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        일상적 평화 : 미시적 평화담론의 한반도 적용과 의의

        허지영 ( Heo¸ Ji Young ) 서울대학교 통일평화연구원 2021 통일과 평화 Vol.13 No.2

        한반도의 평화논의는 남북한의 정치적인 통합에 치중하며 평화의 다양한 개념과 형태를 반영하지 못하는 한계가 있다. 본 연구는 통일중심 평화논의를 확장하고자 갈등사회를 살아가는 평범한 개인들이 일상에서 주체적으로 만들어가는 미시적 차원의 평화적인 행동양식과 사고방식에 주목하는 일상적 평화이론을 고찰한다. 국제기구나 서구국가가 중심이 되어 자유주의 체제를 분쟁지역에 일률적으로 이식하는 방식의 자유주의 평화구축에 대한 비평적 성찰을 바탕으로 등장한 개념이 포스트자유주의 평화 담론이다. 평화구축 과정에서 갈등지역의 고유한 역사, 정치, 사회적 맥락의 중요성과 주체적인 행위자로서 지역주민의 참여를 강조한다. 일상적 평화는 포스트자유주의 담론 중에서도 갈등사회의 가장 미시적인 차원에서 일상을 살아가는 개인들의 평화적인 행동과 사고방식, 그리고 미시적 차원의 평화활동이 거시적인 사회체제나 구조와 영향을 주고받는 평화의 구성성에 주목하는 개념이다. 본 연구는 일상적 평화의 정의와 특징을 맥긴티의 이론을 중심으로 소개하고 정치적이고 구조적인 차원에 치중하는 평화이론들과 차별화되는 일상적 평화의 의의와 한계 그리고 확장성에 대해 고찰한다. 일상적 평화이론은 통일이라는 거대 담론을 넘어 한반도의 평화논의를 다양화하는 데 기여할 수 있을 것이다. This study examines the concept of everyday peace, based on the critical perspective that varieties of peace have not been considered in the dominant unification discourse in South Korean society, which focuses on the political integration of the two Koreas. Everyday peace refers to the routinized pro-peace and pro-social practices by individuals and collectives living in deeply divided post-conflict societies. Everyday peace, one of post-liberal peace discourses which emerged as a critique of liberal peace, a dominant form of peace-support intervention, occurs in spaces or localities over which individuals and communities exercise limited control. Everyday peace is of significance in that it attempts to go beyond the dichotomies in peace and conflict studies of local vs. global or agent vs. structure. This article closely studies the theory of everyday peace focusing on Mac Ginty’s research, discussing its scalability as well as its limits. As a liberal-local hybrid form of peace, everyday peace can contribute to diversifying the peace and unification discourses in South Korea, in which peace is often regarded as political processes for unification.

      • 강원지역‘DMZ 평화의 길’에 대한 평화학적 의미

        황수환 ( Hwang Soowhan ) 한국접경지역통일학회 2019 접경지역통일연구 Vol.3 No.1

        본 논문은 강원도 지역을 중심으로‘DMZ 평화의 길’조성사업에 대해 평화학적으로 어떠한 의미와 가치가 있는지 살펴보는 데 목적이 있다. 2019년 4월 27일 강원도 고성지역을 시작으로 6월 1일 철원지역에서‘DMZ 평화의길’이 민간에게 개방했다.‘ DMZ 평화의길’조성사업에 대해 요한 갈퉁이 구조적 평화로 구분한 생태평화, 국내외 구성원 간 평화, 사회적 불평등 해소, 평화지역, 문화적 공존, 이상 영역들의 지속적 유지 등6개의영역으로구분하여분석했다.‘ DMZ 평화의길’조성사업은 정치, 군사, 경제적 측면과 더불어 역사·문화, 생태·환경 등 각 분야별로 평화학적 관점에서 조성사업을 통해 적극적 평화를 구현하기 위한 방안으로 한반도 평화구축을 위한 상징적 역할을 담당할 것으로 기대된다. 강원지역‘DMZ 평화의 길’은 남과 북을 이어주고 한반도에서 적극적 평화를 구현하고 평화의 가치를 실현하는 시작점이 될 것으로 보인다. The purpose of this paper is to analysis the significance and value contained in the peaceful ways of building the ‘DMZ Peace Road’around Gangwon Province. Starting on April 27, 2019 in Goseong, Gangwon Province, ‘DMZ Peace Path’was opened to the private sector in Cheorwon area, on June 1. The analysis of the ‘DMZ Peace Road’project was divided into six areas: ecological peace, which is divided into structural peace, peace between members of both countries, dissolution of social inequality, peace zone, cultural coexistence. ‘DMZ Peace Road’project is a plan to realize positive peace through political, military and economic aspects as well as history, culture, ecology and environment from a peaceful perspective. It is expected to play a role.‘ DMZ Peace Road’in Gangwon seems to be the starting point for linking South and North Korea, realizing positive peace on the Korean Peninsula, and realizing the value of peace.

