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        일본 헤이안 시대의 여성문학과 일상 정경의 남녀관계학 -탈것과 새 울음소리에 주목하여-

        이미숙 ( Lee Mi-suk ) 한국문학치료학회 2017 문학치료연구 Vol.44 No.-

        본고는 <가게로 일기>와 <겐지 모노가타리>라는 일본 헤이안 시대를 대표하는 여성문학 텍스트에 형상화된 탈것과 새 울음소리의 작품 내 쓰임에 주목하여, 이들 일상 정경이 단순한 이동수단이나 계절을 알려주는 자연풍물로서만이 아니라 타고 있거나 듣고 있는 사람의 처지와 상황을 독자로 하여금 인식할 수 있도록 하는 지표로 전화하고 있는 양상, 그리고 이들 묘사를 통해 읽어낼 수 있는 남녀관계의 구도에 대해 살펴본 논문이다. <가게로 일기>와 <겐지 모노가타리>를 비롯한 헤이안 시대 여성문학에서 탈것은 인간관계, 특히 남녀관계의 역학구도와 그 관계성의 내실을 자연스럽게 드러내거나, 한 남성을 사이에 둔 여성들 간의 갈등을 비추는 잣대의 하나로 쓰이고 있다. 탈것을 잣대로 바라보았을 때 헤이안 시대의 남녀관계는 구도 상 수레를 함께 탈 수 없고 남성이 찾아오기만을 기다리는 관계, 수레를 함께 탈 수 있는 관계, 수레를 타지 않아도 바로 만날 수 있는 가까운 거리에 여성이 거처할 수 있는 관계, 한집에서 동거하는 삶 등으로 남성과 여성의 관계, 남성과 여성의 거리를 조감할 수 있다. 헤이안 시대 여성문학에서는 일상생활 속의 탈것을 제재로 하여 남녀관계의 거리를 구상화 하였다고 할 수 있다. 또한 헤이안 시대 여성문학에는 두견새와 휘파람새라는 새와 새의 울음소리를 통해 남녀 간의 관계구도 및 인간관계를 드러내는 기법도 쓰였다. <만요슈> 이래 일본 고전문학에서 많이 등장한 새로는 두견새와 휘파람새를 들 수 있다. 휘파람새는 매화와 결합하여 이른 봄을 알려주는 밝은 이미지의 새로서 일본인의 의식과 와카 전통 속에서 공고화 되었으며, 5월의 경물인 두견새는 밤의 적막함과 그늘에 숨어 있는 어둠의 새로서 사람들 마음속의 그리움이나 정한 등을 일깨우는 역할을 지니고 있었다. 두견새 울음소리는 헤이안 시대의 여성문학 속에서도 기존의 고정된 이미지와 크게 다르지 않다. 이에 반해 휘파람새 울음소리는 헤이안 시대 여성문학, 특히 `기다리는 여자`의 자기서사인 <가게로 일기>에 이르러, 남성을 기다리는 여성의 기다림을 형상화하는 작품 기조에 맞추어 일상 속 기다림을 드러내는 제재로 그 쓰임새가 전화되었다. 탈것과 새 울음소리라는 일상 정경이 헤이안 시대 여성문학의 중요한 제재로써 남녀 간의 관계구도를 형상화하거나 남성을 사이에 둔 여성 간의 관계구도를 드러내거나 작품 속에서 비유적으로 쓰인 것은 헤이안 시대 여성 문학의 주된 담당 층이 여성이라는 데 기인한 것으로 보인다. 남성과 달리활동의 폭이 좁았던 여성 작가는 일상적으로 접하고 있던 일상 정경이라는 필터를 통해 인간관계의 구도를 조망하였다. 수레는 귀족들의 일상생활과 떼려야 뗄 수 없는 이동수단이었기에 추상적인 남녀관계의 거리가 구상화되어 독자의 이해와 공감을 이끌어낼 수 있었으며, 집안에서도 사시사철 들을수 있는 새 울음소리는 남성의 방문을 신경을 곤두세우며 기다리던 헤이안시대 여성문학의 주된 향유 층이었던 여성 독자의 공감을 이끌어낼 수 있는 제재이기도 하였다. 결국 일상 정경의 제재화는 좁은 활동 공간 속에서 삶을 영위하였던 헤이안 시대 여성 작가의 일상성에 바탕을 둔 글쓰기 전략이 라고도 할 수 있다. This paper examines the ways in which vehicles and birdsongs appear in the Kagerounikki and the Genjimonogatari, the representative texts of women`s literature of the Japanese Heian Period, and considers the ways in which they are not merely modes of transport or phenomena of the natural world marking the passing of seasons but are also tools that allow the reader to understand the emotional state of the character riding the vehicle or listening to the birdsong. In addition, the paper also explores how their descriptions provide insight into male-female relationship dynamics during the Heian Period. Vehicles are a means of naturally expressing the dynamics of human relationships, particularly those between men and women, as well as the conflict between women over men, in the women`s literature of the Japanese Heian Period, such as Kagerounikki and Genjimonogatari. The relationship between men and women and the distance between them can be expressed in the following ways through the medium of the vehicle: the relationship of the woman who cannot ride at the same time with the man and has to wait for him, the woman that can ride with the man, the woman that lives in such a close proximity to the man that there is no need to ride the cart, and the woman that lives on the same house as the man. The lesser cuckoo and the bush warbler and their birdsongs are also used to express the relationship between humans and between men and women in women`s literature of the Japanese Heian Period. The lesser cuckoo and the bush warbler are birds that appear often in Japanese classical literature from the Manyousyu. The bush warbler is a bird with a bright image that, in association with the plum blossom, marks the coming of spring. This image has become established in the Japanese consciousness and the waka tradition. The lesser cuckoo, which forms part of the May scene, presents an image of the stillness of night as a bird hidden in the shadows, and brings to mind notions of longing. This established image of the lesser cuckoo and its birdsong are also present in the women`s literature of the Japanese Heian Period. The image of the birdsong of the bush warbler, on the other hand, has been transformed in the women`s literature of the Japanese Heian Period - in particular in Kagerounikki, which is a self-narrative text of a “waiting woman”―to represent waiting in everyday life. The way in which scenes of everyday life featuring vehicles and birdsongs were an important topic of women`s literature of the Japanese Heian Period, and how they were used as metaphors to represent the relationship dynamics between women and men or the conflict between women over men is associated with the fact that the authors were women. Due to the limited nature of the activities that they could engage in, female authors explored human relationships through the filter of everyday life. The cart was an important mode of transportation for the nobility at the time, allowing it to be a suitable medium to express the distance between men and women in a way that the readers could empathize with. Birdsongs, which could be heard from the house throughout the year, were also a similarly functioning medium for female readers who would spend their time anxiously waiting for visits from men. In other words, the use of such scenes from everyday life as motifs can be regarded as a strategic choice made by female authors of the Japanese Heian period whose living space and freedom were limited.

