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        대학국어 읽기자료의 국어교재화 방안과 학습전략

        강연임(Yeon-im Gang),최혜진(Hye-jin Choi),신지연(Ji-yeon Shin) 어문연구학회 2012 어문연구 Vol.71 No.-

        본 논문에서는 말하기와 쓰기를 뒷받침해 주는 읽기의 교재화 방안에 대한 접근방법을 고찰해 보았다. 기존 국어교재의 실태를 살펴보고, 읽기 자료를 중심으로 교재를 구성하는 방안을 제시하였다. 이렇게 구축된 교재의 활용방안과 학습전략을 소개하고, 나아가 국어교육에의 효과까지 제시하고자 하였다. 그리하여 국어교육에서 읽기의 중요성을 재인식하고 읽기가 말하기와 쓰기로 연계되는 초석이 될 수 있음을 강조하였다. 읽기 자료의 구성방법은 다음과 같다. 단순한 사건 전달형 기사를 1차 자료로 제시함으로써 학습자가 객관적 자료로 삼도록 하고, 2차 자료로는 앞선 기사에서 제시한 사건이나 사실에 대해 주장을 펼친 기사(칼럼 등)를 제공한다. 학습자는 l차 자료에서 객관적 정보를 제공받고, 2차 자료에서 상반된 주장의 글을 읽음으로써, 최종적으로 자신의 견해를 정하도록 한다. 3차 자료에서는 1, 2차 자료에서 언급한 내용이나 주장을 뒷받침하는 문학적인 글이나 다른 장르의 글을 제시한다. 이는 같은 주장을 다른 장르의 자료에서는 어떻게 수용하고 있는지 비교 • 검토함으로써 학습자가 객관적 판단력과 논리적 사고력을 함께 키울 수 있도록 하기 위해서이다. 학습자의 인지구조 속에 자리한 인지정보를 바탕으로 읽기 교재에서 제공되는 다차원적 정보가 결합되면 보다 폭넓은 인지구조를 구축하게 되고, 이것이 궁극적으로는 통합적인 결론을 유도하게 된다. 이러한 단계의 읽기 교재를 활용했을 때 얻을 수 있는 국어교육적 효과로는 먼저 다양한 종류의 글을 읽게 된다는 점이다. 둘째로는 단계별로 읽기 자료를 활용함으로써 사고력이 증진된다고 할 수 있다. 셋째로는 시사적인 신문기사를 활용함으로써 현실 문제를 깊이 인지할 수 있다. 마지막으로 상반된 정보를 자신의 관점에 맞게 해석 • 평가는 감식안을 기를 수 있다. This thesis is studied about teaching materialization way of leading text support speaking and writing. For this, it is examined about existing Korean text, and then the method of making text is discussed. An utilization of making text and learning strategies, for the more its effect is considered. By doing this, in korean education the new understanding of an importance of reading and it could be the foundation of reading after speaking, and after writing, The main contents is summarized as follows. First, it is considered existing korean text. Erstwhile korean text is the center of writing, so korean text cannot be a useful for reading or speaking education. In spite of containing of reading text, it is worn-out or for the writing theory usually. To overcome this, reading has a leg up on writing or speaking. In other words, writing or speaking of creativity and productivity is needed to reading for learning content. Second, this thesis’s reading text is consisted of four stages. first, the fact articles give an objective truth. Second, opinion articles about same thing give an subjective opinion. Third, about same thesis literature, photograph or picture give an emotional feeling. Finally for this thesis another reference is suggested. And this consist is correspond to learner-centered teaching methods. Third. containing information could be united of existing recognition information. And then this could be a logical and rational conclusion. For this process is summarized with this. 〈그림 삽입〉 Fourth, its expected effectiveness is as in the following. first, various kinds of writing is read. An integrated reading text could have given thinking extension to learner. Second, as using a phased reading text, so thinking ability is advanced. Third, as using a suggestive critical essay, so a practical problems could be recognized deeply. It means that an intelligence and refinement as a lively person could have combined. Fourth, a discerning eye that interpretation and evaluation of directly-opposed ideas could have developed.

