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        Current Situations and Issues of Higher Special Education Institutions in China

        Ren, Jin-Rui,임용재,Kim, Min-Kyeong 아시아지적장애인연맹 산하 아시아저널센터 2020 Asia-Pacific Journal of Intellectual Disabilities Vol.7 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to clarify current situations and issues of higher special education institutions in China. Data were collected from 21 higher special education institutions with three methods: literature review, phone surveys and in-person interview. First, the results of this study showed that hearing impairment and visual impairment are two main types of disabilities of students receiving higher special education. On the other hand, only a few institutions have offered higher special education for students with other disabilities, such as physical disability, speech and language disabilities, and intellectual disability since 2015. Second, most institutions offer the undergraduate majors or vocational training programs, and they are more likely to have majors such as art, design and Chinese medicine. A small but growing numbers of institutions establish new majors such as teacher education, inclusive education majors, and graduate school for students with disabilities. Third, provinces with both higher GDP and more population have many higher special education institutions (e.g., Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shangdong, and Henan). On the other hand, Hainan, Ningxia, Qinghai and Xizang, with both lower GDP and less population, have no higher special education institutions at all. This study suggests that it is necessary to establish the related laws and policies for higher special education institutions (e.g., creating various majors for students with disabilities, compilation of special budget for students with other disabilities except for hearing impairment or visual impairment, and compilation of national budget for several provinces having no higher special education institutions).

      • Ensuring the Quality of Higher Education in Ukraine

        Olha Oseredchuk,Mykola Mykhailichenko,Nataliia Rokosovyk,Olha Komar,Valentyna Bielikova,Oleh Plakhotnik,Oleksandr Kuchai International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2023 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.23 No.11

        The National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education plays a crucial role in education in Ukraine, as an independent entity creates and ensures quality standards of higher education, which allow to properly implement the educational policy of the state, develop the economy and society as a whole.The purpose of the article: to reveal the crucial role of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education to create quality management of higher education institutions, to show its mechanism as an independent entity that creates and ensures quality standards of higher education. and society as a whole. The mission of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education is to become a catalyst for positive changes in higher education and the formation of a culture of its quality. The strategic goals of the National Agency are implemented in three main areas: the quality of educational services, recognition of the quality of scientific results, ensuring the systemic impact of the National Agency. The National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education exercises various powers, which can be divided into: regulatory, analytical, accreditation, control, communication.The effectiveness of the work of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education for 2020 has been proved. The results of a survey conducted by 183 higher education institutions of Ukraine conducted by the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education are shown. Emphasis was placed on the development of "Recommendations of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education regarding the introduction of an internal quality assurance system." The international activity and international recognition of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education are shown.

      • KCI등재

        한국 사회의 법과 인권, 민주주의: 이명박 정부 5년에 대한 평가 ; 이명박 정부 교육정책에 대한 평가와 과제 -신자유주의 고등교육정책을 중심으로-

