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      • KCI등재후보

        동아시아 『醫方類聚』 연구의 회고와 전망

        안상우,김남일,조정은 경희대학교 인문학연구원 2016 인문학연구 Vol.0 No.32

        Euibangyoochui is one of the three major medical books representing the Joseon(朝鮮) Dynasty. It was completed in 365 volumes over three years from 1443 to 1445 under the name of King Sejong. Then it was published in 266 volumes in 1477 after undergoing proofreading for several times. Euibangyoochui is called the treasure-house of the knowledge of medical science, due to the 50,000 prescriptions listed and the enormous amount of medical information it contains. But the original woodblock-printed books remain in Japan, not in Korea. The study of the Euibangyoochui began after the photo print was published in East Asia in the late 20th century. In the case of Korea, researches focusing on the Euibangyoochui itself emerged in the 1990s. The contents of the study were as follows: the background of the Euibangyoochui compilation, the compilation process, the compilers, domestic and foreign editions, impact on Korean medicine, etc. In addition, in order to examine the contents of the Euibangyoochui in various fields such as diseases, remedies, and images, the various citations contained in Euibangyoochui are examined. There are also a number of comparative studies. Several research results also have been published in China and Japan, and attempts have been made to restore the contents of the lost Chinese medical books through the Euibangyoochui. However, more research is necessary, especially focusing on the Euibangyoochui itself. Also, since the Euibangyoochui contains a wide variety of contents, we should also try to find new research topics. Finally, it is important for the scholars of East Asian countries to exchange their research results and for the general public to be interested in Euibangyoochui. After all, we should try to globalize the Euibangyoochui. 『의방유취』는 조선시대를 대표하는 3대 의서 중 하나이자, 현존하는 최대의 한의방서이다. 세종의 명으로 1443년부터 1445년까지 3년에 걸쳐 365권으로 완성되었다가 세조 대 여러 차례의 교정을 거쳐 1477년[성종 8년]에 266권 264책으로 간행되었다. 당부터 명초의 중국 의서 및 고려~조선 초까지 한국 고유의 의학 성과를 담고 있어 당대 최고 수준의 의학을 집대성한 의서로 평가받는다. 원본은 우리나라에 없고 일본에 남아있다. 『의방유취』에 대한 연구가 본격적으로 시작된 것은 20세기 후반 동아시아 각국에서 영인본이 출판되면서부터이다. 한국의 경우에는 1990년대부터 의방유취에 자체에 주목한 연구들이 나오기 시작하였는데, 그 내용은 『의방유취』 편찬의 시대적 배경, 편찬과정, 편찬인물, 국내외 판본, 내용 구성, 한의학에 미친 영향 등 매우 다양하다. 또한 질병이나 치료법, 圖像 등 분야별로 『의방유취』의 내용을 고찰하거나 『의방유취』에 수록된 여러 인용서에 대해 검토한 연구, 현존하는 의서의 편제 및 특징을 파악하기 위해 『의방유취』와 비교한 연구도 다수 존재한다. 중국이나 일본에서도 여러 연구 성과가 발표되었으며, 『의방유취』를 통해 소실된 중의학서의 내용을 복원하려는 시도가 이어지고 있다. 다만 이제까지의 연구는 『의방유취』를 사료로 이용하고자 하는 성격이 강하였기 때문에 앞으로는 『의방유취』 자체에 주목한 연구가 필요하다. 또한 『의방유취』가 매우 다양한 내용을 담고 있는 만큼, 새로운 연구 주제를 발굴하는 데에도 힘써야 할 것이다. 마지막으로 『의방유취』의 세계화를 위해서는 동아시아 각국의 학자들이 연구 성과를 교류하고, 나아가 일반인들이 『의방유취』에 대해 관심을 가질 수 있도록 하는 것이 중요하다.

