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        제4차 산업혁명과 사회보장법의 과제

        노상헌(Sang-Heon Roh) 한국고용노사관계학회 2017 産業關係硏究 Vol.27 No.2

        4차 산업혁명은 정보통신과 고도의 기술융합으로 생산성을 높이고, 생산 및 거래비용을 낮추어 소득 증가와 삶의 질 향상이라는 긍정적 효과를 기대할 수 있다. 그러나 생산과 유통이 인공지능과 로봇으로 대체되면서 향후 ‘고기술 고임금’과 ‘저기술 저임금’ 간의 격차가 확대될 뿐만 아니라 일자리 양극화로 중간층의 범위가 축소되어 종국에는 노동시장에서 고용 붕괴의 원인이 될 수 있는 부정적 요소를 내포하고 있다. 이 때문에 4차 산업혁명은 현안 과제인 저출산 고령화와 소득불평등을 더욱 심화시킬 것이다. 국민의 생활보장에 대하여는 사회보장제도가 중추적인 역할을 담당하고 있으며, 미래에도 그 역할의 중요성은 더욱 커질 것이다. 이를 규범적으로 표현하면 구빈을 넘어 ‘모든 국민은 건강하고 문화적인 최저생활’이 보장되어야 하고, 이를 사회보장제도를 통해 실현되어야 한다는 것이다. 이는 4차 산업혁명의 미래에도 변함없다. 사회보장제도의 기본원리는 사회연대를 바탕으로 사회위험의 분산과 소득재분배이다. 사회위험 분산은 보험의 원리이고, 소득의 재분배는 경제능력에 따른 공평 부담이다. 증가하는 사회보장 재원을 확보하고, 소득재분배의 공평성을 유지하기 위해서는 사회보험료를 임금총액에 따라 원천징수하는 방안으로 일원화하고, 또 부족한 재원은 직접세로 충당하는 것이 효과적이다. 특히 사회보장을 위한 세금의 목적을 명확히 하여 조세에 대한 국민의 거부감과 불신을 줄이는 노력이 함께 해야 4차 산업혁명에 대비한 성공적인 사회보장제도가 될 수 있다. The 4th Industrial Revolution can be expected to have a positive effect of increasing income and improving the quality of life by enhancing productivity through information technology and high technology convergence, lowering production and transaction costs. However, as production and distribution have been replaced by artificial intelligence and robots, the gap between ‘high technology high wages’ and ‘low technology low wages’ has widened. In addition, the scope of the middle class has narrowed due to the polarization of jobs. This implies a negative factor that can cause employment collapse in the labor market. For this reason, there are many predictions that the Fourth Industrial Revolution will deepen the problem of low fertility, aging and income inequality. The social security system plays a pivotal role in guaranteeing the National livelihoods, and the importance will be even greater in the future. If it is expressed normatively, it should be guaranteed through "social security system" that ‘all people shall have the right to maintain the minimum standards of wholesome and cultured living.’ This does not change the future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The basic principle of the social security system is the distribution of social risks and income redistribution based on social solidarity. Social risk diversification is the principle of insurance, and redistribution of income is a burden on the economy. In order to secure increased social security resources and to maintain the fairness of redistribution of income, it is effective to unify the social insurance premiums with a method of withholding them according to the total wages and to directly cover the insufficient resources. In particular, clarifying the purpose of taxation for social security, together with efforts to reduce the public"s rejection of taxes and distrust, can be a successful social security system in preparation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

      • KCI등재

        9.15 노사정합의와 노동법 개정안 검토

        노상헌(Roh, Sang-Heon) 한국노동법학회 2015 노동법학 Vol.0 No.56

        The major problem in the current Korean labor market is not the decrease of labor flexibility caused by lack of contingent employees, but the dual structure and polarization of labor market caused by abuse of contingent employees. The basic direction in discussing contingent employment including dispatched employment should be ① improving employment practices causing segregation of employment status and abuse of contingent employees, ② coming up with an effective plan for employees not to be discriminated by reason of employment status, ③ preparing social safety net such as employment insurance which can do the role of ‘safety net’ practically. Most of all the regulation direction of dispatched employment provided by Dispatch Law (whether to limit the categories of dispatch-allowed business and the terms of dispatch) will become a rudder of labor market policies of the government rather than a matter of expanding or reducing dispatched employment. The amendment of Dispatch law arranged by ruling party seems to be in direction expanding contingent employment and the amendment of Employment Insurance Act excludes temporary or unstable employees by tightening the eligibility requirements of unemployment benefits. The regulation direction arranged by the ruling party dose not correspond to 9.15 Agreement by Tripartite.

