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      • KCI등재

        프로스포츠 온라인 콘텐츠 비즈니스 전략

        조성식 ( Seong Sik Cho ),김종 ( Chong Kim ) 한국스포츠산업경영학회 2008 한국스포츠산업경영학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 프로스포츠 시장 활성화를 위해 노력하고 있는 협회 및 구단 그리고 온라인 콘텐츠 제공자들에게 21세기 지식·정보사회에 적합한 관련 산업의 부가가치 창출을 도모하고 해당 산업의 새로운 경쟁력을 강화하고자, 프로스포츠 온라인 콘텐츠 현황을 분석하고 이들 콘텐츠의 새로운 비즈니스 모델을 연구하는데 있다. 이를 위한 연구내용은 다음과 같다. 기존의 온라인 콘텐츠의 이론적 근거와 사례를 바탕으로 국내 프로스포츠 온라인콘텐츠 환경분석과 프로스포츠 온라인 콘텐츠 이용자들의 소비현황을 분석하여 활성화방안을 수립하고 새로운 비즈니스 모델을 개발하는 것이다. 연구방법으로 전문가 면접조사, 프로스포츠 온라인 콘텐츠 사용자를 대상으로 설문조사가 사용되었다. 이상의 연구방법 및 자료분석을 토대로 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 프로스포츠 온라인 콘텐츠는 높은 가능성이 있으며 종합적인 정보제공을 목적으로 하며 소비자들에게 가장 접근성이용이한 포털 사이트의 발전가능성이 가장 높다. 둘째, 프로스포츠 온라인 콘텐츠 활성화를 위해서는 질 높고 차별화된 경기중계와 경기정보의 제공해야하며 이를 위해 다양한 정보 제공과 DB 구축이 수반되어야 한다. 셋째, 향후, 관련 사이트들의 전문화와 차별화가 수반되어 진다면 온라인 콘텐츠의 유료화가 가능하다. 마지막으로, 온라인상의 스포츠 콘텐츠는 프로스포츠 시장과 상호간의 시너지 효과를 통해 더욱발전할 것이며 합리적이고 실용적인 온라인 스포츠 콘텐츠의 개발과 활성화는 스포츠 팬 뿐만이 아니라 일반인들에게까지도 프로스포츠에 대한 인식향상과 프로스포츠 팬으로의 유인과 동시에 관심도를 증가시킬 수 있는 적극적인 계기가 될 것이다. The purpose of this study was to plan to create value added of related industry in 21th knowledge·information society to association, club and on-line contents providers who endeavor activation in professional sports market and enhance new competition of relevant industry. This study analyzed the current status of on-line professional sport and research new business model of these contents. this study analyzed the current status of on-line professional sport contents by reviewing the various internet sport websites and by investigating the users`` recognition and behaviors about on-line sports consumption. And it suggested the new model for business activation in on-line professional sports contents. Study method is expert``s interview research and survey on professional sports on-line users. specific study content including progress on performing study is divided into two areas and the followings are the results; First, it compared propensity of users who have experience in on-line contents of professional football and base ball. Secondly, it suggested the business model for on-line sports contents about various consumer``s desire. Those research methods and data analyses led to the following conclusions: First, on-line professional sport contents have great potential, aim to provide comprehensive information, and are very likely to grow into a portal site with the greatest accessibility for the consumers. Secondly, high quality and differentiated game broadcasting and provision of game information should be guaranteed based on a database for various kinds of information in order to vitalize on-line professional sport contents. And on-line contents will be chargeable if related sites become specialized and differentiated. Finally, on-line sport contents will grow further through their synergy effect with the professional market. Developing and activating rational and practical on-line sport contents will aggressively promote the perception of professional sports not only to sports fans but also to the general public, attract people as professional sports fans, and increase their interest in professional sports.

