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      • KCI등재

        군사격장 소음관련법령의 문제점과 개선방안

        최민정,정영철 전북대학교 부설법학연구소 2022 法學硏究 Vol.69 No.-

        In order to prevent noise and compensate residents living in the affected areas as the noise generated by the military shooting range increases, the "Law on the Prevention of Noise and Damage to Military Airfields and Military Ranges" (abbreviated: Military Noise Compensation Act) was implemented on November 27, 2020, but the standards for compensation and the method of calculating the amount of compensation, the criteria for investigating the noise impact, and the relevant laws and regulations on the prevention of noise and vibration need to be amended. Although the selection criteria for compensation are targeted for payment to residents residing in noise control areas, there is still a dispute over issues in which the right to survive is threatened by infringement of property rights, such as compensation for workers other than residents, livestock damage, and the price of land. The standard amount of compensation shall be differentiated in consideration of the number of operating days in the noise control area, and the amount of compensation shall be paid on the basis of the Supreme Court decision issued in 2010, and the standard for the period of more than 10 years is judged to be the same amount that does not take into account the rate of inflation in the past, and the standard for the payment of compensation also needs to be reconsidered. It is said that noise impact can also be excluded from the investigation if sound insulation facilities are installed or if the shooting room is indoors, but the existing military shooting range that has not carried out noise simulation and noise measurement cannot guarantee the performance of the sound insulation facility and needs to be verified for its function, so the exception standard for noise impact investigation should be redefined. The Military Noise Compensation Act can be seen as a passive measure to solve the problem of noise as compensation in the event of an occurrence, but active measures such as the revision of the Noise Prevention Relations Act as a preventive measure to prevent the occurrence of noise from the source and minimize damage are necessary. In accordance with the law, the Military Noise Compensation Act and the Noise and Vibration Management Act require measures to fundamentally control noise sources, including control standards for defense and military facilities projects, and noise prevention measures such as noise prevention facilities necessary to prevent noise by engineering to block noise from the origin. In addition, soundproofing facilities such as sound insulation walls that can block out shooting noise should be determined after the noise simulation review so that they can be cut off from the source of the shooting noise. Until now, due to the increase in civil and military conflicts caused by noise generated by the military shooting range of the National Defense and Military Facilities Project, the Military Noise Compensation Act has been compensated, but we would like to propose a solution to prevent active disputes.

      • KCI등재

        군용비행장 소음대책 관련 입법안에 대한 연구

        김용훈 ( Kim Yong-hun ),황호원 ( Hawng Ho-won ) 한국항공우주정책·법학회(구 한국항공우주법학회) 2017 한국항공우주정책·법학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        우리나라에는 공항소음 방지 및 소음대책지역 지원에 관한 법률이 2010년부터 현재 시행되고 있다. 또한, 공항소음 방지 및 소음대책지역 지원에 관한 법률에 따라 공항소음대책사업과 주민지원사업이 이루어지고 있다. 그러나 군용비행장의 경우에는 공항소음 방지 및 소음대책지역 지원에 관한 법률이 적용되지 않고 있다. 많은 주민들은 이미 군용비행장의 소음에 대해서 불편을 호소하고 있으나, 현재 아무런 대책이 없는 실정이다. 주민들은 군용비행장에서 들리는 소음이 그들의 생활을 침해한다고 주장하고 있으며, 그중 일부 주민들은 정부를 상대로 집단소송을 제기하고 있다. 이번 20대 국회에서, 이미 일부 국회의원들은 군용비행장 인근에 거주하는 주민들을 지원하기 위한 여러 법안을 제출했다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 현재까지 관련 법안들은 현재 국회에서 계류 중에 있다. 항공기 소음을 방지하고 지원 대책을 제공하는 법안은 군용비행장 인근에 거주하는 주민들의 생활에 꼭 필요하다. 먼저, 이번 연구에서는 제20대 국회에 제출된 입법안에 대해 살펴보았다. 그리고 일본의 방위시설 주변의 생활환경 정비에 관한 법률에 대해서도 살펴보았다. 이러한 연구내용을 바탕으로, 현재 입법안에 대한 문제점을 분석하고, 그에 따른 개선안을 제시하였다. 개인적으로 이번 연구가 향후 국회에서 군용비행장 소음대책관련 입법안을 작성하는 데에 도움이 될 수 있기를 기대하는 바이다. 군용비행장 인근에 거주하는 주민들의 소음으로 인한 고통을 덜고 인간 존엄성을 회복할 수 있도록 이번 제 20대 국회에서 입법안을 통과시키길 간절히 바란다. In Korea, a Law on Airport Noise Prevention and Noise Control Area Support has been in effect since 2010. And also, airport noise measures project and residents support project conducted following the Law on Airport Noise Prevention and Noise Control Area Support. However, a Law on Airport Noise Prevention and Noise Control Area Support does not apply to military airfield. Many city residents already complain about military airport noise, but there are no countermeasures. They claim the noise from the military airfield is an intrusion on their lives, and some people brought a class action against the government. In the 20th National Assembly, some congressmen already proposed some legislations that aims to support residents adjacent to the military airfield. Nevertheless, relevant legislations are currently pending at the 20th National Assembly. Legislation preventing aircraft noise and providing support measures is essential to residents life who near by military airfield. At first, this study looked at legislations proposed by congressmen in the 20th National Assembly. And also, this study looked at A Law on the Improvement of Living Environment around the Defence Facilities of Japan. Based on this study, we did an analysis of the problem of legislation and proposed improvement suggestion. I hope so that this study could someday help congressmen make a legislation about military airfield noise. We hope the 20th National Assembly will pass the legislation finally to help the residents who near by military airfield relieve their pain by noise and restore their human dignity.

