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        ( Chelsey Latter ),( Ian Phau ),( Chris Marchegiani ) 한국마케팅과학회 2010 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.1 No.4

        A vast body of knowledge exists regarding the attitudes involved in the consumption of luxury brands. The purchase of products for their symbolic and social value rather than for their inherent utility is now widely recognised as a significant determinant of consumer behaviour (Mason, 1992). With changes in industry trends, gaps in knowledge are created. Thus, it is important to examine luxury brands in relation to uniqueness. Moreover, whether consumers need for uniqueness is in fact a need for status in this younger emerging market (Clark, Zboja, and Goldsmith, 2007). The Australian Generation Y market is a dynamic and extremely competitive environment (Phau and Leng 2008). It encompasses 26% of the adult population (Khoo and Conisbee 2008) with the benefit of offering a market segment open to generalisations. Thanks to a decrease in the affordability of the housing market the average disposable income has increased and as a result Generation Y has enormous spending potential. In 2015 Generation Y will have the largest share of the consumer market and is set to dominate retail trade (Khoo and Conisbee, 2008). However, limited research has been conducted using the Australian Generation Y market in regards to their attitudes towards uniqueness and luxury brands. According to Phau and Cheong (2009) consumers between the ages of 30-50 years have been the prime market for luxury goods. The importance of adult consumers has been explored in depth, but there has been less attention given to the emergence of symbolic consumption in young people. This study examines the causal relationships among consumers` need for uniqueness, brand perceptions (brand judgements and emotional value), and purchase intentions of an haute couture luxury apparel brand and it`s ready to wear range among Australian Generation Y status and non-status consumers. This research will allow further examination of how Australian Generation Y consumers` need for uniqueness influences product acquisition behaviour concluding with how marketers and practitioners could use this to effectively target this young consumer market. Haute Couture is the prestigious front for French creative fashion (recently a number of fashion houses outside Paris have been afforded membership) and original design and refers to "wildly expensive garments made to measure for an elite cadre of the world`s ultra rich…where designers unleash their creativity, using the finest materials and techniques" (Barchfield July 15, 2009, 3) Haute couture creates the illusion through brand association that accessories, (bags, scarf`s, sunglasses etc.) are as exclusive as the couture products at the premium end of the range. Couture generates high levels of publicity, which funnel down into sales in the ready to wear and mass production stages (Catry, 2003). A self-administered pen and paper questionnaire was developed for the study, which utilised a non-probability convenience sample of Australian Generation Y consumers. The survey instrument took approximately 10 minutes to complete and used existing scales with strong reliabilities to measure the five main constructs on a seven-point scale ranging from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree". Data was collected from students studying in a large Metropolitan University in Western Australia. A total of 259 usable questionnaires were analysed. Data analysis was conducted using factor analysis and multiple and step-wise regression analysis. It was found that consumers` need for uniqueness has three dimensions, creative choice counter-conformity, unpopular choice counter-conformity and avoidance of similarity, in the concept of a hatue couture brand. The effect of consumers` need for uniqueness, status consumption and brand perceptions was tested in relation to purchase intentions. It was found that brand judgements had the strongest most significant effect on purchase intentions. The three dimensions of consumers` need for uniqueness, creative choice counter-conformity, unpopular choice counter-conformity and avoidance of similarity were found to have differing relationships with purchase intentions. Only creative choice counter-conformity was found to have a significant relationship with purchase intentions through brand perceptions. The paper adds knowledge to the field of consumers` need for uniqueness and status consumption and provides an insight into Australian Generation Y consumers` purchasing intentions toward an haute couture luxury apparel brand and offers a number of significant contributions. Theoretically, it introduces theoretical underpinnings from branding, psychology and consumer behaviour to develop a framework in which to examine insights from existing fashion literature in a new light. This study focuses on Australian Generation Y consumers` purchase intentions of a luxury apparel brand and it is subsequently found that deviations exist between Australian Generation Y consumers and Generation Y consumers previously studied (Northern Asia and the United States) (O`Cass and Choy, 2008; Park, Rabolt, and Jeon, 2008; Knight and Kim, 2007). Furthermore, only creative choice counter-conformity is found to be a significant predictor of purchase intentions of luxury apparel. This proposes a new way of thought in regards to uniqueness seeking consumers` attitudes towards products with an exclusive and customisation approach, illustrating that consumers` place a level of sameness with a well-recognised luxury brand regardless of the exclusive, one-of-a-kind designs the premium end of the brand portrays. Managerially, the study supports the belief that exposure to a recognised luxury apparel brand can prompt brand judgements and emotional responses in status seeking consumers. This can be seen throughout hypothesis 2 in the significant difference in the results of status seeking consumers` as compared to that of uniqueness seeking consumers. Although the findings of this research are market specific, they have important implications for general fashion consumption research. This research demonstrated the value of the consumers` need for uniqueness and the status consumption scales in explaining fashion adoption behavior especially pertaining to luxury apparel.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Fashion Product Consumers` Need for Uniqueness on their Criteria of Clothing Selection and Switching Intentions

