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      • 서울 지역 근로빈곤층에 관한 연구

        김진욱(Geneuhc Kim) 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 2015 商經硏究 Vol.40 No.1

        본 연구는 우리나라를 서울지역, 도시지역, 전국의 세 지역으로 구분하여 2005년부터 2008년까지 근로빈곤층의 추세를 정태적으로, 동태적으로 분석하였다. 가구별 가처분 소득을 기준으로 분석한 결과 모든 지역에서 빈곤 상태가 개선된 것으로 나타났다. 정태분석 결과 서울지역 임금근로자의 빈곤율이 다른 지역보다 높은 것으로 추정되었다. 동태분석에 의하면 서울지역의 가구주 연령이 30~40대, 고등학교나 전문대학 졸업자, 임금근로자 가구의 빈곤상태가 상대적으로 열악한 것으로 계측되어 서울시는 이들을 위한 정책이 필요한 것으로 분석되었다. The purpose of this paper is to study the working poor in nationwide, urban area, Seoul by the static and dynamic analysis. The incidence of relative poverty(50% of median income) has been improving during 2005-2008 in all areas. By the static analysis, the salary and wage earners’ poverty level in Seoul is higher than that of nationwide or urban area. Various household characteristics (educational attainment, age, employment status, gender of household head) are examined to compare the poverty level in three different areas using the dynamic analysis. Policies for the household with their head’s age of the 30s and the 40s, salary and wage earners’ household, can improve working poor in Seoul.

      • 중국의 수자원 현황과 정책

        김진욱(Geneuhc Kim) 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 2016 商經硏究 Vol.41 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 중국의 수자원 공급과 수요를 비롯하여 현황을 소개한 후 부족한 수자원에 대한 중국 정부의 정책을 연구하고자 한다. 전세계적인 수자원 위기와 마찬가지로 중국의 수자원 수급 불일치라는 위기에 직면하여, 중국 정부는 2011년부터 2020년까지 40억 위안을 투자할 예정이다. 중국 국무위는 효율적인 수자원 관리를 위해 2011년 삼조홍선 정책을 수립하였다. 이 정책은 수자원 관리를 세 가지 측면(총량 관리, 수자원 사용의 효율성 제고, 수질 오염 개선)에서 구체적인 목표를 수립하여 수자원을 관리하고 있다. 2015년 말 기준으로 이 정책에 대한 평가는 대체로 긍정적이라 할 수 있으므로 한국 정부도 중국 정부가 제시하고 있는 여러 기준들에 대해 현재보다 더 강화할 필요가 있는 것으로 판단된다. The purpose of this paper is to study the water resources outlook in China and the Chinese water resources policy. According to the annual Global Risks Report, a water supply crisis is one of the top five risks by impact for the last three consecutive years. As a water supply crisis is imminent, the chinese government will spend RMB4 trillion between 2011 and 2020 to ensure water supply. If business continues as usual(BAU Scenario), demand will exceed supply of water resources by 2030. Chinese central government recognizes water could impact society and constrain economic growth. In China, strict water management is essential to water shortages. China’s State Council has introduced the Three Red Lines water policy in 2011 to control water use, to improve water efficiency and to prevent and control pollution. National water use quotas were set for 2015, 2020 and 2030, with water efficiency ratio targets for irrigation savings as well as water savings. New water pollution reduction targets and stricter industrial discharge standards have been issued.

      • KCI등재

        유럽의 경제 통합

        김진욱(Kim Geneuhc) 한국유럽학회 1998 유럽연구 Vol.7 No.-

        This paper discusses the gains in terms of economic efficiency from EMU. There are two main sources of direct efficiency gains from monetary union, which are the elimination of transaction costs, and the suppression of hedging costs. An EMU would also have the indirect and dynamic effects which unemployment could be reduced decisively. Second gain of the EMU would be the price stability. An anticipated inflation leads to direct welfare losses. Inflation reduces the demand for money, and forces economic agents to obtain additional balances from the central bank in order to keep the real value of their money holding construct. Inflation would also force producers to change price lists continually. An unanticipated inflation has much stronger adverse economic effects than anticipated inflation. As higher inflation countries have a higher unemployment rate and a lower per capita income, EMU would lead a lower unemployment rate and a higher per capita income. The costs of disinflation are minimized if there would be a credible commitment to stable prices and backward-looking wage indexation is reformed into a forward-looking scheme. A stable and credible monetary regime requires an independent central bank to guarantee price stability. The benefits of EMU are bound to be distributed unevenly. The principal gainers would be tourists and individual travellers, small and medium-sized firms in the large countries, and most firms in the small ones. There may also be some scope for expansion for mail-order business. As the spatial distribution of benefits would accrue mainly small countries, the inequality of income distribution between countries would be reduced. An efficiency gains from EMU would be the reduction of exchange rate related to transaction cost in our country. Our exports would be raised because of increasing European consumer income and expenditure. However, our market share in European countries would be reduced, because the infra-EU trade would occur between member states.