      • KCI등재

        특수병과의 과거 군 소음 노출이 소음 노출 작업자의 청력에 미치는 영향

        정호근,김규상,Chung, Ho-Keun,Kim, Kyoo-Sang 대한예방의학회 2003 예방의학회지 Vol.36 No.2

        과거 군 복무 기간 동안 청력에 영향을 미치는 사격 및 포격 등 소음에 노출된 군 경력이 현재 소음 노출 근로자에게 어떤 청각학적 영향을 미치며, 소음성 난청의 발생과 관련이 있는지를 평가하고자 하였다. 중소규모 선박수리 및 건조업체 15개 사업체 440명을 대상으로 근로자의 일반 사항, 임상증상, 현재의 청력과 관련한 과거 이과적 병력, 군 복무시 충격소음의 상시적 노출 등의 군 경력, 이명 등의 자각증상에 관한 설문조사와 순음청력검사 및 중이검사를 시행하였다. 현 직종에서의 소음 노출군 중 과거 군에서 소음 노출군이 각 주파수별 청력역치와 평균 청력역치가 가장 컸으며, 특히 2-8kHz의 주파수 역치에서 차이가 크게 나타났다. 청력손실자의 비율 및 중증도의 정도가 현 직종에서의 소음 노출군 중 과거 군에서 소음 노출군이 가장 높은 비율을 보였으며, 특히 감각신경성 난청으로서 소음성 난청자가 통계적으로 유의하게 더 많았다. 이명은 현재 소음 노출 직종에 있는 군에서 높았으며, 그중 군 소음 노출군이 46.2%로 유의하게 더 높았다. 소음성 난청 여부를 종속변수로 한 로지스틱 회귀분석 결과, 연령, 현 직종 근무기간, 군 소음 노출력, 현 직종에서의 소음 노출 여부가 유의한 독립변수로 작용하였다. 우측 귀의 경우, 소음성 난청에 대한 군 소음 노출력의 비차비는 4.5이었고, 현 직종의 소음 노출의 비차비는 7.9이었다. 군 소음 노출 및 현 작업 소음 노출 여부에 따른 각 군별 좌우측 귀의 4 kHz 청력역치와 평균 청력역치는 I군에서 좌우측 귀 모두 나이 및 근무기간이 증가할수록 가장 크게 영향을 미치며 유의하게 증가하였으며 II군, III군, IV군 순으로 청력 역치가 증가하였다. 군에서 노출되는 충격소음은 청력손실과 이명 등 청각학적 영향을 미치며 사업장에서 소음 노출에 따른 소음성 난청의 발생에도 부가적인 영향을 미친다. 따라서 군에서의 소음 노출에 따른 청각학적 영향을 예방하기 위해서뿐만 아니라 소음 노출 근로자에 대한 청력 관리 측면에서도 이의 조기 진단, 치료, 보상 및 재활을 위해서는 군에서의 소음 노출 문제까지 함께 다루어야 함을 시사한다. Objectives : Impaired hearing is a prevalent occupational hazard, not only in industry, but also in the armed forces. In military life, noise has unusual characteristics, and constitutes a serious hazard to hearing. The aim of this study was to analyze the hearing threshold data in order to compare the hearing loss among shipyard workers, representing different workers, and a military service background. Methods : A cross-sectional audiological survey, combined with a questionnaire study, was conducted on a stratified random sample of 440 shipyard workers, with long-term exposure to noise. The employees were divided into four groups, according to their working and military service backgrounds, in relation to their exposure to noise. Results : As expected, the working and military noise exposure group (Group I) had significantly poorer hearing than the other groups. The high frequencies (2-8 kHz) showed the greatest difference in terms of poorer fearing in both ears. The prevalence of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) was highest in Group I. A logistic regression analysis was applied to determine the dependence of the NIHL in relation to age, smoking, drinking, working duration, ear protection, past history of ear diseases, and working and military sonics backgrounds, on the noise exposure The important factors found to be related to the NIHL, in relation to noise exposure were: age, work duration, and working and military service backgrounds. The adjusted odds ratio estimates for NIML in the right ear were 4.5 times greater (95% CI 1.7-11.6) for the military noise exposed group, and 7.9 times greater (95% CI 2.0-31.3) for the working noise exposed group than in the controls. The hearing thresholds at the pure-tone average and 4 kHz were significantly increased with age and work duration with both the working and military service backgrounds. Conclusions : From these results, specific preventive programs were planned, which should be assessed by epidemiological surveillance of the military noise exposed population.

