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        Ultrasonography Findings of the Carpal Tunnel after Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

        Ng Alex Wing Hung,Griffith James Francis,Tsoi Carita,Fong Raymond Chun Wing,Mak Michael Chu Kay,Tse Wing Lim,Ho Pak Cheong 대한영상의학회 2021 Korean Journal of Radiology Vol.22 No.7

        Objective: To investigate changes in the median nerve, retinaculum, and carpal tunnel on ultrasound after successful endoscopic carpal tunnel release (ECTR). Materials and Methods: This prospective study involved 37 wrists in 35 patients (5 male, 30 female; mean age ± standard deviation [SD], 56.9 ± 6.7 years) with primary carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). An in-house developed scoring system (0–3) was used to gauge the clinical improvement after ECTR. Ultrasound was performed before ECTR, and at 1, 3, and 12 months post-ECTR. Changes in the median nerve, flexor retinaculum, and carpal tunnel morphology on ultrasound after ECTR were analyzed. Ultrasound parameters for different clinical improvement groups were compared. Results: All patients improved clinically after ECTR. The average clinical improvement score ± SD at 12 months post-ECTR was 2.2 ± 0.7. The median nerve cross-sectional area proximal and distal to the tunnel decreased at all time intervals post- ECTR but remained swollen compared to normal values. Serial changes in the median nerve caliber and retinacular bowing after ECTR were more pronounced at the tunnel outlet than at the tunnel inlet. The flexor retinaculum had reformed in 25 (68%) of 37 wrists after 12 months. Conclusion: Postoperative changes in median nerve and retinaculum parameters were most pronounced at the tunnel outlet. Even in patients with clinical improvement after ECTR, nearly all ultrasound parameters remain abnormal at one year post- ECTR. These ultrasound parameters should not necessarily be relied upon to diagnose persistent CTS after ECTR.


        Wing-sun Liu,Eric Li,Elita, Yee-nee Lam,Magnum, Man-lok Lam 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2014 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2014 No.7

        This paper employed the conceptions of “extended self” (Belk, 1988) and expressivism (Taylor, 1989) to demonstrate how local fashion designers in post-colonial Hong Kong express their life experience and cultural identity through their designs. Through conducting long interviews (McCracken, 1988) with five local designers in Hong Kong our findings show that design collections have become an “extended self” for these individuals. The material representation that created by the individual become an inseparable self for the owner. The commercialization of these “extended selves” extends our current conception of self identity in marketing literature.

      • KCI등재


        ( Wing Tat Lee ) 한국한자한문교육학회 2014 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.33 No.-

        문언문의 한자·어휘 교육은 중학교 중문 교육의 필수적인 부분이다. 이전에 홍콩의 중학교에서 시험을 치르었던 아니던 간에, 문언문은 최근 중학교 졸업시험에서 그 지식과 이해가 포함되고 있으며, 중국 어문교과의 읽기 교과에서도 일정한 비율을 차지하고 있디 때문에 그 중요성은 소홓히 할 수 없다. 그러한 가운데 학생들이 효과적으로 문언문 한자·어휘를 분석하고 습득하게 교육시킬 수 있는 전략과 방법은 바로 학생들의 읽기 능력을 향상시키는 중요한 관건이 된다. 이를 위해 본고에서는 필자 개인의 경험과 홍콩의 문언문 읽기 교육의 실제를 결합하여 구체적이고 실천적인 교수-학습 방법을 탐구해본다. 우선 홍콩의 문언문교육의 발전을 회고하여 보고, 이전의 문언문 교육이 가졌던 난점을 개괄한 후, 고대 한어의 어법적 특징에 집중하여 몇 가지 문언문 교육에서 효과적인 방법과 전략을 제시하여 이를 통해 학생들의 문언문에서의 한자와 어휘와 대한 인식과 이해, 흥미를 증가시키고자 한다. Teaching of Classical Chinese Characters (Wenyan) is a crucial part of Chinese Language education in Hong Kong Secondary School. Be it the former Hong Kong Certificate Education Examination or the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education, the reading comprehension of Classical Chinese passages remains a major section of the Chinese Language Examination, carrying a high assessment weightage. Thus, it is important to improve students` reading performance by equipping them with effective reading strategies and skills to grasp the meaning of Classical Chinese Characters and phrases. For this purpose, based on the situation of Hong Kong secondary education and the author`s teaching experience, this paper attempts to discuss teaching and learning strategies for Classical Chinese reading in a practical way. It will start by reviewing the development of Hong Kong Classical Chinese education, then trying to find out the teaching and learning difficulties faced by teachers and students. Based on the linguistic features of classical Chinese, discussions about teaching strategies will be followed by the review. Suggestions on effective teaching strategies to enhance students` reading literacy and interest will be made in this paper.

