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      • KCI등재후보

        A study on the role of cooperatives and ways to strengthen their competitiveness

        ( Sugin Chang ) 사회혁신기업연구원 2017 혁신기업연구 Vol.2 No.1

        Cooperatives are self-help organizations in which economically disadvantaged people in common conduct business activities to meet their needs. The agricultural cooperatives a cooperative organization, not a general enterprise, and is based on self-help, self-management, and self-responsibility for farmers who are economically weak. Korea's Agricultural cooperatives were established under the guidance of the government and the agricultural cooperatives' central meeting by these needs and needs. Agricultural cooperatives generally serve to contribute to the interests of members by minimizing transaction costs in relation to the market and making the market competitively efficient. In this study, we will look into the research on the role of cooperatives and ways to strengthen their competitiveness. The following implications can be considered in this study. First, in order to strengthen the competitiveness and efficiency of the business, the agricultural cooperatives should actively introduce new management techniques by removing the inefficiencies of organizations and businesses and increasing their expertise. Second, the agricultural cooperatives should seek sustainable management strategies for the purchasing and distribution process of agricultural products. Third, the cooperative's purchasing business needs to find ways to link each cooperative. Fourth, it is necessary to improve the quality of employees through continuous development and evaluation of members.

      • KCI등재

        성서적 관점에서 본 협동조합운동

        이종원 21세기기독교사회문화아카데미 2017 신학과 사회 Vol.31 No.4

        In this paper, I want to survey the biblical ground of the cooperatives. To achieve this purpose, I would analyze the various systems and values that can be seen as the spirit of cooperatives in the Old Testament. Then, by analyzing the lives of Jesus and his disciples, and early church portrayed in the New Testament, I would explore the efforts of the early Christians to make an ideal community of cooperatives. Through this, I want to find the proper direction and the meaning that could help the modern church to participate actively in the cooperatives. Cooperatives are the movement of building a sustainable and economical community based on the Christianity-view, and do emphasize to love their neighbors and to be responsible in the community. Cooperatives are more concerned with human than capital, cooperation than competition, and common goods than profit. Cooperatives strive to recover the order of ecology that is collapsed by industrialization and neo-liberalism. Then, bio value of coexistence is also strived to be preserved. The system of sabbatical year and jubilee in the Old Testament stressed on the restoration of the creation’s order and the preservation of bio community. Jesus and His disciples practiced ministering and sharing with others by using the same resources together. The early Christian community acknowledged the love and justice in their lives by practicing voluntary services and sharing with others. The Biblical meaning of the cooperatives connects the values of Christianity, because it holds the restoration of the creation’s order and the preservation of bio community. The biblical definition of cooperatives realizes the values of Christianity which are the restoration of the creation’s order and the preservation of bio community. In addition, the protection and care for the poor and the weak in the society are the basic obligations to be kept given to the community of love and justice. Therefore, cooperatives become the ideal method to have the love and justice be realized in Christianity. Therefore, cooperatives can be effective alternatives to overcome the neo-liberalism and be sources of power to help form community solidarity. Cooperatives are also solutions to the various problems we have: low growth, unemployment, poverty and polarization of the society. These are like the miracle of Jesus feeding the five thousand people, because cooperatives make new jobs and construct a caring network as well as a safe living basis for the future. 이 논문은 협동조합운동을 성서적 관점에서 조명하면서 교회가 협동조합에 적극적으로 참여할 근거를 밝히고자 한다. 이를 위해 먼저 구약성서에서 협동조합의 정신을 발견할 수 있는 제도와 가치들을 분석하고, 이어서 신약성서를 통해 예수와 제자들의 공동체 운동, 그리고 초대교회의 모습을 통해 협동조합의 근본정신을 되새기고자 한다. 따라서 협동조합 운동에의 참여는 교회의 대사회적 책임을 구현하는 새로운 방식이 됨을 강조하고자 한다. 협동조합은 기독교적 가치관을 바탕으로 이웃 사랑과 공동체에 대한 책임을 강조하면서 지속 가능한 경제 공동체를 건설하고자 하는 운동이다. 협동조합은 자본보다는 사람을, 경쟁보다 협동을, 영리보다는 공동선을 중시하면서, 산업화와 신자유주의화로 인하여 무너진 생태 질서를 본래의 창조질서로 다시 회복하는 경제건설 운동이다. 구약성서의 안식년제도와 희년제도는 창조질서의 온전한 회복을 강조한다. 신약성서에서 예수와 제자들은 자원을 함께 공유하면서 섬김과 나눔을 실천하였다. 초대 예루살렘 교회는 평등과 자발적인 나눔과 섬김을 실천하면서 사랑과 정의를 이상적으로 구현하는 협동의 공동체를 보여 주었다. 이러한 점들은 협동조합이 추구하는 정신과 맞닿아 있다. 협동조합은 무한 경쟁을 부추기는 신자유주의적 경제 질서를 보완하는 대안이 되며, 생명공동체를 하나로 묶어 연대하게 만드는 힘이 된다. 협동조합은 저성장과 실업문제 그리고 빈곤과 양극화, 고령화 등과 같은 문제들의 해결책이 될 수 있는데, 자신의 힘으로는 조합원이 되기 어려운 사람들과 연대하여 새로운 흐름을 만들어낼 수 있기 때문이다. 이는 마치 오병이어의 기적처럼 각자가 지닌 자원과 역량을 끌어모아 새로운 일자리를 만들어 호혜와 연대를 통해 하나님 나라의 경제를 실현하는 하나의 방법이 된다.

