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      • KCI등재


        Han, Sang-Eon The Honam Mathematical Society 2015 호남수학학술지 Vol.37 No.1

        Owing to the notion of a normal adjacency for a digital product in [8], the study of product properties of digital topological properties has been substantially done. To explain a normal adjacency of a digital product more efficiently, the recent paper [22] proposed an S-compatible adjacency of a digital product. Using an S-compatible adjacency of a digital product, we also study product properties of digital topological properties, which improves the presentations of a normal adjacency of a digital product in [8]. Besides, the paper [16] studied the product property of two digital covering maps in terms of the $L_S$- and the $L_C$-property of a digital product which plays an important role in studying digital covering and digital homotopy theory. Further, by using HS- and HC-properties of digital products, the paper [18] studied multiplicative properties of a digital fundamental group. The present paper compares among several kinds of adjacency relations for digital products and proposes their own merits and further, deals with the problem: consider a Cartesian product of two simple closed $k_i$-curves with $l_i$ elements in $Z^{n_i}$, $i{\in}\{1,2\}$ denoted by $SC^{n_1,l_1}_{k_1}{\times}SC^{n_2,l_2}_{k_2}$. Since a normal adjacency for this product and the $L_C$-property are different from each other, the present paper address the problem: for the digital product does it have both a normal k-adjacency of $Z^{n_1+n_2}$ and another adjacency satisfying the $L_C$-property? This research plays an important role in studying product properties of digital topological properties.

      • KCI등재

        디지털 자산(가상자산)의 신탁 -디지털 자산의 물권성 내지 재산성, 묵시적 의사에 의한 신탁-

        기노성 ( Noah Seong Ki ) 한국금융법학회 2022 金融法硏究 Vol.19 No.2

        이 글은 디지털 자산에 대한 신탁관계를 폭넓게 인정함으로써 투자자들을 보호하는 방안을 고민한 결과이다. 즉 투자자가 거래소와 투자회사 등에 디지털 자산을 맡긴 경우에 영미 법계에서는 이들 투자자에게 디지털 자산에 대한 형평법상 권리를 인정하는 것과 달리 국내 실무상으로는 투자자에게 단순히 채권적 권리만을 인정하고 있어 투자자 보호에 소홀한 면이 있기 때문이다. 그런데 만약 이 경우 신탁법상 신탁이 인정된다면 투자자들은 수익자로서의 물권적 권리를 갖게 될 것이다. 디지털 자산에 대한 신탁이 인정하기 위한 전제로, 가상자산의 법적 성격을 각 유형별로 구분해 살펴보았다. 가상자산을 증권, 지급결제수단, 유틸리티의 행태로 나눈 뒤, 증권형 가상자산에 대하여는 그 법적 성격을 ‘전자등록증권’과 비교해 보고, 지급수단 성격의 가산자산은 이를 ‘디지털 화폐’의 일종인 중앙은행 발행 디지털화폐(CBDC)와 비교해 검토해 보았다. 또한 디지털 자산이 민법상 물건에 포섭되는지, 만약 그것이 곤란하다면 ‘재산’ 내지 ‘재산권’으로 포섭할 수 있는지 살펴보았다. 이어 디지털 자산이 법률상 ‘재산권’에 해당됨을 전제한 다음 디지털 자산에 대한 신탁 설정이 가능한지 살펴보았다. 계속하여 신탁의 성립을 인정하기 위한 요건이 무엇인지, 특히 명시적 신탁설정의사가 표시되지 않은 경우에도 ‘임의신탁(Express Trust)’을 인정할 수 있는지 살펴보았다. 이 글은 결론적으로 신탁계약의 당사자 간 의사 해석을 통해 ‘신탁재산의 분별 보관’ 및 ‘수익자에게 물권적 권리를 인정하려는 의사’가 확인되면 묵시적 임의신탁을 인정할 여지가 있다는 의견을 밝혔다. 마지막으로 가상자산 거래소와 이용자 간, 그리고 가상자산 투자·매매회사와 투자자 간의 권리관계를 구체적으로 살펴보며 글을 마무리 지었다. This article is the result of academic endeavor to find a feasible way to protect digital asset investors by broadly acknowledging a fiduciary relationship for digital assets. In other words, when investors entrust digital assets to exchanges or investment companies, the domestic law and practice, unlike british and american laws recognize these investors’ rights to digital assets under the equity law, recognize these contractual rights only, which leads to be negligent in protecting our investors. If we find out trust relationships between them under the Trust Act, investors will have proprietary rights as beneficiaries. As a premise for discussion about the digital asset trust, the legal nature of virtual assets should be analyzed. In case virtual assets are divided into digital securities, digital currencies, and utilities, the legal characteristics of security-type digital assets could be compared with that of ‘Electronic registered securities’. Likewise, currency-type digital assets could be compared with ‘Central bank digital currency(CBDC)’. This paper also deals with the topic of whether digital assets are included in “object of property” under civil law or whether they can be included as “Property” or “Property rights”. Next, if digital assets fall under “Property” by law, we could examine whether a trust can be established for digital assets, and then what is the requirements for the establishment of a trust, and in particular whether an 'Express Trust' could be recognized even if there were no explicit expression of ‘trust’. This paper draws the conclusion that there is a high possibility for recognizing an ‘implied express trust’ if the agreement to separate the trust property from trustee’s own property and to confer the property rights on the beneficiaries could be confirmed through the interpretation of the contract between the parties Finally, this article is wrapped up by examining the legal relationship between virtual asset exchanges and their users, virtual asset investment/trading companies and their investors in detail.

