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        Lithographically-featured photonic microparticles of colloidal assemblies

        Lee, Su Yeon,Kim, Shin-Hyun,Heo, Chul-Joon,Hwang, Hyerim,Yang, Seung-Man Royal Society of Chemistry 2010 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Vol.12 No.38

        <P>We have described a new and promising strategy for the fabrication of composite and porous photonic crystal microparticles that combines the self-assembly of colloidal particles with photolithography techniques. We fabricated silica/SU-8 composite microparticles with photonic bandgaps <I>via</I> four steps: (1) deposition of the silica colloidal crystals on the photoresist, (2) embedding of the colloidal crystals in the photoresist, (3) UV exposure through a photomask and subsequent development, and (4) release of the microparticles from the substrate. Embedding was performed above the glass transition temperature (<I>T</I><SUB>g</SUB>) of uncrosslinked SU-8. At such temperatures, capillary forces on the silica particles facilitate the migration of colloidal crystals in the SU-8 matrix. Particle migration ceased when the top colloidal crystal layer was trapped at the interface between air and SU-8. In addition, we also prepared porous microparticles with an inverse opaline structure by dissolving the embedded silica particles from the composite structures. The porous microparticles showed enhanced reflectivity at the bandgap position due to the large refractive index contrast. The bandgap position of the microparticles was controlled by the size of the silica particles, which determined the lattice constant. Bilayered composite and porous microparticles with two distinct photonic bandgaps were also prepared by sequential deposition of colloidal crystals composed of two differently sized silica particles.</P> <P>Graphic Abstract</P><P>A new and promising fabrication strategy of photonic crystal microparticles was demonstrated by combining colloidal self-assembly with photolithography. <IMG SRC='http://pubs.rsc.org/services/images/RSCpubs.ePlatform.Service.FreeContent.ImageService.svc/ImageService/image/GA?id=c0cp00134a'> </P>

      • A rare case of extensive papillary muscle calcification in senile cardiac calcification syndrome

        김은진;송봉근;강민호;손형래;홍수민;박동원;허승혜;김계연;최석구 인제대학교 2011 仁濟醫學 Vol.32 No.-

        광범위 유두근 석회화는 흔하지 앉으며, 원인과 임상적 중요성에 관한 문헌만 드물게 찾아볼 수 있다. 반면에 작은 석회 침착은 노인에서 흔하며 심장 첨부에 주로 나타난다. 유두근 석회화는 관상동맥질환, 확장성 심근병증, 승모관 질환, 고칼슘혈증, 그리고 말기신부전에서 인산칼슘의 중가와 연관성이 있다. 저자는 심장초옴파와 MDCT를 통해 진단된 전외측 유두근의 광범위 석회화의 드문 사례가 있어 보고한다.