      • KCI등재

        Study on Heroine Discourse under the Kim Jong Un Regime : Focusing on Articles of Women of Joseon

        Sung-wook Nam,Jin Bae,Su-lan Chae,Ga-young Lee 이화여자대학교 통일학연구원 2017 Journal of peace and unification Vol.7 No.1

        For an overview of women’s policy in North Korea, 60 volumes of Women of Joseon (2012.1-2016.12) were subject to analysis. The journal has been the exemplary model that puts across the authority’s policy and explores various types of the heroine to push for a “learn from the heroine campaign.” The heroines in the journal articles can be categorized into five types of ideal womanhood – the hardworking woman, the woman revolutionary, the professional woman, the good wife and wise mother, and the woman supporting the military and volunteering. Those five types are used to examine the policy intentions of the North Korean authorities. The analysis of policy intentions found the collapse of conventional gender-based boundaries of labor areas; the spread of the Stakhanov movement; the propagation of the theory of the great family and paternalism of women; and succession by the third generation and political power of women. Like other socialist states, the North Korea advocates gender equality through policies. However, in reality, it defines its view towards women under its unique propaganda called “Juche Idea”, so that North Korean women are dominated by patriarchal ideology that prioritizes the father (the leader) and are socially restrained to realize themselves within the boundaries of the party and organization. They are also haunted by the male-centered patriarchal view of the family and undertake production activities in the labor force while simultaneously handling housework and childcare. Worse yet, women are faced with hardworking competition, production-quotas, and ideology-learning programs that aim to cover the shortcomings of the social economic system and maximize the use of labor forces causing women to be burdened with a double and even triple whammy.

