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      • Component-based model for posttensioned steel connections against progressive collapse

        Yan Fei Zhu,Chang Hong Chen,Ying Huang,Zhaohui Huang,Yao Yao,Leon M. Keer 국제구조공학회 2021 Steel and Composite Structures, An International J Vol.40 No.4

        A component-based method for the estimation of the posttensioned (PT) steel frame against progressive collapse is proposed and presented in the current paper. A mechanical model of PT steel connections is developed and benchmarked with experimental data of a PT beam-column substructure from literature. The developd mechanical models of four PT connections are able to capture the initial elastic stiffness, decompression load, and residual stiffness under lateral loading. Then, analysis of a reduced-scale three-storey two-bay PT steel frame is carried out with sufficient accuracy by incorporating the proposed joint model into the frame analysis. The proposed method is then applied to assessing progressive collapse of a one-storey two-bay PT frame under middle column removal scenario, and is verified against existing experimental and ANSYS finite element results. Three resistance mechanism for progressive collapse of the PT frame are evaluated, which consists of angle flexural mechanism, beam compression arching action and strand tensile catenary action. Finally, parameter analyses of the PT frames are conducted to investigate the effects of the connection details on the behavior and resistance of progressive collapse. The proposed model can be used to predict the quasi-static behavior of PT frames under monotonic vertical loading conditions with satisfactory accuracy.

      • KCI등재

        Dynamic increase factor for progressive collapse analysis of semi-rigid steel frames

        Yan Fei Zhu,Chang Hong Chen,Yao Yao,Leon M. Keer,Ying Huang 국제구조공학회 2018 Steel and Composite Structures, An International J Vol.28 No.2

        An empirical and efficient method is presented for calculating the dynamic increase factor to amplify the applied loads on the affected bays of a steel frame structure with semi-rigid connections. The nonlinear static alternate path analysis is used to evaluate the dynamic responses. First, the polynomial models of the extended end plate and the top and seat connection are modified, and the proposed polynomial model of the flush end plate connection shows good agreement as compared with experimental results. Next, a beam model with nonlinear spring elements and plastic hinges is utilized to incorporate the combined effect of connection flexibility and material nonlinearity. A new step-by-step analysis procedure is established to obtain quickly the dynamic increase factor based on a combination of the pushdown analysis and nonlinear dynamic analysis. Finally, the modified dynamic increase factor equation, defined as a function of the maximum ratio value of energy demand to energy capacity of an affected beam, is derived by curve fitting data points generated by the different analysis cases with different column removal scenarios and five types of semi-rigid connections.

      • KCI등재

        반응성 염료 제거를 위하여 흡착제로 이용 연구

        얜요 ( Yao Yan ),장걸 ( Zhang Jie ),정태섭 ( Tea-seop Jeong ) 한국환경기술학회 2008 한국환경기술학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        이 연구는 생흡착제를 이용해서 반응성 염료 제거를 위한 흡착 성능을 조사한다. 본 논문에서는 수용액으로부터 반응성 염료 (Reactive Red 4, Methylene Blue)를 제거할 수 있는 생체흡착제로서 맥주 공장에서 발생되고 있는 폐기물인 Biomass(yeast)의 활용 가능성에 대해 평가하였다. 조사결과 염료들의 흡착량에 대해 용액 pH가 영향을 준다. 흡착평형의 수학적인 묘사를 위해 Langmuir 흡착모델을 적용한 결과, Reactive Red 4, Methylene Blue의 각각 최대 흡착량은 pH 1에서 63.58mg/L 와 pH7에서 138.84mg/L 였다. This research work deals with the potential application of adsorbents. In this study, the protonated biomass of yeast was used as a new type of biosorbent for the removal of anionic dye Reactive Red 4 and Methylene Blue. The pH of the solution affected the capability of biosorbent. The isothermal data of biosorption followed the Langmuir models, and the maximum sorption capacities of the biosorbent were RR4 on 63.58mg/L at pH=1 and MB on 138.84mg/L at the pH=7.