      • KCI등재

        취업여성의 ‘자녀유무별 임금격차(Family gap)’에 관한 연구

        허수연(Su-Yeon Heo),유태임(Tae-Im Yoo) 연세대학교 사회복지연구소 2011 한국사회복지조사연구 Vol.26 No.-

        본 연구는 자녀양육으로 인해 여성 근로자가 겪게 되는 노동시장 불평등 양상을 확인하기 위해 한국노동패널조사의 종단자료(2000년~2008년)를 활용하여 취업여성의 ‘자녀유 무별 임금격차(family gap) 을 분석하였다. 분석모형으로는 여성 근로자 개인의 측정되지 않는 속성(unobserved heterogeneity) 을 통제하기 위해 고정효과모형(fixed-effect model)을 사용하였으며, 분석결과 여성 근로자의 연령, 교육수준, 결혼상태와 같은 인적 변수와 경력, 노동시간, 직업, 시간제 근로여부, 정규직 여부를 통제하였을 때에도 6세미만 자녀의 수와 6세이상 18세이하 자녀유무는 여성 근로자의 임금을 통계적으로 유의미한 수준으로 낮추고 있음을 확인하였다. 한국 여성비정규직의 낮은 임금수준을 감안하여 시간제근로와 6세미만 자녀의 상호작용 효과를 검증한 결과 6세미만 자녀가 둘 이상 있는 시간제 근무 여성은 약 20.6%의 큰 임금손실을 경험하고 있음을 확인하였다. 이와 같은 연구결과를 바탕으로 ‘자녀가 있는 여성’의 노동시장 지위의 상승과 임금을 지원하기 위한 ‘일-가족 양립정책’의 필요성을 제시하였다. This Study aims to seek an explanation for the Family gap -the wage gap between mothers and non-mothers- in Korea, using data from the 2000-2008 Korean Labor and Income Panel Study with fixed-effect models. Results show a wage penalty of 2.2 percent per child under age 6 and 3.3 percent for a child over age 6 to 18, with controlling women s age, education, marital status, potential experience, job, working hours, part time job, employment type, and unobserved heterogeneity. The interaction effect between part time job and the number of child(under 6) shows that when mothers with one or more children under age 6 work part time, they suffer more severe wage losses (7~21%). With these results, the authors suggest family policies to support mothers decent work and the reconciliation of work and family.

      • KCI등재

        정서 및 행동문제를 가진 아동과 청소년의 사회적 기술 중재에 대한 고찰

        허수연 ( Su Yeon Heo ),강수연 ( Su Yeon Kang ),정정은 ( Jung Eun Jung ),박지연 ( Ji Yeon Park ) 한국정서.행동장애아교육학회(구.한국정서학습장애아교육학회) 2010 정서ㆍ행동장애연구 Vol.26 No.4

        본 연구는 정서 및 행동문제를 가진 학생들을 대상으로 실시한 사회적 기술 중재의 연구 동향을 분석함으로써 사회적 기술 교육의 적용 방안과 추후 연구의 방향을 모색하고자 실시되었다. 이를 위하여 2000년부터 2010년까지 국내외 학술지에 게재된 21편의 연구를 선정하고 연구 참여자, 연구 설계, 독립변인, 종속변인, 연구결과, 사회적 타당도 등의 범주에 따라 분석을 실시하였다. 연구 결과를 토대로 사회적 기술 중재의 연구 동향 및 제한점을 논의하고, 사회적 기술 진단, 연구 설계, 중재 프로그램 개발 등의 측면과 관련하여 후속 연구에서 유의해야 할 사항을 제언하였다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the studies on social skill intervention for children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral difficulties in order to present implications for practices and future research. A total of 21 articles published between 2000 and 2010 were selected. The analyses were conducted in terms of intervention participants, research design, independent variable, dependent variables, research results, and social validity. Based on the results, trends and limitations of social skill intervention studies were discussed and considerations for future studies were suggested.

