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      • KCI등재후보

        제2장 김대중 정권 대북정책의 비판적 고찰

        정경환 한국통일전략학회 2011 통일전략 Vol.11 No.2

        This study attends to analyse critically a policy towards North Korea of the Kim Dae-Jung regime. The policy towards North Korea of the Kim Dae-Jung regime was known as '햇볕정책‘(a Sunshine policy). A Sunshine policy is indicated that it caused confusion among policy goal and policy means. That is to say, it makes a Sunshine policy meaning a policy means a policy goal. Therefore, it formed a point of dispute in our society. The policy's confusion in the Sunshine policy forwarded a crucial moment blocking a multiple and elastic policy implementation. In other words, the Sunshine policy was a denotative framework blocking a multiple and elastic policy enforcement. Because the Sunshine policy is a expressing body of extreme appeasement policy starting with that premise of unconditional tolerance. By representing our intention, the Sunshine policy has brought about a result that we constrict our own behavior. It had also caused of our radical split in our society In this respect I assured that the policy towards North Korea of the Kim Dae-Jung regime was judged by the history. The lesson of this policy towards North Korea of the Kim Dae-Jung regime is to make use of macroscopical coping strategies grasping unartful reality of North Korea. 본 논문은 김대중 정권의 대북정책을 비판적 관점에서 고찰하고 있다. 김대중 정권의 대북정책은 흔히 ‘햇볕정책’으로 통칭되고 있다. 햇볕정책은 무엇보다도 정책목표와 정책수단 간의 혼돈을 초래하였다는 점을 지적할 수 있다. 정책수단에 불과한 햇볕정책을 정책목표화하여 숱한 논쟁점을 형성하였다. 햇볕정책이 갖는 이러한 정책상의 혼돈은 종국적으로 북한의 수많은 대남도발책동과 이해하기 힘든 행태들에 대해 설득과 강제의 이중적 배합정책의 시행을 막는 결정적 계기를 조성하였다. 다시 말하면 햇볕정책은 다양하고 신축적인 대북정책의 시행을 가로막는 외연적 틀이 되었다고 할 수 있다. 왜냐하면 햇볕정책은 그 이름에서 드러나는 것처럼 무조건적인 포용을 전제로 하는 극단적 유화정책의 표현체이다. 그래서 햇볕정책은 그 정책용어에 이미 우리의 속내가 모조리 표출됨으로써 우리 스스로가 우리의 행동의 폭을 위축시키고 협소화시키는 결과를 가져왔다. 또한 햇볕정책은 우리 사회 내부의 갈등을 조성하여 해방정국 이후 대북정책문제로 가장 극단적으로 분열된 상황을 야기하고 말았다. 이런 점에서 김대중 정권의 대북정책은 역사의 준엄한 심판을 받아야 한다고 굳게 믿고 있다. 이러한 김대중 정권의 대북정책이 주는 교훈은 무엇보다도 북한을 우리식대로 자의적으로 해석․재단하지 말고 북한의 있는 그대로의 실체를 파악하여 거시적인 대응전략을 구사하자는 것이라고 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        햇볕정책과 여론: 지속성과 변용의 관점에서 본 실증분석

        박선원 경남대학교 극동문제연구소 2002 한국과 국제정치 Vol.18 No.2

        This paper examines continuity and aleration of the sunshine policy in the next government by analysizing survey data the Kim Dae-jung government, conservative newspapers, and liberal newspapers have respectively taken for last four years. Let alone the governmental data, survey outcomes of the liberal and conservative newspapers suggest that the sunshine policy has strong public support that is roughly higher than 65% on average and the lowest rate was 33.9% in early 2001. The supporting rate of the sunshine policy is 20% higher on average than that to the general performance of the Kim government. This finding can be interpreted that the public tends to regard their support to the government with the support to the sunshine policy, which is to be conducive to the continuity of the policy. In terms of ideological preference, the consertative elements of South Korean journalism are critical while the liberals are supportive to the policy. Much larger circulation of conservative newspapers is burdensome to the continuity, but pressing the policy to be altered or discarded. One of the most tangible characteristics of South Korean politics, the regionalism, also affects to the sunshine policy to be altered, rather than to be maintained as it has been. Kyongsang province, the largest aregion in South Korea, has critical attitudes, while much smaller Cholla province shows demonstrate strong support to the sunshine policy in general. However, two other sociological factors captured in the survey data such as age and education play a role to buttress the sunshine policy. The younger their ages, the higher the supporting rate; the higher their educational background, the higher the supporting rate. These two factors countervalue the ideological influence of the conservative journalism and gerional factor enforcing the public disapproval to the policy. To sum up, considering the strong public support per se up to present seen in the survey date, the higher educational elements and the younger generation, continuity is has stronger inertia than regionalism and ideological traits forces the policy to be altered. In conclusion, therefore, the next government, whatever the candidate, would not change the basic propositions of the sunshine policy, although some parts of it would be inevitably altered. Continuity will undercurrent in the next government’s policy towards North Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        이명박 정부의 대북정책 구상과 남북한관계 전망

