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      • KCI등재

        秦漢時代の文書?達形態 : 里耶秦簡J1(16)5とJ1(16) 6を中心に

        鷹取祐司(Takatori Yuji) 중국고중세사학회 2010 중국고중세사연구 Vol.24 No.-

        里耶秦簡 J1(l6)5와 J1(16)6은 모두 洞庭郡守 발신의 하달문서와 遷陵縣丞 발신의 하달문서로 구성된 복합문서로서, 발신ㆍ수신기록이 부기되어 이다. 이 발신ㆍ수신기록에 따라 문서의 전달상황을 복원하면, 洞庭郡守가 2월 15일 날짜로 부쳐 발신한 하달문서가 3월 3일과 8일의 두 번에 걸쳐 遷陵縣에 도착, 遷陵縣에서는 그것을 받아 3월 5일과 11일의 두 차례, 尉 등에 대해 하달하고 있는 것이 된다. 遷陵縣丞이 발신한 두 통의 하달문서는, 첫 번째가 洞庭郡守의 명령을 尉 등에 전한 것, 두 번째는 「前書已下, 重聽書從事」 라고 되어 있듯이, 첫 번째에 전달한 명령을 재차 확인하고 있는 것이다. 이에 비해 洞庭郡守 발신 두 통의 하달문서는 발신자도, 날짜도, 내용도 완전히 동일한 것이다. 즉 완전히 같은 문서가 5일의 간격을 두고 遷陵縣에 두 차례나 송부된 것인데, 이것은 어떻게 된 것인가? 본 발표에서는 漢簡에 보이는 詔書의 하달형태에 대해 분석을 하고, 里耶秦簡 J1(16)5와 J1(16)6에 있어서 동일발신자, 동일날짜, 동일내용인 洞庭郡守 발신문서를 遷陵縣이 5일의 간격을 두고 두 차례 수령한 이유를 검토하고, 나아가 秦漢時代 문서전달의 특징에 대해 살펴보고자 한다.

      • Monitoring the Internal State of Sweet Potato Tubers during Heating by Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy

        ( Eri Takatori ),( Tadashi Chosa ),( Seishu Tojo ) 한국농업기계학회 2018 한국농업기계학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.23 No.1

        Electrical impedance spectroscopy was used to monitor the internal state of sweet potato tubers during heating. The sweetness of sweet potato strongly relies on the baking temperature. However, the state of gelatinization and saccharification during actual baking is unclear. Electrical impedance spectroscopy was used as a non-destructive, continuous method to measure the internal state of sweet potato. The first experiment examined the effects of the amount material and the presence of skin on impedance. First, the impedance of a sweet potato with skin was measured. Next, the skin was removed from the sweet potato, and the impedance was measured again. Finally, the center core was bored out, and the impedance of the bored sample was measured. The measured value was drawn as a Cole-Cole plot and approximated to the modified Hayden model. The cell membrane capacitance (C<sub>m</sub>) in modified Hayden model was correlated with the moisture content in specimens of all sizes. The impedance tended to decrease with the size of the specimen. C<sub>m</sub> was affected by the distance between the electrodes. In the second experiment, potatoes were baked, and the impedance was measured during the process. Before heating, every sample showed a clear arc in the Cole-Cole plot. This was very close to the modified Hayden model. Shrinkage and collapse of the circular arc were observed during heating. A sharp decline in the resistance of the extracellular (R<sub>e</sub>) in modified Hayden was observed after heating for 5 minutes. The resistance of the intracellular (R<sub>i</sub>) in modified Hayden model fluctuated slightly, although the overall trend was downward. This was thought to be due to an increase in the electrical conductivity of the extra- and intracellular fluid with heating. An increase in R<sub>i</sub> and decrease in Re were observed at around 60°C. As this is within the gelatinization temperature zone of sweet potato, the changed was presumed to be due to gelatinization. A comparison of the temperature change with the sugar content and the state of the cross section after heating demonstrated that gelatinization and saccharification occurred during heating. The reported rise in R<sub>e</sub> near the gelatinization temperature was not obvious. We postulated that this was due to 1) the influence of skin, 2) the change in electrical conductivity due to heating, and 3) the influence of saccharification. It is necessary to consider modifying to compensate these factors.

