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        Meta-Analysis : Effect of Prucalopride in the Treatment of Chronic Constipation in Asian and Non-Asian Women: A Pooled Analysis of 4 Randomized,Placebo-controlled Studies

        ( Mei Yun Ke ),( Jan Tack ),( Eamonn M M Quigley ),( Duo Wu Zou ),( Suck Chei Choi ),( Somchai Leelakusolvong ),( Andy Liu ),( Jin Yong Kim ) 대한소화기기능성질환·운동학회(구 대한소화관운동학회) 2014 Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (JNM Vol.20 No.4

        Background/Aims To compare the efficacy and safety of prucalopride, a novel selective high-affinity 5-hydroxytryptamine type 4 receptor agonist, versus placebo, in Asian and non-Asian women with chronic constipation (CC). Methods Data of patients with CC, receiving once-daily prucalopride 2-mg or placebo for 12-weeks, were pooled from 4 double-blind, randomized, phase-III trials (NCT00488137, NCT00483886, NCT00485940 and NCT01116206). The efficacy endpoints were: average of ≥ 3 spontaneous complete bowel movements (SCBMs)/week; average increases of ≥ 1 SCBMs/week; and change from baseline in each CC-associated symptom scores (bloating, abdominal pain, hard stool and straining).Results Overall, 1,596 women (Asian [26.6%], non-Asian [73.4%]) were included in this analysis. Significantly more patients in the prucalopride group versus placebo experienced an average of ≥ 3 SCBMs/week in Asian (34% vs. 11%, P < 0.001) and non-Asian (24.6% vs. 10.6%, P < 0.001) subgroups. The number of patients reporting an increase of ≥ 1 SCBMs/week from baseline was significantly higher in the prucalopride group versus placebo among both Asian (57.4% vs. 28.3%, P < 0.001) and non-Asian (45.3% vs. 24.0%, P < 0.001) subgroups. The difference between the subgroups was not statistically significant. Prucalopride significantly reduced the symptom scores for bloating, hard stool, and straining in both subgroups. Conclusions Prucalopride 2-mg once-daily treatment over 12-weeks was more efficacious than placebo in promoting SCBMs and improvement of CC-associated symptoms in Asian and non-Asian women, and was found to be safe and well-tolerated. There were numeric differences between Asian and non-Asian patients on efficacy and treatment emergent adverse events, which may be partially due to the overlap with functional gastrointestinal disorders in non-Asian patients.(J Neurogastroenterol Motil 2014;20:458-468)

