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      • 農村에 있어서 生産과 消費行爲의 社會的 心理的 要素

        金晋均 서울大學校商科大學 韓國經濟硏究所 1971 經濟論集 Vol.10 No.2

        The purpose of the present article is to deal with (1) the relationship between production-consumption behavior and traditional community, (2) peasants' value-orientation in production and consumption in a rurals community. For the second part, a survey was conducted in Sukyong-Ri. Sobo-Myon Koonwui-Goon, Kyongsangbuk-Do. The sample size was 50 households. Some of the findings are as follows: 1. Traditional Confucianism has made the prusuit of self-interest legitimate only in the preservation of house property. It has been, however, onesidedly a mechanism of saving and lending. 2. Kinship cooperation for saving was only for the pursuit of ancestor worship and social prestige. And it did not aim at the pursuit of economic interest at all. Because of this, no individual shares were recognized. Accordingly, cooperation for saving in kinship organization has been consumption oriented and alienated from economic self-interest. Thus it was not able to create ground motives for the pursuit of economic self-interest and consequently failed to develop economic cooperation for saving-investment. 3. It has been rural community that the traditional saving pattern can only be observed in such ritual events like funeral, marriage, and ancestor worship. In recent days, however, new cooperative patterns for saving through which many living conveniences are purchased are frequently observed. In this case the cooperation is strictly on personal relations. 4. In spite of its strict organization, the cooperation through labor exchange in the production process has been based on the principles of the reciprocal help and personal ties. In recent years, however, there has been a new pattern combining the above principle and that of economic self-interest. 5. Peasants seem to acknowledge fully the importance of money value in capitalistic system, the impersonality as a consequence of this, and the economic end as profit-pursuit. They are aware of the situation that the profit pursuit in agriculture can not be achieved. This is due to the fact that the price of the agricultural products are strictly controlled by the government. An important point is that although peasants have been equipped with strong motivations for the profit-pursuit, the present structure of self-supporting production is limiting this growing profit-making motivation. 6. Peasants have strong positive value orientation in the saving-investment. As the same time, there has been observed a tendency which would reject demonstration effect in consumption pattern. In life, however, the income elasticity of the consumption items is very high especially in such items which are closely related to the ritual elements supported by the traditionally oriented values.

      • 반묘추출물이 생쥐 장관 상피의 점액세포에 미치는 영향

        유진화,이학인,한갑수 최신의학사 1973 最新醫學 Vol.16 No.2

        In order to study the effect of cantharides extract on the mucous cell in the mice intestine, the experimental animals were injected with 0.04 mg. per gm. body weight of cantharides extract through intraperitoneally. They were sacrificed by ether anesthesia and obtained from distal and proximal portions of the small intestine and colon, and fixed in 10% neutral formol. After embedded in paraffin, sectioned in 7 micra thickness, and stained with PAS (periodic acid Schiff's) reaction. The average number of the mucous cell was counted in each specimen over 10 fields under 450 magnification. The following results were obtained; 1. The average number of mucous cell decreased from 1 hr. after injection, and were reduced progressively by time lapsed. 2. The average number of mucous cell showed the lowest value at 48 brs. and began increase at 96 hrs. after injection. 3. The normal mucous cell (A and B types) decreased with lapse of time after injection, but mature discharged cell (C -type) increased. 4. According to the above findings, it is presumed that cantharides extract accelerate discharge of mucin in mature mucous cells but inhibit the production of mucin in growing mucous cells.

      • KCI등재

        플라이 애쉬가 콘크리트 구조물의 철근 부식에 미치는 영향

        박진택,유지홍,김정구,이재호,이광명 대한금속재료학회 2003 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.41 No.4

        Addition of fly ash has beneficial effects on some mechanical properties of concrete, as well as the corrosion process induced by the chloride ion. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of fly ash on the steel corrosion in concrete with various water-to-binder ratios. The corrosion process of steel bars embedded in concrete without fly ash and with 20% fly ash was tested under complete immersion, in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution. Monitoring of open-circuit potential and linear polarization method and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS) were used to follow the corrosion process. Also, ASTM C1202 test method was used to estimate the concrete's resistivity of chloride penetration in concrete. The results obtained from electrochemical tests show that the use of fly ash has led to the improvement of corrosion resistance. Partial cement replacement by fly ash caused significant pore refinement, reduced permeability to chloride ions, and increased corrosion resistance.

