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      • 古典詩歌敎育 이대로 좋은가 : 특히 詩調文學敎育과 관련하여

        金東俊 동국대학교 교육문제연구소 1985 교육문제연구 Vol.3 No.-

        오늘 본인에게 주어진 제목은 "고전문학교육의 문제점" 중에서 "시가교육의 문제점"이다. 교육의 과제란 근본적으로 만족이라든가 완전이라든가를 기할 수 없다는 것은 새삼스러운 이야기이지만 문제는 교육의 본질문제가 아니라, 그 효율성을 추구하는 문제로 이야기 될 때 이 방면의 종사자들은 늘 책임이라는 문제를 면하기 어려운 것이다. 이러한 책임문제와 관련하여 고전시가교육에 대한 표면적인 문제는 정책적 차원에서의 교과과정상의 문제와 교재상의 문제를 지적하게 되고, 교육현장에서 이루어 지고 있는 교과지도상의 문제라 하겠다. 교육ㆍ 고전시가의 체계에서 파악되어지는 고전시가교육이 한낱 관념적인 우리 선인들의 문학유산이라는 단계를 넘어서 고전이 우리 현실앞에 살아 있는 생명체로서 현대문학에 접합되어져야 한다는 명제를 안고 있다

      • 독일의 문화간 이해교육의 실천과 시사점

        이종하 동국대학교 교육문제연구소 2006 교육문제연구 Vol.17 No.-

        Bekanntlich war Ausl?nderp?dagogik als eine p?dagogische Antwort auf die Probleml?sung im Gefolge der Arbeitsmigration aus verschiedenen L?nder und in der Konfrontation mit neuen aufgetauchten Erziehungsfrage der Migratenkinder angesehen. Zugleich war sie erste Phase von 'Interkulturelle Erziehung'. Ausl?nderp?dagogik ging zuerst nicht von p?dagogikimmanenten Diemension, sondern von sozialen und bildungspolischen Forderungen ausgegangen. sie zeigte sich offenkundig ihre Grenze und Defizite als Assimiationsp?dagogik. Im Gegensatz dazu basiert 'Interkulturelle Erziehung', das neue reflektierte Paradigmawechsel der Ausl?nderp?dagogik, auf das gleich Wert der kulturellen Vilfalt, Multikulturalit?t, Verst?ndigungsverm?gen der Interkulturalit?t und bem?cht sich um die p?dagogische Praxis in der Schule und au?erschulisch. 'Interkulturelle Erziehung' ist heutzutage zwar noch keine Unterrichtsfach, aber ist sie f?cher?bergreifend mit durchg?ngig interkulturelle Perspektiven in allen Unterrichten (z.B. zahlreiche Projekte, Gruppenarbeit, Bisprachekurs etc.) durchgef?hrt wird. Die Betrachtung ?ber die Entstehung, Entwicklung und konkrete Modellforschung der 'Interkulturelle Erziehung' kann f?r die unsere heutigen p?dagogische Reaktion auf Migratenkinder sehr sinnvoll und lehrreich sein. In der ?bergangsphase von Monokulturellen Gesellschaft zur multukulturellen gilt 'Interkulturelle Erziehung' immerhin f?r eine relevante p?dagogische Themen und der Praxis. 독일의 '외국인교육학'은 이주외국인 노동자 유입에 수반하는 교육문제를 해결하기 위한 교육적 대응으로서 시작되었다. 외국인교육학은 오늘날 독일교육학계에서 연구ㆍ실천되고 있는 '문화간 이해교육'의 효시이다. 외국인교육학은 교육내적차원보다는 사회적 차원에서 비롯되었으며 동화교육정책의 한계를 크게 벗어나지 못했다. 문화간 이해교육은 외국인교육학의 반성에 기초해 모든 문화의 동등한 가치, 다문화성, 문화간 이해능력을 중시하며 이를 훈련시키는 것을 교육목표로 한다. 문화간 이해교육은 현재 공식교과과목으로 채택되어 있지 않지만 모든 학과수업에 다양한 형식으로 반영되는 초학과적 성격과 함께 수많은 프로젝트, 이중 언어교육 등을 통해 실시되고 있다. 독일의 문화간 이해교육의 발생과 전개 및 구체적 사례에 대한 고찰은 한국에 이주한 외국인 노동자의 인권과 그들 자녀의 교육권리를 환기시키고 구체적인 '교육문제'를 풀어 나아가는데 하나의 중요한 단서를 제공해준다. 단일문화사회에서 다문화사회로 접어드는 한국의 교육사회적 환경의 변화기에 문화간 이해교육은 중요한 교육적 주제이며 이에 대한 학문적, 교육실천적 담론이 요구된다.