      • KCI등재

        맞벌이가구 여성과 남성의 가사노동시간에 관한 연구

        허수연(Heo Su-Yeon) 한국여성학회 2008 한국여성학 Vol.24 No.3

        본 연구는 비공식적 영역인 가정에서 행해지는 무급 가사노동의 성평등한 분담을 위한 기초연구자료로서 여성과 남성의 가사노동 시간사용에 영향을 미치는 요인을 실증자료를 통해 검증하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이와 같은 분석을 위해 ‘시간 가용성'이론, ‘상대적 자원’이론, ‘사회화된 성역할’이론에서 가사노동의 중요한 예측요인으로 제시하고 있는 변수로서 본인의 노동시간, 배우자의 노동시간, 본인의 소득, 배우자와의 소득 차(gap), 전통적 성역할에 대한 태도를 선정하여 가사노동 시간에 미치는 영향을 검증하였다. 분석자료로는 통계청이 2004년 발간한 생활시간조사를 활용하였으며, 미취학 자녀가 있는 20~50대 맞벌이 가구 여성과 남성을 대상으로 선정하였다. 검증결과 여성과 남성 모두 가사노동 시간사용에 가장 강력한 영향을 미치는 요인은 본인의 노동시간과 배우자의 노동시간으로 나타났으며, 이외 여성의 경우 소득 수준이, 남성의 경우 전통적 성역할에 대한 태도가 각각 가사노동 시간사용에 유의한 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 즉 맞벌이 가구 여성은 노동시간이 길수록, 배우자의 노동시간이 짧을수록, 소득수준이 높을수록 더 적은 가사노동시간을 사용하였으며, 맞벌이 가구 남성은 노동시간이 짧을수록, 배우자의 노동시간이 길수록, 전통적 성역할에 대해 반대할수록 더 많은 가사노동시간을 사용하였다. The purpose of the research is to discuss reconciliation of work and family policy to provide parental right and labor right of women and men, and investigate factors that affect women's and men's time use for their houseworks. For empirical study, the research used time diary data and selected samples of married women and men of dual earner family with children under schoolage. To search for factors that affect time use for housework, the research used Muliple Regression Analysis and found some interesting results. For married women, respondents' age(negative), educational achievement (positive), time use for paid work(negative), and gender equality perspective(negative) were statistically significant with time use for her housework. For married men, educational achievement (positive), time use for paid work(negative), and gender equality perspective (negative) were statistically significant with time use for his housework. Of all the independent variables, respondent's time use for paid work affected dependent variable(time use for housework) most significantly. The results indicate that family-friendly working time policy, equal work and opportunity, and cultural change for gender role could help more gender equal division of housework and balance of work and family.


        The N-Degron Pathway Mediates ER-phagy

        Ji, Chang Hoon,Kim, Hee Yeon,Heo, Ah Jung,Lee, Su Hyun,Lee, Min Ju,Kim, Su Bin,Srinivasrao, Ganipisetti,Mun, Su Ran,Cha-Molstad, Hyunjoo,Ciechanover, Aaron,Choi, Cheol Yong,Lee, Hee Gu,Kim, Bo Yeon,Kw Elsevier 2019 Molecular Cell Vol.75 No.5

        <P><B>Summary</B></P> <P>The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is susceptible to wear-and-tear and proteotoxic stress, necessitating its turnover. Here, we show that the N-degron pathway mediates ER-phagy. This autophagic degradation initiates when the transmembrane E3 ligase TRIM13 (also known as RFP2) is ubiquitinated via the lysine 63 (K63) linkage. K63-ubiquitinated TRIM13 recruits p62 (also known as sequestosome-1), whose complex undergoes oligomerization. The oligomerization is induced when the ZZ domain of p62 is bound by the N-terminal arginine (Nt-Arg) of arginylated substrates. Upon activation by the Nt-Arg, oligomerized TRIM13-p62 complexes are separated along with the ER compartments and targeted to autophagosomes, leading to lysosomal degradation. When protein aggregates accumulate within the ER lumen, degradation-resistant autophagic cargoes are co-segregated by ER membranes for lysosomal degradation. We developed synthetic ligands to the p62 ZZ domain that enhance ER-phagy for ER protein quality control and alleviate ER stresses. Our results elucidate the biochemical mechanisms and pharmaceutical means that regulate ER homeostasis.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> The autophagic adaptor p62 mediates autophagic degradation of the ER (ER-phagy) </LI> <LI> The ER membrane E3 ligase TRIM13 is a ubiquitin-dependent ER-phagy receptor to p62 </LI> <LI> N-terminal arginylation is an ER-phagy degron via binding to the ZZ domain of p62 </LI> <LI> p62-TRIM13-Nt-Arg circuit mediates ER protein quality control and homeostasis </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical Abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>


