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        6·25전쟁 초기 유엔공군 항공차단작전의 효과

        이형재 육군군사연구소 2021 군사연구 Vol.- No.152

        UN Air Force conducted numerous missions including Close Air Support(CAS) to assist ground force, Air Interdiction(AI) during the Korean War. Even though AI was massively conducted to assist ground force, the air power during the Korean War was assessed based on CAS. This is because the Korean War was studied based on the ground operations, leading to inaccurate assessment on the air operations only based on their achievements to ground battles. The ground force perceived CAS as definitely helpful, while AI had limitations with achieving operational objectives. AI was only valued with its physical effectiveness, whether the enemy was destroyed through AI. If both the physical and psychological effectiveness of AI regarding the achivement of operational objectives were to be thoroughly assessed, it can be valued differently. AI mission interdicted air line of communications for air force of PRC headed southward by destroying its bridge, railroad, supply dump, vehicles and equipments. Even though the enemy was not destroyed to the extent where they could not be recovered in the early stages of war through AI, the achievements on imparing enemy offensive and protecting the allies to shape conditions for counter-attack must be re-assessed. AI attained psychological efffectiveness beyond its expectation by limiting and weakening nK movement and perturbing the soldiers. Therefore, this study will focus on analyzing psychological effect of AI operations in the early stages of the Korean War. 6·25전쟁에서 유엔공군은 지상군 지원을 위한 근접항공 지원과 항공차단 등 다양한 임무를 수행했다. 특히 대규모 항공차단 임무를 통해 지상군을 지원했음에도 불구하고 6·25전쟁에서 항공력의 역할에 대한 평가는 주로 근접항공지원을 중심으로 이루어졌다. 6·25전쟁 연구가 지상군 작전을 위주로 활발히 진행되었기 때문이다. 결국 지상군 전투에 대한 기여도 면에서 항공작전의 효과가 평가되는 불균형을 초래했다. 지상군은 공군의 근접항공지원이 도움은 되었지만, 군사작전 목표달성에는 항공차단 작전의 영향이 제한적이었다고 인식했다. 이는 항공차단 작전을 적 파괴 여부, 즉물리적 효과 측면에서만 평가했기 때문이다. 6·25전쟁에서 항공차단 작전은 적 교량, 철도, 보급품 집적소, 차량과 장비를 파괴하여 한반도로 남하하는 중공군의 병참선을 차단했다. 비록 개전 초 항공차단 작전이 복구 불가능할 정도로 적을 완전히 무력화하지는 못했지만, 적 공세를 둔화시키고 후퇴하는 연합군을 보호하여 유엔군의 재반격 여건을 조성한 성과는 재평가되어야 한다. 항공차단은 공산군의 행동을 위축시키고 이동을 제약했으며, 병사들을 동요하게 만들어 혼란을 유발하는 등 기대 이상의 심리적 효과를 달성했다. 따라서 본 연구는 6·25전쟁 초기에 수행되었던 항공차단 작전의 효과를 심리적 측면에 초점을 맞춰 분석을 시도하였다

