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      • KCI등재

        3D 측정치를 활용한 30대 여성 체간부 체형 분류

        김지민 ( Kim Ji Min ),김효숙 ( Kim Hyo Sook ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2013 한국디자인포럼 Vol.38 No.-

        본 연구에서는 30대 여성의 3D 인체스캔데이터를 바탕으로 체형을 분류하고 분석하여 신체적합성이 높은 패턴개발을 위한 기초자료를 제공하는데 있다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 기술표준원 Size Korea의 제5차(2004년)와 제6차(2010년) 한국인 인체치수조사의 3D 측정치를 비교분석한 결과, 신체의 수직길이에 해당하는 높이항목이 2004년에 비해 2010년도에 크게 나타나고 너비·두께·둘레 등 신체의 부피와 비만화에 해당하는 항목은 2004년에 비해 2010년에 작게 나타났다. 둘째, 제6차 한국인 인체치수조사(2010년)의 3D 측정치를 바탕으로 연령집단별로 분석한 결과 높이·길이 항목에서 30대 초반 집단이 가장 큰 값을 나타내었고, 너비·두께·둘레항목에서는 30대 후반으로 갈수록 큰 값을 보였다. 셋째, 요인분석 결과 총 5개의 요인으로 나타났다. 요인1은 `신체부피 및 수평크기를 나타내는 요인`, 요인2는 `체간부의 수직크기를 나타내는 요인`, 요인3은 `어깨크기를 나타내는 요인`, 요인4는 `몸통 길이를 나타내는 요인`, 요인5는 `엉덩이길이를 나타내는 요인`으로 분석되었다. 넷째, 군집분석 결과 총 3개의 유형으로 분류되었으며 유형별 인원분포는 유형2(43.20%), 유형1(25.84%), 유형3(20.80%)의 순으로 나타났다. 연령집단별 분포에서는 유형1은 30대 초반 집단에서 유형2는 30대 전 연령층에서 비교적 고른 분포를 보이며 30대 중반 집단에서 가장 높은 빈도를 보였다. 유형3은 30대 후반 집단에서 높은 분포를 나타내었다. 이에 30대 여성은 연령집단별 신체변화에 따른 세분화된 치수체계가 필요하고 패턴제작시 반영이 요구된다. The purpose of this study is to establish initial data for developing a well-fitted pattern by categorizing and analyzing body types based on 3D body scanning data of women in their 30s. The results are as follows: First, according to analysis and comparison of 3D measurements from the 5th (2004) and 6th (2010) Human body measurement investigation conducted by Size Korea, the vertical lengths taken in 2010, which indicate the height measurements of body, was much higher than that of in 2004, and the values related to body volume and degree of obesity such as width, thickness and circumference showed lower values in 2010, compared to the measurements taken in 2004. Second, analysis by age group based on 3D measurements from the 6th investigation presented that women in their early 30s have the highest values in height and length measurements, and their width, thickness and circumference measurements continue to increase as they get closer to their late 30s. Third, according to the results of the factor analysis, there are five body factors: Factor 1, the `body volume and horizontal measurement`; Factor 2, the `vertical torso length`; Factor 3, the `size of shoulder`; Factor 4, the `upper body length`; Factor 5, the `hip length`. Fourth, the results of the cluster analysis showed that there are three distinctive body types. The largest number of the study subjects was related to Type 2 (43.20%), followed by Type 1 (25.84%) and Type 3 (20.80%), respectively. For distribution of age groups by body type, Type 1 was most common among the early 30s and Type 2 was evenly distributed across all 30s, while Type 3 appeared most frequently among the late 30s. Therefore, body measurements should be divided into early, middle and late 30s in accordance with changes in their bodies and reflected in making patterns.

