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      • 임신 및 비임신 가토 자궁수축에 대한 progesterone의 억제효과

        송창훈,박석천,송형근,정혁,한세준 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 1995 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.20 No.2

        The effects of Progesterone on the uterus have been known to play a key role in parturition during the last three decades. But the exactly how progesterone effects the uterus has not been discovered completely . In these animal experiments, we searched for evidence of progesterone inhibitory effects on uterine contraction in the non-pregnant rabbit. We postulated that progesterone inhibits uterine contraction in the pregnant rabbit, but also non pregnant rabbit uterus. In this study, nonpregnant rabbit (n=4). pregnant rabbit (n=4), progesterone primed rabbit (n=4), oophorectomized rabbit (n=2). estrogenized rabbit (n=2) were selected for measuring the uterine contraction by a intrauterine balloon method. Uterine contractions were charted by polygraph, and the results were analyzed by Student t test. The results are as follows: 1. Spontaneous and regular uterine contraction were monitored in the nonpregnant rabbit. 2. In the pregnant rabbit(#17th day), irregular and inhibited uterine contracture was detected. 3. After 5 days of progesterone injection, uterine contractility decreased, exhibiting a similar pattern to that of the pregnant rabbit. 4. In the estrogenized rabbit, intense uterine contraction were detected. 5. In the oophorectomized rabbit, regular and spontaneous contraction were detected, but contractile force was less thanin the nonpregnant group. These results suggest that progesterone inhibits the uterine contractions in the rabbit, and estrogen stimulates the contraction. But these results suggest that progesterone is not the only suppressorof uterine muscle activity in the pregnant rabbit.

      • KCI등재후보

        非道德的인 傳來童話의 發達論的 意味

        金基鎬(Kim Ki-Ho) 동아인문학회 2007 동아인문학 Vol.12 No.-

        The aim of this thesis is to clarify the meaning or role of RabbitㆍTigerㆍGrandmother tale related with the children's development, taking the tale as an object of study, which is composed of negative contents. In the view of Developmental Psychology of Child, this thesis tries to find out the quality of the tale which is composed of the rabbit's negative behavior. The results are as follows. Firstly, basically, RabbitㆍTigerㆍGrandmother tale is a connective tale of RabbitㆍTiger tale and RabbitㆍGrandmother tale. However, it is not a kind of chain connection, but a creative and organic connection. The two tales are merged into the tale by a creative transformation in the respect of character and composition. And thus, it can be said that RabbitㆍTigerㆍGrandmother tale is a separate and independent type from the cycle of Rabbit tale. Secondly, in the developmental sense, Rabbit is a character who shows the inequal development of both self-centricity and decenteralizaion. In the respect of logical manipulation, the Rabbit shows a level of decenteralizaion which appeared at child's developmental stage after the age of 7~8, while in the respect of relationship, cooperation, language development, the Rabbit shows a level of self-centricity which appeared at child's developmental stage before the age of 7~8. Therefore, it can be defined that the Rabbit is a character who symbolizes the imbalance or contradictory development, and also, RabbitㆍTigerㆍGrandmother tale is the narrative treasure house of the behavior and the result which the character of a contradictory development may result in. Thirdly, RabbitㆍTigerㆍGrandmother tale is a paradoxical developmental model for the child before 7 age. This tale emphasizes paradoxically the harmony of the two developmental characteristics by presenting the example of the negative instructor, Rabbit. And RabbitㆍTigerㆍGrandmother tale helps children to go further to the next developmental stage through the function as developmental model. Therefore, RabbitㆍTigerㆍGrandmother tale can be regarded as a passage rite. Nowadays, most of grown-ups provide the children with the beautiful, 'the good' tale only, from their own eye. That's because they can not understand the real essence of the negative, shadowy traditional tales. to help console and overcome the children's inner dark and negative characteristics and qualities. It is perhaps for this reason that the Tale of Cruelty is in popular. To give an opportunity to the children to contact the dark, or negative tales is important for their developmental progress and maturity, and also, for protecting their recessive development.

