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        공유공간 '셰어링 스페이스'의 공간 유형 분석 - 공유 경제의 개념을 바탕으로 -

        신은별,이진민 한국브랜드디자인학회 2016 브랜드디자인학연구 Vol.14 No.4

        기술의 발달과 온라인 플랫폼의 구축은 물리적 공간의 한계를 넘어서고 잉여, 유휴 자원을 공유함으로써 ‘공유 경제’가 대두되었다. 이런 시대적 흐름에 따라 변화하는 공간의 양상을 공유 경제의 개념을 바탕으로 살펴보고 ‘공유 공간’의 개념 확장과 그에 따른 공간 유형을 밝히는데 목적이 있다. 본 연구는 2013년부터 서울시가 진행한 ‘공유기업 지정 및 사업비 지원사업’에 선정된 공유기업·단체 중 ‘공간’ 분야의 35개의 기업을 대상으로 하며 첫째, ‘공유허브(sharehubkr)’에 공개된 정보를 수집. 둘째, 이론적 고찰을 바탕으로 대상 사례를 ‘공유 경제 및 사회 문제 유형’과 ‘공유 공간의 기능, 운용, 상태’를 기준으로 분류하여 유형화한다. 셋째, 유형에 따른 양상과 의미를 분석하여 현재 공유 공간의 현황을 파악하고 앞으로 연구 및 개발이 필요한 유형을 밝힘으로써 균형적인 공유 공간의 발전 가능성을 모색한다. 공유 공간은 숙박, 문화 및 기타의 기존 공간을플랫폼 방식으로 운용하고, 주거, 사무의 실공간을 신축하여 공유하며, 유휴공간을 플랫폼과 기획 및 매니지먼트로 운용하여 문화 및 기타 기능으로 활용하려는 유형이 두드러진다. 또한 공간서비스 및 재분배 의 공유경제 유형으로 복지, 문화의 사회문제 해결하는 모델 개발이 필요하며 숙박, 주차의 오프라인으로 범위 확장과 유휴공간의 실공간 공유로 오프라인의 커뮤니티 형성, 그리고 주거, 사무 기능의 플랫폼 활용과 기획 및 매니지먼트로 공간 공유가 활성화가 요구된다. 본 연구는 공유경제 개념의 보편적 확대에 따른 소비 행태 변화를 바탕으로 ‘공유(共有)공간’의 용어 재정의와 개념 확장을 통해 공간적 유형을 밝히는데 목적이 있으며 향후 발전적 전개모색을 위한 기초자료로서 그 의미가 있다. Because of the development of technology and platforms, space has exceeded the limitations of physical space. Then, sharing surplus, idle resources became important. This thesis aims to expand the concept of sharing space and categorize the types of sharing spaces based on transforming the aspect of space as time goes on. This thesis examines 35 companies in ‘space’ category among the selected sharing company and organization which are supported by Seoul city project since 2013. Public information on Sharing Hub (sharehub.kr) is collected. Case studies are categorized by sharing economy and types of social issues, the function of sharing space, managing methods and conditions. Sharing space can be categorized as three distinctive types; Operating space as a platform by utilizing previous space such as accommodation and cultural space. Residential and office can be newly built, shared that place. Using space as a cultural place by setting up platform and management. Moreover, sharing space for solving social issues should be developed as a spatial service and re-distribution of sharing space.

      • KCI등재

        도심 저층 공동주거의 공유공간의 적용과 유형에 관한 연구

        허청,박항섭 한국문화공간건축학회 2016 한국문화공간건축학회논문집 Vol.- No.56

        The spaces in which people live can be classified as public, private, and common, each with features of semi-public and semi-private milieus. This study identifies how the spatial structure of common spaces of urban low-rise housing complexes can mitigate many social problems by acting as a community center in order to improve civic quality of life, social communication, and social bonds. In other words, the common space acts as a transition space between private and public spaces. With respect to the common spaces in urban low-rise housing complexes, residents often exhibit a feeling of ownership as they define their own boundaries. In terms of planning the common space, the aspects of spatial utilization and construction complexity seem to endow these spaces with a publicness as an interface for social communication. Importantly, spatial utilization includes accessibility, comfort, and functionality, while space construction can create openness, connectivity, enclosure, and unity. Applying these concepts to housing complexes can create extended spaces, continuity of mediating process, changed perception of boundaries, and organic interconnectivity. Implementing such a common space may enable neighbors to share ownership through colonization of the common area and create a residential community through natural interactions. The common space is expected to be a solution for social problems characteristic of urban living.

      • KCI등재

        공공임대주택 공유공간의 커뮤니티 현황 분석 - 서울특별시 공공임대주택을 중심으로 -

        김대윤,주범 한국문화공간건축학회 2021 한국문화공간건축학회논문집 Vol.- No.74

        In recent years, the domestic society has diversified its household structure due to the increase in single-person households and changes in values. Accordingly, the government sought to secure the stability of national housing by distributing various types of public housing. However, if you look at the status of public housing, under the idea of securing housing stability for the vulnerable and homeless, a uniform shared space plan is being implemented that prioritizes quantitative distribution over qualitative aspects and does not reflect the characteristics of residents. A shared space may perform functions of exchange and harmony among residents, spatial connection with local communities, and programmatic connection. In other words, a shared space can be interpreted as an important space to improve the quality of public housing. Therefore, this paper selected five apartments completed in Seoul since 2010 and analyzed the current status of shared spaces in terms of social, convenient, variable and active functions. Afterwards, based on the analyzed results, it presents the direction of future development of shared spaces in public housing after collecting and organizing excellent parts.