      • KCI등재후보

        프로스포츠구단에 대한 재정지원 - 미국의 보조금지급역사와 최근의 논의를 중심으로 -

        김성배 한국스포츠엔터테인먼트법학회 2009 스포츠와 법 Vol.12 No.3

        In Korea, there would be a growing demand for new stadiums which might require government to spend public fund. It, however, is not good idea to follow foreign country models without close examination. Professional sports started in U.S.A around 1869 and professional sports became part of American life and have developed unique culture of American. American communities have not always subsidized the professional sports industry. To the contrary, for the first seventy-five years of professional sports, most team owners built their own facilities and covered their own costs. By the end of World War II, however, changing demographics led to the start of communities subsidizing professional sports teams. Since 1950s, many local communities continue to engage in inequitable "partnerships" because professional sports leagues have monopoly power over the number of franchises in their sport. This monopoly power gives teams the control to switch host communities almost at will, as well as the clout to credibly threaten to switch host communities if a current host fails to meet that team's subsidy demand. The current relationship between professional sports teams and American communities needs to change. The unique structure of professional sports leagues, as well as the American government's historic hands-off approach to regulating the sports industry, has allowed America's four premier professional sports leagues to exploit their monopoly power in the market for sports franchises. As a result, professional sports teams have garnered billions of dollars in local subsidies. Governments would otherwise spend these dollars to improve public welfare. Professional sports leagues have enjoyed a long-standing positive relationship with the American community. Sports subsidies, however, are a relatively new phenomenon that is detracting from this relationship. Because subsidized professional sports teams hurt public welfare, as well as encourage the inefficient operation of sports teams, a bill preventing sports teams from accepting public subsidies is an important step toward curbing professional sports' bargaining power vis-à-vis the American community. Placing the professional sports industry back on equal footing with America's local communities would restore an important balance between professional sports and American society. By restoring this balance, American communities would once again become able to enjoy the benefits of professional sports without needing to subsidize the costs of an already profitable industry. In Korea, there are not so many sports fans who eager to spend their mony in professional sports and all professional sports teams are part of giant business conglomerate. Because of this reason, professional sports team have to make effort to improve their financial condition through new marketing strategy which have used by American professional teams without public subsidy and professional teams have to pay attention to mother company's social responsibility. 미국의 프로스포츠는 1870년 전후에 태동하기 시작하였으며 미국인의 관심과 사랑을 받으며 성장하여 독특한 문화로서 자리 잡고 있다. 하지만 현재 미국에서 지방자치단체가 프로구단에 대한 각종 제정지원에 대해서는 많은 의문점이 제기되며, 종종 주민들의 반대에 직면하고 있다. 프로스포츠구단에 대한 보조금은 1950년대 등장하였고, 도시의 명성과 각종 부대효과를 올리기 위해 프로구단을 유치하려는 지방자치단체가 등장하면서, 프로구단은 지방자치단체를 상대로 홈구장쇼핑에 나섰고, 지방자치단체는 경기장보조금을 지급하게 되었다. 이러한 역사에는 수요와 공급의 불균형으로 인한 경제학적 법칙이 적용되었으며, 프로구단은 협상력을 강화하는 구조로 편성되었다. 하지만 실증적 연구결과에 의하면, 프로구단은 이익을 창출하기 위해서 보조금이 반드시 필요하지도 않으며, 프로구단이 지역경제에 미치는 효과도 프로구단이나 유치희망도시 관계자가 공언하는 정도의 효과에 크게 미치지 못하는 것으로 조사되고 있다. 미국의 프로스포츠는 독점규제법의 적용의 예외라는 혜택을 보고 있으며, 미국 사법부도 프로스포츠구단에 대한 재정지원에 대해서는 조세이론 (공적사용원칙, 신용대출원칙)을 적용하는 데 있어서 소극적이었다. 또한 팀확장과 관련하여 독점금지법을 적용하지도 않았으며, 일련에 입법정책적 시도도 무위로 끝나고 말았다. 하지만 최근에 엄청난 공적자금이 투여되는 최신돔구장의 건설붐과 관련하여 이를 제한하려는 시도들이 일어나고 있으며, 최근에는 프로구단차체에서 수익성강화를 위한 각종 판매기법과 경영방법이 개발되어서 프로구단의 수익성이 크게 개선되어서 공적자금의 보조필요성이 많이 경감되었다는 연구 자료들이 나오고 있다. 프로스포츠의 역사가 짧고 대기업이 프로구단을 소유하는 등 스포츠저변, 문화, 경영구조가 미국가 다른 우리나라이지만, 앞으로 프로구단을 위한 전용구장건설에 많은 정부와 지자체의 보조금이 직간접적으로 지원될 수도 있는 우리나라도 미국의 프로스포츠구단의 자체적 경영개선노력과 수익성재고의 모델은 큰 시사점을 가지며, 경기장건설에 공적자금을 투여하기 위해, 간접세와 로토의 방식으로 재정을 마련한다면 미국에서 논의되었던 조세형평성문제 등이 제기될 것이므로 단순히 외국모델을 가지고 오는 것이 아니라, 기업의 사회대한 책임의 문제로 접근할 필요성도 제기된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Effect of Professional Awareness of Sports Leaders on Role Expectations and Service Satisfaction among Sports Participants to PROTECT the Sports Market

