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      • 명태의 행동제어용 심전도 도출에 관한 연구

        박용석,이창헌,이유철,서두옥 제주대학교 해양연구소 1997 해양자원연구소연구보고 Vol.21 No.-

        In the walleye pollock. Theragra chalcogramma. which has a heart with a strong electromotive force, the ECGs were found to be recordable by electrodes placed in the water from fish's body. The day on the experiment, fish was operated on in order to install a leading-out bipolar electrode. This electrode was used for recording of the cardiosignal of the fish on a digital storage oscilloscope. The electrode was made from a fish book which was re-shaped according to the shaped of fish heart and body surface. This hook was then connected to the lead-code insulated with paint, and the connecting part was covered with paint. The pointed end was stripped off slightly for conduction of electricity and the another pointed edge was used for hooking the electrode into the chest cavity. QRS complex of the ECG was marked. The amplitude of QRS complex was about 0.1-lmV. This method enabled us to observe the heart beat rate of the walleye pollock under least disturbed state. Ordinary heart beat rate was not quite regular. Very slight stimulation was enough to bring about cardiac inhibition. which was also accompanied by a considerable reduction in the amplitude of the QRS. After rough treatment. such as sound stimulus or electric shock. the heart beat rate showed remarkable decrease. reaching a value a few times lower than the normal level.

      • 제주도 연안 갈치 채낚기 어구의 생력화 : 1.연속식 채낚기어구의 모형 실험

        서두옥,정용진,김석종,이창헌,김고환,박용석 제주대학교 해양연구소 2000 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.24 No.-

        The authors carried out a model experiment of continuoius hairtail hand line on the rooftop in order to obtain the fundamental data on elimination of labor with haritail hand line in the coast of Jeju. The results are as follow ; 1.The continuous main line was rotated smoothly by driving roller. 2.The branch lines and hooks on a main line which was rotated by rotary machine were entangled slightly. 3. The branch lines attached to rubbered model of hairtails to hooks were rotated continuously by the rotary machine.

      • KCI등재

        카드뮴 중독 흰쥐에 대한 Noninvasive Biomarker로서의 요중 Ascorbic Acid에 관한 연구

        이용우,김용호,안승주,류재두 THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR BIOMEDICAL LABORATORY SCIEN 1997 Journal of biomedical laboratory sciences Vol.3 No.2

        본 연구는 카드뮴의 이용 및 환경오염의 증가로 일어날 수 있는 카드뮴 중독에 대한 새로운 생물학적 지표로서의 요중 ascorbic acid를 평가하기 위하여 실험적으로 중독시킨 Sprague-Dawley종의 흰쥐를 이용하여 요중 ascorbic acid측정, 신장의 조직병리학적 조사 및 생화학적 간 기능 검사를 실시하였다. 측정된 요중 ascorbic acid농도의 전 실험기간 (50일) 평균치는 실험군Ⅰ(카드뮴 100ppm)이 214.0㎎/dl, 실험군Ⅱ(카드뮴 200ppm)가 254.3㎎/dl로 대조군 9.0㎎/dl에 비해 각각 24배 및 28배의 증가를 보였다. 조직병리학적 소견으로는 신장의 근위 세뇨관에서 단백뇨의 원인으로 추정되는 호산성 초자양 물질이 관찰되어 신장의 손상이 있었고, 생화학적 분석에서 실험군Ⅰ에서 AST, ALT의 수치가 대조군의 143㎎/dl, 50㎎/dl에 비해 각각 199㎎/dl, 88㎎/dl, 실험군Ⅱ가 270㎎/dl,226㎎/dl로 나타나 간 기능의 손상이 있었음을 알 수 있었다. 이상의 결과로 실험동물이 카드뮴에 노출됨에 따라 그 아만성 독성으로서 간장 및 신장 기능의 손상이 있었고 또한 요중의 ascorbic acid가 현저하게 증가되어 요중 ascorbic acid가 실험동물의 카드뮴 노출에 대한 noninvasive진단 지표로서 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. This study was planned to evaluate the urinary ascorbic acid as a new bilolgical marker for the intoxication of cadmium, which could possibly be driven by its increased utilization and environmental pollution. In order to meet this goal, we have performed measurement of urinary ascorbic acid concentration, histopathological examination of the kidney, and biochemical test for the liver function using cadmium-intoxicated rats by oral administration. The average concentrations of urinary ascorbic acid in the CdCl₂-treated rats were 214.0㎎/dl for 100ppm group and 254.3㎎/dl for 200ppm group during experimental period of 50 days. These levels are 24 and 28 times higher than one in the control group (9.0㎎/dl), respectively. Ultrastructural study showed the eosinophilic hyaline cast and focal effacement, fusion in the renal tubules, as well as loss of foot processes on the glomerular epithelial cells. These results suggested that cadmium may be responsible for renal glomerular injury. The blood levels of AST, ALT and LDH in the treated groups (199 IU/I, 88 IU/I, 1190 U/I for the 100 ppm group and 270 IU/I, 226 IU/I, 760 U/I for the 200 ppm group) were higher than ones in the control group(143 IU/I, 50 IU/I, 334 U/I). These results indicated the cadmium induced the damage of liver function. In conclusion, the administration of cadmium showed a remarkable increase of urinary ascorbic acid with renal and hepatic damage. Therefore, it is expected that measurement of urinary ascorbic acid would be an powerful method as a noninvasive biomarker for cadmium intoxication.