      • KCI등재

        공공과 민간 주민공간의 최근 발달경향 연구

        이지연(Lee, Ji-Yeon),이연숙(Lee, Yeun-Sook) 한국주거환경학회 2012 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.10 No.3

        The Community spaces for residents in the urban area have been developed in many ways according to rising considerations for life quality of citizens, consumers and residents. The purpose of this research is to find out how the community spaces for residents have been developed recently in Korea. The scope of study covers the major changes in private and public sectors comprehensively. As a research methodology, literature review was done for the precedent research and for the main purpose recent trends were analyzed by both literature survey and field study. The result of this study reveals that in the early period, community spaces have been developed through multifamily housing construction for the sake of residents welfare in public sector while the profits in private sector. Recently, however, diverse public sectors have initiated according to the public policies that put emphasis on the quality of citizens’ life. Types of community spaces have been developed from the basic spaces for welfare services to the community spaces with various functions such as diverse hobby activities, leisure activities and social gathering and exchanges. The results clearly show not only the development flow of community spaces in Korea but also the recent trends that emphasize the importance of community neighborhood life toward the era of citizens’ leadership and participation from the previous era of individuality.

      • 1인 가구 증가에 대응한 공유 주택의 공간 구성

        모조설(Mao, Zhao-Xue),남경숙(Nam, Kyung-Sook) 한국실내디자인학회 2018 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.20 No.1

        There have been various changes such as the emergence of urban living houses, the recognition of Gosiwon and Officetel as residential type, and the relaxation of the system to enable them to function. In recent years, And promote the dissemination of shared housing to get such things. However, this quantitative dissemination is not enough to accommodate the diverse needs of single-person households. In addition, there is still a lack of space planning and configuration for shared space in shared housing to accommodate various demands. Therefore, in this study, the concept of shared space of one - person shared - house is established and the characteristics of space composition of one - person shared - house are studied through examples of shared space. In order to elucidate the spatial composition expression of the main purpose of this study, the progress system of this study is to approach from two aspects of literature study and case study analysis. In this research, we apply the spatial characteristics to the shared space in the shared house, provide basic data to be used in the planning of the shared house, find out the possibility and potential of the shared space, and have great significance for activation. The case of analysis has been analyzed based on the case that it has been completed since 2010, but further study should be carried out due to limitations of the number and scope of cases.

      • KCI등재

        1인 가구를 위한 공유주택의 공유공간 구성 및 사용자 분석

        모조설,남경숙 한국실내디자인학회 2019 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.28 No.6

        There have been various changes such as the emergence of urban living houses, the recognition of Gosiwon and Officetel as residential type, and the relaxation of the system to enable them to function. In recent years, And promote the dissemination of shared housing to get such things. However, this quantitative dissemination is not enough to accommodate the diverse needs of single-person households. In addition, there is still a lack of space planning and configuration for shared space in shared housing to accommodate various demands. Recently, the Korean society has been gradually diversifying the family type due to the decline of the traditional family form due to the low fertility rate, the aging and the marriage rate decrease, the increase of the divorce rate, and the transition to the low growth advanced economic structure, the participation of women and diversification of lifestyle. In this study, the concept of shared space for single-family shared housing is established, and the characteristics of space composition of single-family shared house are studied through the case of shared space. First, the definition and status of shared housing are summarized through literature review. Second, through the case analysis, the characteristics of the shared space of one - Third, through the questionnaire analysis, we analyzed the preference of the shared space used by the resident of one applicant. Fourth, the problem of space composition was derived from the analyzed contents, and the improvement plan was suggested. In this study, we analyze the spatial characteristics of the shared space in a shared house for one person, and provide basic data that can be referenced in the planning of the shared house, find out the possibilities and potentials of the shared space and contribute to the activation Expect.

      • 뉴노멀 시대를 맞이한 1인 가구의 대안적인 제 3의 공간 시설

        류혜주(Ryu, Hea-Joo),김석경(Kim, Suk-Kyung) 한국주거학회 2021 한국주거학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.33 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to explore community spaces for single-person households around their residential units in the New Normal Era. This study expected the community space would play a role as a third-place. Based on an intensive literature review and several case studies, three categories of the community spaces for single-person households were suggested. They are: 1) the complex residence type; 2) the space-partnership type; and 3) the community resource utilization type. In particular, the ‘community resource utilization type’ is a newly suggested type of the community spaces by this study. It is not an included space within a residential area. It uses social spaces around the single-person households’ residences, which would be a good alternative option as the community spaces for this population, especially the community spaces within the complex are not available. The results of this study strongly support that a follow-up study is needed to create better community spaces to have the third place function for this population.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        마을길에 따른 공유공간과 경관형성에 관한 연구

        정건채 한국농촌건축학회 2018 농촌건축 : 한국농촌건축학회논문집 Vol.20 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to know how to make common space, find a type of it, and build a village landscape with it in countryside. There are five types of village including suburban according to typological locality in rural area. Each of them have remarkable common spaces that are combined with community identity and usage. They usually are located along with the street and lane of the village. Most of the villages I surveyed have common places for residents to rest, share, and meet together. Representatively, pavilion with symbolic tree we call Jeonja is very popular place to them, and village people also require public parking or pocket park in their modern life. I researched common places in ten communities in rural area so that I can suggest a way of community design through them. According to this research, there are three results. First, the common space of the village is placed to motivate emotional and attractive community design in the village. Second, the common space has an identity and landscape architectural relationship to build sustainable community. Third, countries’ streets that I surveyed have four types, which are liner, tree, loop, and radiate patterns of lane. In line with those types, each one makes different and historical community landscape.

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