        엄상윤 사단법인 한국평화연구학회 2008 평화학연구 Vol.9 No.1

        This article basically seeks to analyze Lee Myung-bak government's policy initiative towards North Korea, and to provide an insight into the (future) inter-Korean relations. The four major analytical factors taken in this research include; the structural influence of bi-polar system in the region, close mutual-interaction of issues and interest-complexity of stake-holders in the Korean peninsular, complications and divided domestic public opinions caused by the dilemma of security and unification, and the comparative analysis on so-called 'Sunshine policy'. The results of this research can be summarized as follow. First of all, as they think the Sunshine policy has been totally failed, the new government is trying to shift the basic paradigm of its North Korea policy. It emphasizes the importance of so-called 'denuclearization, openness, and US$ 3,000' initiative, which South Korea will support to raise North Korea's per capita national income to $3,000 within next ten years, in return for denuclearization and openness. This initiative puts national security and sticks first, whereas the Sunshine policy puts unification and carrots first. Therefore, under Lee government inter-Korean relations are expected to be declined in policy priority and withered up in the near future. There might be also high possibility of change, however, as a result of processes in domestic/international circumstances, such as; any meaningful progress in North Korean nuclear issue, change of Washington's North Korea policy, strong resistance from the 'unification first groups', and different attitude of Pyungyang. Under the above context, changes would possibly be made in the new government's North Korea policy. Accordingly inter-Korean relations could be also flexible. As south Korea can not give up any single objective between unification and security, neither security first policy nor unification first policy is reasonable and realistic. In this point of view, this paper strongly suggests the new government to find out and develop the merits of the Sunshine policy, rather than just cynically/totally ignoring its positive role. 본 연구는 이명박 정부의 대북정책 구상을 검토 · 분석해 보고 이를 토대로 향후의 남북관계를 전망하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 지역적 양극체제의 구조적 영향력, 한반도문제의 이슈 간 연계성 및 이해관계의 복잡성, ‘안보와 통일의 딜레마’ 및 이를 둘러싼 한국 사회의 갈등, 햇볕정책과의 비교분석이라는 네 가지 관점을 중요하게 고려하여 접근하고 있다. 먼저, 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 이명박 정부는 햇볕정책을 총체적 실패로 규정하고 ‘비핵 · 개방 · 3000’ 구상을 제시하면서 대북정책의 패러다임 전환을 시도하고 있다. 북한의 비핵화와 체제변화 유도라는 당면목표 설정을 제외하면, 이명박 정부의 대북정책과 햇볕정책은 공통점을 거의 찾아볼 수 없다. 그 실질적 내용에 있어서 경제지원과 북한의 비핵 · 개방을 선순환적으로 연계시킨 햇볕정책은 ‘통일우선’과 ‘당근위주’로 북한의 비핵 · 개방을 대규모 경제지원의 절대적 전제조건으로 삼는 이명박 정부의 대북정책은 ‘안보우선’과 ‘채찍위주’로 압축될 수 있다. 이명박 정부의 당면목표 설정은 현 단계에서 매우 적실성이 있고 대북정책의 원칙도 원론적 차원에서는 비판의 여지가 별로 없다. 그러나 그 실천적 함의와 방법론은 햇볕정책과 대비되는 측면에서 적지 않은 한계를 내재하고 있다. 이러한 이명박 정부의 대북정책은 남북한관계의 정책적 우선순위를 후퇴시키고 북한의 전격적 핵 포기와 전면적 개방을 기대하기 어려운 작금의 상황에서 남북한관계를 위축 혹은 경색시킬 가능성이 높다. 그러나 북핵문제의 진전, 북한의 태도 변화, 통일우선세력의 도전, 미국의 대북정책 변화 등에 따라 이명박 정부의 대북정책도 변화될 가능성이 다분히 있고 이에 따라 남북한관계도 유동성을 가질 것으로 전망된다. 이러한 연구결과를 토대로 본 연구는 한반도 전쟁 방지 최우선, 한반도문제의 포괄적 · 동시적 해결 노력, 김정일 정권의 현실적 인정, 친북 · 친미 · 친중 · 친일 · 친러의 인식과 이에 기반한 정책 추진 등을 이명박 정부에 제언하고 있다. 또한 안보우선론에 사로잡힌 이명박 정부의 대북정책과 통일우선론에 사로잡힌 햇볕정책은 모두 발전적으로 지양될 필요가 있다는 입장에서 이명박 정부가 햇볕정책의 장점을 발견 · 수용 · 발전시키는 노력을 적극 경주할 것을 촉구하고 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        햇볕정책과 북한의 인권

