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      • KCI등재

        두 가지의 민속학과 의식주 연구 -한복·한식·한옥에서 복식·음식·주거로-

        주영하 국립민속박물관 2007 민속학연구 Vol.0 No.20

        This study makes a claim about an issue that exists in the study of food, clothing and housing in Korean folklore research fields. Generally, folklore studies on food, clothing and housing have dealt within the scope of “material culture.” However, the beginning, folklore research, which started in the 19th Century, did not discuss much about the material cultures of food, clothing and housing. The early folklore was mainly focused on “the life stories of people.” Due to industrialization, material folk culture started to disappear. Therefore, the study of the material folk cultures of food, clothing and housing became an important field of research into folklore. The situation is quite similar in Korean folklore as well. Above all, the research on food, clothing, and housing was performed by some scientific scholars, because there were fewer folklorists before 1990s, and the research was mainly focused on the historic approach rather than the folkloristic approach. One of the reasons was that most of the scholars believed that it was useful to historically verify “the identity of ethnic culture.” One study of genuine ethnic groups and the history of people started from an early stage of ancient times and it has lasted until now. I would call it “modern folklore.” The modern folklore served politically by trying to make an ethnic group of people in a modern state who were educated by the nation state. Conventional research on food, clothing and housing in modern folklore mainly discusses “traditional” things rather than “practical” things in reference to the study of Korean traditional food, clothing and housing. Consequently, focus has been on the past. An ethnicity oriented approach was made by modern folklorists. After all, the 21st-century folkloristic research on food, clothing and housing, which was being conducted within the framework of the nation state, should now look to the fashion, food, and housing that were actually being consumed by Korean people. Thus, I coin the issue of “postmodern folklore” as a method of theorizing and study which can overcome the limitations of modern folklore. Furthermore, here are some other suggestions for research into modern folklore. First, understanding some of the phenomena of producing and consuming patterns in current fashion, food and housing is mandatory. It is necessary to adopt a new research method encompassing modernity and ecology of everyday life necessities as they could be applied to the study of modern folklore. Secondly, consuming food, clothing, and housing is a very important research topic which has formulated during modern times. Thirdly, take a look very carefully at “the house” as a scene of consuming food, fashion and housing. Finally, a very significant pursuit is underway, led by conventional folklorists on the research of food, clothing and housing, which is considered to be a special and an old “the knowledge of folk.” This method reveals many meanings which can be applied as cultural contents. We should focus on an integrated perspective on food, fashion and housing. We should abandon the perspective of the material itself. To make it possible to pursue the research on food, fashion, and housing, we need to gain a deep perspective into the local community members who actually exist and have personal knowledge of folk culture. This effort will shed light on the meaning of the knowledge of folk from a single system to a plural system, which modern folklorists have greatly sought after.

      • A Typology of Modern Housing in Malaysia

        Ju, Seo-Ryeung,Omar, Saari Bin The Korean Home Economics Association 2010 International Journal of Human Ecology Vol.11 No.1

        Modernization of cities and housing in Malaysia is a reflection of the history of the establishment of colonial trading ports for worldwide maritime trade and exchange. In cosmopolitan cities, new housing typology appeared from the influence of various ethnic immigrants and with the fusion of traditional Malay housing characteristics. This study is to focus on classifying the housing typologies of Malaysia which were formed through the modernization process of cities. The typologies of modern housing in Malaysia can be classified into two categories. The first category is the 'transformation of traditional housing'. The representative typology of this group is the ubiquitous shophouse. The shophouse was originally brought in by the Chinese immigrants from the south coast of China and transformed into the Malaysian urbanscape. The other typology is a detached-house known as the bungalo, which was the housing style combining the Malay traditional timber house and European palazzo. The second category is the 'modern urban housing typology'. Modern urbanization after the independence from the British in 1957 required the maximum utilization of land. To accommodate new social and economic needs, the new typologies were developed in the form of medium-density terrace houses (row houses) and high-density apartment. In the suburban areas, the British terrace house was adopted and developed into unique Malaysian terrace house and semi-detached house based on the British system of land sub division. In premium area of the city, luxurious housing type in the form of high-end condominium is one of the popular housing for upper middle-class and high-class society.

