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      • KCI등재후보

        고령 환자에 있어서 osteotome을 이용한 상악동 거상술과 임플란트 식립의 증례보고

        방대연,김태한 대한통합치과학회 2019 대한통합치과학회지 Vol.8 No.3

        Recently, the use of implants in the elderly patients has been increasing the recovery of the edentulous area. This is due to an increase in the number of elderly people who maintain natural teeth compared to the past. In addition, the lower age of health insurance coverage for implants seems to have an impact. Older patients are often left with missing teeth, or due to chronic periodontal disease, alveolar bone of defect site is often lost. In particlar, in the maxillary posterior defect region, pneumatization of the maxillary sinus occurs and the alveolar bone for implantation is insufficient. Various techniques have been proposed to increase the remaining bone height, which is insufficient for placing the implant in the maxillary posterior defect area. The crestal approach and the lateral approach have been studied for a long time and are actively used. In this study, we discuss the advatages of the crestal approach compared to the lateral approach in elderly patients and report the case of implant placement with crestal approach using osteotomes in the case of lack of maxillary posterior alveolar bone. 최근 고령 환자에서 임플란트를 이용하여 무치악 부위를 회복하는 사례가 증가하고 있다. 이는 과거에 비해 자연치를 유지하고 있는 고령자들이 증가하였기 때문이다. 이에 더해 임플란트의 건강보험 보장 연령이 낮아진 것도 영향을 미치는 것으로 보인다. 고령 환자의 경우에는 치아가 결손된 상태로 방치하거나, 만성적인 치주질환 등으로 인해 무치악 부위의 치조골이 상당부분 소실된 채로 내원하는 경우가 많다. 특히, 상악 구치부 결손 부위에서는 상악동의 함기화가 일어나 임플란트를 식립할 치조골의 높이가 부족한 경우가 더욱 빈번하다. 그동안 상악 구치부 결손부위에 임플란트를 식립하는데 있어서 부족한 잔존골 높이를 증대시키는 다양한 술식들이 제시되었다. 접근방식에 따라 crestal approach를 통한 방법, lateral approach 통한 방법이 오랜 시간 연구되어왔고 현재 활발히 사용되고 있다. 이번 연구에서는 고령 환자에 있어서 crestal approach가 lateral approach에 비해 가질 수 있는 장점에 대해 알아보고, 고령 환자의 상악 구치부 잔존골이 부족한 경우에서 osteotome을 이용한 crestal approach 증례에 대하여 보고하겠다.

      • KCI등재

        상악동저 거상술을 동반한 임프란트 동시 식립의 예지성 평가

        김영욱(Yeong-Wook Kim),금윤선(Yoon-Seon Keum),손효정(Hyo-Jeong Son),이장렬(Jang-Yeol Lee),김현철(Hyoun-Chull Kim),이상철(Sang-Chull Lee) 대한치과의사협회 2010 대한치과의사협회지 Vol.48 No.3

        Purpose The aim of this study is to evaluate the survival rates and analyze the stability of lateral approach and trans-crestal approach for maxillary sinus floor elevation of simultaneous implant placement. Materials and method 407 patients who have been treated in LivingWell dental hospital between 2003 to 2009 were selected. Lateral window technique, osteotome technique and sinus drill technique were used for sinus floor elevation procedure. A total of 714 implants-MP-1 HA coated implant(Tapered Screw Vent™, Spline™, Zimmer, USA), FBR surfaced implant(Pitt-Easy™, Oraltronics, Germany)-were placed in grafted maxillary sinus simultaneously. The autogenous bone or a combination with the allograft or alloplast was grafted into sinus. Sinus floor elevation was combined with vertical/horizontal onlay bone grafts to reconstruct the defect of alveolar ridge. Results The average preoperative height of the maxillary alveolar bone was 5.78㎜(range: 0.4㎜~12.5㎜). 14 implants failed during the healing period(lateral approach: 4, trans-crestal approach: 10) and 3 implant failed after prosthetic loading(lateral approach: 2, trans-crestal approach: 1). The cumulative survival rate of implants after 6 years was 97.6%. Trans-crestal approach(97.4%) and lateral approach(97.9%) had similar survival rates. Conclusion The results indicate that the trans-crestal approach and lateral approach for maxillary sinus elevation is a acceptable method at atrophic maxillary posterior area.

