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        Phospholipase D and Its Essential Role in Cancer

        조주환,한중수 한국분자세포생물학회 2017 Molecules and cells Vol.40 No.11

        The role of phospholipase D (PLD) in cancer development and management has been a major area of interest for researchers. The purpose of this mini-review is to explore PLD and its distinct role during chemotherapy including anti-apoptotic function. PLD is an enzyme that belongs to the phospholipase super family and is found in a broad range of organisms such as viruses, yeast, bacteria, animals, and plants. The function and activity of PLD are widely de-pendent on and regulated by neurotransmitters, hormones, small monomeric GTPases, and lipids. A growing body of research has shown that PLD activity is significantly increased in cancer tissues and cells, indicating that it plays a critical role in signal transduction, cell proliferation, and anti-apoptotic processes. In addition, recent studies show that PLD is a downstream transcriptional target of proteins that contribute to inflammation and carcinogenesis such as Sp1, NFκB, TCF4, ATF-2, NFATc2, and EWS-Fli. Thus, compounds that inhibit expression or activity of PLD in cells can be potentially useful in reducing inflammation and sensitizing resistant cancers during chemotherapy.

      • 莞島治岸海域의 海洋環境特性

        曺炷煥,姜恩淑 朝鮮大學校 自然科學硏究所 1995 自然科學硏究 Vol.18 No.1

        An investigation on the physical and chemical conditions of the sea water off Wando Island was carried out during a period from February to November, 1992, with the following results. Water temperature ranged from 6.03 to 24.52 ℃. The inner sea water temperature was lower than the outer sea water by as much as 1 ℃ in winter, but higher by as much as 1~3 ℃ in summer. Salinity ranged from 29.70 to 34.95 ‰, with the higher figure occuring in April, and the lower occuhng in August, when the salinity in the inner sea was at its lowest on account of the influx of rainfall. pH ranged from 8.05 to 8.46, lowest in winter, the average was 8.20. Dissolved oxygen content ranged from 3.91 to 7.03 ㎖/ℓ, the higher occuring in winter, and the lower occuhng in summer when the water temperature was highest. COD ranged from 0.23 to 2.51 ㎎/ℓ, with the inner sea water lower than the outer sea water except in winter. Suspended solids were in the range of 2.5-41.5 ㎎/ℓ, the higher occuring in winter, the lower occuring in fall. Average distribution in the inner sea water was higher than the outer except winter. Transparency ranged from 0.5 to 6.1 m, the lower occuring in winter, the higher occuring in summer. The relation between suspended solids and transparency was S=26.012-6.439T (r=0.813) in the outer sea water. The phosphate concentration ranged from 0.05 to 0.48 ㎲-at/ℓ, the higher occuring in winter, the lower occuring in summer with a wide variation. The dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) ranged from 0.71 to 6.29 ㎲-at/ℓ, higher in the bottom and the outer sea water than in the surface and the inner sea water. From the above investigation the sea area showed a wide variation with time and place or season. These factors are very important for the inhabitance and laying eggs of aquatic life. The sea adjacent the coast of Wando is comparatively pure as yet. But recently, on account of the increasing pollution by materials flowing from inland, the environment of aquatic life gradually worsening. From the data collected in this research it is possible to conclude that 'A countermeasure for the preservation of oceanic environment' with a purpose of decreasing the level of pollution materials which affects the ocean is necessary.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        현상학적 의미와 진리문제