        Hwansuk Choi,Junmuk Im J-INSTITUTE 2021 Protection Convergence Vol.6 No.2

        Purpose: Sports leaders need systematic and professional knowledge acquisition, social approval of profes-sional authority and privileges, and social contribution services in order to receive trust and recognition from sports participants. Sports leaders should be recognized by sports participants through their efforts to cultivate professionalism. This is especially important for sports participants because it has a lot of influence on sports activities as a whole, such as continuous participation or suspension of exercise by sports leaders awareness of professionalism. Therefore, this study is meaningful in presenting data for the development of sports leaders qualifications and efficient operation of related institutions to provide excellent service in sports facilities through a study on the impact of professional awareness on sports leaders. Method: As of 2021, the purpose of the survey was explained to the users of 5 sports facilities in Daegu Met-ropolitan City by personally visiting the sports centers they are using. A questionnaire survey was conducted using the self-evaluation writing method of 350 people who agreed to write the questionnaire. Among the col-lected data, 319 questionnaires were taken as valid samples, excluding the data whose responses to the ques-tionnaire were not faithful or part of the survey contents were omitted. In this study, frequency analysis was performed to find out the general characteristics of survey participants using SPSS Pro-gram 25.0, and factor analysis and Cronbach s α coefficient were calculated to verify the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. In addition, correlation analysis was performed to find out the relationship between variables, and multiple regression analysis was performed to find out the influence of the variables. Results: As a result of factor analysis and reliability verification for professional recognition, the Eigen val-ueand Cronbach s α coefficient of the occupationally factor were 5.359(α=.927), and the ideological factor was 4.147(α=.859). As a result of factor analysis and reliability verification for Role Expectation, the Eigen value and Cronbach s α coefficient of the relationship factor were 5.824(α=.845), the expertise factor 5.124(α=.802), and the role factor 4.382(α=.837), and the outcome factor was 3.762(α=.765). As a result of factor analysis and reliability verification for service satisfaction, the Eigen value and Cronbach s α coefficient of the service satis-faction factor was 9.457(α=.945). As a result of performing correlation analysis using SPSS, the relationship between all constituent concepts It appears as a positive(+) correlation, and the direction of the relationship between the variables is consistent. In the effect of sports participants professional perception of sports lead-ers on Role Expectation and service satisfaction, professional perception affects Role Expectation and service satisfaction, and Role Expectation affects service satisfaction. Conclusion: Professional perception affects Role Expectations. Professional perception affects service satis-faction. Role Expectation affects service satisfaction. Therefore, in order for sports leaders to be recognized as professionals and provide quality services, they must first clearly recognize that they are professional, acquire professional knowledge for work and cultivate culture, mature personality and high responsibility, ethical awareness, and service. There is a need for continuous efforts that can be trusted by users of facilities and ser-vices.