      • KCI등재


        龚仲颖,崔杰杰 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2022 法과 政策 Vol.28 No.2

        The rapid development of the Internet has made people’s lives more colorful, and the number of Internet users has grown rapidly. As people use the Internet, some of these activities, such as topping up, upgrading, etc., make the value embedded in their accounts a unique resource, or digital property. As Internet users grow older, the issue of inheritance of digital property is slowly becoming more and more problematic, and digital inheritance has become an unavoidable legal challenge. In order to explore the possibility of digital heritage inheritance, the theoretical basis of digital heritage is first summarized, and the concept of digital heritage is clarified. That is, digital heritage is an interest that contains information about human knowledge and the results of human activities described in binary form. Digital heritage is divided into property-based digital heritage, personality- based digital heritage, and hybrid digital property rights, and the legal attributes of digital heritage are discussed. It then comprehensively and systematically argues for the necessity of building a digital inheritance system, which is necessary to protect the legal property rights of network users, promote the development of China’s network information industry, and improve China’s inheritance legal system. There are currently many problems with digital inheritance in China, as the subject of digital inheritance is unclear, the value is difficult to assess, and it conflicts with the protection of privacy. Thus, in order to complete the digital heritage inheritance system in China, it is necessary to take concrete measures in detailed areas, develop more methods to address the inheritance of digital heritage on the Internet. Accelerate the legislation on digital heritage inheritance, clarify the norms of online digital heritage valuation, determine the subjects of digital heritage inheritance, and balance the contradictions in digital heritage inheritance and privacy protection to ensure the successful inheritance of digital heritage. In conclusion, the legal issues of digital inheritance have become more and more important, and the Chinese legal profession should pay sufficient attention to them so that they can be effectively solved by developing a system and constructing a perfect system. 互联网的高速发展,使得人们的生活更加多姿多彩,网络用户的人数也迅速增长。在人们使用互联网的过程中,其中的一些活动,例如:充值、升级等等使其账户中蕴含的价值成了一种独特的资源,也就是数字财产。随着网民年龄的增长,数字财产的继承问题慢慢变多,数字遗产继承已变成无法回避的法律难题。为探索数字遗产继承的可能性,首先归纳总结了数字遗产的理论基础,明确了数字遗产的概念,即数字遗产是一种包含着人类知识和人类活动成果以二进制的形式描述的信息的权益。数字遗产分为财产型数字遗产、人格型数字遗产以及混合型数字财产权利,并探讨了数字遗产的法律属性。然后全面系统地论证了建设数字遗产制度的必要,这是保护网络用户的合法财产权,促进中国网络信息产业的发展,完善中国遗产继承法律体系必须要面对的问题。目前中国数字遗产继承存在不少问题,立法方面有所欠缺、司法层面面临数字遗产继承的主体不明、价值难以评估的困境,实践方面存在遗产继承与隐私权保护的冲突。藉此,要完备中国的数字遗产继承制度,就需要在详细的领域中采取具体措施,制定更多的解决互联网数字遗产继承的方法,加快对数字遗产继承的立法、明确网络数字遗产估值规范,确定数字遗产继承的主体,平衡数字遗产继承与隐私权保护中的矛盾,以确保数字遗产的成功继承。总之,数字遗产继承的法律问题已越来越重要,中国法律界应引起足够的重视,通过制定制度,构建完善的体系,让数字遗产继承的法律问题得到有效解决。

