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        Narrating and Aestheticizing Liberation in Hurrah! for Freedom and My Home Village

        Travis Workman 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2015 THE REVIEW OF KOREAN STUDIES Vol.18 No.1

        This article examines two films that have become canonical representations of national liberation in South Korea and North Korea: Hurrah! for Freedom (Jayu manse, Choe In-kyu, 1946) and My Home Village (Nae gohyang, Kang Hongsik, 1949). Taking the liberation period (1945-1948) as a postcolonial moment before the complete entrenchment of the Cold War system and its attendant conflicts and ideologies, it analyzes how the films look to the recent past of Japanese colonialism and how they prefigure the dominant national narratives and aesthetic ideologies in each Korean nation-state, particularly in relation to national liberation. In addition to examining how each film represents the colonial period, the article also relates the narratives and visual conventions of the films to colonial period filmmaking, as well as to Hollywood and Soviet cinemas. It is organized into two sections. The first section discusses the narrative forms of the two films and the second discusses their aesthetic ideologies through an attention to the dynamics of interior and exterior, depictions of landscape, and the effects of close-ups.

      • Stepping into the Newsreel: Melodrama and Mobilization in Colonial Korean Film

        Travis Workman 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2014 Cross-Currents Vol.- No.10

        As part of a project on melodrama in Korean film, this article examines the ways that films from the late colonial period (1937–1945) blurred the traditional boundaries between newsreel documentary and fictional features in an attempt to suture the film spectator into the cinematic representation of what André Bazin called, in relation to the newsreel, “total history.” Drawing on theoretical discussions of sentimentality and melodrama, the article compares the earlier fictional film Sweet Dream (1936) to the wartime film Straits of Chosŏn (1943) in order to trace how melodrama was transformed through its incorporation into political propaganda. It discusses how narrative cinematic techniques such as point of view, shot/reverse shot, and crosscutting allowed Straits of Chosŏn to draw the viewer into spectacles of mobilization that were formerly represented through the more anonymous mass medium of the newsreel documentary. The remainder of the article touches on the films Volunteer (1941) and Spring of Korean Peninsula (1941), discussing how the interpretive excess enabled by melodrama remained visible after the hybridization of fictional film and newsreel, primarily through the disjuncture between the films’ melodrama narratives and their spectacles of mobilization. In conclusion, the article suggests that the gradual elimination of any narrative excess in 1940s films reflects an apprehension about the multiple codings, identifications, and interpretations enabled through the combination of melodrama narrative with political propaganda.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        International Norms and Japanese Foreign Aid

        Steven Lewis-Workman 경남대학교 극동문제연구소 2018 ASIAN PERSPECTIVE Vol.42 No.1

        Do norms influence Japan’s foreign aid? Japan’s aid policy statements have increasingly emphasized humanitarian and democratic values, but few studies demonstrate a shift in Japan’s aid policy that reflects this changing discourse. In this study, I seek to determine if Japan’s foreign aid commitments increasingly reflect normative factors or continue to be allocated based on commercial or security considerations. The results indicate that humanitarian and democratic values had very little influence on Japan’s foreign aid commitments over the entire analysis period. Contrary to conventional wisdom, commercial benefits had little importance before 1992 and are a significant factor only during the 1992–2001 period. Security considerations are strong predictors during the Cold War period and are even more significant after 2001 when Japan’s foreign aid became increasingly aligned with US security policies. Further, Japan has not substantially increased the share of its aid to “soft” sectors or disaster response, but it has adopted the international norm of debt relief for highly indebted poor countries and shifted a substantial amount of foreign aid from infrastructure lending to debt forgiveness.

      • KCI등재후보

        Effects of need for touch, centrality of visual product aesthetics and gender on channel preference for apparel shopping

        Siwon Cho,Jane E. WORKMAN 한국마케팅과학회 2015 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.6 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to examine how apparel consumers’ preference forphysical or virtual shopping channels is related to gender and consumers’ dispositionaltraits of need for touch (NFT) and centrality of visual product aesthetics (CVPA). A survey was conducted using a convenience sample of 276 US college students. Datawere analyzed using descriptive statistics, MANOVA and ANOVA. Results of thisstudy indicate that participants with high NFT or CVPA had a greater preference forvirtual channels than participants with low NFT or CVPA. Gender by itself was not animportant influence in preference for shopping channels; however, the results of thisstudy revealed that gender interacted with NFT and CVPA on preference for virtualchannels. Men with high NFT or CVPA showed the highest preference for virtualchannels, while women with high NFT or CVPA did not differ from other groups intheir preference for virtual channels. There were no main effects and no interactionsamong variables on preference for physical channels. This study is the first toinvestigate the interactions of gender with NFT and CVPA in preference for apparelshopping channels.