      • KCI등재

        中國 地方社會와 佛敎寺院 그리고 僧人의 相互 影響에 관한 一考

        ?耀中(Yan yao zhong) 국립문화재연구원 2012 헤리티지:역사와 과학 Vol.45 No.3

        고대 중국 불교사원이 있는 환경은 향촌(鄕村), 명산(名山), 도시(都市) 세개의 유형으로 나눌 수 있다. 이는 또한 사원이 존재하는 환경의 차이를 만들며 이로써 불교의 발전에 영향을 미쳤고 또한 사원과 사회관계의 다른 유형을 만들었다. 본고는 향촌 사회가 사원과 승려뿐 아니라 불교의 존재와 발전에 가져온 각 종이 해(利害)에 대해 설명한다. 사원이 사회구조 속에서 다른 환경적 위치, 즉 도시와 향촌에 놓였을 때 그들은 결국 다른 외재적(外在的) · 내재적(內在的) 사회적 응성을 발생시킬 수 밖에 없다. 중국 고대 불교사원은 위에 말한바와 같이 향촌, 명산, 도시에 위치하고 있으나 동진십육국 이후 사원이 크게 늘고 명산이 사원과 승려의 집중지가 됨에 따라 명산과 도시의 사원은 비슷한 양상을 띠며 발전한다. 그러나 향촌의 사원은 이와는 좀 다른 영향을 받고, 비쳤으므로 그를 중심으로 서술하고자 한다. 향촌 지역의 사원과 승려들이 서로 미치는 영향은 크게 네가지가 있다. 첫째, 향촌의 승려들은 그지역, 혹은 그 부근으로 부터 왔기 때문에 사회와 비교적 친밀한 관계를 형성한다. 그러므로 향촌지역의 세력은 사원 승려집단이 구성하는 영향력을 제한한다. 둘째, 향촌사원은지방경제에의탁하며서로동고동락하였다. 향촌의사원은그사회의공공장소가되었고종종시장소재지가되기도하였다. 사실 사찰의 축조와 존재는 원래 지역 경제에 있어 하나의 추동력이 되었다. 왜냐하면 사찰건물 축조에는 공장(工匠)과 재료가 필요하며 어떤 절은 향객(香客)과 향촉(香燭) 소비 등에서 모두 많게든 적게든 상품경제를 대동하기 때문이다. 그리고 소재 향촌이 어떤 자연재해 혹은 인재를 만나거나 수확이 좋지 않거나 경제가 불황일 때는 승려들이 흩어져 사원 또한 존속할 수 없는 결과를 낳기도 하였다. 셋째, 향촌사원과 신도들의 관계는 도시와 명산의 사원과 구별된다. 왜냐하면 중국에서 사원은 승려들이 수행하는 장소일 뿐 아니라 일반 가신도(家信徒)들이 조배(朝拜)하는 장소이기 때문에 그 주위엔 항상 많은 신도 무리가 있었기 때문이다. 넷째, 향촌 불교와 지방 민간신앙의 결합은 꽤 큰 정도로 불교의 민간화를 주도하였다. 이것은 하나의 상호작용 과정이다. 불교가 가지고 있는 전국성(全國性) 종교로서의 우세(優勢) 때문에 종종 지방 특색을 가지고 있는 숭배는 불교신앙으로 바뀌거나 불교적 색채에 물들었다. 향촌의 사원은 현지 사회와 밀접한 관계를 유지하면서 지방의 영향을 받음과 동시에 또 영향을 주기도 하였다. 대표적으로 향촌에서 비교적 문화가 발달된 곳으로서의 각종 문화와 관련된 시설-예를들어 학교, 병원등-의 역할을 대신하여 모범 행동을 보이기도 하였다. 사찰이 향촌의 장례(葬禮)에 미친 영향도 매우 컸다. 중국인의 분묘(墳墓)는 주로 향촌에 세워졌는데 도시에 사는 사람이더라도 죽은 후에는 본적(本籍)으로 돌아와 묻히거나 적어도 도시가 아닌 교외(郊外)에 묻혔다. 향촌의 사찰은 일반적으로 장사 치르는 일에 참여하였다. 이상은 대다수의 유명한 불교사찰은 명산에 있는것이 아니라 도시에 있음에도 불구하고 사원의 다수는 오히려 광대한 향촌에 있으며 그들은 향촌 사회와의 상호 융합을 통하여 90% 이상의 중국 민중과 연결되어 있으며 불교가 중국에서 가장 중요하게 존재하는 기초가 되었음을 표명한다. 향촌 사원과 현지사회 민중간의 상호 영향은 전방위(全方位)적인 것이며, 많게 혹은 적게 사회생활 각 방면에 파급되었다. 향촌 지역에 이렇듯 사묘(寺廟)가 시(時) · 공간(空簡)적으로 광범위하게 분포해 있는 것은 불교사원과 중국 고대 농촌사회의 긴밀한 결합을 설명하기에 족하다. Environment of ancient Chinese Buddhist temple can be classified to three types such as regional society(鄕村), famous mountain(名山), and urban areas(都市). This made differences in environment where a temple existed and in turn, affected development of Buddhism. And this made another type in relationship between Buddhist temple and a society. This study explains influences which regional society gave on not only Buddhist temple and a monk but also existence and development of Buddhism. When temples are placed in different environmental position, that is, urban areas and regional society, among a social structure, they eventually should adapt to a different society externally and internally. As told in above, ancient Chinese Buddhist temple was located in regional society, famous mountain, and urban areas. Since Eastern Jin and Sixteen Kingdoms, as number of temple much increased, and temples and monks were concentrated on famous mountain, temples in famous mountains and urban areas had developed showing similar aspects each other. But because temples in regional society were influenced a little differently, this study focused on the point. There are four kinds of influences between temples and monks in regional areas. Monks in regional areas had a comparatively close relationship with a society because they came from same area or surrounding areas. Therefore, powers of regional areas restrict influences made by monk group in temple. Second, temples in regional areas shared their joys and sorrows depending on regional economy. Temples in regional areas became a public place for the society and often a market place. In fact, construction and existence of a temple originally became a driving force in regional economy. This is because construction of temple needs artisans and materials and some temples had visitors and included market economy like consumption of incense and candles, though the economic size was large or small. And when regional areas experienced natural disaster or man-made disaster or had poor harvest or economy was in depression, monks left temples and then, temples themselves could not exist. Third, the relationship between temples in regional areas and Buddhists was distinguished from the temples in urban areas and famous mountains. This is because temples in China were places where monks practiced and at the same time, places where general Buddhists worshipped. So there were always a number of Buddhists around the temples. Forth, Buddhism in resional areas was connected to regional Folk beliefs. As a result, Buddhism was spread across the nation, worship with local color often was changed to Buddhist belief or was tinged with Buddhism. While temples in regional areas maintained a close relationship with regional society.they were influenced by the region or gave influences. As a representative example, temples in regional areas showed model behaviors instead of roles of facilities related to various cultures with comparatively advanced level - for example, school, hospital etc. The temples highly affected funerary rites in regional areas. Chinese tombs were mainlymade in regional areas. After death, people living in urban areas were buried in hometown or at least, they were buried in suburbs not urban areas. Temples in regional areas generally participated in funerary rites. Above shows that though most of famous Buddhist temples were located in urban areas not in famous mountains, majority of temples were located in vast regional areas. Through mutual interaction between temples and regional society, the temples in the regional areas were related to Chinese people of over 90% and regional areas became the most important foundation for Buddhism in China. Mutual influences between temples in regional areas and the general public in regions were omnidirectional and spreaded to every aspects of social life in small or large degree. Thus Tombs in temple were widely spreaded across regional areas over time and space. This is enough to explain a close relationship between Buddhist temples and rural society in ancient China.