      • KCI등재

        합동성 제고를 위한 6·25전쟁 초기 미 해군의 지상군 화력지원 실태 분석

        최용희,정경두 육군군사연구소 2018 군사연구 Vol.- No.145

        This article analyzes the operational system of the ground force's fire support at a tactical level by the US navy during the Korean War. It gives us an opportunity for thorough evaluation of the joint operations conducted by the US Navy. To do so, I introduced the theoretical approaches of the ground force's fire support and analyzed the fire support system of the US Navy during the Korean War and operational procedure based on the naval gunfire support and CAS(Close Air Support) conducted by the US Navy. Through this research, I discovered that the US naval fire support made a great contribution to the ground operation by adding firepower needed by the ground forces. However, I identified many problems concerning coordination issues with other services. The SFCP(Short Fire Control Party) did not function effectively when coordinating between warships and ground forces during the naval gunfire support. Additionally, ANGLICO (Air and Naval Gunfire Liaison Company) was not utilized properly. The CAS by the US Navy also played a key role in the ground operations as a supplementary fire power, but the US Navy implemented operations under the Air Force operations system which led to a poor outcome considering the amount of input. It turned out, however, that the US Navy showed relatively better performance when they conducted the CAS under the Navy operation system. This led to the US Navy's bias that CAS might not be effective if coordination was not established. This raised many questions about changes needed to improve the coordination and doctrine of the US Navy CAS, but with few results. There has been a great deal of research emphasizing the positive outcomes of the US Navy during the Korean War. However, this article seeks to present a more complete picture by reviewing subcategories of the operations system. I hope to draw attention to the inefficiencies of the system due to lack of coordination to better understand the realities of the war. 본고는 6·25전쟁 초기 미 해군이 수행한 지상군 화력지원의 작전수행 및 협조체계의 실행을 분석하였다. 6·25전쟁 당시 미 해군이 화력지원을 통해 지상의 전황 개선에 기여하였다는 기존의 인식을 배제하고, 미 해군이 지상군을 화력지원하기 위해 구성한 각 군간 작전협조체계를 면밀히 고찰하였다. 6·25전쟁 당시 미 해군이 수행하였던 함포지원사격과 근접항공지원을 중심으로 지상군 화력지원의 협조체계를 고찰해 본 결과, 미 해군의 지상군 화력지원은 작전수행체계상에서 군간 협조와 관련된 다수의 문제를 드러냈다. 함포지원사격의 작전수행간 해안사격통제반은 함정과 지상군 간 협조에서 한계를 드러냈으며, 항공함포연락중대는 적절히 활용되지 못하였다. 미 해군이 수행한 근접항공지원 역시 미 공군의 근접항공지원 수행체계로 작전을 수행하는 가운데, 투입된 전력에 비해서 많은 효과를 거두지 못하였다. 반면에 인천상륙작전에서는 미 해군이 독자적 수행체계로 지상군을 효과적으로 화력지원하였다. 이러한 경험은 미 해군에게 미 공군의 근접항공지원 수행체계를 부정적으로 인식하는 계기가 되었다. 지금까지 6·25전쟁 당시 미 해군에 대한 긍정적 평가만 부각되었던 기존의 연구와 비교하여, 본고는 지상군 화력지원 작전수행의 하부요소까지 면밀하게 검토함으로써 협조체계 및 작전수행체계의 문제를 확인하였다. 한반도에서 수행된 6·25전쟁에서 미 해군의 표적처리를 비롯한 지휘·협조체계와 각 군의 합동성 제고를 위한 노력을 평가함으로써 과거와 우리 군의 현 실태를 비교·진단하고, 향후 합동성을 강화하기 위한 시사점을 제시하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        6.25전쟁 초기 유엔 항공력의 지상작전 지원과 그 성과: 공중우세가 창출한 지상의 전장 변화를 중심으로

