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        효율적인 부모역할훈련이 어머니의 양육태도와 언어통제유형에 미치는 영향

        유연옥,여혜련 한국아동교육학회 2004 아동교육 Vol.13 No.2

        본 연구는 효율적인 부모역할훈련이 어머니의 양육태도와 언어통제유형에 효과적인 변화가 있는지를 살펴보고자하였다. 만4세 유아를 둔 어머니 40명이 참여하였으며 동일하게 실험집단과 통제집단에 배치하였다. 8주 동안 프로그램에 참여하였으며, 프로그램 실시 전후 2회에 걸쳐 부모양육태도와 언어통제유형을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 효율적인 부모역할훈련을 통해 어머니의 양육태도에 있어 통제적, 모순불일치, 익애적 양육태도는 감소하였으나, 애정적 양육태도는 향상되었다. 그리고 언어통제유형에 있어서도 명령지향적, 지위지향적 언어통제유형은 감소하였으나 개인지향적인 언어통제유형은 증가하였다. 본 연구를 통해 효율적인 부모역할훈련은 일상생활에서 부모가 당면하게 되는 제반 상황을 해석할 수 있는 근거를 제공함으로써 부모와 자녀간의 관계를 유지하고 개산해 나가는 지침으로 활용되어질 수 있음을 시사한다. The purpose of this study was to find effects of Parent Effectiveness Training(P.E.T.) on Maternal childrearing attitudes and Verbal control pattern. The subjects were 40 mothers of 4 year-old children attending two Catholic affiliated kindergartens. Mothers were assigned to experimental and control roup, respcetively, depending on their availability to be in P.E.T. classes. While the twenty mothers in the experimental group received P.E.T. during this study, the others in the control group did not receive P.E.T. during this study. The instruments used were the questionnaire of maternal childrearing attitudes and of mother's language control style. The data were analyzed with independent sample t-test. The results of this study were as follows: First, P.E.T. influenced the change of maternal childrearing attitudes. Specifically, loving maternal childrearing attitudes were increased but authoritative, unreasonable, dotage maternal childrearing attitudes were reduced. Second, Mother's verbal control patterns were changed P.E.T. Specifically, mother's imperative and positional verbal control patterns decreased while their personal verbal control pattern increased after the P.E.T. The implications of this results are that the specific guideline for parent education program to applying everyday life were offered.

      • KCI등재

        양건식(梁建植) 사상과 문학의 총체성①-인물에 비춰 본 양건식 사상궤적의 윤곽-

        유봉희 ( Yu Bong-he ) 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2020 한국학연구 Vol.0 No.59