      • KCI등재

        「디지털전환 특별법」의 문제점에 관한 법적 고찰 : 사후적 입법평가와 재산권 침해여부를 중심으로

        고민수 한국비교공법학회 2012 공법학연구 Vol.13 No.3

        지상파방송의 디지털 전환은 1980년 컬러TV도입 이후 사회문화적 차원은 물론 산업적 차원에서도 중요한 긍정적 모멘텀(momentum)으로 평가되어 왔다. 국민들에게 고품질, 다채널, 고기능 서비스를 즐길 수 있는 기회를 제공하고 국민경제 또한 활성화할 수 있다는 "신성장 동력"을 육성하기 위한 정부의 구상은 ‘디지털 전환 특별법’에 의해 구체화되었다. 그런데 이 법률의 시행과정에서 또 다시 적지 않은 마찰이 빚어지고 있다. 현재 가장 뜨거운 쟁점은 아날로그 신호 전송을 위해 할당한 주파수 대역을 디지털 전환이후 정부가 회수해 일정 대역폭을 통신사업용으로 전환하겠다는 계획이다. 이 계획이 실행에 옮겨질 경우 난시청문제 해결을 포기하는 것과 다름없다는 비판이 제기되고 있다. 문제는 이 뿐만이 아니다. 디지털 전환이후 디지털 신호를 수신해 구현할 수 있는 텔레비전 수상기를 구입하거나 디지털 신호를 아날로그 신호로 전환해 주는 컨버터를 구입해야 하는 문제 역시 재산권 침해여부와 관련해 쟁점으로 제기되고 있다. 이 논문에서는 지상파방송의 디지털 전환이 입법화되게 된 배경을 물적 기초와 기대효과를 중심으로 고찰하고, 이를 추진하기 위해 제정된 법률인 ‘디지털전환 특별법’을 그 입법목적에서 명시하고 있는 ‘시청자의 권익향상’과 ‘국민경제의 발전에 이바지함’이라는 두 가지 요소에 비추어 이른바 ‘사후적 입법평가’의 관점에서 분석하고, 그 개선점을 시론적(試論的)으로 제시하고자 한다. 또한, 재산권 침해여부에 대해서도 기본권 제한의 한계라는 관점에서 검토하고자 한다. The digital television transition, also called the digital switchover or analogue switch-off, is the process in which analog television broadcasting is converted to and replaced by digital television. This primarily involves the conversion of analogue terrestial television to digital terrestrial. In many countries, a simulcast service is operated where a broadcast is made available to viewers in both analog and digital at the same time. As digital becomes more popular, it is likely that the existing analogue services will be removed. In some cases this has already happened, where a broadcaster has offered incentives to viewers to encourage them to switch to digital. In other cases government policies have been introduced to encourage or force the switchover process, especially with regard to terrestrial broadcasts. Government intervention usually involves providing some funding for broadcasters and, in some cases monetary relief to viewers, to enable a switchover to happen by a given deadline. South Korea’s analogue transmissions will terminate at 04:00 on Monday, 31 December 2012. S. Korea force the switchover process. For the purpose, S. Korea enacted a law called "A special act on the digitalization of terrestrial television broadcasting and the activation of digital broadcasting" in March and its implementing ordinances in June 2008. This study aims to scrutinize the legislative intent of digital switchover prescribed by the special act on the digitalization of terrestrial television broadcasting and the activation of digital broadcasting, in terms of ex-post evaluation. The evaluation factors are divided into two categories; contributing to improvement of rights of viewers and development of the national economy. This study also reviews the constitutionality of the current digital switchover method. How to enable a switchover to happen by a given deadline has an essential question to be answered to the Constitution’s limit of viewers property rights. This Challenge is in separable from the question of how much of legislature formative power is constitutionally vested to the national legislature and how much the Constitutional Court should defer thereto in reviewing the constitutionality of the legislation, in terms of democratic legitimacy of it’s function of constitutionality review over statute. We would regard the prescriptions about the limit of property right expressed in economic clause as the forming of social restriction of the right of property.

