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      • KCI등재후보

        구약의 외국인 복지

        이태훈 한국구약학회 2008 구약논단 Vol.14 No.1

        Korea has become a multi-ethnic country, in which over million foreigners are living. Under this circumstances, it might be a shame that Korea has been commanded by CERD(Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination) to overcome the ethnocentric image. Against this background, this paper attempts to study underlying principles(or spirits) in the welfare system for aliens in the Old Testament mainly by analysing the scriptural references to aliens(ger) in the Old Testament, so as to draw lessons for our society. The Old Testament texts introduce two different kinds of aliens: (1) those who live in the land temporarily, (2) those who try to assimilate themselves to the Israelite way of life. The former are called nokri, and the latter ger. Nokri are portrayed more or less negatively on the ground that the Israelites might be wrongly influenced by them. On the other hand, ger are described sympathetically, partly because they were willing to follow the Israelite religion and culture, partly because they belonged to the needy class. Ger usually did menial works like wood-chopping and water-carrying (Deut 29: 11), otherwise they worked as hired men(Deut 24: 14). However ger were treated as a part of the Israelite people(Lev 18: 26). They were allowed to participate in the Feast of Passover(Exod 12: 48-49) and Unleavened Bread(Exod 12: 19) alongside the Israelites. Ger were taken care of in many ways on the ground that they were regarded as those needed supports as widows and orphans in the Israelite society. For example, at harvest gleaning leftovers were retained for ger, and some grapes or olive fruits were left unpicked for them to collect(Lev 19: 9-10; 23: 22; Deut 24: 19-22). Ger were allowed to reap what grew itself in the Sabbath year(Lev 25: 5-6). Although Israelites were not to eat animals improperly slaughtered, the impoverished ger were able to take them for food(Deut 14: 21). This could be an exceptional case in which life(or humanity) took precedent over the law. Ger were dependent on court justice because they were in vulnerable situation(Deut 1: 16; 24: 17; 27: 19). The Israelites should not hold payment for ger after the sunset(Deut 24: 14-15). The main reason for Israelites to take care of ger was because formerly they were ger in Egypt as well(Exod 22: 21; 23: 9; Lev 19: 34; Deut 10: 19; 23: 7; Ps 105: 23; Isa 52: 4). Israelites were responsible for helping ger, looking back the time when they were in the same situation. There are various principles in the Israelite treatment of ger in the Old Testament. And those principles are to be applied to our present situation because there exist "our ger(foreigners)" in various areas of this land. 이제 한국도 외국인이 100만 명을 넘는 다인종 다문화 사회로 접어들어 그들의 인권의 문제가 사회적으로 중요하게 대두된다. 이런 상황에서 구약에 나타난 외국인(특히 ר 게르/나그네)에 대해 이스라엘이 어떤 원리와 정신을 가지고 배려했는지를 살펴, 오늘날 한국교회의 기본정신으로 삼고자 한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        구약성서의 입장에서 본 이주 노동자 복지에 대한 교회의 개입방안들