        백화(白華) 양건식(梁建植, 1889~1944)은 한국근대문학의 이면사(裏面史)였다. 양건식이 아직까지 한국 근대문학사에 제대로 진입하지 못하고 있는 이유는 무엇일까? 이미 그가 1910년대 주목할 만한 단편소설을 발표했던 작가였음에도 번역을 제외하고는 장편소설이 없다는 것과, 1910년대부터 본격 작품을 쓰는 작가가 아닌 ‘중국문학 번역가’ 정도로 인식되어 온 고정관념이 지금도 엄존해 있다는 사실을 먼저 들 수가 있다. 더 큰 이유로 필자는 서구가 던져준 ‘폭력적 근대’에 대항하려 했던 ‘방법론적 가치’로서의 양건식 사상에 주목하지 못한 결과를 지적하고 싶다. 이러한 문제의식 속에 이 연구는 양건식 사상과 문학의 총체성을 복원한다는 목적 아래 크게 두 가지의 방향을 가지고 진행할 계획이다. ① 양건식의 사상적 궤적을 통해 그의 사상적 가치를 재조명하고, ② 1910년대 양건식 문학의 재발견, 두 개의 진행항목으로 나누어 추진할 생각이다. 그의 문필활동이 다방면에 걸쳐 이루어졌다는 사실은 이미 알려진 바 있으나 그의 사상편력에 대해서는 별반 언급이 없어 왔다. 1910~1930년대 근대담론을 분석한 연구에서 양건식을 거론한 흔적이 거의 없다는 사실은 이를 반증하고 있다. 그는 당대 누구보다도 동아시아 근대담론의 형성과 지식장(知識場)의 전환에 매우 민감했던 인물이다. 그의 글 전체를 독파하다 보면 시대 시대마다 국면 국면마다 그는 자신의 목소리를 정확히 밝혀왔음을 알 수가 있다. 이 논문은 연구방향의 첫 번째 시도로 양건식 사상의 궤적을 통해 그의 사상적 가치를 재평가, 우리의 근대문학사에서 양건식의 위치를 재정립하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 양건식이 한국근대문학의 이면사(裏面史)였던 관계로 양건식 시대 한ㆍ중ㆍ일 주요 인물을 통해 그의 사상적 궤적을 탐색하는 방법론을 택하기로 했다. Baekhwa(白華) Yang Geon-sik(梁建植, 1889~1944) was the back-story of Korean modern literature. Why is Yang Geon-sik still not properly entering Korean modern literature?,Although he was a writer who had already published a remarkable short story in the 1910s, there is no full-length novel except translation, and the stereotype that has been recognized as a Chinese literary translator since the 1910s, not a full-fledged writer, is still strong.,For a bigger reason, I would like to point out the results that I did not pay attention to the Yang Geon-sik idea as a ‘methodological value’ that I tried to counter the ‘violent modernity’ thrown by the West., This study is planned to proceed with two major directions with the aim of restoring the overallity of Yang Geon-sik’s ideas and literature.,1 I will reexamine his ideological value through the ideological trajectory of Yang Kun-sik, and I will pursue it by rediscovering Yang Kun-sik’s literature in the 1910s and dividing it into two progress items.,It is already known that his writing activities have been carried out in various fields, but there has been no mention of his ideological power.,The fact that there were few signs of mentioning Yang Geon-sik in the study of modern discourse in the 1910s and 1930s disproves this.,He was more sensitive to the formation of modern discourse in East Asia and the transition of knowledge field ().,When you read his entire article, you can see that he has revealed his voice precisely in every phase of the times.,This thesis is the first attempt of the research direction, and aims to reevaluate his ideological value through the trajectory of Yang Geon-sik’s thought and to reestablish the position of Yang Geon-sik in our modern literature history.,Since Yang Geon-sik was a back-to-back history of modern Korean literature, he decided to choose a methodology to explore his ideological trajectory through major figures from Korea, China and Japan during the Yang Geon-sik era.

      • KCI등재

        1910년대 한국근대소설이 보여준 사회진화론과 근대 극복의지의 한 양상, 양건식의 사상과 문학세계(1)-「서철강덕격치학설(西哲康德格致學說)」을 중심으로-

        유봉희 ( Yu Bong-he ) 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2016 한국학연구 Vol.0 No.42