      • A Typology of Modern Housing in Malaysia

        ( Seo Ryeung Ju ),( Saari Bin Omar ) 대한가정학회 2010 International Journal of Human Ecology Vol.11 No.1

        Modernization of cities and housing in Malaysia is a reflection of the history of the establishment of colonial trading ports for worldwide maritime trade and exchange. In cosmopolitan cities, new housing typology appeared from the influence of various ethnic immigrants and with the fusion of traditional Malay housing characteristics. This study is to focus on classifying the housing typologies of Malaysia which were formed through the modernization process of cities. The typologies of modern housing in Malaysia can be classified into two categories. The first category is the ``transformation of traditional housing``. The representative typology of this group is the ubiquitous shophouse. The shophouse was originally brought in by the Chinese immigrants from the south coast of China and transformed into the Malaysian urbanscape. The other typology is a detached-house known as the bungalow, which was the housing style combining the Malay traditional timber house and European palazzo. The second category is the ``modern urban housing typology``. Modern urbanization after the independence from the British in 1957 required the maximum utilization of land. To accommodate new social and economic needs, the new typologies were developed in the form of medium-density terrace houses (row houses) and high-density apartment. In the suburban areas, the British terrace house was adopted and developed into unique Malaysian terrace house and semi-detached house based on the British system of land sub division. In premium area of the city, luxurious housing type in the form of high-end condominium is one of the popular housing for upper middle-class and high-class society.