        유윤종,석말숙 한국구약학회 2009 구약논단 Vol.15 No.1

        As Thomas Friedman pointed out, we are living in the flat world, so movement of people and materials became easy. Accordingly migrant workers from other countries where labor price is cheaper than that of Korea have come into Korea since 1987. Now more than one million of migrant workers are living in Korea. However, the worldwide economic crisis in 2008 influenced seriously Korean economy too. A lot of non- regular workers, daily workers, and migrant workers are under danger of dismissal. The protection and care for migrant workers as well as nonregular workers and daily workers are necessary. This paper pursues what Korean church should do for migrant workers by what biblical ground (Old Testament) and by what kind of social welfare policy. This paper analyzes and compares present status of migrant workers, biblical status of migrant workers, and then presents what Korean church should do by the topics of human rights, legal status, economic trouble, social problem, quality of life, and so on. The human rights of present migrant workers in Korea is not fully protected. Employers regard them not as a human being, but as a working machine. In addition, Korean society sees migrant workers as an object of control, oppression, exclusion. About 21% of migrant workers in Korea are staying illegally. These workers are objects of discrimination, because they are in danger of being banished if their illegal status are revealed. Economically, the most common appeals are overdue wages. A lot of cases of overdue wages are misused by employers for not moving to other companies where higher salary is offered. In addition, about 30% of migrant workers had experienced of violence from employers. Migrant workers also suffer from different language, food, culture, and so on. In the Old Testament, there are four terms for designating foreigners. Among them, the most similar terminology for migrant worker is ger. The Old Testament always emphasizes protection and care for ger. In the Covenant law which is considered as old as tribal period, the protection and care for ger is crucial. Ger in the Covenant law refers to not only foreign workers, but also even Israelites who left their tribes and under protection of other tribes. In Deuteronomic law which was enacted during the monarchic period, the protection and care for ger is more emphasized than in the Covenant law. The law presents a lot of economic means to help them. Ger in the Deuteronmic law is considered not as an Israelite, but as a non-Israelite migrant worker. The Holiness Code enacted during the post-exilic period include ger in Israel community, and if they are circumcised, they can join in the Passover meal. The legal status for ger is fully guaranteed during the post-exilic period. The legal and social status of ger during the post-exilic period was no difference at all with Israelites if ger accepts Yahweh. The irony is that the social, economic, and political condition was most troubled. The Old Testament suggests that the protection and care for ger is beyond economic, social, and political condition. It is a timeless truth that people of God should keep. The Old Testament provides a lot of means to help ger economically. First it is recommended that people should leave some ears of grains, grape and olives during harvest for ger and other poor people. Second, a tithe of three years is collected for ger and other poor people. As economy decreases, the role of Korean church increases. It would be a good chance for Korean church to recover negative images imprinted in Korean society. The necessity of intervention of Korean church to migrant workers as well as other socially weak people becomes more urgent. First, Korean church should provide the value for migrant workers' human right. The universality of human right goes regardless of race, social position, and riches. The Bible teaches us to take care of migrant workers like a family member. Thus Korean church should r... 본 연구는 이주 노동자들의 복지를 위한 범 교회적 차원의 종합적이고 체계적인 지원 시스템의 구축을 위한 연구이다. 본 연구에서 이주 노동자들의 현실태, 구약성서에 나타난 이주 노동자, 한국교회의 이주 노동자 복지의 개입방안에 대한 연구 방법은 이주 노동자들의 인권, 법적 지위, 경제, 의료, 사회, 삶의 지워 등으로 분류하여 분석 비교하는 것이다.

      • 몽골 전통 가옥(Ger)의 문양 및 문양 색채에 관한 연구

        여화선(Yeo, Hwa Sun),서주환(Seo, Joo Hwan),어치르 바트치멕(Ochir, Batchimeg) 한국디자인지식학회 2013 디자인지식저널 Vol.25 No.-

        몽골 민족은 옛날부터 이동생활을 하면서 가축을 기르기 위해 어느 한 곳에 오래 머무르지 않았다. 이는 유목민들의 생활방식인 만큼 그들의 사는 집도 유목민생활에 맞게 간단한 구조를 가지게 되었다. 몽골 게르는 지방마다 약간의 차이가 있지만 기본적으로는 공통된 특징을 갖는다. 현재 몽골에서는 4,5,6,8,10,12 개 벽체가 있는 게르를 중심으로 사용하며 본 연구의 대상은 지금 널리 사용되고 있는 벽체가 5개 있는 게르이다. 선행 연구를 통하여 게르의 연구 현황, 변천 과정 및 구조에 대하여 조사하였다. 게르의 구조를 살펴보면 나무구조와 덮개구조로 나누어진다. 따라서 게르의 문양 및 문양 색채를 알아보기 위하여 몽골의 전통 문양 및 색채에 대하여 살펴봄으로써 게르에 주로 사용하는 문양 및 그 문양의 색채를 조사?분석하였다. 연구 결과에 따르면 게르에 주로 사용하는 대표적인 문양으로는 연속문양(Alkhan hee),길상 문양(Ulzii khee), 코문양, 사자문양, 파도문양, 뿔문양, 허럴문양(khorol) 등이 나타났으며 문양의 색채의 경우 따로 정해진 규정이 없으며 빨간색, 황적색, 파란색, 연두색, 초록색, 청록색, 자주색이 등이 사용되어지고 있다. 문양 배색 방법은 빨간, 푸른, 노란, 초록, 흰색을 겹치도록 하고 있다. 이 방법은 색채를 무지개처럼 보이기 위함이며, 고채도·중채도·저채도 순으로 하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. The Mongol nomads move their habitat several times a year in search of water and grass for their herds. With its unique design, structure and practical features the Mongolian ger is well suited their nomadic way of life. Although the ger is similar in every region, it can slightly be different in different regions. Currently, 4, 5 ,6, 8, 10, 12 wall segment ger is widely used in Mongolia, and this paper will be focused on the ger with 5 wall segment and colors of patterns. Focusing on previous studies, this paper explores the history of ger development and its structure and divides the ger structure into 2 parts: wooden and felt. Then, this paper will examine the traditional patterns and colors of Mongolia, and the colors and patterns used within the ger. The result of this research shows that the traditional patterns such as walking pattern (alkhan khee), ulzii pattern (a symbol of long life and happiness), khamar (nose) pattern, lion pattern, ever (horn) pattern, horol pattern are widely used within the Ger. For the colors of the patterns, red, yellow red, blue, green yellow, green, red purple, purple blue, and blue green are commonly used, and the patterns are coated with red, blue ,green and white colors. This method is used to make the patterns look like rainbow and it is painted in the order of high chromacity, medium choracity and low chromacity.