      • KCI등재후보

        상악동저 거상술을 동반한 임프란트 동시 식립의 예지성 평가; 측방접근술과 치조정접근술의 비교

        김영욱,금윤선,손효정,이장렬,김현철,이상철 대한치과의사협회 2010 대한치과의사협회지 Vol.48 No.3

        Purpose The aim of this study is to evaluate the survival rates and analyze the stability of lateral approach and trans-crestal approach for maxillary sinus floor elevation of simultaneous implant placement. Materials and method 407 patients who have been treated in LivingWell dental hospital between 2003 to 2009 were selected. Lateral window technique, osteotome technique and sinus drill technique were used for sinus floor elevation procedure. A total of 714 implants- MP-1 HA coated implant(Tapered Screw VentTM, SplineTM, Zimmer, USA), FBR surfaced implant(Pitt-EasyTM, Oraltronics, Germany)-were placed in grafted maxillary sinus simultaneously. The autogenous bone or a combination with the allograft or alloplast was grafted into sinus. Sinus floor elevation was combined with vertical/horizontal onlay bone grafts to reconstruct the defect of alveolar ridge. Results The average preoperative height of the maxillary alveolar bone was 5.78mm(range: 0.4㎜~12.5㎜). 14 implants failed during the healing period(lateral approach: 4, trans-crestal approach: 10) and 3 implant failed after prosthetic loading(lateral approach: 2, trans-crestal approach: 1). The cumulative survival rate of implants after 6 years was 97.6%. Transcrestal approach(97.4%) and lateral approach(97.9%) had similar survival rates. Conclusion The results indicate that the trans-crestal approach and lateral approach for maxillary sinus elevation is a acceptable method at atrophic maxillary posterior area. 상악 구치부 임프란트 식립은 상악동과 비강이라는해부학적인 공간의 제약과 상악 구치 상실 후 치조골의 흡수와 상악동 함기화의 동반으로 인한 가용골 높이 부족으로 이상적인 위치 및 길이의 임프란트 식립에 제한을 받는다1). 또한 상악골은 피질골이 적고 해면골의 구조가 엉성한 Type IV의 낮은 골밀도를 가져 초기 고정을 얻기가 힘들고 이는 임프란트 실패의큰 요인으로 작용한다2~5). 장기적인 예지성 확보를 위해서는 일반적으로 최소 10㎜ 이상의 길이를 가지는임프란트가 필요하다6). 가용골의 높이 증가 및 골질의개선을 위해 상악동저 거상술을 시행하게 되었으며 외과적 접근법에 따라 치조골의 측방을 통한 접근술과치조정을 통한 접근으로 나뉘어진다. Tatum이 Caldwell-Luc 수술을 응용한 접근을통해 협측에서 상악동 점막으로의 접근과 박리, 상악동저 점막의 거상 후 골이식을 시행하여 동시에 또는이차적으로 임프란트를 식립하는 방법을 처음 보고하였다7). 시야 확보와 기구 접근도가 좋다는 장점은 있으나 술 후 부종 및 출혈, 감염 등의 합병증이 빈발하여 개선된 수술법이 요구 되었다. Summers는 측방접근보다 비침습적인 치조정 접근을 통한 상악동저 거상술을 소개하였고8) 이후 술식이 개선되어 점진적으로 증가하는 직경의osteotome을 사용하여 임프란트 식립부의 골은 수직적으로 압축되어 골질이 개선되며 치조정을 통한 상악 구치부 임프란트 식립시 측방 접근술에 비해 수술시간과 치유 기간이 짧으며 술후 부종이 적은 장점을지니게 되었다. 하지만 osteotome 추타시 발생되는외상으로 양성 발작성 체위성 어지러움증(benign paroxysmal positional vertigo)의 발생이 보고9)되고 있어 골밀도를 증진시키는 술식은 주의하여 사용해야한다. 또한 과도한 추타는 상악동 점막의 천공을야기하기도 하여 상악동 전용 드릴을 사용한 치조정접근술이 3㎜ 보다 작은 치조골 수직 고경에서 유용함이 보고되었다10). Jensen OT 등11)은 osteotome을 사용한 치조정접근술이 최소 5㎜ 이상의 치조골 높이에서 가능하며5㎜ 미만에서는 초기 고정을 획득하는 것이 어렵기 때문에 측방접근을 통한 골이식후 나중에 임프란트를 식립하는 이회법을 시행해야 함을 보고 하였다. Zitzman 등12)도 치조정을 통한 접근법은 잔존골의높이가 6㎜보다 작은 경우 임프란트 초기고정의 안정성이 확실하지 않다는 단점이 있어 측방접근술을 권장하였고 6㎜이상의 가용골이 있는 부위에서는osteotome을 이용한 치조정접근술이 좋은 예후를가짐을 보고 하였다. Bruschi 등13)은 최소 5㎜에서 7㎜ 범위의 치조골수직 고경에서 골이식이나 차폐막 없이 Localized management of the sinus floor(LMSF)technique을 통해 97.5%의 성공률을 보였고Winter 등14)은 4㎜ 이하의 잔존 치조골에서도 골이식이나 차폐막 없이 상악동저를 거상하여 가중 22개월 후 91.4%의 성공률을 보였다. 이에 저자 등은 측방 및 치조정을 통한 상악동저 거상술을 시행하여 동시 식립된 증례들의 임프란트 생존률을 분석하고 비교하여 두 가지 술식의 안정성을 평가하고자 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        네비게이션 수술용 가이드를 이용한 치조정 접근식 상악동 거상술 : 증례보고

