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      • KCI등재

        Effects of Rhizosphere Microorganisms and Wood Vinegar Mixtures on Rice Growth and Soil Properties

        Kang Wook Jeong,Bo Sung Kim,Venecio U. Ultra, Jr,Sang Chul Lee 한국작물학회 2015 Korean journal of crop science Vol.60 No.3

        Environment-friendly growth enhancers for rice are being promoted to reverse the negative impact of intensive chemical-based and conventional rice farming on yield sustainability and environmental problems. Several rhizosphere microorganisms and pyroligneous acids (PA) had demonstrated beneficial influence on growth, yield and grain quality of rice. Since most of the previous study had evaluated the effect of PGPR and PA on paddy rice singly, the effect of combined application of these on the growth and yield of paddy rice and on some soil chemical properties were determined. A four factorial pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of PGPR, PA in combination with fertilizers and on different soil types. There were 54 treatment combinations including the control with three replications under complete randomized design. Plant growth parameters were evaluated using standard procedures during tillering and heading stages. Rice yield and some soil chemical properties were determined at harvest. Results showed that inoculation of Bacillus licheniformis and Fusarium fujikuroi enhanced plant growth by increasing the plant height which could be ascribe to its ability to promote IAA and GA production in plants. Inoculation of Rhizobium phaseoli enhanced chlorophyll content indicative to its ability to improve the N nutrition. However, these plant growth benefits during the vegetative stage were override by the fertilizer application effect especially during the maturity stage and grain yield. High fertilization rates on coarse-textured soil without nutrient loss resulted to high available nutrients and consequently high yield. Wood vinegar application however improved nutrient availability in soil which could be beneficial for improving soil quality. Further evaluation is necessary to fully assess the potential benefits that could be derived from inoculation of these organisms and wood vinegar application in different soil environment especially under different field conditions.

      • KCI등재

        Physiological Responses and Phytoextraction Potential of Pinus thunbergii on Cd-contaminated Soil

        한심희,김두현,ULTRA VENECIO JR,이재천 한국산림과학회 2010 한국산림과학회지 Vol.99 No.5

        We investigated physiological responses and phytoextraction ability of Pinus thunbergii in cadmium contaminated soil as part of our efforts in identifying plant materials for the restoration and revegetation of forest soil contaminated by heavy metals. Thirty seedlings (ten per treatment) were assigned to three treatments (control, 0.3 and 0.6 mM CdSO4 solution) at first year experiment. At second year, ten seedlings per treatment treated with Cd during the first year experiment were divided by two groups (no Cd-treated and consecutive Cd-treated group). At first experiment, photosynthetic pigment content, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione reductase (GR) activities have significantly reduced by Cd application, and the reduction rate was increased much higher as the rate of Cd application increased. On the other hand, thiol and malondialdehyde (MDA) content were significantly increased at the application of 0.6 mM of Cd. At the second year experiment, a general increase in chlorophyll and carotenoid content was observed with Cd treatment while SOD and GR activities showed a relative reduction compared to the control. Similar to the first year measurement, thiol and MDA contents also increased considerably due to Cd treatment. At harvest, dry matter was significantly reduced by Cd treatment especially at the rate of 0.6 mM Cd, but dry yield of P. thunbergii treated with 0.3 mM Cd was less affected and it was comparable with the control seedling. Cadmium concentration in seedling tissues increased with increasing Cd application rate while Cd uptake was higher in seedlings supplied with 0.3 mM Cd, which could be ascribed to their high dry matter. Overall, our study has demonstrated the unique physiological response of P. thunbergii to Cd-prolonged exposure by showing that the changes in photosynthetic pigment content and antioxidative enzyme activities were dependent on the concentration and duration of treatment. In addition, our results have demonstrated the potential of P. thunbergii to withstand up to 0.3 mM Cd (equivalent to cumulative Cd concentration of 134.4 to 268 mg kg−1) without showing growth reduction, hence it might be used for phytoremediation of Cd contaminated areas.