        임재홍 ( Chae Hong Lim ) 민주주의법학연구회 2012 민주법학 Vol.0 No.50

        국립대학인 서울대학교의 법인화를 내용으로 하는 ‘국립대학법인 서울대학교 설립 운영에 관한 법률’의 제정과 반값 등록금을 요구하는 촛불시위는 이명박 정부의 고등교육정책과 그에 대한 대중의 저항을 잘 보여주는 부분이다. 국립대학의 법인화정책을 포함한 이명박 정부의 교육정책은 신자유주의 경쟁정책의 연장선상에서 이해할 수 있다. 이명박 후보의 교육공약 중 특징적인 것은 ‘취업후 학자금 상환제’ 정도이다. 그러나 이 역시 학생들의 등록금 부담을 해결하는데 한계가 많다는 것이 드러나고 있다. 이를 제외하면 이명박 정부의 고등교육정책은 김대중 정부나 노무현 정부와 크게 다를 것이 없다. 즉 국립대자율화조치로서 법인화정책, 사립대자율화정책과 부실 사립대 퇴출정책을 그대로 승계하고 있다. 이 글에서는 교과부가 추진하는 국립대 법인화정책과 사립대 구조조정정책을 비판적으로 평가한다. 이를 통해 법인화정책은 국립대를 사립대학으로 만드는 공교육 포기 정책이고, 사립대 자율화정책은 사립대학에 대해서는 더 많은 자유와 특권을 보장하려는 정책으로 공적 관리의 포기 정책임을 드러내고자 한다. 이러한 신자유주의정책에 대한 대중적 저항을 기반으로 공교육을 강화하는 정책을 대안으로 제시한다. 그 출발점은 고등교육비의 국가부담이다. 구체적인 방안으로는 국공립대학 위주의 고등교육 설계 방안으로 ‘정부책임형 사립대학 구축 방안’을 제시한다. In this Paper, I intended to analyze a series of new higher education reform policies of Lee Myung-bak government. They are commonly characterized by ``marketization`` and ``autonomy and accountability`` of higher education. The ``marketization`` was an extensive introduction of competition mechanism in the field of higher education, and ``University autonomy and accountability`` was privatization. Public education system will be threatened if higher education services are included in neo-liberalistic moves. The right to get a good education becomes more and more a question of money. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology emphasized national competitiveness in the 21st century knowledge-based society and the quality of human resources. But in my opinion national human resources development policy did not justify the new higher education reform policies. Because human resources development on the national level does not become the goal of public higher education. We want an education system for people, not for profits, which has been shown at a series of student demonstrations such as “tonsure protests” by university students. This also brought criticisms from the opposition, the Democratic Party. In Korea students have to pay tuitions and fees to colleges or universities. Pay increases have caused chronic controversy. Household spending on higher education has been rising inexorably over the past few years, aside from a temporary dip during the financial crisis. Significant progress is necessary in the restructuring of higher education in Korea. Korean higher education shows several distinctive features when compared with other countries. First of all, the majority of higher education institutions are private. About 87% of higher education institutions are private. About 78% of university students and 96% of professional school students enrolls in private institutions. As private institutions rely heavily on tuition revenue, their fees are considerably high. Even public universities in Korea charge substantial tuition, because governmental support for higher education in Korea is too small. Public financial expenditures on higher education as a percentage of GDP are very low at 0.3%. The net result is that the household sector bears the bulk of the financial burden for higher education. The proportion of governmental subsidies was limited to 22.3%, much lower than the OECD average(68.9%)(Education at a Glance 2011). Partly the rapid expansion of higher education supply has started to exceed the demand. In spite of the outward goal i. e., strengthening the global competitiveness of universities, the policy of the Ministry of Educations, Science And Technology has focused on shutdown of private institutions. The government has launched a campaign to restructure universities by weeding out financially-week private schools and merging state-run ones. The government`s move to weed out underperforming schools is tied to its tuition-cut drive. Korea needs to reform the universities with reviewing ways to lower tuition. But the proper way of higher education reform should begin to subsidizing higher education institution. The government needs to increase financial subsidy rather than weeding out substandard schools to upgrade the quality of higher education. Korea`s public education spending per student was lower than the average of other OECD member states, according to the organization`s 2011 edition of Education at a Glance. Under purchasing power parity(PPP), the conversion index used to compare price levels for different countries, Korea`s public education spending per student stood at $9,081 for higher education schools, lower than the OECD average of $13,717. The government did not invest properly in higher education. We point out that the government needs to spend more on public education.

      • Ensuring the Quality of Higher Education in Ukraine

        Olha, Oseredchuk,Mykola, Mykhailichenko,Nataliia, Rokosovyk,Olha, Komar,Valentyna, Bielikova,Oleh, Plakhotnik,Oleksandr, Kuchai International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.12

        The National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education plays a crucial role in education in Ukraine, as an independent entity creates and ensures quality standards of higher education, which allow to properly implement the educational policy of the state, develop the economy and society as a whole. The purpose of the article: to reveal the crucial role of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education to create quality management of higher education institutions, to show its mechanism as an independent entity that creates and ensures quality standards of higher education. and society as a whole. The mission of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education is to become a catalyst for positive changes in higher education and the formation of a culture of its quality. The strategic goals of the National Agency are implemented in three main areas: the quality of educational services, recognition of the quality of scientific results, ensuring the systemic impact of the National Agency. The National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education exercises various powers, which can be divided into: regulatory, analytical, accreditation, control, communication. The effectiveness of the work of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education for 2020 has been proved. The results of a survey conducted by 183 higher education institutions of Ukraine conducted by the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education are shown. Emphasis was placed on the development of "Recommendations of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education regarding the introduction of an internal quality assurance system." The international activity and international recognition of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education are shown.