      • KCI우수등재

        헌법해석과 헌법재판

        朴眞完 한국공법학회 2003 공법연구 Vol.32 No.1

        A precondition for discussion over method of constitutional interpretation in judicial review is in fact, that no word about constitutional interpretation can be found in the our constitution like the constitution of the U.S.A. and Germany. For this reason there is room for the debate over the right method of constitutional interpretation in constitutional theory. Constitutional jurisprudence as a hermeneutics requires binding standard and measure for interpretation to apply the provision of the constitution in the case. Constitutional interpretation is concerned with the justification, standard, and method by which courts excercise the power of judicial review. Judicial review as the power of courts to examine the constitutionality of actions, which any of the coordinate branches of governments takes is an essential element for constitutional normativeness. Constitutional interpretation in judicial review also can not be avoided this basic thesis of interpretation. As compared with interpretation of other law, a charateristic peculiarity of the constitutional interpretation in judicial review can be found in a serious dilemma, which the judicial review creates. This dilemma which has been called the Madisonian dilemma resulted from the Madisonian System, which majorities are entitled to rule in wide area of life simply because they are majorities, but which also hold that the individuals have some freedoms that must be free from the majority control. There is no necessary discordance between the exercise of judicial review and the principles of democracy, because the American system does not have a parliamentary system, but a constitutional system. It is an essential foundation for Interpretivism or constitutional absolutism as a traditional theory of constitutional interpretation in a judicial review. The basic standpoint of Interpretivism as connection between constitutional supremacy and judicial review is the Constitution must prevail over legislation enacted by Congress, because the Constitution is the supreme Law of the Land. According to Intcrprctivism the judicial review is legitimate only insofar as the judges's loyalty to the constitution is guaranteed. The most difficult problem in Interpretivism, that the provision of constitution shall be evaluated as suprior rule, is how, then an objective meaning of constitutional provision can be confirmed. When the plain meaning of constitutional text is unclear, how can the interpreter trace a binding standard and measure in the constitutional interpretation? The solution for this question in Interpretivism can be confirmed in two tools of constitutional interpretation: the plain meaning rule and the intention of framers. Nevertheless the difficult point of constitutional absolutusm lies in lack of objectivity in two interpretative tools of constitutional absolutism. When the meaning of provision of the Constitution is clear, judges must interpret the constitution in accordance with the plain textual meaning. When it is unobtainable, judges should look out for the original intentions of the framers. For this reason interpretivism is often referred as orginalism or the doctrine of original text. Originalism or the doctrine of original intent as a tool of constitutional interpretation was specifically designed to restrain judicial activism. The usefulness of the doctrine of original intent as an interpretative tool depends on the answer to this question. Where can orginal intent of the Framers be found? The original intent of the framers must be solely from the text, structure, and history of the constitution. In order that originalism functions as an obstacle to judicial activism, the door to get original intents of framers should be not wide open. When it is so vast unlocked, there is no difference between origianlism and judicial activism. In spite of many critics and refutations about the doctrine of original intent, where can its theoretical basis be found? The recognition of intergeneration identity as a solution for this question can overcome disadvantage of the traditional standpoint that the Constitution, which the past generation enacted, binds the present generation, because the Constitution is the determination of the sovereign. Laying emphasis on the normative part of the Constitution in constitutional interpretation, a point of view about constitutional advance through constitutional interpretation should be fixed in recognizing the conception of intergenerational identity, which connects the present generation with the past generation in time of the constituional enactment. The assumption that the constitution contains only a system of rules is inaccurate, because not all constitutional provisions can be accurately described as rules. Accepting that the Constitution holds principles as well as rules, therefore, interpretative freedom for our original constitutional theoretical conception to interpretative measure and standard to solve constitutional controversy in judicial review must be accepted and addressed. The principle affords judges far greater latitude in constitutional interpretation. The Justices in our constitutional court ought to construct orignal doctrines thorough principle as a element of interpretation to give specific constitutional meaning to hard cases.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        PECVD법으로 증착된 전자소자용 thiophene 박막의 전기화학적 신뢰성에 관한 연구

        김정구,박진택,최윤석,부진효,유용재 대한금속재료학회 2003 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.41 No.6

        The corrosion failure of electronic devices has been a major reliability concern lately. This failure is an ongoing concern because of miniaturization of integrated circuits(IC) and the increased use of polymers in electronic packaging. In this paper plasma-polymerized thiophene films were considered as a possible candidate for an interlayer dielectric for multilever metallization of ultra large scale integrated (ULSI) semiconductor devices. The protective ability of above films as a function RF power in an 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution was examined by electrochemical methods and contact angle measurement. The protective efficiency of the film increased with increasing RF power, which induced the higher degree of cross-linking and hydrophobicity of the films.

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