        김인승 ( Inseung Kim ) 조선대학교 동북아연구소(구 통일문제연구소) 2020 동북아연구 Vol.35 No.1

        본 연구는 6.25전쟁기 유엔 항공력이 창출한 전장환경에 대한 분석을 바탕으로 해당 전쟁기 유엔 항공작전의 성과를 재검토하기 위한 것이다. 공중우세를 바탕으로 적대적인 항공력의 활동을 억제하는 한편, 적극적인 지상작전 지원을 통해 유엔군 진영에는 운신의 자유를 보장하고, 공산 측에는 심리적 공포와 심각한 물리적 제약을 가했던 항공력의 총체적인 활동을 중심으로 해당 전쟁기 유엔 항공력의 역할을 재평가하려는 것이다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 유엔 지상군이 가장 심각한 위기상황에 직면했던 두 시기―개전 초 낙동강 전선으로의 후퇴기와 중국군 참전으로 인한 38도선 이남으로의 후퇴기―를 중심으로 항공력의 역할을 살펴보았다. 특히 항공지원의 유무(有無)로 인해 극명히 대비되는 전장환경하에 놓여야 했던 양측의 지상군의 상반된 상황에 초점을 맞추고 논의를 전개하였다. 이를 바탕으로 항공력이 개전 초기 한반도 내 지상의 전장상황을 결정했던 핵심적인 요인이었음을 보이고자 한다. This study is about the UN Airpower's efforts to support the ground operations and their results during the early stage of the Korean War. In Korea, based on the early attained Air Superiority, the UN Airpower conducted Close Air Support, Air Interdiction and Combat Cargo operations to saved the UN ground forces who were in endangered situation. By doing so, it created a friendly operational environment for the UN ground forces by allowing them to operation without hazard of hostile air attack. On the other hand, The Communist forces, which had superior strength in their numbers, had to operation under severe restrictions enforced by the adversary Airpower. The purpose of this study is to re-evaluate the UN Airpower's roles for the support of the ground forces which is still controversial. For this purpose, it particularly focused on the UN forces' two retreats faced by the Communists' attacks―one by the North Korea's People's Army, and the other by the Chinese People's Liberation Army―conducted during the early part of the war. Based on these examinations, it concludes that, the UN Airpower conducted critical roles in deciding the ground operational situation.

      • KCI등재

        한국형 항공모함 도입계획과 6.25전쟁기 해상항공작전의 함의

        김인승 한국국방연구원 2020 국방정책연구 Vol.35 No.4

        The aircraft carrier has been regarded as one of the least effective naval weapons in responding the threat from the North Korea, in Korea. Therefore, ROK Navy and it's proponents have been developed their persuasive logics for the carrier acquisition heavily based on the external variables. As a result, this situation has restricted our understanding of the usefulness of the carrier as a ‘mobile airfield’ in the Korean operational environment. Considering the fact that the aircraft carrier conducted very significant role in the Korean War, it is very interesting that it's usefulness has rarely known in Korea. As the Korean aircraft carrier programme was officially included in the five-year defense blueprint, it is needed to re-examine the forgotten lessons gained from the War. For these purposes, this thesis explores the historical conflict between ‘the North’s threat’ and the pursuit of the ‘Ocean-going Navy’. It then examines the usefulness of the carrier by analysing the naval air operation conducted during the early stage of the Korean War. Finally, based on the lessons gained from the War, this thesis seeks to show the ongoing value of the aircraft carrier as a complementary military force of the land-based Air Power. 한국사회 내에서 항공모함은 북한의 위협에 대응하는데 유용성이 떨어지는 전력으로 인식되어 왔다. 이에 해군을 비롯한 항모 도입 지지자들은 주로 한반도 외부 상황변화에 집중해 항모 도입의 정당성을 찾고자 노력해왔다. 그 결과 6.25전쟁 당시 항모가 전쟁수행에 필수적인 역할을 담당했음에도 불구하고, 이로부터 항모의 유용성을 재검토하려는 시도가 거의 이루어지지 않았다. 본 논문에서는 6.25전쟁기 해상항공작전에 대한 분석을 바탕으로, 한반도 작전환경에서 ‘공군력에 대한 보완’으로써 항모의 역할이 여전히 필수적임을 강조하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        Legacy Radio 기반의 전술데이터 통신 효율성 향상 위한 데이터 압축 기법

        심동섭,신웅희,김기형,Sim, Dong-Sub,Shin, Ung-Hee,Kim, Ki-Hyung 한국군사과학기술학회 2010 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        The Military Tactical Communication technology for effective network-centric warfare is developing. Targeting broadband wireless transmission, core technology for connection, and Transmission technology that secure survivability under High-speed Movement environment. On the one hand, Tactical data communication system that reflects military characteristic is developing on the base of Legacy communication equipment which is used in the field. Because almost every military units in the field have used voice to communicate which lower efficiency of operation, they have made effort to Substitute voice communication which delays military Operation Tempo to digital communication. The Communications environment of troops in Forward edge of battle field area is very poor. Especially in terms of limited frequency allocation and bandwidth. Therefore, improving the efficiency of frequency is essential for Military Tactical Communication. This paper is about The Data Compression Method for increase of Efficiency in Tactical Data Communication over Legacy Radios which are UHF, VHF, HF Radio. I proposed and proved the most efficient Data Compression Method that reflects military characteristic, after analyzing the experimentation, which simulate CAS(Close Air Support mission) data transmission between Pilot and TACP.