      • KCI등재

        군용항공기 소음 피해의 쟁점 및 법적 고찰

        이만종 ( Man Jong Lee ) 한국환경법학회 2009 環境法 硏究 Vol.31 No.1

        Lawsuits regarding noise damage caused by military aircraft has been increasing recently throughout the country. Joint bases, which are used by American aircraft and Korean Airforce, and airfields, which are used by civilian aircraft and the military, are the focal point of these lawsuits. However, the compensation for noise damage caused by military aircraft is dealt with under the state tort liability act. That is why it can`t be a fundamental solution, but only a temporary one. Therefore, from a political standpoint, the government should make arrangements to relocate the residents who live in areas with serious noise problems and to install sound proof facilities for the residents who live in less noise areas. On the other hand, from a legislative standpoint, we should quickly enact the Special Law Regarding Noise Problems in Military Airfields and to support the Surrounding Areas. This law is currently endorsed by the Ministry of National Defense. This should be considered in order to lessen the discomfort caused by the noise of military aircraft and to restore faith in the military. We should consider both political and legal aspects of the issue, and then present appropriate legislation.

      • KCI등재

        군부대의 청력보존프로그램에 관한 고찰: 미군을 중심으로

        나원도,한우재 한국청각언어재활학회 2016 Audiology and Speech Research Vol.12 No.1

        Purpose: It is acknowledged that impact of noise in the military should be considered due to exposure to the high intensity levels which occur noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus. Paradoxically, healthy hearing is a vital role in the performance of a soldier and is important for speech communication during the combat. Methods: This review paper introduces the current US army hearing program including techniques and procedures that govern the prevention of the noise-induced hearing loss in the soldiers and ensure their maximum combat effectiveness. Results: It generally consists of four elements, namely hearing readiness, clinical hearing service, operational hearing service, and hearing conservation. First of all, hearing readiness is to measure the soldier’s hearing threshold as a baseline and classify him into appropriate job position. Clinical hearing service is to diagnose a degree of hearing loss and then decide its temporal or permanent loss with detailed clinical measurements. In the operational hearing service, noise abatement strategies and ideal noise levels for engineering controls are included. Hearing conservation is related to identification of hazardous noise and effective use of hearing protector. Conclusion: Like the US army hearing program, we need to serve the hearing conservation program with technical and administrative guidance for preventing the noise-induced hearing loss of young soldiers, in advance, in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        이명의 요양과 장애 보상: 전역 군인의 군 소음으로 인한 이명 장애를 중심으로