      • KCI등재

        공익광고의 텍스트 구조와 특성

        강연임(Gang Yeon-im) 우리말글학회 2007 우리말 글 Vol.39 No.-

        This thesis is studied about the character of public advertisement text and its meaning. First the structure of public advertisement text is divided into the form and content, and in its basis is studied about its character and pragmatic meaning. The main contents is summarized as follows. The form of public advertisement text is constituted a title, body, slogan, and advertiser orderly, and as changed each step properly as it is strengthened the effect of advertisement. In its content structure, first question institution that ventilated conveyance information is presented, and a state of affairs explanation that is made concrete question institution is arranged. Then solution is presented and emphasized theme finally. So public advertisement text is put in order ‘question institution→situation explanation→solution presentation→theme emphasis’, and with its necessary its order is changed. The public advertisement text has a character that emboss theme in terms of structure. First, for the aim of emboss theme, the whole structure could be concentrated theme. So after institute problem, it is indicated serious problem and solution. And it is emphasized theme the last. The advertisement effect would be made higher with a tightness of text. So connecting and contrast structure of each sentence could be emphasize a cohesion, coherence. The public advertisement text has a beautiful expression, and is emphasized advertisement effect. First, for the making soft of title, it is used metaphor expression frequently. And as a conclusion ending word is a declarative sentence or a question sentence, so it is taken care of pressure feeling. The pragmatic meaning of a public advertisement text has a tightening relation with speaker and reader. A public advertisement text is uttered clearly before reader's action, and a theme relation of action could be inferred by reader. Therefore many information could be communicated with speaker and reader, and reader feels that speaker respects a reader so he would be act in the direction of theme.

      • KCI등재

        『명성황후 편지글』의 텍스트 구조와 특징

        강연임(Gang Youn im) 어문연구학회 2016 어문연구 Vol.89 No.-

        이논문은19세기말여성지도자로널리알려진명성황후의한글편지를대상으로텍스트 구조와 특징을 살피는 데 목적이 있다. 19세기 한글편지인 『명성황후 편지글』은 모두 134편이 전해지는데, 이들은 일관되게 ‘인사→날씨→사연’의 통일된 형식구조를 보이며, 편지의 사연도 가족의 건강 염려와 정치 현안 논의로 유형화되었다. 당시 궁중 여인의 한글편지와 비교할 때, 매우 짧은 분량과 지극히 간결한 표현 등이 독특성을 보인다. 『명성황후 편지글』은일관되게 받은 편지에대한답장이라서짝 텍스트구조를보인다. 모든편지의 시작이 같은 문구로나타나는 것도그러한 이유 때문이다. 또한수신자와 발신자가 공유하는 배경정보에 의존하여 답신을 전달하다 보니 생략과 대용에 의한 표현이 많다. 그래서화자의감정이나생각을구구절절이묘사하는신변잡기적인편지글의보편성에서 많이 벗어나 있다. 사건이나 사안에 대해 간단하게 요약․제시한 것에 초점을 두고 있다. 또한 명성황후의 편지는 대부분의 어휘사용이 한자어에 국한된다. 한글로 표기했을지라도 문법적인 어휘를 제외하고는 대다수가 한자어를 바탕으로 하고 있다. 그리고 특정의미장의 어휘를 한정적으로 사용하기도 한다. 몇몇 한정된 어휘만을 빈번하게 발화하여, 이들 어휘의 의미를 바탕으로 명성황후의 심적 상태 및 내면세계를 짐작할 수도 있다. The purpose of this paper is to suggest a text structure and characteristic of Myeongseonghwanghu’s Letters. Through this text, humane image of Myeongseonghwanghu who was known as a woman leader and her inner world are found out. And it can show the characteristics of how Korean was used at that time. For this purpose, I examined the main structure of Myeongseonghwanghu’s Letters and its main subject. And I considered her letter’s characteristics such as text form, writing style, often used words and her main emotion ect. To sum up the discussion as follows. First, Myeongseonghwanghu’s Letters have an unified structure that is ‘greeting →weather → story’. Depending on story’s characteristic, this structure is transformed ‘greeting → weather’, ‘greeting → story’, or ‘story’. The subject of Myeongseonghwanghu’s Letters is family’s health and political issue. And letter’s quantity is so brief. Second, the characteristics of Myeongseonghwanghu’s Letters are considered. Myeongseonghwanghu’s Letters are a pair text that she wrote after she got a letter from her nephew. So its structure is so simple and simple expressions are appeared often. Myeongseonghwanghu’s Letters are showed brief expression. Though a letter has the random characteristics, but her letter doesn’t show that characteristic. Her letters are very simple, so that made a summarized presentation. Therefore her letters are like a memo or reports. Myeongseonghwanghu’s Letters show many chinese character nouns. The name of a disease and weather word are almost chinese characters. Just a postposition and ending of a word are korean. Her feeling was very gloomy and negative in letters. She used words about bad weather and sickness very often. With this, it can figure out that she was to be in a difficult situation and her emotion was very bad.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        체험 중심 말하기 수업의 구축 방안과 기대 효과

