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        QI전담자의 주요 업무 및 역할 규명

        김문숙,김현아,김윤숙,Kim, Moon-sook,Kim, Hyun-ah,Kim, Yoon-sook 한국의료질향상학회 2015 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        Objectives: To outline overall duties of quality improvement (QI) performers within a health care organization, thus describing their key tasks, including task element-related frequency, importance and difficulty in enough detail. Methods: A DACUM (Developing A CurriculUM) workshop took place to outline overall job activities of QI performers. To examine the scope of their duty and task, we performed a questionnaire survey of 338 QI performers from 111 hospitals. Results: The results of our survey showed that for the task assigned to each QI performer, there were 10 duties, 31 tasks and 119 task elements. Respondents cited a project planning as the most frequent/important duty, and a research was the highest level of difficulty in their duty. They also said that the most frequent task was index management, the most important task was a business plan, and the highest level of difficulty was a practical application of QI research. QI performers added that the most frequent task element was receipt of patient safety reporting in patient safety system, the most important task element was an analysis for patient safety and its improvement, and the highest level of difficulty was a regional influence analysis related to the patient safety and its improvement. Conclusion: To ensure that QI performers play a pivotal role as a manager to better improve patient safety and the quality of health care services, proper training program for them should be developed by reflecting the results of our study.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국의 스마트교육과 독일의 미디어교육

        김문숙(Kim, Moon-Sook) 한국비교교육학회 2014 比較敎育硏究 Vol.24 No.3

        이 연구는 21세기 지식기반정보화사회의 심화와 더불어 생겨난 우리의 스마트교육 정책이 교육환경과 교육내용, 교육방법 및 평가 등 교육체제의 혁신에 집중한 나머지 교육의 본질이라 할 수 있는 인간교육이 상대적으로 소외되고 있다는 문제의식에서 출발하였다. 이를 위해 한국의 스마트교육에 해당하는 독일의 미디어교육을 분석하고 이로부터 우리 스마트교육에 필요한 시사점을 도출해 내고자 했다. 독일도 정보화 사회의 도래와 함께 미디어교육을 국가적 차원에서 관여하며, 2009년 이후 미디어교육은 모든 주의 모든 학교가 실천해야 하는 의무사항이 되었다. 따라서 추진되고 있는 미디어교육정책을 각 주별로 분석하였고 연구결과 이들 주에서 실천되고 있는 미디어교육의 공통적인 특징은 다음과 같이 나타났다: 1) 미디어교육을 일정기간 완수해 내야하는 특수교육 기준으로 바라보는 것이 아니라, 기존의 교육과정과 유기적 관계에서 실천하고 있다. 2) 미디어교육전개 과정이 위로부터의 일방적 지시와 전달이 아닌, 현장 교사의 실천적 사례를 적극 반영하며 그 방향성을 모색하는 민주적 형태로 진행되고 있다. 3) 정보화 사회에 대한 근본적인 이해를 토대로 정보화 사회에 필요한 청소년의 인성과 정체성에 관여하고 있다. 미디어교육정책의 방법과 절차에 관한 첫 번째와 두 번째 시사점과 달리 세 번째 시사점은 미디어교육의 근본적 목적으로 이 연구논문에서 제시하는 가장 핵심적 시사점이라 할 수 있다. 이와 같이 교육적 맥락에서 시도되고 있는 독일의 미디어교육 정책은 환경혁신이나 교육콘텐츠개발과 같은 물리적 기반혁신이 중심이 된 우리 스마트교육정책에 시사 하는바가 크다고 할 수 있을 것이다. 스마트교육의 목적은 스마트환경구축과 스마트한 교육방법이 아니라, 미래사회를 행복하고 성공적으로 이끌어갈 스마트한 인간의 양성임을 잊어서는 안 될 것이다. 따라서 교육환경 인프라라와 물리적기반에 치우쳐진 우리 스마트교육의 담론을 스마트시대에 요구되는 인격과 정체성에 대한 담론으로 바꾸어 나아가야 할 것이다. 이때 비로소 교실혁명이 아닌 인간중심 교육혁명이 시작될 수 있을 것이다. This study was inspired by the issue that the fundamentals of education have been overlooked, as today's smart education policies established in the knowledge-based information society of the 21st century have only focused on building digital environment and its efficiency. To carry out the study, the media education of Germany, which is equivalent of Korea's smart education, was analyzed to obtain implications for Korea's smart education. In Germany, the media education has been managed by the country ever since the information society has begun. Since 2009, the media education has become a requirement for all schools in every state. Thus, the current media education policy of each state has been analyzed, which revealed the following common characteristics. 1) The media education is closely linked to existing curriculum and education, rather than being conducted separately with different standards. 2) The media education is being conducted in a democratic manner by actively reflecting the exemplary cases of school teachers, rather than following the instructions and guidelines from the government. 3) The media education deals with the character and identity of young students, based on their basic understanding of information society, which are essential for a successful life in the upcoming society. Unlike the first and second implication linked to the method and procedure of media education policy, the third implication is the basic purpose of media education, which is also the key implication of this study. The media education policy of Germany, which is being conducted with its own educational philosophy, offers significant implications for Korea's smart education policy. In Korea, the education only revolves around device-based environment innovation or content development. It should be noted that the purpose of smart education is developing smart individuals who can bring better, happier, and more successful society ― rather than establishing a smart environment. Therefore, the focus of discussion on Korea's smart education that revolves around environment, infrastructure, device utilization, and contents development should be changed to the character and identity of students, which are required in the future smart era. That's when 'human-based' educational revolution, instead of 'device-based' classroom revolution can begin.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        일본에서의 가사사건에 관한 국제재판관할 - 개정 가사사건절차법을 중심으로 -

