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      • KCI등재

        “Yeast for the Russian Land”: Envisioning the Return of Primorskii Krai’s Old Believers

        Lauren Woodard 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 러시아연구소 2020 REGION Vol.9 No.2

        In 2009, Old Believer families began immigrating from South America to Primorskii Krai through the Resettlement of Compatriots Program. Their bright, traditional clothing, rural lifestyle, and mannerisms have enamored many, including a group of compatriots advocates in Moscow, who have decided to lobby for additional state support on the Old Believers' behalf. In Primorskii Krai, though, conflict has arisen between the Old Believers, the local government, and villagers. Officials from Moscow have intervened in support of the Old Believers, exacerbating tensions between central and regional authorities. Based on ethnographic fieldwork, this article explores the conflict and compatriots advocates' efforts to attract Old Believers from abroad to the Far East. I argue that the advocates' interest in the Old Believers comes out of racialized anxieties about demographic changes along Russia's border with China. By supporting the Old Believers, advocates envision a rural Russian past as an alternative to a post-Soviet present.

      • KCI등재

        From Drawing to Lettering

        Roger D. Woodard(로저 우다드) 경북대학교 인문학술원 2017 동서인문 Vol.0 No.8

        인류가 19세기에 이룩한 위대한 학문적 성과 가운데 하나는 고대 메소포타미아와 이집트의 표기체계 해독이었다. 여기서는 당시에 기울인 문자해독을 위한 노력과 문자해독에 선행하는 발견 작업에 관한 이야기를 다룬다. 이 글에서 다루는 일부 문자들은 그림상징 체계에 기원을 두고 있다. 이집트와 메소포타미아 양 지역의 그림상징 체계는 그림 형태가 줄어드는 방향으로 발전하는 양상을 보였다. 하지만 그것의 발달 성격과 정도에서는 차이가 난다. 메소포타미아에서 그림 표기체계가 사실상 사라진 시기에도 이집트에서는 그것이 좀 더 추상적인 문자 체계와 더불어 여전히 존속했다. 또한 외부 세계가 표기체계에 영향을 미치기도 했는데 이러한 영향으로 메소포타미아에서는 그림 요소를 다시 도입하기도 했고 이집트에서는 실제적인 것이든 상상된 것이든 과거의 문화 속에 자리 잡고있는 민족정체성을 표현하는 차원에서 기존의 그림 요소를 정교하게 다듬기도 했다. 이 글에서는 외부 세계의 영향에 대한 이들 지역의 공동대응도 살펴볼 예정이다. One of the great scientific achievements of humanistic scholarship in the nineteenth century was the decipherment of the ancient writing systems of Mesopotamia and Egypt. An examination of these writing systems is here framed by a narrative of those efforts at decoding the scripts and of the work of discovery that preceded the eventual decipherments. The several scripts involved were in origin systems of highly pictographic symbols. Each system would develop less pictographic forms, though the nature of that development and its extent varied between Egypt and Mesopotamia. While pictography virtually disappeared in Mesopotamia, in Egypt a pictographic writing system continued to exist alongside systems of more abstract characters. Yet in both places one finds a common response to foreign influences played out in the writing systems through reintroduction of a pictographic component (Mesopotamia) or elaboration of an existing pictographic component (Egypt) as an expression of ethnic identity anchored in a cultural past, real or imagined.


        Actinoplanes ferrrugineus 의 세포 추출액에서 5 ' - S - methylthioadenosine 의 메치오닌으로 전환

        이강만,장미경,Ronald W . Woodard ( Kang Man Lee,Mi Kyung Chang,Ronald W . Woodard ) 생화학분자생물학회 1990 BMB Reports Vol.23 No.2

        The cell-free extracts of Actinoplanes ferrugineus converted 5`-S-methylthioadenosine to methionine. A transient accumulation of methylthioribose-l-phosphate was noted in the course of the conversion under aerobic reaction condition. F ides methylthioribose-1-phosphate, a compound was also accumulated in the reaction mixture under anaerobic condition, which contained a phosphate group sensitive to alkaline phosphatase but not to 0.01N-HCI hydrolysis.

      • Biosynthesis of L-Azetidine-2-carboxylic acid in actinoplanes ferrugineus

        Lee, Kang-Man,Woodard, Ronald W. The Microbiological Society of Korea 1987 微生物과 産業 Vol.13 No.1

        L-Azetidine-2-carboxylic acid(A-2-C) is a four-membered cyclic imino acid which was first discovered from Convalaria majalis and Polygonatum officinalis in 1955(1,2). The imino acid A-2-C has been identified in at least 16 species of plants (3) (mostly the families Liliaceae, Agavaceae and Amaryllidaceae); in two marine sponges (Haliclona sp. and Chalinospilla sp.) (4); in the red algae (Lophocladia lamenandi) (5); in the sugar beet Beta vulgaris (6) ; and the microorganism Actinoplanes ferrugineus (7).