        강연임 ( Yeon Im Gang ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2015 인문학연구 Vol.54 No.4

        본 연구는 대학에서 말하기 교육의 필요성에 대한 인식을 바탕으로, 체험 중심 말하기 수업의 구축방안과 교육적 효과를 모색한 것이다. 이를 위해 체험 중심 수업의 이론적 배경을 살피고, 말하기 능력 신장을 위해 이론과 체험을 병행하는 수업모델을 구안하였다. 즉 말하기 이론 학습, 말하기 체험 학습, 체험에 대한 피드백으로 수업을 구성하여 학생들이 말하기 능력을 종합적으로 키울 수 있도록 했다. 이론을 바탕으로 구축한 말하기 수업 모델은 ‘말하기 준비단계→말하기 체험단계→말하기 발전단계’이다. 말하기 준비단계는 말하기 체험활동을 위한 사전 과정으로 말하기 체험과 관련된 이론수업을 진행한다. 말하기 활동단계는 체험을 중심으로 말하기가 진행되는 과정으로 구체적인 말하기 교육이 이루어진다. 말하기 발전단계는 이론과 체험활동의 결과에 대한 피드백 제공과 종합적인 정리 과정으로 수업내용을 총괄하게 된다. 이러한 체험 중심 말하기 수업의 효과는 첫째, 배경정보 활성화에 따른 사고력 확장, 능동적 학습 태도의 함양을 들 수 있다. 둘째, 듣기능력을 바탕으로 한 의사표현력 함양이 가능하다. 셋째, 통합적 활동에 의한 주제 파악 능력이 향상될 수 있다. 넷째, 화자와 청자의 상호작용을 바탕으로 원만한 대인관계 능력을 함양할 수 있다. This thesis studied about construction of speech class model and finding its effect to educate speech effectively. Speech is very important ability in these times. Especially university students are in need of that ability. So university should do speech education, and for this they must make speech class. This thesis makes an offer of speech class model to improve university student’s speech ability. It may be summarized as follows. 1. With a recognition of speech ability’s need, every university manages various speech lectures. ‘Speech’ lecture is classified with required courses, optional courses, and free courses. And its form is made up with theory center, practice center, and running parallel with theory and practice. 2. This thesis is made up of construction of speech class model. By setting Lewin’s dynamic theory in standard, it is made to start from ‘speech theory studying’, go through ‘primary speech→ secondary speech’ and finish at ‘self regulated control by experience(self-examination)’. 3. At the ‘Speech warm-up’, mitigating speech anxiety disorder by small talk and proceeding theory class about speech activity is the main point. Also this stage makes students recognize the linguistic and nonverbal elements carried by speech. 4. ‘Speech experience activity’ is a stage to prepare script for speech. Speech activity is progressed by prepared script, and feedback about that activity is provided. Feedback is departmentalized as total feedback and individual feedback, and the student proceed the speech experience activity again on the basis of the proposed feedback. 5. ‘Speech development activity’ is analyzing about one’s speech activity through speech experience activity and given feedback, and organizing and supplementing about merits and demerits of one’s speech ability. 6. The effect of speech activity class is summarized as follows. First, it can develop student’s active study attitude. Second, it can develop mind expressiveness based on listening ability. Third, it can improve understanding subject ability in combination activity. Fourth, it can improve amicable personal relations based on speaker and listener’s interaction.