      • 産業社會에 적응하는 人間養成을 위한 家政科敎育의 方向

        李春규,劉永祥,李貞德,朴明姬 동국대학교 교육문제연구소 1983 교육문제연구 Vol.2 No.-

        ABSTRACTThe following conclusions were reached through she documents-study and curricula analysis to grasp the changing functions of family in the industrialized society and to identy the ways of improving Home Economics Education.1. Aspects of family functionsFirst, in the process of industrialization of a society, among the various functions of family, the ecoBlomic function, Ivhich is the basic one, underwent the most remarIEable change. Externally, the functons of providing labour and enhancing its quality are strenghthene4 while internally the consumer functions of family members are expanded. And to hee拏 uP with the development of scienti(ic technology, more emphasis shou14 be put on the home management techniqnes. Secondly, the more industrialiged a society is, the more onphasis should be given to the function of affection which is one of the fundermental functions of family to restore the humanity of the family members. Regarding the sexual (unctions, the aspect of sex control and the population control should be strengthened.Thirdly, among other additional (unctions of family, the important function that a modern society requires most is the eAucational function within home, particularly, the education (or culture transfer a social life.In addition, it seems that more industrialiged a society becomes, the more required are, externally, the function of the social stabilization, and internally, the functions of providing rest and recreation for mental and Physical refreshment of family memders. 2. Protaems in Home Economics educationTte first problem is the nature of the subjects themselves in Home Economics education. Thc curriculum of the Comprehehensive Home Economics and Technology education in a socity under its industrialization is made up of Vocational-Home Economics subject on the basis of the past vocational education, but this should be included in the general subjects needed for everybody in a modern industrialized society·, : Second, the present curriculum which applies separate subjects for male and female education, does not fit the trend of modern industrialised society, in which the sex role has been weakened considerably. In other words, current system is not desirable, because male students need more learning in Comprehensive Hon)e Economics, while girl students need more Vocational education.The third problem is the nature of Vocational Home Economics education. If above-mentiontioned Comprehensive Home Economics ecucation is accepted as one of the general subjects, then, Vocational Home Economics education should be intensified to provide specialize4 vocational education to keep up the technological development of the industrialifed society. Although the goals of the current Vocational Home Economics education are to achieve the betterment of home life as well as social life, and the goals themselves are directed to achieve the specialization, the actual curriculum doesn't suffice the goals.Therefore, the general education for family life and social life should be done through Comprehensive Home Economics subject, and the Vocational education for career should be specialized through Vocational Home Economics education as a typical Voc- ational education subject.3.'1'entative 誠路99estions of 뇌one 路conomicg 刻럽脚c亂銘킬n for Industrialized Soclty Considering the functional changes of family and the problems of present Houle Economics education, the following tentative suggestions are made to train students to adapt the.nselves better to the industrlaliBation of the society,1) In middle schools as well as in high schools, the subjects lille Technology and Comprehensive Home Economics which now belon壽 to the Vocational-Home Economics education, should be included in the general subjects.2) Girls Comprehensive Home Economics subject and boys Technology subject should be combined in a new course for both male and (emale students. The genEral goals of this new suggested are as follows :a) To understand the concept of family formation and its developmentb) T㉠ understand the developmental precess of industrialized society.c) To learn how to utilige a,14 conserve resources, and to foster the caP亂bilities of efficient management.d) To learn how to use and manage simple tools and machines as well as the value and pleasure of working.e) To foster the attitude of wise consumer.f) To understand the need of humall clothing, huslan nlltl·ition & food, and housing environmentg) To let each individual plan and make decision for one's tut·Ire.ThoEe goals are to teach the basic and essential attitude and knowledge that human beings must have to lead happy and comfortable life, which can be derived from the basic concepts ㉡』 Home Economics which enables them utilize family environm- ents, technology, and resoul'roes.1 mils TenTaTive s'uggesTlons TaemEeLves 211署嵐르 hi-111諸 Problems me叢tioned above, such as, textbook revision, composition of contents to implement ttlose goals, the qualification of teachers.But the contents and quality of education should meet the requir-ements of the changing society to help students adapt to their society better. Especially, the subjects related to daily living, like Home Economics and Technology, should be focused to (oster the ability of social adjustment. To that effect, changes in Home Economics education toward a new direction are necessary.It is regrettable that the boca淋onal aspec能 of Voca沐onal Home Economics education ar.e not fully dealt in this study. Authors hope the subject will to further atudied with more concern in the times ahead.