        ( Soojin Park ),( Sookyeong Park ) 한국패션비즈니스학회 2016 패션 비즈니스 Vol.20 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the The effect of fashion consumer``s need for uniqueness in their clothing purchase behavior and switching intention. A total of 332 cases were included as the subjects of this study and a survey method was used. The data were analyzed by factor analysis, reliability analysis, t-test and multiple regression analysis using the SPSS 22.0 statistical program. The results were as follows. 1. The 3 dimensions (creative choice, unpopular choice, and avoidance of similarity) were extracted from the consumer``s need for uniqueness and consumer divided high uniqueness group, middle uniqueness group, low uniqueness group. 2. The 3 factor (esthetic, functional, practical) were extracted from the clothing selection criteria. The three group had a significant difference in clothing selection and switching intention. Aesthetic factor and practical factor were the highest in high uniqueness group. 3. The need for uniqueness has influence on the aesthetic factor and practical factor. The creative choice factor had positive effect on the aesthetic and practical factor, yet unpopular choice factor had negative effect on the practical factor. The need for uniqueness and aesthetic factor has positive influence on brand switching intentions. 4. There was difference in unpopular choices factor by gender. A monthly average expenditure on fashion products had a significant difference in three kind of need for uniqueness. Results of this study provide a basis understand need for uniqueness and their effect on consumer behavior.

      • KCI등재

        유통 콘셉트 및 소비자의 독특성에 따른 AI 서비스 선호 차이에 관한 연구

        김경진 ( Kyungjin Kim ) 한국유통경영학회(구 한국유통정보학회) 2021 유통경영학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        Purpose: This study seeks to explore whether artificial intelligence services would be unpopular if the concept or brand image of distribution stores are unique. Research design, data, and methodology: The first study utilizes a 3×2 design. The major variables of Study 1 were consumer need for uniqueness (high vs. low), brand uniqueness (high vs. low), and the service provider (AI vs. human expert). The second study utilizes a 2×2 design. The major variables for Study 2 were the priming concept (uniqueness vs. conformity) and the service provider (AI vs. human doctor). The third study utilizes a 2×2 design. The major variables for Study 3 were the user (self vs. other) and the service provider (AI chatbot vs. film critic). The number of respondents were 278 for Study 1, 164 for Study 2, and 138 for Study 3. Results: In Study 1, respondents with a high need for uniqueness preferred the touch of experts to AI in skin diagnostic services. This pattern was more pronounced in stores with unique brand image, compared to stores with non-unique brand image. The mediation test revealed that the uniqueness-seeking respondents expected experts to better understand and consider their uniqueness than statistical AI. In Study 2, respondents whose concept of uniqueness had been primed trusted doctors more than AI in medical services compared to those whose concept of conformity had been primed. In Study 3, respondents under the “self” category preferred chatting with film critics over AI chatbots in movie recommendations compared to the respondents in the “other” category. Implications: This research suggests that uniqueness can impede AI acceptance in various contexts. Perhaps the reason why AI is spreading slower than expected is not because of technological problems, but rather because of the human fear that individual uniqueness or human character may be lost.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Influencing Factors of the Intention to Use Products of Artificial Intelligence Translation

