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      • KCI등재

        '부산 속의 아시아', 부산 초량동 중화가의 사회생태학적 연구

        장세훈(Chang Se-hoon) 비판사회학회 2009 경제와 사회 Vol.- No.81

        본 연구에서는 사회생태학적 관점에서 부산 초량동 중화가의 역사적 변전 과정을 살펴보고자 한다. 구체적으로 차이나타운의 유형을 대외적 봉쇄형·대내적 차단형·거류지형·쇠락형으로 재구성하고 이를 통해 시기별 특성을 파악할 것이다. 이러한 분석틀에 따르면, 초량동 중화가는 19세기 말부터 지금까지 대내적 차단형·대외적 봉쇄형·쇠락형·거류지형의 네 가지 단계를 차례로 밟으며 변모해왔다. 먼저 부산의 개항부터 일제 식민지까지의 1단계는 청국 조계지로 중화가가 조성되었지만, 뒤이은 일제의 식민 통지로 화교의 대외 활동이 봉쇄된 탓에 중화가를 중심으로 화교 내부의 결속이 공고해진 시기였다. 해방 후부터 1960년대까지의 2단계에는 식민지 해방과 뒤이은 전쟁을 계기로 초량동 중화가가 이전과 달리 외연적 성장을 거듭하면서도 화교사회의 구심점 역할을 지속하는 모습을 보였다. 3단계는 1970년대 이후 화교에 대한 한국사회의 사회·경제적 배제와 화교사회의 내부 균열, 그리고 러시아인의 유입 등으로 중화가가 퇴행적 와해 국면에 직면한 시기였다. 붕괴 직전의 초량동 중화가는 최근 들어 한·중 수교에 힘입은 부산시의 상해거리 조성사업과 축제 등으로 재활의 실마리를 잡았지만, 그 구성원들이 한국사회로 점차 동화되어 화교사회의 응집 기능을 잃어가는 거류지형으로 변모하고 있다. This study attempts to examine the historical transformation of a Chinatown in Choryang-Dong, Busan from the socio-ecological perspective. For this research, I will reconstruct types of Chinatown as enclave type, ghetto type, colony type, disintegration type and grasp characteristics of each period on the basis of these types. According to this analytic scheme, the Chinatown in Choryang-Dong since the latter period of 19th century has transformed from ghetto type through enclave and disintegration type to colony type. At the first stage from period of opening of Busan Port to period of Japanese colony, the Chinatown was built as a Chinese concession, but the following colonial rule kept overseas Chinese from doing socio-economic activities. Therefore they regarded the Chinatown as their base camp and strengthened internal homogeneity. At the second stage from colonial liberation to 1960s, the rapid social change such as colonial liberation, Korean War etc. made its economic prosperity possible. But in spite of its growth, the Chinatown still played its own role as centripetal area of overseas Chinese society. But Korea’s continuous socio-economic exclusion to overseas Chinese, their internal divisions and the inflow of Russians into Chinatown forced the Chinatown to be on verge of ruin for 1970s to 1980s. Recently the Chinatown grabbed a chance for its renaissance thanks to friendly relationships between Korea and China, Busan’s Chinatown gentrification project, so-called ‘Shanghai street building project’ and Shanghai street festival. However as overseas Chinese are increasingly assimilating to Korean society, it lost its role as a place of their cohesion and solidarity. Therefore it is transforming into colony type.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        아시아인 이주와 동화가능성에 대한 사회학적 고찰 -로버트 팍과 “인종관계조사”를 중심으로-