      • 객관식 시험과 수행평가의 교육적 의의

        김성훈 동국대학교 교육문제연구소 2006 교육문제연구 Vol.17 No.-

        Bearing a question whether evaluation contributes to healthy education, two typical forms of educational assessment, objective tests and performance evaluations, were reviewed with two respects. One was the characteristics of the information of each assessment, and the other was educational meaning so-resulted from the information characteristics. While objective test results are of the information of individual and unaided ability measured objectively. performance evaluation results include the information group and aided ability in addition to former one. So the latter usually evaluated subjectively but not excluding objective measurement. Such characteristics lead to the educational implications in two aspects, ability and individual relationships emphasized as follow. First, objective tests may lead to an emphasis of the amount of simple knowledge instead of the structure of complex ability which performance evaluation may does. Second, performance tests differently from objective tests may be hardly visualize or reverse the order of competitiveness individuals even between teacher and students, may enable helpers to take part in the process of educating, and may blur the cooperation and competition. It was discussed that educational evaluation need to put more weight on diagnosing individuals' knowledge states, conceptualizing cooperative and aided ability, evaluating more expanded ability like transpersonal ability, and evaluating educating itself. 전통적 객관식 시험과 새로이 확산되고 있는 수행평가는 교육을 교육답게 하는가? 두 가지 평가 형태의 배경과 산출되는 정보의 특징을 비교하였다. 개별적이고 독자적인 능력을 객관적으로 평가할 수 있는 객관식 시험에 비해서 개별적이고 독자적인 능력뿐 아니라 그보다는 집단적이고 보조적인 능력까지도 평가할 수 있는 수행평가는 일반적으로 주관적 평가가 될 수밖에 없지만 더러는 객관적인 평가를 할 수도 있다. 이러한 특징을 가진 두 유형의 평가의 교육적 의의는 평가대상 능력과 인관관계를 중심으로 논의되었다. 능력 측면에서 볼 때, 수행평가는 단순한 지식의 양보다는 보다 복잡한 지식의 구조를 측정하는 한편, 보조적인 능력이나 공동체적 능력이 교육에서 강조될 여지가 있다. 그리고 인간관계 측면에서는 객관식 시험은 인간의 우열관계 가시화 및 역전화가 용이한 한편, 수행평가는 주위사람의 교육적 참여가 용이한 만큼, 협동과 경쟁관계가 혼재하게 되는 현상을 초래하기가 쉽다. 결론적으로 어떤 평가이든 서열화를 넘어서서 인간의 구조적 이해를 위한 진단과 보조적인 능력과 공동체적 능력의 교육적 의의를 위한 담론 외에, 초월심리학과 같은 영역에서 보이는 보다 폭넓은 인간이해를 위한 평가의 필요성을 논의하였다.

      • 問題 中心의 敎育學에 관한 一考察

        鄭德熙 東國大學校 敎育問題硏究所 1992 교육문제연구 Vol.7 No.-

        This article discussed the structure of Pa¨dagogik als Wissenschaft which is composed of educational problem, theory and thought based on problem-centered theory of science. Through this discussion have we some conclusions as follows : (1) All theory of education date from a practical interest that want to solve the present educational problem . In other words, the inquiry purpose of educational theory is at the solving of educational problems confronting in the process of life ; (2) But the practical interest of education is limited by the exactness and objectivity of educational theory, because we have the ability to reflect on problems emerging from a educational practice In other words, although educational theory starts from a practical interest, we do not admit a naive practice of edcation acted without the objective facts at which educational theory presents ; (3) Educational theory, however, is limited by educational practice, because the purpose itself of practice is not the object of scientific inquiry, but the problem of our choice and decision . In this point, we need the educational thought pertaining to the value choice that have the direction to educational practice. In other words, the problem refering to the human and society that we want to anticipate is solved not by educational theory, but only by educational thought ; (4) But although the educational thought not presupposing the objective theory of education has the direction to educational practice in a good will, we will not anticipate its success. To use a metaphor, although a mother strongly loves her son, she does not cure her son's illness without medical knowledge . The direction of educational thought, therefore, should combine a educational theory as a objective knowledge in order to have a truly directive effect. It is said that educational problem, theory and thought are closely connected with. Educational thought has an effect on the genesis and formation of educational theory. Also, educational thought is infuenced by educational theory. They have their special realm . They, however, would be united in the solving process of problems confronting with our life and history .

