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      • 학업성취와 심리적 및 가정환경적 요인에 관한 연구 - 졸업반 간호대학생의 경우

        강윤희,이은옥,김매자,Kang Yoon Hee,Lee Eun Ok,Kim Mae Ja 대한간호협회 1972 대한간호 Vol.11 No.6

        The Primary Purposes of this study are to identify the non-intellectual factors which are dominant in senior nursing students and which are correlated at a significant level with the grade point averages of professional education. One hundred and forty-se

      • KCI등재후보

        다문화 영화에 나타난 이주민의 표상방식

        강윤희(Kang Yoon Hee) 글로벌교육연구학회 2014 글로벌교육연구 Vol.6 No.2

        영화에는 시대의 유행과 사물과 관계를 바라보는 사회적 관점이 고스란히 담겨있다. 따라서 한국영화 <방가?방가!>에 재현된 이주민의 표상을 기호학적으로 접근하여 현재 한국인들의 이주민에 대한 인식을 분석하고 사회적 의미를 탐색하고자 하였다. 그 결과 이주민들에게 공통적으로 나타나는 지표와 상징은 '가난'과 '사회적 약자'라는 것이었다. 그리고 영화에 등장하는 외국인 근로자들의 국적은 다양했지만 그들의 개인적 성향이나 특징은 나타나지 않았다. 또한 이주민들이 이주민집단의 구성원이라는 사실만이 부각되는 경향을 나타냈다. 이 과정에서 이주민들 각자의 문화가 가지고 있는 이질성과 다양성이 서로 융합하여 내면화 되는 과정인 문화혼종성의 전개 또한 나타나지 않았다. 다음으로 영화에서 보여주고 있는 이주민의 표상이 한국사회에서 갖는 의미를 살펴보고 영화의 재현방식과 사회적 함의 속에 문제는 없는지 탐색해 보았으며 그 결과를 정리하면 다음과 같았다. 첫째, 영화에 인종주의적 편견이 존재했다. 둘째, 위와 같은 문제 상황의 설정으로 영화가 궁극적으로 주장하고자 했던 내용은 바로 다원주의를 기반으로 한 다문화 존중의 태도를 가져야 한다는 것이었다. 셋째, 이 주민은 한국인에게 언어적, 물리적 폭력을 받으면서도 법의 바깥에 있어 제대로 보호 받지 못하는 사회적 약자로 그려졌다. 넷째, 부당한 갈등의 상황을 사회와 제도의 문제가 아닌 개인의 문제, 공장장의 도덕성 문제로 간주하여 사회적 의미를 축소시키는 경향이 있었다. 우리는 의식적이든 무의식적이든 다문화와 이주민에 대한 실제적인 이해를 할 수 있는 안목을 가지고 있는지 성찰하고 이주민 문제에 현실적이고 적극적으로 사고하고자 하는 노력이 필요하다. The purpose of this study is concerned about the relationship between film and reality in order to identify social implications to explore paradigm and ideology in South Korea: post-modernism, pluralism, multiculturalism, globalization. Next, representation of methods and exposures of film characters were analyzed on the basis of Peirce's semiotics. As a result, indicators and symbols which were common to them are 'poor' and 'socially disadvantaged'. Immigrants in the film had various nationalities, but their personal characteristics did not show any tendency. The fact that they are only a part of the migrant group members is emphasized. Each of their culture has heterogeneity and diversity, and they go through the process of infusion. However, that process of infusion is not shown in this film. Finally, this study analyzes the immigrants' representation of the film in Korean Society: focusing on the meaning and thoroughly grasping the problem of representation in the film. The results are summarized as follows. First, the film contains racist prejudice. Second, by setting the situation of problem as described above, the film's ultimate purpose is to emphasize an attitude of respecting multiple cultures based on pluralism. Third, immigrants are drawn as socially disadvantaged and unprotected when they usually experience verbal and physical violence. Fourth, the unjust social situation of conflict is not a problem with the system, instead, it makes the problem regarded as a matter of one person. This narrows the scope of the problem. This study presents that we need to take a long view about what we can do consciously or unconsciously for practical understanding of multi-cultural issues and immigrants.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 한반도 주변해역의 기상부이와 등표에서 관측된 계절별 해상풍과 유의파고 특성