      • KCI등재

        현행 고등교육평가에관한법률안의 고등교육평가체제 분석

        주철안(Joo ChulAn) 한국교육행정학회 2006 敎育行政學硏究 Vol.24 No.4

        지식기반사회에서 고등교육기관의 국제경쟁력 확보를 위해서 고등교육기관의 질 향상이 중요하며, 이를 위해서 고등교육기관에 대한 평가체제가 강화되고 있다. 우리나라에서도 80년대 이후 한국대학교육협의회 등을 중심으로 고등교육평가활동이 이루어지고 있지만 현행 고등교육평가제도는 고등교육여건 개선을 통한 교육의 질 향상 등의 일부 성과에도 불구하고 여러 가지 문제점을 지니고 있다. 이에 따라 정부에서는 고등교육평가에관한법률안을 2005년에 국회에 제출하였고, 동 법률안이 통과될 경우 고등교육기관에 미치는 영향이 매우 클 것으로 전망된다. 동 법률안은 고등교육평가의 총괄기구로서 한국고등교육평가원을 설립하고, 동 기구에서 고등교육평가, 학문분야평가를 담당하는 평가인증기관의 지정 등의 다양한 역할을 담당하도록 규정하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 새로이 도입되는 고등교육평가체제하에서 제기되는 쟁점으로서 고등교육평가주체로서의 평가기구, 고등교육 평가유형, 고등교육 평가목적, 고등교육평가내용 및 기준, 고등교육 평가절차, 고등교육 평가결과의 공개 및 활용, 한국고등교육평가원의 평가운영조직 등을 지적하고 이와 관련된 문제를 해결하기 위한 정책적 시사점을 제시하였다. Enhancing the quality of higher education institutions is crucial issue for international competitiveness of those institutions and there are move to reinforce the systems for evaluating institutions of higher education. The Korea Council for University Education has a major role in the evaluations of higher education institutions since 1980s. The current system of higher education evaluation has achieved certain results in terms of raising the quality of higher education. There are other problems such as a lack of adequate coordination among other accreditation agencies, the lack of general supervisory body for university evaluation etc. Consequently the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development submitted a Bill Concerning Higher Education Evaluation in October 2005. In the event that the bill is enacted as law, it will influence greatly the institutions of higher education. The bill stipulates the foundation of Korean Higher Education Evaluation Institute and the Institute to play the role such as evaluation of higher education, recognition of accreditation agency, constructing data base, etc. In this research it points out the issues resulting from the newly introduced system of higher education evaluation such as the institute, types, purpose, contents and criteria, procedure, disclose and utilization of evaluation results, and the operating structure of evaluation institute of higher education. It also discussed the policy directions relating to those issues.

