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      • 중국거주 조선족 여성의 영적 안녕정도가 정신건강에 미치는 영향

        정성덕,이종범,김진성,서완석,배대석,박순재,주열,염형욱,김승원,김구묘,안영록,황대홍,표미자,조창열,정태길 영남대학교 의과대학 2004 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.21 No.2

        자아초월 정신의학이 체계화되면서 영성(spirituality)은 인성의 한 부분이라는 이론이 대두되었는데 이 영성은 정신건강에 큰 영향을 미친다고 했다. 인간의 성향 중 영적 안녕 정도를 파악하여 그 정도가 정신건강 중 허위성 경향, 정신병적 경향 및 불안과 우울 경향 등에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 조사하고저 본 연구를 실시하였다. 대상은 중국의 연변 조선족 자치구에 거주하는 여성 400명을 대상으로 하여 한국판 영적 안녕척도를 사용하여 영적 안녕정도를 파악하였다. 영적 안녕척도의 총점과 이 척도의 2개 하위 척도인 종교적 안녕과 실존적 안녕 척도 양자로 평가한 성적이 불안-우울통합척도와 정신분열증 척도 및 허위성 척도로 평가한 성적에 미치는 영향을 검증하기 위하여 상관관계분석 및 회기분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 영적 안녕척도로 평가한 조선족 여성의 총점은 68.29로 한국의 기독교 여성이 평가한 100.65보다 훨씬 낮은 점수였다. 2) 불안·우울통합척도로 평가한 총점은 44.88로 연변노인이 평가한 점수와 일개지역의 한국농촌주민이 평가한 점수와 비슷한 결과였다. 3) 허위성 척도로 평가한 성적은 평균 74.57로 70점 이상이 86%(344명)이었으나 영적 안녕 성적과 허위성 성적 간에는 유의한 상관이 없었다. 4) 영적 안녕총점은 정신분열증 척도로 평가한 정신병적 경향에 유의한 영향을 미치지 않았으나 종교적 안녕하위척도의 성적은 정신병적 경향을 높여준데 비하여 실존적 안녕하위척도의 성적은 정신병적 경향을 낮게 해주었다. 5) 영적 안녕척도의 총점 및 두 하위척도인종교적 안녕과 실존적 안녕은 불안과 우울에유의한 상관을 보였는데 영적 안녕총점이 높을수록 불안·우울 총점이 다소 낮아지는 경향을 보였다. 6) 종교적 안녕 하위척도와 불안과 우울과의 관계는 종교적 안녕점수가 높을수록 불안과 우울을 각각 다소 유의하게 높여주었으며 이에 비하여 실존적 안녕하위척도와 불안과 우울과의 관계는 실존적 안녕정도가 높을수록 불안 및 우울점수는 유의하게 낮아졌다. 이와 같은 성적을 미루어볼 때 연변에 거주하는 조선족 여성이 평가한 영적 안녕정도는 정신병적 경향과 불안 및 우울에 유의한 상관을 보였으면 이 척도의 하위 척도인 종교적 안녕정도는 정신건강에 부정적인 영향을 미치는 반면 실존적 안녕정도는 정신건강에 긍정적 영향을 미친 결과로 평가되었다. 이러한 결과는 공산주의 사회에서 실존적 안녕은 긍정적인 가치관으로 평가되는 반면 종교적 안녕은 정신건강에 부정적으로 작용한 것을 입증해 주었다고 하겠다. Background: Spirituality has been an important part of Transpersonal Psychology and is believed to have a large effect on the mental health because it has been systematized. The aim of this study was to determine the level of spiritual disposition on human beings along with its effects on one's mental health. Materials and Methods: The study targeted 400 women residing in Youn-Gil city of JiLin Prov., which is a district of the Cho-Sun tribe in China. Their spiritual well-being was studied using the Spiritual Well-being Scale-Korean Version. The spiritual well-being scale consists of 2 sub-scales of religious well-being and existential well-being. The study was evaluated using a lie scale, psychotic trend, and a combined anxiety-depression scale. The results were considered to be factors of one's mental health. The correlation between the spiritual well-being and each tendency was analyzed by regression analysis. Results: The total score of the Cho-Sun tribal women according to the spiritual well-being scale was 68.29 which was much less than the 100.65 of Korean Christian women. There was no significant correlation between the spiritual well-being and the Lie trend. However, it was found that 86%(344) of Cho-Sun tribal women scored above 70 in the Lie trend with a mean score of 74.57 which is higher than normal populations. Regarding the correlation between the spiritual well-being and psychotic trend, the psychotic trend became significantly higher when the religious well-being was at a high level. On the other hand, the psychotic trend became significantly lower when the existential well-being was at a high level. Regarding the correlation between the spiritual well-being and anxiety, the anxiety was significantly higher when the religious well-being was at a high level. However, the anxiety level was significantly low when the existential well-being was at a high level. Regarding the correlation between the spiritual well-being and depression, the depression level was somewhat significantly high when the religious well-being was at a high level. However, the depression level was significantly low when the existential well-being was at a high level. Conclusion: This study evaluated the effects of spiritual well-being on a person's mental health among Cho-Sun tribal women in Youn-Gil city of JiLIn Prov., P.R. of China. The results found that the religious well-being, which is a sub-scale of spiritual well-being, had negative effects while the existential well-being had positive effects on the mental health. These results proved that a person's religious disposition had negative effects on their mental health in a communitarian society.