      • KCI등재

        평화학적 관점에서 본 한반도 평화의 방향

        황수환 사단법인 한국평화연구학회 2019 평화학연구 Vol.20 No.1

        The possibilities for the Korean peninsula’s permanent peace began to appear through the North-South summit and the US-NK summit in 2018. Especially, the three rounds of the North-South summit contributed to form trust between the North and South, and develop foundation for peace. This paper analyzed the prerequisites to achieve peace in the Korean Peninsula from the perspective of peace studies. In the perspective of peace studies, unification by peace, realization of human security, and overcoming the division toward everyday peace have to be achieved. In other words, the path towards the Korean Peninsula’s peace should be considered as the long-term process including not only political and military factors, but also positive peace where everyday peace can be realized. Furthermore, the Korean Peninsula’s peace must be understood as the concept which encompasses institutional factors such as norms, principles, rules, procedures and the tangible improvement of the relationship based on the change of trust and awareness. 본 논문은 2018년 한반도를 둘러싼 정치・외교적 변화의 분위기 속에서 진정한 한반도의 평화가 달성되기 위해서는 평화학적 관점에서 무엇이 필요한지 살펴보고자 한다. 2018년 남북정상회담과 북미정상회담을 통해 한반도에서 항구적 평화가 실현될 수 있다는 희망의 실마리가 나타났다. 특히 2018년 3차례의 남북정상회담으로 남북 간에는 신뢰가 형성되었고 평화구축을 위한 기반이 조성되었다고 평가하고 있다. 이러한 분위기 속에서 한반도 평화를 달성하기 위한 평화학적 관점으로는 평화에 의한 통일, 인간다운 삶의 실현, 분단체제의 극복을 통한 일상적 평화가 달성되어야 하겠다. 즉 대외적인 정치・외교·군사적 요소뿐만 아니라 내부적인 일상적 평화가 실현되는 적극적 평화상태를 위한 장기적 과정으로 인식해야 하겠다. 또한 평화학적 관점에서 바라본 한반도 평화는 불안정한 평화를 관리하기 위한 규범, 원칙, 규칙, 절차 등의 제도적 집합뿐만 아니라, 신뢰와 인식의 변화를 통한 상호관계의 실질적 변화를 포괄하는 개념으로 파악해야 하겠다.

      • KCI등재

        뉴미디어 세대와 일본 풀뿌리 평화운동의 조우: "헌법 9조에 노벨평화상을" 운동

        정지희 ( Jung Ji-hee ) 한국일어일문학회 2016 日語日文學硏究 Vol.98 No.2

        この論文は、2012年の第2次安倍晋三內閣成立後、日本政府·與黨による改憲の動きが表面化している狀況の中で、平和憲法を維持してきた日本國民をノ一ベル平和賞候補に3年連續推薦する活動を行っている「憲法9條にノ一ベル平和賞を」運動を分析する。旣存の平和運動、特に護憲運動の主軸を成した戰爭世代とは異なり、戰爭體驗ではなく、生活平和主義的感受性とニュ一メディアという新しいコミュニケ一ション手段を持つ平凡な主婦から始まったこの運動は、數十万の贊同者を集め、全國的、またグロ一バルな關心と支持の中で、3年以上勢力を增やしている。この論文は、このような異例の運動を可能にした大きな要因としてニュ一メディア環境がもたらした新たな動員構造に注目する一方、單純なインタ一ネット署名運動を超えて運動の擴散が可能になったのは、日本の草の根市民運動組織と個人有志、そして彼らの蓄積された運動經驗が結合されたためであったことを提起する。「憲法9條にノ一ベル平和賞を」運動は、前後2世代の新しい運動方式と從來の平和運動が改憲政局という特殊な狀況の下で、結合に成功した事例として、また、1980年代を經て、主に保守主義と連動して理解されてきた生活平和主義に潛む政治性が顯在化した事例として意義づけることができる。 This paper examines the campaign entitled "The Nobel Peace Prize for Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution." By collecting petitions, this campaign has recommended the Japanese people who have kept the Peace Constitution as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize for three consecutive years. Building on an intriguing new media-based grassroots peace movement launched by Takasu Naomi, an ordinary housewife and mother of two young children, the campaign represents an effort to protest against the Liberal Democratic Party government`s series of actions aimed at revising the constitution after the establishment of the second Abe Shinzo Cabinet in 2012. My study pays special attention to the role of new media in creating new mobilizing structures for ordinary citizens to promote the movement and gain popular support. Nevertheless, without numerous enthusiastic supporters, grassroots social movement organizations, and their accumulated experience and strategies, it would have been impossible for the movement to expand its popular base. Thus, I assess this movement as having successfully combined the ways of traditional Japanese grassroots social movements with the new methods of the second-postwar generation movement. It also suggests that an everyday-life pacifism (as opposed to political pacifism), which has conventionally been associated with conservatism in postwar Japanese society, can surprisingly serve as a catalyst for civic activism.

