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      • 올가닉 조형디자인 사례연구

        안상락 동방문화대학원대학교 문화예술콘텐츠연구소 2016 문화와예술연구 Vol.7 No.-

        올가닉이라 하면 자연속의 생물들 즉, 덩쿨이나 나뭇잎 등 인공과 무 관한 식물들을 생각하게 된다. 올가닉은 생명이 있다는 것이 첫번째의 조건이다. 그러나 최근에는 무기재료로 만들어진 것까지도 포함하며 그 범위는 매우 넓어졌다. 곡선형의 디자인을 올가닉디자인의 형태로 말할 정도로 최근의 제품들은 올가닉의 이미지를 적용하여 부드럽고 사용성 도 높은 디자인으로 변화를 시도하고 있다. 이와 같은 현상을 볼 때 올가 닉의 영역은 매우 넓어졌고 수용자들은 거부감 없이 선호하게 되었다. 올가닉 디자인의 정의와 실제 적용되어 있는 사례들을 찾아보고 이들을 비교 연구한 결과는 다음과 같다. 올가닉 형의 근원은 인체라는 것과 생 명력을 가지고 있는 것, 또는 생명력을 가지고 있지 않아도 곡선적 이미 지가 적용된 디자인은 올가닉 조형으로 볼 수 있다는 사실을 확인할 수 있었다. 자동차나 산업제품은 물론 시각디자인분야에서도 올가닉의 형 체가 적용된 사례들을 발견할 수 있었다. 생명력과 곡선, 그리고 유선형 의 디자인 결과물은 올가닉 형체임을 알 수 있었다. 인간이 자연으로의 회귀와 자연속에서 살아가려고 하는 마음들도 근본적으로 올가닉 형체 로 태어났고 또 자연으로 돌아가는 인간의 행태가 올가닉의 범위 안에 있기 때문으로 판단된다. 본 연구를 통하여 올가닉에 대한 기본 개념과 그 이념을 디자인의 모든 분야에 적용하여 가장 친밀한 디자인의 결과물 들이 많이 생산되어 편안하고 풍요로운 사회를 만들어 나가는 계기가 되 기를 희망한다. About ‘organic’, people think natural living thing like vine or leaf unrelated to artificiality. First condition for organic is life. These days, however, it contains the thing made of inorganic material and the range becomes wider. Even curved design is called as organic design, recent product is trying to be changed natural and useful using an organic image. Like this, the range of organic becomes very broaden and consumers prefer it naturally. This is a result finding the definition of organic design, applied examples, and making a comparative study. I could know the root of organic is human body, having vitality, or although not having vitality, design having curved image is regarded as organic model. I could see the examples applied organic form at a car, industrial product, also in visual design field. Resulting product of vitality, curving, streamlined form is organic shape. The reason why people live in nature is because they were born as organic shape and living in organic bounds. Through this research, I hope our society to be affluent and comfortable appling organic’s definition and idea to all the design fields and producing intimate design with organic.

      • KCI등재

        질소 안정동위원소 자연존재비(δ<sup>15</sup>N)를 이용한 유기벼와 일반벼 판별법 탐색

        이효원 ( Lee Hyo-won ),이상모 ( Lee Sang-mo ) 한국유기농업학회 2010 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.18 No.2