        권은혜(Kwon Eun-hye) 동국역사문화연구소 2018 동국사학 Vol.65 No.-

        본고는 20세기 초 미국의 시카고 사회학파를 형성했던 사회학자 로버트 팍(Robert Park)과 팍이 연구책임자로 참여했던 1924-27년의 인종관계조사가 아시아인에 관한 사회학적 관찰방법을 구성하는 방식을 살펴본다. 팍은 “인종 관계의 순환(race-relations cycle)” 이론을 “동양인”과 “미국인”의 인종 관계에 적용해 아시아계 이민자는 미국의 흑인과는 비 백인이라는 인종적 특징을, 유럽계 이민자와는 이민자로서의 정체성을 공유한다고 상정했다. 팍은 아시아인과 백인사이의 인종 간 결혼을 아시아인의 특징을 이해하는 방법으로 삼았고 “인종관계조사”를 진행할 때 팍은 아시아인과 백인 사이의 결혼 사례에 큰 관심을 보였다. 두 인종 사이의 결혼이 사회통념과 법으로 금지되던 시절에 팍은 인종 간 결혼을 아시아인의 동화 및 인종 갈등의 해결 수단이라고 상상했다. This article examines the way in which Robert Park, one of the founders of the Chicago Sociology in the early 20th century spearheaded a social-scientific approach to Asian migration and assimilation primarily in the Survey of Race Relations, 1924-1927. Park applied his theory of race-relations cycle to Asian immigrants. According to him, Asians shared the non-white racial identity with American blacks. Asians were deemed similar to European immigrants in terms of their social status as immigrants. Park was particularly interested in marriages between Asians and whites as a way of assimilating Asians and, eventually, solving the tensions between white Americans and Asian immigrants at the time.

      • KCI등재

        ‘과학적’ 투자 담론의 냉전적 기원 :효율적 시장과 합리적 선택이론, 현대 포트폴리오 이론

        김승우 ( Kim Seung Woo ) 고려대학교 역사연구소(구 역사학연구회) 2018 사총 Vol.95 No.-

        본 연구는 금융지식의 정치적 그리고 사회적 성격을 살펴보는 금융의 사회적 연구의 성과를 수용하여 오늘날 과학적 투자 담론의 핵심을 구성하고 있는 효율적 시장 이론과 포트폴리오 선택 이론의 계보학적 접근을 시도한다. 또한 두 이론이 오늘날 투자지식의 기준으로서 지적 권위를 행사한다는 점에 주목하여 이들의 정치적 배경 및 제도화 과정을 살펴보고자 한다. 흥미롭게도 두 이론은 20세기 중반 냉전에 대한 지식인들과 기업, 그리고 국가의 서로 다른 대응의 결과였다. 그리고 이들의 이론은 금융 경제학을 통해서 주식시장과 투자에 관해 일관된 지식을 구성하기에 이르렀다. 전쟁과 냉전을 거치면서 늘어난 국가의 역할을 폭압이라 인식하고 자유시장을 옹호했던 시카고대학의 미국 신자유주의자들은 효율적 시장이론을 통해서 금융시장에 대한 입장을 내놓았다. 반면 전시 계획과 냉전시기 핵전쟁의 공포 혹에서 자원의 효율적인 배치 방식을 논의했던 일련의 경제학자들과 운용과학자들의 연구는 마코위츠를 통해서 리스크와 수익의 상관관계를 중심으로 한 효율적인 포트폴리오 구성 방식으로 응용되었다. 흥미롭게도 냉전에 관한 상반된 대응과 입장에도 불구하고 금융지식에 있어서 두 이론은 효율적 자본시장 이론을 통해서 그 차이를 극복하게 되었고, 금융경제학의 핵심 이론으로 등장하게 되었다. 이를 통해 본 논문은 금융지식의 정치적 성격을 제시한다. This paper, with an introduction to the social studies of finance which examines the political and social aspects of finance, contends the Cold War origins of critical elements of contemporary scientific investment discourse - the Modern Portfolio Theory and the Efficient Market Hypothesis. It argues that these two components of financial knowledge were different responses of intellectuals regarding the role of the state in the Cold War period. On the one hand, US neoliberals at the University of Chicago who conceived of the increased role of government as ‘tyranny’ and were free-market proponents, presented the efficient market hypothesis. On the other hand, a group of economists had examined the problem of efficient resource allocation in the economic planning led by the state and under the threat of nuclear war in the Cold War, which became a new discipline of operation research. Harry Markowitz applied the operation research to the stock market problem and formulated a theory on the efficient portfolio selection of risk-return variance. Despite the inherent conflict in political stance, these theories merged into a coherent approach concerning the stock market and investment with the financial economics. By looking at the genealogy of financial knowledge, this paper reveals the political nature of financial economics.

