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      • 大學圖書館의 敎育工學的接近 : 個別學習을 中心으로

        姜美慧 德成女子大學校 1982 德成女大論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        It is very fortunate to point out that collegy has recently tried to search for a new meaning of education sith an emphasis upon living education and educational experience. Accordingly, it attempts to develop a scientiffic and systematic learning theory to optimize educational effectiveness by bringing media in an educational system. Indeed, a textbook is mo longer an exclusive or a sufficient learning material to obtain new knowledge. In a word, this is called "Educational Technological Approach". The significant value of the approach is also placed upon the encouragement of "Individualized Instruction", which means learning through individual experiences as an extention of clasroom-instruction. Of course, the instruction can go side by side with classroom-learning and can be supplemented by it. In addition, the intention of it can from as interest and motivation entirely different from each other. For this purpose, college libraries should take, it seems fair, charge of supporting "Individualized Instruction" for individual learners, and must serve them as a place for it. Natually it will require as adequate approach from college libraries to educational techology. It is needless to say that collegy libraries have vigorously played a leading role in college education. However, I would like to ask whether they pay lavish attentions to the application of educational technology. Now, let me examine the present situation of collegy libraries. For instance, it is true that a traditional teaching method has not so far encouraged students to use a library effectively for individually or silent oriented library was as much as they could mot only prepare and review their lessons but also research reprts and projects. Unfurtunately, the library did not even hold hardware and software necessary to activate and improve Individualized Instruction. Nevertheless, it seems strange that the library dies not still have a positive and effective attitude to media. In a word, it is natural that Indicidualized Instruction was not fully achieved in the library. Attitude to media is different in each library as well as from that of each librarian. In case media is simply regarded as either filmstrip of slide, it can not play such a powerful role as educational resources. When media is defined as a significant resource for the educational technological approach, it acquires a significant meaning to the effect that media can have a tremendous value and practical use to achieve educational goal. Allie Beth Martin, president of A.N.A., explains thea point well. According to her, the purpose of "Librarianshop" is fully to provide all people using library with user-oriented services and informations. For these effectiveness, library should use media properly with correct and deep understanding as learning resources that it can offer to its users to achieve their educational goals. Indeed, this is an important problem by which a library is nowadays confronted. Then let me briefly point out several obstacles to the application of media in a library. 1. lack of experiences using media 2. lack of unferatanding with regard to the important role of media 3. lack of demands from users of library about meida mainly because of a traditional concept which library dealta with books only 4. reluctance of professors to use media in classroom because it makes, they think, thier class preparation complicate and difficult. 5. lack of positive intention to change and innovate total curriculums of Library Science, and financial support to bring media in and maintain it. With all the previous discusstions together in mind, it is my firm believe that the collection of media's resources and informations and its practical use should be taken into accout under entire educational programs. Also, we must see media with the concern of an educational technological approach rather than as mere library materials or simple audiovisual materials. Then, it is obvious that such media helps to make the most of individualized instruction very important for college education. Therefore, the purpose ofthis thesis is to find out an educational meaning of media with significant validity ofr achieving educational goals, and then to clarify the role of library upon an educational technological approach in examining the correlation between media and individualezed instruction of a library. Besides, this paper will suggest a vision for individualized instruction by introducion and examining several examples of individaulized instruction methods which are popular in U.S.A.