        To investigate the possibility of discrimination between organic and non-organic rice using stable isotope nitrogen of natural abundance, organic rice of 17 samples and non-organic rice of 13 samples grown at adjoining organic rice field were collected in 2008. Rice was grinded into brown rice, milled rice and hull, and samples were analysed for nitrogen and δ<sup>15</sup>N at NICEM. Authors also made inquiries about N source for both farmers who conduct organic- and non-organic rice cultivation. In order to know whether the δ<sup>15</sup>N can be used in discrimination between organic and non-organic rice, discriminant analysis were made with SPSS and logistic method. 1. Organic farmers used manure, rice bran, used mushroom culture, fermented fertilizer (company products), and oil cake, but non-organic farmers applied compound fertilizer. Rice straws were remained in organic rice field while moved out in non-organic field. 2. There were difference in δ<sup>15</sup>N among organic rice and its byproduct(7.760‰ in hull, 6.720‰ in rice), but significant difference was not found between them. And the trend was same between province. Non-organic rice showed similar results. 3. Significant difference of δ<sup>15</sup>N were found between organic rice and non-organic rice (p<0.01) and between hull of organic rice and that of non-organic rice hull (p<0.05). δ<sup>15</sup>N seemed to be useful criteria for discrimination of organic and non-organic rice. 4. When applied discrimination analysis of SPSS and logistic, there were significant difference between organic rice, non-organic rice and its byproducts except brown rice and hull in SPSS method. Hull can be used as the most useful component for unknown sample prediction with 83.3% probability.

      • KCI등재

        Estimation of Consumers’ Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Organic Pork in China

        Yiyang Qiao,Kyungsoo Nam,Byeong-il Ahn 한국농업경제학회 2021 農業經濟硏究 Vol.62 No.1

        Organic food plays an important role in improving food safety and environmental sustainability. Although organic food has received a lot of attention in China, the organic market is still developing slowly. China is the largest pork consumer in the world; it is imperative to actively develop the organic food industry in China, especially the organic pork industry. The production of organic products and the activation of the certification system can be determined by consumers willingness to pay. This paper estimated Chinese consumers preferences and willingness to pay for the attributes of pork, focusing on animal welfare and organic feed certification. A choice experiment was conducted to investigate Chinese consumers preferences. This paper also compared the consumers willingness to pay for organic-certified pork by classifying consumers according to their awareness and reliability for organic certification. The estimated results revealed that consumers are willing to pay the highest price premium for the attribute of the origin of China, followed by the attributes of organic feed, the origin of Europe, and animal welfare. This paper also found that increasing consumers awareness and reliability toward organic certification could draw consumers demand for organic pork, which suggests raising awareness is one of the effective policy alternatives for developing and activiting the market of organic food in China.

      • KCI등재후보

        세계 유기축산의 동향과 전망

        김경량,김석중 한국농업정책학회, 한국축산경영학회 2002 농업경영정책연구 Vol.29 No.1

        The organic food market has been increased rapidly for last five years, especially in EU, U.S.A., and Japan. The increasing rate of the consumption of organic food per year is 15-30% in those countries. The study focused on the trend, prospect, certification procedure of organic livestock farming, and supply system of organic feed for the organic livestock in the world. Large scale marketing firms play a leading role for the marketing of the organic livestock products in U.S.A. EU has explored several direct selling roots by farms themselves. However, the production and marketing of the organic livestock by the standard of the CODEX has not been existed in Korea. There are many private certification organizations for the certification system in U.S.A. In the case of EU countries, private certification organizations issue the certification and each government supervises the organizations. The National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service(NAQS) certifies the organic livestock in Korea. US and Canada produce 1/3 of the organic feed of the world in 2000. The result of the study shows countermeasures against consumer, government, producer, marketing and certification of the organic livestock farming for the development of the organic livestock industry in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        유기농산물 소비자인식이 재구매의사에 미치는 영향

