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        Realizing Women's Human Rights in Asia : The UN Women's Convention and the Optional Protocol

        TANG, Kwong-leung,CHEUNG, Jacqueline Tak-York Ewha Womans University Press 2003 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.9 No.4

        Different international legal agreements have been arrived at by nations to deal with the global problem of discrimination against women, the most important of which is the Convention on the Elmination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (the Women's Convention). This paper discusses the importance of the Optional Protocol to the Women's Convention for Asian women, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1999. It provides for an individual complaint procedure against violations of women's rights and allows the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) to conduct special investigations into violations of women's rights.

      • A Study on the Effect of Brand Globalness and Green National Image on Customer Satisfaction and Repurchase Intentions based on the Effect of Green Marketing - Chinese Consumers

        Tang,Lin,Lee,Sung- Joon 한국유통과학회 2019 KODISA ICBE (International Conference on Business Vol.2019 No.-

        In the recent years while the globalization process continues in its full speed across the world, aforementioned environmental problems have started to come to the agenda more and more then people have started to probe into these negativities. Consumers have worry about the future of the world, as results mostly prefer environment-friendly products. In order to cater to these attitudes of consumers, companies have started to considering the environment problem and form their marketing strategies so as to work in with the increasing green awareness all over the world. We should find out how importance the green marketing can be influenced the consumers decision then prove the relation with green marketing, brand globalness, brand image and they will influenced the consumer’s satisfaction and repurchase intentions of Chinese consumer. In order to find out the difference of Chinese consumer between with high green consciousness and low green consciousness this thesis divided consumers to 2 groups. This thesis will also make Demographic characteristics analysis, reliability analysis, feasibility analysis and especially hypothesis verification for twice for finding the difference between high green consciousness consumer and low green consciousness consumer’s attitude on enterprise’s green marketing. This paper is expected to make a contribution to the enterprise who want to increase the ability of green marketing to get a direct strategy on Chinese consumers.

      • 국제동향 - Current Status of Usage and Production of Pallet in China

        Tang, Ying 한국파렛트컨테이너협회 2013 파렛트 뉴스 Vol.71 No.-

        본 원고는 지난 2013년 7월 18일 일본 'Mielparque Tokoy'에서 열린 APSF 정기총회 발표 원고로 중국의 물류구매연합회 파렛트 분과위원회 비서장 및 APSF 사무부국장인 Ying Tang이 발표하였습니다.