      • KCI등재

        지방자치단체와 프로스포츠단 간 협약의 공법적 검토 - 경기장 등 시설의 사용·수익 및 관리·운영권과 명칭사용권을 중심으로 -

        이승민(Lee, Seung-Min) 한국비교공법학회 2020 공법학연구 Vol.21 No.3

        우리나라에서 프로스포츠는 1968년에 한국프로골프협회(KPGA)가 발족하면서 시작되었으며, 1982년에 프로야구가 출범하면서부터 비약적으로 발전하여 국민적 인기를 누리고 있다. 프로스포츠에 대해 정의하고 있는 명문규정은 없지만, 이는 ① 일정한 조직이(조직성) ② 합리적인 규칙에 의해(규칙성) 운영하고, ③ 경쟁의 외형ㆍ방식(경쟁성) 및 ④ 사회의 상규, 풍속, 기강, 통념 등에 위배되지 않는 도덕적 측면을 갖추어(윤리성), ⑤ 불특정 다수인의 여가활동을 위해(목적성), ⑥ 공개적으로 제공되는 것으로서(공개성), ⑦ 영업 또는 직업으로 영위하는(영리성) ⑧ 신체활동으로 일응 정의할 수 있으며, 이와 같은 개념징표들을 충족하는 프로스포츠는 지원과 장려의 대상이 된다. 프로스포츠는 대개 지역연고를 바탕으로 이루어지기 때문에 주민의 문화생활과 지역발전에 기여할 수 있고, 따라서 지방자치단체가 경기장 등 시설의 확충을 지원할 필요가 있지만, 다른 한편으로 프로스포츠는 사인의 경제적 이익을 위한 것이기 때문에 그 지원과 장려정책에 있어 공익과 사익 사이의 합리적 균형이 요구된다. 특히, 최근 들어 지방자치단체와 프로스포츠단 사이에 경기장 시설에 대한 사용ㆍ수익허가, 포괄적인 관리ㆍ운영권 및 명칭사용권(Naming Right)을 부여하는 협약, 이른바 ‘시설사용ㆍ운영협약’이 늘어나고 있는데, 이는 지방자치단체의 공유재산을 대상으로 하는 것이기 때문에 그에 대한 공법적 검토가 필요하다. 이러한 ‘시설사용ㆍ운영협약’은 공법상 계약에 해당하는 것으로 경기장 신축 등에 지방자치단체의 재정이 투입될 경우 지방의회의 동의가 필요할 수 있고, 협약 내용에 따라 주민감사청구 및 주민소송의 대상이 될 수도 있다. 협약을 통해 프로스포츠단에 부여된 경기장 등 시설의 사용ㆍ수익권, 관리ㆍ운영권, 명칭사용권은 사후에 제ㆍ개정된 조례 등 사후 입법에 의해 함부로 침해되어서는 안 되며, 공익을 이유로 한 협약의 일방적 변경ㆍ해지는 정당한 손실보상을 전제로 예외적으로만 허용될 수 있다. 협약의 불이행에 대해서는 원칙적으로 협약 내용에 따라 해결하고, 협약 관련 분쟁은 원칙적으로 공법상 당사자소송의 대상으로 하되 지방자치단체의 협약에 기한 행위가 실질적으로 행정처분의 성격을 지님에 따라 항고소송의 대상이 되는 경우도 있을 것이다. In Korea, professional sports began with the establishment of the Korea Professional Golf Association (KPGA) in 1968. Especially after the first Korean professional baseball league launched in 1982, professional sports in Korea gained nationwide popularity with their rapid development. Although there are no provision that officially defines “professional sports,” the term may be defined as (i) physical activities (ii) offered to and accessible by the public, (iii) operated by an established organization (iv) with objective and reasonable rules (v) as a business or profession, (vi) conducted by way of competition (vii) in accordance with social norms and customs, and (viii) for the purpose of general public’s leisure or entertainment. Professional sports that satisfy these requirements would be eligible for governmental supports. Professional sports teams are often based on local franchises, and can contribute to the improvement of cultural life of local residents and regional development. Therefore, it is necessary for local governments to support construction and management of public sports facilities, such as stadiums or sports complex. However, given that professional sports aim for economic benefit of private businesses, it is important to strike a proper balance between public and private interests and establishing well-balanced programs and polices that support, incentivize and promote the development of professional sports. In recent years, there has been an increasing number of agreements executed between local governments and professional sports teams regarding the right to use and profit from public stadium and related facilities, comprehensive management and operation rights, and naming right. Such agreement is a contract formed under the public law, and when local governments make investments to construct a stadium or sports complex, the consent of local councils may be required. The rights granted to professional sports teams through such agreement must be respected and not be subject to changes according to the amendment or revision of relevant regulations. The disputes related to the agreement may be resolved through administrative law litigation procedures instead of civil law litigation procedures.