      • KCI등재

        Comparative Analysis of Digital Elevation Models between AW3D30, SRTM30 and Airborne LiDAR: A Case of Chuncheon, South Korea

        ACHARYA TRI DEV,양인태,이동하 한국측량학회 2018 한국측량학회지 Vol.36 No.1

        DEM (Digital Elevation Model) is a useful dataset which represents the earth surface. Beside many applications, production and frequent update of DEM is a costly task. Recently global satellite based DEMs are available which has huge potential for application. To check the accuracy, this study compares two global DEMs: AW3D30 (Advanced Land Observing Satellite World 3D 30m) and SRTM30 (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Global 30m) with reference resampled LiDAR DEM 30m in a test area around Chuncheon, Korea. The comparison analysis was based on statistics of each DEM, their difference, profiles, slope, basin and stream orders. As a result, it is found that SRTM30 and AW3D30 were much similar but inconsistent in the test area compared to the LiDAR30 DEM. In addition, SRTM30 shows less difference with LiDAR30 compared to the AW3D30 DEM. But, DEMs should be very carefully examined for area which has temporal or season changes. For basin and stream analysis, global DEMs can be used only for regional scale analysis not local large scales.

      • KCI등재

        도서 주민들의 건강 증진을 위한 햇빛 올바르게 쐬는 방안 연구

        임흥수 한국도서(섬)학회 2019 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.31 No.4

        This study intended to verify that sunshine has a positive effect on promoting health based on precedent researches and find the right exposure methods to sunshine in order to promote health in island residents through the research results of SWOT analysis. For this, the problems that may arise with insufficient or excessive exposure to sunlight and their countermeasures shall be analyzed respectively by using the SWOT technique. The problems that may arise with insufficient exposure to sunlight as indicated in the SWOT analysis and there countermeasures are as follows; 1) Problems that may arise with insufficient exposure to sunshine: First, development of cancer due to vitamin D deficiency. Second, development of rickets due to vitamin D deficiency. Third, development of melancholia and deteriorated cognitive function due to vitamin D deficiency. 2) Countermeasures against the problems that may arise with insufficient exposure to sunshine: First, recommending adolescents with insufficient exposure to sunshine to take natural vitamin D (beef or pork liver, blue-scaled oily fish, eggs, pyogo mushrooms) and vitamin D nutritional supplements. Second, recommending those who have vitamin D deficiency to take food with vitamin D (salmon, sardines) based on big data analysis. The following are the problems that may arise with excessive exposure to sunshine and their countermeasures analyzed by using SWOT analysis; 1) The problems that may arise with excessive exposure to sunshine: The UV rays may benefit the human body but also harm the body to cause skin damage and skin aging. UVA causes skin aging such as discoloration, freckles, and wrinkles and UVB, skin cancer such as epithelial cell carcinoma and base cell carcinoma. 