      • KCI등재

        長沙五一廣場東漢簡牘· 君敎文書新考

        鷹取祐司(Takatori Yuji) 경북대학교 인문학술원 2021 동서인문 Vol.- No.15

        長沙五一廣場東漢簡牘에 포함된 君敎文書(木牘)는 하단 첫머리에 「白」의 행위 주체로 나타나는 曹史에 의한 조사보고 등을 토대로 丞·掾이 합의해 県令에게 提案할 處置案을 책정하고 그 處置案을 縣令이 허가하는 것으로 處置案이 승인, 시행되는 것으로 종래 이해되어 왔다. 그런데 五一廣場簡에는 이 木牘에 쓴 君敎文書 외에도 竹簡에 쓴 君敎文書가 존재하며, 이 竹簡에 의해 案件에 대한 處置案의 책정이 진행되어, 縣令의 승인을 얻어 木牘이 다시 작성된 것으로 생각된다. 이 竹簡과 木牘의 비교를 통해 君敎文書에 보이는 處置案은 종래의 이해와 달리 曹史(또는 曹史와 掾)에 의해 책정되어 掾과 丞(또는 丞 단독)은 기본적으로 그것을 승인할 뿐인 것이 밝혀졌다. 또 木牘의 君敎文書는 處置案을 집행하기 위해 県令의 승낙을 청한 것이 아니라, 그 處置案을 승인한 掾과 丞이 누구였는지, 縣令은 그 處置案을 알고 있었는지 그렇지 않았는지에 대한 보존 기록으로 이해해야 한다. The “Junjiao document” (君敎) included in the Changsha 君敎 Wuyi square Eastern Han wooden slips is based on the investigation report by “Caoshi” (曹史), who appears as the main agent of Bai (白) at the beginning of the lower row. Conventionally, the document describes a procedure whereby “Cheng” (丞) and “Yan” (掾) discuss and propose a plan to the prefecture governor, who approves and enforces it. However, in addition to the “Junjiao document” (君敎) written on these wooden slips, there is also a “Junjiao document” (君敎) written on bamboo slips amid the Changsha Wuyi square Eastern Han wooden slips. It is most likely that the project plan was first formulated on the bamboo slips and then rewritten on the wooden slips once approved by the prefecture governor for its execution. The comparison between the bamboo slips and the wooden slips shows that, contrary to conventional interpretation, the plan in the “Junjiao document” (君敎) was formulated by “Caoshi” (曹史), or “Caoshi” (曹史) and “Yan” (掾), and approved by “Yan” (掾) and “Cheng” (丞), or “Cheng” (丞) only. Moreover, the “Junjiao document” (君敎) of the wooden slip does not require the approval of the prefecture governor in order to execute the plan. In other words, it should be understood as a preservation note on who approved the plan and whether the prefecture governor was aware of it or not.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Drechslera dematioidea에 의한 Primary Subcutaneous Phaeohyphomycosis

        오수희 ( Kosuke Takatori ),서순봉 ( Soo Hee Oh ),김성화 ( Soon Bong Suh ),최성관 ( Sung Hwa Kim ),이헌준 ( Sung Kwan Choi ),( Hun Jun Lee ) 대한피부과학회 1996 대한피부과학회지 Vol.34 No.3

        Phaeohyphomycosis refers to subcutaneous and systemic fungal infections characterized by dematiacious septate mycerial elements in tissue, We are discribing the first report of subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis by Drechslera dematioidea in a 9-year-old boy who presented a slow-growing 4 * 5.5cm erythematous plaque with somewhat verrucous and eczematous lesion on the dorsal aspect of his right foot after receiving a burn by boiling liquid at 2 years of age. Biopsy of the lesion revealed granulomatous inflammation, brownish spores in chain and planate-deviding sclerotic bodies in the epidermis and upper dermis. Findings by microscopic examination and consecutive cultures of scales and biopsy specimen were consistent with Drechslera dematioidea. The lesion was successfully treated with itraconazole. (Kor J Dermetol 1996;34(3): 489-494)

      • Tissue-specific regulation of the number of cell division rounds by inductive cell interaction and transcription factors during ascidian embryogenesis