      • KCI등재

        고등교육과 교육공공성의 확장

        임재홍 경상대학교 법학연구소 2012 法學硏究 Vol.20 No.1

        헌법과 교육기본법에 의하면 대학교육기관은 학교이며 공공성을 갖는 공교육기관임을 적시하고 있다. 고등교육에도 공공성이 보장된다면 그 핵심이 되는 것은 교육비용의 공적 부담원리를 말하는 것이다. 그런데 우리나라 대학 등록금 수준은 세계 2위로 미국 다음이다. 우리나라에서 고등교육비용이 높은 이유는 사립대학의 비중이 과도하기 때문이다. 즉 국가의 재정보조를 받는 국·공립대학의 비중이 적다는 말이다. 2010년 기준으로 고등교육기관중 국공립대학의 비율은 13%로 사립대학의 비중이 87%에 달한다. 더 심각한 문제는 우리나라 사립대학의 수준이 공교육을 수행할 수 있는 능력을 확보하고 있지 못하다는 점이다. 대부분 등록금에 의존하여 학교를 운영하고 있다. 심지어 학교법인이 부담해야하는 법정부담금도 거의 등록금에 의존하고 있는 학교가 상당수이다. 우리나라 국공립대학의 등록금은 사립대학 등록금의 57% 수준이다. 따라서 교육비의 공적 부담원리를 실현하기 위해서는 국공립대학의 비중을 높여야 한다. 외국의 경우에 비교해보더라도 한국의 국공립대학 재학생 비율은 22%에 불과하다. 이는 국공립대학 재학생 비율이 80%에서 100%에 이르는 유럽 각국과 호주, 72%에 이르는 미국 등과 비교하기 힘든 세계 최저 수준이다. 이런 점에서 볼 때 사립대학위주의 고등교육공급정책을 지양할 필요가 있다. 이런 점에서 국공립대학의 신설이나 확충은 매우 필요하다. 그러나 이 방법은 고등교육의 과잉공급 상황을 고려할 때 합리적이지 못하다. 따라서 사립대학의 준국공립화 정책을 병행할 필요가 있다. 정부책임형 사립대학이란 법률이 정하는 고등교육의 인적·물적 조건을 재정적 문제로 충족하지 못하는 사립대학중 발전가능성이 있는 일부 대학에 정부지원을 하되, 해당 사립대학의 법적 지위를 반(半)공립, 반(半)사립의 지위를 갖도록 전환시킨 대학을 말한다. The term Public Education is not synonymous with the term "publicly funded education", but Public education refers to education that is funded through taxation rather than tuition fees. In Korea students have to pay fees to colleges or universities. Pay increases have caused chronic controversy. Data from the statistics office and the Bank of Korea show that schools have been gouging parents in the past few years by raising tuition faster than inflation. Household spending on higher education has been rising inexorably over the past few years, aside from a temporary dip during the financial crisis. According to the OECD``s "Education at a Glance 2011" report, the average tuition at public Korean universities was $5,315 using purchasing power parity, which was higher than any other OECD nation aside from the United States ($6,312). The yearly average tuition at the country``s private universities and graduate schools was at $9,586, higher than the OECD average. Some argue that the numbers show Korean university students shoulder a heavier burden than those of any OECD country as the country``s public schools account for just 13 percent of its universities, the lowest proportion among OECD nations. Tuition has become a sensitive political subject. College students and citizens hold a candlelit vigil to call for the government to halve tuition fees. Most students (and their families) who pay for tuition and other education costs don``t have enough savings to pay in full while they are in school. Some students must work and/or borrow money to afford an education. Developed countries have adopted a scheme for higher education to be supported by taxes rather than tuition. After World War II, an enhanced standard of living and the existence of free university education in many countries enabled more working-class youths to receive a degree, resulting in the inflation of education and enlarged middle classes. Significant progress is necessary in the Restructuring of Higher Education in Korea. Korean higher Education shows several distinctive features when compared with other countries. First of all, the majority of higher education institutions are private. About 87% of Higher Education institutions are private. About 78% of university students and 96% of professional school students enrol in private institutions. As private institutions rely heavily on tuition revenue, their fees are relatively high. Even public universities in Korea charge substantial tuition, because government support for higher education in Korea is relatively small. Public financial expenditures on higher education as a percentage of GDP are very low at 0.3%. The net result is that, the household sector bears the bulk of the financial burden for higher education. The proportion of government subsidies was limited to 22.3%, much lower than the OECD average(68.9%). Partly the rapid expansion of higher education supply has started to exceed demand. In spite of outward goal i. e., Strengthening the Global Competitiveness of Universities, the policy of Ministry of Educations, Science And Technology has focused on shutdown of private institutions. The government has launched a campaign to restructure universities by weeding out financially-week private schools and merging state-run ones. The government``s move to weed out underperforming schools is tied to its tuition-cut drive. Korea needs to reform the universities before reviewing ways to lower tuition. But the proper way of higher education reform should begin to subsidizing higher education institution. The government needs financial subsidy rather than weeding out substandard schools to upgrade the quality of higher education.