2) Countermeasures against the problems that may arise with excessive exposure to sunshine: First, recommending those who have sunshine allergy to avoid sunshine with UV sunscreen. Second, to be careful when using the cosmetics containing oil. Third, to take precautions against the sunshine when using a specific medicine. Through the research results of the SWOT analysis, two methods to effectively be exposed to the sunshine were suggested as follows; First, which part of the body should be exposed to the sunshine and for how long? According to the “Law of Nine,” the best way to expose oneself to sunshine was to expose about half of the arms and legs (about 54% of the body). Second, how much exposure to the sunshine in a day according to season should one take? It was recommended to have adequate sunshine exposure for between 4∼11 months with the time window of 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. being optimum, and a total exposure of 30 minutes to the sun in a day. Four recommendations for the right exposure methods to sunshine in conclusion were suggested as follows; First, Taking a 30-minutes sunbathing session at least once a week to promote health is the minimum exposure to the sunshine and must be practiced accordingly, and it was recommend to wear short clothes when taking a walk. Second, sunscreen was not recommended for full exposure but when it is applied, choose the one with SPF 10-15 or less, and it was recommended to apply an appropriate amount of UV sunscreen when taking a walk. Third, it was recommended to open windows to expose oneself to the sunshine because it is not effective to expose one’s body to sunshine from behind a window. Fourth, it was recommended to have adequate sunshine exposure as the sunshine, which is generally good for health, may cause negative effects when the body is overexposed. 본 연구는 햇빛이 우리 인체의 건강 증진에 대체적으로 긍정적 영향을 미침을 선행연구를 통하여 확인하고, 도서 주민들의 인체 건강 증진을 위하여 SWOT 분석을 통하여 햇빛을 올바르게 쐬는 방법을 모색하는데 본 연구의 목적을 두었다. 이를 위하여 먼저 햇빛이 부족하거나 과도할 시 발생하는 문제점과 그 대책방안을 각각 SWOT 기법을 적용하여 분석하였다. SWOT 분석을 통해 햇빛 쐬는 것이 부족할 시 발생하는 문제점과 그 대책방안을 제시하면 다음과 같다. 1) 햇빛 쐼이 부족할 시 발생하는 문제점으로는 첫째, 비타민D부족으로 암 발생 우려되고, 둘째, 비타민D부족으로 구루병 발생 우려되며, 셋째, 비타민D부족으로 우울증 발생 및 인지기능 저하가 있다. 2) 햇빛 쐼이 부족할 시 발생하는 문제점에 대한 대책방안으로는 첫째, 햇빛 부족한 청소년에게 천연비타민D(소 돼지의 간, 등푸른 생선, 계란, 표고버섯) 및 비타민D 영양보충제를 권장하고, 둘째, 빅데이터 분석을 통하여 비타민D 결핍자에게 비타민D 식품(연어, 정어리)을 권장한다. 다음으로 SWOT 분석을 통해 햇빛 쐬는 것이 과도할 시 발생하는 문제점과 그 대책방안을 제시하면 다음과 같다. 1) 햇빛 쐼이 과도할 시 발생하는 문제점으로는 첫째, 자외선이 인체에 도움이 되기도 하지만 해를 발생하여 피부손상과 피부노화가 일어나며, 자외선A로 인한 피부노화 즉 기미, 주근깨, 주름이 일어나고, 자외선B로 인한 피부암 즉 상피세포암, 기저세포암이 발생한다. 2) 햇빛 쐼이 과도할 시 발생하는 문제점에 대한 대책방안으로는 첫째, 햇빛 알레르기 있는 사람은 자외선차단제 등으로 햇빛 피할 것을 권장하고, 둘째, 오일 들어간 화장품 사용은 신중할 것을 권장하며, 셋째, 특정약품 사용 시 햇빛 주의할 것을 권장한다. 이 같은 SWOT 분석 연구결과를 통하여 햇빛을 효과적으로 쐬는 방안 2가지를 제시하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 인체 피부의 어느 부위를 얼마쯤 햇빛에 노출시켜야 좋을까? ‘9의 법칙’에 따르면, 햇빛을 잘 받기 위해선 팔과 다리의 절반 정도(신체의 약 54%에 해당)를 노출시키는 게 가장 효과적이다. 둘째, 계절에 따라 하루 중 햇빛 쐬는 시기와 시간을 어떻게 조절해야 할까? 햇빛 쐬는 계절은 4∼11월, 하루 중 시기는 오전10시∼오후2시, 하루 30분 쐴 것을 권장한다. 이어서 결론에서 햇빛 올바르게 쐬는 방안 4가지를 제시하였다. 첫째, 건강 증진을 위해서 일주일에 한 번 30분 일광욕은 최소한의 일광욕 시간임으로 이를 반드시 실천하고, 산책 시 짧은 옷을 입을 것을 권장한다. 둘째, 햇빛을 제대로 받기 위해선 자외선 차단제는 바르지 않는 것이 좋지만, 만약 바를 땐 차단지수 SPF 10∼15 이하로 선택해서 발라야 하는 등 자외선 차단제를 적절히 바를 것을 권장한다. 셋째, 유리창 안에서 햇빛 쐬는 것은 효과가 없음으로 유리 창문을 열고 햇빛 쐴 것을 권장한다. 넷째, 건강에 좋은 햇빛도 너무 과하면 부작용이 발생함으로 적절한 햇빛 노출을 권장한다.