      • KCI등재

        태국의 여성단체와 정치참여

        황규희 ( Hwang Kyu Hee ) 한국태국학회 2007 한국태국학회논총 Vol.14 No.-

        Women's organizations are broad bases, ranging from grassroots organizations to associations of people at the upper level of Thai society. The first women's organizations were philanthropic in nature by upper classes. Since the launching of the UN's Women Decade(in 1975), women's organizations ventured out of the charitable field into more political activities on a wide scale. After May 1992, women's organizations had become somewhat stronger. Their contribution to the new constitution had gained them respect and recognition among general NGOs. Some women's regional network was also emerging but with little definite direction. After Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995, women's organizations became the driving forces for the promotion of human rights, gender equality and social justice in Thailand. Women's organizations were led into political issues and ultimately to amending or changing the constitution. Because women's organizations saw the constitution as an important tool to change labour and family laws that were discriminatory towards women. So women's organizations aimed to widen women's opportunities and provide support for effective participation in politics at all levels as voters, supporters and candidates. Other NGOs had helped to build the capacity to broaden public participation in development, improve access to the legal system, and advance the rights of women and children. As a result, in the 1997 Constitution the concept of these frameworks dealt with the basic rights of the people, and their right to participation in the political decision-making, process by guaranteeing individual freedom and fundamental rights in the public laws. To promote grassroots democracy in Thai civil society, women's organizations and NGOs needed to advocate the concepts of people's empowerment and participation. This paper focuses on the political role of women's organizations to expand the grassroots democracy for the purpose of political reform during the 1997 constitution-drafting process in Thailand.

      • KCI등재후보

        19세기 영국 여성의 시민권과 공동체의식

        강옥선 미래영어영문학회 2012 영어영문학 Vol.17 No.2

        Women's citizenship had been ignored since Aristotle's exclusion of the female from the public realm because of the lack of authority of her reasoned discourse. This is a historical irony which has to be reconsidered from a gender history. Women's citizenship rights continue to be marginalised within historical studies. Even though British women were not accepted as citizens in the nineteenth century, they played various important economic and political roles such as patronage, home enterprise and Sunday school. British women often played a crucial part in maintaining community relationships with a wide impact on local citizens. For example, philanthropy was a central component of the lives of women, drawing upon women's community, as well as social and economic affiliations. Sometimes charitable patronages could be linked to wider social and political objectives within their neighborhood. Therefore, women's citizenship could be revalued within the frame work of a broader involvement with economic labor and social networking within a community.

      • Widening Women’s Space through Land Rights

        Smita Magar 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 2016 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 학술대회자료집 Vol.2016 No.7

        How a patriarchal society understands the concept of space seems to determine women’s access to their land rights. This understanding of women space can limit women from realizing their full potentiality as it prevents or discourages them from accessing opportunities that are in public space. In a patriarchal society, women space is mostly within the household, i.e. a private space. While, for men, their space is mostly thought to be of/in public space. The land, in general understanding is a public space. Currently, in Nepal, 60% of women are involved in land; but only about 19% of women have land in their names. The reason for this is due to the discriminatory construction of ‘women space’ in the patriarchal society. Where she belongs? What is she allowed to have as a property? Or through whom she is entitled for the property determines her place and space in the family and the society. This means women are constrained due to the concept of space entitled to them. Along with it, they are exposed to different forms of vulnerabilities and exploitation. So, to empower women, the space where most of them are involved or engaged has to be targeted. The land where they are working, if can legally be made theirs with their full ownership and access, the private space of women will slowly widen to public space. This will eventually lead to breaking the boundaries created by patriarchal societies to limit women participation in public space. With this argument, in this paper, I will focus on how ensuring land rights in agricultural country like Nepal can be a tool for women empowerment, widening their role in the public space and reducing the gender gap. The paper is mainly based on my observation during field research in Nawalparasi district of Nepal. It will also get its ideas supported through different scholars’ arguments and writings.

