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        韓國人學習者の日本語自然音聲に現れた ピッチパタ一ンの傾向

        酒井真弓(さかい まゆみ) ( Sakai Mayumi ) 한국일어교육학회 2018 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.43

        本稿は韓國人上級學習者の自然發話におけるピッチパタ一ンの傾向について、上昇と下降の有無に注目して調査するとともに、學習者のピッチパタ一ンの實現に影響を及ぼすと考えられる要因について檢證した。 調査の結果、正しい日本語のアクセントで發音されていた語は86語、正答率は25.1%で、初·中級學習者を對象とした單語讀み上げによる前回調査の47%よりずっと低くなっていたことから、上級學習者でも自然發話では正しいアクセントができていないことが明らかになった。學習者のピッチパタ一ンの傾向としては、第1モ一ラと第2モ一ラの高さが同じである語が全體の46.0%と非常に多かった。 モ一ラ數別に見ると、2モ一ラ語では下降しないピッチで發音する傾向があり、3モ一ラ語と4モ一ラ語では第1音と第2音が同じ高さか上昇があり、そのあと下降するピッチパタ一ンで發音する傾向が見られた。4モ一ラ語ではさらに語末に向かって下降する傾向が强く、0型の正答率が低くなり、5モ一ラ以上では中高型のアクセントになりやすいことがわかった。 學習者のピッチパタ一ンは語頭音の有聲性に强く影響され、無聲音の場合は第1モ一ラまたは第1モ一ラと第2モ一ラが同じ高さで高く、有聲音の場合は第1モ一ラが低く發音される傾向が見られた。特殊モ一ラを含む重音節に核が來やすいという先行硏究に關しては、今回の調査で重音節による影響は見られず、重音節を含む語でも、語頭音の有聲性の影響のほうが强く動いていた。また重音節內では高さが變化しない傾向があり、重音節の78.0%で高さの變化が見られず、語頭に重音節が來る場合、68.5%が第1モ一ラと第2モ一ラの高さが變わらないピッチパタ一ンとなっていた。 This study explains the characteristics that patterns learners pronounce words with pitch patterns in spontaneous speech by focusing on effectiveness of rise and fall. The survey result shows that the percentage of correct answers was low with 25.1% and learners of advanced courses could not learn accents. As for learners' pitch pattern trends, there are many cases (46%) in which the height of the 1st sound is the same with that of the 2nd sound. There is no pitch pattern like this in Japanese in that height of the 1st sound is different from that of the 2nd sound in the characteristics of Japanese accents. As for the number of mora, mora 2 tends to be pronounced with the pitch that does not fall. As for mora 3 and mora 4, the tendency of the pitch patterns that fall after making the 1st and 2nd sounds high and rise was observed. Furthermore, mora 4 could be found that middle and high(中高型) accents that fall can easily be created in words with numerous mora as the percentage of correct answers of 0 type without fall gets low, As for learners' pitch patterns that were greatly influenced by the voiced characteristics (有聲性) of initial sound (語頭音), voiceless sounds of initial sound have found that the 1st sound or the 1st and 2nd sounds tend to be pronounced to be high. And voiced sounds of anlaut have found that the 1st sound tends to be pronounced to be low. The precedent studies that the core can easily come to heavy syllables including special mora have found that effects by heavy syllables were not observed through this survey and words including them are greatly influenced by voiced characteristics of initial sound. Change of height does not tend to be shown in heavy syllables. And change of height was not shown as 78.0% of heavy syllables included in postpositional words. Even though there are heavy syllables in the beginning of words, 68.5% of the pitch patterns has found that height of the 1st and 2nd sounds is not changed.

      • KCI등재


        酒井真弓 한국일본학회 2018 日本學報 Vol.0 No.114

        This paper aimed at identifying features of intonation in declarative sentences showing itself in natural utterances of Korean learners of Japanese examined the boundary tones and the down-step, the pitch range, and compared the results with those of the Japanese native speakers. In addition, a survey was also conducted on features as an interlanguage as well by dividing Korean learners of Japanese into the non experience and the experience of staying in Japan. Findings of the survey reveal that L% was predominant in the case of a bordary tones. And that a substantial number of LHL% and no or little rising and falling intonation. And an intonation that prolonged just plainly were observed, Besides, a few H% and HLH% occurred. Such phenomena seem to result from the language transfer. In addition, the duration at the phrase end was very long. While a down-step showed itself, but it didn't regurarly occur and also the pitch range was small. Moreover, while, in the case of the learners who ever stayed in Japan, HL% occurred frequently, LHL% was found to be much fewer. Also the scope of intonation phrase, namely, the intonation has grown prominent in a measure comparable to the Japanese native speakers. These could be regarded as a feature as an interlanguage.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        李敬淑,酒井真弓 한국일본학회 2015 日本學報 Vol.103 No.-