      • KCI등재

        아시아 종교의 불이론(不二論) ― 샹카라(Śankara)와 원효(元曉)를 중심으로

        이찬석 한국조직신학회 2023 한국조직신학논총 Vol.72 No.-

        본 논문은 아시아 종교의 불이론을 탐색하기 위하여 힌두교 샹카라의불이론과 한국불교 원효의 불이론을 고찰한다. 그러나 본 논문은 아시아 신학의 불이론을 구성하는 연구를 일차적 연구이다. 본 논문은 궁극적 절대자와 이 세계의 관계성에 중점을 두고 샹카라와 원효의 불이론을 탐색한다. 샹카라의 불이론은 브라만(아트만)을 ‘유일한 실재’로 전제하고, 이 세계를 ‘브라만의 가현’으로 보면서 궁극적 절대자와 이 세계의이원론을 극복하려고 한다. 원효는 궁극적 절대자의 개념에 상응하는‘실체 관념’을 해체하면서 이 세계를 ‘있는 그대로’ 보아야 함을 강조하면서 궁극적 절대자와 이 세계의 이원적 분리를 극복하려고 한다. 샹카라와 원효가 지향하는 ‘해탈’은 깨달음을 통한 무지의 극복이라 할 수 있다. 샹카라에게서 무지는 브라만과 아트만을 다르게 보고, 개별적 자아와보편적 자아인 아트만을 다르게 보는 것이다. 원효에게서 무지는 이 세계에 존재하는 것에 ‘실체 관념’을 부여하는 것이다. 이러한 측면에서 샹카라의 불이론에서는 이 세계의 소멸을 초래하는 ‘일식 현상’이 일어나고, 원효의 불이론에서는 ‘궁극적 절대자가 소멸하는 ’절대자의 일식 현상이 일어난다. 그러므로 본 논문은 샹카라의 불이론을 ‘일원론적 불이론’으로 규정하고, 원효의 불이론을 ‘무원론적 불이론’으로 규정한다. 전통적 기독교는 창조론에서 절대자를 창조자로, 이 세계를 피조물로 규정하면서 하나님과 세계의 관계를 절대자와 유한자라는 구조로 불연속성을 강조하면서 이원론적 현상이 일어나고 있지만, ‘계시’와 ‘성육신’ 의 개념을 중심으로 절대자와 세계의 연속성을 강조하면서 절대자와 세계의 이원론적 분리를 돌파한다. 더 나아가서 기독교는 자기희생을 전제로 하는 ‘십자가의 도’를 중심으로 하여 이 세계 안에 대립과 갈등을가져오는 이원적 분리를 ‘자기살림’이 아니라 ‘자기희생’으로 돌파한다. 그러므로 본 논문은 기독교의 불이론을 절대자도 살아나고 세계도 살아나는 ‘상생적 살림의 불이론’으로 규정한다. 본 논문은 아시아 신학이 기독교와 아시아의 관계에 있어서 양자택일(either/or)의 문법이 아니라양자 모두(both/and)의 논리와 사유를 적용하여 아시아적 기독교를 창출시켜야 하고, 더 나아가서 절대자와 세계의 관계도 양자 모두(both/and)의 논리를 적용하여 절대자와 세계를 동시에 살리는 상생의불이론을 창출해야 함을 본 논문은 결론으로 제시한다. In order to explore the non-dualism of Asian religions, this article examines the non-dualism of Shankara in Hinduism and Wonhyo in Korean Buddhism. However, this article is the primary study to construct a non-dualism of Korean theology and Asian theology. This article explores the non-dualism of Sankara and Wonhyo, focusing on the relationship between the ultimate absolute and this world. Shankara's non-dualism presupposes Brahman (Atman) as 'the only reality' and tries to overcome the dualism of the ultimate absolute and this world by viewing this world as 'the manifestation of Brahman'. Wonhyo tries to overcome the dualistic separation between the ultimate absolute and this world, emphasizing the need to see this world 'as it is' while deconstructing the 'concept of substance' corresponding to the concept of the ultimate absolute. The 'liberation' pursued by Shankara and Wonhyo can be said to be the overcoming of ignorance through enlightenment. For Shankara, ignorance sees Brahman and Atman differently, and sees the individual self(jiva) and the universal self, Atman, differently. For Wonhyo, ignorance is what gives the 'concept of substance' to what exists in this world. In this respect, in Shankara's fire theory, the 'eclipse phenomenon' that causes the extinction of this world occurs, and in Wonhyo's non-dualism, the 'eclipse phenomenon of the absolute that the ultimate absolute disappears' occurs. Therefore, this article defines Shankara's fire theory as 'monistic non-dualism' and Wonhyo's non-dualism as 'an atheistic non-dualism’. Traditional Christianity defines the absolute as the creator and the world as the creature in creationism, emphasizing the discontinuity of the relationship between God and the world as the absolute and the finite, and a dualistic phenomenon is occurring. It breaks through the dualistic separation between the absolute and the world while emphasizing the continuity of the absolute and the world as the center. Furthermore, Christianity breaks through the dualistic separation that brings confrontation and conflict in this world by 'self-sacrifice' rather than 'self-living' centered on 'the message of the cross' that presupposes self-sacrifice. Therefore, this thesis defines the non-dualism of Christianity as the “non-dualism of coexistence” in which both the absolute and the world are revived. This thesis concludes that Asian theology should create Asian Christianity by applying the logic and reasoning of both/and rather than grammar of either/or in the relationship between Christianity and Asia. Furthermore, this thesis concludes that the relationship between the absolute and the world should also be applied with the logic of both (and) to create a non-dualism of inter-living that simultaneously saves the absolute and the world.


