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      • Differentiation of isoflavones of breeding populations between yellow and black soybean

        Byong Won Lee,Myeong Gi Jong,Min Ko,Hyun Tae Kim,Won-Young Han,Ki Won Oh,Hyeon-Jin Park,Sang Ouk Shin,Tae Yoon,In Youl Baek 한국육종학회 2013 한국육종학회 심포지엄 Vol.2013 No.07

        Soybean isoflavones include daidzein, genistein and glycitein with their glycosides, and their malonated derivatives are the main polyphenolic compounds that are helpful for human health. Our research objective was to investigate the differentitation of soybean isoflavones contents of breeding populations between yellow and black soybean. Isoflavones contents in soybean are a wide range from 500 to 7000 ㎍/g. In this study, we used Ilmi (Isoflavones content, 3.612 ㎍/g) as male parent and 04GAYT-4 (Isoflavones content, 1,648 ㎍/g) as female parent. From these varieties, we obtained 94 breeding lines (yellow, 48 lines; black, 25 lines; brown, 21 lines) which have isoflavones content range from 1000 to 6000 ㎍/g. Highest isflavone contents of three different breeding lines was yellow seed coated lines (average isoflavone content, yellow 3,046 ㎍/g, brown 2,935 ㎍/g, black 2,813 ㎍/g).

      • Differentiation of isoflavones of breeding populations between high and low isoflavones soybean

        Byong Won Lee,Myeong Gi Jong,Min Ko,Hyun Tae Kim,Won-Young Han,Sang-Ouk Shin,Hong Tae Yoon,In Youl Baek 한국육종학회 2012 한국육종학회 심포지엄 Vol.2012 No.07

        Soybean isoflavones include daidzein, genistein and glycitein with their glycosides, and their malonated derivatives are the main polyphenolic compounds that are helpful for human health. Our research objective was to investigate the differentitation of soybean isoflavones contents of breeding populations between high and low isoflavones contained soybean. Isoflavones contents in soybean are a wide range from 500 to 7000 ㎍/g. In this study, we used Ilmi (Isoflavones content, 3.108 ㎍/g) as male parent and Dajin (Isoflavones content, 578 ㎍/g) as female parent. From these varieties, we got 165 breeding lines which have isoflavones content range from 472 to 2973 ㎍/g. Isflavone contents in breeding lines showed normal distribution.

      • KCI우수등재

        헤겔의 『논리학(論理學)』에 나타난 ‘가상(假象)’개념의 구조와 그 체계

        윤병태(Byong-Tae Yoon) 한국철학회 2001 철학 Vol.66 No.-

        헤겔철학은 방법적으로 ‘변증법’에 기초해 있다. 헤겔 이전까지의 철학사에서 ‘변증법’은 궤변이나 허위 혹은 거짓 논리로 이해되어 왔다. ‘변증법’이 ‘논리학’의 중요한 일부일 수 있다고 본 칸트에게조차 이 이해는 변함없이 지속되며 이에 기초하여 그는 ‘변증법’을 ‘가상(假象)의 논리’로 정의한다. 이와 달리 헤겔은 변증법을 ‘진리(眞理)의 논리’로 간주하고 이 논리 자체가 의식과 존재의 ‘전개 방식’에 기초한다고 주장한다. 이것은 ‘존재(存在)’와 ‘의식(意識)’의 상관관계가 상호 삼투와 ‘비추임(Reflexion: 반영 또는 반성)’으로 이루어지고 이 비추임이 곧 ‘가상’이라는 해석에 토대를 둔 것이다. ‘가상’이 더 이상 거짓이나 허위가 아니라 ‘있는 것(存在者)’들의 배후이며 따라서 ‘있음의 근거(Grund des Sein)’라는 가설이 정립되면 ‘존재(Sein)’와 ‘본질(Wesen)’ 사이의 질적 궤리인 형이상학적 간격(모순)을 메울 수 있을 것이다. 이로부터 ‘절대불변의 있음(存在)’이 아니라 ‘흐름과 운동으로서의 있음’이 생각 될 수 있는데 이 ‘흐름(過程: Prozess)으로서 있음’은 ‘불변적 있음’의 세계를 ‘가상의 세계’로 바꾸어 버린다. 이 두 가지 있음의 역동적 상관관계가 헤겔의 논리학과 형이상학의 기저를 이루고 있다. 특히 『논리학』에서 헤겔은 ‘본질’을 ‘있음(存在)’에 대한 ‘근거(Grund)’로 규정한다. 어떤 것이 있으려면 그 ‘있음’의 ‘근거’가 먼저 있어야 하므로 ‘본질’은 언제나 존재‘에 앞서 있다. 그러나 ‘있음이 없는’곳에, 다시 말해 ‘아무것도 없는(無)’곳에 본질 또한 있을 수 없다. 있음이 있고 나서야 그 ‘있음의 근거와 이유’를 생각해 볼 수 있기 때문이다. 이 점에서 ‘본질’은 ‘존재’로부터 파생된 것이며 직접적으로 있는 것이 아니라 ‘매개적’으로 있는것이요 존재운동의 원인이 아니라 그 결과인 것이다. 헤겔이 ‘본질’을 ‘존재에 대한 반성’이라고 강조한 데가 바로 여기이다. 그러나 ‘존재의 근거’로서 ‘본질’은 이와는 다른 특정을 가진다. 이 ‘근거’는 ‘본질의 직접성’을 결정하며 동시에 ‘본질’ 자신의 ‘지금 여기에 있음’으로 ‘현존재 (Dasein)’을 결정하는 것이다. 만일 이 직접성이 본질자체의 현존이라면 그 대립자로서의 ‘비본질(Unwesenheit)’이 당연히 있어야 한다. ‘본질’과 ‘비본질’이 본질의 현존을 구성한다는 데에서 본질은 더 이상 존재의 단순한 이유나 그 원인이 아니라 존재 자체의 현존으로 ‘비추어’진다. 이 ‘비추임’의 본질이 헤겔 논리학에서 뜻하는 ‘가상’의 본래적 의미인 것이다.