      • 약용작물 종자 생산 및 보급체계 개선

        장우환,박재상,마리아 로스나 울트라 루베네시아,박충범,안영섭,이상철,Jang, Woo Whan,Park, Jae Sang,Rubenecia, Maria. Rosnah Ultra.,Park, Chung Beom,Ahn, Young Sup,Lee, Sang Chul 경북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2013 慶北大農學誌 Vol.31 No.4

        국민의 건강과 웰빙에 대한 관심 증대 및 소득 증가로 한약재 소비를 비롯한 식품과 화장품 원료로서의 산업적 가치가 커지면서 약용작물의 수요는 점차 증가할 것으로 예상하며 한, 중 FTA 체결로 인해 약용작물 시장개방의 수입증가는 위협요인으로 작용할 것이다. 그러한 측면에서 약용작물을 포함한 농식품산업을 미래 성장 동력산업으로 육성하기 위해서는 종자품종육성과 생산유통기반의 정비와 확충, 산지이용규제 완화 등의 다양한 대책이 마련되어야 한다. 본 연구 결과의 활용방안을 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 국가의 약용산업 육성 중장기 전략과 종자관리체계의 구축에 필요한 약용작물의 데이터베이스를 구축하고 향후 개발해야 할 중점기술을 제시해야 한다. 둘째, 우수한 약용작물 품종 개발 및 보급으로 농업생산성을 높여야 한다. 셋째, 약용작물 종자생산 및 보급에 필요한 제도정비가 필요하다. 넷째, 우량종자의 표준화 및 규격화로 약용작물의 생산유통체계를 확립해야 한다. 현재 약용작물의 소비행태는 직접적인 섭취보다 화장품, 의약품, 식품의 형태로 소비되는 패턴으로 바뀌고 있으며 규모가 점점 확대될 것으로 전망된다. 그러므로 향후 약용작물의 생산에서는 이러한 산업화 추세와 변화에 대응한 정책개발과 제도적인 개선이 뒷받침되어야 한다. Increasing concern for the health, well-being, and income of the people has expectedly brought continuous increase in the industrial value of medicinal plants in recent years as these are also used in foods and cosmetics. However, Korea's increased import of these products from China due to the FTA contract causes negative effects on its industrial value. In this regard, various measures for medicinal crop seed development and production, organization and expansion of circulation and forest land use deregulation are needed to promote the agricultural food industry including medicinal plants. As a measure, first, a database of medicinal plants should be built that can help to promote the national medicinal industry and the seed management system. Second, agricultural productivity should be enhanced via the development and supply of varieties of high quality medicinal plants. Third, there should be a good practice of the system maintenance for the production and supply of medicinal crop seeds. Fourth, production and distribution system of medicinal plants should be established by standardization of high quality seeds. Nowadays, the consumption pattern of medicinal crops is changing from direct ingestion to cosmetics, drugs, and food and this is expected to increase continuously. Consequently, the increased production of medicinal crops will support the development policy and the institutional improvement in response to this trend of the positive change of industrialization.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Rhizosphere Microorganisms and Wood Vinegar Mixtures on Rice Growth and Soil Properties

        정강욱,김보성,Venecio U. Ultra, Jr.,이상철 한국작물학회 2015 Korean journal of crop science Vol.60 No.3