      • KCI등재
      • Neo-Confucianism, the Institutionalization of Patrilineality and the Politics of Gender: Strategies for Employing Agency and Securing Influence in order to Soften the Edge of Confucian Patriarchy during the Chosŏn Dynasty?

        Wing Shan Chan Esme 고려대학교 고려대학교 부설 한자한문연구소 2023 동아한학연구 Vol.- No.17

        Neo-Confucianism was the state ideology of the Chosŏn dynasty, which became the guiding principle for political, social and economic reforms of the society. Women were taught to assume roles as guardians of Confucian ideology and embody the ideal of female virtue as one of the central elements of the Confucian patrilineal system. It has often been observed that the ruling principles and codes of behavior were created in the upper class and the ideal norms penetrated all classes of people from high to low gradually. Therefore, yangban women were inclined to accept the given roles and Confucian principles as their duties. Neo-Confucianism views the family as the basic social unity. Thus, gender roles and status were clearly defined for maintaining order in the household and safeguarding social stability. Also, the leading ethical principles, men should be respected, women should be lowered (namjon yŏbi, 男尊女卑), which was derived from the Confucian belief in hierarchy, wise mother, good wife (hyŏnmo yangch'ŏ, 賢母良妻) and virtuous women (yŏllyŏ, 烈女) became the motto for women's role performance. It is true that the Chosŏn dynasty enforced Confucian principles and rules by law, award and severe punishment. As a result, the establishment of a family based on the Confucian principles became essential to women’s survival in the Confucian patrilineal society. Undoubtedly, the Confucian patrilineal system authorized all right and privileges to men. Thus, women not only suffered a loss of status and privileges such as inheritance of property and participation in ancestor ritual, but also were excluded from public life and any influential role. One might argued that Chosŏn women have been passive recipients of the subordinate status and regarded as powerless. However, it is clear that women were still able to exercise agency within the Confucian patrilineal system to gain a degree of autonomy and further their interests. It has often been observed that the strictures of Confucian gender roles not only allow women to exercise considerable authority within the family and gain influence through managing the household affaires, but also allow them to define a space where they could play meaningful roles under the strict gender segregation. Moreover, moral handbooks for women such as Instructions for women (Naehun, 內訓), which have always been used to demonstrate how Neo-Confucianism oppressed women in the Chosŏn dynasty. Nevertheless, it is clear that women realized the need of engaging Confucian ideology as a means of improving their lives through reading those moral handbooks (Kim, 2011: 8). In this essay, I will talk about three aspects how women developed strategy to employ agency and secure influence without directly challenging the Confucian patrilineal system during the Chosŏn dynasty. First, women were able to negotiate a means to live their lives through engaging Neo-Confucianism and fulfilling the proper role in the Confucian system. Second, women were capable to find personal agency and empowerment in the inner quarter or even gain social recognition in the society under the strict gender segregation. And lastly, women were protected by various laws and enjoyed certain privileges that men did not have.