        나지연(Jiyeon Na),조란영(Ranyeong Cho),장원석(Won-Seok Jang),조승원(Seoung-Won Cho),이상민(Sangmin Yi),온성운(Sung-Woon On),양병은(Byoung-Eun Yang),변수환(Soo-Hwan Byun) 대한치과의사협회 2021 대한치과의사협회지 Vol.59 No.10

        Objective : The purpose of this study is to introduce a novel method for safe and precise crestal approach technique for sinus augmentation and implant placement using digital technology. The study further aims to verify effectiveness of the technique in implant placement and sinus augmentation. Materials and Methods : 5 patients who needed crestal approach sinus augmentation for implant placement were collected. There were more than 4mm residual bone in those patients. Intraoral image taking and CBCT taking were performed for digital planning. Digital planning was conducted for crestal approach sinus augmentation and implant placement. 2 navigation surgical guides (crestal/implant) were fabricated for each patient. Results : 10 implants were placed in the patients without specific problems by using crestal approach surgical guide and implant surgical guide. Conclusion : Crestal approach for maxillary sinus augmentation by using navigation surgical guide would be a reliable treatment option for successful implant placement in insufficient residual bone height of maxilla.

      • KCI등재

        Multicenter clinical study on the hydrodynamic piezoelectric internal sinus elevation (HPISE) technique

        Hyung-Ju Lee,Jee-Won Moon,Ju-Hyoung Lee,In-Sook Park,Nam-Ho Kim,Dong-Seok Sohn 대한구강악안면외과학회 2012 대한구강악안면외과학회지 Vol.38 No.2

        Objectives: This study was to evaluate the effect of vertical bone gain and success rate and analyze the failure cases using the hydrodynamic piezoelectric internal sinus elevation (HPISE) technique. Materials and Methods: Patients who had been operated in the three centers including Daegu Catholic University Medical Center were selected for this study. The mucoperiosteal flap was elevated, and the sinus floor was then broken by specially designed piezoelectric insert, with hydraulic pressure applied to the sinus membrane for even elevation. Afterward, implants were placed. Panoramic radiogram or computed tomogram was taken before and after surgery and at the second operation and prosthesis placement. Later, changes in vertical height were measured and compared. The survival rate was based on the criteria of Buser et al. and Cochran et al. Results: In this study, 8 implants failed out of a total of 169 implants, resulting a success rate of 95.3%. These failure cases were due to insufficient initial stability or sinus membrane perforation. The mean of radiographic vertical height change at prosthesis placement was 5.7 mm (0.5-10.5 mm). Conclusion: In this study, HPISE technique was found to be a predictable treatment for atrophic maxilla and an alternative technique to the lateral approach.

      • KCI등재

        Installation Immediate Implant with Sinus Lift Crestal Approach Technique: A Case Report of 4-year Follow-up

        김상민,이성조,조인우,신현승 대한구강악안면임플란트학회 2022 대한구강악안면임프란트학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        When the first dental implants were developed in 1977, implants were placed 6‒8 months after extraction. The long healing time involves absorption of the extraction socket alveolar bone and a prolonged treatment period. To solve this problem, an “immediate implant” was studied, which is placed immediately after tooth extraction. Along with the timing of implant placement, studies on sinus lift were also conducted to overcome the lack of vertical bone height due to the presence of sinus and resorption of alveolar bone in implant placement in the maxillary posterior area. In this case, extraction, sinus lift, and implant placement were performed simultaneously with a crestal approach through the extraction socket in a patient with insufficient vertical bone height for implant placement. As a result, the treatment period of 3‒4 months was shortened, and the number of surgeries was reduced. The implant has shown satisfactory results in both bone and tissue during a 4-year follow-up.

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