      • Metastasis-associated Factors Facilitating the Progression of Colorectal Cancer

        Zhang, Yao-Yao,Chen, Bin,Ding, Yan-Qing Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2012 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.13 No.6

        Tumor metastasis remains the principal cause of treatment failure and poor prognosis in patients with colorectal cancer. It is a multistage process which includes proteolysis, motility and migration of cells, proliferation in a new site, and neoangiogenesis. A crucial step in the process of intra- and extra-vasation is the activation of proteolytic enzymes capable of degrading the extracellular matrix (ECM). In this stage, urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are necessary. Micrometastases need the presence of growth factor and vascular growth factor so that they can form macrometastasis. In addition, cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) and guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) play important roles in the progression of colorectal cancer and metastatic migration. Further elucidation of the mechanisms of how these molecules contribute will aid in the identification of diagnostic and prognostic markers as well as therapeutic targets for patients with colorectal metastasis.

      • KCI등재

        Functional Analysis of the Inhibitor of Apoptosis Genes in Antheraea pernyi Nucleopolyhedrovirus

        Feng Yan,Xiaobei Deng,Junpeng Yan,Jiancheng Wang,Lunguang Yao,Songya lv,Yipeng Qi,Hua Xu 한국미생물학회 2010 The journal of microbiology Vol.48 No.2

        The inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAP) plays an important role in cell apoptosis. We cloned two novel IAP family members, Ap-iap1 and Ap-iap2, from Antheraea pernyi nucleopolyhedrovirus (ApNPV) genome. Ap-IAP1 contains two baculoviral IAP repeat (BIR) domains followed by a RING domain, but Ap-IAP2 has only one BIR domain and RING. The result of transient expression in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf21) showed that Ap-iap1 blocked cell apoptosis induced by actinomycin D treatment and also rescued the p35 deficient Autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcNPV) to replicate in Sf9 cells, while Ap-iap2 does not have this function. Several Ap-IAP1 truncations were constructed to test the activity of BIRs or RING motif to inhibit cell apoptosis. The results indicated that BIRs or RING of Ap-IAP1 had equally function to inhibit cell apoptosis. Therefore deletion of above both of the above domains could not block apoptosis induced by actinomycin D or rescue the replication of AcMNPV△p35. We also screened two phage-display peptides that might interact with Ap-IAP1.