        김경진(Kim, Kyung Jin) 한국상품학회 2021 商品學硏究 Vol.39 No.1

        Although artificial intelligence (AI) services are more accurate or more efficient than human services, consumers prefer human services to AI. Also, AI is somewhat mechanical and insensitive, it is largely due to consumers stereotype that AI will be more difficult to understand than human experts about the unique needs of individuals. This is because AI is based on statistical analysis of big data in related with universality and average of groups rather than on individual uniqueness. This study decided to explore whether AI translation would be unfriendly if languages are unique. It also wanted to see how these effects interact with the uniqueness of individual consumers. If the uniqueness of the language negatively affects the preference of AI translation services, just as the uniqueness of the individual, this study will also consider why. Study 1 said consumers in the context of self-consumption preferred getting with human expert over AI in translation service compared to those of others. In light of the theory that one perceives uniqueness more than others, this result also reflects the expectation that experts will better understand individual uniqueness than AI. This logic was supported by a mediator test. In Study 2, consumers with a high tendency to pursue uniqueness preferred the touch of experts to AI in translation services. This trend was more pronounced in the case of unique language (Mongolian), than in the universal language (English). On the other hand, consumers with a low tendency to pursue uniqueness does not show these patterns. They preferred not only expert but also AI generally. In conclusion, this work proposes in various contexts that uniqueness can undermine AI acceptance. Perhaps the reason why AI spreads slower than expected is not because of technical problems, but humanistic anxiety such as impersonation and human alienation that individual uniqueness may be wiped out.

      • 소비자의 독특성 추구 성향이 인공지능 내비게이션의 선호에 미치는 영향

        김경진 한국콘텐츠산업학회 2021 콘텐츠와 산업 Vol.3 No.3

        인공지능 내비게이션 상품이 기존 상품보다 정확하거나 효율적일 수 있지만 운전자들은 인공지능보다 인간 서비스를 선호한다. 또한 인공지능이 다소 기계적이 고 둔감하지만, 인간 전문가보다 인공지능이 개인의 고유한 요구에 대해서 더 이해하기 어려울 것이라는 운전자들의 고정관념의 영향이 크다. 이는 인공지능이 개 인의 고유성보다는 보편성, 집단 평균과 관련된 빅데이터의 통계 분석을 기반으로 하기 때문이다. 본 연구는 지리적 특성이 고유할 경우 인공지능 내비게이션이 비 우호적인지 여부를 탐구하기로 했다. 또한 이러한 효과가 개별 운전자의 고유성과 어떻게 상호작용하는지 확인하고자 했다. 개인의 고유성처럼 지역의 고유성이 인공지능 내비게이션 선호도에 부정적인 영향을 미친다면 그 이유도 함께 고려할 예정이다. 연구 1은 자가운전 맥락에서 운전자들이 다른 운전자들에 비해 내비게이션 이용에서 인공지능보다 인간 전문가와 만나는 것을 선호한다고 밝혔다. 남들보다 고 유성을 더 많이 인식한다는 이론에 비춰볼 때 전문가들이 인공지능보다 개인의 고유성을 더 잘 이해할 것이라는 기대감이 반영된 결과다. 이 논리는 중재변수 테스 트를 통해 뒷받침되었다. 연구 2에서는 독특함을 추구하는 경향이 높은 소비자들이 내비게이션 이용에서 인공지능보다 전문가의 서비스를 선호했다. 이러한 경향 은 독특한 느낌이 덜 한 지역(=미국)보다 독특한 느낌의 지역(=몽골)에서 더 두드러졌다. 반면에 독특함을 추구하는 경향이 낮은 운전자들은 이러한 패턴을 보이지 않았다. 이들은 지리 전문가 뿐만 아니라 인공지능 내비게이션을 전반적으로 선호했다. 결론적으로, 본 연구는 고유성이 인공지능 내비게이션 수용성을 훼손할 수 있다는 것을 다양한 맥락에서 제안했다. 예상보다 AI 확산 속도가 느린 것은 기술적 문제가 아니라 개인의 고유성이 말살될 수 있다는 인간 소외 등 인본주의적 불안감 때문일 것이다. Artificial intelligence navigation products may be more accurate or efficient than existing products, but drivers prefer human services to artificial intelligence. In addition, although artificial intelligence is somewhat mechanical and insensitive, it is largely influenced by drivers' stereotypes that artificial intelligence will be more difficult to understand than human experts on individual unique needs. This is because artificial intelligence is based on statistical analysis of big data related to universality and group average rather than individual uniqueness. This study decided to explore whether artificial intelligence navigation is unfriendly when geographical characteristics are unique. It was also intended to see how these effects interact with the uniqueness of individual drivers. If local uniqueness, such as individual uniqueness, negatively affects artificial intelligence navigation preferences, the reason will also be considered. Study 1 revealed that in the context of self-driving, drivers prefer to meet human experts over artificial intelligence in navigation over other drivers. This reflects expectations that experts will better understand individual uniqueness than artificial intelligence in light of the theory that they recognize uniqueness more than others. This logic was supported by the mediating test. In Study 2, drivers with a high tendency to pursue uniqueness preferred professional services to artificial intelligence in navigation use. This trend was more pronounced in regions with unique feelings(=Mongol) than in regions with less unique feelings(=USA). On the other hand, drivers with a low tendency to pursue uniqueness did not show this pattern. They preferred artificial intelligence navigation as well as geographic experts. In conclusion, this study suggested in various contexts that uniqueness can undermine artificial intelligence navigation acceptability. The slower-than-expected spread of AI may not be due to technical problems, but to humanistic anxiety such as human alienation that individual uniqueness can be wiped out.