      • KCI등재

        한국 간호저널에서 여성건강 연구경향 분석: 최근 6년간의 논문분석[2010~2015]

        안숙희 ( Ahn Sukhee ),이은주 ( Lee Eun-joo ),전은미 ( Jun Eun Mi ),김명희 ( Kim Myounghee ),김수 ( Kim Sue ),송주은 ( Song Ju-eun ),천숙희 ( Cheon Suk-hee ),김문정 ( Kim Moon Jeong ),문소현 ( Moon So-hyun ) 여성건강간호학회 2018 여성건강간호학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        Purpose: To explore trends of women’s health in nursing research by analyzing articles on women aged 13 years or older that were published in Korean Journal for Women Health Nursing from 2010 to 2015. Methods: Seven focus areas were identified and modified to reflect integrative conceptual models of women's health: maternity care, menstrual concerns, health problems in women, gender influences on health risks, social influences on women’s health, women and health care policy, and sexual health and violence against women. A total of 383 studies were analyzed according to these seven focus areas. Results: Health problems in women, maternity care, and societal influences on women’s health were the most widely studied topics in Korean women's health. There was increased attention to societal influences on women's health and gender influences on health risk. However, these areas are still limited in nursing research. Only 1% of these studies were in area of women’s health policy. Conclusion: More studies in area of sexual health and violence against women are needed. Studies in area of women and health care policy are also needed to improve women's health in Korea.

      • Her Voice is Silenced because She is a Woman: The Case of Ghana

        Fariya Abubakari 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 2016 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 학술대회자료집 Vol.2016 No.7

        Women constitute most farmers in Ghana and do most of the agricultural work where all the times are found outdoors using hoe, cutlass and shovel to farm in all types of weather especially in summer heat and humidity when crop production are in full swing. The sun helps to sustain crops but its intensity has led to Cerebro-spinal Meningitis illness to children and women farmers especially in the northern part of Ghana. Yet most agricultural and economic policies are not visible inclusive of women. Discrimination against women in agriculture, especially smallholder women farmers is a serious injustice which must be shunned. There is widening gender gaps that exist in access to productive resources that are against women. This makes it difficult for them to move the old aged subsistence farming to market oriented production. It is a crime for a woman to own a piece of land and rear animals in northern part of the country, making it difficult for women farmers in some communities to support their children’s education. Women are poorer than men because they are often denied equal rights and opportunities, lack access to assets and do not have the same entitlements as men. They also carry the burden of reproductive and care work and represent the majority of unpaid labour. This paper tends to reveal ways women are being shunned in various aspects of lives and how it affects them negatively in Ghana.

