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      • KCI등재

        영어 학습 보조도구로서 ChatGPT 연구: 어휘적·구문적 코퍼스 분석을 중심으로

        강준수,박신향 언어과학회 2024 언어과학연구 Vol.- No.108

        . This study explores the suitability of ChatGPT as a support tool in English education by analyzing its linguistic characteristics in learning environments. The researchers conducted a corpus analysis of ChatGPT's responses to questions derived from English textbook passages used by middle and high school students. The analysis focuses on lexical aspects of vocabulary level, diversity, and word length, as well as syntactic features including sentence length and FKGL index. The study results indicate that the vocabulary generated by ChatGPT meets middle school standards with considerable diversity and average word length of four letters. Its sentence structures and readability align with those of 16-year-old native English speakers. These findings suggest ChatGPT's potential as a linguistically appropriate AI tool for English education.

      • KCI등재

        영화 <카사노바>(Casanova)에 재현된 카니발의 자유와 연대성 고찰

        강준수 한국관광연구학회 2019 관광연구저널 Vol.33 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 영화 ‘Casanova’의 배경인 이탈리아 베니스(Venice)에서 진행되는 카니발을 분석해봄으로써 현대적 시각에서 카사노바라는 인물과 카니발이 추구하는 의미 및 가치를 연결시켜보는 것이다. 미하일 바흐친(Mikhail Bakhtin)은 카니발을 단순히 예술의 형태로 국한시키는 것이 아니라, 그것을 삶 자체로 인식하고 있다. 그리고 그는 카니발은 놀이와 웃음이 조화를 이루는 가운데, 대중들의 또 다른 삶이라고 인식을 하고 있다. 카니발에서가면을 착용하는 것은 원시 사회에서 주술적 행위나 토템신앙을 통해서 구현되는 상징적 의미 혹은 가치의 측면에서 파악해볼 수 있다. 또한 카니발에 참여한 대중들은 얼굴에 자신들이 원하는 다양한 가면을 착용함으로써, 기존 질서와 지배계급에 대한 비판이 가능해짐으로써 일시적 전복을 경험할 수 있다. 고대 시대 그리스에서 배우들이 쓰던가면인 ‘Persona’는 한 개인이 집단이나 현실에 맞추면서 살아가기 위한 개념으로서 심리학자인 칼 구스타프 융(Carl Gustav Jung)에 의해서 활용되었다. 본 연구의 시사점은 카니발의 기원 및 역사에 한정되는 것이 아니라, 영화 <카사노바>의 배경인 베네치아를 배경으로 카니발의 본질적 가치와 의미를 등장인물들과의 관계와 사건들 속에서 구체적으로 분석하고 파악하고자 했다는 점이다. 본 연구의 한계점은 다양한 지역에서 진행되고 있는 카니발에 대한 논의보다는 세계적으로 유명한 3대 카니발 가운데, 이탈리아 베네치아 카니발에 초점을 맞추어 카니발의 의미와 가치를 파악하고 있다는 점이다.

      • KCI등재

        현대 문화소비와 생활 관광 고찰

        강준수,송영민 (사)한국관광레저학회 2022 관광레저연구 Vol.34 No.10

        The purpose of this study is to discuss the generalization of the concept of life tourism due to the change in the pattern of modern cultural consumption and the expansion of the tourism base. Modern society can be said to be an era in which citizens can experience tourism in their daily life through diverse cultural life. Citizens are carrying out various factors that they could experience tourism through various performances, arts, and cultural activities in their daily life. Modern citizens are no longer limited to tourism consumers through life tourism, but are also tourism providers. In other words, citizens can be said to be prosumers, a combination of producer and consumer of tourism. In the flow of life tourism, citizens enjoy tourism in their daily life and participate voluntarily. This change in the concept of tourism is providing an opportunity to transform the tourism consumption pattern of tourism consumers into the form of life tourism. In conclusion, life tourism refers to the expansion of various consumption areas in daily life to fulfill the cultural needs of citizens. The implication of this study is that it embodies life tourism, which is expressed through various performing arts and cultural activities conducted in daily life.