      • Evaluation on Inner-priority and Cross-class Priority based Multiple Video Streaming under DiffServ Architecture

        Zheng Wan 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Future Generation Communi Vol.8 No.4

        Since both video compressing rate and network bandwidth keep increasing continuously, more and more video applications emerged. Although DiffServ (Differentiated services) is a simple and effective architecture to ensure quality of service for simultaneously transmitted video and data streams, it is not suitable for multiple video streaming. In this paper we evaluate the performance of multiple video streaming using standard DiffServ architecture and two priority based enhanced schemes (named IP based scheme and CCP based scheme). Simulation results show that (1) IP based scheme outperforms CCP based scheme and standard DiffServ. (2) WRR and WIRR scheduling modes are suggested to be adopted. The higher the data rate of a video is, the larger the weight of that video should be set to. (3) RED parameters for different queues should be carefully set according to the available bandwidth for video streams, and the data rates and coding structures of different videos.

      • Colorectal Cancer Incidence and Mortality in China, 2010

        Zheng, Zhao-Xu,Zheng, Rong-Shou,Zhang, Si-Wei,Chen, Wan-Qing Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.15 No.19

        Background: The National Central Cancer Registry of China (NCCR) affiliated to the Bureau of Disease Control, National Health and Family Planning Commission of China is responsible for cancer surveillance in the entire country. Cancer registration data from each local registry located in each province are collected by NCCR annually to be analyzed and published to provide useful information for policy makers and cancer researchers. Materials and Methods: Until 1st June, 2013, 219 population-based cancer registries submitted data of 2010 to the National Central Cancer Registry of China covering about 207,229,403 population, and 145 cancer registries were selected after quality evaluation for this study. Colorectal cancer cases were selected from the database according to ICD-10 coded as "C18-C20". We calculated the crude incidence and mortality rates by sex, age groups and location (urban/rural). The China population in 2000 and Segi's population were used as standardized populations for the calculation of age-standardized rates. The 6th National Population Census data of China was used to combined with the cancer registries' data to estimate the colorectal cancer burden in China in 2010. Results: Colorectal cancer was the sixth most common cancer in China. It was estimated that there were 274,841 new cases diagnosed in 2010 (157,355 in males and 117,486 in females), with the crude incidence rate of 20.1/100,000, highest in males in urban areas. Age-standardized rates by China standard population of 2000 (ASRcn) and World standard population (Segi's population, ASRwld) for incidence were 16.1/100,000 and 15.9/100,000 respectively. There were 132,110 cases estimated to have died from colorectal cancer in China in 2010 (76,646 men and 55,464 women) with the crude mortality rate of 10.1/100,000. The ASRcn and ASRwld for mortality were 7.55/100,000 and 7.44/100,000 respectively, higher in males and urban areas than in females and rural areas. The incidence and mortality rates increased with age, reaching peaksin the 80-84 year old, and oldest age groups, respectively. Conclusions: Colorectal cancer is one of the most common incident cancers and cause of cancer death in China. Primary and secondary prevention, with attention to a health lifestyle, physical activity and screening should be enhanced in the general population.

