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        이스라엘과 이탈리아의 순환등록센서스 전환계획과 시사점

        전광희(Kwang Hee Jun) 충남대학교 사회과학연구소 2016 사회과학연구 Vol.27 No.4

        In this paper, the author attempts to review the transition from traditional census to register-based census to rolling register-based census in Israel and Italy and derive implications of the transitions for the implementation of Korea’s 2020 Population and Housing Censuses. First, the Israeli transitions were examined with respect to three conjunctional moments: (1) traditional censuses prior to 2008; (2) register-based or integrated census approaches in 2008, focusing census surveys and telephone surveys for checking population undercoverage and overcoverage; and (3) planning and current development of a rolling register-based census approaches, addressing the development of additional registers as well as the importance of survey sampling for estimating coverage parameters. Second, the Italian censuses were examined with respect to two conjunctional moments in three subject areas: (1) traditional censuses assisted by population registers in 2001 and 2011 and (2) planning of the direct transition from a register-assisted traditional census to a rolling register-based census, and (3) planning of continuous, cumulative surveys using two samples: C-sample and D- sample. In this paper, the author attempts to draw lessons for Korea’s 2020 Population and Housing Censuses from the grand transitions occurring currently in Israel and Italy. One lesson is the importance of sample surveys for checking population coverage in administrative sources, which was largely ignored in the Korea’s 2015 Population and Housing Censuses. The other is that earlier launch of national scale continuous, cumulative surveys, probably no later than 2016, will guarantee the production of good-quality statistics similar to those from the previous long-form questionnaire. The latter also means that the 2020 Censuses should be a methodological replication of the 2015 Censuses and the earliest rolling sample surveys should be launched in years no later than 2021 so that five-year data may be accumulated to produce small-area statistics which target the 2025 Population and Housing Censuses.

