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      • KCI등재

        동 아세아 및 미국의 환율과 금융 협력

        왕연균 ( Yen Kyun Wang ) 국제지역학회 2007 국제지역연구 Vol.11 No.3

        동아세아는 역내 교역의존도가 높고 무역구조가 유사해 경쟁적 평가절하와 위기전염 가능성이 높다. 과다한 단기자본 유입이 자산인플레, 환율 과대평가를 일으켜 외환위기를 반복할 위험이 크다. 국제금융 불균형도 협력으로 해결이 용이해진다. 환율협력 형태로 동아세아 개도국들이 신축적인 BBC(바스켓, 밴드, 크롤) 환율제도를 택고 엔/달러환율을 밴드 내에서 고정시킬 것을 논의한다. 논의되어온 바스켓, 균형환율, 밴드, 크롤방안을 검토하고 개선될 점들을 논의한다. 엔을 포함한 동아세아 통화들을 바스켓으로 하고 이를 반영하는 ACU와의 중심환율에 각국은 독자적인 밴드를 두고 기본여건을 반영하여 중심환율을 크롤(crawl)하게 한다. 그리고 ACU를 달러, 유로의 바스켓에 연결토록 한다. 단위노동지수가 물가보다 빠르게 상승하는 경우에는 단위노동지수를 사용한 실질실효환율이 수출경쟁력을 보다 잘 반영함으로 이를 크롤에 반영함이 좋다. 동아세아는 달러와 엔에 대한 환율안정이 필요하고 엔 캐리 트레이드의 방지가 필요하다. 엔/달러 환율을 밴드 내에서 고정시켜야 일본과 미국의 금리 차이를 줄여 엔 캐리 트레이드를 방지할 수있다. 환율안정을 위해서 일관성 있는 정책이 필요하다. 신중한 재정정책, 신축적인 생산요소와 생산물 가격이 필요하고 환율을 목표수준에 안정시키기 위해서는 금리통제를 포기해야한다. 국내금융기관이 취약하고 국제단기자본이 유출에 비해 과잉 유입되는 경우에는 단기 자본 유입을 통제하는 것도 유용한 방법이다. 싱가폴의 성공적인 BBC제도 경험을 검토하고 시사점을 논의한다. 역내의 환율안정기금의 확대, 동아세아의 투자증대, 미국의 저축증대, 동아세아의 시장개방과 개혁, 역내 조사, 감시 및 감독의 강화가 필요하다. This paper discusses ways of exchange rate cooperation between East Asian countries and USA. In order to prevent competitive depreciations, excessive inflows of foreign capital and the crisis contagion in the region, cooperation in exchange rate and financial policies is very important. Adopting flexible BBC (basket, band, crawl) exchange rate system jointly in East Asia would be desirable. Ways of improvement in basket, band and crawl proposed by others will be discussed. Japanese yen needs to be included in the regional basket, not in the outside basket. When they crawl their central rates within bands, real effective exchange rates (REER) using unit labor cost indexes need to be used to keep export competitiveness constant. Without stabilizing the yen/dollar exchange rates interest rates of Japan will continue to be lower than those of USA and emerging East Asian countries, and yen-carry trade will appear when the expected exchange rate of the yen is uncertain. Thus the yen/dollar rate needs to be fixed within a band. Sound and consistent economic policies are essential for the BBC system. Prudential fiscal policy, flexible prices of productive factors, proper interest policy and effective use of foreign reserves are needed. Singapore experiences in the BBC system will be studied and lessons from it will be discussed. .Capital control could be helpful in the face of excessive capital inflows. Expansion of the Bilateral Swap Agreement in the region wold be helpful for the liquidity crunch.