      • KCI등재

        동아시아 『의방유취(醫方類聚)』 연구의 회고와 전망

        안상우 ( Ahn Sang-woo ),김남일 ( Kim Nam-il ),조정은 ( Jo Jeong-eun ) 경희대학교 인문학연구원 2016 인문학연구 Vol.0 No.32

        『의방유취』는 조선시대를 대표하는 3대 의서 중 하나이자, 현존하는 최대의 한의방서이다. 세종의 명으로 1443년부터 1445년까지 3년에 걸쳐 365권으로 완성되었다가 세조 대 여러 차례의 교정을 거쳐 1477년[성종 8년]에 266권 264책으로 간행되었다. 당부터 명초의 중국 의서 및 고려~조선 초까지 한국 고유의 의학 성과를 담고 있어 당대 최고 수준의 의학을 집대성한 의서로 평가받는다. 원본은 우리나라에 없고 일본에 남아있다. 『의방유취』에 대한 연구가 본격적으로 시작된 것은 20세기 후반 동아시아 각국에서 영인본이 출판되면서부터이다. 한국의 경우에는 1990년대부터 의방유취에 자체에 주목한 연구들이 나오기 시작하였는데, 그 내용은 『의방유취』 편찬의 시대적 배경, 편찬과정, 편찬인물, 국내외 판본, 내용 구성, 한의학에 미친 영향 등 매우 다양하다. 또한 질병이나 치료법, 圖像 등 분야별로 『의방유취』의 내용을 고찰하거나 『의방유취』에 수록된 여러 인용서에 대해 검토한 연구, 현존하는 의서의 편제 및 특징을 파악하기 위해 『의방유취』와 비교한 연구도 다수 존재한다. 중국이나 일본에서도 여러 연구 성과가 발표되었으며, 『의방유취』를 통해 소실된 중의학서의 내용을 복원하려는 시도가 이어지고 있다. 다만 이제까지의 연구는 『의방유취』를 사료로 이용하고자 하는 성격이 강하였기 때문에 앞으로는 『의방유취』 자체에 주목한 연구가 필요하다. 또한 『의방유취』가 매우 다양한 내용을 담고 있는 만큼, 새로운 연구 주제를 발굴하는 데에도 힘써야 할 것이다. 마지막으로 『의방유취』의 세계화를 위해서는 동아시아 각국의 학자들이 연구 성과를 교류하고, 나아가 일반인들이 『의방유취』에 대해 관심을 가질 수 있도록 하는 것이 중요하다. Euibangyoochui is one of the three major medical books representing the Joseon(朝鮮) Dynasty. It was completed in 365 volumes over three years from 1443 to 1445 under the name of King Sejong. Then it was published in 266 volumes in 1477 after undergoing proofreading for several times. Euibangyoochui is called the treasure-house of the knowledge of medical science, due to the 50,000 prescriptions listed and the enormous amount of medical information it contains. But the original woodblock-printed books remain in Japan, not in Korea. The study of the Euibangyoochui began after the photo print was published in East Asia in the late 20th century. In the case of Korea, researches focusing on the Euibangyoochui itself emerged in the 1990s. The contents of the study were as follows: the background of the Euibangyoochui compilation, the compilation process, the compilers, domestic and foreign editions, impact on Korean medicine, etc. In addition, in order to examine the contents of the Euibangyoochui in various fields such as diseases, remedies, and images, the various citations contained in Euibangyoochui are examined. There are also a number of comparative studies. Several research results also have been published in China and Japan, and attempts have been made to restore the contents of the lost Chinese medical books through the Euibangyoochui. However, more research is necessary, especially focusing on the Euibangyoochui itself. Also, since the Euibangyoochui contains a wide variety of contents, we should also try to find new research topics. Finally, it is important for the scholars of East Asian countries to exchange their research results and for the general public to be interested in Euibangyoochui. After all, we should try to globalize the Euibangyoochui.

      • KCI등재

        『의방유취(醫方類聚)·제허문(諸虛門)』을 통해 본 동아시아 전통의학에서의 허노(虛勞)의 역사

        정지훈,Jung, JiHun 한국의사학회 2019 한국의사학회지 Vol.32 No.2

        All Deficiency section (諸虛門) in Euibangyoochui (醫方類聚), fills volumes 143-154 of Euibangyoochui's 266 volumes. In it, diverse and meaningful concepts such as Consumptive Disease (虛勞) and Fatigue Due to Overexertion (勞倦) are introduced to describe deficiency-oriented diseases. Before the 10th century, there are classified into six categories: muscle exhaustion, pulse exhaustion, flush exhaustion, Qi exhaustion, essence exhaustion, bone exhaustion, and prescribing treatments for treating diseases corresponding to each exhaustion. As medical knowledge was integrated through the medical books compiled by the government, awareness of Consumptive Disease was advanced to clarify the concept of pathways. The Confucian doctors have led to changes in recognition of the cause of the Consumptive Disease from damage of human factors to an internal problem. It can be seen that the classification of hurdles has become more diverse just before the outbreak of Euibangyoochui and that they include various diseases.