      • KCI등재

        제주 법정사 항일운동 하원리 출신 참여자 연구 : 『하원리 호적중초』를 중심으로

        한금순(Geum Soon Han) 제주학회 2013 濟州島硏究 Vol.40 No.-

        본고는 제주도의 항일운동의 백미인 법정사 항일운동을 조선시대 제주도 호적중초와 연계시키는 연구이다. 법정사 항일운동 하원리 출신 참여자의 가계를 『하원리 호적중초』에서 찾아내어 분석하였다. 이는 법정사 항일운 동 참여주민의 마을에서의 위상 등을 통해 참여자의 성격을 밝힐 수 있는 기본 자료가 될 것으로 생각하였다. 법정사 항일운동에 참여하여 기록에 이름을 남기고 있는 하원리 인물은 모두 20명이다. 이 가운데 13명이 『하원리 호적중초』에 등재되고 있었다. 4 명이 등재되지 않고 있고, 3명은 현재 유족이 밝혀지지 않은 상태로 인적 사항이 미비하여 추적이 불가능하였다. 호적중초에 등재된 인물 13명의 특성을 살펴보면 본인이 1회 등재되는 경우에서부터 12회 등재된 인물까지 있었고, 부(父) 이름으로 5회 등재된 경우부터 13회 등재된 경우까지 살필 수 있었다. 가계의 등재기간을 살펴 보면 1810년 『하원리 호적중초』 1권부터 등재되는 가계가 있는가하면 중간 에 나타나는 가계 혹은 1회만 등재되는 인물까지 있었다. 하원리 인물의 호적중초 등재 현황을 살펴본 결과, 법정사 항일운동 참 여자가 호적중초에 등재되고 있는지의 여부를 비롯하여, 참여자 가계의 등 재 여부 및 언제부터 하원리에 살고 있던 가계인지 파악이 가능하였다. 뿐 만 아니라 법정사 항일운동 참여자 간의 가족 관계가 파악되는가 하면, 항 일운동 이후의 흔인관계 또한 파악할 수 있었다. 그러나 『하원리 호적중초』의 호구(戶口)가 마을 전체의 호구를 등재하고 있지 않음이 포착되었다. 호구의 의도적인 누락현상과 나이도 의도적으로 조작하는 현상도 포착되었다. 따라서 하원리 출신 참여자의 호적중초 등재 상황을 살피면 이들이 마을에서의 위치를 알 수 있을 것으로 생각했던 처 음의 의도가 잘못 되었다고 판단되었다. 마을의 모든 인구가 다 호적중초 에 등재되고 있다면 등재되지 않은 사람은 마을에서 소외되었거나 유랑민 이라는 특징 등을 판단할 수 있을 터인데 빈번하고도 의도적인 누락현상은 이러한 판단의 근거로 사용할 수 없다고 생각하게 했다. 또한 누락되는 호 구가 없다면 호적중초에 등재된 기간을 통해 마을의 토박이 여부 등을 파 악할 수 있는 자료로 또한 그 의미가 있을 터인데 『하원리 호적중초』에서 드러나는 인구와 호의 누락현상은 등재 기간에 대한 의미 판단의 근거로도 사용할 수 없다고 생각하였다. 이로써 호적중초를 활용한 법정사 항일운동 참가자들의 연구는 우선 제 주도 호적중초들의 호적작성 원칙과 그 특징 등에 대한 연구 등이 선행되 어야 하겠다는 것을 파악하게 되었을 뿐 아니라 기존 연구에서 호적에 누 락된 것이 마을에서 소외되었다는 증거이며 이로써 가난한 사람들이 항일 운동에 참여하였다고 분석한 것은 섣부른 결과 일 수 있겠다는 생각이 들 었다. 따라서 본 연구는 『하원리 호적중초』에 드러난 법정사 항일운동 하원리 출신 참여자의 호적중초 등재 상황을 통해 제주도 호적중초 특성에 대한 전반적인 연구 이후에 호적중초를 활용한 법정사 항일운동 연구로 다시 접근해야한다는 점을 시사하고자 한다. This article contains mainly about Beopjeongsa anti-japanese movement which is the most notable anti japanese movement in jeju island and trying to link it to the Jeju abstract of the census register in Joseon dynasty period. Among the participants for Beopjeongsa anti japanese movement, participants from hawonlee s family line are founded in the abstract of census register. This analysis is expected to be a elemental data to discover the character of participants by their status in their town. There were 20 people who has recorded their name as a participant. Out of these, 13 people has recorded on the hawonlee abstract of the census register. 4 of them are left out , 3 of them are unidentified. and not possibly detected. Look into the character of 13 people who has recorded on the abstract of the census register, there was a case that some people has recoorded only one time up to 12 times. Oh the other case, some people has recorded by his father s name 5 times to 13times has detected. Look into the register term of family line, there were some family who has recorded from 1810′s abstract of the census register volume 1. Moreover, there were some family who has appeared in the middle or has recorded only one time. As a result of analyzing register status, including whether participants is recorded in the abstract or not, it was possible to understand the register status of participants s family line and when they started to live in hawonlee. Moreover, family re1ationships between the participants and marital re1ationship after the anti japanese movement also has detected. But, the true that abstract s census is not covering town s whole census has detected. Intented omission and fabrication of age also has detected. Therefore, the original intention that if look into the records of participants from hawonlee it would be possible to detect their status in the town was a misjudgement. If town s whole populations are being recorded on the abstract, some people whose not on the list would be detected as a neglected or nomadic people. But perpetual and intentional omission has made to think it s not possibly use it to the basis of decision. Also if there s no missed census, by the period recorded on the register, it could be the meaningful data to detect town s natives. But omissions of population and census has made to think it is impossible to use it to the basis to detect meaning for register period. Hereby, recording rule and research for characters should be precede to this research Furthermore, omission from existing research is the evidence for they had omitted from the town, and ana1asys that poor people used to participated in anti japanese movement would be a hasty decision. So, this research states that by looking into the status of abstract, generally analyzing character of the abstract should be preceded first. It should be continued to the approaching to the beopjeongsa anti japanese movement by using the abstract of census register after the overall research again.

      • KCI등재

        독일의 2011년 등록센서스 회고와 향후의 센서스 전망

        전광희 충남대학교 사회과학연구소 2020 사회과학연구 Vol.31 No.3

        This paper examines a timeline, background and debates for the implementation of 2011 register-based population census in the Federal Republic of Germany. More specifically, the study will review the census test of 2001, and revision of 1987 Federal Statistics Law as well as the drafting of the Census Preparation Law and the Census Law, which provided the backbone for the implementation of 2011 Register-based Census. The census which will be implemented in 2021, will be conduced in the same methodology as the census of 2011. The data from the federal registration system will be used in the determination of offical population for the next round of German census. In Germany where any quality register about real estates, the Federal Statistical Office will conduct a nation-wide building and housing census via postal system to collect data on housing and apartments for census purpose. According to the new census preparation law, the German government will focus more on protecting the privacy of citizens living in Germany. Population registration law will treat the protection of personal information by domain as the key priority issue. We also believe that collection, storage, modification, and transmission of personal data will be treated in accordance with the law and implementation law as previously drafted for the 2011 register-based census.