      • KCI등재

        근로감독관제도의 재검토와 과제

        노상헌(Roh, Sang Heon) 한국노동법학회 2012 노동법학 Vol.0 No.42

        The labor supervisor system was designed to prohibit the violation of the Labor Standard Act and other laws related with the labor protection by nature. The authorized labor supervisors were given the power like the right for investigating the workplace, ordering to submit the related documents, and inquiring as a judicial police officer under the Criminal Procedure Code. As such, the labor supervisor system is the most important administrative organization which is based upon The Constitutional Law and Labor Standard Act to protect the basic human right, the right to labor and minimum working condition. It is the chief aim that the legal structure of supervisory administration regulations, and the method for enhancing the efficiency of the labor supervisor system based on the labor law in this survey. Moreover, the research method is the Comparative Legal Review about the labor supervisor system and occupational safety and health, administrative guidance between Korea and Japan. As the result the of this survey, we could reveal the point that there are many functional and similarities between two countries like ordering corrective measures, or giving a warning. Otherwise, there are some difference about the correctional fine and the punishment. In this study, there are two primary suggestions about the labor supervisor system. One is the labor supervisor should be well trained about the criminal investigation as a judicial police officer by supporting many resources like professional knowledge, investigation techniques, sufficient budgets. The other is to give more importance to the instant clearance by the correctional fine which is more adaptable and effective than the criminal punishment. At last, it is needless to say that we have to train sufficient able labor supervisor.

      • KCI등재

        노동조합 활동권과 시설관리권

        노상헌(Roh Sang-Heon) 한국비교노동법학회 2010 노동법논총 Vol.20 No.-

        Despite the rights on facilitation usage must be guaranteed for lawful labor union activities, it also coincides with the right of management of facilities that is derived from property rights. Since labor union members ought to utilize business facilities in its nature of business, it is rather inevitable to face collision of another law referred as the property rights (the rights of facilitation management). To solve this problem rationally, the research shows following suggestions. The right of management of facilities and the right of use of facilities shall be abused by no more than the claimers; a distinction between inter-and intra- business labor union is not effective in an act of abuse, and the referred labor union shall be accepted as a lawful institution regardless of its quantity, whether singular or plural. To recognize the act of pervasion, 1) The labor union uses the company's facilities without a serious negotiation or mutual consent, which cannot be assured by the Union Labor Act (abuse of the right of use of facilities) 2) The company does not correspond to the union labor's effort to reach an agreement and refuses the union's use of the facilities, which breaches the Labor Law and the intention of the Supreme Court for the purpose of the management of company (abuse of the right of management of facilities). Therefore an abuse of the right of management of facilities shall be determined by the Union's effort to use the company's facilities and the company's correspondence to the effort. The detailed criterion of consideration is shown as follows: 1) Condition and figuration of using facilities, 2) Content and characteristics of the breached right of management of facilities, 3) The union's response to the safety protection of facilities, 4) An option for an alternative facility.

      • KCI등재

        회사분할과 근로관계

        노상헌(Roh Sang-Heon) 한국노동법학회 2011 노동법학 Vol.0 No.38

        Company Split is a recently introduced new Commercial Code system. From labor law point of view, while considering law issue caused by divisive Reorganization of company, the company needed to legislate to resolve this issue, but our system of divisive Reorganization of company is legislated without any consideration of this law. Therefore, splitting up the company, there is not enough discussion about how the relation of working is succeeded, how the working conditions are maintained, how the effect of collective agreements is. Particularly regarding the issues of worker’s agreement, we need to clearly identify the matter of worker’s choice which is different from merger or transfer of business. In the Awareness of these issues, this paper overview the legal issues of Divisive Reorganization of Company from the change of the organization of company and the legal issues which are caused by succession of labor relations and worker’s agreement, and then we seek the solution through the laws of Japan in the way of comparison of law. As a result of Review, to harmony between protection of labor relations and principles of worker’s self-determination, in the succession of labor relations, without disadvantage of working condition, workers should have an option, for this, such as Japan, I suggest we need to specify the exact workers and labor union’s consent process and legal effect rather than waiting for the court’s specific legislation.

