이다. This study deals with the results of Korean and Japanese researchers" studies of industrial history during the Japanese colonial era. Research on industrial history during the Japanese colonial era began in earnest by researchers of Japan studies, who were active centering around the Joseon History Research Institute in the early days, but it was not truly earnest research. The studies became in earnest, with the theory of national economy, the debate over social formations debate and the dispute over modernization stirred in the late 1980s as a momentum. Regarding this, a series of research results produced till the early 1990s by the Korean Modern Economic History Research Institute, a Korea-Japan joint research organization founded in 1987, served as a direct momentum for vitalizing studies of industrial history in the 1990s. Earnest studies of industrial history in the 1990s produced several noticeable research results concerning evaluations of the processes and results of colonial industrialization (economic development) by the Japanese Imperialism, the aspects of existence, and the problems of the growth and decline of Joseon capital (or capitalists). Studies of researchers of economic history in the field of Economics contributed to strengthening the empirical foundation of the theory of colonial modernization, while studies of researchers of economic history in the circles of History sought a counter strike against them in earnest. In the 2000s, studies of industrial history during the Japanese colonial era accelerated since the 1990s have been deepened and proliferated. This was because of the fact that the access to data became easier with the emergence of new materials and digitization. Studies of the period of the war basis at the end of Japanese imperialism and Japanese capitalists who were active in the colony were conducted, studies of Joseon capitalists have expanded and studies of industrial history have been vitalized. However, the facts that there are almost no studies of how these in-depth and proliferating studies converge to the existing issues of industrial history during the Japanese colonial era and that the pool of economic history researchers gradually decreases as time passes by are urgent issues to be resolved.

      • KCI등재

        경제개발기 국가와 기업 -삼성의 조선업 참여과정-

        배석만(Bae, Suk Man) 고려사학회 2023 한국사학보 Vol.- No.91

        이 논문은 1970년대 삼성의 조선업 참여 과정을 추적하였다. 구체적으로는 삼성의 통영 안정조선소 건설의 포기 과정에서 드러나는 정부, 삼성, 합작회사 일본 IHI의 관계, 그리고 거제도 죽도조선소 인수를 둘러싼 전개 과정 등에 주목했다. 분석을 통해서는 경제개발기 국가와 기업의 관계라는 측면에서 삼성의 기업 활동에 대한 평가를 시도해 보았다. 경제개발기 삼성의 조선업 참여 과정은 정부 정책에 대한 소극적 추종을 통해 리스크를 최대한 관리해 보려고 했던 모습이었다. 위험에 적응하려고 하기보다는 최선을 다해서 회피하려고 했으며, 정부 정책에 대한 신뢰를 기반으로 맹목적으로 추종하기보다는 주어진 상황에서 최대한 영리를 생각하는 경향이 강했다고 할 수 있다. 그리고 삼성의 이러한 조선업 참여 과정에서 보인 기업 행동에는 합작회사 일본 IHI의 영향이 크게 작용하였다. This paper tracked the process of Samsung’s participation in the shipbuilding industry in the 1970s. Specifically, it focused on the relationship between the government, Samsung, and Japan’s IHI, which is revealed in the process of Samsung’s abandonment of the Tongyeong Anjeong shipyard, and the development process surrounding the acquisition of the Jukdo shipyard in Geoje Island. Through the analysis, we attempted to evaluate Samsung’s corporate activities in terms of the relationship between countries and companies during the economic development period. Samsung’s participation in the shipbuilding industry during the economic development period seemed to try to manage risks as much as possible through passive follow-up to government policies. Rather than trying to adapt to risks, he tried his best to avoid them, and rather than blindly following them based on trust in government policies, he tended to think for profit as much as possible in a given situation. In addition, Samsung’s corporate behavior in the process of participating in the shipbuilding industry was greatly influenced by the joint venture Japanese IHI.

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