      • KCI등재

        1910년 3월 대한제국(大韓帝國) 도지부(度支部)에서 활자(活字)로 간행한 “1663년 한성부(漢城府) 북부호적(北部戶籍)” - 최초의 활자 인쇄본 호적대장(戶籍大帳) 『개국이백칠십이년계묘식년북부장호적(開國二百七十二年癸卯式年北部帳戶籍)』의 소개 -

        임학성 ( Lhim Hak Seong ) 한국고문서학회 2021 古文書硏究 Vol.58 No.-

        1896년 이전에 작성된 漢城府 지역(城內와 城外 모두 포함)의 호적대장은 현재 서울대학교 규장각 한국학 연구원에 소장된 “1663년 漢城府 北部戶籍”이 유일하다. 그런데 1910년 3월에 大韓帝國 정부의 度支部에서 이 자료를 활자본으로 인쇄하여 『財務彙報』 제36호의 부록으로 간행하였다. 그 題名은 ‘開國二百七十二年癸卯式年北部帳戶籍’이라 하였다. 이는 우리나라에서 활자로 인쇄하여 간행한 최초의 호적대장으로서 그 역사적, 자료적 가치가 매우 높다 하겠다. 이에 활자 인쇄본으로 간행한 “1663년 漢城府 北部戶籍”의 간행 배경 및 현존 상황 등을 考究한 결과, 이 호적 자료를 활자 인쇄본으로 간행한 주체는 일제의 統監府였고, 그 간행 이유는 관습조사 및 호적제도 (즉, 민적법)의 개정에 참고 자료로 활용하기 위함이었다는 결론을 얻었다. 아울러 1910년에 한성부 호적대장을 활자 인쇄할 당시 1896년 이전에 작성한 한성부 호적 자료로는 바로 “1663년 漢城府 北部戶籍”만 유일하게 남아 있었음을 추적하였다. 한편, 활자 인쇄본을 필사본 원 자료의 기재 내용과 비교 대조해 보았더니 적잖은 오탈자를 발견할 수 있었다. 추후 이 활자 인쇄본 “1663년 漢城府 北部戶籍”에 대한 정치한 교감 작업이 필요하다는 과제를 안게 되었다. “Census Register of the Northern Part of Hanseong-Bu of 1663”, preserved in the Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies, Seoul National University, is the only original of census records of Hanseong-Bu (including inside and outside) made before 1896. It was printed in types and published as a supplement to the 36th volume of The Bulletin of the Financial Affairs (『財務彙報』) by the Ministry of Finance of the Daehan Empire in March, 1910. Titled as the “Census Register of the Northern Part of the 272nd year of the Dynasty” (開國二百七十二年癸卯式年北部帳戶籍), it is a highly valuable historical source as the first original of census records printed in types. The author examines by whom and why the census register of 1663 was printed in types in 1910, and finds out that it was printed at the Resident-General’s command. It was supposed to be used as a reference when Japanese surveyed the Korean custom and reformed the system of family register, in other words, established the law of civil register. He also finds out that it was the only remaining record made before 1896 when it was printed in 1910. In addition, comparing the census register of 1663 to the printed material, he discovers considerable misprints and missing words in the latter. It appears that it requires thorough correction by comparing it to the former.

      • KCI등재

        싱가포르의 등록센서스 경험과 아시아 향후 센서스 발전을 위한 교훈

        전광희(Kwang-Hee Jun) 충남대학교 사회과학연구소 2020 사회과학연구 Vol.31 No.2

        This paper reports an experience of the census transition in Singapore, which has pioneered the adoption of a register-based population census away from the traditional census approach. The paper explores four major areas of concerns: (1) what Statistics Singapore has prepared for the transition to a register-based census; (2) how register-based censuses have changed from 2000 to 2010, (3) how this register-based approach will change in the near future, and (4) what would be the lessons in conducting population censuses, particularly in smoothing the transition in census methodology for Korea and other countries. More specifically, the study will focus first on the construction of an administrative database needed for the implementation of a register-based approach and issues related to data integration as well as data security, particularly legal and technical measures for data confidentiality and improvement in data quality management. The next topics of interest are design and sampling of the survey for census topics not covered by a register-based approach and enumeration of permanent residents, foreign residents, and overseas nationals for Singapore facing future low fertility, rapid population ageing, and population decline. This study concludes that Singapore’s transition to a register-based approach combined with a fractional sample survey is a valuable methodological innovation that will provide a good lesson for many other Asian countries with some incomplete or deficient administrative data and budget constraints on the full traditional population census in the near future.