      • KCI등재

        독일 제3제국 시기 주거구조의 근대성에 대한 고찰

        이병철(Lee, Byong-chol) 한국외국어대학교 역사문화연구소 2014 역사문화연구 Vol.51 No.-

        The Third Reich's housing policy shifted its focus from small housing estate in town and farming villages to large-scale social housing in metropolis. The social housing in final phase of the Third Reich was the testbed in which the rationalization, such as typication, standardization, etc., was attempted radically based on modern industrial construction techniques. Does that constitute abandonment of anti-liberalistic and anti-Marxist Nazi ideology? Can we say that Nazi spurred modernization by shifting from the conservative housing policy to progressive housing policy? This study evaluated the Third Reich's housing policy in connection with the Nazi modernization thesis. If we understand the modernization of Nazi as continuity with the West Germany(Federal Republic of Germany), the housing policy of Nazi which laid groundwork for the housing policy of 1950s can be said to have modernity, whether it is small housing estate or social housing. From the standpoint of postmodernism, Nazism represents modernity as it constitutes pathological manifestation of the Western modern civilization per se, not the uncivilized deviation from Western modern civilization. However, it is an extremely simple evaluation to define the Third Reich's housing policy as modernity or non-modernity from such standpoint. From the spatial-sociological perspective, the low-income housing in the Nazi period represented the dwelling space controlled by modern viewpoint of surveillance and control, considering that such housing was not the physical spatial arrangement that allowed the house to be viewed from the outside, but provided view line for the residents to watch and control themselves. What is the new view line arranged by Nazi? That was the "uniformity"(Gleichschaltung) strategy subjugating all things to the Nazi ideology for the establishment of ethnic community(Volksgemeinschaft). That became the view line for self-surveillance even without surveillant and became a system operating even without the monitoring device. The modernity is clearly manifested in the Third Reich's housing policy. However, the core of Nazi modernity is the technique to infuse the Nazi ideology into the public regardless of the pattern of architectural style. The political dynamics of Nazi was underpinned by programmatic eclecticism, and in the process, the housing served as very crucial tool. 독일 제3제국의 주택정책은 소도시 및 농촌에서의 소주택단지로부터 대도시에서의 대규모 사회적 주택으로 선회하였다. 제3제국 마지막 국면의 사회적 주택은 현대 산업적 건축기법에 의한 유형화, 규격화, 표준화 등의 합리화가 극단적으로 시도된 실험장이었다. 이것은 반(反)자유주의적 반(反)마르크스주의적 나치 이념의 포기라고 볼 수 있을까? 나치가 보수적 주택정책에서 진보적 주택정책으로 전환함으로써 근대화를 진척시켰다고 할 수 있을까? 이 논문은 "나치 근대화론"과 관련하여 제3제국의 주택정책을 평가하는 작업이다. 나치의 근대화를 서독과의 연속성으로 이해한다면 소주택단지든, 사회적 주택이든 나치의 주택정책은 1950년대의 주택정책에 기반이 되었다는 점에서 근대적이다. 반면에 탈근대적 관점에서 볼 때도 나치즘은 서양 근대 문명으로부터의 야만적 이탈이 아니라 그것 자체의 병리적 표현이라는 점에서 근대적이다. 그러나 이러한 관점으로 제3제국의 주택정책을 근대적이냐 아니냐로 구분하는 것은 너무 단순한 평가이다. 공간사회학적으로 볼 때 나치 시대의 서민주택은 감시와 관리라는 차원에서 근대적 시선에 의해 통제되는 주거공간이었다. 그것은 외부에서 내부를 주시할 수 있는 물리적 공간배치라는 뜻이 아니라 주민 자신이 스스로 자신을 바라보고 통제하는 시선이 되게 했다는 점에서 그러하다. 나치가 배치한 새로운 시선이란 무엇인가? 그것은 "민족공동체"의 수립을 위해 모든 것을 나치 이데올로기에 종속시키는 "획일화" 전략이었다. 그것은 감시하는 자 없이도 자신이 감시하는 시선이 되고 감시하는 장치 없이도 작동하는 장치가 되었다. 제3제국의 주택정책에서 근대성은 분명하게 나타난다. 그러나 나치 근대성의 핵심은 건축양식의 유형에 관계없이 나치 이데올로기를 국민들에게 주입하는 기술에 있다고 할 수 있다. 그러한 나치의 정치적 역학은 계획적 절충주의에 의해 작동되었고, 그 과정에서 주택은 매우 중요한 도구 역할을 했다.