      • KCI등재

        청말 여성의 일본 유학과 정체성의 확립

        이영란 명청사학회 2017 명청사연구 Vol.0 No.47

        Unlike acceptance of Western Learning, Chinese modernization had a direct effect on women who studied in Japan in the late Qing Dynasty. Women studying abroad in the late Qing Dynasty looked at the social structure of China critically in the magazines they published and developed their identifies based on ideologies and theories on better society. Women students stood in the middle of reform and revolution through academic activities where feminist issues and identity recognition were considered important. Therefore, they intended to develop their identities through reform and revolution and to challenge the issue of gender at that time, they needed advanced ideas and civilization. Then, they went abroad to study further. Women's desire for studying in Japan in the beginning of 1900s reached its peak along with expansion of girls' academy after a new government was established. Most of the girl students who went to Japan for studying before 1903 followed their families, but after 1903, the number of girl students who went there alone gradually increased. They were active in writing articles and making speeches on roles of women under Japan-centrism. Feminist issues in China were responded in the perspective of men until the Wu-Xu Bian-Fa Movement. However, women began to find problems and answers themselves. Women who went to Japan for studying led the publication of magazines and specifically intended to solve their problems for themselves. Chenxiefen(陈撷芬) who went to Japan for studying published a magazine named《Nuxuebao(女學報)》 in 1903 to educate women about the necessity of social and political activity. She explained that Chinese women did not have any right and pointed out problems in the process of finding their rights. Qiujin(秋瑾) helped women to realize that they are members of the country in 《Baihuabao(白話報))》. Also, she put an emphasis on breaking away from the traditional patriarchal system to search for their own ways. 《Zhongguoxinnujiezazhi(中國新女界雜誌)》 Lubicheng(呂碧城) and Yanbin(燕斌) published in Tokyo in 1907 was one of the most influential magazines on development of woman identities. The magazine dealt with establishment of girls's schools, extension of women's rights and women's participation in politics for equal opportunities between men and women. Women who studied abroad actively presented their opinions through magazines and educated other women about feminist issues. They made every effort to be women leaders in opening new ideologies, civilization and society. 청말 일본유학에 따른 중국 근대화의 영향은 서구열강에서 받아들여진 서학 수용과는 다른 직접적인 영향을 가져다주었다. 청말 여성 유학생들은 자신들이 발간한 잡지에서 중국의 사회구조를 비판적으로 바라보면서 보다 나은 사회를 만들기 위한 사상과 이론으로 자신들의 정체성을 확립해 나갔다. 여성 유학생은 학술 활동을 통해 개혁과 혁명이라는 변화 속에 서게 되었다. 그들이 구상하는 개혁과 혁명의 의미는 여성문제와 정체성에 대한 인식이 우선적이었다. 이에 그들의 정체성을 확립한 것이 바로 개혁과 혁명이었다. 청말 여성이라는 성의 문제에 도전하기 위해서는 선진사상과 문명이 요구되었다. 그리하여 청말 여성은 유학의 길을 떠나게 되었다. 1900년에 그 서막을 연 중국 여성의 일본 유학은 여학당의 확산과 함께 신정이후 점차 그 열기가 고조되었다. 1903년 이전에 일본으로 유학을 떠난 여학생들은 대부분 가족을 따라 갔으나, 1903년 이후에는 단신으로 유학하는 여학생의 수가 점차 증가하였다. 여성 유학생은 일본의 일본주의 영향아래 여성의 역할에 대하여 논설을 쓰고 연설을 하였다. 중국 여성의 여성문제는 무술변법시기까지만 하더라도 남성의 시각에서 해결책을 제시하였다. 그러던 여성에 대한 문제를 스스로 찾고 근본적으로 해결해 보고자 하는 의지를 갖기 시작한 것이다. 일본으로 유학을 간 여성들이 주도하여 잡지를 발행하고 여성이 주체적으로 자신들의 문제를 해결해 보고자하는 모습이 구체화되기 시작하였다. 일본으로 간 진힐분(陳擷芬)은 여성의 사회, 정치 활동의 필요성을 계몽하기 위해 1903년에《여보(女報)》를 발간하였다. 그녀는 중국 여성이 가진 권리가 어떠한 것도 없음을 설명하고 여성의 권리를 찾아가는 과정에서 여성의 문제를 지적하였다. 추근(秋瑾)은 《백화(白話)》에서 읽은 대상인 여성들에게 나라의 한 일원임을 자각하도록 하였다. 또한, 전통적인 가부장제적 사회에서 벗어나 스스로 자신의 길을 모색하는 것이 얼마나 중요한 일인가를 강조하였다. 1907년 동경에서 여벽성(呂碧城)과 연빈(燕斌) 등이 창간한《중국신여계잡지(中國新女界雜誌)》는 여성 정체성 확립에 영향력이 있었던 잡지 가운데 하나이다. 여학을 제창하고, 여권을 신장하여, 여성 정치 참여를 주요 내용으로 하여 여성을 뛰어 넘는 국민으로서의 의미를 부여하였다. 여성 유학생들은 잡지를 통해 좀 더 적극적으로 자신들의 주장을 펼치면서 여성문제를 인식하도록 계몽하였다. 여성으로서 신학설, 신문명, 새로운 사회를 열어 나가는 주체자가 되는 길을 모색하는 데 그녀들의 노력을 아끼지 않았다.