        서용실,서윤정,이진홍,이병오 한국유통과학회 2015 유통과학연구 Vol.13 No.11

        Purpose – The number of consumers adopting a lifestyle of health and sustainability has recently increased with the rise of trends in healthy living. The size of the organic agricultural product market has also increased given that these consumers prefer consuming environmentally friendly products that promote family health. However, awareness of organic agricultural products remains insufficient because of the characteristics of the Korean organic agriculture system, which only focuses on food safety inspection. The object of this research is to suggest a policy approach to increase understanding and to expand the purchasing of organic agricultural products by analyzing the influence of customer recognition of such products on their willingness to repurchase. Research design, data, and methodology – This study used binomial logistic regression analysis with the aim of explaining the effects of consumers’ socio-demographic characteristics, their awareness of the equivalence arrangement for organic food and of the abolishment of low-pesticide agricultural product certification, and their viewing of negative broadcasts about organic agricultural products on their repurchase intention of such products. A questionnaire survey was conducted with 655 re-spondents who were in their 20s, lived either in Seoul or in its metropolitan area, and had purchased organic agricultural products. Result – From the results of the analysis, the majority of the respondents recognized organic agricultural products, but they found their prices to be expensive. The majority of the respondents were also aware of the certification system and the reliability of organic agricultural products. However, the results indicate that efforts need to be made to recover consumer trust as many respondents stated that their trust levels in these products were low. In general, those purchasing organic agricultural products were satisfied, but those answering "very satisfied" were not in the majority. Binomial logistic regression analysis results revealed that repurchase intention decreased as consumers viewed a greater number of negative broadcasts about these products. On the other hand, repurchase intention increased as they became more aware of the abolishment of low-pesticide certification. Repurchase intention also increased as income increased, as the number of family members decreased, and when a consumer was a member of a consumer organization. In addition, the older the consumers were who watched the TV programs, the smaller the number of family members that were aware of the abolishment of low-pesticide agricultural product certification and, the higher the income of the consumers aware of organic equivalence arrangement, the greater their repurchase intention. Conclusion – External stimuli, such as negative TV programs on organic agricultural products and the abolishment of the low-pesticide agricultural product certification, relevant social issues and systems, influence consumer repurchase intention. To that end, positive environmental and ecological broadcasting about organic agricultural products would contribute to an increase in purchasing. Additionally, this could be used for promotion and marketing plans as the results indicate that trust in organic agricultural products would cause a positive repurchasing effect.

      • KCI등재

        Buying conventional foods or going organic? A comparative study on the perceptions and consumption of organic foods in Germany and Korea

        PREUTHOLGER 한독사회과학회 2017 한독사회과학논총 Vol.27 No.1

        The global organic food market has expanded substantially as growing and going organic has widely been perceived as being good for soils, ecosystems and people. Also considering the history of the organic movements, this study investigates the contemporary perceptions and consumption of organic foods in Germany and South Korea. This study concludes that given the historically different commitments to organic farming and marketing, organic foods in Germany have gone main-stream whilst in South Korea organic foods are essentially still much of a niche market. In Germany an organic industry has evolved and organic food awareness and consumption are strong.Most consumers are above average income and education, and driven by ethical values for people, environment and animals. Many consumers also go organic because of a holistic healthy life style, trends and convenience. South Koreans, on a smaller scale - in particular mothers of young children, elders and high income groups – also purchase organic food mostly for health reasons. Here knowledge about organic food and intentions to go organic appear limited due to deficiencies in marketing and labelling, resulting in a lack of product distinction and trust in the quality of organic foods. To popularize organic foods in South Korea, greater efforts should be made to improve cost effectiveness, product transparency and reliability of organic foods, and understanding of consumer behaviour.

      • KCI등재

        Buying conventional foods or going organic? - A comparative study on the perceptions and consumption of organic foods in Germany and Korea -