      • KCI등재

        Taiwanese Position in the South China Sea Dispute: Before and After the Permanent Court of Arbitration Award

        Yen-Chiang Chang (사) 이준국제법연구원 2016 Journal of East Asia and International Law Vol.9 No.2

        This note aims to explore the Taiwanese position before and after the Permanent Court of Arbitration Award regarding the South China Sea dispute. The findings suggest that the new Taiwanese Authority, led by Tsai Ing-Wen, has taken a slightly different approach toward the South China Sea, compared to Ma Ying-Jeou’s administration. The new Taiwanese Authority makes no comment on the eleven-dash line claim, which, in turn, implies that its approach is closer to that of the American orientation. It is suggested that the South China Sea Peace Initiative, proposed by Ma Ying-Jeou’s administration, should be followed by Tsai’s administration. In addition, the recognition of the 1992 Consensus by Tsai’s administration will encourage mainland China to consider Taiwan as one of the key players in future South China Sea negotiations.

      • 이질균의 진단용 단클론 항체 개발에 관한 연구

        이연태,조규봉,이운영 단국대학교 신소재기술연구소 1991 신소재 Vol.1 No.-

        이질균의 항원구조는 매우 복잡하기 때문에 Shigella 균종 중에서 Shigella flexneri를 선택하여 이질균의 항원 특성을 규명하고자 본 실험을 시도하였다. 그래서 본 교실에서 분리 계대해 온 S. flexneri의 균체 항원을 2회에 걸쳐 마우스의 복강내로 주사하였다. 면역된 마우스의 비장에서 임파구를 분리하여 polyethylene glycol을 이용하여 골수종 세포인 P3X63-Ag8.653과 융합하였다. HAT 배지에서 융합 세포를 선택하였다. 무한대 희석법에 의하여 융합 세포의 클로닝을 실시하였으며 항체의 생산은 간접 효소면역흡착법을 이용하여 확인하고 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 세포 골수종 P3X63-Ag8.653의 평균 분열 주기는 대수 증식기에서 12시간이었다. 2. 융합이 실시된 20개의 plate 중에서 융합 세포가 자란 것은 15 well이었다. 3. 융합 세포가 형성된 15 well에서 항체 형성이 검증된 well은 3개였다. 4. 효소면역흡착법을 통해 알아본 각 well에서 생성된 면역글로불린의 class는 2 well에서 IgG, 1 well에서 IgM이었다. 5. 클로닝 후 IgM의 생성이 확인된 세포 배양 상청액을 이용하여 다른 장내세균의 균체 항원과 반응을 시켰으나 반응이 나타나지 않았다. The antigenic structure of Shigella is very complex. So, production of monoclonal antibodies against Shigella flexneri which had been the most prevalent Shigella spp. in Korea was tried to investigate the characteristics of shigella antigens. Heat-killed cellular antigens of S. flexneri which had been cultivated in our laboratory were injected intraperitoneally into BALB/c mice twice at intervals. Spleen lymphocytes of immunized mice were fused with the myeloma P3X63-Ag8.653 cells using polyethylene glocol. Only hybridized cells grew in HAT medium. Supernatants from cultures were assayed for S. flexneri-specific antibodies by the indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Hybridomas were cloned by limiting dilution. 1. The mean doubling time of P3X63-A8.653 myeloma cells was 12 hours. 2. Only 15 wells out of 20 plates cell fusions performed showed the growth of hybridized cells in the selecive medium. 3. S. flexneri-specific antibodies were generated from 3 wells of those 15 wells, checked by indirect ELISA. 4. Supernatants from 3 wells had different classes of immunoglobulins : IgG from 2 wells and IgM from 1 well. 5. After cloning, supernatant from SFB 11 checked as Ig M with the strongest visuality was not reacted with cellular antigens of other strains of Enterobacteriaceae.