      • KCI등재

        국제전자상거래 상 OSP의 지적재산권보호의무

        박진아 법무부 2009 통상법률 Vol.- No.89

        디지털정보의 전자상거래가 크게 늘어나고 국경을 넘는 디지털정보거래도 계속 증가하면서, 그 거래의 대상인 디지털정보가 지적재산권을 침해하는 경우가 많이 발생하고 있다. 최근 미국에서는 Universal Music Group이 온라인비디오사이트 운영자 Veoh Networks Inc.에게 이용자가 업로드한 저작권침해 비디오에 대한 저작권침해책임을 물어 제소하는 등 디지털정보거래를 둘러싸고 OSP의 지재권침해여부를 묻는 소송이 제기되고 있다. 국경을 넘는 디지털정보거래에 있어서 OSP의 지재권침해책임과 관련하여 먼저 국내법 차원에서 OSP의 지재권침해 정보거래에 대한 규율의무를 부과하는 법으로 우리나라에는 저작권법과 정보통신망법 등이 존재하고 미국, EU, 일본 등 선진각국에도 여러 입법이 존재하나, 디지털정보의 국제적 이동에 관하여는 국내외 입법의 어디에도 규정을 찾아볼 수 없다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위하여 정통망법이나 저작권법등을 개정하여 한국법을 역외적용하는 방안을 생각해 볼 수도 있으나, 역외적용에 따른 외국의 반발을 초래할 우려가 있다. 한국의 정통망법에 따른 구글에 대한 규제 시도와 구글의 규제에 복종하기를 회피한 예를 보더라도 역외적용은 많은 어려움을 가지고 있다고 할 것이다. 결국 현행 국내법으로는 이 문제에 대한 해결방안을 찾기 어렵다고 할 것이다. 또한 디지털콘텐츠의 경우에는 국경을 통과하더라도 세관을 거치지 않고 온라인으로 소비자에게 전송되므로 세관당국이 국제적 오프라인거래에서의 국경조치를 사이버상의 지적재산권침해물품을 단속하는 부문까지 확대할 수 있는지도 불명확하다. 따라서 관세법상의 국경조치를 디지털정보거래에까지 확장할 수 있는 법개정방안을 검토할 필요가 있다고 할 것이다. 이를 위하여 먼저 국가별 사이버 OSP책임에 관한 입법과 국제적 오프라인거래에 있어서 세관에 의한 국경조치를 검토한 후 국제 전자상거래에 있어서 OSP에 대한 지적재산권보호의무 부과방안으로서 관세법을 적용하여 해외에서 들어오는 디지털콘텐츠에 대한 통제를 가하는 방법을 고려하여 보았다. 정통망법 개정 등의 방법보다는 관세법을 개정하는 것이 국제규범과의 마찰이 적다는 점에서 현재로서는 유일한 국내법에 의한 규제방안이라 할 수 있는 관세법을 개정하는 방안을 제시하여 보았다. 그러나 국제전자상거래에 있어서 OSP에게 지적재산권보호의무를 지우는 문제는 궁극적으로는 TPIPs의 개정등 국제규범의 정립으로 해결하여야 할 것이다. Along with the continuous increase of digital information transactions internationally as well as domestically, we are experiencing a serious problem of the infringement of intellectual property rights with respect to the digital information. As a solution to this problem, the Korean Copyright Act has been amended to impose bigger responsibility to OSPs to monitor IP infringement and take appropriate measures by themselves. The Korean case law has developed to recognize higher liability of OSPs in IP infringement since their technical as well as financial capability to combat with IP infringement have been significantly improved. However, we need other legal tools to control OSPs to cope with international online IP infringements. International movement of the digital contents has a feature that it is transmitted to importers and consumers without going through customs. We may well consider the customs authority to take the border measures being stretched not only against the international off-line transactions but also against cyberspace transactions. For this purpose, first of all, I reviewed the border measures by the customs in international off-line transaction and the new legislations on OSP's liability. Then I considered put OSPs on obligations for protection of intellectual property rights in the international E-commerce under the Customs Act. It is not impossible to take border measures against IP infringement in the international digital information transactions, if the customs authorities are given the power to check international E-commerce to protect intellectual property. Also, in my opinion, there is little friction with the international rules should we empower the customs office to do so. Therefore, we need to consider amendment to the Customs Act, in order to expand the border measures to apply to international digital information transactions. It is desirable, however, that OSPs' duty for protection of intellectual property rights in the international E-commerce from the perspective of customs regulations be ultimately imposed through establishment of the international rules including revision of the TPIPs Agreement.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 국제수지 변화로 바라 본 디지털 무역 현황