      • KCI우수등재

        거점학교 운영을 통해 본 중학교 학교스포츠클럽과 전문체육의 연계가능성

        이창섭(LeeChang-seop),황성하(HwangSung-ha) 한국체육학회 2018 한국체육학회지 Vol.57 No.2

        이 연구의 목적은 거점학교 운영을 통해 중학교 학교스포츠클럽과 전문체육의 연계 가능성을 탐색하는데 있다. 이를 위해 ‘거점학교 스포츠클럽’에 참여한 중학교 농구스포츠클럽 참여 학생 9명, 학생선수 3명, 학교스포츠클럽 지도교사 3명, 그리고 전문스포츠지도사 2명을 연구참여자로 선정하였다. 자료는 ‘면담’과 ‘관찰’로 수집하였고, 수집된 자료는 주제분석 방법에 의해 분석되었다. 그 결과, 거점학교 스포츠클럽은 크게 네 가지 관점에서 전문체육과 연계가능성이 있었다. 그것의 첫 번째로 거점학교 스포츠클럽은 ‘능력 있는 지도자와 열정 있는 학생의 만남’을 가능하게 했다. ‘지도자는 좋은 선수를’, ‘선수는 좋은 지도자를’ 만나 그들의 열정을 희망으로 승화시키고 있었다. 두 번째는 ‘전문체육 진입장벽의 붕괴’였다. 거점학교 스포츠클럽은 일반학생과 학생선수의 교류를 통해 일반학생에게 전문체육 선수로의 진입을 허용하는 기제로 작용했다. 세 번째는 ‘전문체육 선수의 제한된 진로경로의 확장’이다. 거점학교 스포츠클럽은 일방향적인 진로경로를 강제하는 학교운동부의 문화적 조건을 확장하는 기제로 작용했다. 마지막 네 번째는 ‘스포츠 환경의 변화’를 가능하게 했다. 거점학교 스포츠클럽은 학교스포츠클럽을 작동하기 위한 물리적 환경을 확장 혹은 개선하는데 도움을 주었다. 제대로 된 경기장과 용구 그리고 전문성 있는 지도는 거점학교 스포츠클럽이라는 새로운 스포츠 환경이 조성되었기에 가능했다. The purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of linking middle school sport club with professional physical education through the operation of the base school. For this purpose, 9 students, 3 student athletes, 3 school gym instructors, and 2 professional sports instructors participated in 'Middle School Sports Club' in the middle school basketball club. The data were collected by 'interview' and 'observation', and the collected data were analyzed by subject analysis method. As a result, there was a possibility of linking with professional sports in four different perspectives. Its first-ever school sports club has enabled 'the meeting of talented leaders and passionate students'. 'The leader has met a good player', 'The player has met a good leader' and has been sublimating their passion in hope. The second was the 'collapse of barriers to entry into professional sports.' The base school sports club served as a mechanism to allow general students to enter professional athletes through the exchange of general students and student athletes. The third is 'expansion of the limited career path of professional athletes'. The base school sports club functioned as a mechanism to expand the cultural conditions of the school athletic department that forced a one - way career path. The last four made it possible to change the sport environment. The base school sports club has helped to expand or improve the physical environment for operating school sports clubs. The proper stadium, equipment, and professional guidance were made possible thanks to the creation of a new sports environment called a base school sports club.

      • KCI등재

        소셜미디어 빅데이터를 활용한 프로스포츠 의미연결망 및 토픽모델링 분석

        김경식(Kim, Kyung-Sik) 한국사회체육학회 2022 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.- No.87

