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      • KCI등재

        환대의 가능성 -토미 웅거러의 그림책을 중심으로-

        나선희 ( Ra¸ Sunhee ) 건국대학교 동화와번역연구소(구 건국대학교 중원인문연구소) 2020 동화와 번역 Vol.40 No.-

        본 연구는 환대가 자아의 고양은 물론, 타자이해 및 사회적 갈등 해결의 실천적 태도로써 갖는 의미에서 출발하여, 토미 웅거러의 전기 그림책을 대상으로 환대의 가능성을 타진해보고자 하였다. 토미 웅거러가 그림책에서 일관되게 보여주는 타자와의 관계 맺기 방식에 초점을 맞춰, 타자를 형상화는 방식과 그 의미를 정리해보고, 경계를 가로지르는 인물들 사이의 만남이 환대와 관련하여 시사하는 바를 정리해 보았다. 토미 웅거러가 그림책을 통해 천착해온 환대의 문제를 정리해보는 한편, 환대가 인류의 평화를 위한 실천윤리로써 갖는 가능성을 살펴보았다. 토미 웅거러는 뱀, 식인 거인, 강도, 외계인 등 시종 낯선 타자와의 만남을 소재로 하여 적대와 환대의 문제를 다루고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 낯선 타자가 가진 타자성은 글 텍스트가 단정적으로 전달하는 반면, 그림 텍스트는 좀더 유연한 방식으로 재현하여, 그들에게 글로 전해진 바와 다른 면모가 있음을 보여주었다. 그리고 이런 면모는 작중의 다른 인물들과의 직접적인 만남을 통한 사건으로 전달됨으로써, 사회와 개인이 이들을 바라보는 관점에 차이가 있을 수 있음을 드러내 보여주었다. 다시 말하면 우리가 사회적으로나 지적으로, 그리고 도덕적으로 문제가 있다고 알고 있는 낯선 타자의 타자성은, 『혐오사회』의 저자 카롤린 엠케가 지적한 바와 같이, 타자 개개인을 온전히 고유한 존엄을 지닌 존재로 바라보지 않고 사회가 만들어낸 고정된 이미지로써만 바라보는 데서 비롯된 것일 수 있다는 것이다. 토미 웅거러는 『달사람』을 통해, 이런 사회의 단면을 잘 보여주는 한편, 눈앞에 있는 타자의 현실을 바라보고 귀 기울이며 질문을 던지는 루이즈 보도 할머니나, 티파니, 제랄다, 과학자, 강도들을 통해, 타자와의 직접적인 대면이 갖는 중요성과 타자에 대한 태도는 환대를 지향해야 함을 보여주었다. 무조건적인 환대가 생명의 위협과도 같은 위험을 수반할 수 있기 때문에, 현실에서의 환대는 조건적일 수밖에 없다 하더라도, 환대를 통해 타자의 존재를 ‘전체적으로’ 바라보지 않는 한, 사회 갈등은 불가피하며, 따라서 인류 공영 및 평화는 요원한 상태로 남아 있을 수밖에 없음을 토미 웅거러는 그림책을 통해 역설하고 있다. The purpose of this study is to explore the issues of the others and hospitality shown in Tomi Ungerer’s early picture books. For this, we examined the ways how the others are represented in Crictior, The Three Robbers, Zeralda’s Ogre and Moonman. And then, we explored the aspects of hospitality and its significance. In particular, Tomi Ungerer examines the possibility that hospitality functions as practice ethics for peace. The results of this study are as follows: First, Tomi Ungerer deals with the issue of hospitality through face-to-face with others such as ogre, robbers, snake and moonman who bring about fear to community. Second. their otherness is rather constructed and fixed as a categorical image by society than real one. Last, Tomi Ungerer suggests that hospitality may be one of ways to understanding of the other, expansion of self, and world co-prosperity and peace.

      • KCI등재

        On the Connective Marker Taka of the Construction [verb + taka] in Korean

        Sunhee Yae 언어과학회 2018 언어과학연구 Vol.0 No.86

        The purpose of this paper is to address the developmental path of grammatical functions and semantic and pragmatic extension of the connective marker taka in the construction [verb + taka] from a grammaticalization perspective. The connective marker taka designates transferentive, enumeration, emphasis, causality, and condition. The connective marker taka has developed into a postposition, directly attached to a preceding verb. Therefore, its path of grammatical evolution is on the cline of [lexical verb > functional category > affix]. The grammaticalization mechanism of FFV (Focus Frame of Variation) will illustrate its four transferentives of the construction [verb + taka]. This paper argues that the developmental path of taka goes toward the increase of subjectification and the directionality into an attitude stance in a domain of discourse.