        조주환 새한철학회 2001 哲學論叢 Vol.26 No.4

        이 논문은 현상학적 의미론을 진리론을 통해 해명하는데 주 목적이 있다. 형식논리학이란 이름으로 불리는 전통적 진리관이 단지 명제와 명제간의 일관성이나 무모순성 혹은 명제와 그 명제에 의해 지칭되는 대상 사이의 일치성만을 주제로 다루는 데 반해, 현상학적 진리론은 근본적으로는 전통적 일치설을 따르지만, 이 '일치'가 실질로 가능하게 되는 지향적 연관성을 해명하는 것을 주제로 삼는다. 만약 진리의 문제가 명제와 명제 혹은 명제와 대상사이의 형식적 일치성만을 문제 삼는다면, 지극히 소박한 차원에 머무르고 만다. 후설의 의미론과 진리론의 특성은 바로 이 형식적 일치를 가능하게 하는 실질적 연관, 즉 명제를 통해 지향된 의미가 대상에 관한 직관을 통해 어떻게 충족되는지를 해명하는 점이다. 물론 그렇다고 해서 후설의 현상학적 진리관이 명제 자체가 가지는 진리적 성격을 무시하는 것은 아니다. 다만 이 명제적 진리, 즉 술어적 진리와 선술어적 진리연관 사이의 지향적 고리를 드러내는데 그 목적이 있다. 그러므로 우리는 후설의 진리사유를 명제 이전의 술수 체험으로만 돌아가는 근대적 환원주의로 잘못 읽거나 혹은 명제적 진리 자체에만 구속되는 언어적 환원주의로 잘못 읽어서는 안 된다. 후설의 진리사유의 특성은 바로 술어적 진리와 선술어적 진리연관 사이의 근원적이고 보편적인 상관관계를 해명하는 데서 발견된다. 이 보편적 상관관계를 가능하게 하는 보편적 지반은 바로 '생활세계'이다. 그러므로 현상학적 진리관은 전통적 진리사유가 은폐시켜 왔거나 망각해버린 진리의 최종적 토대인 생환세계적 진리관을 정초하는 것으로 마무리된다. Diese Arbeit bescha¨ftigt sich mit dem Vergleich der traditionellen Wahr-heitslehre mit dem pha¨nomenologischen. Die traditionelle Wahrheitslehre, die man die formale Logik nennt, behandelt die Konsequenz und die Nicht-Widersruchlichkeit zwischen Propositionen oder die U¨bereinstimmung eider Proposition mit dem Gegestand, auf den dieselbse hinweist. Die pha¨nomenologische Wahrheitslehre folgt im Prinzip der trationellen Wahrheitslehre. Sie zielt jedoch darauf ab, den intentionalen Zusammenhang zu kla¨ren, in dem jene U¨bereinstimmung wirklich moglich wird. Wenn sich die Frage der Wahrheit nur mit die U¨bereinstimmung zwischen Propositionen oder zwischen einer Proposition mit dem Gegestand bezieht, wird dies fur sehr naiv gehalten. Der Zug der Wahrheitslehre von Husserl liegt darin, den wirklichen Zusammenhang zu kla¨ren, der diese formale U¨bereinstimmung mo¨glich macht. Kurz gesagt, er liegt darin, zu kla¨ren, wie der durch die Proposition intentionierte Sinn durch die Institution u¨ber den Gegenstand erfu¨llt wird. Die Wahrheitslehre von Husserl ignoniert allerdings nicht den Charakter der Wahrheit den die Proposition selbst hat. Er versucht nur die propositionale Wahrheit, d.h. den intentionalen Zusammenhang zwischen der pradikativen und vor-pra¨dikativen Wahrheit zu kla¨ren. Daher sollte man das Denken von Husserl u¨ber die Wthrheit weder als den rrndernen Reduzianismus ansehen, nach dem man zum reinen Erlebnis vor der Proposition zuru¨ckgeht, noch als den sprachlichen Reduktionismus, der nur von der propositionalen Wahrheit selbst abha¨ngig ist. Der Zug des Wahrheitsdenkens von Husserl wird darin gefunden, daß das urspru¨gliche und allgemeine Verha¨ltnis zwischen der pra¨dikativen und der vor-pradikativen Wahrheit gekla¨rt wird. Die allgemeinen Grundboden, in denen dieses allgemeine Verha¨ltnis mo¨glich wird, ist die 'Lebenswelt'. Die pha¨nomenologische Warheitslehre wird dadurch vollendet, daß die lebensweltliche Wahrheitslehre geru¨ndet wird, die durch das traditionelle Wahrheitsdenken versteckt oder vergessen wurde.