      • KCI등재

        국립중앙박물관 소장 청자 투각칠보문뚜껑 향로를 받치는 토끼 조형의 맥락과 함의 -토끼와 아틀라스 모티프의 상징성을 중심으로-

        이해주 백산학회 2023 白山學報 Vol.- No.127

        This study discusses the symbolism of the rabbit statue on the base of a celadon incense burner with an openwork auspicious-character design lid in the National Museum of Korea. Chapter II analyzes the overall design of the incense burner, pointing out that although the rabbit statue is small in size, it is a three-dimensional figure with detailed carving of each part of the body and inlaid techniques used to express the eyes, making it an important component that embodies artistry beyond a simple base. Chapter III explores the spectrum of perceptions of the rabbit by examining rabbit sculptures from before the Goryeo period. As a symbol of fertility and longevity, thought to be a guide to the quick passage of the souls of the dead to the afterlife, rabbits were attached to funerary urns in the Silla period. They were depicted as moon symbols in Goguryeo tomb paintings and Unified Silla roof-end tiles. In Unified Silla, rabbits were also carved into royal tombs as members of the Twelve Great Deities to show the despotic kingship of the kings guarding the tomb, or were majestically displayed in stupas to represent the authority of Bhaisajyaguru. In Chapter IV, the meaning of the three rabbits supporting the incense burner was derived from three aspects. First, the intention of the rabbit's representation on the incense was inferred from the similarities between the rabbit's self-sacrifice and the offering of incense in The Jataka Tales of the Rabbit's Original Life (Sasa Jataka), which is to burn oneself and offer it to the gods. Since the rabbit was Buddha in the previous life, the life in which he practiced the great act of selflessness, it is believed that the rabbit was chosen to stand alone on the base of the incense burner, even though it does not symbolize absolute physical power. Through this carving of the rabbit, it can be seen that the 12th-century Goryeo people understood the offering of incense and the act of self-sacrifice in the same context. Second, the appearance of rabbits in historical texts and geographical journals from the Three Kingdoms and Goryeo periods was examined. In doing so, the chapter describes who recognized rabbits as auspicious animals in addition to being a symbol in Buddhism. Third, it discusses the internationalization of Goryeo culture, which is reflected in the sculpture of the atlas that supports the top. It is interpreted that the incense burner represents the cosmopolitanism of Goryeo culture because the rabbit statue on the incense burner was arranged in a form similar to the atlas statues popular in ancient Greece, Persia, and India and spread along the Silk Road. 이 글에서는 국립중앙박물관 소장 청자 투각칠보문뚜껑 향로의 대좌에 조각된 토끼의 상징성을논구했다. 먼저, Ⅱ장에서는 향로의 전체적인 조형을 분석하여, 비록 토끼상이 크기는 작지만, 신체각부가 세밀하게 조각된 입체상으로 조성됐고, 눈 표현에 상감기법이 동원되는 등 단순한 받침 이상의 예술성이 구현된 주요 구성 요소로 다뤄진 점을 지적했다. Ⅲ장에서는 고려 이전의 토끼 조형을검토해 토끼에 대한 인식의 스펙트럼을 살폈다. 토끼는 다산‧장수의 상징, 망자의 영혼을 천계로신속하게 데려가는 인도자로서 신라 부장용 항아리에 부착되었고, 월상으로 표현돼 고구려고분벽화‧통일신라 와당에서 달을 상징했다. 또한 12⽀神의 일원으로서 통일신라 왕릉에 조각돼 전제왕권을 과시하며 무덤을 外護하거나, 불탑‧승탑 등 불교조형물에 장엄돼 약사여래의 12대 誓願을 실현하는 약사여래의 권속을 나타내는 등 다양하게 인식되었음을 파악했다. Ⅳ장에서는 향로를 받치는 세 토끼 조형의 함의를 세 가지 측면에서 도출했다. 첫째, 토끼 本生譚의 燒身供養과 香供養의공통점―자신을 불태워 神에게 바친다―에서 향로에 토끼를 형상화한 의도를 추론했다. 토끼는 소신공양이라는 위대한 利他⾏을 실천한 붓다 전생의 존재이기에, 절대적인 물리력을 상징하는 동물이 아님에도 단독으로 향로의 받침으로 등장할 수 있었다고 보았다. 이러한 토끼를 향로에 조각한데서, 12C 고려인들이 향 공양과 소신공양을 같은 맥락에서 이해했음을 알 수 있다. 둘째, 삼국~고려의 史書‧地理誌에 토끼가 등장한 사례를 검토해, 불교적 관점 이외에도 토끼가 상서로운 동물로인식되었음을 서술했다. 이와 더불어, 셋째, 상부를 받치는 아틀라스 조형에 투영된 고려문화의 국제성을 다뤘다. 향로의 토끼상은 페르시아, 인도, 중국 등에서 성행했던 동물형 아틀라스 상과 유사한 형태로 배치되었는데, 아틀라스 조형이 실크로드를 통해 퍼져 나간 모티프라는 점에서 이 향로에고려 문화의 국제성이 반영되었다고 이해했다.