      • KCI등재

        Becoming a Human in the Divine Image and Christian Education

        Joo, Yun-Soo 한국실천신학회 2021 신학과 실천 Vol.- No.75

        The topic of human uniqueness has been a crucial issue in various academic domains. In theology, what is meant by human uniqueness is closely related to the core idea of the Imago Dei. The history of interpretation as it relates to the image of God in theology can be summarized within three broad categories: substantive, functional, and relational. However, isolated theological notions of human uniqueness have often been distorted by human pride, arrogance, and hostility to other creatures on earth. In the current study, we will explore a more embodied and holistic meaning of the human uniqueness through a dynamic conversation between paleoanthropology, evolutionary epistemology, neuroscience, and theology. The emergence of the symbolic mind and the cognitive fludity has assisted humanity in having religious experiences, performing religious rituals, and carrying out religious norms and values, marking homo sapiens as "homo-religious." However, a holistic comprehension of human uniqueness as within the Imago Dei cannot be encapsulated purely within the biological or neuroscientific. A dialogue with theologian Abraham Heschel, and particularly his notion of transcendence and becoming human in the divine likeness, can help us craft a theological meaning of human uniqueness. Religiously constructed values, goals, and expectations are built into the structure of interpreting daily events and motivating self-transcendence. The essentially interactive embodied human mind, functioning as a "mindedness of behavior in context," promotes humans to seek out meaning in life and pursue the good. This article will argue that the human being is more than being: being human is becoming human in the image of God by self-transcendance overcoming current limitation through exercising divine living. Based on a more dynamic and holistic notion of human uniqueness, it is also claimed that Christian education should promote transformation of the whole being beyond narrow intellectualism by the act of pursuing and becoming the divine likeness.