      • KCI등재

        학교의 지역적 특성과 청소년비행: 다수준 접근의 적용

        박정선 ( Cheong Sun Park ) 한국형사정책학회 2003 刑事政策 Vol.15 No.2

        Causes of delinquency have been largely understood at three different levels:individual, family/school and society. This study raises questions about current research, which neglects the mid-range level of explanation such as community and school effects. This negligence stems from current theoretical orientation of criminology, which fails to incorporate the diverse levels and dimensions of crime phenomena. This study constructs an integrated multilevel model, which investi- gates the effect of two school-level characteristics and two individual-level characteristics. The basic hypothesis for this study is that the variation in delinquency is not only explained by individual characteristics but also by school characteristics and the variation is differentiated by delinquency type such as status or violent crimes. The results showed that schools with high disorder and low efficacy tend to have more delinquent students. School effects are more manifested in light offenses and individual effects are more effective in serious offenses. Also, the cross-level interaction was effective in that the effects of delinquent friends was bigger in schools with high degree of social disorder than in schools with low degree of disorder. For the policy implication, it is highly recommended to pay more attention to the so-called collective efficacy even if collective efficacy in this study is only limited to the light offenses. As Karsarda and Janowitz found out, the role of low mobility rate among residents is very important to increase the collective efficacy of a certain community. However, official statistics show that the residential mobility in Korea is a lot higher than that of world average and even with that of advanced countries. In this sense, we need to focus on the way of increasing the collective efficacy not by just focusing on the coerced control but rather by focusing on the social control.

      • KCI등재

        사회규범 이론의 형법적 의의

        이현준 ( Hyun Jun Yi ) 안암법학회 2012 안암 법학 Vol.0 No.39

        Besides law, there are also other constraints regulating human behavior, namely norm, market and architecture. Each constraint has its particular way of effecting on the behaviors of men and the sum of these constraints consists the net of regulation in a society, According to Old Chicago School, "law is, relative to these other constraints, a less effective constraint: Its regulations, crude; its response, slow; its interventions, clumsy; and its effect often self-defeating." Hence this old school maintained that it would be better to let these alternatives to law regulate. The scholars under the rubric of "social norm scholarship" or "New Chicago School" also argue that the regulation through the modality of norm can be a more effective way to decrease criminal behaviors than the direct regulation through the strict legal punishment, However they, unlike the old school, strongly believe that the law can use the regulatory power of social norm to law`s own end. In this vein, these scholars assert that certain policing techniques, such as youth curfews, anti-gang loitering ordinances or rewarding snitching of gun-possession, are effective, politically feasible and morally sound alternatives to the harsh punishment of criminal behaviors. Kahan and Meares, Yale law professors and the proponents of norm-focused scholarship, cogently describe how these alternatives would work. According to them, possessing weapon is highly valued by juveniles because it has the meaning of resistance to authority and expression of strongness, The snitching policy will make the possessors of the weapon not show them in the fear of being snitched, which will change the this meaning of gun-possession amongst juveniles and eventually decrease the possession of weapon. At a first glance, this type of explanation might sound convincing. However, there is no guarantee that the change of social meaning would actually happen as it was originally intended. Since the social interactions are so diverse phenomena that it is very unlikely to precisely predict what will be the result of a certain policy. Furthermore the norm-focused theorists show the tendency to rely too heavily on the empirical data. The fact that there is a seemingly causal link between the policing technique and the decrease in criminal behavior does not necessarily mean that the social meaning of the behavior has been actually changed. To investigate the change of social meaning, more research than the statistical result would be necessary, such as in-depth opened interviews, historical research into similar social phenomena and comparative research to the other societies with similar institutions. Another important matter is that researchers need to critically reflect themselves through their researches. Considering the situation of Korean Criminal Law which is, like that of USA experiencing the escalation of criminal sanctions, the thorough analysis of norm-focused theory is believed to be not only the introduction of a scholarship movement in USA, but also able to enrich Korean Criminal Law Scholarship. However one should also take into account that the norm-focused scholarship needs to be methodologically redeemed.

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