        김문숙(Kim, Moon-Sook) 한국국제사법학회 2020 國際私法硏究 Vol.26 No.2

        2018년 개정된 일본의 가사사건절차법은 공통된 성질을 가지는 사건유형별로 국제재판관할에 관하여 규율하고, 일본법원이 적정하게 심리・재판을 할 수 있도록 개별구체적인 유형별로 관할원인을 규율한다. 그러나 가사사건의 대상이 다종다양하기 때문에 가사사건의 모든 유형에 대해서 규정을 두지는 않는다. 이것은 인사소송사건(이혼 또는 혼인의 취소 등)에 대해서는 ‘인사에 관한 소송’으로 일반적인 국제재판관할(인사소송법 제3조의 2)을 두고 있는 것과 대비된다. 또한 상속에 관한 소송사건에 대해서는, 재산권상의 소송사건으로 민사소송사건으로 규율되고 있다(민사소송법 제3조의 3 제12호 및 제13호). 따라서 일본의 국제재판관할에 대해서는 민사소송법, 인사소송법, 가사사건절차법, 법적용통칙법(후견개시 등, 실종선고)에서 관련 규정을 두고 있다. 재판절차는 법정지의 절차법에 의하게 되므로, 당해 사건의 성질 등을 고려하여 소송절차인지 비송절차인지를 판단하게 된다. 종래에도 그 성질결정의 기준에 관하여 논의가 있어왔지만, 입법적 해결 후에도 여전히 국제적 요소를 가지는 인사소송사건 및 가사사건유형에 대해서 절차법적 성질결정이 필요하게 된다. 가사사건절차법에서 개별적 사건유형별로 국제재판관할을 규정한 사건에 대해서는 법적 안정성과 예견가능성을 확보할 수 있게 되었다. 가사심판사건 및 가사조정사건의 국제재판관할에 대하여 개별사건유형별로 관할원인(제3조의 2 내지 제3조의 13)의 어느 하나에 해당하면, 원칙적으로 일본법원이 관할권을 가진다. 이처럼 국제재판관할이 긍정되는 경우라도, 일본에서 재판을 하는 것이 당사자의 형평, 재판의 적정과 신속에 반하는 특별한 사정이 있으면 일본법원은 관할권을 가지지 않는다(제3조의 14). 이와 같은 국제재판관할의 규정형식은 민사소송법이나 인사소송법의 관할규정과 같은 입법형식이다. 인사소송법과 같이 가사사건에는 공익적 성격을 가지는 것이 많기 때문에, 합의관할과 변론관할의 일반적인 규정을 두지 않았는데, 예를 들면 유산분할심판사건, 이혼파양사건 및 인사소송사항이외에 관한 조정사건과 같이, 각론적으로는 합의관할규정을 두고 있다. 한편, 신분관계사건을 인사소송사건에서의 확정판결과 가사사건에서 확정된 종국재판으로 범주를 나눈 후에, 전자에 대해서는 민사소송법 제118조를 적용하는 것으로 이해되며, 후자에 대해서는 동조를 준용 또는 유추적용한다(가사사건절차법 제79조의 2). The Domestic Relations Case Procedure Act of 2018 in Japan regulates international jurisdiction for each case type having a common nature, and allows the Japanese court to conduct appropriate hearings and trials, and regulates the jurisdiction for each specific type. However, Japanese courts may conduct proceedings or make judicial decisions in some specific types of domestic affairs because the character of domestic affairs are multiple and diverse. This is in contrast to the general jurisdiction of international jurisdiction in Personal Status Litigation Act. Concerning international jurisdiction in Japan, the Civil Procedure Act, the Personnel Status Litigation Act, the Domestic Relations Case Procedure Act, and the Act on General Rules for Application of Laws coexist. It means that procedural quality determination is still necessary for case types which have international elements after legislative resolution. Legal stability and predictability can be secured in cases where international jurisdiction is prescribed for each individual case type in the Domestic Relations Case Procedure Act. In the Domestic Relations Case Procedure Act, in principle, the Japanese court shall have jurisdiction in case of a domestic trial case and a case of domestic adjustment if it falls under any of the jurisdictions for each type of case (Article 3-2 to Article 3-13). Even if the jurisdiction of international jurisdiction is affirmed in this way, if there are special circumstances in which judging in Japan is contrary to the fairness of the parties and the proper speed of the trial, the Japanese courts shall not have jurisdiction (Article 3-14). This is the same legislative form such as the Civil Procedure Act and the Personal Status Litigation Act. On the other hand, after classifying the status-related case into the final judgment in the personal status litigation case and the final judgment confirmed in the domestic relations case, Article 118 of the Civil Procedure Act will be applied to the former, and the same article is applied mutatis mutandis or by analogy to the latter(Article 79-2).