      • KCI등재

        『독립신문』소재 『애국가』 의 텍스트 언어학적 특징

        강연임(Yeon-im, Gang) 어문연구학회 2012 어문연구 Vol.73 No.-

        본 논문은 개화기 독립신문에 게재된 12편의「<span style="font-family:'새굴림';"></span>국가」에 나타난 텍스트성과 텍스트 구조를 분석한 후「<span style="font-family:'새굴림';"></span>국가」의 텍스트언어학적 특징을 살펴보는 데 주목적이 있다. 독립신문에 게재된「<span style="font-family:'새굴림';"></span>국가」는 독자 투고로 이루어졌지만, 일정한 형식적 통일성을 유지하고 있다. 이는 먼저 발표된 텍스트의 형식적•의미적 특징을 뒤에 발표되는 텍스트에 적용한 것이라 하겠거니와 한편으로는 편집과정에서 교정의 손길이 닿은 것일 수도 있다. 어느 쪽이 되었든 독립신문의「<span style="font-family:'새굴림';"></span>국가」는 형식적•의미적 통일성을 획득하였는데, 이는 당시에 「<span style="font-family:'새굴림';"></span>국가」가 하나의 텍스트 유형으로 형성되어 있었음을 의미하는 바라 하겠다. 독립신문 소재의「<span style="font-family:'새굴림';"></span>국가」들은 동일어휘의 반복이나, 단일한 종결어미의 사용, 그리고 후렴구의 반복 배치 등으로 형식적 응결성을 확보하였으며,‘애국하자’를 표방하는 어휘의 지속적 발화로 ‘자주독립의 염원’이라는 주제로의 의미적 응집성도 확보되어 있다. 또한 독립신문 소재「<span style="font-family:'새굴림';"></span>국가」의 텍스트는 거시구조로 ‘애국하자’는 주제를 표방하면서, 미시구조는 ‘자주독립’과 ‘임금에의 충성’이라는 두 계층으로 구성된다. 따라서 ‘애국→자주독립(상황설정)+임금에게 충성(호소)’의 구성적 특징을 보인다. 이러한 텍스트성과 텍스트 구조를 바탕으로 한「<span style="font-family:'새굴림';"></span>국가」의 텍스트언어학적 특징으로는 첫째, 애국의식을 고취하기 위한 상투어의 빈번한 발화를 들 수 있다. 당시의 시대상황을 미루어 짐작할 수 있는 상투적 표현을 계속 발화함으로써 주제전달을 강화한 것이다. 둘째, 전통가사에 나타나는 4.4조의 반복구조를 차용함으로써 청자에게 친숙함을 표방하였다. 그리하여 청자가「<span style="font-family:'새굴림';"></span>국가」텍스트를 자연스럽게 수용하게 된다. 셋째, 청유형 어미를 반복 발화함으로써 청자, 혹은 독자에게 독립의지를 촉구하였다. ‘-하자’라는 청유형 어미를 반복 사용하면서 독립을 위한 행동에 동참할 것을 촉구한다. 넷째, 텍스트 말미에 공통의 후렴구 ‘만세∼ 만세∼’를 삽입함으로써 텍스트의 통일성을 획득하였다. 이러한 텍스트 언어학적 특징은 앞서 살펴본 텍스트성과 텍스트 구조와 맞물려 실현된 것이다. 이러한 요소가「<span style="font-family:'새굴림';"></span>국가」류의 텍스트 유형을 고착시키는 데 일조한 것으로 볼 수 있다. This thesis is studied about textuality, text structure and its characteristic of Aegukgain Dongnipsinmun. These Aegukgathat have a Limitation to go out special newspaper have an only specific subject. And the expression method is too much alike among Aegukga in Dongnipsinmun. So