      • KCI등재

        高麗 寺院形止案의 復元과 禪宗寺院의 공간 구성 검토

        최연식 韓國佛敎硏究院 2013 불교연구 Vol.38 No.-

        현재 전해지고 있는 寺院形止案은 고려시대 사원의 건물과 토지, 그리고 사원의 중요한 금석문의 내용을 정리한 것으로서, 고려시대 사원의 현황을 보여주는 중요한 자료이다. 원래 문서의 형태로 전하는 것은 이 유일하지만 『桐裡山泰安寺事蹟』에 수록된 내용들을 토대로 도 복원 가능하다, 복원된 은 항목별 기재 순서 및 기재 방식 등에서 과 같은 모습을 보여주고 있는데, 이는 이들 문서가 같은 시기에 같은 동일한 목적으로 작성되었음을 보여주는 것이다. 및 다른 자료들과의 비교를 통하여 결락된 건물들의 상당수를 확인할 수 있다. 현재 기록되어 있는 건물들 이외에 佛殿과 僧堂을 비롯하여 善法堂, 祖師堂, 內樓門, 食堂, 淨廚 등이 확인된다. 이렇게 확인된 수선사의 건물들 중 상당수는 의 건물들과 공통되고 있는데, 이들은 고려시대 선종 사원의 일반적 모습을 보여주는 것으로 생각된다. 한편 두 사찰 중 한쪽에만 보이는 건물들도 있는데, 이들은 해당 사찰의 지리적 특성 및 역사를 반영하는 것으로 생각된다. The temple census registers in Goryeo Dynasty which contain the duplicates of epitaphs as well as the inventories of the buildings, monks, mass, real estate and movable property are very important material in understanding the state of the temple in the period. The Suseon-sa census register is the only one which remains in original form, but we can also reconstruct the census register of Dae'an-sa by reuniting the remained materials. Comparison with the Suseon-sa census register show that the items such as 'the Inventory of Statues and Buildings at the time,' 'the Inventory of monks and mass,' 'the copy of Great Master Gwangja's epitaph' and 'the copy of Seon[Zen] Master Jeogin's epitaph' in the Tae'ansa ji are the separated segments of the Dae'an-sa census register. The two temple census registers are in common in their entries and the recording style. It shows that they are made in the same time with the same purpose. They might have made in 1230 when the government made the census on the temples in the country except the northern frontiers. The fact that the persons in the register of Suseonsa had their careers in the early 1230s supports this inference. Through the comparison with that of Dae'an-sa we can restore some losses in the Suseon-sa census register. Some unknown buildings can be confirmed as inner storied building gate, restaurant and kitchen. And there must be the Buddhist sanctums and nunneries. Also in the other materials appear the buildings such as the Seonbeopdang [Good Dharma Hall] and the Josadang[Building dedicated to Founding Patriarch] in the temple. Most of the buildings in the Suseon-sa are also seen in the Dae'an-sa census register. The buildings of the two temples are very common. Among them the Seonbeopdang and Josadang are thought to reflect the special character of Seon[Chan] temple. Both temples had big scale restaurant, kitchen, water-house, storehouses, mill-house, stables, bathroom and toilet. They had also the temple gate[samun], as the formal border, and the storied building bridge, as the real border to outer world. While there are some buildings found only in one temple. They are thought to reflect the history and the topographical traits of each temple. As the recording order of the buildings in the temple census registers is thought to reflect the real arrangement we can infer the formation of the temples. In the Suseon-sa the three gates - inner storied building gate, temple gate and outer storied building gate - divided the temple to three spaces; the space for worship and practice, that of administration and that of daily living. While in the Dae'an-sa, different from the Suseon-sa, there is no spacial division inside the temple gate; all the building for worship, practice and administration existed inside the gate. But the some buildings where high rank monks resided existed in special space called upper part outside the temple gate. The bathroom and toilet were outside the temple gate as well as upper part. The temple census registers are, though there remain only two, the valuable material which show the concrete shape of Goryeo temples. We hope more developed studies will be done on the Goryeo temple using these material.