      • KCI등재

        이덕무(李德懋)의 명대문학(明代文學) 비평에 대한 일고찰

        이학당 ( Xue Tang Li ),위홍 ( Hong Wei ) 한국실학학회 2011 한국실학연구 Vol.0 No.21

        본고에서는 이덕무의 명대문학 비평 중에서 의고파와 공안파의 대표 작가들에 대한 비평을 위주로 검토를 하였다. 조선후기 저명한 문학비평가인 이덕무는 명대 문단에 대해서 깊이 있게 파악하고 있었다. 그는 우선 명대 문단에서 가장 큰 영향력을 발휘했던 의고파의 대표 인물들에 대해서 많은 기술을 하였다. 그가 남긴 명대 문학비평 자료에서 가장 많이 언급된 인물은 바로 이반룡과 왕세정이다. 그들의 시(詩), 문(文)뿐만 아니라 의고파의 문학이론에 대해서도 깊이 있는 비평을 가하였다. 둘째는 공안파의 대표인물인 원굉도에 대한 중점적인 검토이다. 원굉도의 시와 문에 대하여 흥미있게 감상하고 인용했으며 공안파가 제창한 ``독서성령(獨抒性靈)``의 문학주장에 대해서도 의고파와 견주면서 논평하기도 하였다. 이덕무는 청나라 당대의 문단보다는 오히려 명대의 문단에 대하여 더 많은 관심을 갖고 주목하여 다양한 논술과 비평 내용을 남겼다. 이덕무는 왜 명대 문인들과 그들의 문학을 이렇듯 중요시하였는가. 그 이유는 다음과 같은 세 가지 측면에서 분석할 수 있다. 첫째, 이덕무의 정통 사상과 의리 정신에서 찾을 수 있다. 그는 연암을 대표로 하는 북학파의 일원으로서 북학사상을 공유한 것이 사실이다. 그러나 이덕무는 연암과 마찬가지로 내심에는 아직 명대가 한족이 통치하는 정통국가이고 청나라는 이방인이 잠시 중국을 장악하는 이민족 국가에 불과하다는 생각을 가지고 있었다. 둘째, 이덕무는 중국의 문학 발전에 있어, 명대 문학 자체의 특성에 주목하여, 이 시기의 문학에 대하여 특별한 관심을 가지게 됐다고 생각한다. 셋째, 명대의 많은 문학이론과 그 성과들이 이덕무 본인의 심미(審美)취향, 창작 실천과 맞아떨어졌다고 할 수 있다. 물론 문학론에 있어서 전후 칠자와 공안파는 서로 대립적인 것이다. 그렇지만 각자의 문학론은 꼭 누가 옳고 누가 그르다고 할 수 없을 것이다. 이덕무의 전후칠자 및 공안파의 주장에 대한 평가도 공정하고 객관적이다. 개인적인 취향에 있어서 이 두 부류의 주장과 겹치는 면이 적지 않아, 그들 주장의 심층적인 면에 대해서 더욱 연구해보려는 의도가 있었다고 본다. Lee Demoo(1741~1793)is a famous scholar in the late Joseon Dynasty. As a literary critic, most of Chinese scholars and works he mentioned is about Ming Dynasty, which shows his great attention on the literary world of Ming Dynasty. Some relevant discussion and critical content can be looked as precious data for researching on his literary thought. In the literary world of Ming Dynasty, all kind of new literary current took shape by carrying on previous work, such as classicist school who advocated learning from ancients by QianHouQiZi, anti-classicist School who advocated innovation by Gong an School, Tang-Song School and Jing Ling School. Also the artistic expression means are more rich and varied, and prose, poem and drama competed with each other for beauty. The reasons he pays attention to the literary world of Ming Dynasty focused on three aspects-traditional ideology and argumentation, characteristics of the literary world, the inosculation of his aethestic standard and creation practice to the theory and literature achievements in Ming Dynasty. Lee Demoo thinks highly of the literary theory and achievements in literary world of Ming Dynasty. There are two features of his criticism on literature of that period. First of all, the style of his criticism developed from subjectivity to objectivity, from what we can realize the process of his increased knowledge and experience in literature of Ming Dynasty. Secondly, he made some key criticism by classifying on works or viewpoints of representative figures, such as Lee Panlong and Wang Shizhen in QianHouQiZi School, Yuan Hongdao in Gong an School, Zhong Xing in JingLing School and Critic, Jing Shengtan. The content of his criticism on literature of Ming Dynasty focused on three aspects. The first one is criticism on writer. For example, he summarized some writers` biography and clarified their poems viewpoints and achievements in Mini Biography of Poems Observed, such as Liu Ji, Song Lian, Gao Bing, Li Dongyang in the early of dynasty, Li Mengyang, He Jingming and Li Panlong in the middle period, Gu Yanwu and Zhu Yizun in transitional period. Second, criticism on various kinds of schools. The main issue of fact in literature of Ming Dynasty is about the classicist and anti-classicist. He gave highly appreciate to the vigorous and hsingling literature of the classicist school, while pointing out the disadvantages because of persistent on their own concept. The third is criticism on novels. He did some specific analysis on Zhong Xing`s comment about Water Margin and Jin Shengtan`s novel notion when he wrote his SuiJingXiTan. He did a certain textual research on Shi Naian`s novel from the standpoint of social origin theory, and approved its artistic quality. However, he proposed the useless and harmful theory of novel when he compared novel to the other literary forms, which showed his limitation on literary concept.