      • KCI등재

        Naringenin Increases Insulin Sensitivity and Metabolic Rate: A Case Study

        Navya Murugesan,Kaylee Woodard,Rahul Ramaraju,Frank L. Greenway,Ann A. Coulter,Candida J. Rebello 한국식품영양과학회 2020 Journal of medicinal food Vol.23 No.3

        Our studies in primary human adipocytes show that naringenin, a citrus flavonoid, increases oxygen consumption rate and gene expression of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1), glucose transporter type 4, and carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1β (CPT1β). We investigated the safety of naringenin, its effects on metabolic rate, and blood glucose and insulin responses in a single female subject with diabetes. The subject ingested 150 mg naringenin from an extract of whole oranges standardized to 28% naringenin three times/day for 8 weeks, and maintained her usual food intake. Body weight, resting metabolic rate, respiratory quotient, and blood chemistry panel including glucose, insulin, and safety markers were measured at baseline and after 8 weeks. Adverse events were evaluated every 2 weeks. We also examined the involvement of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ), protein kinase A (PKA), and protein kinase G (PKG) in the response of human adipocytes to naringenin treatment. Compared to baseline, the body weight decreased by 2.3 kg. The metabolic rate peaked at 3.5% above baseline at 1 h, but there was no change in the respiratory quotient. Compared to baseline, insulin decreased by 18%, but the change in glucose was not clinically significant. Other blood safety markers were within their reference ranges, and there were no adverse events. UCP1 and CPT1β mRNA expression was reduced by inhibitors of PPARα and PPARγ, but there was no effect of PKA or PKG inhibition. We conclude that naringenin supplementation is safe in humans, reduces body weight and insulin resistance, and increases metabolic rate by PPARα and PPARγ activation. The effects of naringenin on energy expenditure and insulin sensitivity warrant investigation in a randomized controlled clinical trial.

      • What are Significant Predictors of Age for Receiving the Nobel Prize in Science?

        Christine Charyton,Jeness L. Woodard,Mohammed A. Rahman,John O. Elliott 대한사고개발학회 2010 The International Journal of Creativity & Problem Vol.20 No.2

        Creativity is generally under-recognized in science. However, recognition of the Nobel Prize often represents the pinnacle of creativity in science. Data were collected on 510 Nobel laureates in physics, chemistry and medicine/physiology from 1901 to 2006 from the official Nobel Prize website www.nobelprize.org. Historiometric data analyzed included country of award, percent of prize allocation, gender, family background, education, occupation (first position) and number of publications. Results indicated that Nobel laureates who received more allocation credit, had postdoctoral first positions and earned prizes in physics were signifycantly more likely to receive the Nobel Prize at a younger age while prizes awarded in the Americas (North America, Central America and South America) were significantly received at a later age. Demographic factors such as gender and birth order were not significant, in comparison with previous research. Instead, original ideas (demonstrated by allocation credit), subject material in physics and postdoctoral positions that foster research were significant predictors of age for receiving the Nobel Prize.


        HATFIELD, GEORGE M.,WOODARD, RONALD W.,SON, JONG-KEUN 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 1992 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 연구업적집 Vol.2 No.-

        Three new bafilomycin-like compounds PD 118, 576-A1[1], PD 118, 576-A2 [2], and PD 118, 576-A3 [3] were isolated from a new soil Streptomyces species (WP 3913). The structures of PD 118, 576-A1, PD 118, 576-A2, and PD 118, 576-A3 were elucidated on the basis of spectroscopic studies including 2D nmr.

      • The Conversion of 5´-S-Methylthioadenosine to Methionine in the Cell-Free Extracts of Actinoplanes ferrugineus

        Lee, Kang Man,Chang, Mi Kyung,Woodard, Ronald W. 梨花女子大學校 藥學硏究所 1991 藥學硏究論文集 Vol.- No.1

        Actinoplanes ferrugineus 세포 추출액에 의하여 5‘-S-methylthioadenosine이 메치오닌으로 전환됨을 확인하였다. 산소가 존재하는 상태의 반응액에서는 methylthioribose-1-phosphate가 5'-S-methylthioadenosine으로부터 메치오닌으로 전환되는 과정에서 생성 소실됨을 볼 수 있었다. Methylthioribose-1-phosphate 이외의 중간 생성물로는 산소가 존재하지 않는 상태의 반응액으로부터 alkaline phosphatase에는 민감하나 0.01 N-HCI 가수분해에는 반응하지 않는 물질이 존재함을 확인할 수 있었다. The cell-free extracts of Actinoplanes ferrugineus converted 5'-S-methylthioadenosine to methionine. A transient accumulation of methylthioribose-1-phosphate was noted in the course of the conversion under aerobic reaction condition. Besides methylthioribose-1-phosphate, a compound was also accumulated in the reaction mixture under anaerobic condition, which contained a phosphate group sensitive to alkaline phosphatase but not to 0.01N-HCI hydrolysis.

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