      • KCI등재

        한민족정보마당DB를 활용한 현대 누정기 연구

        박순 열상고전연구회 2017 열상고전연구 Vol.60 No.-

        본고에서는 한민족정보마당 사이트에 수록되어 있는 전통옛집DB를 활용하여 1950년 이후에 집필된 현대 누정기에 대해 살펴보았다. 누정기 자료에 대해서는 많은 연구 논문이 축적되어 있지만, 현대에 집필된 누정기에 대해 연구된 바는 없는 것으로 보인다. 조선 말기 과거제가 폐지되고 일제강점기를 거치면서 한문학의 시대는 끝났다고 할 수 있으므로 한문학의 연구 하한선도 일제강점기를 넘지 않는 것이 일반적이지만, 해방 이후 오늘날까지도 한문학 양식을 갖춘 글은 소수에 불과하더라도 지속적으로 쓰여지고 있으며 이 또한 한문학의 연구 대상이 될 수 있다고 본다. 더욱이 공적인 성격을 가지면서 모두에게 공개되는 글이라면 전통문화의 공동체적 계승이라는 관점에서 주목해볼 필요가 있다. 이렇듯 현대에 쓰여진 누정기에 주목한다고 했을 때 옛집DB는 대단히 값진 창구가 되어준다. 이에 본고에서는 전통옛집DB에 수록되어 있는 누정기 중 현대에 집필된 누정기만을 선별하였는데, 방편적으로 1950년 이후를 그 기점으로 하였으며, 선별된 목록을 제시하고 실제 내용을 표기 언어별로 분류하여 살펴보았다. 전통옛집DB는 전국에 소재한 옛집 가운데 주거(住居)․사묘(祠廟)․재실(齋室) 건축만을 대상으로 하였는데, 각각에 대해 1950년 이후 집필된 누정기 목록을 작성해보면 주거 32건, 사묘 53건, 재실 63건 등 총 148편을 선별할 수 있었다. 전근대 시기의 누정기는 표기 언어가 한문으로만 되어 있지만, 현대 누정기는 표기 언어가 3가지이다. 즉, 한문, 한문 현토, 한글로 한문 표기가 가장 많고, 그 다음이 한글이며, 한문 현토는 가장 적게 쓰였다. 이에 본고에서는 한문-한문 현토-한글 표기의 순으로 각 누정기들의 내용을 개관하였다. 현대 누정기에서는 문화재로 선정되었음을 부각하고, 선정되기까지 문중에서 얼마나 노력하였는지 강조한 경우를 자주 볼 수 있는데 전근대시기의 누정기라면 볼 수 없는 면모이다. 또한 현대 누정기는 표기 언어 방식과 관계없이 전통적인 누정기의 장르적 관습을 그대로 계승한 것이다. 그런데 이러한 전통적 방식의 글쓰기를 통해 근대기 이후에 있었던 일을 기록으로 남겼다는 점에서 현대 누정기의 고유한 의미를 찾을 수 있다. 해당 집에 대한 근대기 이후의 역사적 정보를 남겨두어서 후세에 전해질 수 있도록 한 것이다. 본고의 전체 논의를 바탕으로 현대 누정기의 자료적 가치를 정리하자면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 현대 누정기는 과거의 한문학 전통이 현재에도 계승되고 있는 실물 자산이다. 둘째, 건물의 역사에 대한 근대기 이후의 자세한 정보를 담고 있다는 점에서도 그 가치를 찾을 수 있다. 셋째, 한문․한문 현토․한글이라는 표기 방식의 다양함은 현대 누정기만의 특성이라는 점에서 주목할 만하다. 이와 같이 현대 누정기는 그 존재 이유가 충분하다고 할 수 있으며, 한문학 연구자뿐만이 아니라 보다 많은 사람들이 관심을 가졌으면 하는 바람이다. 누정기라는 한문학 전통이 과거의 유물에 그치지 않고 오늘날에도 면면히 계승되고 있다는 것은 대단히 값진 의미가 있다고 믿는다. 본고는 그러한 의미를 환기시키고자 작성되었다. In this paper, we examined the modern writings about traditional houses written after 1950 by using the Traditional Houses DB in the Hanstyle database homepage. Although many research papers have been accumulated for the writings about traditional houses, it seems that no research has been done on modern period. Since the national examination of Joseon has abolished at the close of the Joseon dynasty, the era of classical Chinese literature has ended, so it is common for the lower limit of research not to go beyond the Japanese colonial period. But even after the 1945 liberation, even with only a handful of classical Chinese-style forms, it is still being written, and I think that this can also be the object of research of classical Chinese literature. Moreover, it is necessary to pay attention in terms of community succession of traditional culture if it is a public character and it is open to everyone. When we pay attention to the modern period writings in this way, the Traditional Houses DB becomes a very valuable window. In this DB, I selected the modern writings about traditional houses. As a convenience starting from 1950 onwards, I presented selected lists and classified the actual content by notation language and searched it. The traditional houses DB is only for the residence, the shrine, and the memorial house. If we made a list of each of them written after 1950, the residence was 32 cases, the shrine was 53 cases, and the memorial house was 63 cases. The writings of the pre-modern period are written in classical Chinese only, but the modern languages ​​have three notation languages. In other words, classical Chinese, classical Chinese-Korean, and Korean. In this paper, the contents of each language are outlined in the order of classical Chinese, classical Chinese-Korean, and Korean. In the modern writings about traditional houses, it is emphasized that it has been selected as a cultural asset, and it is often seen that it has been emphasized how much effort was made until it was selected. It is an aspect that can not be seen in the pre-modern period. In addition, the modern writings about traditional houses inherit the genre conventions of traditional ones, regardless of the written language. By the way, it is possible to find the meaning of the modern writings in that it records the work of the present period. The historical information on the house at the modern period was left to be transmitted to the posterity. Based on the whole discussion of this paper, we can summarize the data values ​​of the modern writings about traditional houses as follows. First, it is a real asset whose past classical Chinese literary tradition is still inherited. Second, it contains detailed information about the history of the building. Third, it is interesting that the diversity of notation system such as classical Chinese, classical Chinese- Korean, and Korean. In this way, the reason for its existence is enough, and I hope that not only classical Chinese literary researchers but also more people will be interested. I believe it is very valuable that the tradition of writings about traditional houses is not only a relic of the past, but also to be handed down today. This paper is written to remind you of such meaning.