        강윤희 ( Yoon Hee Kang ),석현배 ( Hyun Bae Seuk ),방진희 ( Jin Hee Bang ),김유근 ( Yoo Keun Kim ) 한국환경과학회 2015 한국환경과학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        The seasonal variations of sea surface winds and significant wave heights were investigated using the data observed from the marine meteorological buoys (nine stations) and Automatic Weather Stations (AWSs) in lighthouse (nine stations) around the Korean Peninsula during 2010~2012. In summer, the prevailing sea surface winds over the East/West Sea and the South Sea were northerly/southerly and easterly/westerly winds due to both of southeast monsoon and the shape of Korean Peninsula. On the other hand, the strong northerly winds has been observed at most stations near Korean marginal seas under northwest monsoon in winter. However, the sea surface winds at some stations (e.g. Galmaeyeo, Haesuseo in the West Sea) have different characteristics due to topographic effects such as island or coastal line. The significant wave heights are the highest in winter and the lowest in summer at most stations. In case of some lighthouse AWSs surrounded by islands (e.g. Haesuseo, Seosudo) or close to coast (e.g. Gangan, Jigwido), very low significant wave heights (below 0.5 m) with low correlations between sea surface wind speeds and significant wave heights were observed.

      • KCI등재

        수도권지역 도시화가 국지기상에 미치는 영향 모델링

        강윤희 ( Yoon Hee Kang ),김유근 ( Yoo Keun Kim ),오인보 ( In Bo Oh ),황미경 ( Mi Kyoung Hwang ),송상근 ( Sang Keun Song ) 한국환경과학회 2010 한국환경과학회지 Vol.19 No.12

        The impact of urbanization on local meteorology (e.g., surface temperature, PBL height, wind speed, etc.) in the Greater Seoul Area (GSA) was quantitatively evaluated based on a numerical modeling approach during a 1-month period of 2001 (9 Sep. through 8 Oct. 2001). The analysis was carried out by two sets of simulation scenarios: (1) with the global land use and topographic data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in 1990s (i.e., LU-USGS case) and (2) with the land use data from the Environmental Geographic Information System (EGIS) along with the 3 sec elevation data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) in 2000s (i.e., LU-EGIS case). The extension of urban areas in the GSA (especially, the southern parts of Seoul) accounted for 1.8% in the LU-USGS case and 6.2% in the LU-EGIS case. For the simulations, the surface temperature and PBL height due to urbanization in the LU-EGIS case was higher (the differences of up to 0.1 ℃ and 36 m, respectively) than those in the LU-USGS case, whereas the wind speed (up to 0.3 ms -1 ) in the former was lower than that in the latter at 1500 LST. The increase in surface temperature due to urbanization in the GSA (especially, the southern parts of Seoul) was led to the strong convergence of air masses, causing the early sea breeze and its rapid propagation to inland locations. In addition, the vertical mixing motion in the extended urban areas for the LU-EGIS case was predicted to be stronger than that for the LU-USGS case and vice versa for the original urban areas.

      • KCI등재

        제1차 경제개발 5개년 계획 기간의 소련 공산당 세포조직의 발달

        강윤희(Kang Yoon Hee) 한국슬라브유라시아학회 2002 슬라브학보 Vol.17 No.2

        This paper discusses how the party at the regional level reacted organizationally to the new demands made upon it during the first Five Year Plan period. It aims to show the organizational changes that were reflected in Leningrad's enterprises. It also offers an explanation of the organizational reversal of 1932-1934. During the first FYP, the Soviet society and economy underwent fundamental changes. With the launch of the industrialization drive, the party became more enmeshed in the control and supervision of the rapidly expanding economy: it increased its level of complexity, and introduced organizational changes to meet social, political and economic circumstances. Especially after 1929, party organizations evolved into much more elaborate structures in response to the demands placed upon them. With the rapid expansion of party membership and the party's increasing involvement in the economy came the organizational development of primary party cells in industrial enterprises. As the party sought to reach every workshop and shift in every factory, the primary cells were broken up into smaller units from 1928 onwards. As a result, the primary cells in the enterprise, which were relatively few in the mid-1920s, proliferated during the first FYP and factory party organizations became far larger and more complex organizations. However, new and often experimental party structures in the industrial enterprise proliferated only until 1932, when there, was a major simplification of all aspects of the factory party organizations.