        이 연구는 2회에 걸쳐 진행할 예정이다. 하나는 양건식(梁建植, 1889~1944)이 칸트(Immanuel Kant, 1724~1804)의 철학사상을 번역한 「西哲康德格致學說」을 중심으로 그의 사상적 배경과 사회진화론(Social Darwinism, 社會進化論) 극복의 의지를 확인하고 (1), 다음으로는 이것을 토대로 양건식의 작품세계를 분석하는 것이다.(2) 이것은 서구가 던져준 ‘폭력적 근대’에 대항하는 ‘근대극복’의 의지까지 담고 있는 ‘가치의 재발견’을 의미하는 것이기도 하다. 그 첫 시도로 「西哲康德格致學說」을 중심으로 양건식의 사상적 배경을 살피고자 한다. 여기서 유식불교(唯識佛敎) 등 동아시아 전통사상에 대한 재발견과 이를 통한 서구사상에 대한 응전 등 당대 양건식의 사상적 고투를 확인할 것이다. 아울러 서양의 칸트 철학 수용과정의 ‘선택적 전유(selective appropriation)’ 양상과 불교옹호론자로서의 양건식과 그와 사상적 영향관계에 있는 중국의 량치차오(梁啓超, 1873~1929)의 자유사상과 조선의 한용운(韓龍雲, 1879~1944)의 불교정신을 규명하는 작업이 함께 따를 터다. 이것을 통해 량치차오·한용운·양건식의 사상적 동일성과 차별성을 분석, 양건식의 사상적 위치를 재확인하고자 한다. 무엇보다도 양건식의 「西哲康德格致學說」에 주목하는 것은 그가 작가로서 세상에 이름을 알린 직후(1915)부터 생을 마감하는 날(1944. 2.7)까지 불교도·불교연구자로서의 삶을 포기하지 않은 것은 물론, 1910년대 한국에서 칸트철학 수용의 한 단면과 불교를 통한 칸트철학의 재해석을 적실하게 보여주고 있다는 판단에서이다. 아울러 ‘진화’와 ‘진보’ 즉 ‘진화=진보’가 보편의 법칙으로 자리했던 1910년대를 관통한 그의 삶에서 오히려 이것을 극복하려는 사고의 조각들을 마주할 수가 있기 때문이기도 하다. 이러한 측면에서 불교를 바탕으로 한 동아시아 전통사상과 서양사상을 습합(習合)함으로 ‘힘의 논리’를 앞세운 사회진화론을 극복하고자 했던 양건식의 사상과 문학은 근대를 재음미하는 지금 우리에게도 하나의 좋은 본보기가 될 것으로 기대한다. 양건식처럼 시종일관 사회진화론과 맞대결한 인물은 드물었던 것이다. 단순한 진화와 진보의 신화를 벗어난 이 깊은 근대극복의 정신은 어디에서 비롯한 것인가? 이 논문은 여기서 출발할 수밖에 없다. This study is to be carried on in 2 times. One is to confirm the thinking background and Social Darwinism, subjugation intent of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) mainly on the basis of 「Seocheolgangdeokgyeokchi Theory」, the translation of Kant philosophical thought translated by Yang Geon Sik (1889-1944)(1) and the other is to analyze the works of Yang Geon Sik on the basis of such confirmation(2). This also means the ‘rediscovery of value’ which also includes the intent of modern subjugation that resists against ‘violent modernism’ cast by the West. As the 1st attempt, I intend to investigate the thinking background of Yang Geon Sik on the basis of 「Seocheolgangdeokgyeokchi Theory」. Here, I will rediscover traditional thought of East Asia such as consciousness only school, etc and confirm the thinking struggle of Yang Geon Sik in the age such as response against the Occidental thought through it. Further, I will also look into selective appropriation in the process of accommodating Kant's philosophy in the West, freedom thought of Yang Geon Sik as advocate of aspect and Buddhism as well as Lyang Chi Chao(1873-1929) who was in the relation of thinking influence with him and the Buddhist spirit of Han Yong Woon (1879-1944) of Joseon. Through them, I will analyze the thinking uniformity and discrimination of Lyang Chi Chao, Han Yong Woon and Yang Geon Sik in order to reconfirm thinking position of Yang Geon Sik. Above all, Yang Geon Sik's 「Seocheolgangdeokgyeokchi Theory」 is notable in the judgment that he did not waive his life as a Buddhist and researcher of Buddhism immediately after he became famous as an author (1915) to the day he deceased (1944. 2.7) as well as he exactly showed reinterpretation of Kant philosophy through a cross section of accommodating Kant philosophy and Buddhism in Korea in 1910s'. Another reason is that his life penetrating 1910s' when ‘evolution’ and ‘progress’ namely, ‘evolution= progress’ was fixed as the law of universality showed the pieces of thought which tried to overcome such law. In this aspect, it is expected that the thought and literature of Yang Geon Sik which tried to overcome Social Darwinism that preferentially presents ‘logic of power’ by combining Oriental traditional thought based on Buddhism and Occidental thought would be a good example for us as we peruse modern time again. Persons like Yang Geon Sik who consistently confronted with Social Darwinism were rare. What is the origin of this deep spirit of modern subjugation which deviates from simple evolution and myth of progress? This dissertation inevitably starts from this point.