        본 연구는 한국인 일본어학습자 17명에게 46개의 일본어 단어를 읽게 하여 발음의 피치패턴을 음향 분석하여 그 특징을 밝힌 것이다. 또한, 본 연구는 한국인 학습자의 피치패턴을 있는 그대로 기술하기 위해 기존의 선행연구들과는 달리 일본어 악센트형이라는 이론적 틀에서 벗어나 피치의 상승/하강이 있는 지 여부와 피치의 고저 변화폭에 주목하여 한국인 학습자의 일본어 피치패턴을 새롭게 분석하여 정리하고자 하였다. 실험결과 어두의 첫 번째 모라와 두 번째 모라의 높이가 같은 즉 어두 부분에서 피치 상승이 없는 예가 315개로 전체 조사어의 40%를 차지하였으며, 어두 상승이 있어도 피치 상승폭이 적은 예까지 합치면 532개로 전체 조사어의 69%를 차지한다. 또한, 어말 부분을 향해 점점 피치가 하강하는 하강형의 피치패턴도 596개로 전체 76%를 차지함을 알 수 있었다. 즉, 한국인 학습자의 일본어 피치패턴의 가장 큰 특징으로 어두 상승이 거의 없는 형태로 어말을 향해 피치가 하강하는 형태라고 할 수 있다. 한국인 일본어학습자 발화에는 [평판형, 두고형, 중고형, 미고형]이라는 일본어 악센트형과는 다른 모습의 11종류의 피치패턴을 관찰할 수 있어으며 11종류의 피치패턴은 크게 [편탄형, 하강형, 산봉우리형]의 3가지 패턴으로 분류할 수 있었다. 또한, 피치의 고저 변화폭이 일본인보다 적었으며 어두 자음이 유성음일 경우에는 [LH], 무성음일 경우에는 [HL]로 발음하는 경향도 확인할 수 있었다. The purpose of this study is to explain the characteristics of the pitch pattern of Korean learners of Japanese by investigating the acoustic fundamental frequency (F0) of Korean speakers’ Japanese speech. This study used 46 Japanese words and participants comprised 17 Korean learners of Japanese in their 20s, all of whom had a Seoul dialect. To reconsider the pitch patterns of these Korean learners, we investigated the presence of rising or falling pitch and the pitch range width, as opposed to the Japanese accent pattern, which is “Hebangata, Atamadakagata, Nakadakagata, Odakagata.” The results of the production experiment indicated that Korean Japanese learners tend to pronounce words without using a rising pitch at the beginning of and a falling pitch at the end of a word. The percentage of words pronounced without a rising pitch pattern at the beginning of a word in the production experiment was 40% (315 words/tokens), whereas those pronounced by starting with a rising pitch was 29%, and, taken together with the former, 69% (532 words). In addition, the percentage of words pronounced with a falling pitch pattern toward the end of a word in the production experiment was 76% (596 words/tokens). In total, 11 types of pitch patterns were identified in the production of Korean learners of Japanese. These pitch patterns were roughly divided into three pitch groups, that is, Flat Pattern, Falling Pattern, and Yama (rising-falling) Pattern. It was also found that Korean learners’ F0 pitch range is narrower than that of Japanese native speakers. If a voiced consonant occurs at the beginning of a word, Korean Japanese learners tend to pronounce the “LH” pitch pattern, whereas if a voiceless consonant occurs at this position, they tend to pronounce a “HL” pitch pattern. Pronunciation of the beginning of a word initial thus affects the pitch pattern.