      • KCI등재

        테러와의 전쟁(War on Terror) 시기 여성 인력의 강점을 활용한 미군 사례 연구

        홍명숙,유선영,이선정,김인찬,조상근,박상혁 국제문화기술진흥원 2021 The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technolo Vol.7 No.4

        미군은 테러와의 전쟁을 시작한 후, 민간요소가 강조되는 민사작전에 필요한 정보를 획득하는 여성 인력으로만 구성된 문화지원팀(CST)과 여성 근접전투팀(FET)을 운용하여 여성 인력의 강점을 활용하기 시작하였으며 험지의 차폐된 지형이나 주민 사이에 은·엄폐하여 기습공격을 감행하는 저항세력을 제압하기 위해 상황이해능력, 침착함, 세 밀함이 뛰어난 여성 인력을 무인 항공기 운용 요원(RPA)으로 운용하였다. 이러한 미군의 여성 인력 활용 사례는 미 래 한반도의 전장 환경에서도 미군이 경험한 상황이 한반도에서도 재현될 수 있기 때문에 테러와의 전쟁간 여성 인 력의 강점을 활용한 미군의 교훈을 통해 우리 군은 미래 전장 환경에서의 불확실성을 극복할 수 있을 것이다. After starting the war on terrorism, the U.S. military began to utilize the strength of its women's workforce by operating a cultural support team (CST) and a women's close combat team (FET) that obtained the information needed for civil operations with emphasis on civil factors. In addition, in order to subdue resistance forces that carry out surprise attacks by covering the shielded terrain of the rugged land or among residents, female personnel with excellent understanding, calmness, and detail were operated as unmanned aircraft operators (RPA). Since the situations that the U.S. has already experienced are likely to be reproduced on the Korean Peninsula, the South Korean military will be able to overcome uncertainties in the future battlefield environment by utilizing the U.S. female workforce.

      • KCI등재

        기존 전술 무전기를 이용한 전술 데이터 통신 성능 실험

        심동섭,강경성,김기형,Sim, Dong-Sub,Kang, Kyeong-Sung,Kim, Ki-Hyung 한국군사과학기술학회 2010 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        The military has been putting great efforts into applying data communication on existing voice communication systems being used in NCW(Network Centric Warfare). Data communication will be an effective choice in one of many effort to yield a minimum kill chain, comparing to legacy voice communications, when tactical units conduct their missions. However, the required budget will be enormous, in case of the replacement of a lot of legacy communication systems with new one. As a cost-effective alternative, the tactical data communication systems using the conventional radio systems instead of the development of new radio systems has been proposed. It is mandatory, though, to ensure QoS while maintaining data communication by making use of legacy radio systems already in use. This paper focuses on the performance issues experimented and analyzed for tactical data communication through the legacy radio systems as the first step towards guaranteed QoS. We have conducted various experiments such as the transmission error rate on certain tactical messages, performance evaluation of redundant transfers, the relationship between the transmission frame size and rate of error, the identification of error points in the transmission frame, and techniques to reduce the errors in both hopping and non-hopping modes. As a result of the performance experiments, The adaptive communication module which decides the redundant transmission or the Forward Error Correction(FEC) technique by analyzing channel status and current transmission status(hopping/non-hopping) of the legacy radio should be designed. the FEC technique in non-hopping, and the redundant transmission technique in hopping mode was recommended from the result of experiment with the frame size is 20bytes in non-hopping and 10Bytes frame size in hopping mode.