      • KCI등재


        А. Цанжид 한국몽골학회 2017 몽골학 Vol.0 No.48

        In this article, the author examines the different customs of the Mongols, associated with the pillar of the Ger. Direct purpose of the pillar is the protection of the ger from tipping over due to hurricanes. However, the Mongols have numerous customs using the pillar for other purposes. Among them, the treatment of animals against diseases using the pillar, protection from different disasters, undesired events, treatment of people of their ailments. The author believes that these practices are associated with ancient Mongolian system of believe – tengrianstvo or tengrism. According to tengrism the world has composion of three levels: upper, midlle and lower. Upper level is populated by the tengers, in the midlle level or world live humans and all creatures with hot blood. At the bottom are various devils, demons and ongons. Ger was thought by Mongolians as a model of the world structure. Upper part of the ger from top of wall (lattice wall) to the toono (compression or center ring) is thought as upper world. Midlle part of the ger between bottom and top of wall is middle world. Below the surface of the floor is lower world. Pillar is based on that surface. The pillar connects all three parts of Ger (of the World) and is thought as having magical forces. Because of this understanding Mongolians apply pillar of the Ger in different situations as a savior. Pillars are made mostly of birch or willow. It is believed these trees connect all three levels of the world. So people revered these trees. In the mind of people, among the trees birch and willow, it occupies a special place. Thunders not hit these trees. Therefore, people may think that these trees are “heavenly”. Therefore, Mongolians do pillar for their ger of birch and revere it. People use the pillar as an instrument of magic spells. For example, when the late birth of animals, easily touching the belly say spell words. In different regions of Mongolia widespread such practices.

      • KCI등재

        몽골의 게르(Ger)에 나타난 북방문화원형 디자인 연구

        백승정,박원길 한국몽골학회 2011 몽골학 Vol.0 No.31

        Mongolian Ger is unique form of housing that Eurasia -Altaic language family created and developed. Mongolian Ger is considered as the most environmentally friendly home in the history of humanity. In this paper, we saw the Mongolian Ger, the relationship between the reflection of the northern cultural circle design and ancient cultures by historical and philosophical trace. This also tried the creation of a modern design application of Mongolian Ger. As a result, Mongolian Ger was the buildings that reflect northern cultural circle. It was made in foundation of a circular structure in a series combination of many triangles. In addition, it was architecture that reflected the movement and survival philosophy of the northern nomadic tribes. And historically, we found that they are a lot to do with our nation.