      • 성리학, 부장제도의 제도화, 그리고 젠더의 정치학: 조선조 유교 부계사회의 첨예를 완화하기 위한 권한 행사와 영향력 획득을 위한 전략

        Wing Shan Chan Esme 고려대학교 고려대학교 부설 한자한문연구소 2023 동아한학연구 Vol.- No.17

        성리학은 조선 왕조의 국가 이념으로 정치․사회․경제 개혁의 지침이 되었다. 여성은 유교 사상의 수호자로서 역할을 수행하고 유교 가부장제도의 핵심 요소 중 하나인 이상적인 여성 덕목을 실현하도록 가르침 받았다. 지배원칙과 행동규범은 상류층에서 형성되었고, 이 이상적인 규범이 상위 계층에서 하위 계층에 이르기까지 모든 계층의 사람들에게 서서히 영향을 미친 사실은 자주 논의된 바 있다. 따라서 양반 여성은 주어진 역할과 유교 원칙을 자신의 의무로 받아들이는 경향이 있었다. 성리학은 가족을 기초적인 사회 개체로 간주한다. 따라서, 가정의 질서를 유지하고 사회 안정을 지키고자 성 역할 및 지위를 명확하게 규정하였다. 또한, 위계질서에 대한 유교 사상에서 파생된 중요 윤리 원칙인 男尊女卑, 賢母良妻, 그리고 烈女는 여성이 역할을 수행하는 데에 있어서 모토(motto)가 되었다. 주지하다시피, 조선 왕조는 법, 보상, 그리고 엄벌에 따라 유교 원칙과 규칙을 시행하였다. 따라서 유교 가부장제 사회에서 여성의 생존을 위해서는 유교 원칙에 입각하여 가족을 형성하는 것이 필수적이게 되었다. 유교의 가부장제가 남성에게 모든 권리와 특권을 부여한 것은 언급할 필요가 없다. 따라서 여성은 재산을 상속 받거나 조상의 제사를 지내는 것과 같은 지위와 특권을 부여받지 못 했을 뿐만 아니라, 공적 생활과 어떠한 영향력 있는 역할에서도 배제되었다. 조선의 여성은 종속적 위치에 있는 수동적인 대상이자 무력한 존재였다고 논의될지도 모른다. 그러나 유교의 가부장제 체제 내에서 여성이 어느 정도의 자율성과 자신의 이익을 위해 권한을 행사할 수 있었던 것은 명백하다. 유교에서 성 역할을 제약하는 것이 여성이 가정 내에서 상당한 권한을 행사하고 가사를 담당하며 영향력을 확보하는 것 이외에도, 이러한 엄격한 성 분리 아래에서도 여성이 의미 있는 역할을 수행할 수 있는 공간을 규정하는 것까지도 가능하게 해주었다는 사실이 종종 언급된 바 있다. 또한 內訓과 같은 여성 덕목서는 조선시대에 성리학이 어떠한 방식으로 여성을 억압했는지를 입증하는 데에 활용되었다. 그럼에도 불구하고 여성은 그러한 덕목서를 읽으며 자신들의 삶을 개척하는 수단으로서 유교 이념에 관여할 필요성을 명확히 인지하였다. 이 글에서 필자는 여성이 조선시대 유교의 가부장 제도에 직접적으로 도전하지 않고 권한을 행사하고 영향력을 확보하기 위한 전략을 어떻게 발전시켰는지를 세 가지 측면에서 논의하고자 한다. 첫째, 여성은 성리학을 수용하고 유교 체제에서 적절한 역할을 수행함으로써 자신의 삶의 방식을 결정할 수 있었다. 둘째, 여성은 엄격한 성 분리 하에서도 안채에서 개인의 주체성과 권한을 찾거나 사회적으로 인정받을 수 있었다. 마지막으로, 여성은 다양한 법적 보호를 받았으며 남성이 갖지 못한 특권을 누리기도 하였다. Neo-Confucianism was the state ideology of the Chosŏn dynasty, which became the guiding principle for political, social and economic reforms of the society. Women were taught to assume roles as guardians of Confucian ideology and embody the ideal of female virtue as one of the central elements of the Confucian patrilineal system. It has often been observed that the ruling principles and codes of behavior were created in the upper class and the ideal norms penetrated all classes of people from high to low gradually. Therefore, yangban women were inclined to accept the given roles and Confucian principles as their duties. Neo-Confucianism views the family as the basic social unity. Thus, gender roles and status were clearly defined for maintaining order in the household and safeguarding social stability. Also, the leading ethical principles, men should be respected, women should be lowered (namjon yŏbi, 男尊女卑), which was derived from the Confucian belief in hierarchy, wise mother, good wife (hyŏnmo yangch'ŏ, 賢母良妻) and virtuous women (yŏllyŏ, 烈女) became the motto for women's role performance. It is true that the Chosŏn dynasty enforced Confucian principles and rules by law, award and severe punishment. As a result, the establishment of a family based on the Confucian principles became essential to women’s survival in the Confucian patrilineal society. Undoubtedly, the Confucian patrilineal system authorized all right and privileges to men. Thus, women not only suffered a loss of status and privileges such as inheritance of property and participation in ancestor ritual, but also were excluded from public life and any influential role. One might argued that Chosŏn women have been passive recipients of the subordinate status and regarded as powerless. However, it is clear that women were still able to exercise agency within the Confucian patrilineal system to gain a degree of autonomy and further their interests. It has often been observed that the strictures of Confucian gender roles not only allow women to exercise considerable authority within the family and gain influence through managing the household affaires, but also allow them to define a space where they could play meaningful roles under the strict gender segregation. Moreover, moral handbooks for women such as Instructions for women (Naehun, 內訓), which have always been used to demonstrate how Neo-Confucianism oppressed women in the Chosŏn dynasty. Nevertheless, it is clear that women realized the need of engaging Confucian ideology as a means of improving their lives through reading those moral handbooks (Kim, 2011: 8). In this essay, I will talk about three aspects how women developed strategy to employ agency and secure influence without directly challenging the Confucian patrilineal system during the Chosŏn dynasty. First, women were able to negotiate a means to live their lives through engaging Neo-Confucianism and fulfilling the proper role in the Confucian system. Second, women were capable to find personal agency and empowerment in the inner quarter or even gain social recognition in the society under the strict gender segregation. And lastly, women were protected by various laws and enjoyed certain privileges that men did not have.