        김규상 한국청각언어재활학회 2017 Audiology and Speech Research Vol.13 No.3

        Military service personnel are constantly exposed to sudden, loud noises, and often show a higher auditory threshold than the general population, as well as tinnitus. Tinnitus in military personnel can occur alone, without any complaints of hearing impairment. When accompanied by hearing impairment, the low/mid-frequency hearing loss is not large, and the hearing threshold may appear to be increased in the high frequency range from 3-6 kHz. Therefore, by calculating the average hearing threshold and restricting disability assessments to cases of tinnitus with a moderate degree of hearing impairment of 50 dB, most veterans with tinnitus will be excluded from compensation. Not only are the diagnoses, evaluations, and auditory complications of tinnitus not considered, neither are the mental and psychological effects, nor the aspects of treatment and rehabilitation related to quality of life. This study aims to examine the characteristics of tinnitus disorder due to military noise. In addition, this study proposes that tinnitus should be classified as a public occupational disease in veterans, and discusses problems with the criteria for disability compensation and examinations.

      • KCI등재

        엔진 발전기 추가 적용을 통한 軍 지휘 · 지원차량의 광대역 전자파 방사 노이즈 개선

        서석호(Suk Ho Seo),구기범(Ki Beom Ku),김지훈(Ji Hoon Kim),오대산(Dae San Oh) 한국산학기술학회 2020 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.21 No.9

        현재 운영되고 있는 군 지휘 · 지원차량은 상용차량의 일부를 개조하여 제작되었으며, 군에서 필요한 통신장비 운용환경을 확보하기 위하여 통신실 내부에 별도의 컨버터를 장착하는 전원공급시스템이 적용되었다. 하지만, 이러한 전원공급시스템은 전자파 방사 노이즈를 발생시켜 차량에서 무전교신 시 잦은 잡음과 통신감도 저하 등의 문제점이 발생되었다. 이를 개선하기 위해, 엔진에 발전기를 추가 장착하여 통신장비에 필요한 전력을 공급받도록 전원공급시스템을 변경하였다. 추가 장착된 발전기는 통신장비가 운용되는 통신실과 완전히 분리된 엔진 룸에 위치하도록 설계되어 전원공급시스템에서 발생되는 전자파 방사 노이즈에 의한 영향을 감소시켜줄 것으로 기대되었다. 개선된 시스템의 효과를 검증하기 위하여 기존 차량과 신규 전원공급시스템이 적용된 차량에 대하여 광대역 방사시험을 각각 수행하였고 측정 결과를 비교하였다. 시험 결과 신규 전원공급시스템이 적용된 차량의 광대역 방사 노이즈는 국내 자동차 안전기준에 모두 만족하였으며, 기존 차량 대비 일부 주파수 구간을 제외한 대부분의 구간에서 감소함을 확인할 수 있었다. 특히, 차량 우측면의 수직편파 170~225 ㎒ 구간에서 최대 10.751 ㏈㎶/m 감소하였다. The military tactical vehicle currently being operated is manufactured by improving the parts of commercial vehicles. In addition, the power supply system is applied by installing a separate converter inside the communication room to secure the operating environment of communication equipment. On the other hand, due to electromagnetic radiation noise, there are problems in frequent noise and deterioration in communication sensitivity during wireless communication in vehicles. To improve these, an advanced power supply system is applied, which is also equipped with an alternator to receive power required for communication equipment reducing broadband electromagnetic radiation noise. An additionally installed alternator, which is located in the engine room, is separated from the communication room where communication equipment is operated and is expected to reduce the effect of electromagnetic radiation noise generated from the power supply system. To verify these, a broadband radiation test was performed on a previous and advanced one. As a result, the broadband radiation noise of vehicles with an applied advanced power supply system satisfied all of the domestic vehicle safety standards and reduced in most of the sections except for some frequencies compared to previous typed vehicles. In particular, broadband radiation noise was decreased by up to 10.751 ㏈㎶/m in the vertical sections in 170 to 200 ㎒ on the right side of the vehicle.