      • KCI등재

        언어학습자의 핵심 역량: Mediation

        전지선 ( Jeon Jiseon ) 한국독일어교육학회 2021 외국어로서의 독일어 Vol.49 No.-

        2001년도 출간된 [언어 학습, 교수, 평가를 위한 유럽공통참조기준: GeR]은 2020년 Begleitband로 그 내용이 대폭 보완되고 상술되었다. Begleitband zum GeR의 핵심내용으로 Mediation 즉 외국어 학습자의 언어중개활동을 들 수 있는데 본 고찰을 통해 그 개념을 소개하고자 한다. 비대면 수업형태와 다양한 디지털 학습도구가 외국어 수업에 이용되는 상황에서 언어학습자의 궁극적 핵심 역량은 Mediation 활동능력에 있으며 그것을 사례연구에 적용하기 전 그 취지와 개념형성 과정을 먼저 살펴보는데 본 고찰의 목표가 있다. 2020년 독일어로 번역되어 출간된 Begleitband zum GeR에 소개된 <언어중개활동> Mediation의 척도들을 학습단계 B1의 예시능력문항 기술을 통해 내용적 관점에서 살펴보았다. 수업용 디지털 온라인도구가 지배하는 뉴노멀 시대에 <언어적 중개활동>의 개념을 이해하고 수업 및 평가에 적용하는 것은 앞으로의 외국어 수업에 있어 새로운 패러다임으로 작용할 가능성이 높아 보인다. Der im Jahr 2020 erschienene Begleitband zum Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen (GeRB) hat den knapp zwei Dekaden zuvor erschienenen Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmen (GeR) mit neuen Skalen und Beispieldeskriptoren wesentlich präzisiert und erweitert. Dabei wurde der Mediation als einem von vier Kommunikationsmodi (neben Rezeption, Produktion und Interaktion) eine exponierte Stellung innerhalb der fremdsprachlichen Lehr- und Lernprozesse zugewiesen. Besonders betont wird im Begleitband zum GeR der soziale Aspekt der Kommunikation als der gemeinsamen Konstruktion von Bedeutung. In diesem Beitrag wird der Versuch unternommen, das dem Begleitband zugrunde liegende Konzept der Mediation anhand der neu entwickelten Skalen in seiner Struktur differenziert darzustellen. Dabei wird als Beispieldeskriptoren das Lernniveau B1 präsentiert. Grundlage der Betrachtungen bilden daher die Ausführungen zur Mediation im Begleitband zum GeR. Zum Ziel gesetzt hat dieser Beitrag also die ausführliche Vorstellung der völlig neu erstellten Skalen der Mediation. Konkrete Anwendungen der Skalen auf die Sprachunterrichtspraxis und daraus folgende Fallstudie nehme ich mir als nächste Forschungsaufgaben vor.

      • KCI등재

        전통문화의 정체성을 기반으로 한 패턴디자인 개발에 관한 연구 -몽골전통 게르를 중심으로-

        샤르후 만달마,송계영 한국기초조형학회 2021 기초조형학연구 Vol.22 No.2

        Twenty-first century design is centered around culture. As the importance of the value of cultural diversity is demanded through globalization, the understanding of the tradition and essence of a country via creating new differentiated design culture in the context of the times has become an important factor in enhancing national competitiveness, as well as national brand image. Mongolia has been transformed into a capitalist society since the 1990s, and has made a lot