      • KCI등재

        협동조합 정책과 법제의 개선

        강희원 경희대학교 법학연구소 2014 경희법학 Vol.49 No.2

        본 논문은 한국형협동조합의 성공을 위해 국가와 협동조합운동진영의 역할 및 과제가 무엇인지를 살피면서 협동조합기본법이 가진 한계와 문제점을 지적하고 그 개선방향을 제시하고자 한다. 협동조합운동은 자조, 신뢰, 공동선, 다양성을 가치로 하여 자본주의의 병폐를 보완할 수 있는 참신한 경제적ㆍ사회적ㆍ문화적 공동체운동이다. 특히, 남북이 상이한 정치이데올로기로 분단된 지 오래된 한반도에서, 물론 남북통일이 언제 될지는 아직 불확실하지만, 통일이 완수되었을 때, 협동조합은 오랫동안 사회주의체제에 있어서 자본주의에 익숙하지 못한 북한주민에게 올바른 시장경제의 논리와 윤리를 서서히 경험할 수 있도록 하는 좋은 장(場)으로서 역할을 수행할 수도 있을 것이다. 우리나라는 자본주의역사에서 유래 없는 단기간에 압축성장에 성공한 나라이다. 그렇지만 그 심한 후유증을 앓고 있다. 성장제일주의의 부정적인 인자들이 건강한 사회공동체와 개인의 인간다운 삶을 위협하고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 사회적 연대경제의 주체로서 협동조합에 대한 기대는 아주 크고 이에 부응하여 2012년말 협동조합기본법이 제정되었다. 그런대 협동조합 설립을 허용하는 법제만으로 협동조합이 활성화될 수 있는 것도 아니며 게다가 협동조합이 우리사회에 제대로 생장할 수 있기에는 협동조합기본법 자체가 상당히 많은 문제점을 안고 있다. 협동조합기본법은 그야말로 모든 종류의 협동조합의 모법으로서 협동조합에 관한 기본적 사항, 정부의 책임, 협동조합의 책임, 협동조합 촉진과 이를 구현하기위한 재정 및 금융 등의 주요정책수단 등을 기본적인 사항을 포함해야 한다. 협동조합들이 발전하기 위해서는 적절한 생태계조성이 필요하고 무엇보다 협동조합을 위한 지원금융체제의 구축이 그 중 핵심적 요소라 할 수 있다. 주식회사와 다른 사업운영 및 경영방식을 채택하고 있다는 점에서 협동조합에 특화된 금융체제의 구축은 협동조합의 발전에 필수불가결한 요소이다. 그 외 협동조합이 우리나라에 제대로 뿌리내려 그야말로 한국적 협동조합이 성공하기 위해서는 근로자(직원)협동조합의 활성화를 위한 제도를 보완하고 협동조합친화적인 기반조성을 위한 제도적 보완이 요청되며, 장기적인 안목에서 협동교육을 통한 계몽도 필요하다. Dec.1. 2012. the Framework Act on Cooperatives came into effect in Korea. According to official statistical research, over 5,000 cooperatives have been established in accordance with this act until the present. However there are many legal problems in this fundamental law from theoretical and political aspects. This article points out problems in the Framework Act on Cooperatives, and proposes its Legislative Improvement Direction and some legal supplement policies in order to vitalize cooperatives. At the first, the crux of the problems is in the law system of cooperatives that Framework Act on Cooperatives is not a fundamental law in reality, otherwise shown as its Act’s name. In fact, just newly established small cooperatives have to liable to this Framework Act, although it has got to be the supreme law of all cooperatives. Second, there are no legislations to take financial support measures fit for cooperative characteristics. Cooperative is vulnerable to compete against common capital companies in competitive market due to its structures and management principles. Further more the Framework Act has a number of various problems, for example, the relationship between common cooperatives and social cooperatives, the rigidity of legal policy related with required corporate personality of cooperatives, governmental control on cooperatives ect.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 협동조합의 활성화를 위한 제언: 법제도를 중심으로