      • Evaluation of Video Streaming over DiffServ Domain

        Zheng Wan 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Vol.8 No.8

        With the development of image processing and network technologies, video applications become more and more popular. DiffServ (Differentiated Services) is a suitable architecture to ensure quality of service for simultaneously transmitted video and data streams. In this paper, we evaluate video streaming performance over DiffServ Domain, using myEvalvid extension in ns2. From a comprehensive evaluation, we find that: (1) Employing TSW2CM or other policies with more than one dropping priority is not necessary. (2) Scheduling mode influences the video transmission greatly, especially for parameter weight in WRR or WIRR mode and parameter “maximum consumed bandwidth” in PRI mode. (3) The influence of RED parameters is slight.

      • Inner-Priority based Video Streaming in DiffServ Domain

        Zheng Wan 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Vol.10 No.5

        Although standard DiffServ (Differentiated services) framework allows simultaneous transmission of video and data streams, it can not distinguish the importance of different video frames. Consequently, more received video packets may not lead to better decoded video quality. In this paper a novel inner-priority based video streaming scheme and its corresponding IP policy are proposed. Using IP policy, the importance of video packet could be recognized and corresponding RED queue will be assigned. Comprehensive evaluation results show that the average PSNR of IP policy is much higher than that of traditional policy in most cases and RED parameters settings influence the performance of IP policy. The best choice of RED parameters settings depends on many factors, including available bandwidth of the video stream, coding structure of video sequence, and the employed scheduling mode and dropping mode.

      • KCI등재

        Edaravone alleviates lung damage in mice with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension by increasing nitric oxide synthase 3 expression

        Wan Zheng,Tianfa Li,Junping Wei,Yani Yan,Shanshan Yang 대한약리학회 2023 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.27 No.3

        This study is to determine the regulation of nitric oxide synthase 3 (NOS3) by edaravone in mice with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension (HPH). C57BL/6J mice were reared in a hypoxic chamber. HPH mice were treated with edaravone or edaravone + L-NMMA (a NOS inhibitor). Lung tissue was collected for histological assessment, apoptosis analysis, and detection of malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-6, and NOS3. The levels of serum TNF-α and IL-6 were also measured. Immunohistochemistry was used to visualize the expression of α-smooth muscle actin (SMA) in pulmonary arterioles. Edaravone treatment improved hemodynamics, inhibited right ventricular hypertrophy, increased NOS3 expression, and reduced pathological changes, pulmonary artery wall thickness, apoptotic pulmonary cells, oxidative stress, and the expression of TNF-α, IL-6, and α-SMA in HPH mice. L-NMMA treatment counteracted the lung protective effects of edaravone. In conclusion, edaravone might reduce lung damage in HPH mice by increasing the expression of NOS3.