        Holger Preut 한독사회과학회 2017 한독사회과학논총 Vol.27 No.1

        유기농업법과 유기농 식품 사용이 토양 및 생태계 시스템 그리고 인간에게 유익하다고 점차 인식됨에 따라, 세계 유기농 식품 시장 역시 괄목할 만큼 발전하였다. 본 연구에서는 한국과 독일의 유기농 운동의 기원을 고찰하면서, 양국의 유기농 식품에 대한 인식 및 소비관련 현황을 살펴보았다. 한국과 독일 양국의 유기농업 현황과 유기농 식품 시장 마케팅의 역사적 행보 및 유기농 식품의 시장수요가 현격하게 차이가 나는 것을 주목하였으며, 이에 근거하여 유기농 식품시장이 독일에서는 주류(主流)시장으로 편입되었으나, 한국에서는 유기농 식품시장이 본질적으로 여전히 틈새시장에 머물러 있다는 결론을 내렸다. 독일에서는 유기농 산업이 진화·발전되어 왔으며, 유기농 식품에 대한 인식 및 소비가 왕성한 것으로 확인되었다. 대부분의 독일 유기농 소비자는 평균 이상의 수입과 교육을 받은 사람들로 인간, 환경 및 동물에 대한 윤리적 가치에 의해 선택의 영향을 받으며, 많은 수의 소비자들 역시 전체론(全體論)적이고 건강한 생활 방식, 유행 및 편의성에 의해 유기농 식품을 선택하는 것으로 확인되었다. 한국의 경우, 소규모로 -특히 어린 자녀가 있는 가정주부, 장년 및 고소득 계층이 중심이 되어- 그리고 대부분 건강상의 이유로 유기농 식품을 구입하는 것으로 조사되었다. 그러나 마케팅 및 인증제도에의 결함, 유기농 식품의 구별성, 유기농 식품의 품질에 대한 신뢰결핍으로 인해 유기농 식품의 인지도 및 유기농 식품의 지속적 구매성은 제한적인 것으로 파악되었다. 한국에서 유기농 식품이 보다 많은 이들에게 확대되기 위해서는 가격대비 효율성 및 유기농 식품의 제품 투명성과 신뢰성, 소비자 행동에 대한 이해를 높이기 위한 노력이 필요하다고 분석된다. The global organic food market has expanded substantially as growing and going organic has widely been perceived as being good for soils, ecosystems and people. Also considering the history of the organic movements, this study investigates the contemporary perceptions and consumption of organic foods in Germany and South Korea. This study concludes that given the historically different commitments to organic farming and marketing, organic foods in Germany have gone main-stream whilst in South Korea organic foods are essentially still much of a niche market. In Germany an organic industry has evolved and organic food awareness and consumption are strong.Most consumers are above average income and education, and driven by ethical values for people, environment and animals. Many consumers also go organic because of a holistic healthy life style, trends and convenience. South Koreans, on a smaller scale - in particular mothers of young children, elders and high income groups – also purchase organic food mostly for health reasons. Here knowledge about organic food and intentions to go organic appear limited due to deficiencies in marketing and labelling, resulting in a lack of product distinction and trust in the quality of organic foods. To popularize organic foods in South Korea, greater efforts should be made to improve cost effectiveness, product transparency and reliability of organic foods, and understanding of consumer behaviour.

      • KCI등재

        Organic-rich source rock characterization and evaluation of the Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation: results from geophysical logs of the second scientific drilling borehole in the Songliao Basin, NE China

        Xiaohuan Zhang,Changchun Zou,Jinhuan Zhao,Ning Li,Shuxia Zhang,Kouamelan Serge Kouamelan,Liang Xiao,Huolin Ma,Yixiong Niu 한국지질과학협의회 2019 Geosciences Journal Vol.23 No.1

        The second continental scientific drilling (SKII east) borehole in the Songliao Basin has been planned to be the deepest borehole to drill through the Cretaceous continental strata under the framework of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) up to date. This borehole was designed not only to explore the potential relationships between dinosaur extinction and climate environment during the Cretaceous but also to achieve new breakthroughs in oil and gas exploration. The high hydrocarbon (oil and gas) potential of a source rock is highly dependent on its organic content. We used geophysical log data of Borehole SKII east to evaluate the organic content of organic-rich source rock. In the period of the first member in the Qingshankou Formation (K2qn1) from the study area, high accommodation space and anoxic environment could promote organic matter deposition. Firstly, based on geological information and abundant geophysical log data, the basic geophysical characteristics (including petrophysical, lithological, mineralogical, and sedimentary properties) of the Qingshankou Formation in Borehole SKII east were studied. Secondly, geophysical log response characteristics (including resistivity, porosity, radioactivity, mineral and element) of organic-rich source rocks were analyzed. Thirdly, we tried to obtain suitable methods to predict total organic carbon (TOC) content of the target formation with geophysical log data. The laboratorymeasured TOC values of core samples from Borehole SKI south were used to make calibrations with calculated TOC values from geophysical logs. Results from improved ΔlogR technique and Dual_Vsh method are consistent, and indicate that these two methods are effective in this formation. The calculated TOC values from these two methods are relatively desirable, and show that the organic-rich source rocks with high TOC content occurred in the K2qn1 (1646.00~1669.00 m). The highest TOC content can reach 9.15%. The bed thicknesses of organic-rich source rocks are totally up to 7.88 m. These organic-rich source rocks can be considered as excellent. This study demonstrated that improve ΔlogR technique can be applied to evaluate source rocks in the formations without maturity data, and the new method Dual_Vsh is also valid in the Qingshankou Formation. The organic-rich source rock evaluation results could promote further exploration and development of oil and gas resources in the upper Cretaceous formations, Songliao Basin.