      • 어머니의 言語形態가 幼兒의 言語能力에 미치는 影響

        劉蓮子,李達錫 조선대학교 사범대학 부설 교과교육연구소 2002 敎科敎育硏究 Vol.23 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between the mother's language pattern and infant's language ability and to analyze this by age and sex. The research problems of this study are as following : 1. In what shape does the mother's language pattern appear? 2. In what shape does the infent's language ability appear? 3. To what differnce do the mother's lenguage patterns result in infent's language ability? 4. To what differnce do the mother's lenguage patterns result in infent's language ability by sex? 5. To what differnce do the mother's lenguage patterns result in infent's language ability by age? 91 children of kindergarten aged 3 and 5 age, and their mothers 91 persons in Gawng-Ju were enployed for subjects of this study, so total subjects of this study were 182 persons. Mother's language pattern was categorized with Jung Ji-Ja's mother language pattern inventorg(1984). Infant's language abilities were got by Joo Young-Uis infant's language ability test(1982). Data were treated with using the package of Descriptives and T-test in SPSS/PC+ Major findings of this study were as follows : 1. In present situation of mother's language pattern, there is the most mother's normative-oriented language pattern, the second order oriented and the third person-oriented language pattern, so mother's persen-oriented language pattern is educated with parent's edu cation. 2. In present situation of infant's language ability, there is the highest perception ability and analusis, reasoning, integration in order. because infants is staged in preoperational period according to Jean Piaget's theory. 3. The infants interading with mothers using persen-oriented language have higher language ability than them with mothers using order-oriented language. 4. In case of male, mother's person-oriented language pattern let them cevelope their perception ability and in case of female, mother's person-oriented language pattern let then develope their reasning ability. 5. In case of 3 age of infants, mother's person-oriented language pattern let them develope perception abilty and in 5 ago of infonts, mother's person-oriented language pattern let Them develope their perception, analgsis, integration and reasning. 6. Comparing 3 with 5 ago of infant's language ability, 5 ago of imfant's language ability is far the best then 3 ago of infant's According to resalts of this study, mother's person-oriented language patter is the best instrument for developing infant language ability.

      • 變形生成文法과 英語敎授法의 展望

        鄭淵奎 慶北大學校 師範大學 1972 敎育硏究誌 Vol.14 No.-

        The articles contained in this paper are either theoretical or applicable to the field of teaching foreign languge based on the transformational linguistics. The end and aim of this theory is, in the final analysis, to "Contribute to the study of human mental process and intellectual capacity. A generative grammar is supposed to be a system of rules that can be repeated to generate an infinite number of structures under its three major aspects"; the syntactic, phonological, and semantic components. Structural linguistics was unsympathetic in general with the structural view of meaning and that the results in this field were little satisfactory. A solution suggested by professor N. Chomsky came as something novel and promising, aiming as it did at rendering semantic theory more fruitful by recasting it into a more precise form than in former times. Accordingly, there are signs that structural linguistics is now passing through a period of reappraisal and teaching methods derived from structuralism have consequently failed to present adequately the system of teaching. There have been, as yet, no new teaching methods built on the tenets of transformational theory, but it is possible at this point to see in what respect some of the methods based on structuralism are inadequate and how these inadequacies might be compensated for. For example, instead of pattern practice, a methodology based on T-grammar would undoubtedly give greater emphasis to the learning of the process of sentence formation. It will involve moving away from static "pattern practice" to more dynamic "process practice". I would expect that teaching and learning a foreign language will gradually come to rely on the new linguistic theory of Transformational Grammar.

      • KCI등재

        국민건강보험 부과체계의 형평성 : 농촌마을 대상의 경험적 연구 An Empirical Study on Equity in a Rural Village