        송재일 한국협동조합학회 2023 韓國協同組合硏究 Vol.41 No.3

        이 글에서는 우리나라 협동조합 활성화 방안을 법제도 중심으로 살펴보았다. 2012년 협동조합기본법 시행 10년이 넘은 현재, 협동조합의 활성화 방안을 고민하고 있다. 특히 주식회사 일변도의 자본주의 시장경제만이 지배적인 대한민국에서는 협동조합이 왜 필요한지에 대하여 오해와 편견이 여전히 뿌리 깊고, 유럽 등 협동조합 선진국에 비해 연대주의 시장경제의 우월성에 대한 인식이 깊지 않다. 이는 협동조합 외부뿐만 아니라 협동조합인 스스로도 협동조합에 대하여 그러한 생각을 할 수 있어서 우리나라 협동조합의 활성화에 많은 장애물이 되고 있다. 이 글에서는 먼저 협동조합 또는 협동조합계 스스로 중시해야 할 것이 철학, 역사, 교육이라는 점을 먼저 환기하였다. 그런 다음 총론에서는 협동조합의 탁월성과 그에 따른 지원 필요성에 대한 법적 근거를 적시하였다. 각론에서는 협동조합 활성화를 위한 주요 방안을 공익성, 상호성, 독자성 측면에서 살펴보았다. (1) 공익성 측면에서 협동조합에 고유한 회계나 세법이 함께 정비될 필요가 있다. 독점규제법 제118조의 소규모성 요건을 삭제한다. ‘제3의 길’로서 협동조합 사업이 공익성을 지향하도록 최근 전 세계적인 문제(예, 기후변화, 디지털 전환으로 인한 양극화와 인간소외 문제), 그리고 대한민국에 특유한 고령화와 지역소멸 등에 맞서기 위해서, ESG, 플랫폼, 돌봄, 노동자협동조합 등 새로운 협동조합을 지원하는 법제가 필요하다. (2) 상호성 측면에서는 협동조합이 공익성을 배가할 수 있도록 조합원 간 협동이나 협동조합 간 협동이 잘 될 수 있도록 공제사업이나 연합회 기능을 강화한다. (3) 독자성 측면에서 협동조합 맞춤식 법제나 자본조달, 세제, 회계기준, 평가기준, 거버넌스 등이 협동조합 활성화를 위해 요망된다. “같은 것은 같게 다른 것은 다르게”라는 아리스토텔레스의 실질적 평등 원칙처럼. 결국 협동조합은 독특하고 특별한 그 무엇이기 때문이다. This article looks at ways to revitalize cooperatives in Korea by focusing on the legal system. Today, more than 10 years have passed since the enforcement of the Framework Act on Cooperatives in 2012, but in Korea, where only joint-stock companies and the capitalist market economy dominate, misunderstandings and prejudices about why cooperatives and the social economy are necessary are still deeply rooted. Additionally, compared to Europe, Korea does not have a deep awareness of the superiority of the solidaristic market economy. So, I believe that philosophy, history, and education should first be emphasized in cooperative research and cooperatives themselves. Then, I set out the legal basis for the excellence of cooperatives. Plus, I looked at major measures to revitalize cooperatives in terms of Public interest, Mutuality, and Independence as follows: (1) In response to recent global challenges (e.g. climate change, polarization and human alienation, aging and regional extinction), the new Co-operative Act will enable new types of co-operatives to enable co-operative business to pursue the public interest as a ‘third way’. (2) In order to achieve mutuality and coexistence among members, cooperatives must have good mutual aid projects, and in particular, cooperation between cooperatives must be guaranteed through the Cooperative Federation so that cooperatives can double the public interest. (3) For independence, cooperative-tailored legislation, capital procurement, taxation, accounting standards, evaluation standards, governance, etc. are required to revitalize cooperatives. According to Aristotle, “equals should be treated equally and unequals unequally.” Ultimately, cooperatives are something unique and special.