        Purpose: This study aims to identify the main issues of professional soccer by using social media Big Data. In other words, through text mining, we analyze core keywords, emotions, and the topic. Method: This study collected the comments and responses of professional sports’fans who participated in social media from July 2020 to July 2021 for professional soccer and from July 2020 to June 2021 for professional baseball and basketball. This study targeted social media such as Naver Blog, Twitter, and Community(DC Inside), and the data collection method was web crawling using Python. Result: The results are as follows. First, the core keywords indicating professional sports were different. In other words, the core keywords in soccer were season, game, victory, score, points, record, away, situation, etc. The core keywords in baseball were activity, heroes, homer un, permit, Hanwha, professional baseball, pro, and playoffs. The core keywords in basketball were season appearance, record, performance, success, situation, rebounding, and scoring. The keyword network was as cale-free network that followed the power law. In other words, there was a phenomenon where a small number of core keywords have a connection relationship with a large number of keywords. The positive scores of professional sports fans were generally low. Second, the topics of professional soccer were different. In other words, the proportion of soccer topics was high in the order of overseas professional soccer, professional soccer matches, etc. Professional soccer toto topics were on the rise, and professional soccer spectators, league results, and matches were on the decline. The rest of the topics were neutral with no particular features. The proportion of baseball topics was high in the order of professional baseball games, professional baseball first pitches, professional baseball player contracts, etc. Baseball topics repeated the increase and decrease without any particular trend. The proportion of basketball topics was high in the order of professional basketball game, professional basketball team, etc. Professional basketball clubs, player recruitment, season results, and broadcasts were on the rise, while professional basketball rankings, record analysis, satisfaction, games, and topic topics were on the decline. Conclusion: Professional sports officials will need to provide services that meet the needs of professional sports fans, taking into account the characteristics of keywords, the weight of topics, and topic trends to promote professional sports.

      • KCI등재

        프로스포츠 관람제약요인과 응원활동, 응원몰입 및 관람만족 관계 검증

        조용찬(Yong Chan Cho),남재준(Jae Jun Nam),김종환(Chong Hwan Kim) 한국사회체육학회 2013 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.52

        A research on professional sports spectatorship constraints has great influence in a sense of clarifying a cause for spectatorship constraints and of offering information on the pro sports spectating activation. The background that professional sports could be continuously developed through competition in good faith with other leisure activities is not only because it offers opportunity of sound leisure activity to people as the spec-tating sport, but also because the phenomenon of cheering commitment through creative, unique and pas-sionate cheering activity peculiar to pro sports is functioning as a detonator of pro sports with highlighting the stadium atmosphere. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to establish a differentiated marketing strategy in line with pro sports characteristics by analyzing which difference there is in relationship among pro sports spectatorship constraints, cheering activity, cheering commitment and spectating satisfaction. The research subjects were carried out targeting home spectators with 380 people for 「2011 Lotte Card Professional Baseball」, 374 people for 「Hyundai Oil Bank K-League 2011」, 377 people for 「2010-2011 Hyundai Mobis Professional Basketball」, and 378 people for 「2010-2011 NH V-League」. Questionnaire was composed of spectatorship constraint factor, cheering activity factor, cheering commitment factor and spec-tating satisfaction factor. Reliability in each of factors was indicated to be more than .70 in all factors. Data processing was carried out EFA(exploratory factor analysis) by using SPSS 18.0 Window Version. Also, the fit and the individual hypothesis of research model were verified through CFA(Confirmatory factor analysis) and SEM(Structural Equation Model) by utilizing AMOS 16.0. And to secure convergent validity, AVE(average variance extracted) and conceptual reliability were confirmed. Examining the findings, first, the relationship between pro sports spectatorship constraints and cheering commitment was indicated that there is difference among pro baseball, pro basketball, pro football, and pro volleyball. Second, the relationship between pro sports cheering activity and cheering commitment was indicated that there is no difference among pro base-ball, pro football, pro basketball, and pro volleyball. Third, the relationship between pro sports cheering com-mitment and spectating satisfaction was indicated that there after purchase is no difference among pro base-ball, pro football, pro basketball, and pro volleyball. Fourth, the relationship between pro sports spectatorship constraints and spectating satisfaction was indicated that there is difference among pro football, pro baseball, pro basketball, and pro volleyball. Fifth, the relationship between pro sports cheering activity and spectating satisfaction was indicated that there is difference among pro baseball, pro volleyball, pro football, and pro bas-- ketball. Examining the specific results of hypothesis verification, they are as follows. As a result of empirical analysis on Hypothesis 1, the pro baseball and pro basketball were rejected. As a re-sult of empirical analysis on Hypothesis 2, the pro baseball, pro football, pro basketball and pro volleyball were all adopted. As a result of empirical analysis on Hypothesis 3, the pro baseball, pro football, pro basketball and pro volleyball were all adopted. As a result of empirical analysis on Hypothesis 4, the pro football was adopted. Pro baseball, pro basketball and pro volleyball were rejected. As a result of empirical analysis on Hypothesis 5, the pro baseball and pro volleyball were adopted. Pro football and pro basketball were rejected. In light of these findings, the spectating satisfaction is considered to be likely to naturally get higher given solving the spectatorship constraints amid the deepening market competition and allowing the audiences to be committed to cheering based on active cheering activity in order to further develop pro sports.