        Evaluation of the protective effects of a nanogel-based vaccine against rabbit hepatitis E virus

        Park, Byung-Joo,Ahn, Hee-Seop,Han, Sang-Hoon,Go, Hyeon-Jeong,Lee, Joong-Bok,Park, Seung-Yong,Song, Chang-Seon,Lee, Sang-Won,Paik, Hyun-Jong,Choi, Yang-Kyu,Choi, In-Soo Elsevier Ltd. 2019 Vaccine Vol.37 No.40

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Infection with hepatitis E virus (HEV) has raised serious public health concerns worldwide. In this study, a nanogel-based vaccine encapsulating the capsid protein of rabbit HEV was developed and its protective efficacy was compared with a subunit vaccine. A total of 23 rabbits were divided into 5 groups: (1) negative control (n = 4), (2) positive control (n = 4), (3) nanogel control (n = 5), (4) nanogel vaccine (n = 5), and (5) subunit vaccine (n = 5). Rabbits were vaccinated two times, at weeks 0 and 1, with nanogel and subunit vaccines, respectively, and challenged with rabbit HEV at week 4. By week 11, rabbits vaccinated with the nanogel vaccine produced higher antibodies than those vaccinated with the subunit vaccine. Fecal viral shedding and viremia were identified in rabbits of the positive and nanogel control groups at weeks 6–10. However, there was no viral shedding and viremia in rabbits immunized with both the nanogel and subunit vaccines. Alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase levels were not elevated in any rabbit. However, histopathological examination revealed much less hepatic inflammation in rabbits of the nanogel vaccine group compared to the positive and nanogel control groups. Significant increases in IL-12 and IFN–γlevels were identified from rabbits immunized with the nanogel vaccine. Collectively, these results indicate that the newly developed nanogel vaccine induced sufficient immunity leading to complete protection from HEV infection in rabbits. Application of this vaccine should be considered as a preventive measure against HEV infection in other animal species and humans.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> A nanogel vaccine encapsulating rabbit HEV capsid protein was developed. </LI> <LI> The nanogel vaccine induced anti-HEV antibodies, IL-12, and IFN-γ. </LI> <LI> The nanogel vaccine completely protected rabbits from HEV infection. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • Research on the Rabbit House Temperature Regulation System based on the Internet of Things and Fuzzy PID

        Benzhen Guo,Jingjing Yang,Zhihui Wang 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Smart Home Vol.10 No.7

        Since rabbit house is completely enclosed, then the environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, harmful gas and illumination etc will affect severely the health and the reproductive function of the rabbit. In view of this, it has been one of the important measures to improve the economic benefits of rabbit farming through the manual intervention on the micro-climate in the rabbit house. In this paper, it designs a rabbit house temperature regulation system to adjust the temperature of the rabbit house through the water curtain filtration and negative-pressure ventilation method. Also it utilizes the internet of things technology to implement remote management on the regulation system when the data about the temperature and humidity information in every rabbit house and the harmful gas concentration is uploaded to the background server via wifi connection to the network to enable the poultry feeders to make a real-time observation on the environmental information of the rabbit house in addition to the remote control of the water curtain and the running of the blower on their smart phones. Furthermore, it builds a model for the rabbit house temperature with the application of the fuzzy-PID control algorithm and the variable frequency drive technology to design a controller for the further decline in the system power consumption based on the optimal control. In addition to these, a prototype system has been established to conduct the experimental verification. The verification result proves that this system can be controlled reliably with technical feasibility.