      • Smart Home Entertainment System with Personalized Recommendation and Speech Emotion Recognition Support

        Zheng Wan 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Smart Home Vol.10 No.8

        In this paper a personalized recommendation and speech emotion recognition based smart home entertainment system, which integrates multiple entertainment resources including online movies/TV serial, TV programs and online music, is proposed. The system is controlled by the smart phone through finger touch or speech, avoiding searching infrared remote controller. There is no requirement for luxury and expensive acoustic system or smart TV. Furthermore, advertisements are removed when watching online movies by capturing video source files and customizing the web video player. Massive design details are presented and discussed, including: (1) system architecture and functionalities; (2) design of the server and the smart phone APP; (3) details of personalized recommendation and speech emotion recognition; (4) design of database and some implementation issues, including web page source file crawling, regular expression based information extraction, resource searching and absolute progress locating of web video player.

      • Evaluation on Content Aware Video Transmission in DiffServ Domain

        Zheng Wan 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Vol.11 No.2

        With the development of network and video compression technologies, more and more video applications emerged and enriched people’s daily life. Since high data rate of videos could exhaust bandwidth and starve data streams, DiffServ (Differentiated services) is proposed to balance synchronous transmission of two stream types. However, most existed researches aimed at receiving quality promotion of video streams, leading to poor performance of data streams. In this paper we try to find how to reserve proper amount of resources for video streams by evaluating transmission of various video sequences. Results show that (1) video transmission performance is content aware and is determined by data rate, data rate variation and continuous burst of the video. Reserved bandwidth of a video should be proportional to its data rate. If data rate variation is significant, more bandwidth should be reserved. If continuous burst occurs, additional bandwidth is required. (2) If accurate data rate and its variation can be obtained and data rate variation and/or continuous burst are remarkable, adaptive bandwidth reservation is recommended. Otherwise, fixed reservation is better. (3) Large buffer size in routers will improve the video receiving quality.

      • Optimal Bandwidth Reservation for Video Streaming in DiffServ Domain

        Zheng Wan 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Vol.11 No.5

        With the emergency of more and more video applications, the problem of providing differentiated Quality of Service (QoS) for various kinds of streams should be solved. DiffServ was proposed to balance transmission guarantee of video and data streams. Existing studies focused on the promotion of video receiving quality by allocating excess resources. In this paper we propose an optimal bandwidth reservation mechanism, aiming at proper amount of bandwidth reservation and good video transmission performance. This mechanism tries to find a moderate reservation according to the video characteristics and buffer size of forwarding routers. Various video sequences and different buffer sizes are employed in the performance evaluation experiments and simulation results verify that (1) Proposed mechanism show its adaptability to data rate, data rate variation and continuous burst of the streaming video. (2) Proposed mechanism presents good performance under various buffer sizes. (3) The amount of bandwidth reservation, which is determined by the streaming video and buffer size of forwarding routers, is moderate to ensure video receiving quality.

      • Content and Network Adaptive Cross-layer Optimization for Video Transmission

        Zheng Wan 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Hybrid Information Techno Vol.9 No.11

        A cross-layer optimization video transmission scheme, which includes two mechanisms, is proposed in this paper. The first is the encoding adjustment mechanism to handle buffer insufficiency. Large frames are divided into several sub-frames and the maximum number of packets in these sub-frames depends on the minimum buffer size in forwarding path. In addition, sending time of adjacent frames or sub-frames should be separated. And time intervals between adjacent frames or sub-frames are determined by the numbers of packets those frames or sub-frames have. The second is the priority based transmission mechanism to handle bandwidth insufficiency. Different dropping probabilities or scheduling opportunities are assigned to different frame types. Less important frames always have a high dropping probability or a small scheduling opportunity. In performance evaluation, various video sequences, buffer sizes and bandwidth reservations are employed. Simulation results verify that: (1) Cross-layer optimization is adaptive to different video sequences, buffer sizes and bandwidth reservations. That is to say, it is a content and network adaptive scheme. (2) Proposed scheme outperforms existing schemes significantly, especially when buffer size is small or bandwidth reservation is large. (3) A further advantage is that priority based transmission mechanism enhances video decoding quality while receives less packets. Thus it is friendly to other streams.

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