      • 예수 그리스도 구원의 유일성 ― 종교다원주의 및 혼합주의 도전의 맥락에서

        김영한(Yung Han Kim) 혜암신학연구소 2018 신학과교회 Vol.10 No.-

        This paper intends to defend the uniqueness of Jesus Christ & his salvation, confronting the religious pluralism and the thought of religious syncretism ruling this day. Religious pluralism has problems as follows: 1) the religious transcendent is different than Christian God. 2) the religious transcendent is the philosophically presupposed abstract being. 3) the salvation each religion has sought for is not the same but different. 4) the spirituality of religious pluralism is not the Christian but pluralistic one. The WCC s Baar Statement: Theological Perspectives on Plurality on January 15, 1990 has opened doors for religious pluralism. The uniqueness of Jesus Christ has threefold uniqueness; firstly in terms of his person, secondly, his works, thirdly, the relationship of Him to His believers. 1) the uniqueness of person is such that He was the one in whom the eternal Son of God incarnated, the one who is the third person, the true God and the true man. 2) the uniqueness of Work of Christ is that He is the mediator between God and human. 3) the uniqueness of relationship of Christ to his believers is that He is the savior always being with them in the their life and works. The threefold controversy in terms of the uniqueness of Jesus Christ is 1) the exclusivistic denial: unconditional rejection 2) the pluralist relativism: relativization of uniqueness. 3) the syncretistic eclipse: religious mixture and liberal inclucivism. The alternative for the pluralism and syncretism is theology of solus Christus.

      • KCI등재

        안확의 `조선민족담론`과 상호중심주의: 『조선문학사』와 『조선문명사』를 중심으로

        김현양 ( Kim Hyeon-yang ) 민족문학사학회·민족문학사연구소 2017 민족문학사연구 Vol.64 No.-

        이 글의 목표는 안확의 대표적 저술인 『조선문학사』와 『조선문명사』를 중심으로, 그의 `조선민족담론`의 논리체계를 밝히고, 논리체계를 구성하는 체계항인 `고유성`과`고유성의 보편성`의 서술시각을 파악하고자 하는 것이다. 이를 위해 먼저 학술장에서 안확의 고립성을 지적하고 `상호중심주의`의 시각으로 안확의 `조선민족담론`을 독해할 것을 제안했다. 이를 바탕으로 먼저, 안확의 `조선민족담론`은 고유성의 기원-고유성-고유성의 보편성-고유성의 계승으로 그 논리체계가 구성되어 있다고 했다. 다음으로 안확이 『조선문학사』와『조선문명사』에서 각각 `조선숭배`와 `자치`라는 고유성을 드러내고자 한 것은 민족(국가)공동체의 혈연적(민족적) 바탕과 민주적 역량을 확인하고자 한 것이라 했다. 마지막으로 `고유성의 보편성`은 `조선은 서양과 다르면서 같다`는 상호중심주의 시각을 드러내고자 한 것이며, 이는 탈식민의 방법이라 했다. The purpose of this article is to clarify the logic system of Ahn Hwak(安廓)`s `Korean national discourse(朝鮮民族談論)` focusing on “Chosun literature history(朝鮮文學史)” and “Chosun civilization history(朝鮮文明史)”, and to grasp the narrative point of `uniqueness` and `universality of uniqueness` which are the systematic constituents of his logical system. To this end, I pointed out the isolation of Ahn Hwak in the academic field and proposed to read `Korean national discourse` in the perspective of `mutual centrism`. On the basis of this, it is said that the logic system is composed of the origin of uniqueness - universality of uniqueness - uniqueness - inheritance of uniqueness. Next, it was said that Ahn Hwak tried to reveal the uniqueness of `ancestor worship` and `autonomy` in “Chosun literature history” and “Chosun civilization history” to confirm the national (ethnic) background and democratic competence of the nation. Finally, the universality of uniqueness was intended to reveal the viewpoint of mutual centrism that `Chosun is different from the West`, this is called the way of post-colonization.


        Kirsten Cowan,Tammy Kinley 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2016 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2016 No.7

        Conflicting accounts of environmentally-friendly motives exist (see Chan, 2001; Hartmann & Apaolaza-Ibanez, 2012; Haws et al., 2014; Johnstone & Tan, 2015; Rashid, 2009; Royne et al., 2013). Recent research has turned to identity-society explanations (see Park & Lee, 2016). This research furthers this inquiry and narrows the gap. To understand environmentally-friendly clothing options (EFCO) motives better, this study uses uniqueness theory, which posits that consumers adopt dress different from mass fashion simply because it is unpopular (Snyder & Fromkin, 1977; Tian et al., 2001). Accordingly, environmentally-friendly attitudes should have nothing to do with the environment, but with norms, conformity, pressure (Law et al., 2004), and uniqueness. Thus, the research questions consist of: 1) is need for uniqueness in dress related to EFCO purchase intentions? 2) If so, does uniqueness relate to other EFCO motives? A survey was administered (n=220), using existing scales, to an online consumer panel All scales exhibited sufficient reliability. Pearson-Product Moment Scores and ANOVAs were used to assess variable relationships. As predicted, concern for the environment and perceived individual impact on the environment were unrelated to need for uniqueness. There was a significant and positive relationship between need for uniqueness and each of: attitudes toward EFCO and social pressure to act green. This indicates that individuals feel social pressure from important others to adapt to consumer trends. However, the manner in which they adopt mass consumer movements, such as sustainability, may be in more unique ways and via unpopular choice, such as EFCO. Finally, an ANOVA indicated that those high in uniqueness were willing to pay substantially more for EFCO.

