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      • 實驗大學 實施에 따른 師範大學 學生實態 (Ⅱ)

        林在圭,吳岱燮,琴鍾友,李潤樹 慶北大學校 師範大學 1978 敎育硏究誌 Vol.20 No.-

        The purposes of this study were (1) to reexamine what were found by the survey on KNU Teachers College Students after the Pilot School Project (Ⅰ) in order to assess the possibility of .generalizing results of the survey across different groups of students who enter Teachers College after the Pilot School Project was implemented, (2) and to examine students' opinion toward the current procedures of assingning freshemen to departments or majors of the Teachers College. The subjects were freshmen of KNU Teachers' College from 1975 to 1777 academic year. However, the data pertaining to the students from 1975 to 1976 had been gathered while the survey on Teachers College Students after the Pilot School (Ⅰ) was being carried out. In order to collect the data with regard to the students entered the Teachers College in 1977, four different questionnaives were employed. The data were statistically tested by means of chi-technique only when it seemed necessary and appropriate. Major findings of this study are as following: (1) After the Pilot School Project was employed, there were general tendency in students' reason applying for admission to KNU Teachers College: Each academic year, approximately 40% of freshmen decided to enter the college to be secondary school teachers in the future. (2) Students' attitude toward the new procedures of screening college applicants, which was employed after the Pilot School Project, were negative in general. Furthermore, their negative attitude became stronger year by year. (3) The degree of students' satisfaction with their majors were relatively higher than that expressed by the students who entered the college before the Pilot School Project was employed. (4) Both students' criteria for selecting their majors and then reasons for changing their majors which they had been interested in applying were varied across time subjects and time. (5) The obtained contingency coefficient between departments and GPA students of each department earned during thir freshmen year was 0.831. It seems to indicate that majority of freshment tends to choose their majors according to their GPA rather than their interest or aptitude. (6) Approximately 67.73% of freshmen of the 1977 academic year accepted the end of the academic year as the most appropriate time for assigning them to departments they desire to enter. 7) Approximately 52.10% of freshment supported the idea of assigningas many students to the departments as they wish to enter, as far as it is possible, by adjusting the capacity of department, which is regulated by MOE. (8) Approximately 61.08% of freshmen claimed not to deduct their GPA when their first choice of department became impossible and turned down to the second or the third one.

      • 주식매입선택권(stock option)제도에 대한 고찰

        임윤수,전준규 충남대학교 경상대학부설 경영경제연구소 1997 경영논집 Vol.13 No.2

        주식매입선택권제도는 벤처기업 및 중소기업을 육성하고 우리 기업의 경쟁력을 향상시키기 위하여 1997년 4월부터 도입된 제도로, 기업의 임직원에 대하여 경영성과의 향상에 기여하도록 하는 동기부여 내지는 보상제도의 일종이다. 그러나 아직 주식매입선택권제도에 대한 기업들의 인식부족과 이 분야에 대한 연구의 미비로 활성화가 이루어지지 못하고 있다. 이와 같은 시점에서 보다 많은 기업들이 주식매입선택권제도를 활성화하도록 하기 위하여 주식매입선택권제도의 의의, 도입에 따른 효과, 구체적인 도입절차 및 제도의 내용, 현재의 세제지원 현황, 도입시점에서의 고려사항등을 살펴보고, 현재까지 주식매입선택권을 도입한 기업의 현황을 조사·분석하였으며, 주식매입선택권제도를 도입한 기업이 기대되는 효과를 달성할 수 있도록 추가적인 중요한 조치사항을 제시하였다.

      • 소 부루셀라병의 진단을 위한 효소면역측정법

        임윤규 제주대학교 1992 논문집 Vol.35 No.-

        For the serological diagnosis of Brucella abortus antibody in Cattle, an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed. Cell well antigen was purified. Optimum protein concentration of coating antigen were 0.4μg on each microtiter plate well. Horse radish peroxidase (HRP) labeled protein-G was used as tracer of bound antibodies. ELISA confirmed the coincident results of 40 cases out of 43 cases by plate agglutination test. ELISA diagnosed positive cases (10 out of 12) and negative cases (1 out of 12) with dubious sera by plate agglutination test. From this results ELISA could be used as an early diagnostic tools of Brucellosis in cattle.