      • KCI등재

        대학도서관자료의 분실과 훼손에 대한 이용자들의 태도에 관한 경험적 연구 -1989년과 1994년의 조사분석을 중심으로-

        강미혜 한국문헌정보학회 1995 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.28 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to investigate the attitudes of students, who are used to study at the Library of Duksung Women's University, concerning about the loss and mutilation of books, articles and other research materials in a university library, and to take measures for preventing the library materials from being lost and mutilated. This study made the surveys of student's recognition about the immoral behaviors like larcenous and mutilating acts, the causes of such destructive works and effective preventive measures to keep library materials in good condition, including student's opinion about library services. The investigations were conducted in two times with the same questionnaire on randomly selected 480 students and 540 students of 1989 and 1994 respectively. The sample size is estimated to reach each 10% of the total number of students of 1989 and 1994 in Duksung Women's University. And then, the students were divided into two groups. The one is a group that has had experiences stealing and mutilating the materials from the Library of the University. The other is another group which has done none of them. Thereafter the responses of the two groups are analyzed to compare the differences of the students' behaviors between 1989 and 1994, and thereby finding out important factors inviting the loss and mutilation and accordingly improving effective checks to deter the students from stealing and mutilating the library materials. Some of the research findings suggested in this paper are pointed out as follows: 1) The students who has experienced neither stealing nor mutilating the library materials visited the library more frequently and are more serious about such destructive behavior as stealing and mutilating. 2) The attitudes of the students about services and equipments supplied by the library are slightly different among the students who experienced such immoral activities or not. For example, the experienced students had more preference about an application of self-help duplicating machine being able to use card. 3) To prevent the students from stealing and mutilating the library materials, the non-experienced students demanded an education for them to duly recognize the public interest of the library and also suggested to keep more duplicate materials ready in the library, meanwhile, the experienced students indicated strongly such proposals as strict regulations against stealing and mutilating behaviors, having a correct understanding of costing a lot of time and money to restore the damaged materials to their original state and keeping many duplicates ready in the library. 4) It appears to be that there were different between the experienced and non-experienced students concerning causes invited stealing and mutilated behaviors. 5) Over all, the number of the non-experienced students is more increased in 1994 than that of 1989

      • 대학도서관 자료의 분실과 훼손에 관한 연구

        강미혜 德成女子大學校 1995 德成女大論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to investigate the attitudes of students, who are used to study at the Library of Duksung Women's University, concerning about the loss and mutilation of books, articles and other research materials in a university library, and to take measures for preventing the library materials from being lost and mutilated. This study made a survey of stydent's recognition about the immoral behaviors like larcenous and mutilating acts, the causes of such destructive works and effective preventive measures to keep library's materials in good condition, including student's opinion about library services. The investigation was conducted in September 1994 on randomly selected 540 students. The sample size is estimated to reach 10% of the total nember of students in Duksung Women's University. And then, the students were divided into two groups. The one is a group that has had experiences stealing and mutilating the materials from the Library of the University. The other is another group which has done none of them. Thereafter the responses of the two groups are analyzed to compare the differences of the student's behaviors, and thereby finding out important factors inviting the loss and mutilation and accordingly improving effective checks to deter the students from stealing and mutilating the library materials. Some of the research findings suggested in this paper are pointed out as follows: 1) The students who has experienced neither stealing nor mutilating the library materials visited the library more frequently and are more serious about such destructive behavior as stealing and mutilating. 2) The attitudes of the students about services and equipments supplied by the library are slightly different among the students who experienced such immoral activities or not. 3) To prevent the students from stealing and mutilating the library materials, the non-experienced students demanded an education for them to duly recognize the public interest of the library and also suggested to keep more duplicate materials ready in the library, meanwhile, the experience students indicated strongly such proposals as strict regulations against stealing and mutilating behaviors, having a correct understanding of costing a lot of time and money to restore the damaged materials to their original state and keeping many duplicates ready in the library. 4) It appears to be that there were different between the experienced and nonexperienced students concerning causes invited stealing and mutilated behaviors.