        김동한(Kim Dong Han),윤명석(토론자) 한양법학회 2007 漢陽法學 Vol.21 No.-

        There are several limits in associating Sunshine Policy with human rights of North Korea. First, Sunshine Policy was a keynote of policy for North Korea in the time of People’s Government, whose point is to bring about a change in North Korea and consolidate peace in Korean Peninsula. Thus, it is unreasonable to analyze human rights of North Korea in the light of direct association of Sunshine Policy. Second, the word, Sunshine Policy is a sentimental expression of ‘Embracing Policy of North Korea’, was made on the assumption that there is something wrong in human rights of North Korea. This expression can bring up a certain misunderstanding that we can suggest a solution through Sunshine Policy. Third, if we assume that human rights of North Korea improves as an indirect effect of Sunshine Policy, it is also to propose an one-sided solution in the lateral partnership. The problem of North Korea’s human rights to bring about a suspicion of infringement of sovereignty or interference in internal affairs is not a work for nation to solve. If insist, it is rather for NGO. In the center of the problem of North Korea’ human rights lies a food shortage. The best way to solve the problem is to calmly continue a humanistic aid. That is, consolidating peace through interchange and cooperation implied in Sunshine Policy is positively improving North Korea’ human rights. This study is mainly to examine the law theory and policy on North Korea’s human rights and deal with the problem of North Korea’s human rights as an indirect effect of Sunshine Policy.

      • KCI등재

        President Kim Dae-jung and the Sunshine Policy -Recasting His Legacies for Peace and Prosperity-

        문정인 ( Chung In Moon ),부승찬 ( Seung Chan Boo ) 연세대학교 통일연구원 2013 통일연구 Vol.17 No.1

        This study attempts to examine the philosophical foundation of Kim Dae-jung`s sunshine policy and to draw implications for managing the current crisis of peace. After he became president in 1998, President Kim began to systemize his thoughts on Korean unification into the sunshine policy or the policy of reconciliation and cooperation and laid out its three principle: non-toleration of North Korea`s military provocation, no pursuit of unification by absorption, and the realization of de facto unification through the promotion of exchange and cooperation. It was strategic and holistic approach that aimed at genuine, long-term improvements in inter-Korean relations through the promotion of exchanges and cooperation, trust-building, and peaceful co-existence. Although the implementation of sunshine policy encountered numerous challenges and obstacles of domestic and foreign politics, President Kim Dae-jung did not abandon his sunshine policy. But a major setback arose with the advent of the Lee Myung-bak government which discarded the engagement policy as a failed policy. However, sunshine policy produced impressive results for reconciliation, co-operation, change and peace in a short time. Two Korean summits, the Kaesong Industrial Complex, the Mt. Geumgang tourist project, a large number of family reunions and South Korean visits to North Korea as well as visible change in the North toward opening all underscore the power and relevance of the sunshine policy. In other words, for the engagement policy framed around mutual recognition and respect, exchange and cooperation, trust-building, peaceful co-existence, and de facto unification is the only way to ensure stable peace and common prosperity on the Korean peninsula.

      • KCI등재후보

        햇볕정책의 일관성과 여론 분열에 관한 실증적 연구

        남궁곤 경남대학교 극동문제연구소 2003 한국과 국제정치 Vol.19 No.4

        This paper intends to explore the structure of Korean people’s public opinion concerning the Kim Daejung Government’s Sunshine policy. Major findings of this paper are divided into two ategories as follows: theoretical and substantive. On the perspective of foreign policy theory, Korean people’s foreign policy belief system are composed of their ideological core values, general postures, and specific polity attitudes. Their approval or disapproval of government’s nification policy is closely related to their general foreign policy posture and core values. Substantively Korean people’s public opinion of the Kim Daejung Government’s Sunshine Policy are disintegrated into based upon their position about ideology and generation gaps. However, it is argued, that Korean people’s cleavage across their native region with regard to their support of the Sunshine Policy should be explored the context of power struggle among the political groups. The disharmony between government’s efforts to keep policy coherent and the structure of public opinion is to be approached from the misreading of real public opinion.