      • 모 연취급장 근로자들의 연폭로지표들과 혈압과의 관련성

        임상복,김용배,이용진,리갑수,김화성,황규윤,장봉기,이성수,안규동,이병국 순천향대학교 산업의학연구소 1998 순천향산업의학 Vol.4 No.1

        In order to investigate the relationship between blood lead with other lead exposure indices and blood pressure in occupationally lead exposed male workers, 629 workers(515 lead exposed workers and 114 non lead exposed workers) in a storage battery factory were studied. Blood lead(PbB), zinc protoporphyrin(ZPP) and urinary δ-aminolevulinic acid(ALAU) were selected as an index of lead exposure. Height and weight were also meaured with calibrated automatic height-weight machine to produce fatness index directly. Personal information on smoking and drinking history were also collected. Blood pressure was mearured by trained nurses with automatic sphingomanometer. All workers took at least 30 minute rest before their measurement of blood pressure. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The prevalence rate of hypertension of lead exposed and non-exposed workers were 3.5% in both group without any difference. 2. There were no differences of systolic and diastolic pressure between groups divided by lead exposure, smoking habit, drinking habit. but the increase of age group made the difference of diastolic pressure, and only differenct of systolic pressure observed in age group of less than 20 and that of more than 40. 3. In pearson's correlation analysis, PbB was correlated with systolic pressure significantly, but not with diastolic pressure. PbB was also correlated with pressure difference(systolic pressure-diastolic pressure). 4. There were no significant increase of systolic, diastolic pressure and pressure difference by the increase of PbB and ZPP grouping. 5. Stepwise multiple regression analysis using systolic pressure as dependent variable and PbB, ZPP, ALAU, age, work duration, smoking habit, drinking habit and fatness (weight*0.9/height-100) as independent variables, revealed that PbB, age, drinking habit and fatness in order were significantly contributed to the dependent variable. 6. Stepwise multiple regression analysis using diastolic pressure as dependent variable and PbB, ZPP, ALAU, age, work duration, smoking habit, drinking habit and fatness (weight*0.9/height-100) as independent variables, revealed that ALAU, age and fatness in order were significantly contributed to the dependent variable. 7. Stepwise multiple regression analysis using pressure difference as dependent variable and PbB, ZPP, ALAU, age, work duration, smoking habit, drinking habit and fatness(weight*0.9/height-100) as independent variables, revealed that PbB, age and fatness in order were significantly contributed to the dependent variable. 8. Logistic analysis of hypertensive conditions with categorized blood lead and other selected categorized independent variables indicated that only age(40> and 40≤) and fatness(1.0> and 1.0≤) were significantly contributed to dependent variable with 95% significant odd ratio confidence interval. With above results, lead exposure in terms of blood lead seemed to be minimally contributed to the raise of blood pressure, and the effect of blood lead was found to be more prominent on the pressure difference than the systolic and diastolic pressure themselves.

      • Detection of Antibokies to Sendai Virus Using protein G-based ELISA

        임윤규,우희종,이영순 濟州大學校 農科大學 動物科學硏究所 1993 動物科學論叢 Vol.8 No.1

        We have established an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(EL1SA) using enzyme labeled protein G(Protein G-ELISA) to detect Sendai virus-specific antibodies in laboratory animals. Best results were obtained at fl 6.0 of diluent and at 1 to 10 dilution of sera. Antigen concen-tration for solid phase matrix was 5μg /㎖ and the conjugate of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and prqtein G was used at 1 to 100 dilution. We, also, investigated the sensitivity and speci-ficity of protein G and protein A. Protein C showed relatively high O. D. values than protein A in general. Furthermore, only Protein G-ELISA could detect the Sendai virus specific anti-bodies in rat. though both methods were effective in other species, mouse and guinea pig. No siginificant nonspecific reation was observed at our experimental conditions in both methods.

      • 축우 부루셀라병의 ELISA 진단법에 관한 연구

        임윤규,이두식,박전홍,양기천,김승호,김공식,현관종,김우택,이영순 濟州大學校 農科大學 動物科學硏究所 1993 動物科學論叢 Vol.8 No.1

        Enzyme-linked Immuno sorbent Assay (ELISA) for the serological diagnosis oi Bruceiia abortus was developed and compared with plate aggluhnation test Cell wall antigen was extracted from Brucella abortus 1119-3 by sonicabon and with a sodium deoxychlate solution Optimum protein concentra tion of coating antigen 0.4㎍/100㎕ protein on each microtiter plate well. Horse radish peroxidase(HRP) labled protein-G was used as a tracer of reacted antibodies ELISA confirmed the agreeable results of 40 rases out of 43 cases by plate aggulutination test ELISA diagnosed positive cases (10 out of 12) and negatiw cases (1 out of 12) with dubious sera by plate agglutination test From this results EL ISA could be used for the early diagnostic tools of Brucellosis in cattle.

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