      • 빈곤 지수의 공리적 접근

        김진욱(Geneuhc KIM) 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 1998 상경연구 Vol.23 No.1

        In his pioneering article on the measurement of poverty, Sen(1976) noted that the evaluation of poverty was required the solution of two distinct but not related exercises : first, how to identify the set of the poor in the total population, and second, how to aggregate the available information of the poor into a device that will quantify the extent of poverty. Sen proposed three axioms for an index of poverty - the focus axiom, the monotonicity axiom and the transfer axiom. After the Sen’s pioneering work, a number of articles have considered some properties of indices - additive decomposability axiom, impartiality axiom, axiom of increasing in subsistence income, continuity axiom, population invariant axiom, population growth axiom. We may formally define two crude indices ; Head-count ratio and Poverty-gap ratio. The head-count ration satisfies the focus axiom but violates the monotonicity and transfer axioms. The poverty-gap ratio goes against the transfer axioms. While the Sen-Blackorby -Donaldson- Kakwani indices violate the strong upward transfer axiom and the Takayama index violates the weak monotonicity axiom, the general ethical indices introduced by Clark-Hemming- Ulph-Charkravaty satisfy these axioms. These indices are based on the equally distributed equivalent income corresponding to a censored income profile. Anand (1977) suggested the simple variation of the Sen index but his axiom violates the focus axiom. Foster-Greer-Thorbecke(1984) proposed a class of decomposable poverty indices that vary with a poverty aversion parameter. In this paper, a class of poverty is derived, that serves to clarify an explicit or implicit choice for several axiomatic requirements simultaneously. We conclude that in the situation of grouped data, the performance of Foster-Greer-Thorbecke’s index is better than any others, if the notion of decreasing marginal welfare is accepted.

      • 계층별 동등화 소비단위

        김진욱(Geneuhc KIM) 한국재정학회(구 한국재정·공공경제학회) 2003 공공경제 Vol.8 No.2

        본 연구는 2000년 『가구소비실태조사』원시자료를 이용하여 한국의 계층별 동등화 소비 단위를 계산하였다. 본 연구에서는 계층을 부유층(중위 가구소득의 150% 이상), 중산층(중위 가구소득의 50-150%), 빈곤층(중위 가구소득의 50%)으로 구분하여 분석하였다. 계층 구분을 통해 소득과 규모의 경제 효과의 관계를 검증하였다. 추정 결과에 의하면 한국의 부유층은 독일, 미국 및 OECD의 동등화 소비단위와 비슷한 추세를 나타냈다. 『국민기초생활보장법』상의 수급권자를 선정하기 위해 정부에서 사용하는 동등화 소비단위는 본 연구에서 계산한 중산층과 빈곤층의 동등화 소비단위의 중간이므로, 이러한 동등화 소비단위가 규모의 경제 효과를 무시하였다고 보기 어렵고, 현실을 크게 왜곡한 것은 아니다. 이러한 분석을 통해 소득이 높을수록 가구내 규모의 경제 효과가 큰 것을 입증하였다. In this paper, Korean household equivalence scales are estimated by household size. Using Lluch's extended linear expenditure system, equivalence scales are divided into three different classes" |rich, middle and poor. With this classification, this paper tests the following hypothesis:"@Higher income level, larger economies of scale. The equivalence scales of the rich class are similar to those of the U. S. and Germany. However, as smaller economies of scale in the middle and poor classes are estimated relative to the rich class, the equivalence scales estimated for the middle and the poor classes have the same tendency as those adopted by Korean government. Using the Korean household consumption and income microdata from the National Survey of Household Income and Expenditure(2000), we can confirm, finally, the hypothesis proposed in this paper: a higher income level means larger economies of scale.