        Fujikawa, T.,Takatori, N.,Kuwajima, M.,Kim, G.J.,Nishida, H. Academic Press 2011 Developmental biology Vol.355 No.2

        Mechanisms that regulate the number of cells constituting the body have remained largely elusive. We approached this issue in the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi, which develops into a tadpole larva with a small number of cells. The embryonic cells divide 11 times on average from fertilization to hatching. The number of cell division rounds varies among tissue types. For example, notochord cells divide 9 times and give rise to large postmitotic cells in the tadpole. The number of cell division rounds in partial embryos derived from tissue-precursor blastomeres isolated at the 64-cell stage also varied between tissues and coincided with their counterparts in the intact whole embryos to some extent, suggesting tissue-autonomous regulation of cell division. Manipulation of cell fates in notochord, nerve cord, muscle, and mesenchyme lineage cells by inhibition or ectopic activation of the inductive FGF signal changed the number of cell divisions according to the altered fate. Knockdown and missexpression of Brachyury (Bra), an FGF-induced notochord-specific key transcription factor for notochord differentiation, indicated that Bra is also responsible for regulation of the number of cell division rounds, suggesting that Bra activates a putative mechanism to halt cell division at a specific stage. The outcome of precocious expression of Bra suggests that the mechanism involves a putative developmental clock that is likely shared in blastomeres other than those of notochord and functions to terminate cell division at three rounds after the 64-cell stage. Precocious expression of Bra has no effect on progression of the developmental clock itself.

      • Tissue-specific regulation of the number of cell division rounds by FGF signaling and Brachyury during ascidian embryogene

        Gil Jung Kim,Tetsuya Fujikawa,Naohito Takatori,Hiroki Nishida 한국발생생물학회 2010 한국발생생물학회 학술발표대회 Vol.29 No.-

        Mechanisms that regulate the number of cells that constitute the body have remained largely elusive. We approached this issue in the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi, which develops into tadpole larva with small number of cells. Embryonic cells divide 11 times on average from fertilization to hatching. The number of cell division rounds varies between tissue types. For example, notochord cells divide 9 times and give rise to large postmitotic cells in the tadpole. The number of cell division rounds in the partial embryos that were derived from tissue-precursor blastomeres isolated at the 64-cell stage also varied between tissues, and coincided with their counterparts in the intact whole embryos to some extent, suggesting tissueautonomous regulation of cell division. Manipulation of cell fates in notochord, nerve cord, muscle, and mesenchyme lineage cells by inhibition or ectopic activation of the inductive FGF signal changed the number of cell division according to the altered fate. Knockdown and missexpression of Brachyury (Bra), an FGF-induced notochord-specific key transcription factor for notochord differentiation, indicated that Bra is responsible not only for notochord differentiation but also regulates the number of cell division rounds in the notochord lineage cells, suggesting that Bra activates a putative machinery to stop cell division at the specific stage. Results of precocious expression of Bra suggested that the machinery refers the developmental clock that is likely shared in other blastomeres than notochord, and functions to terminate cell division at three rounds after the 64-cell stage. Bra does nothing about the progression of developmental clock itself.

      • KCI등재후보

        Synergistic Induction of Cyclooxygenase-2/Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene by Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide in Combination with Silica Particles in RAW 264.7 Macrophages

        이동희,박종철,박봉주,Maki Aihara,Kosuke Takatori 한국생체재료학회 2005 생체재료학회지 Vol.9 No.3

        Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) are useful tool for the identification of inflammatory potentials of materials for medical device more specifically than present in vivo assays. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of silica particles on the expression of COX-2/iNOS mRNA gene in cultured murine macrophage cells. Silica particles significantly induced COX-2 and iNOS mRNA expression in RAW 264.7 macrophages in a dose-dependent manner. Additionally, in this study we demonstrated synergistic induction of the COX-2/iNOS mRNA expression by the combination of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) with silica particles in RAW 264.7 cells. When the silica particles were added together with a minute amount of LPS, the levels of the COX-2 and iNOS mRNA expressions were increased several-fold greater than the addition of any inducer alone. This demonstrates that a concentration of LPS, such as would be found associated with a bacterial infection at the site of implanted biomaterials, induces a significant production of inflammatory mediators by macrophages.

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