      • KCI등재

        AW3D30 DEM과 SRTM30 DEM의 정확도 비교 -경상남도 연안도서를 중심으로-

        양인태 ( In-tae Yang ),이동하 ( Dong-ha Lee ),아차르야트리데브 ( Tri Dev Acharya ),한동석 ( Dong-seok Han ) 한국지리정보학회 2018 한국지리정보학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        DEM(Digital Elevation Model) being fundamental data in geospatial domain is produced from different data and using various methods. As they are derived their precision varies and altering derivative in application. In this work, we compare two widely used DEMs namely(Advanced Land Observing Satellite World 3D 30m and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Global 30m) around coastal islands in Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea. First statistics of each DEM were calculated and later overlapped in Landsat image for visual comparison of areas below and above zero-meter elevation. As a result, it was found that DEMs were highly correlated with each other and had similar statistics. Besides having few high differences in hilly land area, they were able to represent the coastal lines. It has also been noted that they have many negative values and should carefully select study area covering full watershed in coastal regions to avoid negative elevation even after filling the sinks.

      • KCI등재

        Low Doses of Nonylphenol Promote Growth of Colon Cancer Cells through Activation of ERK1/2 via G Protein–Coupled Receptor 30

        Ming Xie,Jin-Long Liang,Han-Dong Huang,Mai-Jian Wang,Tao Zhang,Xue-Feng Yang 대한암학회 2019 Cancer Research and Treatment Vol.51 No.4

        Purpose Nonylphenol (NP) is an endocrine disruptor found in products such as cleaners, plastics, and detergents. It exerts actions similar to endogenous 17-estradiol (E2) and is reported to influence various cancers. However, its role in colon cancer remains elusive. Materials and Methods Colon cancer cell lines COLO 205 and SW480 were employed in our study. The cells were treated with NP or E2 followed by measurement of apoptosis and proliferation using flow cytometry and MTT assays, respectively. G protein–coupled estrogen receptor 30 (GPR30) expression was visualized using immunofluorescence and Western blot. To investigate the underlying mechanism, the expression levels of GPR30, p-protein kinase A (PKA), c-myc, cyclin D1, and ERK1/2 were analyzed using Western blot. Meanwhile, the GPR30 antagonist G15 was utilized to validate the role of GPR30 in colon cancer progression. Finally, the effect of a GPR30 inhibitor on tumor growth was determined in vivo using tumor xenograft mouse models. Results NP facilitated the proliferation of colon cancer cells and induced apoptosis failure in vitro. Western blot revealed increased GPR30 expression levels in response to NP treatment. Cyclin D1, p-PKA, c-myc, and proliferating cell nuclear antigen, proteins that regulate the cell cycle, were all upregulated by NP, and NP-mediated ERK1/2 activation and subsequent cell proliferation were abrogated by the GPR30 inhibitor G15. Moreover, colon cancer mice that received G15 administration demonstrated impaired tumor growth in vivo. Conclusion Low dose NP promotes the growth of colon tumors through GPR30-mediated activation of ERK1/2 signaling.

      • 냉온처리 전후의 광환경 조건이 오이 묘의 생존율에 미치는 영향

        남윤일,우영회,김형준 (사) 한국생물환경조절학회 2001 생물환경조절학회지 Vol.10 No.3

        This study was conducted to investigate the influence of light condition before and after chillingtreatment started at different times of a day on the survival and physiological responses of cucumberseedlings grown in a greenhouse. Percent survival of cucumber seedlings exposed to a chilling temper-ature of 2oC for 48 hours varied considerably depending upon the initiation time of chilling treat-ment. Seedlings exposed to chilling treatment from 7:00 o'clock, the end of a dark period, showedconsiderably lower % survival of 30.6% as compared to 90.2% in those exposed to the same treat-ment starting from 18:00 o'clock, the end of a photoperiod. This difference in % survival was found tobe closely associated with content of photosynthetic assimilates in seedlings. Relative amount of elec-trolyte leakage was 57.1% in seedlings chilled from 7:00 o'clock and 25.9% in seedlings chilled from18:00 o'clock. Among the ions found in the electrolyte leakage, content of K+ was the greatest, fol-lowed by that of Na+, Mg+ and Ca+2. Light illumination for 2 hours or longer shortly before chillingtreatment during the dark period was effective in increasing % survival of seedlings, probablybecause of increased photosynthetic assimilates in seedlings. Light illumination during a 48 hour chill-ing treatment at 3oC significantly reduced % survival to 43.3% as compared to 92.0% in seedlingskept continuously in darkness.