      • KCI등재

        고대 한국 月像 속 토끼 도상의 함의

        이해주 고조선단군학회 2023 고조선단군학 Vol.51 No.-

        This study analyzes the iconographic features of rabbits, toads, cassia trees, and mortar and draws implications by focusing on ancient Korean moon images depicting rabbits. In Chapter II, examples of rabbits in ancient Korean moon images are identified to classify moon images according to the posture of rabbits and examine how the role of rabbits in iconography. In Chapter III, the Chinese and Korean moon images were compared in three aspects. Through this, the study found that, first, in terms of the proportions and posture of rabbits, the rabbits are represented as equal to or larger than the toad, giving them a higher visual prominence in the images. In addition, the images of rabbits pounding mortars were introduced in the early stage of the moon images and were portrayed most frequently. Second, in terms of the scale and shape of the mortars, they are depicted as large mortars that rabbits have to stand in order to hold the pestles to pound. Also, the mortars are depicted similarly to the water jars in Indian Buddhist art. Third, in terms of the shape and scale of the cassia trees, they were depicted as sturdy pine trees, forming the central axis of the moon images, and were frequently depicted with the rabbits on the moon image. Chapter IV examines the significance of these iconographic features from the perspective of the convergence of traditional beliefs and Buddhism. First, the reason for the high prevalence of rabbit iconography in Goguryeo moon images could be found in the 6th century, when it appeared in moon images for a limited period of time. Since this was the time when the Buddhist beliefs were beginning to be reflected in the tomb murals, the iconography of rabbits pounding mortars were incorporated to the moon images as it aligned with the Buddhist perspective. This is because the good deed of rabbits, beings that live for a thousand of years, making an immortality medicine for humans immortality and the sacrifice of a rabbit, which was Buddha from one of the Buddha's previous lives, that willingly jumped into the fire to provide a meal for a monk are not that different in terms of their meaning. Second, the background for the representation of a mortar as a large jar resembling a vase is found in the convergence of Taoism and Buddhism in the Pyongyang area. The Han culture influenced the area around the time of the establishment of Nakrang-gun. Nine temples were built in the area during the reign of King Gwanggaeto. The convergence of Xi Wangmu beliefs and Buddhist culture appeared in the murals of Goguryeo tombs from the 5th and 6th centuries. In this context, it was interpreted that the tool for making elixir, which is believed to be essential for becoming a god in Taoism as the Buddhist vase, which is believed to give birth to all things. Moreover, it was seen that the vase was depicted in a large scale with the intention of illustrating the the rabbit bodhisattva’s Mahayana practice of altruism, grinding the medicine in large quantities for the benefit of more men. Lastly, the image of the laurel tree as a big pine tree was identified as a symbol that shows the successful convergence of Taoism and traditional Goguryeo arboreal beliefs. The Goguryeo people planted pine trees were planted around graves to impart the life of trees to the spirits of the dead. By depicting the cassia tree in the moon images in the form of a pine tree, the image of a rabbit is designed to appear as the rabbit making an elixir, thus bringing together the traditional arboreal beliefs and immortality. 이 글에서는 토끼가 표현된 고대 한국 월상에 주목해 월상의 구성요소인 토끼, 두꺼비, 계수나무, 절구의 도상적 특징을 분석하고 그 함의를 도출하고자 했다. Ⅱ장에서는 고대 한국 월상에 토끼가 표현된 사례를 파악하고, 토끼의 자세에 따라 월상을 구분하여, 도상 내 토끼의 역할을 검토했다. Ⅲ장에서는 중국 월상과 한국 월상을 세 가지 측면에서 비교했는데, 한국 월상은 첫째, 토끼의 비중‧자세 면에서, 토끼가 두꺼비와 대등하거나 크게 표현돼 월상 내에서 차지하는 시각적인 비중이 높다. 또한, 약 방아 찧는 모습이 토끼가 월상에 편입된 초기부터 등장했고 가장 많이 사용되었다. 둘째, 절구의 크기‧형태 면에서, 토끼가 절굿공이를 두 손으로 잡고 일어서서 공이질 해야 하는 대형기종으로 묘사되었고, 외형이 인도 불교미술에 표현된 물 항아리처럼 구현되었다. 셋째, 계수나무의 형태‧규모 면에서, 굳건한 소나무 형상으로 가시화돼 월상의 중심축을 형성하며, 토끼가 표현된 월상에 빈번하게 조합되었다. Ⅳ장에서는 이러한 도상적 특징의 의의를 재래 신앙과 불교의 융합으로 보는 관점에서 조명했다. 첫째, 고구려 월상에서 방아 찧는 토끼 도상의 비중이 높은 연유는 이 도상이 월상에 한시적으로 표현된 6C라는 시기에서 찾았다. 이 무렵은 고분벽화에 불교적 세계관이 펼쳐지던 시점이기에, 불교적 관점과도 부합하는 약 방아 찧는 도상이 월상에 활용된 것으로 보았다. 천년을 사는 토끼가 長生不死를 희구하는 사람들을 위해 不死藥을 만드는 행위와 붓다 전생 존재 중 하나로 수행자의 한 끼 식사 마련을 위해 기꺼이 불 속에 뛰어들어 자신을 보시한 토끼의 희생이 의미 면에서 서로 다르지 않기 때문이다. 둘째, 절구가 滿甁을 닮은 커다란 항아리로 표현된 배경은 평양 일대의 道佛 융합 양상에서 찾았다. 평양은 기원 전후 무렵, 낙랑군이 설치돼 漢族 문화의 세례를 받은 곳이자, 광개토대왕 때 9寺가 세워진 지역으로, 5~6C 고구려 고분벽화에도 서왕모신앙과 불교의 문화 혼융이 나타난다. 도교에서 신선이 되는데 필요한 靈藥의 제조 도구를 만물을 탄생시키는 불교의 물병 형태로 시각화한 것도 이러한 맥락에서 이해했다. 대형으로 표현한 것은 더 많은 중생을 위해 대량으로 선약을 빻는 토끼 보살의 대승적 이타행을 보여주는 장치라고 보았다. 끝으로, 松柏形 巨木으로 표현된 월계수의 이미지는 도교와 고구려 재래 수목 신앙을 성공적으로 융합한 상징물로 파악했다. 松柏은 망자의 혼백에 나무의 생명력을 나눠주기 위해 고구려인들이 무덤 주변에 심었던 수목이다. 월계수를 이러한 松柏의 형상으로 시각화하여 상록수의 생명력을 표방함으로써, 토끼가 이러한 永生의 상징물로 선약을 만드는 이미지가 연출되었고, 그로 인해 기존 수목 신앙과 불로장생의 메시지가 병존하게 되었기 때문이다.