      • The Modernization of the Korean Housing Under the Japanese Colonial Rule

        Sohn, Sei-Kwan,Jun, Nam-Il,Hong, Hyung-Ock,Yang, Se-Hwa The Korean Home Economics Association 2006 International Journal of Human Ecology Vol.7 No.1

        The numerous changes made during the Japanese colonial rule became the basis of the current housing in Korea. Therefore, in order to understand the modern Korean housing, it is essential to understand what the Korean traditional life styles admitted or changed, and how the foreign culture of that time influenced the Korean housing under the Japanese colonial rule. Content analysis through literature review was utilized for the study, and specific sources were research papers, books, magazines, newspapers, and novels. The period during the Japanese invasion was the most active era of modernization in the Korean history. For the housing culture, especially, it can be considered as the most significant period that accepted new housing cultures that replaced the old traditional housing. The Japanese and the Western styles of housing were introduced, new materials and collective production methods were used, and the symbol of the current urban housing in Korea, multi-family dwelling, was constructed. In conclusion, the Koreans did not directly use the Japanese and western housing culture, which were constructed during the Japanese colonial period. They were adapted and altered into Korean style, and eventually, produced various eclectic housing styles.

      • KCI등재후보

        집합주택 건축에 있어서 포스트모던 양식의 특징과 의미 - 베를린의 IBA지구와 헤이그의 더 레이시던트 지구 사례를 중심으로 -

        전남일,유우상 대한건축학회지회연합회 2007 대한건축학회연합논문집 Vol.9 No.1

        Abstract 1. 서론 1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적 1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법 2. 유럽에서의 집합주택과 건축양식의 변화 2.1 근대 이후의 집합주택 건축양식 2.2 포스트모던 양식 건축의 등장과 양식 변화 3. 조사대상 집합주택 3.1 베를린의 IBA지구 3.2 헤이그의 De Resident지구 4. 집합주택 사례로 본 포스트모던 양식 적용의 범주 4.1 도시맥락과의 연계 4.2 오픈스페이스 4.3 유형과 매스, 그리고 입면 4.4 단위주호의 구성 5. 집합주택에서 나타나는 포스트모던 양식의 특징 6. 결론 참고문헌 Post-modern style has been losing its ground in architectural discourse since it attracted the most popularity in 1970s and 80s. However, Post-modern design stream has been one of the most creative strategies especially for many European multi-family housing projects such as IBA in Berlin and De Resident in Hague. From this perspective, this study is looking into the characteristics and the meaning of Post-modern style in multi-family housings. The Post-modern design in multi-family housing can be understood through not only its decorative aspect in appearance but multiple layers of the cultural and urban context it tries to embrace. One of the most characteristic features of Post-modern housing is to produce various design expressions by reading historical context in urban dimension and creating new types of building block and architecture. It deals with a wide range of architectural and design issues and expresses them in totality ; urban planning, creating typology, designing housing unit, exterior design, and details and decoration. In this sense, Post-modern style is far from being outdated for multi-family housing projects. In Korea today, there are strong social pressure for the preservation of urban fabric and the improvement of cultural aspects in housing. From this point of view, the Post-modern approach can be one of useful solutions to multi-family housing in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        빈 공작연맹 주거단지의 건축 개념 및 ‘박스형 주택’의 평면 특성에 관한 연구