      • KCI등재

        금강 하에 나타나는 황색의 수색대 환경특성

        조주환,유선재,유병철 한국수산학회 1994 한국수산과학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        錦江 河口에서 觀察되는 黃色 水色帶의 發生 原因과 性狀을 糾明하기 위하여 '92年 5月, 7月, 8月, 10月, 93年 2月 錦江 河口海域 18個 定點에서 行한 硏究 調査 結果를 요약하면 錦江 河口 海域에 나타나는 黃色 水色帶의 水色은 水色階級 9에 해당되며 보통 調査點 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15 및 17에서 年中 계속 存在하였다. 錦江河口 海域의 一般水質은 海域環境基準 Ⅰ等級에 해당하는 양호한 상태이나 有機汚染物은 증가되고 있으며 營養鹽 濃度는 黃色 水色帶 안쪽 海域이 바깥쪽 海域보다 높은데 總無機窒素 안쪽 海域에서 보면 總無機窒素는 海域環境基準 Ⅲ等級을 초과하였고 燐酸燐 濃度는 Ⅲ等級이었으며 바깥쪽 海域에서는 總無機窒素 濃度와 燐酸燐 濃度 모두 Ⅱ等級에 해당하는 富營養 상태였다. 그러나 錦江河口 海域은 流速이 빠르고 總浮游物質로 인한 光透過 저하 때문에 植物性 프랑크톤의 大量增殖에는 否適合한 지역이었다. 또한, 錦江河口 海域에 나타나는 黃色 水色帶의 형성 원인 總浮游物質中 85% 이상을 점유하는 土砂때문이었다. To investigate the characteristic and the cause of the yellow water zones in the estuary of keum River, physico-chemical measurement and analyses were made on seawater samples collected from 18 stations in May, July, august, October in 1992, and February in 1993 respectively. The yellow water zones were recorded as grade 9 on the forel water color meter and appeared consistently at the stations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15 and 17 through out the year. The organically polluted matter gradually increased in the study area. The nutrient concentrations of inner waters of water zones were higher than that of the surrounding waters and were over red tide criteria levels. But abnormal aggregation of phytoplanktons could not occur because of lack of light and high current velocity. In Conclusion, this yellowish colored water zone was caused not by abnormal aggregation of phytoplanktons but by inorganic matters such as sand or soil particles, 85% of which consisted of suspended solids.

      • 大學入學 豫備考査 地球科學 問題 出題內容에 對한 考察

        曺炷煥 조선대학교 교육연구소 1980 교과교육연구 Vol.3 No.-

        文敎部가 過去10年間 (1971~1980學年度)에 實施한 大學入學 豫備考査 出題間項 分布에 對해서 敎科內容別과 行動目標別로 構成된 二元分類表와 敎科內容別과 問題性格別로 構成된 二元分類表에 整理하여 檢討하였다. 1. 理解力과 知識에 關한 問項이 大部分이었다. 2. 適用力에 關한 間項은 매우 적었고 '72, '76, '78學年度에는 全然 없었다. 3. 科學的 探究 問項은 없었고, 實騎에 關한 問項은 단 3個였다. There are two basic approaches concerning the analysis of the distribution of items that were presented in the Annual State-Managed Examination for College-Bound Students by the Ministry of Education during the past ten years (1971 ~1980) in Korea. One approach compares the subject content of the items with their behavioral objects, and the second approach compares the subject content with the types of activity elicited by the items (Knowledge, Calculation, Thinking, and Experimentation) The results of the above two classification were as follows : 1. The items on comprehension ability and knowledge occupied most of the given items. 2. The items on application ability are either very few or didn't appear at all in case of '72, '76, and '78. 3. There were no items on scientific inquiry and were only three items on Experimentation.

      • 한국 서해안지역의 기상요소와 해수온도의 관계

        조주환,박인숙 조선대학교 사범대학 부설 교과교육연구소 2002 敎科敎育硏究 Vol.23 No.1

        The comparative analyses were studied using meteorological data for 16 years from 1980 to 1995. The research set 3 coastal places in the yellow sea side(Incheon, Gunsan, Mokpo) and 3 inland places(Seoul, Jeonju, Gwangju) to investigate the relation between the atmospheric phenomena and sea water temperature of the yellow sea in Korea. To Study the influence of sea water to the coastal and inland places. I used the sea surface temperatures in Incheon, Gunsan and Mokpo where the date of the serial oceanographic places. Sensible heat from the sea surface in the Yellow Sea was evaluated by the formular of Jacobs, Q_s=5.43V(T_s-T_a), where V is wind velocity, T_s is sea surface temperature and T_a is temperature. Air temperatures in the coastal places are higher than ones in the case that the sea surface temperatures are higher than coastal air temperatures. Differences of the sea water temperature is related to the water vapor of the coastal as using mixing ratio that is strongly influenced. Meteorological characteristics of the coastal places are influenced by the fluctuation of sea surface temperatures and sensible heat in the sea.

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