      • KCI우수등재

        Gliricidia leaf meal and multi-enzyme in rabbits diet: effect on performance, blood indices, serum metabolites and antioxidant status

        ( Olugbenga David Oloruntola ),( Johnson Oluwasola Agbede ),( Simeon Olugbenga Ayodele ),( Eyanlola Soladoye Ayedun ),( Olajumoke Temidayo Daramola ),( Deborah Adebukola Oloruntola ) 한국축산학회(구 한국동물자원과학회) 2018 한국축산학회지 Vol.60 No.10

        Background: Following the ban on the importation of import-dependent fed ingredients in most developing countries, the need to look inward for local content is now compelling. Thus, leaf meals that have phytogenic additive potentials are envisaged will be a viable feed ingredient in rabbit diets. Methods: The effect of dietary inclusion of gliricidia leaf meal (GLM) with or without multi-enzyme (E) supplementation in rabbits was investigated using ninety-six 35-day old rabbits of crossbreed (Newzealand and Chinchilla). One basal diet that met the requirements of growing rabbit was formulated (Diet 1). Thereafter, another two diets were formulated to contain 15% GLM and 15% GLM plus multi-enzyme at 1 g/kg and designated as diets 2 and 3 respectively. The rabbits were randomly distributed into the 3 diets (32 rabbits/treatment; 4 rabbits/ replicate) and fed their respective experimental diets for 8 weeks. Results: The body weight and daily weight gain of the rabbits fed on GLM free diet and those on GLM-based diets (diets 1 and 2) were similar at finishing period of 63-91 day but have lower (P < 0.01) values than those rabbits fed GLM + E based diet (diet 3) at finishing period (63-91 days) and whole fattening period (35-91 days). The apparent dry matter and crude protein digestibility of rabbits fed control diet and those fed 15% GLM based diet were lower (P < 0.05) than those fed 15% GLM + E-based diet. Triglycerides concentration of rabbits fed 15% GLM-based diet without enzyme addition were lower (P < 0.05) than those observed for rabbits on the rest test diets. Cholesterol and Low-Density Lipoprotein levels of rabbits fed 15% GLM and 15% GLM + E-based diets were lower (P < 0.05) than those fed the GLM free diet. The superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase of rabbits fed the GLM free diet (diet 1) were significantly (P < 0.05) lower than those fed the 15%GLM and 15% GLM + E-based diets. Conclusion: Dietary inclusion of GLM at 15% of the diet did not have a negative effect on the rabbits postweaning period (35-63 days) but will require multi-enzyme supplementation to enhance growth indices at finishing period (63-91 day) without precipitating negative effect on the rabbits’ health status.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of propolis supplementation and breed on growth performance, immunity, blood parameters and cecal microbiota in growing rabbits