      • 대학의 교수학습 개발에 대한 요구분석 연구 II : 동국대학교 학생들의 요구분석을 중심으로

        박명희,김성훈,박명숙,박종호,이성림,이중권 동국대학교 교육문제연구소 2006 교육문제연구 Vol.17 No.-

        본연구의 목적은 1차 연구인 교수의 교수학습 관련 요구도 조사에 이어 학생들의 교수학습에 대한 요구도를 조사하여 교수들의 요구도와 학생들의 요구의 차이를 파악하고 대학 교육의 질 관리를 위한 교수학습 개발을 위한 기초자료로 사용하고자 한다. 학습여건에 대해 시설, 설비, 교육기자재에 대한 개선 요구도가 가장 높게 나타고 교수의 교수법 개선에 대한 요구가 다음으로 높게 나타나고 있다. 담당과목 교수님의 강의에 대한 열의가 개선되어야 한다고 응답한 학생은 전체 조사대상 학생의 약 76.9%에 이르고 학생들이 좋은 과목으로 언급한 과목 유형은 교양보다 전공과목에서, 수강학생수는 30명 이내의 소규모 수업에서 보다 많이 나타났다. 학생들이 좋아하는 교수는 강의에 열정적이며 잘 가르치고 학생들과 상호작용을 잘 하는 것으로 나타났다. 학생 참여 수업-토론중심, 발표중심, 프로젝트 중심, 실험실습 중심 수업-에 대한 공통적인 만족 사항은 참여를 함으로써 학습 내용에 대한 흥미와 동기가 생기고 자율적으로 학습을 하게 됨으로써 학습 효과가 크다는 점이다. 실험실습 수업은 “많이 했으면 좋겠다”는 의견이 다수 제시되고 있어서 학생들이 가장 선호하는 수업방식으로 나타났다. 교수와 학생들 사이에 교수방법에 대한 요구에서 일치하는 부분과 불일치하는 부분을 발견할 수 있다. 즉 교수들은 강의식 이외의 수업-토론식, 발표중심, 프로젝트중심 수업-에 대해 효과적이라고 평가한 것에 비해 이러한 수업 방식에 대한 학생들의 만족도는 높지 않고 오히려 강의식과 실험실습 수업에 대해 만족도가 다소 높게 나타나서 수업효과에 대해 학생과 교수 사이에 인식 차이가 발견되었다 Related to the previous study on the demands of professors regarding teaching and learning methods, the purpose of this study was to comprehend the demands on the part of the students in matters of professor teaching and learning to find the differences in demands and to serve as basic data of future teaching methods for course quality management. Demands for the improvement of facilities and education equipment were the highest, followed by the demand for better teaching methods incorporated by the professors. About 76.9% of the surveyed students said that the enthusiasm on the part of their professor was lacking, and the courses that the students found satisfactory were mostly major courses rather than distribution courses, and were mostly small scale classes with less than 30 students. The students also said that they favored professors who were enthusiastic and qualified for teaching, as well as those who had more interaction with the students. The common satisfaction for student participation classes - discussion, research, project, or experiment and practical training oriented - was in the fact that participation encouraged interest and motive on the part of the student, and that a more liberal learning environment lead to higher learning effectiveness. A lot of students said that they would “like to have more” experiment and practical training courses, making this the most favored class method. We could see some common and some different demands for teaching methods between professors and students. In other words, the professors thought that teaching methods other than lectures - discussion, research, project oriented classes - were more effective, while the students were not as pleased with these forms of classes, but more approving of lecture or practical training classes. There was a difference between teachers and students in their perception of effective course teaching methods.

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