      • KCI등재후보

        새로 발견된 조선전기 의학서 『胎産集要』 연구

        박훈평(Park, Hun-pyeong) 한국학중앙연구원 2016 장서각 Vol.0 No.36

        『태산집요』는 조선전기의 産科 전문의서이다. 『실록』과 『경국대전』에 의하면, 『태산집요』는 1472년(성종 3) 이전에 초간되어 임진왜란 직전까지 의관의 산과의학 교재로 활용되었다. 이 책은 임진왜란을 거치면서 망실되었고, 이후에는 허준이 저술한 『언해태산집요』에게 의료인을 위한 산과 전문의서라는 성격과 지위가 계승되었다. 조선후기에 『태산집요』는 법전의 규정과 『언해태산집요』에 이름으로만 남은 책이었고, 순조 때 완성된 『증정동국문헌비고』에서 『태산집요』는 노중례의 『태산요록』과 동일한 책으로 기술되기에 이르렀다. 이후 현재까지 그 오류가 이어져왔다. 그러므로 『언해태산집요』도 『태산요록』의 영향을 받은 것으로 여겨져왔다. 이 글은 새로 발견된 『태산집요』의 가치와 특성을 설명하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이번 연구가 기존의 오류를 바로잡고, 조선전기 산과의학의 실체에 한 걸음 더 나아가는 계기가 되기를 기대한다. 『태산집요』는 조선시대를 통틀어 가장 방대한 분과의서이다. 이는 다음의 사실을 알려준다. 먼저 『태산집요』는 조선전기에 있어서 산과의학에 대한 통치자의 관심을 반영한다. 또한 『의방유취』 편찬 시기에 이미 胎産, 救急, 瘡疹의 세 가지 분과의학이 국가에서 중요시하는 의학의 지위를 누리고 있음도 엿볼 수 있다. 그리고 『태산집요』는 『의방유취』 편찬 과정에서 축적된 백과사전식 의학지식을 활용하여 조선 나름으로 체계화시켜 임상적으로 이용한 사례이다. 『태산집요』는 현존본 『의방유취』 교감에 자료로서 활용될 수 있다. 『태산집요』는 세조 때의 교정본 『의방유취』를 원천으로 하여 원문을 그대로 전재하여 생성되었기 때문이다. 이에 대해서는 추후에 보다 자세한 교감연구가 요구된다. 『태산집요』의 저자는 『경국대전주해』에 의하면 임원준이다. 같은 인물이 편찬에 관여했기에 『태산집요』와 『창진집』의 편제가 유사하다. 비유하자면 임원준은 조선전기의 허준이라 할 수 있다. 그는 여러 의서의 편찬에 관여했다. 현존하는 『태산집요』는 전체가 11책으로 추정되는 분량 중에 1책에 불과하다. 그래서 구성과 편제의 구체적 양상에 대한 분석은 한계가 있다. 또한 현존본에는 간기와 서발문이 존재하지 않아, 정확한 간행 이력을 알기 어렵다. Taesanjibyo(胎産集要) was a obstetrics publications in the early period of Joseon Dinasty. According to Sillok(實錄) and Gyongguk Daejon(經國大典), Taesanjibyo was published prior to 1472, and was used as an obstetrics textbook for medical bureaucrats to just before the Imjin War. It disappeared after passing through the Imjin War, later Eonhae Taesanjibyo(諺解胎産集要) writtened by Heo Jun was succeeded to it’s character and value as a obstetrics textbook for medical bureaucrats. In the late period of Joseon dynasty, Taesanjibyo was just discovered in name only in the Code and Eonhae Taesanjibyo. Taesanjibyo was described in Jeungjeong Donggukmunheobigo(增訂東國文獻備考) as a same book with the Taesanyorok(胎産要錄) written by Rho Jungrye(盧重禮), this error has continued up to now. Therefore, Eonhae Taesanjibyo has been considered as affected by Taesanyorok. This paper aims to explain the character and value of the newly discovered Taesanjibyo. This study expect to rectify any existing errors and take one step further on understanding the reality of obstetrics in the early period of Joseon Dinasty. Taesanjibyo was the largest scale specialized medical book throughout the Joseon dynasty. It indicates the following facts. First, Taesanjibyo reflects interest of the ruler to the medical field in obstetrics in the early period of Joseon Dinasty. Also when Euibangyoochui(醫方類聚) was published, three kinds of division of medicine(obstetrics, emergency medicine, treatment of smallpox) have already a significant medical value by the dynasty. And Taesanjibyo was the case that was organized medical encyclopedia knowledge in Joseon’s own way accumulated in the process of publishers’s Euibangyoochui and has been used clinically using. Taesanjibyo can be utilized as data on the textual Criticism of Euibangyoochui. Because proofread version text of Euibangyoochui by king Sejo(世祖) is included in text of Taesanjibyo. The more detailed textual Criticism is required for this one. It needs research projects in the future. The author of the Taesanjibyo is Im Wonjun(任元濬) according to Gyeongguk Daejeon Juhae(經國大典註解). Taesanjibyo’s configuration is similar to Changjinjib’s configuration, so boths books have same author. By analogy, Im wonjun can be called Heo Jun in the early period of Joseon Dinasty. He was involved in the compilation of several medical books. The total volume is estimated at 11 books. But the extant edition is only one of the whole. Thus analysis of the specific aspects of the configuration and the footing has a limit. In addition, because there is no interphase and the preface of extant editions, it causes difficulty to know the exact publication type.