      • KCI등재

        군대 청력 보호구(귀마개) 사용 및 착용 안전효과 실태조사

        황성호 ( Sung Ho Hwang ),주묘경 ( Myo Kyoung Joo ),박재범 ( Jae Bum Park ) 한국안전학회(구 한국산업안전학회) 2013 한국안전학회지 Vol.28 No.4

        During a military service, noise has unusual characteristics, and constitutes a serious hazard to hearing of military servicemen. The purpose of this study is to understand the use of hearing protection and to assess the safety effects of hearing protection by using a ear plug in military. A total of 208(the army : 101, an air force : 107) serviceman were studied utilizing a questionnaire to know how many serviceman use the hearing protection and a total of 202(the army : 110, an air force : 92) serviceman were also studied using a ear fit validation device to assess the safety effects of hearing protection by using a ear plug. The results showed that the army have low used of hearing protection than an air force because of the low frequency of the noise exposure in the army. Personal attenuation rate was increased with 8 dB after fitting education. Therefore, it is recommended that use of proper hearing protection and fitting education was more suitable for military servicemen who were being exposed of the noise in domestic military.

      • KCI등재

        군용비행장과 군사격장 소음피해 보상제도의 개관

        권창영 ( Chang-young Kwon ),김선아 ( Sun-ah Kim ) 한국항공우주정책·법학회(구 한국항공우주법학회) 2020 한국항공우주정책·법학회지 Vol.35 No.4