      • KCI등재

        네트워크중심전(NCW)을 위한 UMPC 기반 데이터 링크 시스템 설계 및 구축

        심동섭,김기형,Sim, Dong-Sub,Kim, Ki-Hyung 한국군사과학기술학회 2009 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        All of the military aircrafts in Korea Air Force are administered and operated together in the same system regardless of whether they are equipped with the data communication capability or not. The absence of the data communication capability in some of the aircrafts might increase whole kill chain hour at the point of the Network Centric Warfare achievement. Network synergy effects cannot also be desired if the section which is not connected to the network influences to the whole tactical network. Equipping aircrafts with the data communication capability could be done by upgrading the aircrafts, but resulting in high costs and long updating time. This paper is a research about the design and implementation of the UMPC based Data Link System to aircrafts that do not have the data communication capability. The proposed system grafts the UHF-based wireless modem technology and the aircraft flight mission support software onto the off-the-shelf UMPC and GPS system. The employed UHF radio equipment allows communicating tactic data with another aircrafts on the air, the ground control point, and even the Tactical Air Control Party(TACP) control vehicle that achieve missions with aircrafts. It thereby increases such capabilities as navigation aid, situation awareness, quick target identification and attack. We also applied Closed Air Support(CAS) scenarios, which is very close to the real environment, to the experiments of the proposed system. The experimental results show that the proposed system could support the data communication capability effectively and the flight mission at low costs of money and time.

      • KCI등재

        레거시 라디오 기반의 UMPC 전술 데이터 링크 Push 프레임워크

        심동섭,신웅희,김기형,Sim, Dong-Sub,Shin, Ung-Hee,Kim, Ki-Hyung 한국군사과학기술학회 2010 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        Recently, there is on-going research about tactical data link system based on the legacy radio. Tactical data link based on legacy radio is operated mostly in narrow bandwidth under 25khz. Communicating traffics in nodes participated at network need to be minimized for distributing tactical data in narrow bandwidth. In addition, the data distributing structure is necessary for distributing tactical informations such as a situation awareness and so on to war fighters. However, conventional server-client system wastes a lot of time to obtain information for war fighters as user uses pull system to gather necessary information by seeking it one by one. Especially, the fighter pilot is supposed to dedicate into a situation awareness and fight mission in every seconds but seeking information of a user terminal while aircraft maneuvering affects as obstacle to concentrate engaging hostiles. therefore, push technology, the tactical data distributing system, is necessary for war fighters to receive fixed tactical data automatically without putting attention to it. This paper propose the UMPC tactical data link push framework. the UMPC tactical data link is a tactical data link system based on the legacy radio. Proposed push framework is verified by composing experiment environment and testing.

      • KCI등재

        Link-16 기반의 효율적인 공대지 항공작전 모델 설계

        이형헌,장형준,김영구,임재성,Lee, Hyeong-Heon,Jang, Hyeong-Jun,Kim, Yeong-Gu,Lim, Jae-Sung 한국군사과학기술학회 2010 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.13 No.5

        As CAS, X-ATK, and INT models considered as the most typical Air-to-Ground operation models in ROKAF are mainly designed as the voice-centered system between aircraft and ground control facilities, it is critical to newly develop the Link-16 based model for the ROK-US combined operation between F-15K, AWACS, M-SAM, and KDX-III equipped with Link-16. Former studies had been limited to the CAS operation, and they had mainly focused on reducing the voice transmission time to exchange the information between each mission step with maintaining existing operation steps. Therefore, this paper makes up the weak point in former studies, thereby designing new Air-to-Ground operation model for CAS, X-ATK, INT mission using Enterprise Architecture OV6c, which enables both aircraft and ground control facilities or between aircraft to obtain the real-time information on the location, identification, armament and the real-time image data through the broadcasting function. Based on the analysis of new operation model, we come to a conclusion that by simultaneously exchanging the information on mission between nodes concerned through the broadcasting function of Link-16. It is possible to cut down superfluous steps among the mission steps, and to reduce the mission time. It is clear that it gives rise to improve the battle efficiency and the decision-making tempo as well as the battlefield situational awareness.

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