if it is considered of textlinguitstic characteristic of these text, it is understood its characteristic and genre. Aegukgais claimed to stand for its purpose visibly, so the textuality or text structure is quite clear. In addition to research about another newspaper’s Aegukga, finally the general and total discussion of Aegukga would be presented. The main contents is summarized as follows. First, Aegukga in Dongnipsinmun has a formal coherence that repetition of same words, using simple close ending words, and repeated arrangement of chorus. And with repeated utterance of the word “patriotism”, semantic cohesion that macroscopic subject ‘wish for independence’ has been formed. So Aegukgain Dongnipsinmunis the text that has a coherence and cohesion clearly. Second, the text structure of Aegukga in Dongnipsinmun has a structure for the subject ‘let’s be patriotism’, and its subordinate subject is ‘independence’ and ‘loyalty to the king’. Concretely independence situation is supposed, and it is asked for the listener to act like this. At once, it is made up of ‘patriotism→independence→loyalty to the king’. Third, the textlinguistic characteristic of Aegukga in Dongnipsinmunis like these. First for a instillation patriotism conventional phrases is uttered frequently. The conventional phrases that reflect that times & situation is uttered consistently, so the subject delivery is forced. Second, as borrowing the traditional Gasa’s rule, 4.4 rhythm repetition structure, familiarity is revealed to listener. Third, repetition of the suggest ending is giving press to do listener for independence. Fourth, in a later half of the text common chorus ‘manse, manse’ is inserted, and by this a text unity is acquired. These textlinguistic characteristic is matched up textuality and text structure, so text genre of Aegukgais performed.