of effort to create a national brand to enhance its image in various fields according to the times, but it has failed to produce such results as yet. Fortunately, however, Mongolia has a traditional cultural heritage with a long history and many unique cultural assets related to nomadic life still remain. In this context, this thesis aims to become the basis for opening a new perspective in the Mongolian design field by researching pattern design using various images derived from the most representative traditional housing in Mongolia. As a research method, first, theoretical consideration of traditional cultural identity and design, second, design through case analysis of the design method of expression and the characteristics of the formative principles based on world-class textile design brand 'Marimeko' in Finland, 'Sousou' in Japan, and 'Mono Collection' in Korea. Finally, we analyzed the formative characteristics of the ger's structure and presented a pattern design that utilized various images derived from ger. As a result, through this study, it was possible to confirm the possibility of developing a new design utilizing not only 'ger' but also other cultural resources of Mongolia. In the future, in order to lay the foundation for acting as representative contents that form the national brand image and identity, we wish to expand the scope of the research subject, research and develop designs that contain cultural values that the world sympathizes with based on the uniqueness of culture. 21세기 디자인은 문화가 중심이다. 세계화 양상 속에 문화의 다양성에 대한 가치의 중요성이 요구되면서 자국의 전통과 본질을 이해하고 이를 시대적 맥락 속에서 차별화된 디자인문화로 새롭게 창조하는 일은 국가 경쟁력은 물론 국가 브랜드 이미지를 제고 하는데 중요한 요인이 되고 있다. 몽골은1990년대부터 자본주의 사회로 변화하였으며 시대에 맞추어 여러 분야에서 국가의 이미지를 높이기위해 국가브랜드를 만들고자 많은 노력을 하고 있으나 아직 많은 분야에서 이렇다 할 결과를 내지 못하고 있다. 다행히 몽골은 오랜 세월의 역사를 가진 유목문화유산을 가지고 있으며 유목 생활과 관련된 독특한 문화적 자산이 많이 남아있다. 이러한 상황에서 본 논문은 몽골의 많은 문화적 자산 중에서도 가장 대표적인 전통주택 게르를 중심으로 파생되는 여러 가지 이미지를 활용한 패턴디자인을 연구함으로써 몽골 디자인 분야에 새로운 시각을 열 수 있는 기반이 되는 것을 목적으로 한다. 연구 방법으로는 첫째, 전통문화 정체성과 디자인에 대해 이론적 고찰 둘째, 세계적인 텍스타일 디자인 브랜드인 핀란드의 ‘마리메꼬’, 일본의 ‘소우소우’, 한국의 텍스타일 브랜드 ‘모노 컬렉션’의 사례분석을 통해디자인 표현방법과 조형원리의 특징을 살펴보고, 마지막으로 몽골의 게르의 구조의 조형적 특성을 분석하며 게르의 파생되는 여러 가지 이미지를 활용한 패턴디자인을 제시하였다. 그 결과 본 연구를 통해 게르뿐만 아니라 몽골의 또 다른 문화자산을 활용한 새로운 디자인 개발의 가능성을 확인할 수 있었다. 앞으로 연구 대상의 활용범위를 넓혀 문화의 고유성을 바탕으로 세계가 공감하는 문화적 가치와보편성 그리고 시대성을 내포한 디자인을 연구 개발하여 국가 브랜드 이미지와 정체성을 형성하는 대표적인 콘텐츠로 작용하는데 초석을 마련하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        독일 기구 및 제조물안전법(GPSG)의 제정과그 주요내용에 관한 일고찰

