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      • 论宋诗话中的司马相如

        王红霞 대구대학교 인문과학연구소(인문과학 예술문화연구소) 2009 人文科學硏究 Vol.33 No.-

        There are more than forty pieces of materials related to Sima Xiangru and Zhuo Wen-jun. These materials roughly draw the the character of Sima Xiangru in the Song people's eyes by expatiating on the following aspects the mind of him, the style of his literature. the relationship of his literature and the literature of other dynasties. In Song Dynasty, the comments on Sima Xiangru not only inherited the early views, but also have something new which shows the unique digestion when the Song people studied Sima Xiangru From this we can also see that the different aesthetic preferance and literatural values among the Song scholars. So, an anaylsis on these materials about Sima Xiangru in Song ShiHua can help us to better understand and accept him.Song ShiHua, Sima Xiangru, BaiTouyin, mind and action, Song of Chu, shi, satirize 宋诗话中涉及司马相如和卓文君的材料多达四十则左右,这些材料分别对司马相如的思想行为,司马相如作品的风格,司马相如作品与历代文学的关系等几个方面作了较为详尽地阐述,粗略勾勒了宋人眼中的司马相如。在宋代,对司马相如的评价不但对前代的观点有所继承,发挥或补充修正,更有一些新的见解,表现出宋代文人研习司马相如的独特体会和心得,亦可见出宋代文人不同于前代的审美取向和文学价值观,因此,对宋诗话中与司马相如有关的材料作疏理,可以帮助我们了解宋人对司马相如的认识和接受。

      • 佛教對中古議論散文的貢獻和影響 : Buddhist Contribution and Influence to Medieval Chinese Argumentative Writings

        普慧 대구대학교 인문과학연구소(인문과학 예술문화연구소) 2009 人文科學硏究 Vol.33 No.-

        兩漢之際,從印度傳來的佛教,給中國帶來了新的理論思辨。佛教的“論”,是這一理論思辨的集中代表,它以給特定的概念下定義,通過對其進行層層分析,演繹出其思想理論的體系。中國東晉高僧慧遠及齊梁崇佛文人劉勰從佛教和文學兩方面對“論”作了深刻分析和闡述;魏晉玄學家在議論散文的寫作上借鑒了佛教“論”的思辨方式;東晉南朝的僧人及崇佛文人慧遠、宗炳、沈約等在其議論散文中直接引進了佛教的“論”的思維方式,並作了進一步的發揮;唐代以避佛著稱的古文運動領袖韓愈的議論散文也受到了佛教“論”的潛在影響。由此可以说,佛教对中古議論散文的發展做出了積極的貢獻。 Buddhism, which came from Ancient India, brought new speculative theories to China, which are mainly embodied in śātra (the way of explaining sutra). The famous monk Huiyuan in the Eastern Dynasty and the famous scholar LIU Xie in the Qi and Liang dynasties who had faith in Buddhism made very profound analysis and statement on śāstra from both aspects of Buddhism and literature. Some philosophers in the Wei and Jin dynasties borrowed this speculative way from Buddhism when making argumentative writings. Other monks and scholars such as Hui Yuan, ZONG Bing, SHEN Yue, etc. in the Eastern Jin and South dynasties directly introduced this Buddhist speculative way in their argumentative writings and even somewhat developed it. And in the Tang dynasty HAN Yu’s argumentative writings were also more or less influenced by this way. In a word, Buddhism made great positive contribution to the development of Medieval Chinese argumentative writings.