      • KCI등재

        Population Differentiation of Procypris rabaudi (Tchang) in the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River Revealed by Mitochondrial DNA and RAPD Markers

        Yong Feng He,Qiong Ying Tang,Jian Wei Wang,Huan Zhang Liu,De Qing Tan 한국유전학회 2008 Genes & Genomics Vol.30 No.3

        Procypris rabaudi (Tchang) is a cyprinid fish endemic to middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Besides in main stream and large tributaries, there exists an early matured, small-sized ecological type in a small tributary, Tang River. In this study, mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b (cyt b) gene sequence analysis and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis were performed to investigate the differentiation of the Tang River population from the Mudong reach population of the Yangtze River, with the purpose of conservation and exploitation of this fish. In the 1140 bps of cyt b gene sequence surveyed, 20 sites were found polymorphic, which defined 23 haplotypes. Among them, four haplotypes accounted for 54.4% of all individuals, while population-specific haplotypes occurred in low frequencies. Analysis of molecular variation on cyt b data revealed no significant partition existing between Tang River population and Mudong reach population. Analyses of 132 RAPD loci suggested that genetic variation between populations was significant, though values of different FST were not very high. The results revealed low genetic diversity and the beginning of population differentiation, suggesting that Tang River population should be designated as a separate Management Unit.

      • KCI등재

        A Case Report of Efficacy of Growth Height and Peak-Luteinizing Hormone Level Suppression on Idiopathic Gonadotropin-Dependent Precocious Puberty Patient Using Herbal Remedy, Aesopjiyoun-tang

        남세현,Chong-hai Lee1,Yu-wei Tang,Yuan-sheng Liu,Ki-chul Kim,Sang-yeol Chun,염유림,Hyung chang Kim,Myoung-deok Lee 대한한의학회 2015 대한한의학회지 Vol.36 No.4

        The purpose of this report is to evaluate effect of Korean medical treatment on idiopathic gonadotropin-dependent precocious puberty (G-DPP) patient received herbal medicine. We administered Aesopjiyoun-tang remedy to idiopathic G-DPP and analyzed the delay effect by hormonal value and radiographs; the height growth effect by measurement of height. After Korean medical treatment, suppression effect to peak- Luteinizing Hormone level (LHL) is 14.39IU/L to 10.9IU/L for 13month, growth effect to height value is 11cm/13month; and change of mean growth velocity (MGV) is 6.08cm/year to 10.06cm/year. The gain in height by treatment is 3.98cm/year. The result suggests Aesopjiyoun-tang can be an effective treatment for G-DPP. Herbal medicine can be used as an alternative treatment in place of the GnRH treatment.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        A Case Report of Efficacy of Growth Height and Peak-Luteinizing Hormone Level Suppression on Idiopathic Gonadotropin-Dependent Precocious Puberty Patient Using Herbal Remedy, Aesopjiyoun-tang

        Nam, Se-hion,Lee, Chong-hai,Tang, Yu-wei,Liu, Yuan-sheng,Kim, Ki-chul,Chun, Sang-yeol,Yeom, Yu-rim,Kim, Hyung chang,Lee, Myoung-deok The Society of Korean Medicine 2015 대한한의학회지 Vol.36 No.4

        The purpose of this report is to evaluate effect of Korean medical treatment on idiopathic gonadotropin-dependent precocious puberty (G-DPP) patient received herbal medicine. We administered Aesopjiyoun-tang remedy to idiopathic G-DPP and analyzed the delay effect by hormonal value and radiographs; the height growth effect by measurement of height. After Korean medical treatment, suppression effect to peak-Luteinizing Hormone level (LHL) is 14.39IU/L to 10.9IU/L for 13month, growth effect to height value is 11cm/13month; and change of mean growth velocity (MGV) is 6.08cm/year to 10.06cm/year. The gain in height by treatment is 3.98cm/year. The result suggests Aesopjiyoun-tang can be an effective treatment for G-DPP. Herbal medicine can be used as an alternative treatment in place of the GnRH treatment.