      • KCI등재

        생태주의 관점에서 본 샤머니즘

        강준수 한국문학과종교학회 2018 문학과종교 Vol.23 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to approach Shamanism from the point of ecology. Contemporaries who have been surrounded by modern civilization live apart from nature. Shamanism is the archtype of an ancient/religious leader and it contains an equalitarian ideology between humans and nature. For example, the narrative about Dan-gun who is a religious leader is composed of elements that include ecological environment like sky, land, mountain, tree, and rainstorm. Modern people experience the destruction of environment, the separation of nature, and the loss of humanity according to the evils of industrialization. Actually, modern societies have developed from the point of comfortable and prosperous life but natural ecosystem has more ruined. In conclusion, the reason why contemporaries need the ideology of Shamanism is that it can provide humans with a new alternative against the destruction of nature completed in justification of the development of industrial civilization, and can make them experience mental healing from their overwork and heavy stress through the time of reflection. 본 연구의 목적은 생태학의 관점에서 샤머니즘에 접근하는 것이다. 현대문명에 둘러싸인 현대인들은 자연과 분리된 채 살아간다. 샤머니즘은 고대 종교의 원형이며, 인간과 자연 사이의 평등사상을 담고 있다. 예를 들어, 종교적 지도자인 단군에 관한 서사는 하늘, 대지, 산, 나무, 그리고 비바람과 같이 생태환경을포함하는 요소들로 구성된다. 현대인들은 산업화의 폐해로 인해서 환경파괴, 자연과의 분리, 그리고 인간성 상실을 경험하고 있다. 사실상, 현대 사회는 안락하고 풍요로운 삶의 관점에서는 발전해왔지만 자연 생태계는 보다 파괴되었다. 이러한 상황 속에서 현대인들은 물질문명으로 인해서 파생된 물질적 가치보다는인간과 자연의 공생에 초점을 맞추어야 한다. 결론적으로 현대인들이 샤머니즘사상을 필요로 하는 그것이 인간에게 산업문명의 발전이라는 명분으로 수행되는 자연의 파괴에 대한 새로운 대안을 제공해주고 있으며, 그들이 자기성찰의시간을 통해서 과중한 업무와 지나친 스트레스로부터 정신적 치유를 경험할 수 있도록 하기 때문이다.

      • KCI등재

        A Study of Shamanism and Christianity used in North Korea’s Idolization: Focusing on the North Korean Film Under the Sun

        강준수 한국동서비교문학학회 2022 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.- No.61

        The purpose of this study is to discuss the characteristics of shamanism and Christianity used in the North Korean film Under the Sun by Russian director Vitaly Mansky. The North Korean film Under the Sun is a propaganda film that presents to the outside world the purported greatness, absoluteness, and holiness of the trinity of Kim Ilsung, Kim Jeongil, and Kim Jeongeun. A representative art theory for maintaining the regime in North Korea is the ‘Seed Theory’ systemized by Kim, Jeongil. In North Korea's art field, the concept of seed is in line with the policy demands of the North Korean authorities, and the greatness of one-man dictatorship is concretely reproduced. This means that North Korea uses art, literature, and film as a means and purpose to strengthen its system. North Korea maintains religious and political harmony society by effectively dominating the people through deification and idolatry of its leaders using ideas borrowed from ancient sun worship. North Korea thus maintains a theocracy with a mixture of shamanism and Christianity as a means of maintaining a one-man dictatorship. The North Korean regime presents the “10 principles of establishing the party’s monolithic ideology system,” which can be compared to the Ten Commandments in the Bible.” North Korea also has a “Kim Ilsung Revolutionary History” that is similar to the Bible. In conclusion, North Korean society can be said to be a theocracy that deified the one-man dictatorship. In conclusion, Under the Sun shows how North Korea uses religions such as shamanism and Christianity to persuade its people to accept a one-man dictatorship, and materializes this theocratic ideology through art, literature, and film.

      • KCI등재

        제주창조 여신을 통해 본 제주다움과 올레 개발 방향성 고찰

        강준수,송영민 한국해양관광학회 2023 해양관광학연구 Vol.16 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to carry out specific discussions on the direction of Jeju Olle development through the presentation and realization of a specific image of the nature of Jeju seen through the value of Jeju's creative goddess. This study discusses the development direction of the Jeju tourism industry through the discussion of the creative goddess culture with unique values of Jeju. Jeju Island, as the hometown of mythology, is unique in that most of the gods are composed of goddesses. Goddess culture can be said to be a special value unique to Jeju Island as a value of matrilineal society in the Neolithic Age. The core elements of the nature of Jeju identified through the culture of the Jeju Creation Goddess include the vitality of the land, subjective femininity, altruistic maternal love, equal compromise, closeness between humans and nature, and sacredness of nature. Despite the long and arduous journey of the Camino de Santiago, hikers have a sacred and holy experience towards their destination rather than complaining. On the other hand, Jeju Olle hikers complain of various inconveniences. This means that Jeju Olle brought only the motif of ‘road’ from the Santiago pilgrimage route. The pilgrimage route to Santiago does not mean a simple ‘road’, but has symbolic images, sacredness, and storytelling of holiness that can be recognized as the hardships and journeys of life. Santiago hikers experience joy in the process of realizing the special image and value of the pilgrimage route. This means that Jeju Olle needs to build values and images of sanctity, holiness, and mystery through storytelling using the Jeju creation goddess.