      • KCI등재

        고등교육의 제도적 의미와 이론적 의미의 구분과 논거에 관한 교육학적 성찰

        최성욱(Choi, Sungwook) 한국열린교육학회 2019 열린교육연구 Vol.27 No.1

        ‘고등교육’은 대학 이상의 기관에서 이루어지는 교육을 가리킨다. 상급기관에서 시행하는 교육이므로 그 수준은 당연히 높은 것으로 간주하는 경향이 있다. 그러나 대학에서 항상 고급의 교육만 일어나는 것은 아니다. 하급학교인 초등학교에서도 얼마든지 고등 수준의 교육이 이루어질 수 있다. 고등학문의 내용을 다룬다고 해서 그 교육이 고등 수준의 것이라는 보장이 없다는 말이다. 이는 교육의 위계가 학교의 위계와 일치하지 않으며, 학교의 등급체계와 별도의 기준에 의해 파악되어야 할 성질의 것임을 시사한다. 고등교육의 실질적인 의미는 제도적인 형식과 기준으로 파악되는 것이 아니라 이론적으로 밝혀질 문제이기 때문에 교육의 개념과 위계수준을 타당하게 식별할 수 있는 이론망의 구축과 적용이 중요하다. 이 연구는 제도의 형식과 구별된 고등교육의 실질적 의미를 설명하기 위한 이론적 토대로서 듀이와 장상호의 교육이론에 주목하였다. 듀이는 제도와 구별된 교육을 경험의 재구성이라는 측면에서 설명하였고, 장상호는 학교태(schooling)와 구별된 교육의 의미를 자율적인 삶의 한 양상으로 식별했다. 듀이와 장상호의 이론을 통해서 고등교육을 제도적 차원과 이론적 차원으로 구별하는 데 필요한 최소한의 근거를 확인해 볼 수 있다. ‘Higher education’ usually refers to education conducted by institutions above high schools. Since education is conducted by a higher authority, the level tends to be considered high. However, there is not always a high level of education in universities. Higher standards of education can also be achieved at lower level elementary schools. There is no guarantee that an education is of higher quality just because it deals with the contents of higher learning. This suggests that the hierarchy of education is not consistent with the hierarchy of schools and should be determined by separate standards from that of schools. If the substantial meaning of higher education is not to be identified by institutional forms and standards but to be theoretically identified, the theoretical framework for identifying the level of education is established in a reasonable manner. This study focused on the educational theory of Dewey and Chang Sang-ho as theoretical bases for explaining the substantial meaning of institutions and differentiated higher education. Dewey explained education in terms of the reformation of experience from institutions, while Chang struggled to identify the meaning of education that was differentiated from schooling as a form of an autonomous lifestyle. Dewey and Chang s theories provide meaningful reasons for differentiating higher education into institutional and theoretical dimensions.

      • KCI등재

        미국 대학기관연구(Institutional Research) 사례 분석 및 시사점:연구중심대학을 중심으로

        신현석,전재은,유은지,최지혜,강민수,김어진 고려대학교 교육문제연구소 2015 敎育問題硏究 Vol.28 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 미국 고등교육의 대학기관연구(IR)에 대한 소개와 사례분석을 바탕으로 국내 고등교육에서의 대학기관연구(IR) 필요성과 시사점을 살펴보는 것이다. 이를 위해 미국 대학기관연구(IR)의의미, 역사와 기능 등을 전반적으로 살펴본 후, 미국 연구중심대학 3개의 대학기관연구부서(OIR) 운영사례를 조사하여 비교분석을 실시하였다. 최근 국내 대학 현장에서는 고등교육 행정의 전문화와 질 관리 및 책무성에 대한 요구가 증가하고 있다. 이러한 변화와 다양한 요구에 대응하기 위해서는 미국 대학기관연구(IR)와 같이 관련 데이터를 체계적으로 수집, 관리, 분석하고 대학의 주요 정책적 의사결정을 지원할 수 있는 기능과 이를 수행할 중앙화된 대학기관연구부서(OIR)의 설치가 필요하다. 논의 및 시 사점으로 국내 대학의 대학기관연구(IR)와 관련된 상황을 살펴본 후, 국내 대학과 정부를 위한 시사점 을 제시하였다. The purpose of this paper is to explore the need for institutional research and implications for Korean higher education based on the introduction and case studies on institutional research in US higher education. After the overview of institutional research in US higher education on its meaning, history, and functions, we conducted case studies and comparative analysis on the Office of Institutional Research at three research intensive universities in the US. In Korean higher education, colleges and universities are increasingly demanded for the advancement of administration, quality of education, and accountability. In order to respond to this demand and change, we need the function of institutional research and its central location at the institution to collect, manage, and analyze relevant data systematically, and thereby to support decision-making for the institution. Fordiscussion and implications, we reviewed current situation related to institutional research in Korean higher education briefly and provided implications for the Korean government and higher education institutions.