        형상이 제어된 골 조직 재생용 3차원 지지체를 적용한 새로운 형태의 Perfusion Culture

        이시우 ( Shi Woo Lee ),허수진 ( Su Jin Heo ),장지연 ( Ji Yeon Jang ),정재영 ( Jae Young Jeong ),김수향 ( Su Hyang Kim ),박수아 ( Su A Park ),전은수 ( Eun Su Jeon ),신정욱 ( Jung Woog Shin ) 한국조직공학·재생의학회 2010 조직공학과 재생의학 Vol.7 No.1

        The objective of this study was to investigate the efficacy of a newly designed perfusion bioreactor which provides flow-induced mechanical stimulation on the cells residing in the intra-morphology controllable scaffolds. For this, we fabricated scaffolds composed of poly e-caprolactone (PCL) and micro-sized hydroxyapatite (HA) particles using rapid-prototyping process. Also a new bioreactor system for perfusion culture was designed and developed. For the analyses of cellular responses of bone-tissue related cells cultured in the perfusion bioreactor system, various biological assays were performed such as MTT test, DNA content measurement, FE-SEM and live/dead staining. The cells used in this study were MG-63 (human osteoblast-like cell line) and mesenchymal stem cells from New Zealand white rabbits. Our results showed that the cells cultured by the perfusion bioreactor resulted in higher proliferation rate and mineralization of extracellular matrices than those cultured in static culture. From this study, we could confirm the potentials of 1) a newly developed perfusion bioreactor, 2) intra-morphology controllable scaffolds composed of PCL and HA particle and 3) the combination of the suggested scaffolds and perfusion culturing system in relation to bone tissue engineering.

      • Poster Session : PS 1428 ; Hemato-Oncology(Oncology) : Von Hippel-Lindau Disease with Colorectal Adenocarcinoma, Renal Cell Carcinoma and Hemangioblastoma

        ( Su Jin Heo ),( Choong Kun Lee ),( Kyu Yeon Hahn ),( Hyuk Hur ),( Sung Hoon Choi ),( Kyung Seok Han ),( Minkyu Jung ) 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회 추계학술대회 Vol.2014 No.1

        Introduction: Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease is an autosomal dominant inherited tumor syndrome characterized by heterogeneous tumors derived from different organs. Case Report: A 74-year-old man was admitted due to gait disturbance and tingling sensation of both legs. T-L spine MRI showed multiple enhancing nodular lesions of spinal canal implied in leptomeningeal metastasis with hidden malignancy. PET whole body scan showed 3cm enhancing heterogenous mass at right kidney, lymph node enlargement at aortocarval space, and focal mural thickening with intense FDG uptake at sigmoid colon. Brain MRI showed three enhancing lesions in cerebellum. Spinal incisional biopsy was done and the resected tumor was histologically confirmed hemangioblastoma. The patient was scheduled for surgery including laparoscopic anterior resection of sigmoid colon and laparoscopic partial nephrectomy. In sigmoid colon and rectum, histological examination confirmed colon adenocarcinoma. A histologic examination of kidney revealed renal clear cell carcinoma. After 3 weeks, he was complaint with worsened gait disturbance and numbness of both sole. For symptom relief, the patient was received gamma knife surgery in three cerebellum lesions and palliative radiotherapy to T9-S1 spine and paraaortic mass. With regard to the patient`s clinical history, we did PCR sequencing analysis of the VHL gene revealed a p.Glu70Lys (c.208G>A) mutation in exon 1, confirming diagnosis of VHL disease. After one month, the follow-up image studies showed newly developed hepatic metastasis. The patient underwent laparoscopic wedge resection of liver and excision of paraaortic mass suspected paraganglioma. A histologic examination of liver revealed metastatic adenocarcinoma, clinically from colon. And paraaortic mass was confirmed metastatic carcinoma, favoring renal cell carcinoma. He is on regular follow-up in outpatient clinic with no evidence of recurrence. Conclusion: The mutation of VHL gene is inducing hypoxia inducible factor (HIF), leading to coexistence of several carcinoma.

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