        Wing W Poon People&Global Business Association 2001 Global Business and Finance Review Vol.6 No.1

        With the continuous globalization of capital markets and the growing popularity of International Accounting Standards (IAS), understanding IAS is becoming increasingly more important. This study compares IAS with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (U.S. GAAP). Differences between IAS and U.S. GAAP are found in twenty-six of the forty core areas in financial reporting identified in the International Organization of Securities Commissions' list. Notwithstanding the differences identified in this study, IAS and U.S. GAAP are broadly comparable in most areas and progress has been made in reducing differences between them.

      • How does the critically endangered Big-headed turtle (Platysternon megacephalum) affect communities and ecosystem in hill streams?

        Wing Lam FOK,Jia Huan LIEW,Yik Hei SUNG 한국양서ㆍ파충류학회 2023 한국양서·파충류학회 학술대회 Vol.2023 No.07

        Freshwater turtles and tortoises are one of the most threatened groups of animals in the world, with 60% of species being threatened. Hong Kong has five freshwater turtle species which are threatened due to illegal hunting and habitat loss. The conservation of freshwater turtles is important because overseas studies have showed that some species play important ecological roles, for example, facilitating storage and cross-ecosystem transportation of energy and minerals, acting as predators and prey, dispersing and enhancing germination rate of seeds, and assisting restoration of degraded ecosystems. Since turtles are rare across Asia, little is known about their ecological roles. In this study, we investigated the ecological roles of the critically endangered Big-headed Turtle (Platysternon megacephalum) using three approaches. First, we conducted behavioural experiments in the laboratory to test the predatory effect of P. megacephalum on the behaviour and growth rate of freshwater snails (Sulcospira hainanensis). Second, we used bulk stable isotope analysis to quantify the role of P. megacephalum in the food web, and used removal models to estimate how the ‘extinction’ of P. megacephalum may affect the food web. Third, we compared the macroinvertebrate community structure and ecosystem processes (leaf litter decomposition and primary production rates) between streams with and without turtles. Overall, the results of this study enhance our understanding of the ecological roles played by P. megacephalum and contributes to the conservation of endangered freshwater turtle species in Asia.

      • KCI등재

        High System Performance with Plasmonic Waveguides and Functional Devices

        Wing-Ying Kwong 한국전자통신연구원 2010 ETRI Journal Vol.32 No.2

        Photonics offers a solution to data communication between logic devices in computing systems; however, the integration of photonic components into electronic chips is rather limited due to their size incompatibility. Dimensions of photonic components are therefore being forced to be scaled down dramatically to achieve a much higher system performance. To integrate these nano-photonic components, surface plasmon-polaritons and/or energy transfer mechanisms are used to form plasmonic chips. In this paper, the operating principle of plasmonic waveguide devices is reviewed within the mid-infrared spectral region at the 2 m to 5 m range, including lossless signal propagation by introducing gain. Experimental results demonstrate that these plasmonic devices, of sizes approximately half of the operating free-space wavelengths, require less gain to achieve lossless propagation. Through optimization of device performance by means of methods such as the use of new plasmonic waveguide materials that exhibit a much lower minimal loss value, these plasmonic devices can significantly impact electronic systems used in data communications, signal processing, and sensors industries.

      • Reform Disconnections between the Free Quality Kindergarten Education Scheme and Kindergartens in Hong Kong

        Wing Sze Carol Chan 환태평양유아교육연구학회 2020 Asia-Pacific journal of research in early childhoo Vol.14 No.1

        National Association of Education for Young Children (NAEYC) (2009) stated early childhood education (ECE) practitioners are key agents who develop quality assured curriculum and conduct teaching through developmentally-appropriate practice (DAP). They play the vital role in providing quality education for enhancing children s whole-person development in early years, in the sense that, their importance and significance towards children’s development is an undeniable fact. In order to retain and maintain a stable teaching team in kindergartens, whether or not ECE practitioners’ salary could be guaranteed with statutory increment are the key concerns of different stakeholders in ECE, where appropriate, the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) plays a pre-dominant role in policy-making on the subsidy of ECE in Hong Kong. This paper therefore examined the key initiative on the salary adjustment for kindergarten practitioners through the implementation of the Free Quality Kindergarten Education Scheme (Scheme) starting from 2017/18 school year (Education Bureau, 2017b). The latest three policy addresses on the direct subsidy to kindergartens joining the Scheme (Scheme-KGs), announced by the Government of HKSAR in 2016, 2017 and 2018, were extracted for examining the fault-lines in terms of direct subsidies for Scheme-KGs via content analysis. Developed by Walker (2006), the Five Reform Disconnections were adopted as theoretical framework for analyzing the disconnection between the Scheme and teachers expectation on their salary adjustment. Practical recommendations were provided for alleviating the said disconnection.

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