      • 汉语惯用法与对外汉语教学

        Li Xia 대구대학교 인문과학연구소(인문과학 예술문화연구소) 2009 人文科學硏究 Vol.33 No.-

        汉语惯用法,如“对不起”、“大不了”、“半……不……”等,是介于 词和临时短语之间的半凝固结构。其字面意义与整体意义之间存在某种转化关系,常借助于否定副词和助词构成,某些惯用法的内部词位可以变换。它的意义较虚并多为中性色彩,它具有二元的偶分性或多元的容含开放性。对汉语惯用法进行系统研究,寻找出它的总体规律和个性特点,不但可以充实汉语本体研究的内容,而且可以提高对外汉语教学的质量。正是基于这种认识,本文提出这一概念,并对其性质、特点进行了简单分析。 Usages, such as “对不起”、“大不了”“半……不……”, really exist in Chinese language, which are a kind of semi-fixed structure between words and phrases. There is a certain relationship of conversion between the literal meaning and the true meaning of relationship in the usages. Usages are often constructed with the negative adverbs and the auxiliary. They have relatively false meaning, most of them are neutral. They also have the character of two forms or opening in content. Idioms are much noticed but usages have been overlooked in Chinese study. However, Chinese usages are not only used more frequently than idioms but also play a important part in Chinese Teaching to Foreigners. It is benefit for Chinese basic research and Chinese Teaching to Foreigners to study usages widely and systematically. Based on the view ,the concept is made and analyzed its the nature and characteristics.

      • 「삼국유사에 나타난 적극적인 여성상」

        조은희 대구대학교 인문과학연구소(인문과학 예술문화연구소) 2008 人文科學硏究 Vol.32 No.-

        It seems that Korean classical literature needs an independent research rather than applying Western feminism theory to that. In addition, Women need to be evaluated with an independent viewpoint on women growing out of man-centric one. A reason that the researcher selected 「Samgukyusa」 as the text of this study is because, even though it was compiled by a man, it has shown various aspects of life of women who had lived in the period of the Three Kingdoms. First of all, before going into a research of this work, the researcher would like to look over view of womanhood of Ilyeon, the writer of 「Samgukyusa」. It contains many various aspects of life of women who leaded free life, not being restricted by Confucianism. Apart from cases of leading conventional life as a woman, this study would be made centering around women who leaded a bit drastic life: politically conscious women; free love ones; open sex conscious ones. As a result, 「Samgukyusa」 shows that there were women who leaded various aspects of life at that time in the period of the Three Kingdom.

      • 흑인 연극 운동과 미국의 1960년대

        손홍일 대구대학교 인문과학 예술문화연구소 1999 人文科學硏究 Vol.18 No.-

        문학 비평가 다윈 터너(Darwin T. Turner)는 1954년부터 1970년까지의 기간을 미국 흑인 문학사에 있어서 제2의 문예부흥기로 규정하였다.1) 터너의 주장은 이 시기에 첫 번째 흑인문예부흥기인 할렘 르네상스를 능가하는 다양하고 활발한 문학 활동이 이루어졌다는 사실을 직시하고 있다는 점에서 설득력을 지닌다. 그러나 그의 주장은 1964년을 기점으로 흑인 연극 운동(Black Theater Movement)을 주축으로 한 순수 흑인예술 운동이 전개되어 그 이전 흑인 문학과는 대조적인 내용과 형태의 흑인 문학이 등장하게 된 중요한 사실을 흐리고 있어 적절치 않다.

      • 小说对话中的管领语

        吴卸耀 대구대학교 인문과학연구소(인문과학 예술문화연구소) 2008 人文科學硏究 Vol.32 No.-

        The position of controller in traditional Chinese novels only presented before the turn‐talking. But in modern novels controllers can be putted in the middle or behind of turn‐talkings. After studying, we found that, there are three elements that effect the position of controllers, the first is time principle, the second is the angle of narration, the third is the features of turn‐talkings. This studying is very important to understand novel’s narration.

      • 축구, 월드컵, 그리고 지역사회

        권욱동 대구대학교 인문과학 예술문화연구소 2002 人文科學硏究 Vol.24 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship of Football, 2002 FIFA World Cup, and community of Daegu and Gyeongbuk in the aspect of social and economical impact. To accomplish this purpose, this study focused on 2002 FIFA World Cup and community in order to improve the 'quality of life' of community citizens as leisure culture. First of all, we have to reorganize the community physical education, school physical education, and elite sport through 2002 FIFA World Cup in Daegu and Gyeongbuk province. It is important to consider the network of sport facility, sport program, and sport leader for the development of citizen's leisure wellness.

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