        전경운 한국법정책학회 2011 법과 정책연구 Vol.11 No.1

        ⅰ)Mit dem deutschen Gesetz über technische Arbeitsmittel und Verbraucherprodukte(Geräte- und Produktsicherheitsgesetz: GPSG) werden das Gerätesicherheitsgesetz(GSG) sowie das Produktsicherheitsgesetz (ProdSG) zu einem Gesetz zusammengeführt, ebenso wird die Richtlinie über die allgemeine Produktsicherheit in deutches Recht umgesetzt. Es soll in Kürze verkündet werden und im Mai 2004 in Kraft treten. Das GPSG schafft einheitliche Regeln für die Sicherheit tchnischer Produkte. ⅱ) Das GPSG gilt gemäß §1 Ⅰ GPSG für das Inverkehrbringen und Ausstellen von Produkten, soweit dies selbstständig im Rahmen einer wirtschaftlichen Unternehmung erfolgt; rein private Wetergeben eines Produkts sind damit nicht erfasst. Soweit in produktbezogen Spezialgesetzen - etwa Medizinproduktegesetz, Bauproduktegesetz, Straßenverkehrs- Zulassungsordnung - entsprechende oder weitergehende Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsanfordungen existieren, gilt das GPSG gemäß §1 Ⅲ GPSG nicht. ⅲ) §4 GPSG enthält die grundlegende sicherheitstechnische Anforderunge, dass nur einwandfreie Produkte in den Verkehr gebracht werden dürfen. Wie bereits §3 GSG differenziert auch §4 GPSG zwischen Produkten, für die eine Verordnung nach §3 Abs. 1 GPSG in deutsches Recht umgesetzt wurde, und den Produkten, für die Harmonisierungensrichtlinien nicht gelten. ⅳ) §5 GPSG erlegt den Herstellern, Bevollmächtigten und Einführern (nachfolgend insgesamt ‘Verpflichtete’) besondere Pflichten für das Inverkehrbringen von Verbraucherprodukten auf, die über die bischerigen Vogaben des GSG hinausgehen. Der Verpflichtete hat nach §5 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 GPSG dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass der Produktverwender die erforderlichen Produktinformationen erhält. Ferner hat der Verpflichtete nach §5 Abs. 1 Nr. 2 GPSG bei den in Verkehr gebrachten Verbraucherprodukten Stichproben durchzuführen, Beschwerden zu prüfen. Der Verpflichtete hat nach §5 Abs. 2 GPSG die Behörde unverzüglich zu unterrichten, wenn er weiß oder aufgrund seiner Erfahrung Anhaltspunkte dafür hat, dass von einem in Verkehr gebrachten Verbraucherprodukt einer Gefahr für die Gesundheit und Sicherheit von Personen ausgeht. ⅴ) Die Behörden haben nach §8 Abs. 2 GPSG ein System einzurichten, das eine effiziente Marktüberwachung sicherstellt und gewährleistet. Und gemäß §8 Abs. 4 GPSG hat die Behörde die erforderlichen Maßnahmen zu Treffen, wenn ein Produkt nicht den Anforderungen an Sicherheit und Gesundheit entspricht. ⅵ) Es gibt in Korea zwar sehr wenige wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen über die Sicherheitsstandards des Produkts. So wird meine Erfoschung bei der Gesetzgebung des Produktsicherheitsgesetzes in Korea als theoretische Grundlage dienen und zugleich ein brauchbares Modell liefern, das auf die Festlegung der allgemeinen Sicherheitsstandards des Produkts anwendbar ist. Da das koreanische Produkthaftungsgesetz eine Rezeption des deutschen Produkthaftungsgesetzes ist, kann das deutsche Geräte- und Produktsicherheitsgesetz bei der neuen koreanischen Gesetzgebung eine grundlegende Bedeutung gewinnen. 1968년 제정되었던 독일 ‘기구안전법’과 1997년에 제정되었던 ‘제조물안전법’을 하나의 법으로 통합하는 독일 ‘기술적 노동기구와 소비자제품에 대한 법’, 약칭하여 ‘기구 및 제조물안전법’(이하 동법)은 2004년 1월 제정되었다. 동법은 의료기구법(MPG), 의약품법(AMG) 등과 같은 특별법에 해당하지 않는 일반적 제조물의 최소한의 안전기준을 확립함으로써(§4 GPSG), 지금까지 존재하였던 입법상의 흠결을 메우게 되었고, 이를 통하여 소비자보호를 위한 일반적인 법적 토대를 갖추게 되었다. 그리고 소비자제품의 제조자, 그의 대리인 및 수입업자에게는 정보제공의무, 제조자 등의 표시의무, 위험방지를 위한 일정한 예방수단마련의무 등이 있으며, 유통업자에게도 안전한 소비자제품만이 거래에 유통되도록 할 의무 등이 부과되어서, 한편에서는 일반적인 소비자보호수준을 높이게 되고, 다른 한편에서는 제조업자와 유통업자에게 커다란 부담으로 작용하게 되었다. 게다가 해당 관청은 위험한 제조물의 거래금지, 경고, 리콜 등의 다양한 행위권능과 개입권한을 가지게 되었다. 그 외에도 독일은 동법을 통하여 제조물의 안전요구와 관련한 유럽공동체 1985년 각료이사회의 ‘새로운 구상’(Neue Konzeption)을 독일법으로 확고히 안착시키게 되어서, 한편에서는 일반조항주의적 제조물 안전기준을 규정할 수 있게 되었고, 다른 한편에서는 조화된 기술적 표준(harmonisierte technische Norm)의 준수시에 제조업자 등은 입증책임상의 특권도 가질 수 있게 되었다. 그 외 CE-표시(CE-Kennzeichnung)의 보호와 GS-기호(GS-Zeichen) 승인 등에 대하여 동법은 자세히 규정하고 있다. 이에 우리나라 소비자기본법상의 제조물안전관련 규정의 운영과 법의 시행에 비교법적 참고자료로서, 동법의 제정과 그 주요내용을 자세히 소개하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        제조물안전법상 제조물안전기준과 제조물책임