      • KCI등재

        금융협동조합의 업무 범위에 관한 법적 연구

        이태영 서강대학교 법학연구소 2022 서강법률논총 Vol.11 No.2

        Cooperatives emerged as an economic model to create social value by showing excellent crisis coping skills, such as contributing to job creation and employment maintenance in the 2008 global financial crisis. European cooperative banks were also evaluated to have performed relatively stable management during the financial crisis and contributed to the stability of the financial system. 「Framework Act on Cooperatives」 was enacted in 2012 based on a broad consensus on the public interest of cooperatives as an economic organization that realizes social values, and the number of cooperatives has exploded since then. Since financing is essential for the establishment and growth of such cooperatives, the role of financial cooperatives is also becoming more important. This is because financial cooperatives are operated according to the cooperative operating principles, so they have a high understanding of general cooperatives and emphasize the principle of cooperation among cooperatives. On the other hand, the problem of regulatory arbitrage among financial cooperatives is constantly being raised because applicable individual laws and supervisory regulations differ from the ministries. Accordingly, this paper examined the current status and problems of business scope regulation classified according to the regulatory principles of each institution, and reviewed improvement measures according to the regulatory principles of each function. In particular, it was confirmed that ‘common bond’ and ‘non-union members’ use of business’, which are the core of financial cooperative regulations, greatly restrict the autonomy of the establishment and operation of financial cooperatives, and how foreign legislation has changed and has implications for Korean financial cooperatives. As a major improvement measure, it was proposed to stipulate the scope and type of joint ties of financial cooperatives in the law, while broadening joint ties or allowing multiple joint ties. Furthermore, it was reviewed as a problem that there are differences in loan limits for credit areas and non-union members for each financial cooperative. Although some regulatory arbitrage have been resolved due to the recent revision of the Enforcement Decree of the 「Credit Union Act」 and the 「Regulations for Mutual Financial Business Supervision」, it was pointed out that it is not reasonable in the legal system to revise the scope of the union's credit zone and non-member.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스 협동조합법의 법적구조에 관한 연구

        김두년 한국협동조합학회 2006 韓國協同組合硏究 Vol.24 No.2

        This thesis introduces not only ``The Act of 10 September 1947 regarding the status of Cooperatives`` regulating overall cooperative institution about the legal structure of cooperative law but also ``Agricultural Cooperative Law(Code Rural)`` in France. In the result of a study about the Cooperative related laws in France, cooperative in Korea suggests follows. The first, it is urgent to enact a basic cooperative law in Korea. The author already published both an establishment conception and the necessity of a basic cooperative law. The second, the social function of cooperative should be specified in the law. Cooperatives in France win public recognition of the social function of cooperative. Thus, cooperatives as a social economy identity are specified in law, to accomplish the social economy through cooperatives. The third, cooperatives should be perceived as cooperatives in enterprise like other identities. Already, cooperatives across the boundaries of a country are beginning and cooperatives are defined as Co-operatives in Enterprise Europe in the original Union European cooperative law progressing in the European Union Parliament. The fourth, Cooperative law form should be deregulated for cooperatives to develop as cooperatives in enterprise. Already, many forms of cooperatives such as a variable capital stock company, cooperative in The Act of 10 September 1947 regarding the status of Cooperatives, a stock company, co-operative in a special law, an incorporated company in France win legal recognition. The fifth, a new funding method should be introduced. A huge capital is needed in cooperatives with increasing enterprise scale. On the basis of experiences in France, preference investment without voting right, cooperative investment stock, issue of cooperative bond and the way listed on the stock exchange should be found out. In conclusion, cooperatives basically are an economy identity too. Cooperative law institutions have the meaning in providing the legal base for the activation of cooperatives whatever legal form is.