      • KCI등재

        한국 프로스포츠에 내재된 이데올로기의 표출과정

        김종백 한국체육철학회 2010 움직임의철학 : 한국체육철학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        The purpose of this research is to identify the future prospect of the inherent ideology lying beneath the Professional Sports of Korea and dismantle it to suggest the future path for Korean Professional Sports. In our modern society, the number of sports fans are gradually increasing but efforts to explain the cause of this increase isn't sufficient. In line of these efforts, we want to look upon the inherent ideology lying beneath the Professional Sports of Korea. As a preceding task, we examined the structural characteristics of Professional Sports of Korea such as globalization, interrelationship with mass-media, androcentric culture, social context, and culture-pluralism. With this preceding task as a base, we suggest the following ideological characteristics. We dismantled the characteristics in order; first, regionality, second, marketability, third, distinction, fourth, morality, fifth, popularity, sixth, symbolism. Also we suggested the displaying process of ideology in Professional Sports by graphing. These ideological characteristics were individually suggested by pre-existing research, however, there is meaning to this research as it is integrated and shows the thought process. Of course, ideological characteristics verified like this have the double-sidedness that either has to be overcame or adjusted to. In follow-up researches we will need a dismantling process of the double-sidedness through empirical verification. 이 연구는 한국 프로스포츠에 내재된 이데올로기의 가능성과 표출과정을 거쳐 한국 프로스포츠의 방향을 제시하는데 연구의 목적이 있다. 현대사회에서 스포츠에 열광하는 사람은 점증되고 있으나 열광의 이유에 대해 답을 찾기 위한 노력은 미흡하다. 이러한 노력의 일환으로써 한국 프로스포츠에 내재된 이데올로기를 살펴보고자 하였다. 선행과제로 한국 프로스포츠의 구조적 특성을 세계화, 매스미디어와의 상호관련성, 남성위주의 놀이 문화, 사회적 맥락성, 문화다원주의 등으로 살펴보았으며 구조적 특성을 바탕으로 다음과 같은 이데올로기적 특성을 제시하였다. 첫째, 지역성, 둘째, 상업성, 셋째, 차별성, 넷째, 윤리성, 다섯째, 대중성, 여섯째, 상징성으로 살펴보았다. 또한 프로스포츠 이데올로기의 표출과정을 도식화하여 제시하였다. 이러한 이데올로기적 특성은 기존의 연구에서 각각 제시되었지만 통합적이고, 표출과정을 제시하였다는 측면에서 연구의 의의가 있다. 물론 이렇게 검증된 이데올로기적 특성은 수용하거나 극복해야할 양면성을 지니고 있었다. 후속연구에서는 실증적인 검증을 통해 양면성을 해체하는 과정이 필요할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        생활스포츠지도사의 전문성인식이 역할만족과 직업정체성에 미치는 영향

        손원호 ( Wonho Son ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2020 인문사회 21 Vol.11 No.3

        이 연구의 목적은 생활스포츠지도사의 전문성인식과 역할 만족 그리고 직업정체성의 관계를 규명하는 것이다. 이를 위해 생활스포츠지도사들을 대상으로 설문지를 활용해 400부의 자료를 수집하여 불성실하게 작성된 18부를 제외한 382부의 자료를 SPSS 23.0 프로그램을 활용해 통계 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 생활스포츠지도사의 전문성인식의 하위요인들이 역할만족에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 생활스포츠지도사의 전문성인식의 하위요인들이 직업정체성에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 생활스포츠지도사의 역할만족의 하위요인들이 직업정체성에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 생활스포츠지도사를 대상으로 한 교육 및 워크숍 등을 통해 전문성인식과 역할만족 등을 높일 수 있도록 하여야 할 것이다. 그리고 생활스포츠지도사 본인 역시 본인의 직업적 전문성을 높이고자 지속적인 노력을 기울여야 할 것이다. This study aims to establish the professional recognition on role satisfaction and professional identity by sports instructor. For this research, 400 copies of the data were collected by the sports instructors. From these 400 copies, 18 insincere copies were excluded. 382 copies were analyzed using the SPSS 23.0 program and was able to reach following results. First, it showed that the sub-factors of professional recognition had a positive influence on role satisfaction. Second, the sub-factors of professional awareness have a positive effect on professional identity. Third, it showed that the sub-factors of the role satisfaction have a positive effect on professional identity. Therefore, professional recognition and role satisfaction from the sports instructors must develop and enhance through the education and workshop programs. Moreover, the sports instructors also develop continuous efforts to strengthen their professionalism.