        Non-exhaust particulate pollution in Asian countries: A comprehensive review of sources, composition, and health effects

        Anamika Roy,Mamun Mandal,Sujit Das,Manoj Kumar,Robert Popek,Amit Awasthi,Balendu Shekher Giri,Kartick Chandra Mondal,Abhijit Sarkar 대한환경공학회 2023 Environmental Engineering Research Vol.29 No.3

        Recent regulations on exhaust emissions have led to an increase in non-exhaust emissions, which now surpasses exhaust emissions. Non-exhaust emissions are mainly generated from brake and tire particle abrasion, road wear, and re-suspended road dust. In Asia, non-exhaust emissions have increased significantly over the past 50 years, resulting in almost 92% of the population breathing polluted air, which accounts for 70% of air pollution related-deaths. Most Asian countries with poor air quality are developing or underdeveloped. Taking this into consideration, the current study aims to shed light on particulate pollution from non-exhaust emissions in the Asian context to assess the current status and its health consequences and provides technological solutions. The study is based on an in-depth analysis of existing reviews and research concerning non-exhaust emissions and their health impacts in Asia to pinpoint knowledge gaps. The study found that particulate pollutants had exceeded WHOs standards in many Asian countries, bringing deleterious health consequences among children and the elderly. The findings underscore the significance of future researchers efforts to devise solutions that curtail non-exhaust emissions, ultimately reducing air pollution, augmenting air quality, fostering better health outcomes, and paving way for a more sustainable future before it is too late.

      • KCI등재

        아시아에서 1960-70년대 비동맹/제3세계운동과 민족⋅민중 개념의 창신

        백원담 한국중국현대문학학회 2009 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.49

        This study takes note of the Non-alignment Movement and the Third World Movement that emerged in Asia, recognizing them as the process of regional identity building in post-war Asia. The temporal-space where these movements were born, evolved and transformed exactly illustrates the trajectories of newly established nation states joining together, competing with each other, and creating new interrelationship in post-war Asia, with the intent to address pending issues including political and economic independence and security. To achieve the research objective, this study employes the concept and perspective of Asia nationalism. The study intends to find out what had triggered the Non-alignment Movement and catch the aspects of the successful development of the movement by examining major meetings and resolutions declared during the process the Non-alignment Movement of Asia was transformed into the Third World Movement. By so doing, this study aims to identify the ideological standard of a state-led solidarity movement along with pending issues concerned, and explore the inner implications that the limitations of the movement resulted in a historical failure in the face of difficulties in modern nation state building, despite its value orientation. The study concludes that this failure represents historical statement and limitations of Asian nationalism. In this context, the study discusses diverse routes of nation state building in Asia and the process of the creation of people, the actual representation of a nation, who drive for nation state building. In brief, the study considers, explaining the Non-alignment Movement and initiatives for regional collaboration, under which Asia explored the potential of Asia itself, equals identifying the actual forces of driving these movements, or the main players for the lower class-based Asianness.

      • The Broadening of Art Perspectives in an Art Course of Non-Art Major Students through a Korean Art Teacher’s Asian Art Viewpoint

        Yongsock Chang(Yongsock Chang) Asian Qualitative Inquiry Association 2023 아시아질적탐구 Vol.2 No.1

        This research explores how Multicultural and Asian art affects college students in a U.S. university. The students did not major in art, and they chose art as elective subjects. The art course consisted of art theory and practice based on DBAE(Discipline-Based Art Education). In the art class, some non-white students always enrolled in the course. The researcher found that DBAE was satisfactory but sometimes inappropriate because DBAE is rooted in Western high art. The researcher changed the art studio class with a multicultural perspective, especially Asian art because he wanted to introduce a new art style to the class and give them a chance to appreciate non-western art. Qualitative action research and arts-based research methods were used to conduct this project. The result revealed that the students of color showed more confidence and actively participated in the class. The works of students of color were changed and improved. Second, women became more aware of social issues and expressed their feelings and emotions in their works. It seemed that the women students would become social activists and voice their opinions by making their art. Third, some students, especially Hispanic and Asian students showed their identity through their artworks. Forth, some Korean students did not make much progress. By including multicul-tural art in art classes, more students could broaden their perspectives on art and understand diversity through their artworks.

      • KCI등재

        Pemetrexed-Erlotinib, Pemetrexed Alone, or Erlotinib Alone as Second-Line Treatment for East Asian and Non-East Asian Never-Smokers with Locally Advanced or Metastatic Nonsquamous Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Exploratory Subgroup Analysis of a Phase II Tr

        이대호,이정신,Jie Wang,Te-Chun Hsia,김종석,Mauro Orlando 대한암학회 2015 Cancer Research and Treatment Vol.47 No.4