      • KCI등재후보

        김대중 정부의 햇볕정책:회고와 전망

        김근석 경남대학교 극동문제연구소 2002 한국과 국제정치 Vol.18 No.2

        The subjects of this article is evaluating the Sun-shine Policy of Kim Dae Jung government generally and objectively, in order to find out what would be needed for the success of this policy. The Sun-shine Policy, aimed at promoting “peace, reconciliation, and cooperation” in the relationship between South and North Korea, should be understood as North Korean policy, rather than a reunification policy. This policy has been criticized for such reasons: • this “neo-liberal” approach would be too much biased to idealism; • this “appeasement” policy would pay little regard to security problems; • this “one-side give” policy would not be able to cause any change in North Korea. These critics will be analyzed and evaluated in this article. In order to let the Sun-shine Policy produce desirable results, an internal political consensus is indispensable that this policy is not mere a policy of the Kim Dae Jung government, but of this country, as well as external situations, such as North Korea’s acceptance of change, and international situa- tions friendly to this policy.

      • KCI등재후보

        대북화해협력정책과 북한의 변화에 대한 실증적 분석

        노정호,김용호 경남대학교 극동문제연구소 2002 한국과 국제정치 Vol.18 No.3

        This study is an empirical approach for measuring North Korea’s changes after the inter- Korean summit in June 2000. North Korea’s changes are often referred as the most agreeable criteria for determining validity of the Sunshine policy since most debates over the Sunshine policy are centered on whether the policy really brought changes on the part of North Korea. After theoretical discussions on reciprocity and the Sunshine policy, this study employs two different methodology, content analysis and event data analysis. For content analysis, we coded reports of Chosun Central News Agency and while for event data analysis, coding event regarding inter- Korean relations by applying COPDAB codification. Two approaches yield an observation that the Sunshine policy has accompanied North Korea’s feasible changes, in spite of two armed conflicts on the western sea. As for the reason why the Sunshine policy has become the target of domestic criticisms, the study illustrates inherent limitation embedded in neoliberal theoretical background of the policy.

      • KCI등재

        공공정책으로서 햇볕정책에 대한 평가

        이성로 한국사회과학연구회 2013 동향과 전망 Vol.- No.87

        This study is designed to evaluate the ‘Sunshine Policy’ during the Democratic Party governments from 1997 to 2007 in ROK trying to end the controversies over the issue of Sunshine policy. It asks four questions-- Was the sunshine policy a theoretically and logically well-made policy? Was the sunshine policy serving well to preserve and maintain the vulnerable peace in the Korean peninsula? Was the sunshine policy changing the North Korea leading her to open door policy and reformation? In general, the answers to these questions are positive. 햇볕정책은 진보와 보수 사이에 치열한 정치논쟁의 영역이다. 이 연구는 공공정책 평가의 시각을 활용하여 이 정치공방에 하나의 해답을 추구한다. 햇볕정책은 과연 잘 만들어진 정책이었나, 그리고 소기의 정책목표를 달성했는가 하는 문제를 검증하기 위해서는 다음과 같은 네 가지 질문들을 던진다. ① 햇볕정책은 이론적 논리적으로 잘 구성된 정책이었나? ② 햇볕정책은 평화를 유지하고 화해를 할 수 있었나? ③ 햇볕정책은 북한을 개혁 개방의 길로 이끌고 있었나, 체제를 변화시키고 있었나? ④ 햇볕정책은 앞으로 언젠가 다가올 남·북 통일을 위하여 도움이 되었나? 특히, 이 연구는 햇볕정책은 하나의 공공정책으로써 그 목적을 달성한다면 국민의 삶의 질을 향상시키고 경제적 생산성을 증대시킬 것으로 기대되는 만큼, 편익과 함께 비용이 수반된다는 점을 간과해서는 안 된다고 주장한다.