      • 魚臭成分과 分析技術

        朴斗天,車傭準 國立 昌原大學校 産業技術硏究所 1987 産技硏論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        식품은 단백질, 지질 및 당 등의 영양성분이나 물, 색소, 엑기스 및 냄새성분 등의 비영양성분으로 구성되어 있으며 이들 비영양성분은 식품에 있어 불필요한 것이 아니고, 각 식품에 있어서 텍스츄어, 색조, 정미성분 및 향기등에 지배적인 영향을 준다. 특히 風味(맛과 냄새)는 식품의 중요한 요소이며 그 중에서 냄새는 맛에 비하여 식품의 구매욕을 결정적으로 지배한다. 일반적으로 냄새란 香, 臭, 芳, 馨, 馥, 郁, Perfume, Aroma, Flavor, Odor, Smell등의 용어로 표현되며 식품의 경우 후각을 통하여 느끼는 냄새는 Aroma, 입은 통하여 맛과 향을 느끼는 일체의 감각은 Flavor라는 용어를 쓰고 있다.1) 식품의 냄새에 관한 연구는 단백질, 지질 등의 일반성분의 연구에 비하여 훨씬 뒤져 있으며 연구의 역사도 짧다. 특히 魚臭성분에 관한 연구는 1960년대 후반부터 시작하여 그후 여러 가지 추출 및 분리방법의 개선이 진보되었으며 최근에는 분석기기의 발달로 인하여 급속적인 연구가 진행되고 있는 실정이다. 우리 나라에서는 옛부터 수산물을 단백질 공급원으로 이용해 왔으므로 비교적 생선냄새에 잘 익숙하여져 있지만 최근 청소년층과 도시인들은 식생활패턴의 변화로 인하여 생선을 기피하는 경향이 있는데 이는 어패류의 냄새 가운데 불쾌취(비린내)가 주 요인으로 되고 있다. 따라서 본고에서는 어취성분에 대한 연구문헌과 분석기술의 자료를 정리하여 어패류의 가공 및 이용에 있어 어취의 문제를 해결하는데 도움이 되고자 한다.

      • 균열을 가진 강구조부재의 한계하중에 대한 유한요소해석

        박용걸,김성훈,김두환 서울産業大學校 1997 논문집 Vol.46 No.1

        The purpose of the analysis is the numerical simulation of structures strained to the limit loads. The finite element calculations and experiments with cracked structures have been carried out yielding over limit strains between 10% and 15% by single peak load. Load versus displacement-diagrams and J-diagrams up to the limit load are calculated. By this way the influence of geometric parameters may be assessed in the post yield region. It is proposed to use such calculations to correlate experiments carried out with small specimens to experiments simulating the true dimensions of the design structure.

      • 공조시스템을 적용한 석실 고분내 온ㆍ습도 분포

        전용두,이금배,박진양,고석보,전희호 公州大學校 工學硏究院 生産技術硏究所 2005 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        Although the importance of good conservation of historic sites including ancient royal tombs is well aware, still not much attention has been paid for the facilities and systems to preserve those historic sites, which includes precious artifacts as wall paints and carved works, etc. Even the general understanding about the environment of the underground space of tombs is not satisfactory. In Korea, researchers have recently begun addressing the above issue and are making efforts to develop suitable HVAC(heating, ventilating and air-conditioning) systems for conservation of tombs. An experimental investigation was carried out to study the behavior of the HVAC system installed for a tomb. This tomb resembles in size and shape the original stone built tomb of Baek-je Dynasty, which dates back to 6th Century in southwest part of Korean peninsula. In this study, an HVAC system for a tomb(D×W×H=1.3m×3.0m×1.2m) was installed to maintain sui표 indoor conditions for conservation of tomb. The temperature and humidity inside the tomb were measured different of the setting. Finally, performance of the HVAC system is presented and discussed.