        Al-Homidan Ibrahim,Fathi Moataz,Abdelsalam Magdy,Ebeid Tarek,Abou-Emera Osama,Mostafa Mohamed,El-Razik Mohamed Abd,Shehab-El-Deen Mohamed 아세아·태평양축산학회 2022 Animal Bioscience Vol.35 No.10

        Objective: The present study was conducted to investigate the potential effects of dietary supplemented propolis in two growing rabbit breeds on growth performance, immune response, blood parameters, carcass characteristics, and cecal microflora composition. Methods: A total of 90 growing rabbits aged 6 weeks from two breeds (V-line and Jabali) were randomly allocated to 3 dietary propolis experimental treatments. The experimental treatments consisted of a 2×3 factorial arrangement with two rabbit breeds and three levels of dietary propolis supplementation (0, 250 mg/kg, and 500 mg/kg). Each sub-treatment has 15 rabbits. The experimental period lasted six weeks. Results: There were no significant differences in growth performance and carcass characteristics due to propolis administration. Propolis supplementation at a high level significantly increased (linear; p<0.05) cellular-mediated immunity compared with the unsupplemented group. Furthermore, the rabbits receiving propolis exhibited a significant increase (linear and quadratic; p<0.03) in IgM immunoglobulins compared to the control. The current study provides further evidence that the dietary inclusion of propolis can significantly reduce pathogenic bacterial colonization in growing rabbits. The total count of microflora, E. coli, and Salmonella spp. was significantly lower (linear; p<0.01) in supplemented rabbit groups compared to the control group according to the microbiological analysis of cecal digesta. Based on breed effect, the results indicated that Jabali rabbits (local) performed better than V-line rabbits (foreign) in the majority of the studied traits. Conclusion: Dietary propolis is promising for further investigation into improving intestinal health and enhancing immunity in growing rabbits. Objective: The present study was conducted to investigate the potential effects of dietary supplemented propolis in two growing rabbit breeds on growth performance, immune response, blood parameters, carcass characteristics, and cecal microflora composition.Methods: A total of 90 growing rabbits aged 6 weeks from two breeds (V-line and Jabali) were randomly allocated to 3 dietary propolis experimental treatments. The experimental treatments consisted of a 2×3 factorial arrangement with two rabbit breeds and three levels of dietary propolis supplementation (0, 250 mg/kg, and 500 mg/kg). Each sub-treatment has 15 rabbits. The experimental period lasted six weeks.Results: There were no significant differences in growth performance and carcass characteristics due to propolis administration. Propolis supplementation at a high level significantly increased (linear; p<0.05) cellular-mediated immunity compared with the unsupplemented group. Furthermore, the rabbits receiving propolis exhibited a significant increase (linear and quadratic; p<0.03) in IgM immunoglobulins compared to the control. The current study provides further evidence that the dietary inclusion of propolis can significantly reduce pathogenic bacterial colonization in growing rabbits. The total count of microflora, E. coli, and Salmonella spp. was significantly lower (linear; p<0.01) in supplemented rabbit groups compared to the control group according to the microbiological analysis of cecal digesta. Based on breed effect, the results indicated that Jabali rabbits (local) performed better than V-line rabbits (foreign) in the majority of the studied traits.Conclusion: Dietary propolis is promising for further investigation into improving intestinal health and enhancing immunity in growing rabbits.