      • KCI등재


        요연파(Yan Bo Yao),이승곤(Seung Kon Lee) 한국관광연구학회 2006 관광연구저널 Vol.20 No.2

        본 논문은 여행업의 기업거버넌스에 대하여 현대 기업이론을 실질적으로 적용한 연구로써, 먼저 여행업의 소유권 귀속문제에 대한 분석을 진행하였고, 나아가 상이한 이해관계자의 소유권특성에 대한 비교분석을 통해 여행업 기업거버넌스의 기본 원칙 및 이론모형을 도출하였다. 도출된 이론모형을 통해 중국 여행업 기업거번스의 구조와 시스템의 현황과 문제점에 관하여 실증 분석을 하였다. 또한 국외 행업의 기업거버넌스 구조와 시스템에 대한 비교연구를 진행하였다. 이를 통하여 중국 여행업에 맞는 합리적인 기업거버넌스 구조와 시스템에 대한 전반적인 틀을 구축하였고, 결론적으로 중국 여행업의 기업거버넌스 구조와 시스템에 대한 정책대안을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        A Study on Current Situation of Professional Quality of Preschool Inclusive Education Teachers of Henan Province in China

        요소연(Yao, Xiao Yan),고흥(Kou, Heung) 한국부모교육학회 2021 부모교육연구 Vol.18 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 중국 허난성의 취학 전 융합교육 교사의 전문적 소양 현황을 전면적으로 이해할 수 있도록 자료를 제공하여 취학 전 융합교육 교사의 전문적 소양 향상을 하도록 한다. 즉, 교사의 전문적 소양의 평균점수와 인구학적 변수의 차이점이 있으면 문제점이 있으므로 취학 전 유아 융합교육 교사의 전문 소양에 영향을 미치는 변인을 찾고 전문 소양 향상을 위한 제안을 하고자 한다. 본 연구의 방법은 정량적 연구로 진행하였다. 중국 허난성의 106개 융합교육 시범유치원에서 교사 총 430명의 융합학급 교사를 연구 대상으로 하였다. 신뢰성이 좋은 《허난성 취학 전 융합교육 교사 전문소양 설문지》를 사용하여 정식 테스트를 진행하였다. SPSS 26.0 통계분석 소프트웨어를 사용하여 데이터 분석을 수행하였다. 기술적 통계, one-way ANOVA, 독립표본 t 검증(independent-samples t-test) 등을 통해 교사의 전문성 현황을 이해하는 연구를 하였다. 공식적 시험 결과로는 허난성 취학 전 유아 융합교육 교사의 전문적 소양 전체 평균점수는 4점 이상 (M=4.069, SD=.069) 이었다. 각 차원별 점수 차이가 있었는데, 전공 의식 및 도덕성(M=4.408, SD=.582); 전문지식(M=3.734, SD=.856); 전문능력(M=4.128, SD=.630)에 차이가 있었다. 본 연구의 결과는 인구통계학적 요인을 자기 변수로 하여 one-way ANOVA 또는 독립표본 t 검사를 실시하였는데, 그 결과 4가지 배경 변수가 교사의 전문적 소양 수준에 현저한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 교육연령(전문지식, F=3.096, p<.05); 직함(전문지식 F=3.333, p<.05; 전문능력 F=3.129, p<.05); 전문과정 학습(전문지식 F=3.755, p<.001; 전문능력 F=2.340, p<.05); 유치원급(전문능력 F=3.471, p<.05)로 나타났다. 본 연구를 통해 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 현재 허난성의 취학 전 융합교육 교사의 전문적 소양은 평균적으로 수준이 양호하였으나, 그러나 전문지식 차원에서는 시급히 개선을 요하는 낮은 점수를 받았다. 교사의 4가지 변수인, 나이(age), 직책, 전공수업 참여 여부와 유치원급 등 4가지 변수는 교사의 전문적 소양에 현저한 영향을 미치는 요소로 나타났다. 전문적 소양에 영향을 주는 4개의 변수가 요소이므로, 허난성의 취학 전 융합 교육 교사의 전문적인 소양 수준을 4개의 변수로 개선시킬 수 있다. The purpose of this research is to get comprehensive understanding about the current professional quality of preschool inclusive education teachers in Henan Province of China. According to the overall score of professional quality of teachers and the differences in demographic variables, finding the problems exists and proposing suggestions to improve the professional of preschool inclusive education teachers. In this research, the method quantitative research was adopted, the research subjects include 430 teachers (144 pre-test objects and 286 formal-test objects) of inclusive classes in 106 inclusive education pilot kindergartens in Henan Province. “The professional quality questionnaire of preschool inclusive education teachers in Henan Province” with good reliability and validity was used for formal testing. SPSS 26.0 Statistical Analysis Software was applied for data analysis, and research on the current situation of professional quality of the teachers was performed utilizing descriptive statistics, one-way analysis of variance, and independent-samples t-test. The formal test results showed that the overall score of professional quality of preschool inclusive education teachers in Henan Province was higher than 4 points (M=4.069, SD=.605), which had differences in the scores of each dimension, including: Professional perception and ethics (M=4.408, SD=.582); Professional knowledge (M=3.734, SD=.856); Professional competence (M=4.128, SD=.630). The results of one-way ANOVA or independent sample t-test with demographic factors as independent variables showed that there were four background variables with a significant difference in the professional quality level of the teachers: Teaching age (Professional knowledge F=3.096, p<.05); Professional title (Professional Knowledge) F=3.333, p<.05; Professional competence (F=3.129, p<.05); Professional course learning (Professional knowledge) F=3.755, p<.001; Professional competence (F=2.340, p<.05); Kindergarten level (Professional competence F=3.471, p<.05). The results showed that the professional quality of preschool inclusive education teachers in Henan Province had a good overall level, but a low score in the dimension of professional knowledge, which needs further improvement. In the four variables of teaching, age, professional title, whether to participate in professional curriculum learning, and the kindergarten level, there were significant differences in professional quality of the teachers. Therefore, the professional quality level of preschool inclusive education teachers in Henan Province can be improved from this.