        김용민(Yongmin Kim) 중앙대학교 한국전자무역연구소 2024 전자무역연구 Vol.22 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 일본의 디지털 무역 현황을 국제수지 변화를 통해 검토하는 것이다. 디지털 경제의 발전으로 국경을 넘어 이동하는 데이터 양이 급속히 확대되어, 다양한 형태의 무역이 진행되고 있다. 디지털 기술의 발전으로 서비스 무역을 구성하는 디지털 무역도 활발히 이루어지고 있다. 이러한 관점에서 국제수지 변화로 바라 본 디지털 무역 현황의 분석은 의미가 있다고 할 수 있다. 분석은 일본은행과 재무성이 발표한 국제수지 통계자료를 사용하여 디지털 관련 국제수지의 변화를 분석하였다. 분석 결과 첫째, 통신·컴퓨터·정보서비스가 현저하게 증가하여 세계적으로 서비스 무역이 확대되고 있다. 둘째, 일본 기업의 해외 기업 인수합병 등의 성과가 반영되어 국제수지에서 제1차 소득수지의 비중이 높게 나타났다. 셋째, 디지털 관련 국제수지에서 지적재산권 등 사용료의 양극화가 진행되고 있다. 지적재산권은 산업재산권과 저작권으로 구성되며, 전자는 특허권이나 상표권 등 산업재산권의 사용료를 비롯하여 기술정보의 사용료 등이며 국제수지 흑자를 기록하고 있지만, 후자의 저작권은 국제수지 적자를 기록하고 있다. 넷째, 서비스 무역을 재화·사람·금융·디지털·기타의 5가지로 재분류한 국제수지에서는 분야에 따라 흑자를 기록하고 있지만, 전체적으로 적자 기조로 나타났다. 그래서 디지털 관련 국제수지가 적자를 기록하여 장기적으로 경상수지 흑자를 침식할 수도 있다. 디지털 서비스의 적자를 해소하기 위해 디지털 산업의 육성이 절실히 필요하다. This study examines the current state of digital trade in Japan based on changes in the balance of international payments. With the rapid expansion of data crossing borders due to the advancement of the digital economy, various forms of trade are now taking place. The growth in digital-related trade significantly contributes to the increased service trade. From this viewpoint, the analysis of the current status of digital trade from the perspective of changes in the balance of payments (BOP) is meaningful. We utilize international balance of payments statistics released by the Bank of Japan and the Ministry of Finance and derive the following findings. First, service trade is expanding worldwide, and communication, computer, and information services have increased significantly, thus resulting in an increase in digital trade. Second, Japan’s BOP includes a significant proportion of the first income account, which reflects the performance of Japanese companies’mergers and acquisitions with foreign companies. Third, within digital-related international trade, polarization is observed in the amount of user fees such as intellectual property royalties. This is because intellectual property rights consist of industrial property rights and copyrights, and the former has a surplus due to industrial property rights such as patent rights and trademark rights, as well as technical information usage fees, but the latter has a deficit. Fourth, the balance of international payments, which reclassified service trade into five categories of goods, people, finance, digital, and others, sometimes recorded a surplus depending on the sector, but an overall deficit was observed. Digital-related international balances may be in deficit, thereby eroding the current account surplus in the long run. Therefore, fostering the digital industry is necessary to close the deficit of digital services.