      • KCI등재

        여자들의 공간과 자본:지구화시대 한국사회의 여성적 빈곤과 공간적 대응

        고갑희 한국여성학회 2005 한국여성학 Vol.21 No.3

        The aim of this paper is to see the relationship between capital and the female space to reconsider the female poverty. The female poverty, which is different from the ‘feminization of poverty' and the ‘globalization of poverty', is being reproduced in the age of globalization. In the global age, Korean society is also not free from the effect of globalization. Capital is reproducing the female poverty by spatializing women in the globalized space of the movement of product, capital, and labour. Capital's way of spatialization is through gendering and sexualizing, and it reproduces and restructures the previous gendered and sexualized space of women. The way to reproduce the gendered and sexualized space is through the space-division of home, sex-service places, and working places and through the labor-division of domestic labour, sex-service labour and irregular labour. These divisions are restructured by the division of nation and race. The idealization of the domestic labour and the prostitution of the sex-service labour are related to the gendering and sexualizing of the women's labour in the wage labour space. Women, taking the so-called ‘female job', become the subject of capital by becoming a low-paid worker and hour-paid worker. Women, through capital's classification, hierarchy and differentiation, are placed and replaced in different social spaces: domestic labour space, sex-service space,. irregular female job space, and migrant labour space. The reason to analyse the capital's spatialization of women is to seek the way to be out of the female poverty formed by the conspiracy or collaboration of capital and patriarchy. Thus women is structured into the space, however, women in individual level or in collective level can become agents of choosing space, too. Women can be agents to come out of the divided female spaces and create alternative spaces. To come out from the structured space is not easy, but recognizing the division and differentiation, women can start to think about the patriarchal capital's conspiracy and to attempt to create a new space. So far, the alternative spaces created by the women's activism have presented good examples. But in the age of globalization, women's activism requires a different apporach to the creation of the alternative spaces: spaces crossing the female division and spaces crossing the boundaries of nation, race, and class by refusing the capital's way of gendering and sexualizing. 지구화시대 한국사회에서 여성적 빈곤은 재생산된다. 이 논문의 목적은 빈곤의 세계화와 빈곤의 여성화하고는 다른 개념으로 사용하는 여성적 빈곤의 문제를 여자들 이 글에서는 여자와 여성을 구분하여 쓴다. 여자는 개인의 차원에서 쓰고, 여성은 여자의 어떤 특성을 설명하는 용어로 구분해서 쓴다. ‘여성적 빈곤’이란 개념을 설명하기 위한 구분이다. 의 공간과 자본의 관계를 통해 살피는 것이다. 지구화시대 한국사회도 지구화가 불러온 영향으로부터 자유롭지 못하다. 상품, 자본, 노동력의 이동이 일어나는 현장인 한국사회에서 자본은 여자들을 공간화함으로써 여자들의 빈곤을 재생산한다. 여자들을 공간화하는 방식은 성별화(젠더화)와 성화(섹슈얼리티화)로 나누어지고, 이것을 기반으로 자본은 기존 성별화된 공간과 성화된 공간을 재생산하고 재구조화한다. 기존 성별화/성화된 공간이 재생산되는 양상은 가사노동, 성적 서비스 노동, 비정규직 노동으로의 노동 분절과 공간 분절로 나타난다. 그리고 이 분절은 국가, 민족, 인종의 분절로 재구조화된다. 그리고 가사노동의 이상화와 성적서비스노동의 매춘화는 임노동 공간의 여성노동을 성별화 혹은 성화하는 방식으로 또 다시 작동된다. 임노동 공간의 여성노동은 성별화와 성화로 분류되고 특징지워지는 경향이 있다. 소위 말하는 여성 직종은 젠더화와 섹슈얼리티화를 통해 자본에 복속하는 저임금노동, 시간제노동으로 화한다. 여자들은 자본의 서열화와 차등화를 특색으로 하는 공간화를 거치면서 서로 다른 공간에 배치 혹은 재배치된다. 지구화시대 한국사회 여성들의 공간과 공간화를 보는 이유는 자본과 가부장제의 공모로 인한 여성적 빈곤을 벗어날 길을 모색할 대안을 찾기 위한 것이다. 여자들은 공간에 배치되기도 하지만 동시에 공간을 선택하기도 한다. 이 논문은 이러한 공간의 서열화를 여자들이 스스로 보고, 그 공간에 대한 주체적 인식을 하게 됨으로써 불연속적인 것으로 보이고 불연속성으로 갈라진 공간들을 나와 대안적 공간을 실천하는 행위자가 될 수 있다는 전제하에 대안적 공간에 대한 사유를 해 보기 위한 전초 작업이다.