      • KCI등재

        Mechanical behavior of stud shear connectors embedded in HFRC

        Yu-Liang He,Xu-Dong Wu,Yiqiang Xiang,Yu-Hang Wang,Li-Si Liu,Zhi-Hai He 국제구조공학회 2017 Steel and Composite Structures, An International J Vol.24 No.2

        Hybrid-fiber reinforced concrete (HFRC) may provide much higher tensile and flexural strengths, tensile ductility, and flexural toughness than normal concrete (NC). HFRC slab has outstanding advantages for use as a composite bridge potential deck slab owing to higher tensile strength, ductility and crack resistance. However, there is little information on shear connector associated with HFRC slabs. To investigate the mechanical behavior of the stud shear connectors embedded in HFRC slab, 14 push-out tests (five batches) in HFRC and NC were conducted. It was found that the stud shear connector embedded in HFRC had a better ductility, higher stiffness and a slightly larger shear bearing capacity than those in NC. The experimentally obtained ultimate resistances of the stud shear connectors were also compared against the equations provided by GB50017 2003, ACI 318-112011, AISC 2011, AASHTO LRFD 2010, PCI 2004, and EN 1994-1-1 (2004), and an empirical equation to predict the ultimate shear connector resistance considering the effect of the HFRC slabs was proposed and validated by the experimental data. Curve fitting was performed to find fitting parameters for all tested specimens and idealized load-slip models were obtained for the specimens with HFRC slabs.

      • SCOPUS

        A Hybrid Fault Diagnosis Approach for Hydraulic Systems by using Radial basis Function Networks

        Xiang-yu He,Yijiao Yang,Shanghong He 보안공학연구지원센터 2014 International Journal of Control and Automation Vol.7 No.12

        To improve the reliability of hydraulic systems, a fault diagnosis approach based on radial basis function (RBF) networks was proposed in this paper. According to the target fault features extracted from a fuzzy auto-regressive with extra outputs (FARX) model, RBF networks serve as a fault classifier and the output of the RBF networks is the result of fault diagnosis. Several typical faults of hydraulic systems were used to test the fault diagnosis approach. Experiment results showed that the fault diagnosis approach is feasible and effective for improving the reliability of hydraulic systems.

      • SCIE
      • SCOPUS

        A Heuristic Algorithm for Alongside Replenishment Scheduling Problem of Ship Fleet with Time Constraint

        Yu Peng,He Xue-jun,Ren Ai-di 보안공학연구지원센터 2014 International Journal of Control and Automation Vol.7 No.12

        The alongside replenishment scheduling problem with time constraint determining the partition of the ships, the order of replenishment and the allocation of time to the ships at the same time is analyzed. It is equivalent to a multi-stage flow shop scheduling problem with the object of maximizing the effectiveness value of ship fleet. The problem solving process is divided into three steps, and based on the analysis of the three steps, a heuristic algorithm is proposed. The algorithm firstly considers the time allocated to each ship, and then sequences the ships by heuristic rule combining greed with insertion, finally determines the ships partitioning to the port and standard side. Emulating example with different problems’ scale and time constraints shows that the proposed heuristic algorithm is superior to some other algorithms.