      • KCI등재

        18세기 중엽 사근도(沙斤道) 역인(驛人)의 호구(戶口) 구성과 실태 - 『사근도(沙斤道) 형지안(形止案)』 의 분석을 중심으로 -

        우인수 ( Woo In-soo ) 한국고문서학회 2017 古文書硏究 Vol.51 No.-

        본 논문은 새롭게 발견된 18세기 중엽인 1747년(영조 23)의 『사근도 형지안』을 분석하여 역에 속한 역인의 구성과 실태를 살핀 글이다. 『사근도 형지안』은 현존하는 4개의 역도 형지안 중의 하나라는 점에서 의미가 있고, 전체가 완전하게 남아있는 형지안이어서 그 의미가 더욱 크다. 현존하는 김천도와 송라도 형지안과는 비슷한 시기라는 점에서, 자여도 형지안과는 비슷한 지역이라는 점에서 좋은 비교 대상이 된다는 점도 자료가 가지는 큰 장점이다. 『사근도 형지안』은 소속 15개 역별로 작성되어 있는데, 사근역의 경우가 규모가 가장 커서 역인의 수가800명을 넘었고, 그 아래에 500명대의 안간역, 400명대의 유린역, 300명대의 정수역의 순이었다. 그 아래 100명대의 역이 5개역, 100명 이하의 역이 6개역이었다. 15개 역의 역인 총수는 3,468명이었다. 여기에 보인 460명을 더할 경우 3,928명이었다. 보인을 제외할 경우 자여도의 경우와 거의 비슷한 규모였다. 각 역의 역인은 호로 묶여 파악되고 있었다. 이때의 호는 역인 파악의 편의를 도모하기 위해 혈연에 기초하여 만든 호였다. 사근역의 경우 165개 호 가운데 40개 호의 호수가 사망자이거나 도망자였으며, 도망자중에는 100세가 넘는 자도 3명이나 있었다. 그리고 역인 중 다수를 차지하고 있는 역리의 경우 직접 역을 지지 않는 여성인 역녀가 기재 대상에서 아예 제외되어 있었다. 따라서 호를 통한 가족의 여러 가지 상황파악에는 근본적인 한계가 있다. 결국 형지안 작성의 주된 관심은 驛役을 지는 정확한 역인의 실태 파악에 있었다. 이 점을 고려하여 역인의 특징을 밝히는 데 집중하였다. 역리의 역별 구성과 규모, 연령대 및 연령별 분석의 특징을 추출할 수 있었다. 특히 역노비의 경우는 남녀가 모두 기재되어 있는 자료의 특성상 역리의 경우보다 더 다양한 분석이 가능하였다. 성비의 분석, 출자별 분석, 혼인의 양태 등이 그것이다. 나아가 분석의 결과를 김천도, 송라도, 자여도의 경우와 비교 분석함으로써 사근도의 특징을 더욱 드러낼 수 있다. 역에서 차지하는 비중이 점차 줄어들고 있는 일수와 보인의 모습과 실태도 확인하였다. This study set out to analyze the Census Register of Sageundo Stations, which is newly discovered material that was written in 1747 (the 23rd year of King Yeongjo`s reign) in the mid-18th century, and examine the composition and reality of station workers. The Census Register of Sageundo Stations holds its significance as one of the four remaining census registers of stations and even greater importance as the only census register with all of its contents kept intact. It also has a huge advantage of being a good object of comparison as it addresses a similar period to the census registers of Kimcheondo and Songrado and covers a similar area to the census register of Jayeodo. The Census Register of Sageundo Stations contains the data of 15 stations within the jurisdiction. Of the stations, Sageun Station was the biggest and had over 800 station workers, followed by Angan Station with about 500 stations workers, Yurin Station with about 400 station workers, and Jeongsu Station with about 300 station workers in that order. There were five stations with approximately 100 station workers and six stations with fewer than 100 station workers. The total number of station workers at the 15 stations was 3,468. Their workforce reached 3,928 when 460 carriers were added to them. Sageundo was a similar size to Jayeodo when the carriers were not included. The stations` workers at each station were surveyed in terms of household. There were 165 households within the jurisdiction of Sageun Station, and the head was dead or escaped in 40 of them. There were even three people that were 100 years old or older among the escapees. Accounting to the majority of station workers, the official clerks had Yeokneyo, which refers to women charged with no direct duty of Yeok, excluded from their census registers. These findings indicate that there are fundamental limitations figuring out various situations involving families based on households. The major concern of the census register was to examine the actual conditions of station workers charged with the duty of station Yeok accurately. Taking that into consideration, the present study focused on shedding light on the characteristics of station workers and identified the composition and size of official clerks by the stations and the characteristics of analysis by age groups. A more diverse analysis of station servants was more possible than official clerks at the station since the material contained the data of both male and female station servants. They include analysis by gender, birth condition, and marital status. Furthermore, the analysis results of Sageundo was compared and analyzed with those of Gimcheondo, Songrado, and Jayeodo to make its characteristics more prominent. The importance of errand boys and carriers gradually decreased at the station, whose binding force over them weakened. These situations were explained in comparison to the reality of the times.