      • 非圖書資料의 目錄規則에 관한 고찰 -AACR 을 中心으로-

        姜美慧 韓國圖書館學會 1984 圖書館學 Vol.11 No.1

        The purpose of the study is to call forth a special attention to nonbook materials as part of library materials and to improve its bibliographic study of the Korean library community. For this purpose, this paper will concern the cataloging codes of nonbook materials in Anglo-American tradition for discussion, analyses and comparison. Furthermore, an emphasis was made on the general historical development of nonbook cataloging codes mainly used in U.S. and its impact on Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (AACR). In addition, in the part Ⅲ of AACR1, several controversial issues will be argued for further revision in provision. As shown in the revised Chapter 12 of AACR 1, this thesis will try to identify common characteristics and requirements of the standard cataloging codes. It will require a comparison of various subjects with three other leading international cataloging codes, served as the principal sources of information for the revision. And my final discussion will be argued for the comparison of the differences between AACR 1 and AACR 2 with exemples

      • 공공도서관의 홍보에 관한 경험적 연구

        강미혜 德成女子大學校 1996 德成女大論文集 Vol.27 No.-

        The public relations of the public libraries are considered an improtant mechanism to restore the role of libraries as a center for education, information and culture. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the attitudes as to how library users and librarians think of the needs of the public relations, the contents of their programs, the suitable media and the effectiveness of the relations. For research methodology, this research is randomly questionnaired to 300 library users and 80 librarians in August 1996. The collected data is analyzed by 5 Point Likert Scale. The analysis shows that there are interesting research findings as follow : 1. The needs of the public relations are duly recognized by library users and librarians. 2. The contents of the public relations programs which the library users and the librarians demanded are different. Namely, the library users demanded guidance of library materials and facilities, information about educational and research materials, and information retrieval via online, meanwhile, the librarians demanded various kinds of library services, information access method and information retrieval via online. 3. Both of the library users and the librarians are profered mass media, such as radio and TV for the public relations programs. 4. The library users expect that library use and the development of reading interest are to be increased by the public relations programs. According to the librarians, it is appear to be that an enhancement of library image, and a financial supprot of library budget could be umproved by ever expanding role of public relations libraties. Therefore, in order to maximize the effectiveness of public relations, public libraries should utilize mass media from now on, so that various services of public libraries could be known to the users.

      • KCI등재

        대학도서관의 전시에 대한 효과분석 -이용자와 사서를 중심으로-

        강미혜 한국문헌정보학회 1996 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.30 No.2

        도서관의 봉사활동 중에서 이용자의 다양한 정보욕구를 충족시키고 아울러 도서관에 대한 이미지를 쇄신시킬 수 있는 효과적인 방법 중의 하나가 바로 전시라고 할 수 있겠다. 따라서, 본 연구의 목적은 전시에 대한 사서와 이용자의 인식도와 견해를 조사함으로써 대학도서관의 전시가 도서관에 미치는 효과 및 영향을 알아 보고자 한다. 연구방법은 설문지 조사로서 설문의 내용은 크게 전시행사를 개최함으로써 가져올 수 있는 5가지의 효과로 나누고, 각 분야별로 세분된 항목들을 구성하여 그 효과를 분석하였다. 조사는 1995년 7월에 이용자 360명과 사서 90명을 무작위로 추출하여 실시하였으며, 설문지의 분석은 단순빈도분석, 교차분석, T test, 일원변량분석 등의 통계적 방법을 사용하였다. 본 연구를 통해 밝혀진 결과를 토대로 논의하면 다음과 같다. 1.대학도서관의 전시는 도서관 이용자의 교육에 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 2.대학도서관의 전시는 이용자의 자료이용률의 증가에 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 3.대학도서관의 전시는 도서관의 홍보에 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 4.대학도서관의 전시는 도서관 장서의 개발에 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 5.대학도서관의 사서들이 준비하는 전시행사는 학술논문과 같은 학술적 가치가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 본연구에서 조사한 사서들의 견해를 종합하면 사서들은 대학도서관의 전시행사가 매우 중요한 것으로 인식하고 있었으며 전시행사에 직접 참여할 의향 또한 매우 높은 것을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 대학도서관은 전시를 위한 풍부한 예산지원과 운영요원 등의 전폭적인 지원을 아끼지 말아야 할 것이다 The exhibit programs of library are considered an effective and important mechanism to satisfy the demand for information of library users and to innovate a library image. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is to investigate their recognitions as to how librarians and library users think of the effectiveness of the exhibition programs and as to how the programs exert an influence upon libraries. For research methodology, this research is randomly questionnaired to 360 library users and 90 librarians in July 1995. The collected data is analyzed by such statistical methods as frequency, crosstabs, T test and annova. The analysis shows that there are interesting research findings as follow: 1. The exhibition programs are appeared to be effective for education of library users. 2. The programs are appeared to be effective for increased use of library materials. 3. The programs are appeared to be effective for public relations. 4. The programs are appeared to be effective for collection development. 5. They are revealed to have academic values like academic articles. In sum, among the opinions of librarians, they indicate that the programs are very important in activating the functions of library. Therefore, university libraries should lavishly support the exhibition programs with enough budget and exhibition planners to manage