      • KCI등재

        전후 재건기의 여성 성공담과 젠더담론 -1950년대 대중잡지 『희망』을 중심으로

        김연숙 ( Kim¸ Yeon-sook ) 경희대학교 인문학연구원 2021 인문학연구 Vol.- No.46

        본고는 대중잡지 『희망』에 나타난 여성 성공담을 대상으로, 한국전쟁 이후 여성이 사회적 주체로 발화되는 양상을 살펴보고자 했다. 이를 통해 생존과 재건·부흥을 둘러싼 개인의 욕망과 사회적 요구가 어떻게 교차되는지, 여성을 호명하는 전후 젠더담론이 어떠한지를 가늠하고자 했다. 『희망』에 등장하는 전후 재건기 여성성공담은 첫째, 전쟁에 징발된 남성을 대신하는, 대리주체로서의 여성 서사가 있었다. 이는 생존이라는 절대적 요구를 여성이 담당해야만 했던 전후 현실의 특수성 때문이었다. 이후, 이것은 남편의 성공을 내조하는 가정주부, 소위 ‘신현모양처’ 서사로 이어지는데, 이를 통해 보수적 여성담론이 확장되어 나가는 양상을 볼 수 있었다. 둘째, 남성의 대리주체가 아닌, 여성자신의 성공담은 주로 전문직종 여성을 대상으로 한 기사에서 나타났다. 우선 개인의 성공은 애국 국민의 서사 즉 국가와 나를 일치시키는 공공 주체의 위치에서 발화되고 있었다. 따라서 여성의 성공은 전후 재건과 부흥의 범주 내에서만 긍정되었고, 특히 「조경희대담」에서는 ‘여성의 성공=전후 재건과 부흥/반공=이승만정부의 성공’이라는 현실 구도가 확연하게 나타났다. 이런 가운데 여성은, 국가와 개인을 일치시키거나, 권력에 호명당하거나 혹은 자발적으로 권력에 순응하는 가운데 그 존재의의를 인정받을 수 있었다. 결국 전쟁 이후 공적 공간에 진출한 여성의 생존 및 성공담이 대중 서사에 등장했지만, 여성의 위치는 대리주체로서 혹은 남녀 위계구도에 여전히 종속된 상태임을 보여주고 있는 것이다. This article was aimed at examining the success story of women in popular magazines(HOPE) and the appearance of women as social subjects after the Korean War. Through this, the government tried to gauge how individual desires and social demands surrounding survival, reconstruction, and revival intersect, and what the discourse of post-war gender politics calling women is like. The women’s success story during the postwar reconstruction period, which appeared in HOPE, had the following characteristics. First, the narratives of female figures as agents appeared on behalf of men who went to war. This was due to the peculiarity of the postwar reality that women had to take charge of the absolute demand for survival. This later led to a “good housewife” narrative that underlined her husband’s success. This reveals the expansion of conservative women’s discourse. Second, women’s own success stories, not male agents, were found in articles mainly aimed at professional women. First of all, the success of the individual was expressed as a narrative of the patriotic people who matched the nation with the individual. Therefore, women’s success was only positive in the postwar reconstruction and revival categories. In particular, in the “Cho Kyung-hee Talk,” the structure was “Women’s Success=Post-war Reconstruction and Reconstruction/Anticommunism=Success of the Lee Syng-man government.” In the meantime, women could be recognized for their existence by matching the state with the individual, being called to power, or voluntarily adapting to power. Eventually, the survival and success stories of women who entered public spaces after the war appeared in public narratives, but the position of women as agents or still subordinate to the hierarchy of men and women.

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