        허만형,성연민 한국정책학회 2003 韓國政策學會報 Vol.12 No.1

        본 논문은 통한 이후 농촌마을을 대상으로 국민건강보험 부과체계의 형평성에 대한 분석을 내용으로 하고 있다. 농촌마을에는 직장가입자와 지역가입자가 함께 있기 때문에 이 그룹의 보험료를 비교 분석함으로써 형평성 실태를 평가하고 제고방안을 제시하고자 한다. 연구 수행을 위해 춘천시 동내면 한 마을의 전주민을 대상으로 면접을 겸한 개별선문 조사를 실시하였다. 분석대상은 가구중심이며, 분석에 필요한 배경 변수는 가구의 경제적 책임을 지고있는 세대주가 중심이었다. 부과체계 형평성은 지역가입자와 직장가인자의 보험료 비교분석을 통하여 파악하고자 하는 것이기 때문에 ANOYA 분석으로 통계적 의미를 탐색하였다. 형평성 분석 결과 국민건강보험료 부과체계는 한 부분에서 형평성 문제를 제기할 수 있는 수준이 아니라, 부과체계의 전체전인 틀이 위협받을 정도로 모든 부분에서 형평성 문제가 나타났다. 농촌에서는 지역가입자가 직장가입자에 비해 대체로 불리하지만 한 가구에서 여러명이 직장에 다니면 이중가입이 되어 직장가입자가 오히려 불리하게 되는 문제도 있었다. 형평성 문제를 해결하기 위하여 다음과 같은 제안을 하고자 한다. 첫째, 형평성의 틀이 흔들리는 상황에서 사회보험 방식의 국민건강보험을 유지할 것인지부터 먼저 결정해야 한다. 논의에 제한을 두지 말고 미국의 사보험 방식과 영국의 국민보건서비스(NHS) 방식에 대한 가능성도 열어두는 차원의 국민건강보험 개혁이 요구된다. 둘째, 농촌지역의 경우 지역보험이 직장보험에 비해 자가부담이 높다. 국가가 농어민의 의료보험료를 직장의 사용자에 준하는 선에서 부담함으로써 형평성 문제의 심각성을 완화할 수 있다. 셋째, 임금근로자에게는 임금만을 대상으로 하고, 자영업자에게는 소득, 재산, 자동차, 가족수와 같은 항목을 대상으로 하는 이원적 부과체계 하에서는 형평성 유지가 어렵다 부과체계의 통합이 필요하다. 넷째, 농촌지역의 고령화 문제가 심각 수준이었다. 이미 고령화 되어버린 농촌지역에 대한 별도의 국민건강보험 패키지가 필요하다. Discussions on the equitable contribution in the Korean health care system have not been ceased even after the National Health Insurance(NHI) program under the single-insurer system finally began in July, 2000. This study examined the contribution system of NHI with data collected from 119 households in a rural village. The analysis gave special focus to the comparison of contribution rates between salaried and non-salaried workers in the village, Quantitative techniques such as t-test and chi square test were utilized. The following were found: First, the contribution system of NHl was not equitable in terms of the contribution rate. Second, generally speaking, the contribution rate favors salaried workers rather than non-salaried workers. The rate favors non-salaried workers when several family members in a household were salaried workers since all salaried workers should be individually under the system of NHI. The following recommendations seem appropriate: First. healthcare reform should be reconsidered on a zero base. As long as NHI as a social insurance program cannot meet equity requirements, a private health insurance program cannot be refused at this point. Second, non-salaried workers pay 100%of the health insurance rate, while salaried workers pay only 50%. The current contribution may be equitable, if the Korea government supports 50% of farmers' health insurance rate. Third, in the regulation of NHI. the factors determining the insurance rates of salaried and non-salaried workers were completely different. The factors should be equivalent to establish the equitable contribution system. Fourth, population in the rural village were getting old. A spacial package for the rural elderly in terms of health care system should be prepared.

      • GMDP 신경망 알고리즘과 PID 제어기를 이용한 효율적인 PLANT 제어에 관한 연구

        장진청,설재훈,장종승,추연규,임영도 동아대학교 공과대학 부설 한국자원개발연구소 1995 硏究報告 Vol.19 No.2

        Adapative control theory or parameter tuning of PID controller is mainly limited in linear systems. But in this paper, using a nonlinear mapping capability of NNS, we derive a realtime tuning method of PID controller based on a Back-Propagation method of single GMDP NN. A variety of neural models, especially higher-order networks, are known to computationlly powerful for complex application. While they have advantages over traditional multilayered perceptrons, the uniformity in their network structures, learning algorithms and loop time creates practical problems. Thus this paper evaluates the capability between MLP and GMDP for performing velocity control. Backpropagation is applied to the GMDP as learning rule.

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