      • KCI등재

        햇볕정책 추진에 따른 북한의 대남한 인식과 남북관계

        이준희 한국테러학회 2020 한국테러학회보 Vol.13 No.1

        The purpose of the paper's research is to examine the differences between North Korea's perception of South Korea and inter-Korean relations before and after the Sunshine Policy, a major South Korean policy toward the North. Summarizing the results of the analysis, North Korea's image in South Korea before and after the sunshine policy was promoted, and the South-North activities did not show much differentiation in the friendly and unfriendly image, while the friendly and non-friendly activities showed a distinctiveness. In other words, it would be natural for the friendly behavior to increase after the sunshine policy, a symbol of reconciliation and cooperation between the two Koreas, but the increased number of unfriendly activities also suggests to us that it is related to the nature of North Korea. Also, the correlation between the two countries tends to decrease as the unfriendly image increases before and after the engagement policy toward North Korea (Sunshine Policy). This is a phenomenon in which unfriendly acts are reduced due to the sunshine policy of reconciliation and cooperation between the two Koreas. They also say that the more friendly the image of the North increases, the more unfriendly the North is, and that the North cannot trust the South Korean government (the words and actions are played separately). In other words, it is incomprehensible that the positive image and the positive behavior increase due to the implementation of the Sunshine Policy. Considering these objective facts, the negative relations should not be judged to decrease due to the fact that the cumulative number of friendly images increases the number of friendly acts. In other words, while it is natural that friendly and unfriendly activities are reduced when one side is increased by zero-sum, the actual inter-Korean relations do not reduce, but rather show an increasing trend of unfriendly activities. This shows the ambivalent nature of North Korea showing friendly behavior in its actions against the South Korean government while simultaneously pursuing unfriendly actions. Therefore, the North Korean policy of reconciliation and cooperation toward reunification should be continuously pursued in the future while preparing countermeasures following the North's two-sided attribution. 이 논문의 연구 목적은 남한의 대북 주요 정책인 햇볕정책 전·후의 북한의 대남한 이미지와 남북행위가 어떠한 차이가 있는가를 살펴보고자 함에 있다. 분석결과의 요약으로 햇볕정책 추진 전·후 북한의 대남한 이미지변화와 남북한 행위를 종합해보면 우호적·비우호적 이미지에는 커다란 차별성을 보이지 않고 우호적·비 우호적 행위는 차별성을 보이고 있다. 다시말해 남북한의 화해와 협력정책의 상징인 햇볕정책 추진에 따라 햇볕정책 이전보다 이후가 우호적행위가 증가하는 것은 자연스러운 현상이라 하겠으나 비우호적 행위도 증가된 것은 북한의 속성과 관련된 것으로 우리에게 시사하는 바가 크다. 또한 상호관련성은 대북화해 협력정책(햇볕정책) 추진 전․후에 비우호적 이미지가 증대될수록 비우호적 행위는 축소되는 경향을 보이고 있다. 이것은 남북한 간에 화해와 협력의 햇볕정책 추진으로 인하여 비우호적 행위가 줄어드는 현상이다. 또한 대북 화해정책 추진이후 우호적 이미지가 증대될수록 비우호적 행위가 증대되는 것으로 북한이 우리 정부에 대해 신뢰 할 수 없도록(말과 행동이 따로 논다)하고 있다. 다시말해 햇볕정책 추진으로 인하여 우호적이미지, 우호적행위가 증가되는 것은 자연스러운 현상이나 비우호적 행위가 증가되는 것은 이해가 되지 않는 현상이다. 이러한 객관적인 사실을 종합해볼 때 우호적 이미지 누적수가 증대될수록 우호적 행위도 증대된다는 사실에 기인하여 비우호적 행위가 줄어 들것으로 판단해서는 안된다는 사실이다. 즉 우호적행위와 비우호적 행위는 제로섬에 의해 한쪽이 증가하면 다른 한쪽은 당연히 줄어드는 것이 자연스러운 현상임에도 불구하고 실제 남북관계는 우호적행위가 증가한다고 해서 이에비례하여 비우호적 행위가 줄어들지 않으며 오히려 증가하는 추세를 보이고 있다. 이것은 북한이 우리 정부에 대한 행위에 있어서 우호적 행위를 보여주면서 비우호적 행위도 동시에 추진하는 양면적인 속성을 보여주고 있다. 따라서 북한의 양면적인 속성이해에 따른 대응책을 마련하면서 통일을 향한 화해와 협력의 대북정책은 앞으로도 지속적으로 추진되어야 하겠다.

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