      • KCI등재

        언택트 경연프로그램의 소통구조와 자막의 기능 - TV조선 <내일은 미스트롯2>를 중심으로 -

        강연임 ( Gang Yeon-im ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2022 인문학연구 Vol.61 No.1

        이 논문은 TV조선 ‘내일은 미스트롯2’를 중심으로 언택트 경연프로그램에 나타나는 자막의 양상과 기능을 살핀 것이다. 이 프로그램에서는 자막을 활용하여 다양한 소통을 모색하고 있다. 일시적인 현상일지라도 소통의 새로운 분야를 개척한 것으로 평가할 수 있다. 논의한 내용을 단계별로 제시하면 다음과 같다. 언택트 경연프로그램의 자막은 다양한 소통구조를 확보하고 있다. 이 프로그램의 자막은 출연자의 발화 자막, 제작진의 해석 자막, 언택트 관객의 호응 자막으로 나눌 수 있다. 출연자의 발화 자막은 음성언어로 시청자들에게 이미 전달되었기에 상대적으로 중요성이 덜할 수 있다. 하지만 제작진의 해석 자막과 언택트 관객의 호응 자막은 새로운 정보를 담은 또 다른 소통구조라 할 수 있다. 시청자는 이러한 자막을 통해 프로그램의 진행과정이나 출연자의 성격, 방청객의 의견 등을 종합적으로 수용할 수 있다. 언택트 경연프로그램 자막은 다양한 기능을 수행하고 있다. 프로그램에서는 언택트 관객이 자신들의 생각을 호응 자막을 통해 적극적으로 개진한다. 언택트 관객의 호응 자막에 제작진이 가세하여 대화하듯이 해석 자막을 더하여 쌍방 소통을 이루기도 한다. 더욱이 제작진의 해석 자막은 등장인물을 스토리텔링하여 자막으로 제시함으로써 프로그램의 양적, 질적 풍요로움을 가져오기도 한다. 자막으로 서브 콘텐트를 형성하여 추가 정보를 제공한 것이다. TV프로그램의 맹점으로 지적되었던 소통의 문제를 언택트 경연프로그램의 자막이 어느 정도 해소한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 언택트 경연프로그램 자막의 특징은 다음과 같다. 먼저 언택트 관객이 호응 자막으로 프로그램에 참여함으로써 쌍방 소통이 가능하도록 했다. 이것은 자막이 정보 소통의 새로운 기재로 내재된 것이다. 다음으로 제작진의 해석 자막으로 서브 콘텐츠를 생성하기도 한다. 노래 경연의 경우 빈약한 콘텐츠는 물론 프로그램의 맥락 확보가 어려울 수 있다. 이러한 점을 보완하고자 제작진이 해석 자막으로 서브 콘텐츠를 구축하여 제시한다. 마지막으로 정보 확장을 위한 장치이기도 하다. 언택트 관객이 등장하여 자신의 의견을 피켓으로 개진하고 여기에 제작진의 해석 자막을 곳곳에 배치함으로써, 자막이 정보의 이해와 확산을 위한 커넥터 역할을 담당한다. 자막이 더 많은 정보를 생산·제공하는 장치인 셈이다. In this article, the features and characteristics of subtitles appearing in the untact contest program was studied, focusing on TV Chosun's 'Tomorrow is Mistrot 2'. In the untact contest program, subtitles became an important device for information transfer. So, viewers can enjoy the program while reading the subtitles presented on the screen. The above can be summarized as follows. First, the subtitles of the untact contest program can be divided into the utterance subtitles of the performers, the response subtitles of the untact audience, and the interpretation subtitles of the production team. The utterance subtitles of the performers present the utterances of the performers, moderators, and judges who participate in the contest. The untact audience response subtitles are the thoughts and feelings of the performers as pickets, Last, the production team's interpretation subtitles are the characters of the performers and the topic of the program. If we focus on the information nature of subtitles, we can see that subtitles based on the response of the untact audience and subtitles based on the interpretation of the production team are the core of the communication structure. Second, the function of subtitles for the untact contest program was considered. First, the communication function in the program was strengthened by adding an untact audience. The untact audience proved that viewers can communicate while intervening in the program by actively expressing their thoughts through the responsive subtitles. Moreover, the production team responds with interpretation subtitles, showing a two-way communication function. Next, the interpretation subtitles of the production team develop various episodes related to the characters and present them as subtitles. By storytelling the characters and presenting them with subtitles, the quantitative and qualitative richness of the program was sought. Third, the characteristics of subtitles for the untact contest program were reviewed. First, by allowing untact audiences to participate in the program with a picket message, two-way communication is possible. Next, the subtitles of the untact contest program have the characteristics of sub content. Additional information related to the singing contest was built as sub content to make it a reading-oriented text.