      • KCI등재

        금융협동조합 규제 체계에 대한 비교법적 검토

        이태영 서강대학교 법학연구소 2022 법과기업연구 Vol.12 No.2

        Financial cooperatives are institutions that operate financial businesses such as credit businesses in the form of cooperatives, such as Credit Union and Saemaul Geumgo. As of the end of December 2021, there were 873 domestic Credit Union and 1,297 Saemaul Geumgo, and the total assets of the credit cooperative were 124 trillion won, and the total assets of Saemaul Geumgo grew to 242 trillion won. Unlike general commercial financial institutions, financial cooperatives have both characteristics as cooperatives and financial institutions, so systematic research on the essential purpose and function of such financial cooperatives should be preceded in regulating financial cooperatives. Therefore, this paper attempted to compare and analyze the regulatory systems of German, Canadian, and American financial cooperatives in relation to the regulations of domestic financial cooperatives. Regulations on financial cooperatives were introduced in earnest, such as soundness regulations that had been applied to general commercial banks through the IMF, and were criticized for not fully considering their identity and specificity as cooperatives. Accordingly, this paper examined the purpose and process of introducing legal regulations and systems in the United States, Canada, and Germany, where financial cooperatives developed, and reviewed the implications for domestic financial cooperatives. In particular, traditional financial practices are rapidly changing, such as changes in the financial environment due to the COVID-19 incident, acceleration of non-face-to-face online transformation due to the development of fintech and technology, and the emergence of Internet banks. In this financial environment, the regulatory system of financial cooperatives needs to be reviewed in a way that fully achieves the purpose and function of financial cooperatives, and it is emphasized that it should be designed to properly achieve and realize the establishment goals of members' socioeconomic status and contribution to the community.

      • KCI등재

        사업자협동조합의 발전가능성 탐색

        장종익 ( Jong Ick Jang ) 한국협동조합학회 2014 韓國協同組合硏究 Vol.32 No.3

        This paper aims to explore factors affecting prosperity of entrepreneurs’ cooperatives which have been emerging as a dominant type of cooperatives established based on Framework Act on Cooperatives. The dominancy of entrepreneurs’ cooperatives is distinguishable in that entrepreneurs’ cooperatives except agricultural cooperatives have been rarely found and sporadic in the history of cooperatives development. The paper examines why entrepreneurs’ cooperatives in South Korea have been recently emerging predominantly. It is found that its dominancy may be explained by the desperate aspiration of self-employed and baby-boomers for cooperatives in South Korea where the self-employed and micro enterprise are still prevalent in the economy. The paper also offers presumed necessary and sufficient conditions for sustainability of entrepreneurs’ cooperatives, including advantages of small business, maximizing benefits from organizing a cooperative, and minimizing costs of running a cooperative.

      • KCI등재

        업종별 수협 대출사업의 기술적 효율성 추정에 관한 연구

        권오민 ( Kwon¸ Oh-min ),박철형 ( Park¸ Cheol-hyung ) 한국도서(섬)학회 2021 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.33 No.2