      • KCI등재

        나고르노 카라바흐 분쟁의 평화적 해결 실패: OSCE 민스크 그룹의 중재 노력과 그 한계를 중심으로

        강윤희 ( Kang Yoon Hee ) 서울대학교 러시아연구소 2021 러시아연구 Vol.31 No.1

        나고르노 카라바흐 분쟁은 아르메니아인이 거주하는 나고르노 카라바흐 영토를 두고 아제르바이잔, 아르메니아 간에 발생한 분쟁으로서 남카프카스 지역의 안전을 위협하는 가장 심각한 분쟁이다. 1992-94년에 1차 나고르노카라바흐 전쟁이 발발한 이후 분쟁을 평화적으로 해결하기 위해 OSCE 민스크 그룹 차원의 국제적 중재 노력이 기울여졌다. 그러나 그동안 수많은 분쟁 해결안이 제시되었으나 평화협상은 타결되지 않았고, 결국 2020년 2차 나고르노 카라바흐 전쟁이 발발한 상태이다. 본 논문에서는 1994년 휴전 이후 나고르노 카라바흐 분쟁을 평화적으로 해결하기 위해 OSCE 민스크 그룹 차원의, 그리고 러시아의 단독적인 노력으로 다양한 중재안이 제시되었음에도 불구하고 왜 이러한 외교적 노력이 평화를 가져올 수 없었는지를 살펴본다. 또한 분쟁 당사국이 평화적 분쟁 해결 방안에서 군사적 해결 방안으로 전환하게 되는 동인을 밝히고자 한다. 본 논문에서는 아제르바이잔, 아르메니아 간의 힘의 균형이 2016년을 기점으로 변화하였다고 보고, 이러한 변화가 나고르노 카라바흐 분쟁 해결 과정에 가져온 영향을 분석한다. The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is an ethnic and territorial conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, which seriously threatens the security of the South Caucasus region. The conflict originally occurred in the former Soviet Union and culminated at the first Nagorno Karabakh War in 1992-1994. The conflict became “frozen” after the signing of the truce treaty in 1994, but it eventually led to the second Nagorno Karabakh War in 2020. This paper examines the reasons why the conflict could not be resolved peacefully, despite international mediation efforts by OSCE Minsk Group, in particular by Russia. Assuming that a shift in the political and military balance of power between the conflicting parties took place after the 4-day war in April 2016, this paper analyzes what caused the shift and what its implications were. In conclusion, the study shows that the breakout of the second Nagorno Karabakh War in 2020 was unavoidable due to the fact that Azerbaijan sought to change the status quo through use of military measures.

      • KCI등재

        선물 행위(gift giving)의 역할이 제품 구성에 대한 선호에 미치는 효과: 조절모드를 중심으로

        강윤희 ( Kang Yoon Hee ),김재휘 ( Kim Jae Hwi ) 한국소비자학회 2018 소비자학연구 Vol.29 No.3

        본 연구는 선물을 주고받는 역할에 따라 대상을 평가하는 동기와 그에 따른 제품 구성에 대한 선호가 달라짐을 일련의 실험을 통해 검증하였다. 구체적으로, 실험 1에서는 동일한 비용의 제품에 대하여 선물을 주는 행위자와 받는 대상자의 역할에 따라 달라지는 조절모드의 차이를 확인하고, 선물 행위의 역할이 우세한 단일 효용과 여러 효용을 만족시키는 대안에 어떠한 차별적인 선호를 이끌어 낼 수 있는지 확인하고자 하였다. 연구 결과, 선물을 주는 행위자는 평가지향적 조절모드, 선물을 받는 대상자는 행동지향적 조절모드가 상대적으로 높게 나타났다. 또한 선물행위의 역할에 따라 달라지는 대안의 선호를 살펴본 결과, 행위자는 우세한 단일 효용보다 다양한 효용을 가진 제품에 대한 가치를 높게 판단하고 선호하는 반면, 선물을 받는 대상자는 다양한 효용을 가진 제품 보다는 우세한 단일 효용을 가진 제품의 가치 평가와 선호가 상대적으로 높음을 알 수 있었다. 실험 2는 이를 보다 확장하여, 여러 효용 중, 특정 속성이 강조되어 제시된 대안의 선호 차이를 확인하였다. 연구 결과, 선물을 주는 행위자는 결과적 가치를 강조한 대안을 선호하는 반면, 선물을 받는 대상자는 행동적 용이성이 강조된 대안을 보다 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 결론적으로, 본 연구의 결과는 기본적으로 선물 행위의 역할에 따라 대상을 평가하는 동기가 달라지며, 이에 따라 선물의 제품 구성과 강조되는 속성 정보에 대한 평가가 달라지는 것을 밝혔다. Gift behavior plays an important role not only in maintaining interpersonal relationships but also in managing corporate customer, such as giving gifts or rewards in loyalty programs. This study verifies that the motivation for evaluating alternatives, and the preferences of the product may vary, depending on the role of gift giving. In study 1, we observed differences in regulatory mode and the preference for product type(single dominant utility/multiple utility product) depending on the roles of gift giving for the same cost product. As a result of the study 1, it was confirmed that the person who gives the gift has a higher level of the assessment regulatory mode, and the person who receives the gift has relatively higher the locomotion regulatory mode. In addition, a person who gives a gift has a higher preference for products with various multiple utilities than a predominant single utility. On the other hand, the recipient of the gift showed higher value perception for the dominant single utility. In study 2, among the various utilities, preference differences were identified for alternatives highlighted with specific attributes. As a result, the participants who assumed the role of giving chose the desirable alternatives. On the other hand, participants who assumed the role of receiving chose the alternatives that are easy to act on.