      • KCI등재

        IRS-2 Partially Compensates for the Insulin Signal Defects in IRS-1<sup>-/-</sup> Mice Mediated by miR-33

        Tang, Chen-Yi,Man, Xiao-Fei,Guo, Yue,Tang, Hao-Neng,Tang, Jun,Zhou, Ci-La,Tan, Shu-Wen,Wang, Min,Zhou, Hou-De Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology 2017 Molecules and cells Vol.40 No.2

        Insulin signaling is coordinated by insulin receptor substrates (IRSs). Many insulin responses, especially for blood glucose metabolism, are mediated primarily through Irs-1 and Irs-2. Irs-1 knockout mice show growth retardation and insulin signaling defects, which can be compensated by other IRSs in vivo; however, the underlying mechanism is not clear. Here, we presented an Irs-1 truncated mutated mouse ($Irs-1^{-/-}$) with growth retardation and subcutaneous adipocyte atrophy. $Irs-1^{-/-}$ mice exhibited mild insulin resistance, as demonstrated by the insulin tolerance test. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) activity and phosphorylated Protein Kinase B (PKB/AKT) expression were elevated in liver, skeletal muscle, and subcutaneous adipocytes in Irs-1 deficiency. In addition, the expression of IRS-2 and its phosphorylated version were clearly elevated in liver and skeletal muscle. With miRNA microarray analysis, we found miR-33 was down-regulated in bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) of $Irs-1^{-/-}$ mice, while its target gene Irs-2 was up-regulated in vitro studies. In addition, miR-33 was down-regulated in the presence of Irs-1 and which was up-regulated in fasting status. What's more, miR-33 restored its expression in re-feeding status. Meanwhile, miR-33 levels decreased and Irs-2 levels increased in liver, skeletal muscle, and subcutaneous adipocytes of $Irs-1^{-/-}$ mice. In primary cultured liver cells transfected with an miR-33 inhibitor, the expression of IRS-2, PI3K, and phosphorylated-AKT (p-AKT) increased while the opposite results were observed in the presence of an miR-33 mimic. Therefore, decreased miR-33 levels can up-regulate IRS-2 expression, which appears to compensate for the defects of the insulin signaling pathway in Irs-1 deficient mice.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Lanthanide Complexes of a Novel Polyaminopolycarboxylate Ligand

        Tang, Chang-Quan,Tang, Rui-Ren,Tang, Chun-Hua,Zeng, Zhi-Wen Korean Chemical Society 2010 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.31 No.5

        A novel polyaminopolycarboxylate ligand with many coordination sites, N,N,$N^1,N^1,N^2,N^2$-[( 2,4,6-tri(aminomethyl)-pyridine]hexakis(acetic acid) (TPHA), was designed and synthesized and its lanthanide complexes $Na_6Tb_2$(TPHA)$Cl_6{\cdot}14H_2O$, $Na_6Eu_2$(TPHA)$Cl_6{\cdot}8H_2O$, $Na_6Gd_2$(TPHA)$Cl_6{\cdot}11H_2O$ and $Na_6Sm_2$(TPHA)$Cl_6{\cdot}9H_2O$ were successfully prepared. The ligand and the complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, IR, mass, NMR and TG-DTA. The TG-DTA studies indicated that the complexes had a high thermal stability, whose initial decomposition temperature was over $270^{\circ}C$. The luminescence properties of the complexes in solid state were investigated and the results suggested that $Tb^{3+}$ and $Eu^{3+}$ ions could be sensitized efficiently by the ligand, especially the Tb(III) complex displayed a very strong luminescence intensity (> 10000) and only displayed characteristic metal-centered luminescence. Also, the correlative comparison between the structure of ligand and luminescence properties showed how the number of the coordination atoms of ligand can be a prominent factor in the effectiveness of ligand-to-metal energy transfer.

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