      • KCI등재

        부동산소득이 소득불평등에 미치는 영향 분석

        정의철(Eui-Chul Chung)ㆍ김진욱(Geneuhc Kim)ㆍ하두나(Doo-Na Ha) 한국주택학회 2009 주택연구 Vol.17 No.2

        본 연구에서는 󰡔한국노동패널󰡕 자료를 이용하여 1998년~2004년 기간의 소득불평등수준 및 그 변화를 지니계수를 이용하여 측정하고 이를 소득원천별로 지니 분해하여 그 요인을 분석하였다. 분석 결과 부동산소득의 절대적 크기와 총소득에서 차지하는 비중이 점차 증가하는 것으로 나타났는데 이는 분석기간 동안 주택 및 토지가격뿐 아니라 주택전세가격이 급격하게 상승한 것에 기인한다. 또한 최근 들어 근로소득이 전체 불평등에 미치는 영향력이 점차 확대되어 가고 있음과 동시에 부동산소득의 총소득 불평등에 대한 기여도 또한 지속적으로 증가하고 있는 것으로 나타나고 있다. 부동산소득의 총소득 불평등에 대한 상대적 기여도, 상대적 불평등, 상대적 한계효과 등을 결합해 볼때 전반적으로 부동산소득의 총소득 불평등에 대한 영향력이 높아지고 있다. 부동산소득이 총소득 불평등에 미치는 영향력이 증가하고 있다는 결과는 과거 정부에서 분배정책의 일환으로 추진하였던 부동산정책이 소득재분배에 기여하지 못하였다는 점을 간접적으로 시사한다고 볼 수 있다. 그러나 사회보험소득과 이전소득의 총소득 불평등 완화효과가 나타나고 있고 그 정도가 증가하고 있는 추세임을 고려할 때 이러한 방향에서의 소득안정과 재분배정책은 일부 성과가 있었던 것으로 판단된다. This paper examines income inequality of Korean households over the period of 1998-2004. Using Gini coefficient as a measure of inequality, we decomposed income inequality by income source from which we analyzed the effect of property income on overall income inequality. Based on Gini decomposition, we estimated several indicators to measure the effect of property income including relative income inequality and relative marginal effect. Our results show that while labor income is still the dominant factor to influence overall income inequality, the effect of property income has been gradually increased. This finding is mainly due to dramatic increases in house and land prices during the same period. These results indicate that government real estate policies for redistributive purpose were not much successful in this time period. However, social insurance benefits and transfer income are found to relieve overall income inequality and their effects has recently become larger, which indicates that redistributive policies toward these directions have been successful to some extent.

      • KCI등재

        자가주택소유의 묵시적 소득을 고려한 소득불평등 연구

        정의철 ( Eui Chul Chung ),김진욱 ( Geneuhc Kim ) 한국부동산분석학회 2009 不動産學硏究 Vol.15 No.3

        This paper examines the impact of imputed income from owner-occupied housing on household`s income inequality. An ower-occupier earns implicit income from not paying rent for her house whereas she has to pay rent if renting. This imputed income is found to take unignorable portion of the household`s total income. Using KLIPS data in 2005, we measured total income inequality and then decomposed it by income sources including imputed income from owner-occupied housing. We then analyzed the marginal contribution of imputed income to total income inequality. It was found that, based on owner-occupier sample, the Gini coefficient of imputed income was 0.55, higher than that of labor income but much lower than other income sources such as financial income and property income. The relative marginal impact of imputed income on total income inequality was-0.023, meaning that 1% increase in imputed income decreases total income inequality by 0.023%. Imputed income worked as an equalizing factor of total income inequality for owner-occupiers. Based on full sample including non owner-occupiers, the Gini coefficient of imputed income was found to be 0.73, greater than that from owner-occupier sample. The relative marginal impact of imputed income was 0.007, meaning that imputed income has a negligible impact on total income inequality. These results indirectly suggest that government policies to support homeownership can moderately contribute to lessen income inequality.

      • 빈곤 지수의 공리적 접근

        김진욱 建國大學校 經濟經營硏究所 1998 商經硏究 Vol.23 No.1

        In his pioneering article on the measurement of poverty, Sen(1976) noted that the evaluation of poverty was required the solution of two distinct but not related exercises : first, how to identify the set of the poor in the total population, and second, how to aggregate the available information of the poor into a device that will quantify the extent of poverty. Sen proposed three axioms for an index of poverty - the focus axiom, the monotonicity axiom and the transfer axiom. After the Sen's pioneering work, a number of articles have considered some properties of indices - additive decomposability axiom, impartiality axiom, axiom of increasing in subsistence income, continuity axiom, population invariant axiom, population growth axiom. We may formally define two crude indices ; Head-count ratio and Poverty-gap ratio. The head-count ration satisfies the focus axiom but violates the monotonicity and transfer axioms. The poverty-gap ratio goes against the transfer axioms. While the Sen-Blackorby -Donaldson- Kakwani indices violate the strong upward transfer axiom and the Takayama index violates the weak monotonicity axiom, the general ethical indices introduced by Clark-Hemming- Ulph-Charkravaty satisfy these axioms. These indices are based on the equally distributed equivalent income corresponding to a censored income profile. Anand (1977) suggested the simple variation of the Sen index but his axiom violates the focus axiom. Foster-Greer-Thorbecke(1984) proposed a class of decomposable poverty indices that vary with a poverty aversion parameter. In this paper, a class of poverty is derived, that serves to clarify an explicit or implicit choice for several axiomatic requirements simultaneously. We conclude that in the situation of grouped data, the performance of Foster-Greer-Thorbecke's index is better than any others, if the notion of decreasing marginal welfare is accepted.

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