        Environment-friendly growth enhancers for rice are being promoted to reverse the negative impact of intensive chemical-based and conventional rice farming on yield sustainability and environmental problems. Several rhizosphere microorganisms and pyroligneous acids (PA) had demonstrated beneficial influence on growth, yield and grain quality of rice. Since most of the previous study had evaluated the effect of PGPR and PA on paddy rice singly, the effect of combined application of these on the growth and yield of paddy rice and on some soil chemical properties were determined. A four factorial pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of PGPR, PA in combination with fertilizers and on different soil types. There were 54 treatment combinations including the control with three replications under complete randomized design. Plant growth parameters were evaluated using standard procedures during tillering and heading stages. Rice yield and some soil chemical properties were determined at harvest. Results showed that inoculation of Bacillus licheniformis and Fusarium fujikuroi enhanced plant growth by increasing the plant height which could be ascribe to its ability to promote IAA and GA production in plants. Inoculation of Rhizobium phaseoli enhanced chlorophyll content indicative to its ability to improve the N nutrition. However, these plant growth benefits during the vegetative stage were override by the fertilizer application effect especially during the maturity stage and grain yield. High fertilization rates on coarse-textured soil without nutrient loss resulted to high available nutrients and consequently high yield. Wood vinegar application however improved nutrient availability in soil which could be beneficial for improving soil quality. Further evaluation is necessary to fully assess the potential benefits that could be derived from inoculation of these organisms and wood vinegar application in different soil environment especially under different field conditions. Keywords : Bacillus licheniformis, Fusarium fujikuroi, Paddy soil, Rhizobium phaseoli, Wood vinegar

      • KCI등재

        Influence of Yeast-treated Rice By-products on Growth, Yield and Grain Quality of Rice

        서필대,이상철,John Paolo Nunez,박재상,ULTRA VENECIO JR 한국작물학회 2013 Korean journal of crop science Vol.58 No.2

        The use of agricultural by-products as alternative nutrient sources in crop production had gained popularity in order to reducing the rate of chemical fertilizer application in the field. This study was conducted to determine whether the application of rice milling by-products treated with yeast inoculants could substitute, or reduce the rate of chemical fertilizer application. The results of agronomic measurements showed that the effect of incorporated materials was not immediate, as compared to 100% chemical fertilizer application. However, grain yield and quality was either the same or greater than 100% chemical fertilizer application. It was found out that expanded rice hull (treated with yeast or not) could reduce the rate of applying chemical fertilizers by half. Also, yeast treatment was only favorable only to expanded rice hull and not with rice bran, and was already found to be a potential material in reducing chemical fertilizer application in rice production

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Rhizosphere Microorganisms and Wood Vinegar Mixtures on Rice Growth and Soil Properties

        Jeong, Kang Wook,Kim, Bo Sung,Ultra, Venecio U. Jr.,Chul, Sang The Korean Society of Crop Science 2015 한국작물학회지 Vol.60 No.3

        Environment-friendly growth enhancers for rice are being promoted to reverse the negative impact of intensive chemical-based and conventional rice farming on yield sustainability and environmental problems. Several rhizosphere microorganisms and pyroligneous acids (PA) had demonstrated beneficial influence on growth, yield and grain quality of rice. Since most of the previous study had evaluated the effect of PGPR and PA on paddy rice singly, the effect of combined application of these on the growth and yield of paddy rice and on some soil chemical properties were determined. A four factorial pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of PGPR, PA in combination with fertilizers and on different soil types. There were 54 treatment combinations including the control with three replications under complete randomized design. Plant growth parameters were evaluated using standard procedures during tillering and heading stages. Rice yield and some soil chemical properties were determined at harvest. Results showed that inoculation of Bacillus licheniformis and Fusarium fujikuroi enhanced plant growth by increasing the plant height which could be ascribe to its ability to promote IAA and GA production in plants. Inoculation of Rhizobium phaseoli enhanced chlorophyll content indicative to its ability to improve the N nutrition. However, these plant growth benefits during the vegetative stage were override by the fertilizer application effect especially during the maturity stage and grain yield. High fertilization rates on coarse-textured soil without nutrient loss resulted to high available nutrients and consequently high yield. Wood vinegar application however improved nutrient availability in soil which could be beneficial for improving soil quality. Further evaluation is necessary to fully assess the potential benefits that could be derived from inoculation of these organisms and wood vinegar application in different soil environment especially under different field conditions.

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