      • 한국곤충연구소에 소장된 바퀴목 , 사마귀목 , 대벌레목의 목록.

        윤일병,문태영 고려대학교 한국곤충연구소 1997 昆蟲硏究誌 Vol.23 No.1

        1994년의 한국산 하루살이목 카탈로그(Bae et al., 1994) 이래 이루어진 분류학적 연구를 종합하여 개정된 카탈로그를 작성하였다. 북한산 하루살이목에 대한 연구와 꼬마하루살이과에 대한 연구를 주로 추가하였다. 다음과 같은 종이 추가되어 지금까지 한국에서 알려진 명명상 유효한 하루살이목은 12과 74종이 된다. Acentrella gnom Kluge, Acentrella sibirica Kazlauskas, Alainites muticus (Linnaeus), Baetis fuscatus Linnaeus, Baetis pseudothermicus Kluge, Baetis silvaticus Kluge, Baetis ursinus Kazlauskas, Labiobaetis atrebatinus (Eaton), Nigrobaetis acinaciger (Kluge), Procloeon halla Bae and Park, Procloeon maritimum (Kluge), Procloeon pennulatum (Eaton), Drunella solida (Bajkova), Serratella ignita (Poda), Serratella zapekinae (Bajkova), ephemera sachalinensis Matsumura, Cinygmula kurenzovi Bajkova, Ecdyonurus abracadabrus Kluge, Ecdyonurus baekdu Bae, Rhithrogena binotata Sinitshenkova, Rhithrogena lepnevae Brodsky, Metretopus borealis Eaton 및 Siphlonurus palaearcticus Tshernova. 지금까지 한국에서 잘못 알려진 종이나 임시로 분류된 종에 대해서도 분류학적 정정과 함께 추가로 수록하였다. 분류학적으로, 유효한 한국산 종에 대하여 공식적인 국명을 제시하였다. A revised catalogue of the Ephemeroptera of Korea was elaborated by the incorporation of the taxonomin works after the catalogue of 1994 (Bae et al., 1994). North Korean mayfly fauna and baetid species were mainly added to the previous catalogue. So far, 74 nominal species in 12 families have known from Korea including the following additional species: Acentrella gnom Kluge, Acentrella sibirica Kazlauskas, Alainites muticus (Linnaeus), Baetis fuscatus Linnaeus, Baetis pseudothermicus Kluge, Baetis silvaticus Kluge, Baetis ursinus Kazlauskas, Labiobaetis atrebatinus (Eaton), Nigrobaetis acinaciger (Kluge), Procloeon halla Bae and Park, Procloeon maritimum (Kluge), Procloeon pennulatum (Eaton), Drunella solida (Bajkova), Serratella ignita (Poda), Serratella zapekinae (Bajkova), Ephemera sachalinensis Matsumura, Cinygmula kurenzovi Bajkova, Ecdyonurus abracadabrus Kluge, Ephemera sachalinensis Matsumura, Cinygmula kurenzovi Bajkova, Ecdyonurus abracadabrus Kluge, Ecdyonurus baekdu Bae, Rhithrogena binotata Sinitshenkova, Rhithrogena lepnevae Brodsky, Metretopus borealis Eaton, and Siphlonurus palaearcticus Tasernova. Inappropriately or provisionally known mayfly species in Korea were also listed with their taxonomic corrections. For all valid species, official Korean names were herein suggested.