      • KCI등재

        Factors for Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection in Early Colorectal Neoplasms: A Single Center Clinical Experience in China

        Yu-Qi He,Xin Wang,Lang Yang,Jian Zhang,Qian Kang,Shan Tang,Peng Jin,Jian-Qiu Sheng,Ai-Qin Li 대한소화기내시경학회 2015 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.48 No.5

        Background/Aims: Early colorectal (CR) neoplasm can be cured by endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD), but clinical experience and factors associated with complications from ESD for CR neoplasms in China have not been reported . Methods: Seventy-eight cases of early CR neoplasm treated with endoscopic resection performed between December 2012 and December 2013 at Beijing Military General Hospital were included. Factors associated with ESD complications and procedure times were evaluated. Results: The en bloc resection rate was 88.5% (69/78), tumor size was 32.1±10.7 mm, and procedure time was 71.8±49.5 minutes. The major complication was perforation, which occurred in 8.97% of the ESD procedures. Multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that only tumor size (p=0.022) was associated with ESD perforation. Tumor size (p<0.001) and the non-lifting sign (p=0.017) were independent factors for procedure time, and procedure time (p=0.016) was a key factor for en bloc resection. After a median 10 months (range, 4 to 16) of follow-up, no patients had local recurrence. Conclusions: This study indicated that ESD is an applicable method for large early CR neoplasm in the colon and rectum. Tumor size and the non-lifting sign might be considerable factors for increased complication rate and procedural time of ESD.

      • KCI등재

        Estradiol regulates miR-135b and mismatch repair gene expressions via estrogen receptor-β in colorectal cells

        Yu-qi He,Jian-qiu Sheng,Xian-long Ling,Lei Fu,Peng Jin,Lawrence Yen,Jianyu Rao 생화학분자생물학회 2012 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.44 No.12

        Estrogen has anti-colorectal cancer effects which are thought to be mediated by mismatch repair gene (MMR) activity. Estrogen receptor (ER) expression is associated with microRNA (miRNA) expression in ER-positive tumors. However, studies of direct link between estrogen (especially estradiol E2), miRNA expression, and MMR in colorectal cancer (CRC) have not been done. In this study, we first evaluated the effects of estradiol (E2) and its antagonist ICI182,780 on the expression of miRNAs (miR-31, miR-155 and miR-135b) using COLO205, SW480 and MCF-7 cell lines, followed by examining the association of tissue miRNA expression and serum E2 levels using samples collected from 18 colorectal cancer patients. E2inhibited the expressions of miRNAs in COLO205 cells,which could be reversed by E2 antagonist ICI 182.780. The expression of miR-135b was inversely correlated with serum E2 level and ER-β mRNA expression in CRC patients’ cancer tissues. There were significant correlations between serum E2 level and expression of ER-β, miR-135b, and MMR in colon cancer tissue. This study suggests that the effects of estrogen on MMR function may be related to regulating miRNA expression via ER-β, which may be the basis for the anti-cancer effect in colorectal cells.

      • Multi-dimensional seismic response control of offshore platform structures with viscoelastic dampers (II-Experimental study)

        He, Xiao-Yu,Zhao, Tie-Wei,Li, Hong-Nan,Zhang, Jun Techno-Press 2016 Structural monitoring and maintenance Vol.3 No.2

        Based on the change of traditional viscoelastic damper structure, a brand-new damper is designed to control simultaneously the translational vibration and the rotational vibration for platforms. Experimental study has been carried out on the mechanical properties of viscoelastic material and on its multi-dimensional seismic response control effect of viscoelastic damper. Three types of viscoelastic dampers with different shapes of viscoelastic material are designed to test the influence of excited frequency, strain amplitude and ambient temperature on the mechanical property parameters such as circular dissipation per unit, equivalent stiffness, loss factor and storage shear modulus. Then, shaking table tests are done on a group of single-storey platform systems containing one symmetric platform and three asymmetric platforms with different eccentric forms. Experimental results show that the simulation precision of the restoring force model is rather good for the shear deformation of viscoelastic damper and is also satisfied for the torsion deformation and combined deformations of viscoelastic damper. The shaking table tests have verified that the new-type viscoelastic damper is capable of mitigating the multi-dimensional seismic response of offshore platform.

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