        수협은 대출과 같은 금융사업을 통해 어업인의 경영 안전을 보조하고, 삶의 질 향상에 도움을 줄 의무가 있다. 그러나 일부 수협에서는 대출에 대한 연체율이 상승하고 손실이 늘어나는 문제가 있다. 이에 본 연구는 우리나라 업종별 수협의 대출사업에 대한 SFA생산함수를 추정하여, 보다 효율적으로 대출사업이 운영될 수 있는 기술적인 정보를 분석하여 제공하고자 한다. 따라서 기술적 비효율성의 한계효과를 도출하고 규모의 경제를 검정하는 등 다양한 결과를 제시하였다. 연구의 분석 대상은 20개 업종별 수협이며, 금융사업 생산함수의 투입변수로 수협의 조합원수, 유형자산, 영업비용을 사용하였고 산출변수에는 대출금을 사용하였다. 또한 기술적 비효율성을 결정하는 외생변수의 도입을 통해 기술적 비효율성에 미치는 직접적인 영향을 추정하였는데, 외생변수로는 수협의 영업수입과 수협의 업종이 어선어업인지 아닌지를 구분하는 더미변수를 사용하였다. 분석 결과에 따라 전남정치망수협을 포함한 8개 수협이 규모수익 증대의 대출사업 운영을 하고, 나머지 수협은 규모수익 불변의 대출사업 운영을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 투입요소의 대출에 대한 생산탄력성은 어업비용만이 모든 수협에서 정(+)의 효과로 나타나, 모든 수협은 어업비용을 늘릴수록 대출금 규모가 증가한 것을 알 수 있다. 한편 조합원 수와 유형자산은 수협마다 상이한 결과를 보였다. 업종별 수협의 전체 효율성 추정결과는 2017년 87.7%에서 2019년 81.1%로 감소세를 보여, 최근 문제가 되고 있는 비어업인 대출 규모 확대, 대출 손실 등의 상황이 반영되었다고 볼 수 있다. 업종별로는 제주어류양식수협이 87.7%로 기술적 효율성이 가장 높고, 반대로 굴수하식 수협이 41.3%로 가장 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 기술적 효율성의 외생적 결정요인인 영업수입은 예상대로 대출사업의 효율성에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤으며, 업종별 더미변수 결과로는 어선어업 수협이 비어선어업 수협, 특히 양식업 수협에 비해 효율적인 것으로 나타났다. 이는 어선어업 수협의 전반적인 경영규모가 양식업 수협보다 크기 때문에 나타난 결과로 보이며, 따라서 향후 정부가 수협에 대한 지원사업을 시행하게 된다면 경영규모가 작고 대출사업 효율성이 상대적으로 낮은 양식업 수협에 대한 고려가 있어야할 것으로 판단된다. Fishery cooperatives are obliged to assist fishermen in their management safety and help to improve their quality of life through financial projects such as loans. However, some fishery cooperatives have experienced problems with increases in overdue loans and through incurring losses. Therefore, this study aims to provide technical information on the operation of the loan business efficiency by estimating the SFA production function for the loan business of fishery cooperatives. In addition, this study presented various results such as deriving the marginal effects of technical inefficiency and testing economies of scale. The sample for this study was twenty industrial fishery cooperatives, while the number of union members, tangible assets, and operating expenses were used as input variables, while loans were used for output variables. In addition, this study used exogenous variables that directly affect the technical inefficiency, which are the operating income and dummy variables of whether a fishery cooperative is involved in fishing or aquaculture. According to the analysis results, eight fishery cooperatives, including the Jeonnam fixed shore net fishing, were in IRS, while the rest of them were in CRS. The production elasticity of input elements for loans showed that only fishing costs were positive in all fishery cooperatives, which means that the size of loans increased as fishery costs increased. The number of union members and tangible assets were different in each fishery cooperative. The overall efficiency of the industry fishery cooperatives showed a decline from 87.7 percent in 2017 to 81.1 percent in 2019, which is reflecting recent situations such as the expansion of the size of loans and loan losses. By industry, the Jeju fish aquaculture cooperative has the highest technical efficiency of 87.7%. On the contrary, the oyster aquaculture cooperative is the lowest with estimates of 41.3%. Operating incomes, which are the external determinants of technical efficiency, had a positive impact on efficiency of the loan business as expected, and the result of the dummy variables by industry showed that fishery cooperatives, which operate fishing, are more efficient than aquaculture. This result comes from the fact that the management size of fishery cooperatives which operate fishing is larger than those whithou an involvement in fishing. Therefore, if the government implements support projects for fishery cooperatives in the future, it is necessary to consider aquaculture cooperatives with small management with relatively low loan business efficiency.