      • KCI등재

        등록센서스를 위한 보완행정인구의 연령대별 성비구조 특성의 평가

        전광희(Kwang-Hee Jun) 충남대학교 사회과학연구소 2015 사회과학연구 Vol.26 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the age-specific sex ratio structure of an administrative population (IAP) improved for a register-based census, comparing it with the corresponding sex ratio structure for the census population (CP) to be enumerated at the date of 2010. Since the administrative population and the census population are based on different age concepts, the paper develops a “cross-reference coefficient” technique that helps convert the census population from a survey-based to a register-based age-specific sex ratio structure of 2010 census population. For the census population, sex ratio differences between survey-based and register-based age structure are largely negligible. Sex ratios increase with age in ages 0-20 for both the administrative and census populations, but for ages 15-24 are a little larger for the census population than for the administrative population, and the sex ratio difference increases for ages 25-44, particularly being higher for the administrative population than for the census population for ages 35-44, decreases in ages 45 and older and even reverses itself in ages 75 and over. Sex ratios differ by cities and provinces when the administrative and census populations are compared with each other, particularly in the register ages 20-30 and 40-49. It is due to the fact that the administrative population is counted on the basis of register, while the census population is enumerated at the place of survey. Undoubtedly, it may be due to the that fact that males and females are more differentially counted in the census population than they are in the administrative population. Sex ratio structure will differ a little between the census population and the administrative population, since the census to be carried out in 2015 will compile the “census” population from the administrative population, which is derived from the population register. However, when either Ridge regression or dual system estimation (DSE) methodology is skillfully used by the national statistical institute, census users will not have any significant problems due to minor interruptions in time series in understanding changes in age-specific sex ratio structure over time.

      • KCI등재

        「신라촌락문서」의 인구통계와 그 작성 시기

        박남수(Park, Nam-soo) 신라사학회 2021 新羅史學報 Vol.- No.52

        본고에서는 「신라촌락문서」의 원장과 추기의 인구 변동 사항에 주목하여. 공연과 계연, 9등연의 관계 및 동 문서의 작성과정을 살피고자 하였다. 또한 본 문서에 사용된 이두의 사용례를 검토하여 그 작성시기를 분명히 하고자 하였다. 그 결과 공연과 9등연은 정남을 기준으로 한 것이고, 계연수는 등급연으로부터 정남 6명을 기준으로 도출한 계산 값임을 알 수 있었다. 또한 九等烟이 『周禮』에 연원을 두는 한편으로 촌락문서의 운영, 작성 방식은 唐 戶令의 영향을 받은 것이었다. 한편으로 동 문서에 사용된 이두로 미루어 볼 때에, 818년에 동 문서의 원장인 계장을 작성하였음을 확인할 수 있었다. 이를 인구 통계로써 살핀 동 문서의 작성과정과 비교할 때에 그 작성 연차를 확인할 수 있었다. 곧 갑오년(814)에 호등을 산정하였고, 을미년(815)에는 전식년의 호적을 작성하였으며, 정유년(817)에는 원장의 계연과 호등을, 무술년(818)에는 본 문서의 원장인 계장과 호적을, 그리고 기해년(819)에 본 문서의 추기인 계장을 각각 작성하였음을 밝힐 수 있었다. This paper focuses on the changes of demographics recorded in the original document of the Silla Village Register and the supplementary notes. Through the analysis process, I tried to elucidate the relationship among the census household and the proportional census household, and the nine grades of household. I also aimed to understand the documentation process of the register. In addition, the Koreanized Chinese letters used in this document are studied to determine when the register was produced. From the information gathered during the researching process, it is possible to understand that the census household and the nine grades of household were calculated based on the number of able-bodied men while the calculation of the proportional census household was based on 6 able-bodied men. It is known that the system of the nine grades of household was originated from Chou Li. On the other hand, the documentation of Silla Village Register was affected by the regulations of households of the Tang dynasty. Analysis of the forms of Koreanized Chinese letters used in this register confirmed that the original document was written in 818. According to the analysis on the process of documentation of Silla Village Register, which is considered to be a demographic data, the census resister was completed every three years. Therefore, it can be seen that the grade of household was written in 814 and the census register was made in 815. It can also be seen that the proportional census household the and grade of household were recorded in 817, while the proportional census household and the census register were prepared in 818. And finally, it was confirmed that the supplementary notes were made in 819.