      • "어의촬요(御醫撮要)"-실전의서의 복원 I

        안상우,최환수,Ahn, Sang-Woo,Choi, Hwan-Soo 한국한의학연구원 1998 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.4 No.1

        $\ulcorner$Aheuichaulyo御醫撮要$\lrcorner$ was known to be published by Choi Jong-jun崔宗峻 in Korea高麗 Dynasty(A.D.1226), however its original copy is not available at the present. It was thought that Korean folk medicine and the remedies were recorded in this book, and these were recorded in $\ulcorner$Euibangyoochui醫方類聚$\lrcorner$ published in Chosun 朝鮮 dynasty(1445). $\ulcorner$Euibangyoochui$\lrcorner$ is called a treasure-house of the knowledge of traditional oriental medicine which contains over 50,000 prescriptions and enormous amount of medical information. The restoration of $\ulcorner$Aheuichaulyo$\lrcorner$was possible during the process of establishment of data base work of $\ulcorner$Euibangyoochui$\lrcorner$. $\ulcorner$Aheuichaulyo$\lrcorner$ was restored as 131 chapters mainly from the related contents of $\ulcorner$Euibangyoochui$\lrcorner$ and partially from the contents of $\ulcorner$Hyangyakjipsungbang鄕藥集成方$\lrcorner$ and $\ulcorner$Boonmoononyukyihaebang分門瘟易解方$\lrcorner$ for the supplement.

      • KCI등재

        『醫方類聚』의 醫案에 한 연구

        구민석(Min seok Ku),변정욱(Jung Wuck Byun),차웅석(Wung Seok Cha),김남일(Nam il Kim ) 한국의사학회 2017 한국의사학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        Euibangyoochui (醫方類聚), the largest medical book in Korea, has medical and historical significance in that it had classified almost all East Asian medical accomplishments before Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910). Focusing on these values, this research investigates Yi’an (醫案), an East Asian tradition of describing clinical encounters and the therapies employed, in Euibangyoochui . By this investigation, this study expected to not only establish how the genre of Yi’an is employed for what purpose in Euibangyoochui , but also to shed a light on the appearance of Yi’an before Joseon Dynasty. At first, this study extracted Yi’an from Euibangyoochui (醫方類聚), as Yi’an does not have a standardized format. In total, the number of extracted Yi’ans is 1,025 with handwork results. Extracted Yi’ans are analyzed statically, in order to find dispersion of Yi’ans for each chapter and its references. Overall, there are 73 chapters of Euibangyoochui , which has a total of 93 chapters, containing Yi’an, while the chapter on gynecology contains the highest number of Yi ans, 86. Judged from these result, the genre of Yi’an was used diversely and frequently, indicating various messages in Euibangyoochui . To categorize the usage and purpose of writing of Yi’ans in Euibangyoochui , this study considers some examples of Yi’ans and concludes that 3 types of Yi’ans are employed in Euibangyoochui in order to deliver the adequate medical message. One is result-centered Yi’an delivering a broader medical lesson, such as a taboo in treatment or a doctrine in medicine. The second is the concise-styled Yi’an presenting a short effective medical method. The third is multiple-information Yi’an that describes complex information of patients and medical theories, transmitting diverse lessons. Yi’ans in Euibangyoochui refer to 58 medical books. Books written by JangJaHwa (張子和; 1156-1228) are the most cited books, offering almost a quarter of total amount of Yi’ans in Euibangyoochui . This study is meaningful in that it provides basic information, such as numbers, applications, purpose of writing and references of Yi’an in Euibangyoochui . Moreover considering the historic values of Euibangyoochui , this information reflects, on the other hands, overall figures of Yi’an written before publication of Euibangyoochui