        전남일 한국실내디자인학회 2019 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.28 No.2

        This study explored the innovative and experimental design of housing in the transition period to the modern era, focusing on the case of the Wien Werkbund Housing Estate, led by ÖWB(Östereichischer Werkbund). This housing exhibition was intended to present a utopian model for the modern living space. Thus, the purpose of this study is to reveal the typological characteristics and spatial layout within a box-shaped mass, which was designed for ‘minimal house’ for modern nuclear families. The floor plan provided maximum comfort within minimal dimension and tried to find a reasonable solution in a compact form. Thus, this study examined concrete and empirical basis for the planning of modern houses by quantitative analyzing of this cases. The types of floor plan could be classified into three categories: schiera type, square type, and front-extended type. The square type was dominant, indicating that there is a normative floor plan proportion, which is suitable for a limited area. This analysis also showed that the minimum area was found in the schiera type, and in the case of the front-extended type, it was difficult to layout the rooms, despite of the larger dimension. In conclusion, the specificity that defines the modern housing architecture of Wien is ‘diversity and disciplinarity in the aesthetic of the new era of the Box-Shaped house’. The experimental trial of ÖWB has been inherited the morphological characteristics of modern architecture, but it reflected the tradition of the Wiener Werkstätte, which was a great difference from the rigid technology oriented Functionalism architecture of the Deutscher Werkbund.

      • KCI등재

        The Influence of Early Government-sponsored Housing on the Modernization of Korean Housing: From Post-Korean War to Late 1960s

        전남일,양세화 대한가정학회 2012 International Journal of Human Ecology Vol.13 No.1

        The construction of government-sponsored housing in Korea began in the early 1950s. Beyond fulfilling the housing shortage after the Korean War, it also impacted the development of housing in Korea. The aim of this study is to explore the construction and supply of governmentsponsored housing and to discuss the positive and negative influences on the modern housing in Korea. In order to achieve the objectives, the pictures and floor plans,newspaper articles and the KNHC publications, which led the public housing supply from 1950 to 1960, were examined. Results indicate as follows: First, governmentsponsored housing industrialized the housing production,which satisfied the volume need. The simplified floor plan and exterior, along with the western characteristics, created a new urban landscape. Second, the distinct characteristics of Korean housing were established. By emphasizing development and financial practicality, large scale housing complexes were built with simplified, characterless, and mechanical exteriors in a disconnected territory with neighbor district. Third, government-sponsored housing became the major accelerator to westernize the Korean housing culture. In conclusion, the principles of functionalism of government-sponsored housing have become the fundamental root of Korean housing since the war.

      • The Influence of Early Government-sponsored Housing on the Modernization of Korean Housing: From Post-Korean War to Late 1960s

        Jun, Nam-Il,Yang, Se-Hwa The Korean Home Economics Association 2012 International Journal of Human Ecology Vol.13 No.1

        The construction of government-sponsored housing in Korea began in the early 1950s. Beyond fulfilling the housing shortage after the Korean War, it also impacted the development of housing in Korea. The aim of this study is to explore the construction and supply of government-sponsored housing and to discuss the positive and negative influences on the modern housing in Korea. In order to achieve the objectives, the pictures and floor plans, newspaper articles and the KNHC publications, which led the public housing supply from 1950 to 1960, were examined. Results indicate as follows: First, government-sponsored housing industrialized the housing production, which satisfied the volume need. The simplified floor plan and exterior, along with the western characteristics, created a new urban landscape. Second, the distinct characteristics of Korean housing were established. By emphasizing development and financial practicality, large scale housing complexes were built with simplified, characterless, and mechanical exteriors in a disconnected territory with neighbor district. Third, government-sponsored housing became the major accelerator to westernize the Korean housing culture. In conclusion, the principles of functionalism of government-sponsored housing have become the fundamental root of Korean housing since the war.

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