        Purpose This subgroup analysis of a phase II trial was conducted to assess possible ethnicity-basedtrends in efficacy and safety in East Asian (EA) and non-EA populations with nonsquamousnon-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Materials and MethodsNever-smoker patients (n=240) with locally advanced or metastatic nonsquamous NSCLCincluded 133 EA patients randomized to pemetrexed supplemented with dexamethasone,folic acid, and vitamin B12 plus erlotinib (pemetrexed-erlotinib) (n=41), erlotinib (n=49), orpemetrexed (n=43), and 107 non-EA patients randomized to pemetrexed-erlotinib (n=37),erlotinib (n=33), or pemetrexed (n=37). The primary endpoint, progression-free survival(PFS), was analyzed using a multivariate Cox model. ResultsConsistent with the results of the overall study, a statistically significant difference in PFSamong the three arms was noted in the EA population favoring pemetrexed-erlotinib (overallp=0.003) as compared with either single-agent arm (hazard ratio [HR], 0.48; 95%confidence interval [CI], 0.29 to 0.79; p=0.004 vs. erlotinib; HR, 0.40; 95% CI, 0.23 to 0.70;p=0.001 vs. pemetrexed). The EA patients treated with pemetrexed-erlotinib achieved alonger median PFS (7.4 months) compared with erlotinib (4.5 months) and pemetrexed(4.0 months). The PFS results also numerically favored pemetrexed-erlotinib in the non-EApopulation (overall p=0.210) (HR, 0.62; 95% CI, 0.37 to 1.05; p=0.078 vs. erlotinib; HR,0.75; 95% CI, 0.42 to 1.32; p=0.320 vs. pemetrexed) (median PFS: pemetrexed-erlotinib,6.7 months; erlotinib, 3.0 months; pemetrexed, 4.4 months). ConclusionThe PFS results from this subset analysis in both EA and non-EA populations are consistentwith the results in the overall population. The PFS advantage for pemetrexed-erlotinib issignificant compared with the single agents in EA patients.

      • Effect of Asian dust storms on daily mortality in seven metropolitan cities of Korea

        Lee, H.,Kim, H.,Honda, Y.,Lim, Y.H.,Yi, S. Pergamon Press ; Elsevier [distribution] 2013 Atmospheric environment Vol.79 No.-

        The adverse effects of dust storms on health have been a major issue in several countries. A substantial number of studies have found significant associations between dust storms and morbidity such as emergency visits and hospitalizations. However, the results of the studies on the association between dust storms and mortality are inconsistent. In Korea, no study has found statistically significant effect of Asian dust storms on daily mortality. Thus, this study aims to explore the effect of Asian dust storms on daily mortality in Korea during 2001-2009. All analyses were confined to non-accidental mortality. We used generalized additive model with Quasi-Poisson regressions. We considered the lag effect of dust storms up to 7 days and performed subgroup analyses by disease, sex and age. Current day's temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, day of the week, season and time trends were controlled for in a basic model. SO<SUB>2,</SUB> NO<SUB>2</SUB> and PM<SUB>10</SUB> levels were also added in the further analyses. Meta-analysis was applied for seven metropolitan cities in Korea to estimate the pooled effects of Asian dust storms. We reported results as excessive mortality by percentage due to Asian dust storms. We found significant positive associations between Asian dust storms and mortality at lag 0 (cardiovascular: 2.91%; 95% CI: 0.13, 5.77, male: 2.74%; 95% CI: 0.74, 4.77 and <65 years: 2.52%; 95% CI: 0.06, 5.04), at lag 2 (male 2.4%; 95% CI: 0.43, 4.4 and <65 years: 2.49%; 95% CI: 0.07, 4.97), at lag 3 (total non-accidental: 1.57%; 95% CI: 0.11, 3.06, male: 2.24%; 95% CI: 0.28, 4.25 and <65 years: 2.43%; 95% CI: 0.01, 4.91) and at lag 5 (cardiovascular: 3.7%; 95% CI: 0.93, 6.54 and male: 2.04%, 95 CI: 0.08, 4.04) in the model which adjusted for NO<SUB>2</SUB> additionally. Other models showed similar significant results except the PM<SUB>10</SUB>-adjusted model. This is the first study to show the significant relationship between Asian dust storms and mortality in Korea and to present a pooled effect estimate by meta-analysis of multiple cities in a country. Asian dust storms could significantly affect daily mortality in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        Asian Perspectives in the Theology of Pyun Sun-Hwan: A Reexamination of a Non- dualistic Theology of Religions