      • KCI등재

        독특성 유형과 컬러와의 관계

        조은형,박성용,나준희 한국상품학회 2014 商品學硏究 Vol.32 No.5

        The main purpose of this paper is in the identification of color- emotional image and investigation of color-relevance in terms of preferred, non-preferred, and self-representing. For this reason, we classify respondents into groups by means of uniqueness dimension and compare the results between overall and groups for the relevance of colors. We conducted survey for 300 samples and used 15 colors and 40 emotional words. Also, 15 items are used for need for uniqueness scale.and factor analysis and cluster analysis are used to compare the results for overall and group-wise results. The results and findings show almost the same result for preferred color and self-representing color. However, based on the cluster analysis, group-wise preferred color and self-representing color are not the same as ones of overall sample. Also, comparison within group shows that preferred color and self-representing color are different for some groups. This study finds the result that the same color could be perceived different due to the need for uniqueness. Also preferred, non-preferred, self-representing color depends on the sub-dimensions of uniqueness . These results could be applied to the real market situation. In the future research, it is necessary to incorporate extension to the various samples and product categories. In addition, sub-dimensions of color should be investigated with respect to uniqueness in the future study. The original contribution of this paper is that we studied on the relationship between uniqueness and color and also considered preferred, non-preferred, and self-representing color with uniqueness. 이 연구의 목적은 컬러와 감성어간의 연관성을 확인하고, 컬러와 소비자 간의 적합성 즉, 선호하는 컬러, 선호하지 않는 컬러, 자아를 표현하는 컬러를 조사하고, 독특성의 차원에 따라 소비자를 구분하여 적합성을 조사하여 군집별로 어떤 컬러가 선호하는 지를 조사하고자 한다. 연구목적의 달성을 위해 300부의 표본을 이용하여 설문조사를 실시하였다. 15가지 컬러와 40개의 감성어를 이용하였고, 독특성에 대한 측정을 위하여 15개 항목을 이용하였다. 요인분석과 요인부하를 이용한 군집분석을 이용하여 전체적인 결과와 군집분석의 결과를 비교하였다. 분석 및 연구 결과는 전반적으로는 선호하는 컬러와 자아표현 컬러는 거의 같은 결과를 보인다. 그러나 독특성의 차원에 따라 구분된 군집분석을 이용하면 선호하는 컬러가 군집과 전반적인 선호컬러와 다르게 나타나고, 군집 내에서는 선호하는 컬러와 자아표현 컬러가 일치하지 않는 군집도 존재한다. 시사점 및 연구의 한계점은 같은 컬러라 하더라도 각 개인이 느끼는 것이 다른 이유를 독특성을 이용하여 살펴보고 확인했다는 점에서 의의가 있고, 독특성의 차원에 따라 선호, 비선호, 자아표현 컬러가 달라진다는 점은 마케터에게 중요한 시사점을 제공한다. 향후 연구방향은 보다 다양한 표본과 제품군에 까지 확장하여 독특성과 컬러에 대한 연구를 시도할 수 있다. 또한 컬러의 차원과 독특성과 연결시키는 것도 미래연구 방향이라 할 수 있다. 이 연구의 공헌점은 특성과 컬러를 연결시킴으로써 전반적인 컬러 선호도, 비선호도, 자아표현을 고려하는 것보다는 세분화된 시장에서의 적합성을 고려하는 것의 중요성을 확인하였다는 점이다.

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