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 국제사법에 있어서 입양의 상속법상 효과

        김문숙 ( Moon Sook Kim ) 아세아여성법학연구소 2003 아세아여성법학 Vol.6 No.-

        Most conflicts cases on adoption (hat have reported concern the question whether adoption has an effect on inheritance. For instance, if the foster parent dies intestate, has his foster child a right in his estate? If the testator spoke in his will of his children, or issue, are these words to be taken on mean only his natural offspring or do they include his legal offspring too, namely, his adopted children? Does an adopter inherit from the adoptee? Their ascendants or descendants entitled to some share are not settled in the same way by all legal systems. We think the difficulty lies in that adoption as a markedly artificial relationship, without any necessary basis in a natural relationship, has been fashioned in so many ways by positive laws. Hence, whenever a case couches on more than one legal order by reason of the different national or domiciliary laws of the parties, or when the adoption has been effected abroad, the descendants` s estate would go to different persons, or to the Same persons but in different shares, according to the law which is found to be decisive. The fact of adoption raises new difficulties on the Private International Law Level when it is governed by a law that is not the one governing the succession under consideration. The legal alternatives ate usually presented in this way: arc the capacity to succeed, the order of succession, and the shares in the inheritance established by the law governing adopron or by the law that, in principle, governs succession? Lex adoptionis or lex successionis? There has been much debate on this matter. We will review the rationale of each theory and cases in France, Germany and Japan. Finally, we will find the governing rule which must be applied in the succession rights of the adoptee. In lex adoptionis, the succession rights of an adoptee to the adopter`s estare, or vice versa, depend on the law governing adoption rather than on the law that otherwise governs he succession to that estate. It stands to reason, prima facie, that the same law, or combination of laws, which was conducive to the establishment of the relationship, should also determine what the relationship really is, viz. What rights and duties it creates for the parties it binds together. In lex successionis, a question of succession comes under its appropriate conflicts rules, while the rules of conflict that relate to the creation of a personal status or to its various incidents are utterly immaterial to that purpose ; or rather to the creation of the status or relationship may have to be consulted because the Iex successionis makes adoption operative for inheritance purposes, limiting such a consultation to the incidental question, namely, whether or not an adoption has been effected. Apparently, if the law governing adoption produces some effect in the field of succession between the persons for whom the law governing succession provides, it does not follow that the succession provided by the latter law will cake effect: something more is required, namely, that the two kinds of adoption should be similar on other important points(vice versa). This will be the third theory on succession of the adoptee, Substitution. The adoptee`s relationship between adoptors and their relatives, as well former parents and their relatives, comes from the adoptive effect directly. This relationship has influence on the adoptive effect indirectly. Hence there remains certain possibility that the law governing adoption apply to this kind of matters.

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      • KCI등재

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