      • KCI등재

        Policy Consideration for Intellectual Property Law under Digital Environments

        Lee, Dae-Hee 한국경영법률학회 2003 經營法律 Vol.13 No.1

        How to provide for and protect the transfer and sharing of informaiton in digital environments has become one the greatest difficulties to be faced. Individuals may use computers to obtain journals, articles, world news, and even transfer funds in their bank accounts. While this heightened access to information may improve one's quality of life, it creates a potential for abuse of intellectual property rights. Intellectual property both affects and is affected by electronic commerce in a multitude of ways. Therefore, protection of intellectual property becomes more important in the new millennium. Many intelectual property issues arise under digital environments such as domain name, technical measures, copyright management informations(CMI), limitations and exceptions to copyrights, P2P, database protection, liability of online service providers(OSP), and EC-related patent. This article discusses the policy for settling these issues. It suggests that the interests of copyright holders and users of copyrighted works be aligned; that governments should avoid undue restrictions on electronic commerce; that international institutions may react more quickly to new developments without the need for diplomatic conferences or complete consensus; that the standard for diplomatic conferences or complete consensus; that the standard for national implementation must be the WIPO treaties in stead of the legislation of a specific country; that national policy must achieve the proper balance between establishing a climate of property-oriented incentives to encourage information infrastructure investment and the rapid diffusion of technology and the provision of the investment climate; that WIPO need to continue its response to technical advancements and harmonize copyright law to deal with internet technoligy; and that the international community arrange the proper scope of liability and infringement in digital environments. Keywords: internet, intellectual property, copyright law to deal with internet technology; and that the international community arrange the proper scope of liability and infringement in digital environments.

      • KCI등재

        지적재산권에 대한 블록체인 기술의 활용 및 한계

        이대희,박민주 한국정보법학회 2019 정보법학 Vol.23 No.2

        A blockchain is a ledger or a database in which transaction data are authenticated by a node connected by P2P, and are stored in blocks chained each other. Main elements of blockchain technologies are P2P, a distributed ledger, and cryptography (hashing, digital signature and public key cryptography). If applied to intellectual property, blockchain technologies play the role of providing solid evidence of creatorship, facilitating the transfer of intellectual property ownership or the licensing of intellectual property through smart contracts and asset-backed tokens, minimizing transaction costs in licensing and paying loyalties, and efficient management of intellectual property rights. While blockchain technologies may play an important role in intellectual property, there are various limitations, and requirements needed to met in deploying blockchain technologies. For example, the unsolved problem of scalability makes it not possible to upload copyright works, but to upload only their hash value on the blockchain. It means that a copyright owner cannot transfer copyrighted works through a blockchain, but can transfer them through traditional methods like a P2P file sharing. This paper indicates that there are many obstacles in deploying blockchain technologies while they play an important role in intellectual property. It explains how blockchain technologies work, and the role played by blockchain technologies in intellectual property. It also gives a few projects under development which apply blockchain technologies to intellectual property. It indicates that there are some limitations of applying blockchain technologies to intellectual property. Despite their limitations, blockchain technologies become mainstream, and they may be applied to intellectual property in some respects. In conclusion, this paper suggests that Korea needs to develop blockchain technologies and take into consideration applying them to intellectual property. 블록체인은 P2P로 연결되어 있는 노드들의 합의에 의하여 인증된 거래 자료들이 블록으로 저장되고 블록들이 연결되어 각 노드에 분산되어 저장되어 있는 원장 내지 데이터베이스이다. 블록체인은 해시함수, 디지털 서명 및 공개키 암호화 방식, 작업증 명(채굴) 등을 핵심요소로 하는데, 저작물 창작, 발명, 상표의 사용 등 지적재산권의 존재⋅지적재산권자에 대하여 부정할 수 없는 증거를 제공하고, 스마트계약 및 자산 기반토큰(ABT)에 의한 지적재산권 거래를 용이하게 하고, 신뢰기반 제3자인 중간매 개자를 필요로 하지 않으므로 거래비용을 감소시키고, 지적재산권에 관한 전반적인 사항을 블록체인에 기록함으로써 스마트한 지적재산권 관리를 가능하게 하는 등 많 은 장점을 제공한다. 그러나 지적재산에 대한 블록체인 기술의 역할이 많이 논의됨에도 불구하고, 현재 블록체인의 역할이 비교적 과장된 측면이 존재하고, 과장되지 않았다고 하더라도 블 록체인 기술이 활용됨에 있어서는 여러가지의 한계가 존재하고, 광범위하게 활용되 기 위해서는 여러 요건이 충족될 것을 전제로 한다. 이 글은 지적재산권에 대한 장점 (이점)만이 추상적으로 논의되고 있고, 이러한 논의도 다소 과장되어 있다는 것을 지 적하고, 지적재산권에 대하여 현재 진행되고 있는 블록체인 프로젝트의 사례, 지적재 산권에 대한 블록체인 기술의 한계 등을 고찰⋅분석하고자 하다. 이러한 고찰⋅분 석에 의하여 지적재산권과 관련된 블록체인 기술 및 그 장단점 등을 이해함으로써, 한국에서 블록체인 기술이 지적재산권에 대하여 광범위하게 전개되기 위한 요건을 간접적으로 제시하고자 하다.