      • KCI등재

        사회효용적 측면에서의 노인교육 연구: 고등교육기관을 중심으로

        이영선 한국성인교육학회 2011 Andragogy Today : International Journal of Adult & Vol.14 No.3

        This research was conducted to identify problems and solutions of Elderly education (including vocational training) provided by the nation's higher-education institutions. It used social utility analyses from the perspectives of both lecturers and students. Qualitative analytic methods were applied to this research, deriving findings as follows: a) Elderly education at higher-education institutions does not have a significant contribution to elderly employment. b) Advanced resources at higher-education institutions have improved the acknowledgement and systemization of Elderly education, thus raising social awareness of elderly labor availability and encouraging volunteering among the elderly population. c) Elderly education cannot sufficiently contribute to social utility because the higher-education institutions themselves do not have enough expertise in Elderly education. This research offers the following countermeasures as viable solutions to these problems: a) Higher-education institutions can enhance vocational training to improve elderly employment and provide more education to increase the elderly population’s social contribution. b) Government-funded subsidies can help higher-education institutions establish postgraduate programs on Elderly education as a part of lifelong education and to secure required expertise. c) Higher-education institutions should design Elderly education courses according to paradigm shifts among the elderly population. In addition to these solutions, this research proposes the need for further fundamental research on Elderly education in order to help the elderly population become self-sufficient and contribute socially. 본 연구는 고등교육기관에서의 노인교육과 노인들의 사회적 진출 및 역할을 교육당사자인 교․강사와 교육이수생의 시각에서 조망하여 사회효용적 측면을 분석하고 그 문제점과 대안을 모색하기 위한 것이다. 본 연구는 질적연구를 적용하였는바 그 분석결과는 첫째, 고등교육기관의 노인교육은 직업교육 및 재취업에 대한 기여도가 낮은 것으로 평가 되었다. 둘째, 노인교육이 인적․물적 자원이 풍부한 고등교육기관에서 실행됨으로 인하여 노인교육의 신뢰도와 체계성을 향상시켰으며, 유휴 노인인력을 활용한 자원봉사에 대한 의식을 고양하고, 사회전반의 노인인력 활용성에 대한 인식에 긍정적인 영향을 준 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 고등교육기관은 노인교육 교․강사의 전문성을 확보하지 못하여 사회효용적 측면에서 충분한 교육적 성과를 볼 수 없었다. 따라서 이러한 연구결과를 통하여 본 연구자는 다음과 같은 대안을 제시하였다. 첫째, 고등교육기관에서는 노인교육에 직업능력 상승을 위한 교육을 보완하여 노인의 재취업 기회와 사회적 역할 확대에 연계된 교육을 강화해야 한다. 둘째, 고등교육기관에 노인교육 재정지원을 확대하여 평생교육영역 노인교육학 석사 및 박사과정을 설치해 부족한 노인교육 전문 교․강사를 확충해야 한다. 셋째, 고등교육기관에서의 노인교육은 노인의 패러다임 변화에 빠르게 대처할 수 있어야 한다. 이에 본 연구자는 고등교육기관에서의 노인교육이 노인의 자립능력과 사회적 역할 상승에 기여하기 위해서 노인교육에 대한 기반연구가 지속적으로 필요함을 제안한다.

      • Modern Paradigm of Organization of the Management Mechanism by Innovative Development in Higher Education Institutions

        Kubitsky, Serhii,Domina, Viktoriia,Mykhalchenko, Nataliia,Terenko, Olena,Mironets, Liudmyla,Kanishevska, Lyubov,Marszałek, Lidia International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.11

        The development of the education system and the labor market today requires new conditions for unification and functioning, the introduction of an innovative culture in the field of Education. The construction of modern management of innovative development of a higher education institution requires consideration of the existing theoretical, methodological and practical planes on which its formation is based. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the modern paradigm of organizing the mechanism of managing the innovative development of higher education institutions. Innovation in education is represented not only by the final product of applying novelty in educational and managerial processes in order to qualitatively improve the subject and objects of management and obtain economic, social, scientific, technical, environmental and other effects, but also by the procedure for their constant updating. The classification of innovations in education is presented. Despite the positive developments in the development of Education, numerous problems remain in this area, which is discussed in the article. The concept of innovative development of higher education institutions is described, which defines the prerequisites, goals, principles, tasks and mechanisms of university development for a long-term period and should be based on the following principles: scientific, flexible, efficient and comprehensive. The role of the motivational component of the mechanism of innovative development of higher education institutions is clarified, which allows at the strategic level to create an innovative culture and motivation of innovative activity of each individual, to make a choice of rational directions for solving problems, at the tactical level - to form motives for innovative activity in the most effective directions, at the operational level - to monitor the formation of a system of motives and incentives, to adjust the directions of motivation. The necessity of the functional component of the mechanism, which consists in determining a set of steps and management decisions aimed at achieving certain goals of innovative development of higher education institutions, is proved. The monitoring component of the mechanism is aimed at developing a special system for collecting, processing, storing and distributing information about the stages of development of higher education institutions, prediction based on the objective data on the dynamics and main trends of its development, and elaboration of recommendations.

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