      • KCI등재

        소비자생활협동조합 이용 동기에 따른 소비자 유형화 연구

        유상화,구혜경 한국소비자정책교육학회 2019 소비자정책교육연구 Vol.15 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to identify the motivations of consumers of Consumer Cooperatives and to classify them according to the motives for suggesting sustainable development plans of Korean Consumer Cooperatives. In addition, the characteristics of Consumer Cooperatives use behaviors were identified in detail, and the level of ethical consciousness was changed. Subject to the survey are 317 housewives with experience using the 30-40 Consumer Cooperatives. In addition to altruistic motivations such as ethical consumption practices, consumers' motivation to use Consumer Cooperatives was identified as ‘The safety and health motivation of me and my family’, ‘The economic motivation’, ‘The social recognition and participation motivation’, and ‘The ethical consumption motivation’. Four types of consumers using the Consumer Cooperatives were derived: Active Participation Group', ‘Practical benefit-seeking Group’, ‘Economic Motivation Ignore Group’, ‘Apathy group’. Active Participation Group was 30.3 percent, slightly higher in the ratio of those in their 40s, and because they use Consumer Cooperatives with various motives, they are the most diverse groups, including participation in Consumer Cooperatives, relative use of Consumer Cooperatives, and items used by Consumer Cooperatives. And the highest type of history of ethical consciousness level improvement. Practical benefit-seeking Group is a 28.4% group that appreciates the economic motives of Consumer Cooperatives and uses them. The rate of use of Consumer Cooperatives and the level of ethical consciousness are similar to those of Active Participation Group, but slightly lower. In Economic Motivation Ignore Group, 26.5% perceive that Consumer Cooperatives products are not cheap and have a relatively high proportion in their 30s. Although the proportion of Consumer Cooperatives is relatively low, they are consumers who purchase various items from Consumer Cooperatives. Lastly, Apathy group had the lowest level of motivation, with a variety of motivations. As such, consumers who use the current Consumer Cooperatives have various characteristics, the use behavior varies according to the motivation, and the improvement of the ethical consciousness level also differs. It was emphasized that Korea's Consumer Cooperatives are in the growing stage, and that it is necessary to understand the characteristics of each type of consumer and to take a differentiated approach by type. It is hoped that through this study, Consumer Cooperatives can grow into more attractive and useful distribution points for consumers. 본 연구는 우리나라 소비자생활협동조합(이하 생협)의 지속가능한 발전방안의 제언을 위하여 생협 소비자들의 이용동기를 확인하고, 동기에 따른 소비자 유형화를 시도하였다. 그리고 유형별 생협 이용행태의 특성, 윤리적 의식 수준, 생협에 대한 인식이 변화하였는지를 구체적으로 확인하였다. 생협을 이용한 경험이 있는 3040 주부 317명의 자료를 분석하였다. 소비자의 주요 생협 이용동기는 나와 가족의 안전 및 건강 동기, 사회적 인정 및 참여 동기, 경제적 동기 등 이기적 동기로 확인하였다. 생협 이용소비자는 열성참여형, 실리추구형, 경제적 동기 무관형, 무관심 참여형의 4개 유형으로 구분되었다. 열성참여형은 30.3%로 40대 비율이 약간 높았으며, 다양한 동기로 생협을 이용하기 때문에 생협활동 참여 및 상대적 생협이용비율, 생협 이용품목 등이 가장 다양한 집단이다. 그리고 윤리적 의식 수준의 향상 역사 가장 높은 유형이다. 실리추구형은 28.4%로 생협의 경제적 동기를 높게 평가하고 생협을 이용하는 집단이며, 생협이용비율이나 윤리적 의식 수준 등이 열성참여형과 유사하지만 약간 낮은 수준의 유형이다. 경제적 동기 무관형의 경우 26.5%로 생협 상품이 저렴하지 않다고 인식하는 유형이며 상대적으로 30대의 비율이 높다. 생협이용비율은 상대적으로 낮은 편이지만 생협에서 다양한 품목을 구매하는 소비자들이다. 마지막으로 무관심참여형은 14.8%로 다양한 동기 수준이 모두 가장 낮은 유형으로 상대적으로 구매비중이나 구매품목수이나 윤리적 의식 향상 수준 역시 다른 유형에 비해 가장 낮은 유형이었다. 이렇듯 현재 생협을 이용하는 소비자들은 다양한 특성을 지니며, 동기에 따라 이용행태가 달라지고, 윤리적 의식 수준의 향상도 역시 차이가 있다. 우리나라의 생협은 성장기에 있으며, 이를 위해 소비자 유형별 특성을 이해하고 유형별 차별화된 접근이 필요함을 강조하였다. 본 연구를 통하여 생협이 소비자들에게 더욱 매력적이고 유용한 유통점으로 성장할 수 있기를 기대한다.

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