        이정배 한국민중신학회 2013 Madang: Journal of Contextual Theology Vol.0 No.19

        This work is a study on Pyun sun-hwanØs Asian liberation Theology of Religion in the perspective of the non-dual thoughts of Da-seok Yu Yong-mo, to overcome a problem of the Western God-centered religious Pluralism. Therefore this paper tries to discuss this subject following four steps. First of all this article aims to stress non-dualistic thinking as an Asian expression of dekerygmatizierung. Secondly we will try to point out the implication and limitation of the Western theocentric pluralism in the light of non-dual existence. And according to this logic we would like to discuss Pyun sun-hwanØs theology reconstructed in an Asian way. Finally we will try again to prove PyunØs theology in the perspective of Da-seokØs idea of Returning to oneØand of Western Multiplicity

      • KCI등재

        1950년대 남한의 아시아 내셔널리즘론

        김예림(Kim, Yerim) 고려대학교 아세아문제연구소 2012 亞細亞硏究 Vol.55 No.1

        This paper analyzes discourse on Asian nationalism developed in the 1950s. To explore the progress and transformation of discussion, I pay attention to Sasanggye which is very significant journal in understanding South Korea’s political position on Asian nationalism and Non-Alignment. It needs to take interrelated two agendas for detailed investigation into actual development and structure of discussion. First, the problem of how Southeast Asian region was regarded and what kind of meaning it had in South Korea at that time. To deal with this question, I examined especially the phenomenon in which Southeast Asia began to be discovered and constructed as objectives of ‘knowledge’ at the atmosphere of the cold war. The net of knowledges organized in the 1950s can be called ‘quasi area studies’. Secondly, this paper looks into the South Korea’s consciousness toward main agents took the lead in non-aligned movement in Southeast Asian region. South Korea assumed ambiguous attitude toward them and through this fact we observe that strong anticommunism and needs for modernization work together. In addition I analyzed the change concerning agenda of non-alignment, which appeared in 1960 with the collapse of Rhee Syngman regime. At this period, national reunification and diplomacy were newly taken as important issues. Such situation brought about some transformation of approach to non-alignment or neutralism. Neutralization became ‘our’ problem awaiting serious and prudent consideration. However, a lot of intellectuals of South Korea maintained negative and critical perspectives on the possibility of neutalization. Fundamentally, somewhat changed position and trial were not beyond anticommunistic horizon.

      • KCI등재

        Efficacy and Safety of First-Line Necitumumab Plus Gemcitabine and Cisplatin Versus Gemcitabine and Cisplatin in East Asian Patients with Stage IV Squamous Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: A Subgroup Analysis of the Phase 3, Open-Label, Randomized SQUIRE Study

        박근칠,조은경,Maximino Bello,안명주,Sumitra Thongprasert,송은기,Victoria Soldatenkova,Henrik Depenbrock,Tarun Puri,Mauro Orlando 대한암학회 2017 Cancer Research and Treatment Vol.49 No.4

        Purpose The phase 3 randomized SQUIRE study revealed significantly longer overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) for necitumumab plus gemcitabine and cisplatin (neci+GC) than for gemcitabine and cisplatin alone (GC) in 1,093 patients with previously untreated advanced squamous non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). This post hoc subgroup analysis assessed the efficacy and safety of neci+GC among East Asian (EA) patients enrolled in the study. Materials and Methods All patients received up to six 3-week cycles of gemcitabine (days 1 and 8, 1,250 mg/m) and cisplatin (day 1, 75 mg/m). Patients in the neci+GC arm also received necitumumab (days 1 and 8, 800 mg) until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated from stratified Cox proportional hazards models. Results In EA patients, there were improvements for neci+GC (n=43) versus GC (n=41) in OS (HR, 0.805; 95% CI, 0.484 to 1.341) and PFS (HR, 0.720; 95% CI, 0.439 to 1.180), consistent with the results for non-EA patients observed in the present study. The overall safety data were consistent between EA and non-EA patients. A numerically higher proportion of patients experienced serious adverse events (AEs), grade  3 AEs, and AEs with an outcome of death for neci+GC versus GC in EA patients and EA patients versus non-EA patients for neci+GC. Conclusion Although limited by the small sample size and post hoc nature of the analysis, these findings are consistent with those of the overall study and suggest that neci+GC offers a survival advantage and favorable benefit/risk for EA patients with advanced squamous NSCLC.

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