      • KCI등재

        프로스포츠 반도핑 정책 개선방안

        박은균,김종채 한국스포츠엔터테인먼트법학회 2015 스포츠와 법 Vol.18 No.1

        The use of doping has had a long history in sports. Doping is becoming a more importantissue nowadays, especially in professional sport leagues. Because of commercialization of sports,sports for winning sake, and development of science and technology, players in theprofessional leagues are always facing pressure to stay on top and fall into temptation of theuse of performance-enhancing drugs. The use of drugs in sport is definitely considered asdeviant behavior among the players as well as one of the major current issues in sport teamsand their leagues. Therefore, it is highly required to have legal device and institutionalstrategies/policies in the professional leagues in order to do advanced prevention. Professionalsports leagues should realize that performance-enhancing drugs use among their players canlead to start losing their fans and eventually destruction of the leagues. Since 2008, professional sports leagues in South Korea such as Korean BaseballOrganization (KBO), Korean Basketball League (KBL), and Korean Football League(K-League) started to seriously take action against doping by forming their own drugs-relatedpolicies and rules. In the current study, we want to examine potential legal issues andinstitutional matters from policies established in those Korean professional leagues. At thesame time, we will also look over the Big Four American professional sports leagues’ (i.e.,Major League Baseball, National Football League, National Basketball League, and NationalHockey League) anti-doping rules and policies. By comparisons of policies, we would like tosuggest some improvement points and the direction for future anti-doping policy to theKorean professional sports leagues and their stakeholders. 도핑의 역사는 길다. 하지만 오늘날 프로스포츠 리그에서처럼 도핑이 중요한 문제로 떠오른 적은 많지 않다. 스포츠 정신의 근간 위에 시작해 상업화, 승리지상주의, 과학기술의 발전 등으로 급성장한 프로스포츠 리그가 도핑이란 문제와 직면한 것은 당연한 귀결일 수도 있다. 선수 개인에게는 일탈행위로, 프로스포츠 리그에게는 구조적인 문제로 지적되는 도핑을 사전에 예방하고 재발을방지하기 위해서는 실효성 있는 법적, 제도적 장치가 필요하다. 스포츠 정신에 반하는 도핑은 결국프로리그의 신뢰를 무너뜨려 프로리그의 근간을 뿌리채 흔들고 그 성장동력도 멈추게 할 수 있기때문이다. 국민체육진흥법에 근거한 한국도핑방지위원회(KADA)설립과 함께 프로야구(KBO)를 시작으로 프로농구(KBL), 프로축구(K-League) 등 국내 주요 프로스포츠 리그들이 반도핑 규정을 제정해 시행해오고 있다. 이들 규정들의 법적, 제도적 쟁점이 무엇인지 살펴보는 한편, 미국 4대 프로리그인 메이저리그(MLB), 미식축구리그(NFL), 미프로농구(NBA), 북미아이스하키리그(NHL)의 반도핑 정책과비교해 봄으로써 국내 프로스포츠 리그의 반도핑 규정 및 정책의 개선점을 모색하는 것은 유의미한 일이 될 것이다. 아래에서는 스포츠 정신의 고찰과 반도핑 정책의 필요성, 그리고 프로스포츠리그의 반도핑 정책의 법적 근거와 국내 프로스포츠 리그의 반도핑 정책을 살펴보고 미국 주요 프로스포츠 리그의 반도핑 정책을 비교해 봄으로써 국내 반도핑 정책의 실효성 확보를 위한 시사점을 모색해 본다.

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