      • KCI등재

        Mesalamine-loaded alginate microspheres filled in enteric coated HPMC capsules for local treatment of ulcerative colitis: in vitro and in vivo characterization

        Vinita C. Patole,Ashlesha P. Pandit 한국약제학회 2018 Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation Vol.48 No.3

        An attempt was made to formulate mesalamineloaded alginate microspheres by emulsion cross linking method for local treatment of ulcerative colitis. Microspheres were filled in HPMC capsules enteric coated with Eudragit FS-30D. The effect of process variables like drug-alginate concentration ratio and emulsifier concentration was optimized. Microspheres were evaluated for particle size, shape and entrapment efficiency. Spherical shaped microspheres were confirmed by scanning electron microscopy. In vitro drug release study showed a burst drug release pattern in the initial hour necessitating encapsulation of alginate microspheres. In vivo study in rats performed by colonic inflammatory lesions demonstrated remarkable reduction in ulcer index treated with microspheres. Histopathological study confirmed no signs of ulceration or bleeding. Microspheres (drug:alginate concentration, 1:1) was then filled in HPMC capsule shells, enteric coated with Eudragit FS 30D to gain 30 mg weight. Due to solubility of Eudragit FS30D above pH 7, an encapsulated system released alginate microspheres at colon region. Capsules with weight gain of 30 mg coating polymer (B3) resisted the drug release at intestinal region for about 6 h with 10% drug release. In vitro drug release of formulation B3 showed 64.89 and 90.52% drug release within 10 h, in phosphate buffer pH 7.4 and in presence of rat faecal content in simulated colonic fluid, respectively. The later rapid drug release was due to action of colonic microflora at alginate microspheres. Therefore, mesalamine-loaded alginate microspheres enteric coated in HPMC capsules can be potential delivery system for local treatment of ulcerative colitis.

      • KCI등재

        Attractor dimensions of three-dimensional Navier-Stokes- model for fast rotating fluids on generic-period domains: comparison with Navier-Stokes equations

        김봉식 장전수학회 2019 Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics Vol.29 No.1

        We study the fractal and Hausdor dimensions of the global attractor for the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes- model for fast ro- tating geophysical uids. The Navier-Stokes- model is a nonlinear dispersive regularization of the exact Navier-Stokes equations obtained by Lagrangian averaging and tend to the Navier-Stokes equations as ! 0+. We estimate upper bounds for the dimensions of the global attractor and study the dependence of the dimensions on the parameter . All the estimates are uniform in , and our estimates of attractor dimensions remain nite when ! 0+.

      • Microstructural, Dielectric and Electrical Properties of (Pb,La,Ce)TiO3 Ceramics for High Frequency Ceramic Resonator as a function of MnO2 Addition

        Ju Hyun Yoo,Dong On Oh,Chang Yub Park,Ji Hong Kim,Sung Ill Lee,Sung Lim Ryu 한국전기전자재료학회 2002 Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Material Vol.3 No.3

        In this study, microstructural, dielectric and electrical properties of (Pb0.83) (La0.2Ce0.8)0.08TiO3(PCT) ceramics as a function of MnO2 addition and electrode size variation were investigated for 30 MHz high frequency ceramic resonator application. Grain size was gradually increased according to the increase of MnO2 addition amount. Moreover, the density showed a constant value with increasing MnO2 addition amount. Dielectric constant was decreased with increasing MnO2 addition amount. Curie temperature of all the composition ceramics was nearly constant around 330℃. The maximum D.R.of 50.5 dB and maximum Qmt3 of 1842 in the 3rd overtone vibration mode were appeared at the composition of 0.3wt% MnO2, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        Results on Strong Generalized Neighborhood Spaces

        민원근 한국수학교육학회 2008 純粹 및 應用數學 Vol.15 No.3

        We introduce and study the new concepts of interior and closure oper- ators on strong generalized neighborhood spaces. Also we introduce and investigate the concept of sgn-continuity on SGNS.

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