      • KCI등재

        The Heterochromatin Protein 1 (HP1) Family: Put Away a Bias toward HP1

        권소희,Jerry L. Workman 한국분자세포생물학회 2008 Molecules and cells Vol.26 No.3

        Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) was first described in Drosophila melanogaster as a heterochromatin associated protein with dose-dependent effect on gene silencing. The HP1 family is evolutionarily highly conserved and there are multiple members within the same species. The multi-functionality of HP1 reflects its ability to interact with diverse nuclear proteins, ranging from histones and transcriptional co-repressors to cohesion and DNA replication factors. As its name suggests, HP1 is well-known as a silencing protein found at pericentromeres and telomeres. In contrast to previous views that heterochromatin is transcriptionally inactive; noncoding RNAs transcribed from heterochromatic DNA repeats regulates the assembly and function of heterochromatin ranging from fission yeast to animals. Moreover, more recent progress has shed light on the paradoxical properties of HP1 in the nucleus and has revealed, unexpectedly, its existence in the euchromatin. Therefore, HP1 proteins might participate in both transcription repression in heterochromatin and euchromatin.

      • KCI등재

        Factors Affecting Korean Consumers’ Brand Consciousness to Global Luxury Brands

        이승희,Jane E. WORKMAN 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2014 Korea Journal Vol.54 No.2

        In today’s marketplace, the luxury market is a significant business sector accessible toglobal consumers. The increase of luxury brand purchasing has been motivated bysocial and business factors. Luxury fashion brands signal social status and prestige. Asbrand names gradually become a part of public language, brand consciousness playsan important role in consumers’ lives, especially for consumers in East Asian cultures,who perceive social status and prestige as important values. Consumers in a collectivistculture such as that of Korea tend to have a higher public self-consciousness than consumersin an individualist culture such as in the United States. It is important tounderstand Korean consumers’ personal values (e.g., collectivism, public self-consciousness)and their effect on brand consciousness with regard to global luxury brands. Thepurpose of this study is to examine determinants of Korean consumers’ brand consciousnesswith regard to global luxury brands. For this study, 238 undergraduate studentswere recruited from universities in Seoul, South Korea. Results show significantrelationships between personal values (collectivism, public self-consciousness), demographics(age, gender), and brand consciousness, indicating that young Korean consumers’personal values and demographic characteristics operate as determinants ofbrand consciousness of luxury fashion brands. This study may improve our understandingof Korean consumers’ luxury consumption from a cultural perspective.

      • College students’ frequency of use of information sources by fashion leadership and style of information processing

        Siwon Cho,Jane E. Workman 한국의류학회 2015 Fashion and Textiles Vol.2 No.1

        Information overload compels consumers to make decisions about how to distribute their limited attention across a variety of information sources. Today’s consumers use only one or two information sources from infinite digital choice and search engines available. Thus, it is not a case of more information, but more of the right information that needs to be communicated between consumers and marketers. The purpose of this study was to examine the influences of fashion leadership and style of information processing (SOP) on consumers’ frequency of use of information sources for apparel shopping. A survey was conducted using a non-probability sample of 351 US college students. The hypotheses were tested by MANOVA and ANOVA. Results showed that fashion leaders (vs. fashion followers) tended to be greater visualizers who preferred to engage in visual modality of information processing (SOP-visual) for apparel shopping. Fashion leaders (vs. fashion followers) and high visualizers (vs. low visualizers) were more likely to use internal information sources (i.e., experiences and knowledge) as well as impersonal external information sources (e.g., fashion magazines). Results of the study may help apparel marketers in identifying customers’ preference for information sources in order to communicate effectively. In turn, apparel consumers may have greater success in their search for reliable, credible, and accessible information. Implications and future research directions are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        Trendsetting and gender matter: Brand loyalty, perceived quality, and word-of-mouth

        Lee Seung-Hee,Workman Jane E 한국마케팅과학회 2021 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.12 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine differences in time-ofadoption groups (trendsetters, early adopters, late adopters, reluctant adopters) and gender regarding brand loyalty, perceived quality, and word-of-mouth (WOM). Participants were 138 men and 131 women at a US university. A questionnaire consisted of demographic items, and measures of trendsetting, brand loyalty, perceived quality, and WOM. M/ANOVA was used to analyze the data. Fashion trendsetters were more loyal to their favorite brand than early, late, and reluctant adopters. Men were more loyal to their favorite brand than women. Fashion trendsetters rated their favorite brand higher on perceived quality than early, late, and reluctant adopters. Men gave higher ratings to perceived quality of their favorite brand than women. Trendsetters and early adopters were more likely to tell others about their favorite brands than late and reluctant adopters. Men and women were equally likely to tell others about their favorite brands.

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