      • A Candidate SPORTS Nutrition Supplement, Lonicerae Flos, Attenuates Collagen-Induced Arthritis in Mice

        Yoon Tae-gun,Hwang Byong-yong,Ahn Sang-hyun,Kim Ki-bong J-INSTITUTE 2016 Kinesiology Vol.1 No.2

        Rheumatoid arthritis(RA) can occur in persons of all ages and of both sexes. Diverse studies recommend exercise to help diminish pain from RA symptoms. Although exercise for patients with RA is an effective therapy to improve functional impairment, patients experience reluctance to exercise because of pain. Several studies have focused on investigating the treatments for this disease. However, RA is currently an incurable disease because its pathogenic cause is still unclear. In view of the complex considerations, the treatment of RA with exercise requires more effective research for developing therapies with proven stability. For example, natural compounds are potential therapeutic agents and candidates as sports nutrition supplements. In the present study, we aimed to find a candidate sport nutrition supplement from natural compounds such as foods and tea. Lonicerae flos(LF) has been widely used in Korean traditional medicine and as a tea material. Therefore, we evaluated the effect of LF extract on an RA model. First, we found that the mRNA expression of macrophage migration inhibitory factor(MIF), cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2), and matrix metalloproteinase-9(MMP-9) in synoviocytes stimulated with phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate was decreased by LF treatment(0.4–1.0 mg/mL). Furthermore, the distribution of MIF-, COX-2-, and MMP-9-positive cells in mice with collagen-induced arthritis treated with LF(45 mg/kg) was remarkably decreased. These data likely indicate that LF may act as an anti-inflammatory agent and may be a potential compound for the development of useful agents for RA treatment.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        크론병 진단 가이드라인

        예병덕 ( Byong Duk Ye ),장병익 ( Byung Ik Jang ),진윤태 ( Yoon Tae Jeen ),이강문 ( Kang Moon Lee ),김주성 ( Joo Sung Kim ),양석균 ( Suk Kyun Yang ) 대한소화기학회 2009 대한소화기학회지 Vol.53 No.3

        Crohn`s disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) with uncertain etiopathogenesis. CD can involve any site of gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus and is associated with serious complications such as bowel stricture, perforation, abscess, and fistula formation. The incidence and prevalence rates of CD in Korea are still low compared with those of Western countries, but are rapidly increasing during the past decades. The diagnosis of CD is a challenging issue in some clinical situations and it is often difficult to differentiate CD from intestinal tuberculosis or Behcet`s enterocolitis which are more prevalent in Korea than in Western countries. Therefore, IBD Study Group of KASID has set out to establish the diagnostic guideline of CD in Korea. There is no single gold standard for the diagnosis of CD and diagnosis is made by clinical evaluation including detailed history, physical examination, and combination of endoscopic findings, histology, radiologic findings and laboratory investigations. The typical symptoms of CD are abdominal pain, diarrhea, and weight loss especially in late adolescence or early adulthood. Initial laboratory investigations include CBC, C-reactive protein, and serum chemistry. Ileocolonoscopy and biopsies are recommended as the first line procedures to establish the diagnosis. Typical endoscopic findings of CD are non-continuous distribution of longitudinal ulcers, cobblestone mucosal appearance, and aphthous ulcerations arranged in a longitudinal fashion. The evaluation of small bowel with small bowel follow-through is recommended for suspected CD to establish diagnosis and to determine the extent and location of disease. Focal and patchy chronic inflammation, focal crypt irregularity, and non-caseating granulomas are usual microscopic features of CD. This is the first Korean diagnostic guideline for CD and needs revision with further data on CD in Koreans. (Korean J Gastroenterol 2009;53:161-176)

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        회분식 열수추출 공정 중 용매와 용질의 비율이 대추(Zizyphus jujuba)의 수용성 당질 추출속도에 미치는 영향

        함태훈 ( Tae Hoon Ham ),장선민 ( Sun Min Jang ),윤원병 ( Won Byong Yoon ) 한국산업식품공학회 2016 산업 식품공학 Vol.20 No.3

        We developed leaching kinetics models and a convective mass transfer model for water soluble solid in jujube (Zizyphus jujube) fruits with hot water. Hot-water leaching process was conducted at 90℃ for 100 min. The ratio of solvent (volume, mL) to solid (mass, g) was set to varied ratios of 1:6, 1:8, 1:10, and 1:12.5. The mass transfer coefficients (k) were determined based on the 1st- and 2nd-order kinetic models. The amount of solvent influenced the extraction rate and yield. A higher extraction rate and a higher yield were obtained from a lower solvent to solute ratio (1:6, 1:8, 1:10) compared to high ratio (1:12.5). This implies that an appropriate amount of solvent (i.e., water) is necessary to conduct the extraction process of jujube fruit.

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