      • KCI등재

        한국 근대 호적의 호주 및 가족 구성 – 1906년 한성부 호적을 중심으로 –

        이정선 서울역사편찬원 2016 서울과 역사 Vol.- No.92

        This study reviews the early process of the organization of the family in the family register(戶籍) with regard to the introduction of the family-head system (戶主制) by analyzing examples found in the Hansŏngbu(漢城府) in 1906 as well as the legal characteristics of Korea’s modern family register. The term ‘family-head(戶主)’ first appeared in the Royal Order for Census(戶口調査規則, 1896). However, the Royal Order for Census, designed to register current cohabiters based on houses, was more akin to a resident registration system; meanwhile, the notion of the family-head was closer to the householder of a family. In addition, the decision as to who would become the family-head among the cohabiters and who would become cohabitant relatives(同居親屬) was not always based on the agnatic principle(宗法). One can find examples of non-agnatic family compositions in the 1906 Hansŏngbu family register. Such examples include fathers or elder brothers described in the family register of their sons or younger brothers, sons registered in the family register of their mothers, and sons-in-law listed in the family register of their family-in-law as the cohabitant relative. The reorganization of the members of the family register based on the agnatic principle began during the Japanese colonial period, and more specifically around 1915. The Census Registration Law(民籍 法, 1909) defined the family(家) to be included in the family register as the family-head and the other members(家族). And the Government-General of Chosŏn changed The Census Registration Law as the family registration system, via the modification in 1915. At the same time, the Government- General of Chosŏn excluded non-agnatic family compositions that had been recognized in the past, reorganizing them in accord with the agnatic principle. As such, the Government-General of Chosŏn introduced the family-head system in colonial Korea by transforming the family into a branch of the 본고에서는 한국 근대 호적의 법제적 특징 및 1906년 한성부 호적의 기재사례를 분석함으로써, 호주제가 도입되면서 호적상의 호주 – 가족 관계가 종법에 따라 구성되는 초기의 과정을 살펴보았다. 먼저, 호구조사규칙(1896)에서는 호주라는 용어가 처음 사용되었지만, 개념상 가옥을 기준으로 현주 동거자를 등록하려 한 호구조사규칙은 주민등록제도에, 호주는 세대주에 가까웠다. 또한 동거자 중 누가 호주가 되고 누가 그의 동거친속이 되는지도 반드시 종법에 따라 결정된 것은 아니었다. 1906년 한성부 호적에서도 남성 호주의 호에 아버지나 형이, 여성 호주의 호에 아들이, 혹은 장인이나 장모의 호에 사위가 동거친속으로 기재된 비종법적 가족 구성이 확인되는 것이다. 호적의 구성원들이 종법에 따라 재편된 것은 일제시기, 그 중에서도 1915년을전후해서였다. 민적법(1909)은 민적의 구성원을 호주와 그의 가족으로 정의했고, 조선총독부가 1915년의 민적법 개정을 통해 민적을 대한민국의 호적법과 유사한 사법적 신분등록제도로 변경하였다. 그리고 이와 동시에 제사상속을 중심으로 하는 부계 친족 집단을 조선 가족제도의 핵심으로 간주하여, 그때까지 민적에 존재했던 비종법적 가족 관계를 직권으로 배제하고 종법에 따라 재구성한 것이다. 조선총독부는 이로써 호주와 가족으로 구성된 家를 부계 친족 집단의 분파로 만들고 그를 단위로 호적을 편제함으로써, 호주제를도입하고 이외의 가족 유형들을 호적에서 배제하였다.

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