      • KCI등재

        BtPDR: Bluetooth and PDR-Based Indoor Fusion Localization Using Smartphones

        ( Yingbiao Yao ),( Qiaojing Bao ),( Qi Han ),( Ruili Yao ),( Xiaorong Xu ),( Junrong Yan ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2018 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.12 No.8

        This paper presents a Bluetooth and pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR)-based indoor fusion localization approach (BtPDR) using smartphones. A Bluetooth and PDR-based indoor fusion localization approach can localize the initial position of a smartphone with the received signal strength (RSS) of Bluetooth. While a smartphone is moving, BtPDR can track its position by fusing the localization results of PDR and Bluetooth RSS. In addition, BtPDR can adaptively modify the parameters of PDR. The contributions of BtPDR include: a Bluetooth RSS-based Probabilistic Voting (BRPV) localization mechanism, a probabilistic voting-based Bluetooth RSS and PDR fusion method, and a heuristic search approach for reducing the complexity of BRPV. The experiment results in a real scene show that the average positioning error is < 2m, which is considered adequate for indoor location-based service applications. Moreover, compared to the traditional PDR method, BtPDR improves the location accuracy by 42.6%, on average. Compared to state-of-the-art Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) fingerprint + PDR-based fusion indoor localization approaches, BtPDR has better positioning accuracy and does not need the same offline workload as a fingerprint algorithm.

      • KCI등재

        Luminescent characteristics of Sr2ZnSi2O7 : Eu3+ phosphor for ultraviolet light emitting diodes

        Shan-shan Yao,Li-hong Xue,You-wei Yan,Yuan-yuan Li,Mi-fang Yan 한양대학교 세라믹연구소 2010 Journal of Ceramic Processing Research Vol.11 No.6

        Red-emitting phosphors Sr2-xZnSi2O7 : Eux 3+ was prepared by a combustion-assisted synthesis method and an efficient red emission under near-ultraviolet (UV) was observed. The luminescence, crystallinity, and particle sizes were investigated using luminescence spectrometry, X-ray diffractometry, and field scanning electron microscopy. The emission spectrum shows that the most intense peak is located at 614 nm, which corresponds to the 5D0→ 7F2 transition of Eu3+. The phosphor has two main excitation peaks located at 394 and 465 nm, which match the emission of UV and blue light-emitting diodes, respectively.

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