      • KCI등재

        환영받지 못하는 천국의 시민

        강윤희(Yoon Hee Kang) 서울대학교 비교문화연구소 2012 비교문화연구 Vol.18 No.2

        This paper explores how Indonesian undocumented migrants in an East Coast city of the United States experience and express their ``illegality`` due to their unauthorized or not-yet-authorized movement. More specifically, it explores ``illegality`` as a phenomenological mode of ``being-in-the world,`` by focusing on Indonesian migrants` embodied and subjective daily experiences. My analysis of the Indonesian migrants` daily experiences of ``illegality`` reveals how their macro-level legal and social conditions intersect with their individual and micro-level daily lives through their embodied and subjective experiences. Against the backdrop of the dominant discourses in the United States that racially ``other`` and ``criminalize`` undocumented migrant workers, the Indonesian migrants experience their unwelcomed presence in the host country through 1) their racial differences and health concerns, 2) subjective experiences of divided space between ``dangerous`` and ``safe`` places, 3) experiences of timely borders and limits set by the host country. Of particular interest are the roles of religion and religious discourses in mediating between the lived-experience of ``illegality`` and their new identities in the host country. By examining two testimonies narrated by Indonesian Catholics during their charismatic prayer sessions, this paper argues that their lived-experiences of ``illegality`` are discursively constructed through unexpected encounters between "I" and authoritative "others" who embody the authoritative institution of the host country. Yet at the same time their language of religion and faith describes the migrants` fear and anxiety as being overcome by their belief in God and His protection. Therefore, their unwelcomed presence in the new land as unauthorized guest workers is translated into a journey that God plans according to His unknown intentions. In this way, the experience of ``illegality`` reveals the migrants` being "citizens of heaven," a member of an imagined spiritual community. In this process, the very experience of ``illegality`` in turn provides a symbolic resource by which the Indonesian migrants actively construct and make sense of their new life in the host country.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        준거점 의존에 따른 묶음제품의 선호이행: 준거 제시와 할인가격제시방법을 통한 초점화 효과