      • KCI등재

        재택근무의 법적 쟁점

        노상헌(Roh, Sang-Heon) 경희법학연구소 2021 경희법학 Vol.56 No.3

        재택근무는 양질의 일자리 창출과 생산성 향상을 목적하는 유연근무제의 하나로 일하는 방식의 개선이다. 재택근무가 코로나19 확산을 계기로 급격히 확대되어 재택근무를 둘러싼 법적 문제를 살폈다. 우선 재택근무를 ① 근로계약을 체결하고, ② 자택을 주된 근로제공 장소로 하면서 지정된 공유사무실을 이용하거나 ③ 정보통신기술을 기반으로 이루어지는 모바일 근무(스마트 워크)를 병행하는 근무방식으로 상정하였다. 현행 근로기준법에 따른 근로계약 해석상 노사당사자 간 개별 약정이나 긴급사태 등 특별한 사정이 없는 경우 재택근무를 명하거나 청구할 수 없다. 따라서 근로기준법에서 ‘재택근무’에 관한 규정을 신설하고, 재택근무의 특성을 고려하여 취업규칙을 변경하거나 별도로 작성할 의무를 부과하여 재택근무를 둘러싼 법적 분쟁을 예방할 필요가 있다. 당사자 간 이견이 존재하는 재택근무의 불가시성은 과도기적 현상으로써 정보통신기술을 통한 실시간 노무지휘가 일반적으로 이루어지면 ‘일하는 방식’과 ‘일시키는 방식’이 변화할 것으로 보인다. 재택근무가 또 다른 플랫폼노동으로 전환되는 것을 경계하면서, 양질의 일자리가 될 수 있도록 입법정책을 검토하여야 한다. Home-based work is a flexible work arrangement changing the way people work that aims to create quality jobs and improve productivity. As home-based work rapidly expanded with the spread of COVID-19, we deal with the legal issues surrounding home-based work. Home-based work is considered a work method that includes ① signing a labor contract, ② using a designated shared office with home as the main place of work, or ③ using ICT-based mobile work (smart working). In the interpretation of the labor contract according to the current Labor Standards Act, unless there are special circumstances such as an individual agreement between labor and management or emergencies, an order or request for telecommuting cannot be made. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent legal disputes over telecommuting by enacting a new regulation on Home-based work in the Labor Standards Act, and by changing the rules of employment in consideration of the characteristics of telecommuting or by imposing an obligation to establish it separately. The invisibility of home-based work, in which there are differences between parties, is a transitional phenomenon, which is likely to change “how to work” and “how to make people work” if real-time labor guidance through ICT is generally implemented. It is necessary to review the legislative policies to ensure that home-based job is a quality job, wary of converting to another digital platform work.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        사내하도급·위험의 외주화에 대한 법적 규제