      • 在來市場의 業態別 空間構成과 規模에 관한 建築計劃的 硏究

        허진,김미영,김수인 朝鮮大學校 建設技術硏究所 2007 建設技術硏究 Vol.27 No.1

        As a result of statistical analysis of bottom crack, bottom and compressive strength through the appearance survey of bridges with their used life, the correlation coefficient values between crack and used life and used life have high correlations as 0.724. 0.826 and 0.767 respectively within significance level of 99% and those between crack and compressive strength, and compressive strength and used life and compressive strength show -0.732. -0.632 and -0.774 respectively within significance level of 99%. And it has reverse correlation that as compressive strength is larger, the used life is reduced. This study examine the life neutralization and corrosion of steel reinforcing, predicts the remaining life of structure, understands the life and danger of structure and then it can be used as basic materials in evaluation of safety, repair, reinforcing and rebuilding of structure.

      • A rare case of Melanosis peritonei development after rupture of ovarian teratoma

        ( Mia Park ),( Young Bok Ko ),( Byung Hun Kang ),( Geon Woo Lee ),( You Jin Kim ),( Jiwon Park ),( Soo Hwa Jeong ),( Ki Hwan Lee ) 대한산부인과학회 2022 대한산부인과학회 학술대회 Vol.108 No.-

        Melanosis peritonei is a very rare benign disease in the peritoneum. Visually, dark brown pigmentation is widespread in the peritoneum, and it looks like an endometriosis lesion or metastastic melanosis. The pathogenesis of the causes of pigment-producing cells is unclear, but the most accepted hypothesis among them is that it is caused by spillage of pigment in ruptured ovarian teratoma. Supporting this hypothesis, we would like to introduce a case in which peritoneal melanoma was found in three surgeries over time. A 32-year-old female patient came to the outpatient department of gynecology at the hospital because of persistent complaints of pelvic pain. The patient had a mature cystic teratoma in the left ovary 6 years ago, and laparoscopic left ovarian cystectomy was performed. At that time, the peritoneum was clear and there were no other findings. Two years ago, there was a recurrence of a mature cystic teratoma of 2.5 cm in the right ovary and 2.5 cm in the left ovary, thus a second surgery was decided. On laparoscopy, omentum and intra-abdominal adhesions were present, and intraperitoneal pigmentation was seen. And about 6 months ago. There were no specific findings on follow-up on ultrasound and CT, but the patient complained of persistent pelvic pain and pain extending to the lower extremities, so a third diagnostic laparoscopic surgery was decided. There was extensive pigmentation and adhesions around the omentum and peritoneum, both ovaries and fallopian tubes. The final pathological finding was peritoneal inclusion cyst with focal aggregation of pigment-laden macrophages (consistent with melanosis peritonei). At first glance, it did not look much different from the endometriosis lesion, but the pathological finding was melanosis peritonei. It is considered an important case for inferring the cause and etiology of the very rare disease Melanosis peritonei.

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