      • Trends and Prospects for the Development of Virtual Reality and Digital Property

        Kirillova, Elena Anatolyevna,Blinkov, Oleg Evgenyevich,Blinkova, Elena Victorovna,Vrazhnov, Aleksey Sergeevich,Magomedov, Firdousi Bilyamudinovich International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.11

        The study considers trends and prospects for developing virtual (augmented) reality and civil transactions in relation to digital property. In jurisprudence, there is a need to determine the legal status of virtual and augmented reality to regulate legal relations in the digital environment. Legal relations using new digital technologies require the creation of new legislative approaches and rules of their legal regulation. The article dwells on the legal status of virtual (augmented) reality and determines the methods of regulating legal relations in the sphere of digital property. The study utilized methods for collecting single and multiple facts in order to identify the main trends in the civil circulation of digital assets, as well as private law methods. The methods of generalization, concreteness, induction and deduction reveal the legal nature and main features of virtual (augmented) reality and digital property. The paper highlights the specifics of virtual reality and civil transactions in relation to digital assets. The research has concluded that the sale, exchange and other actions with digital objects in virtual reality have distinctive features, while digital property has also unique characteristics since it is involved in civil circulation and legal relations.

      • KCI등재

        사이버영업과 지적재산권

        朴眞雅 한국지식재산학회 2004 産業財産權 Vol.- No.16

        The purpose of this Article is to review intellectual property problems of cyberspace business such as cyber-contents provision business, online service provision business, and cyber shopping mall and to present the future tasks in relation to intellectual property problems in cyberspace business. In Chapter 1, the purpose and scope of the research are explained. In Chapter 2, the concept and feature of cyberspace business are defined and the types of cyber business are classified. In Chapter 3, common problems of intellectual property for all cyberspace business classified above are reviewed. In Chapter 4, inherent problems of intellectual property for the cyber-contents provision business are reviewed. In Chapter 5, inherent or sole problems of intellectual property for the online service provision business are reviewed. In Chapter 6, inherent problems of intellectual property for the cyber shopping mall business are reviewed. The cyber merchants who carry on cyberspace business should pay attention (ⅰ) whether any parts of their website are protected as intellectual property and (ⅱ) whether any parts of their website or any behaviors in managing the website pirate any other person's intellectual property. Traditional intellectual property protection in cyberspace is confronted with limitations and a way to overcome the problems is much sought. To resolve intellectual property problem in cyberspace, we should create independent cyber IP system, not just to amend traditional intellectual property system. Under the new system, we should give content providers protection that stimulates the creation of new works in order to develop cyber business such as portal business, digital contents business and game business which Korea has more competitive power than other countries. In addition, an establishment of intellectual property management mechanism and the intellectual property exchange is required in order that online OSP can use intellectual property comfortably. I think that a prompt establishment of independent laws and systems in relation to intellectual property in Cyberspace enables to create an environment more conductive to cyber business.

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