      • KCI등재

        『움직이는 城』에 나타난 현대적 유랑 특성의 긍정성 고찰

        강준수 한국문학과종교학회 2019 문학과종교 Vol.24 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 유랑성(流浪聖), 다양성(多樣性), 그리고 이동성(移動性)이라고 하는 다양한 시각에서 종교의 문제, 성 정체성의 문제, 그리고 남녀 간의 사랑과 욕망의 문제를 유랑의 특성으로 파악하고자 했다. 『움직이는 城』의 작가인 황순원은 등장인물들을 통해서 유랑의 특성을 부여하고 있다. 본 연구는 이러한 유랑의 특성을 창조적 삶의 형태로서 긍정적인 측면으로 인식하였다. 유랑하는 신성함에서는 기독교와 샤머니즘의 관계가 대립적인 관계라기보다는 상호보완적인 측면으로 접근하였다. 종교의 문제는 각각의 종교가 지닌 특성을 통해서 공존의 방향을 모색해야하는 것이다. 다양한 성(性)에서는 트랜스젠더로서의 삶을 추구하는 인물을 통해서 남성과 여성이라고 하는 성조차도 절대적인 것이 아니라, 다양한 형태의 성이 존재할 수 있는 가능성을 논의하였다. 그리고 이동하는 성(性)에서는 등장인물들이 새로운 사랑의 대상을 찾아서 끊임없이 이동하는 모습이 제시되고 있다. 결론적으로 이 작품에서 제시되는 유랑의 특성은 시공간을 초월하며 살아가는 21세기 현대인들의 ‘디지털 노마드’(digital nomad)로서의 특성과도 연결된다. The purpose of this study is to figure out the problems of religion, gender identity, and the problem of love and desire between men and women from various viewpoints of wandering, diversity, and mobility. Hwang Sun-won, the author of Moving Castle, characterizes the drift through the characters. This study recognized the characteristics of this drifting as a positive aspect of creative life. In the part of wandering sacredness, this study regarded the relationship between Christianity and shamanism is more complementary than opposed. The problem of religion is to find the direction of coexistence through the characteristics of each religion. In the part of various genders, the possibility that even genders, such as men and women, are not absolute, but may exist in various forms, is discussed. In the part of moving sex, the characters who are constantly looking for new objects of love, are discussed. In conclusion, the characteristics of the wandering presented in this work are connected with the characteristics of ‘Digital Nomad’ of 21st century modern people who transcend time and space.

      • KCI등재

        『베오울프』를 통해 본 서양문명의 자연의 타자화 고찰

        강준수 한국동서비교문학학회 2019 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.47

        The purpose of this study is to analyze how the ethnic groups of the East Asian nomadic races are portrayed and the negative images are connected to Westerners through cultural origins and symbols in Beowulf, which is a combination of Christian values ​​and Germanic perspectives. Beowulf is a story about the heroes of the Germanic people, but it is a work with a Christian perspective in the process of describing in writing letters that have been passed on to the oral tradition of Christianity in the later years. Beowulf and Grendel form two distinct axes, good and evil, which are depicted in the work as images of light and darkness. In this work Grendel is an image of a wolf symbolizing an ancient East Asian nomadic ethnic group. The immigrants from East Asia who came to Europe along the pasture, where animals can be eaten, worship dragons as life of primitive nature and live according to the nature of nature. The fact that the emblems representing nature are perceived as objects of conquest and elimination can be said to provide an opportunity to constantly typify nature and identify objects of conquest. In other words, it can be seen that Christian civilization denies all pagan civilizations other than Christianity by worshiping nature, rejecting the horizontal relation between nature and man, and looking from a vertical perspective. In the beginning, human beings have tried to be in awe of nature and united with nature, and worship and awe of this nature were unacceptable in Christian worship of God alone. In conclusion, from a Christian point of view, nature is an object that must be destroyed and eliminated. Therefore, this Christian perspective can be said to recognize nature as an object of conquest and to connect with the viewpoint of the West.

      • KCI등재

        『피그말리온』에 나타난 통제 권력과 여성의 자아 정체성 고찰

        강준수 한국현대영어영문학회 2023 현대영어영문학 Vol.67 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to discuss the connection with Ovid’s myth, differentiation, the way of thinking of patriarchal society, reflection on women’s identity, and the restoration of women’s voices in George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion. Shaw tried to develop the play from a social reforming point of view and specifically described the overall social corruption and pathology. Shaw’s positive thinking about social reform is based on the ‘Life Force’ that can lead an independent life and social reform. Shaw is interested in women’s leading contribution to human evolution and social development without gender distinction in heroic characters with independent egos. In Pygmalion, Shaw presents patriarchal authority, male superiority, and a lack of consideration for others, presenting a negative view of the typical male-centered thinking type. The ‘Pygmalion effect,’ derived from the myth of Ovid, refers to the belief and the positive effect that a wish for a specific goal can come true. In Shaw’s work, the ‘Pygmalion effect’ means the reproduction of a life in which lower-class female characters obey the male character’s way of thinking or values. In other words, the ‘Pygmalion effect,’ which is the concrete representation of the wish derived from the male character’s patriarchal way of thinking, means that it is the manifestation of androcentric thinking. Shaw presents the process of self-reflection, self-awareness, and realization of the independent will of life by lower-class female characters who were the subjects of the ‘Pygmalion effect.’

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