      • KCI등재

        유기론적 전통과 엘리엇의 비평: 객관적 상관물을 중심으로

        이윤섭 한국T.S.엘리엇학회 2009 T.S. 엘리엇 연구 Vol.19 No.2

        This article aims to interpret T. S. Eliot’s doctrine of the objective correlative in terms of the European tradition of organicism. A consideration of the organic implications in Eliot’s major critical concepts, such as “a whole of feeling,” “unified sensibility,” and “depersonalization,” reminds us that Aristotle, Longinus, and Horace also highly valued the organic relation between the part and the whole and the organic unity of thought and feeling in great classical poetry. S. T. Coleridge had imported organic ideas from German thinkers and applied them to his Shakespearean criticism. Refuting the neo-classical view that Shakespeare failed to give an adequate verbal form and organized structure to his talent, Coleridge insisted that “no work of genius dares want its appropriate form,” and eulogized Shakespeare’s organic verbal structure equal to his genius. But, contrary to Coleridge, Eliot underestimated Hamlet as an artistic failure on the ground that Shakespeare could not find the objective correlative equivalent to Hamlet’s bafflement. However, it is worth noting that in the course of denouncing Hamlet, Eliot invented his doctrine of the objective correlative, which is an adoption of the organic principle inherited from S. T. Coleridge and Gottfried Leibniz. In his Knowledge and Experience, Eliot noticed that, having essential organic features, Leibniz’s windowless monad was very similar to F. H. Bradley’s concepts of the finite centre and immediate experience. In these concepts of holistic and empirical idealism, the distinctions between the subjective and the objective, spirit and matter, self and the world, feeling and image, and form and content cannot be maintained for their mutual interdependence. So, it should be said that the concept of the objective correlative was a special application of Eliot’s general principle of “the unity of feeling and objectivity,” for feeling and objectivity are only discriminated aspects of the whole experience. He remarked that there was the mutual inclination of mental feeling and verbal image to react upon one another so inexplicably that the relation should be said to be organic. Therefore, the organic features implied in his critical concepts and, in particular, the doctrine of the objective correlative confirms that he achieved a rapprochement between modern poetics and traditional authority.

      • KCI등재

        광역단지 유기농업 경영체 분석과 발전방향

        정학균,김창길,장정경 한국유기농업학회 2010 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.18 No.3

        The objective of this paper is to analyze management performance of organic farming management organizations in the large-scale environment-friendly agricultural districts, focusing on cases of organic farming organizations in Chungnam Asan city and Gyeongnam Sancheong-gun which are leading regions in Korean organic agriculture. The management performance in Asan Organic Farming Organization showed that ratio of operating gain to revenue in 2008~2009 increased by 1.2% point compared to in 2006~2007. The management performance in Sancheong Organic Farming Organization showed revenue gain by KRW 2 million in 2009 whereas it suffered a loss by KRW 24 million in 2008. The management performances implied that the amount of financial performance was not yet large and would be a symbol for soundly developing organic farming organization. This paper suggested that network system, recycling agriculture, and the enlargement of processing industry would be very useful to maximize synergy effect in organic farming organizations in a large-scale environment-friendly agricultural districts.

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