      • KCI등재

        조선전기 『의방유취』의 성취와 한계 : 상한에 대한 인식을 중심으로

        이경록 ( Kyung Lock Lee ) 한국과학사학회 2012 한국과학사학회지 Vol.34 No.3

        Euibangyoochui 醫方類聚, edited in 1445 under the reign of King Sejong 世宗, was a kind of the oriental medical encyclopedia. This article explores the achievements and limitations of the Euibangyoochui focusing on the part of the Cold Damage 傷寒門. I looked into the configuration of the Euibangyoochui through the introductory notes. The editors of the Euibangyoochui had collected the vast amount of medical theories and prescriptions from the ancient times until the early days of the Ming 明 Dynasty. Besides the herb therapies, they compiled the diet therapies, the contraindications, the acupuncture and moxibustion, and the training such as deep breathing and meditation which could supported the treatment. The editors of the Euibangyoochui had collected various diseases as much as possible. And the diseases organization of the Euibangyoochui such as the Cold Damage diseases, contagious diseases, febrile diseases and other complications reflects the strong will of the Joseon government intended to control all kind of the diseases. Through the compilation of the Euibangyoochui, the Joseon medical scientists learned the medical theories and the prescriptions had been changed depending on the era and the situation. And it meant that the Joseon has to have her own medical theory, because the climate and era of the Joseon is different from that of the China. So the Euibangyoochui became the forerunner of the Korean medical work Donguibogam 東醫寶鑑 which was published in 1613. On the other hand, easy-to-use medical books and first aid handy books translated into Korean were published because the Euibangyoochui was too complicated and massive to use.

      • KCI등재후보

        拭疣 金守溫의 醫方類聚 편찬 事蹟

        안상우,홍세영 한국의사학회 2011 한국의사학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        Kim Su-On(1409∼1481) was a editor in King Sejong’s times who worked on the publication of 『Euibangyoochui(醫方類聚)』 and other major publications led by the royal family. This paper will review the works of Kim Su-On based on the medical background of early Joseon Dynasty and the medical book-reading officer system, and also evaluate his contribution to the development of medicine in early Joseon Dynasty, factoring in his life, ideas, and literary talent. By looking at the life of Kim Su-On, we can understand the role of Confucian doctors(儒醫) in the early Joseon Dynasty, how Confucian scholars who were learned in medicine supervised the compilation and correction of 『Euibangyoochui(醫方類聚)』. Especially, from the poetry of 『Sikujip(拭疣集)』, contents regarding the proofreading of 『Euibangyoochui(醫方類聚)』 between Im Won-jun and Kim Su-On shows the publication process of 『Euibangyoochui(醫方類聚)』 at the reign of King Sungjong. His outstanding achievements are largely due to the medical book-reading officer system implemented around the time 『Euibangyoochui(醫方類聚)』 was published. The medical book-reading officer system aimed to increase the knowledge of various matters for the civil service bureaucrats, allowing them to become high-ranking officials in the fields of technology. Its another purpose was to compile specialty publications. Many of the civil service bureaucrats who participated in the medical book publications arranged the theoretical basis of medicine and modified experience medicine to a new medical system. The first edition of 『Euibangyoochui(醫方類聚)』 at King Sejong's reign collected vast medical information into 365 books. Then it was corrected during King Sejo's reign then finally completed and published at King Seongjong’s reign. During this period, the experience medicine inherited from Goryeo Dynasty was reestablished into a new form of theoretical interpretation.

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