      • KCI등재

        임란기 부산지역 전란가사의 의미 고찰

        황병익 ( Byeong Ik Hwang ) 부산광역시사편찬위원회 2010 항도부산 Vol.26 No.-

        「Taepyeongsa」(a work of In­ro Bak), 「Jaeilbonjangga」(Su-hae Baek) and 「Seonsangtan」(In­ro Bak) are old Korean War Verses in Busan during Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592, which show three types of an old korea War Verse 「Taepyeongsa」 is singing the outbreak of war, fierce battle and the process of recovering peace. 「Jaeilbonjangga」 is singing the sign and despair of prisoners of war, strong honor and yearning for hometown. The lamentation and anger hovering battle line despite the end of war, the promise of exoneration and the prayer for peace are put into 「Seonsangtan」. Among them, only 「Taepyeongsa」 which is similar to 「Namjeongga」 under Myeongjong`s reign has the typical flowing of old Korean War Verses whose contents are (1) peaceful times before war (2) outbreak of war (3) fierce situations of war a defeat and victory (4) serenity recovery and maintenance of peaceful times but these works describe one section of war from various points of time and view. 「Taepyeongsa」 which has the most typical structure doesn`t have any self­reflection on the inefficient Royal court and ruling class being idle and engaged in exhaustive party strife, appreciates Royal favor formally and has limit of emphasizing ethics. But these old Korean War Verses which put the experiences of disturbances of war based on Busan in need other category-settings different from those of other works which have manly men`s heroic temper in that they reveal the pain and calamity of war, the impoverishment of society and hostility against invaders based on realistic subject matter of war and they make people aware of how valuable everyday life performing a religious service and embodying manners and ethics with parents, brothers and sisters in peaceful times is, These works have obvious existence base as old Korean War Verses with Sa­jun Yang`s 「Namjeongga」, Hyeon Choi`s 「Yongsa­ eum」 and 「Myeongweoleum」 and Deuk­gi Chae`s 「Bongsankok」. Old Korean War Verses include 1) lingering war clouds and terrible sight of the disturbances of war 2) immanent anxiety and remorse, anger and pent­up rage 3) fidelity and true feeling shining brilliantly in a critical moment 4) strong determination and burning intention to fight and 5) yearning for hometown and peaceful times.

      • KCI등재

        기로에 선 북아일랜드: 성 금요일 평화협정 체결 이후 갈등과 평화의 동학

        황준서 한국외국어대학교 EU연구소 2021 EU연구 Vol.- No.58

        1998년에 북아일랜드는 1972년부터 약 30년 동안 계속되었던 무력분쟁을 멈추고 평화로운 사회를 건설하기 위한 여정을 시작했다. 그러나 그 길은 절대 순탄하지 않았으며, 오히려 최근 브렉시트 이후 정치적으로, 사회적으로 더욱 더 불안해지고 있다. 본 논문은 북아일랜드를 위로부터 타협된 평화, 아래로부터 만들어지는 평화, 평화의 반대자들이 구성하는 ‘평화와 갈등의 동학’이 존재하는 공간으로 파악한다. 그리고 Romsbotham, Woodhouse & Miall이 제시한 모래시계 모델(Hourglass Model)을 기반으로 이 동학을 분석하여 북아일랜드가 여전히 정치적으로, 사회적으로 불안정한 원인이 ‘갈등 봉합’ 중심 갈등 해결 접근방식에 있음을 밝히고자 한다. Northern Ireland embarked on its journey to a long-awaited peace after the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998. However, the road to peace has been bumpy and struck by Brexit, Northern Ireland is becoming more and more politically and socially unstable. This article understands Northern Ireland as a post-conflict space where three strands of peace and conflict - elite-brokered peace, localised bottom-up peace, and spoilers of peace - constitute ‘the dynamics of peace and conflict’. In light of Romsbotham, Woodhouse & Miall’s Hourglass Model, it argues that the socio-political instability of Northern Ireland is originated from its ‘conflict settlement’ approach to peace process.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        Context of Denial in the Practice of Local Knowledge during Grassroots Peacebuilding: An Analysis of Grassroots Activists’ Experiences in North and East Sri Lanka

        ( Shameera K. Walpita ) 서울대학교 통일평화연구원 2023 Asian Journal of Peacebuilding Vol.11 No.2

        Lived experiences of conflict-affected locals are an important source of local knowledge that should be incorporated into peacebuilding. However, the national project of peacebuilding in post-war Sri Lanka has failed to consider local knowledge and voices. Utilizing a grassroots perspective, this study examines the experiences of grassroots activists in north and east Sri Lanka to understand the various challenges that have hindered their attempts to share experiences and narratives of war and cultural practices across communities. The findings show that a “context of denial,” identified variously as institutional denial, fear-based denial, and community denial, has prevented grassroots activists from engaging in a meaningful dialogue about peace, reconciliation, and justice. This study helps build an understanding of how grassroots activism functions and is challenged.

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