      • KCI등재

        오락프로그램 자막언어의 특징과 문제점 - 〈효리네민박〉을 중심으로 -

        강연임(Gang Yeon im) 한국언어문학회 2018 한국언어문학 Vol.104 No.-

        The aspect of transition and problem about caption language has been examined with entertainment program 〈Hyo-rine minbak〉 as the center. In advance, the research tendency of entertainment programs’ caption language and recent progress of caption language were examined. Based on this, the problems of nowadays caption language were stated. To summarize the discussions until now as a conclusion is as in the following. Firstly, the research tendency and change of entertainment programs’ caption language is studied. The early captions were focused on objective and definite information delivery. So the research until now has been also focused on the caption language’s type, function, and positive and negative influences. The problem is nowadays caption language is quite different from the previous one. That’s because the production crews putting intended information as the caption is increasing. Especially as observation entertainment program increased, the caption language with production crews intention considering interest and connection is also rapidly increasing. The problems about this should be examined objectively. Secondly, the functional change aspect of caption language from 〈Hyo-rine minbak〉, which is a entertainment program was examined. 〈Hyo-rine minbak〉 is a typical observation entertainment program. However, the production crew presenting planned caption language is increasing at the observation entertainment program including the program above. 〈Hyo-rine minbak〉 is presenting caption language including story. This premises narrative arc from narrative text. Also by providing the caption beforehand, the interpretation of the following image or the characters’ action is attracted. So the substance the viewer should appreciate is suggested beforehand. On the one hand, when the character does not speak or only the landscape is described, the caption language explains about that situation in detail. This shows the reading text’s feature, since it’s similar to reading a written language. Thirdly, the problems of recent caption language was examined with 〈Hyo-rine minbak〉 as the center. First of all, due to caption language, it is difficult to concentrate on the screen or the characters’ action. This deviated from the television’s endemic function which is to offer visual image for the viewer to interpret freely. On the one hand, the information is arbitrarily interpreted. The information interpreted arbitrarily by the production crew while watching the visual image and the characters is presented in the shape of caption language. If things come to this stage, the viewers accept the information the caption language provides preferentially, reducing the scope of one’s thought. This brings to the problem that product crew unify the information which should be interpreted in a more various way. To overcome problems like above, image media need to realize the product crews’ provision of information and viewers’ interpretation is the main point. The product crews should offer objective situation rather than providing processed information, and let the viewers accept and appreciate freely. Only then the captions wⅢ be minimized and the entertainment program wⅢ become the open space of information.

      • 『重修政和經史證類備用本草』에 나타난 鄕藥本草에 대한 고찰

        姜延錫(Gang YeonSeok),安相佑(An SangU) 한국의사학회 2004 한국의사학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        In 1189’s ZhongXiuZhengHuoJingShiZhengLeiBeiYongBenCao(重修政和經史證類備用本草), we took a look at the medicinal herbs that mentioned JoSeon(朝鮮), GoRyeo(高麗), BaekJe(百濟), SinRa(新羅), DongIn(東人), DongHae(東海), YoDong(遼東), and BalHae(渤海). In the face of Korea’s Oriental medicine’s reality of having medical texts only after the 2nd half of the GoRyeo(高麗) Dynasty, this study will provide the basis of finding the origin of Indigenous Herbal Medical Science that was founded in the late-GoRyeo(高麗), early-JoSeon(朝鮮) period.

      • KCI등재

        부조리극에 나타난 텍스트 구조와 텍스트성에 대하여-이근삼의 <원고지>를 중심으로

        강연임(Gang Yeonim) 한국언어문학회 2008 한국언어문학 Vol.67 No.-

        The text Manuscript paper of Lee Geun-Sam is theater of the absurd that is used unreal language expression. But these ironical expression is given strong impression to a reader. In this thesis, it is studied about text structure of Manuscript paper, and is studied about textuality and text linguistic characteristic. This can be summarized as follows. First, in Manuscript paper there are four characters, and treated an everyday experience. That is substituted for narrative structure of van Dijk, it is presented an identity of life and a self-examination of life as a moral. And in the story, the desire that a hero of losing hope wants to get out trap of life is supposed to evaluation. In the plot, there are nine episodes. In every episodes, through four characters's speaking and action, it is criticized ironically a problem of losing identification and repetition of everyday experience. Second, a cohesion of Manuscript paper is studied through recurrence, parallelism, paraphrase, pro-forms, ellipsis. As this text is used to these factors, it is gained compactness of syntax structure, unification of syntax. And it is helped for readers to understand the story. Besides this text is important to the problem of moderners through the title, background and characters description. And in this, for every factors is intensive to main theme, it is strength to coherence. Third, it is studied about text linguistic characteristic. This text is theater of the absurd, there are many characteristics. First, this text is structured of duality opposition structure. So writer's criticism looks better anything else. And by text producter's evaluative utterance, readers could understand writer's intention. A symbol by ironical utterance gave strong impression to reader. Lastly, as a situation is repeated indirectly, so it could be revealed a problem of losing identification for moderners.

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