        노상헌(Roh Sang-Heon) 강원대학교 비교법학연구소 2016 江原法學 Vol.48 No.-

        산업현장과 근로제공 장소는 현존하는 수많은 위험과 잠재적 위험요소가 혼재되어 있다. 산업안전보건법의 취지와 달리 명시적인 고용관계가 없는 사내하도급의 경우 사용사업주(원청회사)의 책임소재가 명확하지 못하다. 그 결과 힘들고 위험한 업무를 도급 내지 외주화로 특정 하도급근로자들에게 위험이 전가되고, 책임을 부담하여야 할 주체가 면책된다면 법이 추구하는 보편적 가치에 반한다. 이러한 문제의식에서 일본의 산업안전보건에 관한 법령과 안전관리체계를 검토한다. 검토결과 일본 노동안전위생법(노안법)의 법체계의 특징을 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 산업안전 의무주체의 명확화이다. 둘째, 사업주를 중심으로 하는 안전관리체계의 확립이다. 셋째, 사업주 이외의 자에 대한 산업재해 방지대책 정비와 책임주체의 명시이다. 이와 같은 노안법상 안전관리규정 및 관리체계가 사내하도급 근로자에게 적용되도록 규정과 책임을 명시하였다. 일본에서도 증가하는 사내하도급 근로자의 산재를 예방하고자 후생노동성은 노안법을 보완하는 지침을 제정함과 동시에 이 지침이 현장에서 준수되도록 관리감독을 강화하고 있다. 사내하도급의 안전관리에 관한 일본 법령체계가 우리에게 시사를 주는 것은 원사업주 비롯하여 하도급사업주 및 근로자 모두 안전에 관한 법적 규제를 긍정적으로 인식하여 지침 등이 효과적으로 작동되고 있다는 점이다. 또한 일본은 안전보건에 관한 정부 지원체계와 협조적 노사관계를 갖고 있어 일반적으로 안전규제에 대한 인식이 긍정적이다. 무엇보다 법령정비와 더불어 안전에 관해서는 원청과 하청(하도급)의 구분이 있을 수 없다는 당연한 사리를 재확인하며 실천을 강구하도록 하는 점이다. Numerous dangers and potential risk elements exist in industrial areas and the location of labor supply. Despite its purpose, the Occupation Safety and Health Act does not distinctly define the responsibilities of the employer(contractor). As result, the risk is passed through to certain subcontract workers through subcontracting and outsourcing of dangerous and strenuous work. This provides immunity for the responsible party, the contractor, which is against the general values of the law. With such considerations, this paper reviews the Japanese legislations and the safety management system in regards to industrial safety and health. The review has shown 3 major characteristics of the Japanese Occupational Safety and Health Act(hereafter, “OSHA”) as follows. First, the clarity in defining the responsible party. Second, the establishment of a safety management system led by the contractor. Third, the statement of responsibility and industrial accident prevention measures for parties other than the contractor. The OSHA clearly states the regulations and responsibilities for the application of safety regulations and management system for in-house subcontract workers. In order to prevent industrial accidents of the increasing in-house subcontract workers, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare has ordered the establishment of guidance to supplement OSHA while intensifying the level of management supervision to ensure such guidance is adhered. The important point of consideration provided by the review of Japanese subcontract safety measures is that all parties including the principal employer, subcontracting company, and the subcontract workers all embraces the legislative regulations which leads to the effective operations of such regulations. Also, in Japan the general appreciation for safety regulations is positive due to their government-backed safety and health system and cooperative labor-management relationship. Above all, they have successfully eliminated boundaries between contractors and subcontractors in adherence to law and safety related matters.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        빈곤과 노동법의 과제

        노상헌(Roh, Sang-hoen) 한국비교노동법학회 2015 노동법논총 Vol.33 No.-

        The main cause of poverty is the lack of income. Among income from various economic activities, income earned from working is the most important. The instability of working activity which results in reduction or cessation of income causes the exacerbation of poverty or makes it difficult to escape poverty. The Korean financial crisis of 1997 worsened job insecurity and generated many working poor. It went worse with the global financial crisis of 2008 which led to unstable employment, low pay, rising unemployment, and chronic unemployment and consequently, more working poor, regardless of regular employment or contingent employment. This study aims to identify the problem of working poor in terms of labor law, examine the challenges of the labor laws to combat poverty and seek alternatives. The first issued of labor law to solve working poverty is an overall application of Labor Standard Act to all of the work place. The second is to restrict of redundancy only to the case of ‘urgent business needs’ in order to prevent abuse of redundancy because redundancy without worker’s reason of imputation makes many social problems such as bankruptcy of working poor. In the third issue, it is suggested that the ‘equal pay for work of equal value’ principle be applied to the Labor Standard Law in order to improve working conditions of contingent employment as well as the ‘responsibility’ element be excluded and judged passively when measure the work of equal value.

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