        강윤희 ( Yoon Hee Kang ),김재휘 ( Jae Hee Kim ) 한국소비자학회 2012 소비자학연구 Vol.23 No.2

        본 연구는 소비자가 묶음제품에 대한 의사결정에 있어, 준거점 의존에 따라 효과적인 할인가격제시방법이 달라짐을 확인하고, 다른 평가 준거가 제시됨에 따라 선호가 이행됨을 밝히고자 한다. 구체적으로 묶음제품에서 주제품 혹은 부제품 중 어떠한 대상이 초점화를 통한 평가준거(판단의 기준점)가 되었는지에 따라 묶음제품 할인제시의 효과 가 다르게 나타날 것이라고 가정하고, 이를 검증하였다. 실험 1에서는 묶음제품의 구성요소 중, 특정 대상에 대한 평가준거의 제시가 할인가격제시조건에 따라 묶음제품 선호에 미치는 영향을 확인해보고자 하였으며, 주제품 준거를 제시한 조건에서는 부제품 할인이, 부제품을 준거를 제시한 조건에서는 주제품 할인이 효과적일 것이라 가정하 였다. 이를 검증하기 위하여, 135명의 참여자를 모집하여 묶음제품의 준거제시(주제품/부제품)와 할인가격제시방법 (주제품 할인/부제품 할인)의 2x2 요인설계를 통해 실험을 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 묶음제품내의 구성품 준거제시 와 할인가격제시방법의 상호작용효과가 나타났다. 구체적으로, 주제품 준거제시 조건에서는 부제품 할인조건이, 부 제품 준거제시 조건에서는 주제품 할인조건에서 더 높은 묶음제품 선호를 보였다. 실험 2에서는 실험 1의 결과를 확장하여, 직접적인 준거제시 뿐만 아니라, 다른 비교대안을 통한 준거제시에 의해서도 동일한 결과가 나타나는지 확인해보았다. 즉, 묶음제품 외의 다른 비교우위 주제품 대안을 준거로 제시하여 준거점에 의한 묶음제품 할인가격 제시방법의 타당성을 확인하고자 하였다. 이를 검증하기 위하여, 123명의 참여자를 대상으로 다른 비교우위 주제품의 준거제시 유무에 따라 묶음제품의 주제품 가치지각과 묶음제품의 구매의도, 그리고 비교우위 주제품의 준거제시 유/무와 할인가격제시방법(주제품 할인/부제품 할인)이 묶음제품 구매의도에 미치는 효과를 확인하였다. 연구 결과, 다른 비교우위 주제품 대안이 있는 조건이 없는 조건에 비하여 주제품의 가치지각과 묶음제품 구매의도가 낮았으며, 비교우위 주제품의 준거제시 유/무와 할인가격제시방법이 묶음제품 구매의도에 미치는 상호작용효과를 확인할 수 있었다. 구체적으로 다른 비교우위 주제품이 제시되는 조건에서는 주제품 할인이 묶음제품의 선호를 높였으며, 단독 으로 평가하는 조건에서는 부제품 할인조건에 대한 선호가 높게 나타났다. This study aims to find out effective ways of presenting discounted price when it comes to bundle product. It assumes that preference of bundle product can be reversed depending on whether the reference point is on the focal product or tie-in product. In study1, the effect of reference point and discounted price presentation was examined. Specifically, it assumes when the focal product is presented as a reference, discounting tie-in product is more effect and when the tie-in product is presented as a reference, focal product discounting is more effective. In order to test this hypothesis, 135 participants were gathered and randomly distributed in the 2(focal product reference/tie-in product reference) X 2(focal product discounting/tie-in product discounting) experimental conditions. The result of study 1 shows significant interaction between the reference point and the presentation of discounted price. It reveals that tie-in product discount is more effective when the reference is on the focal product, while focal product discount is more effective when the reference is on the tie-in product. In study 2, reference point was nor on the focal product or tie-in product of same bundle product rather it was on other superior product which belongs to same category of focal product in presented bundle product. To examine this, 123 participants were gathered and randomly assigned in the 2(reference product given/not given) X 2(focal product/tie-in product discounting) experimental conditions. The results reveals lower perceived product value and purchase intention of the bundle product in the condition where the superior product was present. It also shows significant interaction effect of the reference point and the discounted price presentation. It indicates that focal product discount is preferred when other superior product is presented while tie-in product discount is preferred when there is no superior product given as a reference. In current study, it provides the evidence for preference reversal due to how the price of bundle product is presented and it examined this by allowing participants to actually engage in evaluation of bundle product. While past research has focused mainly on independent evaluation of a single bundle product evaluation, or its dynamics when the value of one of the tie-in/focal was fixed, this study further investigates how people evaluate, whether depending on the focal or tie-in product, can also be important aspect. This study provides implication in various related fields. First, it contributes to the field of bundle product studies that people facing the decision making get influenced by what is presented as a reference point and by this presented reference point, it reveals that they tend to avoid potential loss. It suggests that, the consideration of reference point and evaluation context in further studies regarding the effective way of presenting the price of bundle product. Indeed, this result is in line with many research that in the context of decision making, how people put their reference point is crucial factor. Lastly, this study also provides practical implication to marketers by suggesting effective way of presenting the bundling product in both condition where the reference is in the focal or tie-in product. Also, further study might also consider consumer`s own brand recognition and brand hierarchy with regards to price-presentation of bundle product as study 2 shows that people engage in different evaluation context depending on their own brand recognition and brand hierarchy.

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