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      • [농가소득 안정제도 시리즈 7] 함정에 빠진 농가부채대책, 대안은 무엇인가?

        김두년,이정환 GS&J 인스티튜트 2008 시선집중 GSnJ Vol.- No.57

        ○ 1980년대 후반 이후 농가부채대책이 적어도 14여회에 걸쳐 추진되었고 2000년 이후에는 거의 매년 부채대책이 시행되었으나 최근 부채대책이 다시 농정의 현안으로 떠오르고 있다. ○ 이제까지 부채대책은 부채농가에 상환연기, 이자율 인하, 저리대체자금 지원 등의 혜택을 주어 당장의 부담에서 벗어나게 하는 것을 골자로 하였다. ○ 따라서 일부 농가는 단순히 부채가 많다는 이유 때문에 지원을 많이 받아 도덕적 해이가 늘어난 반면, 정작 상환능력을 상실하여 곤경에 처한 농가의 문제는 해결되지 못해 부채대책이 반복될 수밖에 없었다. ○ 그런데 부채농가의 41%는 1년 사이 부채가 더 증가하였고 그 중 29%는 1천만원 이상 늘어났으며, 당년분 원리금 상환능력도 신규자금 조달능력도 없는 농가가 전체 부채농가의 10%가 넘는 것으로 추정되어 새로운 부채대책이 필요한 것으로 판단된다. ○ 반면에 당좌자산이 부채액의 2배가 넘는 농가가 53%나 되고 부채증가 농가의 74%는 당좌자산도 증가하여 부채농가 중 상당수는 상환여력이 있으면서도 상환을 기피하고 있는 것으로 추정되고, 이것은 대출금리가 예적금 수익률보다 낮기 때문일 것으로 생각된다. ○ 따라서 새로운 대책은, 상환할 능력이 없는 농가들만을 선별하여 채무를 조정하여 회생시키거나 혹은 파산시켜 해당 농가의 부채문제를 근본적으로 해결하는 것이어야 한다. ○ 이 때 소유자산을 처분하여 부채를 감축시키는 자구적 노력을 전제로 하되, 해당 농지에 대한 임차권과 환매권을 보장하여 정상적인 경영과 농지소유권의 회복이 가능하도록 한다. ○ 자산관리공사 등이 주관하는 개인회생제도에서와 같이 연체이자는 감면하고, 자산처분 후에 남는 잔여부채는 감축하되 그만큼 이자율은 상향조정하여 금리의 가격기능이 작동되도록 한다. ○ 부채가 과다하여 회생을 포기하는 농가는 법원의 개인파산제도에 의해 자산을 처분하고 잔여 부채는 면책 받도록 하되, 재취업을 지원하여 새 출발을 할 수 있도록 한다. ○ 시장개방 등으로 농가의 경영여건이 급격히 악화되면 채무조정이 필요한 농가가 지속적으로 발생하므로 소득보전직불제도에 의해 농가에 귀책사유가 없는 부실화가 발생하지 않도록 하는 정책이 반드시 병행되어야 한다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        프랑스 협동조합법의 법적구조에 관한 연구

        김두년 한국협동조합학회 2006 韓國協同組合硏究 Vol.24 No.2

        This thesis introduces not only ``The Act of 10 September 1947 regarding the status of Cooperatives`` regulating overall cooperative institution about the legal structure of cooperative law but also ``Agricultural Cooperative Law(Code Rural)`` in France. In the result of a study about the Cooperative related laws in France, cooperative in Korea suggests follows. The first, it is urgent to enact a basic cooperative law in Korea. The author already published both an establishment conception and the necessity of a basic cooperative law. The second, the social function of cooperative should be specified in the law. Cooperatives in France win public recognition of the social function of cooperative. Thus, cooperatives as a social economy identity are specified in law, to accomplish the social economy through cooperatives. The third, cooperatives should be perceived as cooperatives in enterprise like other identities. Already, cooperatives across the boundaries of a country are beginning and cooperatives are defined as Co-operatives in Enterprise Europe in the original Union European cooperative law progressing in the European Union Parliament. The fourth, Cooperative law form should be deregulated for cooperatives to develop as cooperatives in enterprise. Already, many forms of cooperatives such as a variable capital stock company, cooperative in The Act of 10 September 1947 regarding the status of Cooperatives, a stock company, co-operative in a special law, an incorporated company in France win legal recognition. The fifth, a new funding method should be introduced. A huge capital is needed in cooperatives with increasing enterprise scale. On the basis of experiences in France, preference investment without voting right, cooperative investment stock, issue of cooperative bond and the way listed on the stock exchange should be found out. In conclusion, cooperatives basically are an economy identity too. Cooperative law institutions have the meaning in providing the legal base for the activation of cooperatives whatever legal form is.

      • 협동조합기본법의 필요성과 입법구상

        김두년 한국협동조합학회 2002 韓國協同組合硏究 Vol.20 No.1

        It has been nearly half a century since the cooperative laws were established in Korea. The Korean cooperative system has experienced many changes, and now many cooperatives are struggling to adjust themselves to new economic environments. With the political and socioeconomic changes over time, the principles of capitalism have been incorporated in the cooperative movements in the world in an effort for the cooperatives to survive the developments in the market economy. The cooperatives had to respond to the changes to the extent that their identities were not impaired. In response to the changing times, the principles of the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA), based on the Rochdale principles, were revised in 1937 and 1966, and replaced by the new seven principles in 1995. Most countries including major developed countries have made appropriate amendments of their cooperative laws or enacted new legislations in keeping with the intent of the changed ICA principles. The review on the trend in cooperative laws in the world reveals that many countries have established a single cooperative law characterizing fundamental laws rather than special or specific laws, showing that it is evident that new legislations of fundamental cooperative laws are prevalent worldwide. As for Korea, its cooperative laws have been amended several times since their establishment, but they have not yet incorporated the new principles of ICA and the developments in the cooperatives in other countries. Korean cooperative laws are enacted separately by industrial sector and being enforced as special laws under the auspices of the government. Thus, it is hardly expected that varying cooperative movements emerge and each cooperative finds its ways to develop for itself. Now it is imperative in Korea to enact a fundamental cooperative law to replace the current, specific cooperative laws.

      • KCI등재후보

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