      • 횡류팬 유로최적화를 위한 수치실험

        전용두,이종수 공주대학교 생산기술연구소 2002 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        Cross flow fan system is widely used for various applications, especially for the air-moving device of heaters, air-conditioners, and air-curtains. Although there are efforts for the optimization of cross-flow fan flow path with different methods of approach, it is still being investigated by many researchers through experimentally and/or theoretically, because the flow pattern of the cross flow fan is not stereotyped. This paper presents some results from numerical experiments for optimization of the flow path through a cross-flow fan to be applied to indoor wall-mounted room heater. Two dimensional analysis has been applied to a specific fan system including inlet and diffuser outlet. Flow characteristics are presented and discussed for two different flow path at three different operating conditions represented by rotational speed(800, 1,000, 1,200 rpm) of the fan. According to the simulated results for the specific fan system under consideration, it could be found that the flow pattern resembles each other at different rotational speed (to say from 800 rpm to 1,200 rpm) for a fixed flow path, while the secondary flows mostly absorbs the speed effects. By changing the flow path significant increase in volume flow rate is estimated upto 2.65 at the same rotational speed. According to the present experience, fan flow path design can be performed more efficiently by incorporating this type of numerical experiments combined with the model tests.

      • 가이스가향나무의 揷木에 關한 硏究 : 第1報. 季節, 時期 및 揷土가 發根에 미치는 影響 1. Effect of season, date and cutting bed soil on rooting

        金榮斗 진주산업대학교 1969 論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        가이스가향나무의 效果的인 繁殖方法을 模索하기 위하여 몇가지 揷土에다 季節및 日字別로 揷木하여 그 發根成績을 調査하였는데 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 季節別로 보아 春季 및 秋季揷木이 그 成績이 우수하며, 夏季揷木은 不良하고 日字別로는 3월 15∼25일 및 9월15∼25일에 揷木한 것이 各各 우수하였다. 2. 揷土 別로 보면 春季는 赤土50%+모래50%, 秋季는 赤土70%+모래30%의 揷土에서 各各 그 成績이 우수하였다. 3. 따라서 가이스가향나무의 揷木은 봄에 있어서 3월 15∼25일에 赤土50+모래 50%에다 揷木하고 가을에는 10월 15∼25일에 赤土70%+모래30%의 揷土에다 揷木하는 것이 가장 그 發根率이 높다는 것이 認定되었으며 各處理間에는 高度의 有意性이 認定되었다. The propagation of Juniperus chinensis var, Kaizuka is difficult comparably and especially the success or failure of cutting this tree has been found among the cultivators. For the purpose of finding out these factors and more effective method of this tree, I planted stem cutting using several kinds of cutting bed soil in accordance with the season and date and investigated the result of its rooting rate. This study is the Ⅰst part of synthetic examination for cutting this tree and the results are as follows. It was recognized that the rooting rate of this tree increases that planted from March 15, to March 24, in spring using cutting bed soil of T_3(Cray50%+Sand 50%) and from October 15, to October 25. in autumn using that of T_4(Cray 70%+Sand 30%). And between each treatment significant of difference of high level was recognized.

      • 제주도 연안의 수중소음-Ⅱ : 동부연안

        서두옥,정용진 제주대학교 1986 논문집 Vol.23 No.-

        Underwater ambient noises were investigated at 12 points in the eastern coast of Cheju Island The underwater ambient noise was present as a sound pressure level for each frequences. The results were as follows: 1 The sound pressure level of the underwater ambient noise was the highest of that in 12 points at 100 m in the depth of water at station D. 2 The vertical average sound pressure level at 200Hz was measured at 10m. 50m and 100m in the depth of water The values were 88dB. 87dB and 90dB, respectlvely. 3 The average sound pressure level on 12 points was measured 88 dB at 200Hz in the frequency.

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