      • KCI등재

        일본 설화 속의 토끼담 연구

        송영숙 ( Young-sook Song ) 한국일어일문학회 2015 日語日文學硏究 Vol.95 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to arrange the type and feature of Rabbit Tales in Japan. First of all, the type of Rabbit Tales is divided into two types like <Trickster> type and <Moon rabbit> type. The <Trickster> type can be classified with the primary ``Self-centered type`` and secondary ``Decentralized type`` again. As to the feature of ``Self-centered type``, the rabbit deceives the opposite thoroughly in order to achieve its own purpose. In connection with the feature of ``Decentralized type``, the rabbit plays a role in the judge who punishes the assailant from the victim``s shoes contrary to the selfish figure as shown in the ``Self-centered type``, and there are a lot of recorded tales. This study was to deduct that the relationship between two Tricksters had developed from ``Self-centered type`` to ``Decentralized type`` based on the ``Theory of Child Development`` by Piaget. Accordingly, it is considered as the tales of ``Self-centered type`` are original stories, and the tales of ``Decentralized type`` are moral stories adding sense of justice written in future ages. The <Moon rabbit> type has contents that the rabbits are living on the moon, and it was originated from the Buddhist tales that the Sakra devanam Indra made the rabbits live in the moon forever as the rabbit in the country called India had behaved the Bodhisattva-practice. In addition, the image of Moon rabbit which presented the eternal life like perpetual youth because the rabbits were always sanctified in the Taoism in China. Since then, this study was to deduct that it affected Korea and Japan with the ancestral Buddhist tales, and furthermore, it was considered as the image of Moon rabbit was completed in the tales because the rabbits were revered as mountain spirit in the folk beliefs.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluating productive performance, meat quality and oxidation products of Italian White breed rabbits under free-range and cage rearing system

        Tufarelli Vincenzo,Tateo Alessandra,Schiavitto Michele,Mazzei Domenico,Calzaretti Giovanna,Laudadio Vito 아세아·태평양축산학회 2022 Animal Bioscience Vol.35 No.6

        Objective: Free-range systems have been increasingly available to the consumer due to increased demand for more sustainable meat-products. In the current study, the effect of free-range (FR) and cage system (CS) was explored on growth performance, meat quality and oxidation products in Italian White breed rabbits during the growing-fattening phase (5 to 13 weeks of age). Methods: Forty rabbits were randomly allotted to two treatment groups according to the rearing system, and each treatment group was replicated five times with four subjects in each replicate (20 rabbits per treatment-group). All rabbits fed the same diet as pelleted, and under FR system, no additional feeds were available to animals. Results: Rearing system had significant effect on rabbit growth performance, where CS group resulted in higher final body weight (p<0.045) and gain (p<0.029) and better feed efficiency (p<0.025) compared to FR rabbits. Most carcass traits were not affected by rearing system; however, a reduction of abdominal fat content (p<0.015) and meat lipids (p<0.034) was observed in FR rabbits. Rearing system had no effects on meat fatty acid profile, whereas meat from FR rabbits resulted less susceptible to lipid and protein oxidation compared to caged animals. Conclusion: In overall, FR system could be suggested as a substitute for conventional caged system because of FR system preserved rabbit meat from oxidation. Objective: Free-range systems have been increasingly available to the consumer due to increased demand for more sustainable meat-products. In the current study, the effect of free-range (FR) and cage system (CS) was explored on growth performance, meat quality and oxidation products in Italian White breed rabbits during the growing-fattening phase (5 to 13 weeks of age).Methods: Forty rabbits were randomly allotted to two treatment groups according to the rearing system, and each treatment group was replicated five times with four subjects in each replicate (20 rabbits per treatment-group). All rabbits fed the same diet as pelleted, and under FR system, no additional feeds were available to animals.Results: Rearing system had significant effect on rabbit growth performance, where CS group resulted in higher final body weight (p<0.045) and gain (p<0.029) and better feed efficiency (p<0.025) compared to FR rabbits. Most carcass traits were not affected by rearing system; however, a reduction of abdominal fat content (p<0.015) and meat lipids (p<0.034) was observed in FR rabbits. Rearing system had no effects on meat fatty acid profile, whereas meat from FR rabbits resulted less susceptible to lipid and protein oxidation compared to caged animals.Conclusion: In overall, FR system could be suggested as a substitute for conventional caged system because of FR system preserved rabbit meat from oxidation.

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