      • Business perspective on GHG ETS in Korea and its operation in the first compliance year

        ( Sunhee Suk ),( Sangyeop Lee ),( Yu Shim Jeong ) 한국환경경제학회, 한국자원경제학회 ( 구 한국환경경제학회 ) 2016 한국환경경제학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2016 No.하계

        Korea’s domestic emissions trading scheme commenced in January 2015 targeting mainly the industry and power sectors and compelled companies to transform their energy efficiency and greenhouse gases mitigation management. This study aims at exploring the means by which Korean companies evaluate their allocation position and engage in emissions trading in the first compliance period as well as identifying their standpoint on trading barriers and policy expectations in view of emissions trading inauguration. Questionnaire surveys and on-site hearings targeting Korean companies under the Korean emission trading scheme were conducted at the start of operations (February to March, 2015) and after the compliance year (May in 2016), respectively. The actual operation results are observed and compared with the survey study findings. This study set out to identify the perspective of Korean companies on emission market participating and extrapolate pointers for policy implication as well suggestions for the government and the subject companies in terms of ways to improve the current emission trading scheme in order to stimulate emission trading under the scheme.

      • KCI등재
      • Korean companies’ carbon-oriented management responding to the emission trading scheme

        ( Sunhee Suk ) 한국환경경제학회, 한국자원경제학회 ( 구 한국환경경제학회 ) 2017 한국환경경제학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2017 No.하계

        In response to climate change, Korea is attempting to shift the paradigm of energy and climate change policies by introducing carbon pricing based on market mechanisms. Correspondingly, the domestic emission trading scheme was launched in 2015 and is now in its third year of operation, through which government expected to encourage emission reductions both in the sense of using the cheapest options currently available and steering innovation and investment towards lower-carbon technologies. Given the increasing reliance of energy and climate change policy on market mechanisms as a key measure by covering over 70% of the national GHG emissions, companies are required to shift their strategies and focus from voluntary or regulation-driven management approaches to innovative carbon management. However, Korean companies are at the preliminary stage for the carbon-oriented management that they do not consider carbon allowances as an asset that can be used to optimize the incentive their GHG management under the market mechanism. Instead, they adopted a strategy to comply with the scheme for balanced accounts only through the existing environmental management that companies often likely regard activities such as Corporate Social Responsibility. Carbon-oriented management requires companies to implement business strategies utilizing their carbon asset for linking the economic (monetary) value and activities comprising a potentially radical innovation character. While lacking of related domestic studies, expanding the previous findings, this study aims to define the carbon-oriented management, categories the stages of development of carbonoriented management and the activities in each stage, and, based on this category, diagnoses Korean companies’ carbon-oriented management status and identifies the determinant factors of companies’ proactive response. It also gives a quantitative analysis of correlation of companies’ carbon-oriented management with their affordable carbon price level for trading. The study is empirical, making use of questionnaire surveys targeting mainly energy intensive industries, which were implemented in February 2017. It derives several policy implications and suggestions that would be useful for figuring out the appropriate and effective policy direction of ETS for government and companies in penetrating the carbon pricing for climate change in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of body composition between fashion models and women in general

        ( Sunhee Park ) 한국운동영양학회 2017 Physical Activity and Nutrition (Phys Act Nutr) Vol.21 No.4

        [Purpose] The present study compared the physical characteristics and body composition of professional fashion models and women in general, utilizing the skinfold test. [Methods] The research sample consisted of 90 professional fashion models presently active in Korea and 100 females in the general population, all selected through convenience sampling. Measurement was done following standardized methods and procedures set by the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry. Body density (mg/ mm) and body fat (%) were measured at the biceps, triceps, subscapular, and suprailiac areas. [Results] The results showed that the biceps, triceps, subscapular, and suprailiac areas of professional fashion models were significantly thinner than those of women in general (p<.001), and that their waist size was also significantly smaller (p<.001). However, hip circumference showed no significant difference. Body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and body fat (%) in professional fashion models were significantly lower than those in women in general (p<.001), while the body density in professional fashion models was significantly greater (p<.001). [Conclusion] Body density in professional fashion models is higher, due to taller stature, than in women in general. Moreover, there is an effort on the part of fashion models to lose weight in order to maintain a thin body and a low weight for occupational reasons.

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