        우리나라는 좁은 공역에도 불구하고 국방의 필요성으로 인하여 전국적으로 수많은 군용비행장(軍用飛行場)과 군사격장(軍射擊場)이 소재하고 있다. 군용비행장 및 군사격장의 운용으로 발생하는 소음으로 인하여 그 주변지역 주민들이 정신적 신체적 재산적 피해를 입고 있음에도 불구하고, 해당 지역 주민의 피해를 완화하거나 지원하기 위한 법적 근거가 미비하였다. 이에 군용비행장 및 군사격장의 운용으로 발생하는 소음의 방지 및 그 피해에 대한 보상 등을 효율적으로 추진할 수 있도록 법적 근거를 마련함으로써 주민의 쾌적한 생활환경을 보장하고, 군사 활동의 안정된 기반을 조성하는데 기여하려는 목적에서『군용 비행장·군사격장 소음 방지 및 피해 보상에 관한 법률』을 제정하여 2020. 11. 27.부터 시행하였다. 이와 같이 종전에는 민사상 손해배상청구에 의한 소음피해구제제도만이 인정되었으나, 위 법률의 제정으로 행정법상 보상제도가 추가되는 것으로 변경되었다. 군소음보상법의 제정으로 인해 주민들은 소송을 제기하지 않아도 군용비행장ㆍ군사격장에서 발생하는 소음피해에 대한 보상금을 정기적(1년 단위)으로 지급받을 수 있어 변호사 비용을 절감할 수 있으며, 보상 처리 현황 및 결과 확인 등도 가능해졌다. 그리고 시기를 놓쳐서 또는 몰라서 소를 제기할 수 없었던 주민들도 보상금을 받을 수 있으며, 보상금액을 인정하지 못하는 경우에는 법원에 소를 제기할 수 있다. 군소음보상법은 보상신청에 대한 불복절차로 이의절차와 재심의 절차를 두고 있으나, 위와 같은 절차를 거치지 아니하면 행정소송을 제기할 수 없다는 명문의 규정을 두고 있지 아니하므로, 임의적 전치주의를 채택하고 있다. 그러므로, 신청인은 처분청의 보상금처분에 대하여 불복하는 경우에는 (i) 이의절차와 재심의절차를 모두 거친 후 행정소송을 제기하는 방법, (ii) 이의절차만 거치고 행정소송을 제기하는 방법, (iii) 이의절차도 거치지 아니하고 곧바로 행정소송을 제기하는 방법 중 하나를 선택할 수 있다. 신청인이 손해배상금을 먼저 수령한 경우에는 보상금에서 이를 공제하고, 보상금을 먼저 수령한 경우에는 손해배상금에서 이를 공제한다. 다만, 대법원은 손해의 종류를 적극적 손해, 소극적 손해, 위자료 등으로 3분하는 견해를 취하고 있고, 군소음보상법상 보상금은 성질상 위자료에 해당하므로, 공제할 수 있는 범위는 위자료에 한정된다. 따라서 군용비행장과 군사격장 소음으로 인하여 재산상 손해를 입은 주민은 군소음보상법상 보상금에 의하여 재산상 손해를 전보받을 수 없으므로, 대한민국을 상대로 민사상 손해배상을 청구할 수밖에 없다. 또한 군소음보상법은 2020. 11. 27. 시행되었으므로, 시행 이전에 발생한 소음피해에 대하여는 보상금을 지급받을 수 없다. 그러므로 주민은 2020. 11. 26. 까지 발생한 소음피해에 대하여는 여전히 대한민국을 상대로 민사상 손해배상 청구를 하여야 한다. In spite of the narrow airspace, Korea has numerous military airfields and military shooting ranges nationwide due to the need for defense. Despite the mental, physical, and property damage to the residents of the surrounding area due to noise generated by the operation of military aerodromes and military shooting ranges, legal grounds for mitigating or supporting the damages of the local residents were insufficient. Accordingly, legal grounds have been established to efficiently promote the prevention of noise generated by the operation of military airfields and military shooting ranges and compensation for damages. With the aim of ensuring a comfortable living environment for residents and contributing to creating a stable foundation for military activities, “The Act on Noise Prevention and Damage Compensation for Military Airfields and Shooting Ranges”(hiereinafter “the Act”) was enacted and implemented from November 27, 2020. As such, only the noise damage relief system under civil damages claims was previously recognized, but the enactment of the Act changed the noise damage relief system to the addition of the compensation system under the administrative law. Due to the enactment of the Act, residents can receive compensation for noise damage from military airfields and shooting ranges on a regular basis (annually) without filing a lawsuit, thereby reducing the cost of lawyers. In addition, residents who were unable to file a lawsuit because they missed the timing or did not know may also receive compensation. The Act declares an objection procedure and a reconsideration procedure as an objection procedure for an application for compensation. Therefore, if the applicant disagrees with the disposition of compensation by the disposition agency, residents can choose one of the methods of (i) filing an administrative suit after going through both the objection procedure and the reconsideration procedure, (ii) filing an administrative lawsuit only through the objection procedure, (iii) filing an administrative lawsuit immediately without going through an objection procedure. If the applicant receives damages first, it is deducted from the compensation, and if the compensation is received first, it is deducted from the damages. However, the Supreme Court has taken the opinion that the type of damage is divided into three categories: active damage, passive damage, and alimony. Because compensation under the Act is alimony in nature, the scope of deduction is limited to alimony. Therefore, residents who have suffered property damage due to noise from military airfields and military shooting ranges cannot receive property damages according to the Act. In addition, since the Act was enforced on November 27, 2020, compensation cannot be paid for noise damage that occurred before the enforcement. Therefore, residents should still claim civil damages against the Republic of Korea for noise damage that occurred until November 26, 2020.

      • KCI등재

        군사격장 인근 주거지역에서의 소음과 성가심 반응 고찰

        성요한,김하근,김명준 한국소음진동공학회 2023 한국소음진동공학회 논문집 Vol.33 No.5

        High-energy impulsive noise caused by shooting or explosion has become a growing problem in South Korea, especially for residents living near shooting ranges exposed to it for a long time. To address this issue, the Military Airfields and Military Firing Ranges Noise Prevention and Compensation Act was established to prevent noise from military shooting ranges and compensate affected residents. This study analyzes the noise characteristics and annoyance response caused by artillery sound from shooting ranges, utilizing previous research measurement data and an auditory experiment. Annoyance was evaluated with the term percent highly annoyed (%HA) as in previous studies, and the experiment data were collected from 36 people exposed to noise ranging from 60 to 80 C-weighted sound pressure levels. A-weighted noise levels were also evaluated and compared to previous studies by fitting them to annoyance curves. The results indicate that utilizing A-weighted noise level in addition to C-weighted noise level can be appropriate for evaluating noise in residential areas.

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