      • KCI등재


        李敬淑,酒井真弓 단국대학교 일본연구소 2013 일본학연구 Vol.38 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 한국어 모어화자의 일본어 악센트 습득과정을 발음과 지각의 양 측면에서 종단적으로 관찰 분석하여 그 습득과정에서 나타나는 특징을 밝히는 것이다. 종단 연구에서는 조사기간 동안 어떠한 교육이 이루어졌는가에 따라 결과가 크게 달라지기도 한다. 본 연구에서는 20대 서울 방언화자 14명을 대상으로 120분 발음수업을 12회 실시하여, 학습자의 일본어 악센트 습득 과정을 질적으로 조사하였다. 조사결과, 지각면에서는 악센트 미학습시에는 2형 악센트의 정답율이 높았으며 유핵어(有核語)를 2형으로 듣는 경향을 보였다. 학습 후에는 1형과 0형의 향상도가 높고 학습 후반부에는 학습자 전원 습득상태를 보였으나 3형과 4형은 학습 끝까지 습득에 어려움을 보이는 학습자도 있었다. 발음면에서는 미학습시에는 지각면과 같이 2형 악센트의 정답율이 높았으며 조사어의 40%정도를 2형 악센트로 발음했다. 또한, 악센트의 피치 폭이 작은 경향을 보였으나 이러한 경향은 학습초기단계에서 개선되었다. 나아가 습득과정에서 일시적으로 악센트의 피치폭이 과도하게 커지는 현상들이 보였다. 발음습득 순서는 1型→0형→2형→3형・4형 순이었다. 지각과 발음 사이에 상호 비례적인 모습을 엿볼 수 있었다. 지각과 발음 모두 1형→0형→2형→3형→4형 순으로 습득해 가는 경향을 보였으며 3형과 4형의 습득이 어렵다라는 점에서도 일치했다. 본 연구의 성과에서 밝혀진 악센트 습득 스트라테지를 바탕으로 보다 효과적인 지도방법과 교재를 개발하는 것이 앞으로의 과제라 할 수 있겠다. Production and Perception of Japanese Accent by Korean Speakers: A Longitudinal Study In this study, the production and perception of Japanese accent by Korean learners was investigated longitudinally. Fourteen native Korean subjects attended Japanese phonetic classes once a week and took speaking and listening tests regularly for three months (12 classes) The tests were analyzed to reveal any changes in the process of language learners’ accent acquisition. The results of the accent perception experiment in our previous study indicated that Korean learners tend to pronounce Japanese words using type-2 accent patterns. The average percentage of correct answers improved in subjects with type-1 and type-0 accents through phonetic training, but those with type-3 and type-4 accents faced difficulties in accent acquisition. The results of the accent production experiment in our previous study indicated that Korean learners tend to pronounce Japanese words using type-2 accent patterns and that the average percentage of correct answers given by subjects with a type-2 accent is 40%. Further, Korean learners have a narrow pitch range, but in this study, they were found to have a wide pitch range. Moreover, overgeneralization was observed among subjects in the early stages of phonetic training. Persons with type-1 and type-0 accents find it the easiest to acquire accent production, followed by those with type-2 accents, and finally, those with type-3 and type-4 accents. The results suggest that accent production and perception are interdependent in some cases.

      • KCI등재

        韓国人日本語学習者の外来語アクセントの生成 : 初級学習者を対象に

        李敬淑,酒井真弓 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 2013 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.58

        本稿では、韓国人日本語学習者のアクセント生成における特徴を明らかにするために、外来語を調査語として調査を行なった。外来語の場合、韓国語にも類似した発音の外来語があることから、より強く母語の影響が現れることが予想される。また、学習歴1年未満の初級学習者を対象に調査を行うことによって、学習による変化、すなわち中間言語的な要素をできるだけ排除した韓国人学習者のデフォルトアクセント型およびピッチパターンの傾向を明らかにしようと試みた。 したがって、本稿の調査の結果は、韓国人学習者のピッチパターンに現れる母語の影響について明らかにすることにつながるものと思われる。 調査の結果、デフォルト型(多数派型)は語のモーラ数が4モーラまでは[-2]型、5モーラ以上は[-3]型であった。また、学習者には拍ではなく、音節を単位としてアクセント核を付与する傾向が見られ、語頭の有声性と音節構造の影響も認められた。すなわち語頭に無声破裂音が来ると「HL」型、つまり頭高型で発音され、有声破裂音が来ると「LH」型となる傾向があることや、特殊モーラを含んだ重音節に核が置かれやすいことが確認された。 また、韓国人学習者のピッチパターンの特徴として、モーラの区切りで音の高さが変わるアクセント核が置かれているというよりは、緩やかな上昇または下降が見られることがわかった。特に、語頭上昇がほとんどないか、非常に小さく、第2音から語末に向かって緩やかに下降する下降調が141例あり、全員に見られた。このような特徴は母語である韓国語の影響であると言えよう。

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