        전경운(Kyoung-Un,Chun) 한국비교사법학회 2011 比較私法 Vol.18 No.1

        ⅰ) In Deutschland bestehen in Bereichen wie Arzneimittelgesetz, Gentechnikgesetz, Bauprodtuktengesetz und Medizinproduktgesetz viele Sondergesetze, die die Sicherheit der betreffenden Produkte regeln. Vor allem ist im April 1997 das Gesetz zur Regelung der Sicherheitsanforderungen an Produkte und zum Schutz der CE-Kennzeichnung (Produktsicherheitsgesetz: ProdSG) verabschidet worden, das als das erste deutsche allgemeine Gesetz zur Produktsicherheit gilt. Und im Januar 2004 wurden das Gerätesicherheitsgesetz(GSG) und das Produktsicherheitsgesetz(ProdSG) vom April 1997 durch das Gesetz über technische Arbeitsmittel und Verbraucherprodukte(Geräte- und Produktsicherheitsgesetz: GPSG) abgelöst. Damit wurde die europäische Richtlinie über die allgemeine Produktsicherheit in Deutschland in nationales Recht umgesetzt. Ausgehend vom diesem Tatbestand habe ich unter dem Gesichtspunkt des deutschen Geräte- und Produktsicherheitsgesetzes(GPSG) die Sicherheitsstandards des Produkts und deren produkthaftungsrechtliche Bedeutung untersucht. ⅱ) Der Hersteller darf ein Produkt nur in den Verkehr bringen, wenn es sicher ist(§4 Abs. 1 ProdSG). Nach § Abs. 1 ProdSG ist ein Produkt sicher, wenn von ihm bei bestimmungsgemäßer oder zu erwartender Verwendung während der üblichen oder zu erwartenden gebrauchsdauer keine oder nur unerbebliche, mit der Art der Verwendung zu vereinbarende und bei Beachtung der jeweils allgemein anerkannten Regeln der Technik hinnehmbare Gefahren für Gesundheit Sicherheit von Personen ausgehen. ⅲ) §4 GPSG enthält die grundlegende sicherheitstechnische Anforderunge, dass nur einwandfreie Produkte in den Verkehr gebracht werden dürfen. Wie bereits §3 GSG differenziert auch §4 GPSG zwischen Produkten, für die eine Verordnung nach §3 Abs. 1 GPSG in deutsches Recht umgesetzt wurde, und den Produkten, für die Harmonisierungensrichtlinien nicht gelten. §4 Abs. 1 S. 1 GPSG bestimmt die Voraussetzungen, unter denen Produkte im europäische-harmonisierten Bereich in den Verkehr gebracht werden dürfen. §4 Abs. 2 S. 1 GPSG bestimmt die Voraussetzungen, unter denen Produkte im nicht europäische-harmonisierten Bereich in den Verkehr gebracht werden dürfen. Produkte im nicht harmonisierten Bereich dürfen nur dann in den Verkehr gebracht werden, wenn sie Sicherheit und Gesundheit von Verwendern oder Dritten nicht gefährden. ⅳ) Auf die zivilrechtliche Haftung für fehlerhafte Produkte übt das deutsche Produktsicherheitsgesetz keinen großen Einfluß aus. Die Befolgung der Sicherheitsgebote aus §§4 bis 5 GPSG schließt weder die Produktgefährdungshaftung nach dem ProdHaftG noch die deliktsrechtliche Produkthaftung aus. ⅴ) Es gibt in Korea zwar sehr wenige wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen über die Sicherheitsstandards des Produkts und deren produkthaftungsrechtlicher Bedeutung. So wird meine Erfoschung bei der Gesetzgebung des Produktsicherheitsgesetzes in Korea als theoretische Grundlage dienen und zugleich ein brauchbares Modell liefern, das auf die Festlegung der allgemeinen Sicherheitsstandards des Produkts anwendbar ist.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A Kr öger-Vink Compatible Notation for Defects in Inherently Defective Sublattices

        Norby, Truls The Korean Ceramic Society 2010 한국세라믹학회지 Vol.47 No.1

        Traditional Kr$\ddot{o}$ger-Vink (K-V) notation defines sites in ionic crystals as interstitial or belonging to host ions. It enables description and calculations of combinations of native and foreign defects, including dopants and substituents. However, some materials exhibit inherently disordered partial occupancy of ions and vacancies, or partial occupancy of two types of ions. For instance, the high temperature disordered phases of $Bi_2O_3$, $Ba_2In_2O_5$, $La_2Mo_2O_9$, mayenite $Ca_{12}Al_{14}O_{33}$, AgI, and $CsHSO_4$ are all good ionic conductors and thus obviously contain charged point defects. But traditional K-V notation cannot account for a charge compensating defect in each case, without resorting to terms like "100% substitution" or "Frenkel disorder". the former arbitrary and awkward and the latter inappropriate. Instead, a K-V compatible nomenclature in which the partially occupied site is defined as the perfect site, has been proposed. I here introduce it thoroughly and provide a number of examples.

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